mm 11 CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, SKPT1SMIMSR .57, 1890 Lincoln, Wednesday, OCT. J BARNUM & BAILEY'S GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH Irme Kiralfy's Nero, or the Destruction of Rome, Tin- most Magnificent Knterinlntnent evet Organized Capital Invested, Vw.o I Fiiiuil Owners 'V'T ,.,."r.m,m Dully Exicini, 7,:VI I ''lml UWII0P' U A. Ilnllcj K,-6' "-" --J3?iiiiW rtmuy? vtniuHrttMuimtl'Bh'mttfUMMt. -' r... Now Offered to tlie American Public Precise ly tlu untile iih It was proontod In Kiirnpc. u here It amazed, astonished and dcllghti il The Kntlre Kcynl Family of Groat Britain, The Peerage, Clergy, Press nml People, Knthutinstlcally Endorsed by Prince ami Potentates. 1,200 Performers! 300 Terpsichorean Artists! Tent 550 Feet Long! A Colossal Stage 450 Feet Long! VI HCl'S, Three fully equipped Circus Compnntos In three rliittw. 2 MCNAOCltlKs, Killed with the rarest and Kroatest specimens or wild beast, lilnln imd mnminuK nil properly clusslllcd. ltl,V.lll'IA IIIPPODItO.lir., ThrlllliiK and Kxoltlmc Itaeos, Contests mid (Umllatnrhil Dlsptu)8. ItOltSi: I'Allt, In separate lent, with positively IK) First I'reiuliini ltonn. i:m:vati:i ntauin, For the Kxiiitiition r 'iiiiKrrui oiyiupinii ciitmox. nris "WOULD'. I'Allt, Kinhmeliiif Myriad of Nnveltlemiml Attractions. " HO CIIUH'S ACTS. SO CLOWNS. IIKKIW OP CI. CPU ANTS. i nitovKS or cami:i.s. no iikns r wild hiiahtx. Positively 300 Circus Performers I iiiAv r -" "mseafst ley ia tmv ...., tifUMfJAWVfiMsMiti'immtiamKA JP$j -Aj.. m4CL. n- .,,v. -o-: -.' mz-- Athletic Oan-es, Aquatic Ssrts, Aerial Fonts, ICiitiostrhin Displays, Trained Ajilniuls TnlkluK Heals, Foreign Features, Jupanec Troupes, Dunclin,' Girls and Illusions. Itosldes mimhcilcssuud counties fcnturesofitucxtruurdliiary kind and charaeter. all new, irmiid, complete, mystllylni; and bewildering, and never seen before. Together Willi tho Grand llls torlcal Spectacle Irme Kiralfy's Nero, or, the Destruction of Rome ! Produced under Hie Immediate personal KtipcrvlHlon of the author. Presented on the lament HtaKO In Die world, with 1,'JIU people In the runt, besides horses, elephants, and triumphal chnrlom, A UltANI) IIALLKTT DIVKHT1SKMKNT. Human Combats. Circus Maxima, Chariot HareH, llarlmrlans, Slaves Priests. Hacrcd Cere monies, ltcllkious Fetex, llncchanallau Orulex, Christian Martyrs Soldiers. Scunlois, VeMnl Ylrulur, Mimic tlattles. Famed Kxpert Dancers, and a tliouxand urmid etreelx of Scenery, Costumes and Accessories, Kuuuchs, I.lctois, Conspirators, Kinlassadorx, Spies, Hostages, Civilians, Citizen, Bacrillclnl OirerlnK". Ancient Armor, f?A,(iuo In Scenery, Ji'iO.ouo In Coatuines. i.J-i-5--. Koman"sandlici & jtih Js iKarTneckeleNTn".'?C?S2eo&l Roman Sk&ndlna R&ec. as .aeah . , -v- Perforiminces at 8 and 8 P.M. Doors open an Hour earlier. Admission to Everything, 50 Cents. Children under Nine Years, 25 Cents Willi all the now lealnres In tlio niornlni: at 0 o'clock. OwiiiK to the dellcatu malcrlnl of the coxtumcx uxed In Nio. thev will not be seen In the streut parade. Ax an accommodation to the public, an oIIIpk has been established at J. H. UAItLKY'H Drue Hloro, Hill O street where icxerved nuuilicred seatxeau be purchased et tho regular price, and admission tickets at the usual slight advance. Clioap Ssccvixajicxio ozi ail Xiccxda, Most Popular Resort in the City. Exposition Dining Hall, S. J. OOELL, Mana(ji:k. -o 1 1 '9, 1 12 1 and 1123 N Street. o- t Meals 25 els. $4-50per Week. 7 V W Srs. IS I .ST. New Hardware tStore. KRUSE& WHITE, 11 m m -w i rt Wheruyou will AbruyH flml n Completo Mtioof .1'Jir.i SHELE km BUILDERS HARDWARE AtlENCY VOW THK I'tH.Him.vrKK RED CROSS