Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 27, 1890)
CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1890 8 s I 'I b i WW ii i 1 POPULATION OF LINCOLN 66,000, Saturday Evening, Sept, 27, '90 Corner I Oth and P Streets. FALL AND WINTER Dress Goods and Silks STAPLE STYLES AND NOVEL. TIES IN ENDLESS VARIETIES. II, It. XINHI.KY A CO. The Courier' 1'ur ftle In Omaha, Copies limy W) found nt Keith's news stnnd, 810 South Fifteenth street, Boyd's opera houso block. Dress Goods Novelties offered by IIcrolsliclincr & Co nre the Mott Vnrlcil outside of the laro cities Thing that nre different niul cannot he mtched perhaps In the state. Their stock o( Cloak, Wrap, House Wrapper and Dreiv, nre n wonderful collection ot the correct thing in Ladles Wear. An In spection It Invited to this veritable Trade Palace. Price everyone know arc at ways the Lowest, quality considered. Call nt llerpolshehncr & Co', and look them through. The Courier Can lia Pound At Windsor Hotel Now Htumt. Cnpttnl Hotel Novr Htaiiil. Exposition Dining Unit NawsHtaml. Tlio Gotham News Htmul. 118 Houth tlth Ht, Hert Kult'ner, 111 North 11th Htrcot. Kd. Young, KKOO Wreot. Fletcher A Co., 1120 U Htreet. Little Hport Cigar Htoro, 113 North 12th Ht. -The llond, cornor 12th mul O streets. WetorfIolil' Harbor Hhop, liuir Hlock. WAn oxtrn supply of paper Is always loft t tha Gotham, In case othor Nowsdoulors suppllos run short. SKM& Fall Styles, Dunlap Hats 1137 O STREET. tr P TAKE NOTICE1 The Counun will not lie reonslblo tor any debts made by nny one In It name, un ess n written order acco ni panics the innio, (.cat anil l'crsoiml. Whltebreast Coal and I J mo Company. Take Turkish at 1010 O street. Oyster In all styles at Brown's. Brown's for oysters In all sty lo. Ruth M. wood, M. D 1!1 P street. Telephone at the CoOuiKH olllcu Is 1353, Sunday dtnuers at Browns, only S3 cent. Lincoln Ico Co., 1010 O St. Telephono lit). Mineral water used for bathing, 1010 O fct. Try Brown's Sunday dinners, only 25 ct. Canon City .Coal at the Whltebreatt Coal and Lime Co, Only place In Lincoln that uses mineral water In bath U at 1010 O street. Improvedthower for Turkish baths at 1011 O street, basement Union block. Poehler furnlthes tho llnost quality of ice cream aud fanoy cakes for parties and wed dings. All the latest sheet music, now stock, at Orancer's Art Music store, 213 wuth Eleventh street. Foehler i now serving rich Juloy oysters and lunches at his parlors in the McDride block, corner Twelfth aud P street. Dr. C. B. Manning, ofllee room M 07-Oa Burr block. Telephone 330. Residence Cor. 00th and F. Telephone 330. Ladles will find a complete line ot tine shoes and all the latest styles at the proper prices at Bhenvin's Boston Shoe Store. J. II . O'Neill, line plumbing, hot wator and sUam heating, tint gaB fixtures und globes. You can buy all grades of garden hoso very cheap. See the now coricspondence paper in tab let form just received at the Count kr otllce. We have all the latest weaves, in all the fan cy and plain puper, including a number of very pretty novelties. Envelope to match all papers. H. P. Sherwin, 1124 O street, has a present for every one of his customers that cannot fall to be appreciated, ue win give iu every customer a lino crayon picture made from any photo that is desired and it will not cost you a cent. Call In at bis drug and hoe tore and seo how it I dona. 1124 O street. There may be jwrsous In thl community who are at times troublod with colic or sub ject to attacks of bowel complaint. If so, they should try Chamberlain's colic, cholera and dtarrhcea remedy. It will afford almost Immediate relief, "t when reduced with water Is ploasaut to take. If taken as soon as the flrtt Indication of the dUoaw it felt it will ward off the attack. Many people use it In this way, and find that it never fails them. A 25 or 60 cent bottlo may be obtained from A. L. Bhrader, tho druggist. jS 9LVi'i0-lll i KvPPi mBlXWf' 'HE pleasant Hour club met Wed nesday evening nt Hardy & Pitcher's store, and effected an organisation for the season of Will, The following olllcers were elected for tho ensuing yean President, O. U. Mngoonj vlro-presl-dent, II. J. Halls secretary, K. W. A. Kind-, treasurer. S. T. Ht, John) master of ceremon ies, Will Hardy; executive committee, Geo. N, Foresman, chairman, M. I. Altkon and (,'. 