COOK AND HEATING STOVES, u rnace Work a Spscialty. Stores, 1210 O St. and 27 and W Sts, in tkc artarnectltrefNTa''V 'r;!5jfci THE SPANISH ARMADA, THfllLLING INCIDENTS TO DE COM MEMOMATED AT PLYMOUTH. Tim I)iile i.r IMIiilmisb '.till rmell llit Slomiirhil Hlrtlttn Drake, riiililnlicr, IVimcr mil Other llrne Cnptalna lit He lliiiinrcd - Din lllntiirlc Diunia. KtiKlaiiil's rulers are nmklnu ready for n rercimmy at Plymouth UM'otiituctiiurnto the lieKlntiliK near that neapoit of thu rveriiH'iiuirr.lileHtniKKle against the Span Inh Armada. The Duke of I'Mlhhuruh Is to tinvell the iiiemorlal column, and ouco more- for the tercentenary win In fact cel ebrated In isvl the I'liltitl Kingdom will lejolculn tli'it ureal didlVeratnv. m Yi' t kino liiiur. An tho faction called ".iltiKoes" have lately hoiikIiI to create alarm about tho weaknessof tho llet ami tho danger of In vasion, the other par L.V feels liujielled to make thin ceremony peculiarly brilliant, and glorify greatly over thu ruin of the Spanish Armada, It was, Indeed, n great deliverance. Ciusnr, thu Danes, the Saxons ami William of Normandy Invaded Kiil; laud successfully; hut since the kingdom was thoroughly established nil ntieli at tempts hac hccit defeated, ttud the Span lards of 15SS HUlTured tho most disastrous defeat of all. It Is one of tho stock falsehoods In popu lar histories to Hay that thu Spaniards wanted to coiiiiier Kugland for religion's sake. Philip II had many good reasons for warring against Kll.nbcth. She had en coiiraged depredations on thu Spaniards by men who would now bo treated as pirates Philip, therefore, employed all the resources of his then vast dominions to coii(Uer Kngland, ami early in 1588 com pleted "l.a Pelieisslma Armada," though another word was popularly substituted for "inxt fortunate," and the Heel was styled ' riie Invincible Armada." It was a queer collection It Is not easy to realle that only ItOJ yeara ago galleons of TOO to 1,'J.V) tons burden were classed aa "enormous war vessels;" that Htnaller ves sels were rowed by galley slaves, and actual ly went Intoactlon with thu hapless wretch es chained to their benches as described in Ia'W Wallace's "Hen-llur " Yet the Span ish record tells us that there were "sixty galleons of huge si.u and strength" tthu largest l.'J.'K) tons), somu Levantine gal leons carrying soldiers, four ships of thu class called "galliasses"carryln3 the heavy cannon, and smaller war ships and vessels carrying stores. And on this Meet weru 18,000 soldiers, 8.000 sailors, L',000 galley slave-,, U.OiM) guns, of caliber from I to Im pounders, and the commanders, with iilto aretiuueofyouuguohlemeuaml IHOprlcsts, tho whole supplied with six inuiiths' pro visions and a very lavish outfit of small arms and ammunition. Thu Prince of Parma also had In tho Netherlands HO.OO'J infantry and -1,000 cavalry, picked men, ready to cross as soon as tho IiritUh licet was put out of the way. The Mrltlsh had amplu warning, and were thoroughly aroused to thu need of no tion. The se:i commanders usually spoko of thu Spaniards with undisguised con tempt, hut the laud soldiers took a very serious view of things, for Spain was then admitted to he tho greatest power in Kurope, and Spanish infantry had dono terrible work whorover engaged in that generation. So a commission of noblemen ami gentlemen was convened, and ordered beacons to lie net on every commanding point on thuscu const, ready for lighting,, and continuous signals across thu king dom, that thu yeomanry might gather at Instant notice. Tho national spirit was roused and swelled high. Tho poorest la borer provided himself with a weapon, if nothing letter than a stake hardened in tho fire, and the contemporary descriptions tell of men walking thu coast with picks, scythes on poles and long handled axes. But in the navy there weru experienced men and sensible preparations, though both weru wully hindered by a corrupt and Inelllclent administration, and, as It turned out, tho sailors weru forced suddenly to flght when hut half ready. Sir John Haw kins was 1 1 re r of thu navy, with gun Sir qvr.r.s klmaiiktii. era? control, and to him more than other man prolnbly Kngland owed any her victory Sir Francis Drake was high In command anil did much to Inspire other seamen with courage, but there Is still an unsettled question as to his conduct In the crisis of lighting. Lord Charles Howard, of KIHngham, was lord ndmlrol. and cov ered himself nil ovur with glory in thu bat tles. He chose as his four advisers Sir l-'ianeis Drake ani Capts. John Hawkins, Martin Froblsher and John I'enner How famillarthu Hist and third names sound in American history. Lord Hunry Seymour and Sir William Wynter also won lasting fame In the struggle The entire British Heet consisted of 107 vessels, from pinnace and coasting craft up to the Ark Itoyal, the llashlp, of 800 tons bunlo-i. In Me they wore inferior to tho largest of the Spaniards, but in arma ment and rapidity of action far superior. Tho Ark Hoyal, for Instance, carrlo 1 1 CO pounders, A It-'-poiinders, 'i p pounders (culverlns), 0 0-pounders and some liifht hwlvel gui'.. But the British had what of far 1 mru value hardy, well trained eam.'i. ac Mistomed to sail In all weath MsBm 'mmm ' "t A wNfe IKSt AH llllll t ,,11 it l.ltal.lMlll Ttf I lull. ...,.. ' .r., ...... ,,,, ip, 1 iiitiiintiwiu ... .,i,i iillimj. The total of soldiers and sailors In tho licet was set at Ifi.WM At the Malt tho "Invincible Armaila" cncounteml a storm nml losta few -sscls; hut on July ID II entered the Knglish chan nel. A pirate captain (so railed, hut mora mohahl) 11 smuggler) roporled them at mire to I he coast guanl, surreiulering to tho law for putt lotlsm'n sake, and lu a few hours all Kngland was ablaze literally ablaze for tho U'acon llri's llatned from Land's llnd to Cumberland, and In the Words of Macaulay Kli;lit Milk iiHia tho dimky lsneli, nml on tlm par 1 1I0 sen Hneli iiIkIiI la I'.iikIiUhI ne'er hml Issmi, nor o'er nk'aln slinll Is, rroin l'.ililjViiiie to llerwlclj tHiiitnli, from l.ymo 'o Milfunl bay, That tliiiinif xliiin!Hr wmm lirlKlit mul limy us tlie it,i) ; Forswlft to cut and swift to went llioKhnnly war lliuno xprend, t tlali on St Mlcbnnl'n mount It xlionn -It ulione on llemiiy head. I'nr mi tli, tlccptlio Himnlnnl wiw. nlotiK I'ltch xoiitliern slilre, Ciiki liejocd mH, In endless raimo, llioso tnlnk llnif slnts of llro Howanl was taken by surprise, only a small part of his Meet ready: so he stood olT ami maneuvered a day for posi tion Sunday, July v!l, he opened the ball with a shot at lliu Spanish lUgshlp. To any seaman of experience thu event was determined ax soon as thu relative action was seen, the Kugllsh ships sailed twlreas fast as the Spanish, passed the hitter's front, delivering a galling lire as they went, then steered around and attacked the tear All this time the Spaniards were making awkward elTorts to close ami board, as their young chivalry weru au customed lo light at close quarters with "the sword, hut that was to Iwns the Ku gllsh chose, and Just then they did not chooso It The Spaniards sutlcrcd severe ly, and got two ships disabled that night by collision. On Monday there was occasional fighting all day, with more loss to I he Spaniards. On Tuesday the wind favored them, and they attempted to close ami hoard, but thu Kngilsh marksmen