15. Walte. A numlier of now names were prooit which will lw voted on at the next meeting, Oct, , nt which llmo arrangements will be made for the rormal culng of the season. The llrst event will probably lake tho form of a reception to the members who have married slni'O last season, and their wives, Including Mr. nnd Mrs. Prank Smith of Alliance, Neb., Mr. nn.l Mrs. Henry Mans- livid, Mr. and Mis. J. II. Wright, and i.ioii tenant and Mrs. T. W. (Irllllth. Never In Its history ha the Pleasant Hour club had such a brilliant projcet Is-foro It ns now. Its membership I oxteuslvo aud representative, and embraces nil tho elements which go to make up n thoroughly successful social organi sation. The winter of 1HMM, will, Indeed, be n bright one. Following Is n list of the hold-over momlterst J. II. Wright, F. O. Helming, C. K. Walte, W. M. Ioiinnl, W. E. Hardy, .1. 11. lA'inlst, Henry Mauslleld, K. 1C. Hayden.U. E. Hpahr, 11. It. Nissley, C. J. Templeton, J. W. Maxwell, O. 11. Hlchter.k. K. Kcrmati, J. W, .McDonald, Al, 1. AitKen, H. T. Ht. John, H. C.Trogden, W. II. Dennis, F. L. Sheldon. U. E. Muuoon. Otto Mohrcn- Blocker, II. J. Hall, Fred Hholes, Clin. Ll- plncott, U. .1. Dawes, W. U. Hooves, 1. W. (Inlllth, Geo. J. MoArthur, W. II. MeAithur, A. (1. Beesoii, Win. Htull, I). O. Van Diiyno, 11. P Foster, J, E. Thouinon, Frank Polk, Alfred Kind, J. A. lluckstatT, A, B. Uw, It. K. Cooper, Oeo. N. Fori'smuu. Mrs. H. II, Oakley cave thrvu elegant re ception this week, for Lieutenant nnd Mrs. T. W, tlrllllth, the afternoon receptions Wednesday and yesterday being eclally for Mrs. Orilllth. Those present Tuesday even ing werei Profo-sors Hunt, Dales, llessey, Sherman, Nicholson, Sowolls.and Ed. Green, Messrs. (tore, Inmb, ImholT, Elliott, Sawyer, Hewitt, Curtis, Gregory, Hall, Hlchurds, Thayer, Norton, Doctors I)wery, anil Crlm, Misses Moore, Newman, Hnrwood,uud Hicks, Mmluuies Rachel Lloyd, Harris, Oakley, Archibald, Dawes, Wright, Yates, E. E. Brown. Mrs. J. B. Wright assisted In re ceiving Wednesday afternoon, Tho guests wore) MesdumesAdii Atkinson, It. Hurlbut, Little, Outcalt, Leonard, Funke, Hargreaves, Ogdou. Moore. Harley, Perry, Cul. Thoinp. Mm, Saunders, L. C. Burr, 11. D. Burr, Towuley, Uregg, Hurts, Letnlug, Smith, Cnl vert. Colfroth, Noble, Bartlott, L. U. Rich nrds, Kern, McFarland, Marshall, Hlvau, Sheldon, lluckstair, Abtiott, Hawley, Hardy, LllllbrlJgo, Uxmils, hmery, Ilnldwln, .eh rung, Jansen, Brock, Llppiucott, Dorris, Litta, Phillip, Winger, Yates, O. O. Burr, Maxwell, Hawkins, Mauslleld, lleesou, llreeu, Mosher, June, Holyoke, lildy, Hal Young, Camp, Barker, Haytlen, Hlchnnls, Dow, Dennis, Fo.ter, J. N. T. Jones, Hcnkle, Brown, Burton, Etl. Holmes, QIITen, Mulr, Misses Harris, Hawley, Hardy, Lllllhrldge, Newman, Dorris, Walsh, Ijitta, Parker, Martha Funke, Anno Funke, Urncu arilllth, Delia Loomls, Aui)a Barr, Maud Hammond, Maud Stohbs, Gertrude Mnnpiette, Cowdery. Yesterday afternoon the guests were: Mes dames Helmer, Hewitt, Bunders, Miller, Mc Elwiv, Siulth,'Mauniug, Morgan, Archibald, Peto, Weaver, Beaufort, Waldo, Fruuklsh, Murphy, Pickett, W. Pickett, Outhrlo, Uuy Brown. Halo. Coleman, Wudo, Applegct, Itedway, Bebe, Miller, Johnson, Hohiuaii, Umrn, Hewitt, ThomiMon, Hammond, Sals bury, Tyler. White, Tiffany, Pickett, Powell, Sheldon, Tucker, MoDonnld, Beachley, MIkhoh McDowell, Allen, Braunsou, Loomls, Hearu, Wade, Miller. Tho Pleasant Hour Juniors aro no more. At tho annual meeting held Wednesday even