shot tho galley slaves from their benches and defeated that scheme. This was Problsher's day of tri umph. Then the Spaniards turned and sailed up the channel, and from every port came every kind of vessel, even a Usher man's cat boat, to annoy them. Wednesday both Meets drifted. Thursday there was another battle and another gain for thu Kugllsh. Friday single Spanish ships be gan to leave for the French coast, and on Saturday thu wholu Armada was anchored In Calais roads On Sunday night thu British sent llro ships among them, burned a few vessels and scattered the rust. Monday, July '.II, the now united British Meet attacked ami completely ruined thu grout Armada. For A SPANISH WAIt SIII1'. the remaining vessels thero was nothing hut Might, and as the way they came In was now elVectually blocked they sailed to tho north and around Great Britain. Many vessels foundered In tho North sea, many more weru wrecked on tho Irish and Scotch -coasts, and of thu .'IIJ.OJO or so who sailed from Spain in thu Armada not qultu one third ever reached homo again. Such was tho wonderful deliverance Kngland now celebrates, and llkoall great struggles it furnished thu material for bal lads and romances for two generations. Of the many curious traditions one bears an air of history, and was long (Irmly be lieved in tho United States and taken as thu explanation of certain facts In Mexico. On thu way around tho Islands thu Span iards carried olT somu Scotch people, who wero never accounted for. Iteport said that they wero sunt to Mexico to work as slaves in thu mines, that they revolted and escaped to a defensible valley and tlieru es tablished a permanent community. Hence thu Innumerable tradiMons of the "white ndlans of Arizona" or other sections, and thu many fanciful stories of a wonderful city hidden In the mountains. Tim truth probably Is that thu poor captives died In exile at any ratu wo now know that thero was such a colony in Mexico. J. H. IlKAIH.K. UVrphig Troon. A traveler through the forests of Wash liigtou and British Columbia tells of hav ing seen trees drip copiously during clear, bright days when no dew was visible else where. Thu dripping was so profuse that the ground underneath was almost satu rated. The phenomenon was caused by the remarkable condensing power of the leaves of the Mr, and Itoccurred only when the relative humidity was near the dew point The dripping ceases after 10 or 11 o'clock in the morning, but resumes at or near sunset In "Hakluyt's Voyages" theru is an account of Hawkins' second visit to Africa and America, written by a friend who sailed with Hawkins, m which it is said that In the island of Ferro theru is a weeping tree that supplies all thu iiiun and beasts of the island with drink, there bo Ing no other available water stipplj Fur ther, he states that in Guinea he saw many weiplug iiviM, hut of a species dllTerent from that at IVrro Tho l.e.nler uf tho lirmiion. Frank P. Sargent, widely known in labor circles as the head of thu Brotherhood of Firemen, rule over Ihl lodges, Formerly he was a photographer lu Vermont, after that a L'nlte.l States cavalryman serving lu Arizona, and then a (Iremau on the Southern Pacific railroad. He is said to be in very comfortable circumstances Decremc In KnslUh I.11111I Vuluri. As an lustaucoof the ruinous deprecia tion of agricultural laud In Kngland it may U' mentioned that thu Brackeuhorough es tate, lu Lincolnshire, which was valued twenty years ago for mortgage purposes at X'.'lil.UH), and has stncu that time had 10, 000 expended on Improvements, has now been valued at only JCIO.OOO. Brone wiru is to bu used for tho tele phone service between PucJi and l.oiviou. NOTE THE NEW DIFFERENTIAL PARES I in Conjunction with tho Erlo System opciatca Fast Vextlliuled Tinlns be tween t'hleiiKo ami the Atlantic Heabnard You may travel In the most r.lennnl and Complete Pullman Ycxtlhulcd Tialus eei euiiHtriuied and siixefl Willi Ihillalo mul Nl imnrn Falls I'M" lo New York, UM lo Al bany and Troy, and Mm to Hoshm and New Kiwliind Cltlm. No rival lino oilers the iul untunes of a x) turn of IhniUKh First and Hi ciiiuI-cIhhk Day Conebex nml PULLMAN DINl.NU CAIIM ChlniKo lo New Yotk It Is Iho only line operation IPulhiiau Cars to lloslon and New Luulauil via Albany. Fntlro Truth urn Ihthtcd by n, heated by steam. Piillimin DIiiIiik Cars ruulbroiiiih lu either direction. l'ulliiinu Chair ami Hleepluu Cars In Colum bus O., mid Ashland, by. Dally, No Kxtra Charue for Find Time and I'mmr piiNxcd Accommodations Atioidcil by thou Luxurious Trains. Fur itWiillVil fnoMMiitliii, lleki'lri and lexer valliiux lu I'ulliiinn rats apply In your local ticket uncut or to mi) iikciiI of nil eiimii'elliiK lines or riillwa), m iociiiiaho citv Tickk.t Okkicks, 107 Ci.aiik Hr., iiiiiI Dciirbnrii Hta thin, or inlihrns L. G. CANNON, F. C. DONALD, (leu. Ant., for IteoeUei. (len. I'axx, At CIIICAIIO. Santa Fe Route ! Atchison, Topeka ft anta FcR.R The Popular Route to the Pacific Const Through Pullman si nil Tourist Sleepers Between Knmns City and SAN DIIICJO, LOS ANGKLKS, and SAN FRAN CISCO. Short Line Bates to PORTLAND, Oregon. Double l)all Tinln Service Between Kansas Clt and PIKIILO, COLORADO SPRINGS, and DKNVKR. Short Line to SALT LA KK CITY. The Direct Texas Route Solid Trains Between Kansas City and Galveston. The Short Line Between Kansas City and Gainesville, Ft. Worth, Dallas, Austin, Temple, Antonio, Houston, nml nil Principal Polntc In Texui.. The Onl Line Running Through the OKLA'IIO.MA COUNTRY. The Only Direct Line lo the Texas Pan-Handle. For Mnps nml Time Tables nml Informa tion Rcgnidlng Rates and Routes Cnllnn or Address S. M. OSGOOD, Gen'l Ag't K. L. PALMKR. Trnvellng Agent, 1308 Farnim St., O 2x41 i- I-I i- , InT IE B . 7 fc",ulo7 'Milwaukee, T.MUL i2Jfi,., iSTKAl owns nml operalesn.Mii) miles of thomiixhly equipped III Illinois, Wisconslu, Iowa, Missouri, Minnesota and Dakota. It Is the Host Direct Itouto between all thu Principal Points In the Northwest, Southwest nil Far West For maim, tlmu tables, rates nf iuiksiiku and (relifht, etc., apply to nearest station audit ol ClIICAOO, MllAVAI'KKK A HT. 1AUI. llAII, way, or to any Itallroad Aunnt anywhere In the world. K.MILI.KH. A. V. II.CAHI'KNTKH. Oeneral M'g'r. tleiii 1'ass. AT'kt Aut. K.TUCKKH. lli:o. II. IIKAFKOIU), Vsh. Ocii' Mur. Aks. (1. I'. A T. AkI. Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Jtar-Fo? luformutlou In reference to .'.units alia Towns owned by the Chicago, Milwau kee A. Ht. I'iiiiI Hnllwiiy Company.wrlo to II. (1. IlAUOAN,l.ii:idCoiiiml-,lonor,Mlllwiiukeo Wlsconilu. FAST MAIL RODTE ! 2 DAILY TRAINS -2 -TO Atchison, Leavenworth. St Joseph, Knnns City, St LouU nml nil Points South, Fast and West. The direct line to Ft. Scott, Parsons WlcUta, Hutchinson and all piinclpnl points in Kansas. The null road to the Grent Hot Springs of Aiknusns. Pullman Sleepers and Fiee Reclining Chair Car on nil trains. J. E. R. MILLAR, R. P. R, MILLAR, Citi Ticket Ait Gen'l Agnl Cor O and Uth Sheet giijp w WW NOWS THE TIME TO PLACK YOl'll OIlDKIl FOB House Decorations! Wheie they will iccclvc pioitiH oltcnllon nml nkllllul workmnnnhlp, Cn on S. E. MOORE, and ce his line of Flue Paper llrtngliign, II. 