ing, the. name of tho club was changed to "Tho Assembly." It will commence with tho ap proaching seoton as n now and Independent or ganisation, and there ts overy reason to bollovo that tho brilliant successes of the past few years scored by the juniors will bo duplicated aud even excelled by the new Arsembly. Tho foundation is strong. The superstructure will bo stronger. A second meeting will bo held Monday evening to arrange for the own ing party, which will doubtless bo given In a few weeks. The following olllcers were elected Wednesday: President, Will Clarko; Vice President, Fred Houtx; Secretary, C. Y. Smith; Treasurer, Frank Hathaway; Master of Ceremonies, Frank Burr; Executive com mittee, Frank Burr, Charles Clarke, and Will Hammond, E. O. Bradley. It. M. Joyce, aud Fred Howo were elected new members. The hold overs are as follows: Will Clarke, Charles Clarke, Frank Burr, Charles Burr, Fred Smlser, Low Man hill, Will Hammond, Clint Andrus, Bert Wheeler, C. Y. Smith, Fred Houtx, John T. Dorgau, Frank Hatha way, Robert Mulr, Geo. Holden, Charles Hall, John McDride, E. A. Mullen and John West. The recently orcanlied literary society, tho Tuesday Evening Club, held its tint regular meeting Tuesday evening at mo resilience oi Miss Maude Bmlih, 1330 J street, with a good attendance. W. D, Howell was tho author discussed. Essays were read by Dr. Frank Lodd and O. W. Gerwlg. Headings and recitations were given by Miss Mliinlo Latta and Miss Maude Smith, and the musical part of the program was In tho hands of Miss Carrie Allan. This now ciuo, wmcu win meet every othor week, consists of the fol lowing members: Messrs. Will Hardy, G. W. Gerwlg, J. B. Cunnlugham, Frank Zeh rung, Malcom McKlunon, John Dorgan, Dr. Frank Ludd, W. Morton Smith, Misses Carrie Allen, Anna Barr, Minnie and Olive Latta, Clara Walsh, Maude Smith, Anno Funko, Cora Hardy, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Coffroth. The next meeting will bo hold at the residenco of Miss Clara Walsh. Mr. and Mrs. L. C, Burr gave a very largo reception last? evening for Mr. and Mrs, E. E. Henkle. Mrs. Burr was assisted In receiving by Miss Luna Dundy of Omaha, and tho fol lowing young ladies assisted with the refresh ments: Misses Ollvo Latta, Martha Funke, Lulu Valentine of Omaha, Anne r unke, elllo White, Carrlo Wasmer of Grand island, and Maud Burr. J. C. Small of Lemlng's and Miss Clara Wallace were united In marrlago at the res! deuce of the bride, Twenty-third and W treets Thursday evening, Hov. Morrow of tho United Presbyterian church olllclatlng. A number of very handsome presents were received. Hov. and Mr. O. B. Newman were visited by a large company of members of the First Christian church last Friday evening, the occasion belug the wooden anniversary of wedding of tho pastor and his wife. The latter were presented with a handsome sideboard. w Joseph F. DeMicr and Miss Theresa Hi'Miitrr were man led at U o'clock Wednes day morning by Hov Father Kuppenleiider, tlin cerenlbny taklhg place In the St, Frnnel Bo Hales chinch. They are now nt home III their resldetu-e, Sixteenth and Ine streets. A iiulet wedding took place In tho parlors of tho llostwlck hotel last Tuesday morning, the contracting parlies U'liig Win, A. Hayles of Plattsmouth, and Miss Corn A. Muggsof Lincoln, Judge Burton olllclatlng In his usual happy manner. Hastings (Itutttr Journal. Hans II. Itasiuusseii unit Ml Mnttlo Cop , of Uiiadllla, were united In marriage Saturday afternoon by Itev, Luther P. Lud deii, nt the hitter's residence on 1), street. A largely attended tcccptlon and supper was given by the ladles of the Trinity M. E. church nt tho residence of John Gillespie, WcdlifHdny evening, A Lumber of friends were entertained at the residenco of A, N. Wyckoff last Friday even ing In honor of Itev. nnd Mis. II, E, Wyckoff of Wahoo. The Eart Lincoln Chautauqua circle met Monday evening nt tho residence of Miss Thomai, (111 North Twenty-sixth Itrect. The York club met nt Temple hall last night and oi-ganlrcd for tho coming season. TllK CnuiilKUgocs to press too early to give further details. Miss Helen Miller, 1001 S street, wns lm plly "surprised" by a number of friends last Thursday evening. LOCAL AND PERSONAL. J. A. Kost has gone to Chicago. B, I. Stlim went to Denver Thursday. James Jeffries has gone to Icavcuworth, Kansas. Mis. Annie Bennett left for Vinton, Iowa, Thursday. Geo. L. Smith of Omaha was In the city, yesterday, Jol'.i JamiMiu departed Tuesday for Ta coma, Wash. Geo. M. Yates I entertaining Guy Hindi of Central City. Mr. and Mrs. S. (1, Thoinns aro visiting In Plalufleld, HI. Mlxs Mngglo Htuirs Is visiting her friends at 1201 K street. Mr. W. II. Mclloborts left this week for Stewart, Mont. E. G. Yates mid A. B. Baker visited Hick man Thursday. W.J. Houston left Thursday evening for tho Black Hills. Mr. and Mis. L.J, Byers have returned from n trip east. -Mrs. II. N. Kosler Is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Alf Shilling. F. L. Hossack wusii passenger for Helena, Montana, Tuesday. Mr. aud Mrs. Charles Jennings visited Mey rick, Mo,, this week. Miss M. J. Buford has been visiting friends In Omaha this week. Miss Cornelia Field was a passenger for Duluth, Minn., Thursday. Samuel Iiiiunn Is entertaining Mr. aud Mrs. Charles Gregg of Decatur. James Heatou is entertaining C. M. Scott of Crnwfordsvlllo, Indiana. Thero was a harvest home at the East Lin coln Baptist church last night. Mr. and Mrs. Green gave n very pleasant euchre party Tuesday evening. Dr. F. A. Graham left Thursday for Den ver und other Colorado iwlnts. Mrs. Paul H. Holm returned from an ex tended visit In Chicago, Thursday. Mrs. Zara A. Wilson attended the W. O. T. U. convention In Howard this week. Mrs. W. T. Folhner and daughter of Oil City, Ph., left for Kansas City, Friday. Mrs. E. B. Edwards and Mrs. E. II. How ard started Thursday for Now York city. Mr. nud Mrs, D. A. Campbell aro enter tnlulug Miss Clara B. Paul of Plattsmouth. Frank Kehruiig thinks there, may be no Omaha base ball club in the league next sea son. J. W. Winger moved Into his spacious new residence at Thirteenth and J streets Thurs day. Mr. aud Mrs. John Hodsw of Ohio, uncle and aunt of F. F. Itooso, are visiting in tho city. It begins to look as though the Lincoln club would crowd Omaha out of the sixth place. A, Manger left Tuesday for Galveston, Texas, He exM.-cts to remain in the south u mouth. A. W. Moore left Tuesday for Westbor ougb, Mass., where he expects to soud the winter. W. H. Beam, formerly of this city and now of Pittsburg, Pa,, is In Lincoln tho guest of E. P. ltnggen. Miss Bell Cauger, who has been visiting her brother, J. A, Cauger, returned to her home In Peru, Ind., this week. Mrs. Warren Helfsnlder nud Miss Melvln, who have been visiting Mrs. C. J. Daubach, sister of tho latter, left for home In Chicago, Monday. Co). E. T. Gadd, who returned from Chey enne a week ago lust Thursday, is very ser iously 111 from a complication of diseases. Ills brother, Dr. li. T. Gadd, ot Mltcholvllle, Iowa, Is In attendance. A. W. Barr of Boston, Mass., who l mak ing a trip from the Atlantic ocean to the Pa clllo, on a safety bicycle, was In the city Wednesday. He exiiects to reach Hun Fran cisco sometime in October. It is announced that the orchestra and chorus of ttio State University will meet dur ing the season overy Monday und Thursday evening, respectively. Both meetings aro 0eu to all Interested in music. KID GLOVES. Fosters 5 Hook Kid Cloves In Colors and Black Special tule prices 87 1-2 Cents Worth $1,25 We Invite tho attention of the publlo to our Immense stock of Kid Gloves H. R. NISSLEY & CO.1 Jewelry at Auction Diamonds, Watches, Clocks, Etc. AT YOUR OWN PRICE. Owing to the depression of the times and the very dull trade, I now find myself heavily stocked with a line of goods never before surpassed in Lincoln. 