'J 4 O TIBISX Sole Agency for The Sherwin-Williams Co.'s Paint. NOW IN NEW QUARTERS! Lincoln Trunk Factory o st. 1133 STl Where we will be glad to nee nil oltl friends and customer nml ns tunny ncwr ones ns cnii get Into the slorc C. TK. WIRIOK. SUCCESSOR TO WIRICK & HOPPER. WESTERFIELDS Palace Bath Shaving PARLORS. Ladies - and - Children's - Hair - Cutting ASPfiC-AI.TY. COR 1 2 fi O STS., NKW BURR IIL'K Unprecedented Attraction ! w OVBtt A MILLION DIBTHIDUTED Louisiana State Lottery Comn'y. Iiieorponited by thu I-ulslature for Edu eatloual ml Cunrllahlu purposes, Its franchUii miiile a part of thu present stnta constitution InlMTU by mi overivhelmlnir lp ulfir vole II" Oram! KitraorJItmrr Drawlngi tnku placo Hluil-Aiiiiuiilly, linn- mul December!, ami ItsOKAND BINULK NUMDElt DRAWIN0B tako place lu each of tho other Ion mouths of tho ear, and are nil draw lu public, at the Acad emy of M usle, Now Orleans, Lit. Attested ns fnlloirsi "Wo do hereby certify thai wo supervlio the arrauKiiiucuts for nil tho Monthly ami Xeuil Alumni Druw Iiiks or Thu l-oulslnna Htalo (littery Company, and lu person man ago and control the Drawings themselves, and that tho sumo are commuted with lion esty fullness, and In Kood faith toward nil parties, mid wo aiithnrlro tho Company to uo (Ills certificate, w lib fiie-slinlllos of our slgnu ircs attiiclied, In Its advertisements." vf3 flf ComniLtloncrs. Wo, the iiuilcrslKnnil llauks ami Hunkers will pay all prizes drawn In the Uiulslauu Htntu Lottorlos, which may bu presented at our counters. II. M. WAI.MHLKY, Pros. Umlslana Nat Il'lc I'ICItltK LANAUX, l'rs.Htato Nulluiiul ll'lc A. IIALDWIN, Pros. Now Orleans Natl Hank CAItLKOIIN, Pros Union National Hank Grand Monthly Drawing, Wll.l. TAKK I'l.AI K At the Academy of Moilc, New Orletoi, Toaiday, October 14, 1800, CAPITAL PRIZE, $300,000 100,000 .Numbers In tho Wheel. LIST OK I'ltlZKS, 1 IMlI.KOKimw.U'ols rUD.0Ou 1 pitiy.i:or'iiio,oiu ioo,uw IPIUZKOK fi),00ils vjuo 1 Pltl.K ol' 'Auu a,iH i'PlllZKHOF I0,iiii nru ),( r. PlllKH OF 6,"l are -lau 21PIUZF.HOK LdHlaru Si.HuH im Pitl.i:H UK ftmiiru riD,ujo W PlllKH OK )aru tw.oui) fiOUPlll.KHOK auuaro . .... liw.ouu AI'l-HOXIMATION I'ltlZKS. lfWPrlresof SUM are M,000 Id) do. Muru JiO.lM) 100 do. 'JlOaro 'JU.OUU TKHMI.SAI. I'ltlZKS. W) Prlus of lid) aro W.900 Wl Prize of 1U) are Ki,jui) :i,i:u Prizes amouutlm; to Hi.nsi.noo PHHKOr TICKKTH I Whnlti Yirkrl livvnl) i)nlliir llulies Mill 1 (Junior Itn Tenths ii Twentieths 1. (.'lob Itiitio.Vi Fractional Tickets at II, forlY). Make all Remittances by Express for wliich the Company will pay Charges. M. A. DAUPHIN, New Orleans, I. a. ATTENTION The present charter of The Louisiana State ljitter.i Company which Is purl of the Conntltutlon of tho btute, niwl by ilcelslon of the sn,rf nil-Cimrl of tho United siiiie., is au luilolablo contract lietween IMd Htrte ami the Uittor.v Company will remain lu force under am circumstances PIVK lll.llts l.o.MiKIt, I MI. IHtl.V The Lmilslana l.i;lllntuio which ad journed .lulv luth. votislb) two-tlilritstiiajor-lt lu each Bouse to let the isople decide at an flection whether the Lottery shall continue from lii!0 until llt The tseiiural lmiiresslou Ulbnt TIIKTIlK PKOPI.K Wll.l. I'AVOK t'ONTIM'ANei.. l.iKlle. I o Dr. I.o Due's Periodical Tilts from Paris, France. That iHisttliely re lieve suppressions, innnthl deraiiKement and IrreKiilarlties caused b cold, eukne, hiK'k, anemia, or ueiieral uerxoiu debility. The larire pioMirtlou of Ills to which Indies and misses are liable Is the direct result of n dltoidered or Irregular menstruation. Sup plosions continued result lu blood polsonlm; mid iiulck coiisuinptlon. '.' u pnekiiKo or :i for lli. seni illii-ct mi rtcelpt of price. Sold lu Lincoln ht drui:Kit B P. Shorwiu, U Mrvii KoIkM sti icnson A Co., Wbolesulo Killts, llreiivo, Zty-(V2