1 bought heavily last spring contemplating a large trade, but like in all branches of trade, business has been very dull and I now have the goods which must be turned into money at whatever they will bring. Commencing October 4th, 1 will offer at public Auction my entire stock, and the goods will go to the highest bidder be that much or little. Mr. P. J. Bourroughs o'f Chicago will conduct the sale, commenc ing at half past two, and continuing afternoon and evening. Special Attention Given to Lady Bidders. ' Now's the Time -Jewelry at Your Own Price! No Reservations I 1 Everything Goes ! Come and Give us Your Bid ! EUGEN LOCAL AND PERSONAL. Miss Lettla Usher, after a very pleasant sojourn hi Lincoln, returned home to Brook lyn Thursday accompanied by her sister-in-law, Mrs. Usher of this city. During Miss Usher's visit many lusting friends were made und The Couhieii knows of at least ono heart that already longs for an early return visit. At the annual meeting of the Lincoln Wheel Club held Tuesday evening the follow ing olllcers were elected to serve the ensuing year: C. It. Rlchtor, president; M. E. Wheel er, vice president; M. Hulllvan, secretary nnd treasurer; m-iuik van Horn, enptnin, nnd Mr. Walton, tlrst lieutenant. Tho club ha at present twenty.flvo members. It will nleofift tho ninnv friends nf x. Storrs In Lincoln to learn of his promotion to tho KsltIon of "Assistant Geologist" In "The oioruuo ruei company" wun ueaiitpiumrs In Denver. Pnln Tlinl. (a tlift wnv wrrlli (a appreciated In tho "Silver State." It also speak? highly for our State University where Mr. Storrs graduated In tho cluss of V.H). Must UN Good," Say some dealers who try to sell a substitute preparation when a customercoll for Hood's Sursaarilla. Do not allow any such false statements as this Induce you to buy what you do not want. Remember that tho only roason for making It Is that n few cents more profit will be made on the substitute. Insist upon having the best medicine Hood's Sar saprllla. It Is peculiar to Itself. Tho Y. P. 8. C. E. of tho Plymouth Con gregatlotml church will have charge of the temperance exercises to bo given In tho church Sunday, ovoulng. Ayer's Ague Cure Is warranted t o cure all cases of maluriu. Sold by druggists. Price 1.00. Church of tho Holy Trinity, comer J and Twelfth streets, John Hewitt, rector. Sunday school 0:30; Rector's Bible Class, 10 o'clock; Harvest Homo Festival service at 11 a. in. Subject of sermon: "Offerings." Collection for Clarksou hospital. Brotherhood meeting at 4:30, und evening service nt 7:30. All Welcome. Hood's 8ar- s a j s r 1 1 1 s lias by its peculiar merit and Us wonder ful cures won tho con. fldenco ot tha people, and Is to-day the most po p u lar blood pu rifier and inedl. cine. It cures scrot ula, salt then m , dyspepsia, headache, kldnejr and llrer com. plaint, catarth, rheumatism, etc. lis sure to get Hood's Sartaparllla, which Is peculiar to Itself. Hood's Ssrsaparlll sold r druggists, til six for J. rreparedhjr O.I. Hood A Co.,Ixwell,Mas. IOO Dosos Ono Dollar mw$4 mmmmamwmwmmmif9fwvmmmi9'r&kli a ?r riXAy SIVCU'S V Jt IIMW TW -- E 131 lorth 11th street. We wish to call your attention to our new stock of DRESS GOODS, Silks, Underwear, Hosiery, Gloves CLOAKS and WRAPS We are offering some bargains that will convince you that we arc selling goods at Right Prices. mm J. W. WINGER & CO. 1109 New Goods and New Styles Throughout For Fall. Don't be Tardy The Best Will be Picked First. HKLLGTT 0 ST. Fall Overcoats and Suits ! Lots of them, Beautiful Patterns and Elegantly -Made. First comers will pick the ripest plums remember that, $12 to $25; hardly a clear way to tell you, but those are about the extremes. You can pleasantly answer that favor itc: "Where did you get that Hat?" When you've bought ours and saved an extra dollar. A. Hurlbut & Co. Cor. 1 oth and P Sts., Lincoln, "1 $ t