Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, September 27, 1890, Image 3

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A Cel'hriilnl Itnllitli llnritntio Who If
Coining to Ainrrlcii.
No lover of music can full to lw Inter
ested in tlio announcement tlmt Vlttorlo
Cnrpl, tlio famous Kalian liarltono, (scorn
ing to America, mid that ho will nuiko
Chicago his homo. I'ow singers of tho tiny
Lnvo achieved it moro solid fnmo than till
Mllntieso Artist, Ho miula hit debut In
1873 as Faust In 1873 and 187 1 ho sus
tained tho leading
baritone mrt at
tho VUerognl tho
ntre, Cairo, with
Holtr., Monglnl
and Medial. For
several years ho
snng In nil tho
principal Italian
cities, Including
his native city of
Holognn. His suc
cess In 1877, when
ho sang with Mile.
Donndlo In "Tho
linrber of Seville."
was so pronounced that ha was Invited to
tAko part in tlio sumo opera with I'attl at
Venice, Holognn and Florence, winding tip
with tlio (tamo great artist In "Travlata"
nt tho Apollo of Homo and tho San Carlo of
Nnples. At tho San Fernando, in Seville,
In 1890, ho held his own with (.luyorre, tho
great Spanish tenor who recently died.
Ho sjKmt ono season at tho Hoyal theatre,
Madrid. His first visit to I-ondou was In
1883. His American engagement Is with
tho Chicago conservatory. In addition to
being a splendid singer, Carpi is said to Iw
ono of tho lcst living teachers of tho Ital
ian voico school.
Tim Combination Structure llirr Which
I)r. TlUnortli Preside.
Ono of tlio handsomest structures in Mil
wnukeo Is tho Church of thu New Idea. It
looks moruliko a clubhouse thniiucliurcli,
and is designed for many outlier purposes
than that of Sunday prcnohlng. Tho gen
crnl plan of tho building was devised by
tho pastor, Hov. Judson Tltswortli. The
cardinal principle of construction was that
tho ediilco must bo adapted to uso rather
than to conventional Ideas of ecclesiastical
architecture Tho main floor contains n
rcAdlng room, freo for all; a lecture room,
tho church parlors and committee rooms.
On tho second door are tho young men's
club rooms, tlio pastor's reception rooms
and study and a hall for Sunday school
Ciiuricn ok tiii: suw idea.
uses. Tho third floor Is occupied by n
theatre, whero amateur performances are
(liven during tho winter months, and in
tho basement aro a kitchen and a dining
room. "Tho church is nn evolution," said
Dr. Tltswortli recently. "It has not yet
reached tho stago that I desire, but progress
is gradually being mado in tho right direc
tion. For instnnco, I want to Imvo ono
room fitted up with billiasd tables and an
other used ns a card room. I believe theso
amusements not merely harmless, but lien
eflciol. However, I do not caro to force
things too fast. Evolution Is a slow pro
cess, nnd wo must wait patiently for its re
sults." Insect UovourliiB IMiwiU.
As Is well known, most plants dcrlvo nu
triment from the ground by means of their
roots, but it has been established that a
few, cuiiously adapted for tho purpose,
feed on insects. Among tho latter may Ira
mentioned tho pitcher plants of tho Sierra
Novndas, North Carolina and Uomeo.
Illaddcr worts also catch Insect, and so
does tho suudow, whosa long, narrow
leaves nro covered with a sweet, sticky
substnnco. When ono of thu leaves catches
n fly, for example, it begins to curve ovdr.
Tho movement Is very slow, and, what Is
quite remarkable, If tho fly alights on tlio
sido of tho leaf or anywhere away from tho
center, tho tentacle It touches bends over,
carrying its prey with it to tho center of
tho leaf, nnd then all thu tentacles inovo
toward tho middle and clasp it. Tho leaf
then pours over it n liquid acid, which dis
solves what Is good for food, thus acting
as does tho gastric Juice In our stomachs.
One full meal will last tho plant nearly a
week. It must Imvo tho right kind of
food, however.
Or. Darwin fed a situduw on cheese,
which made it turn yellow and sickly, and
it llnally died with dyspepsia. When u
few drops of milk Vtero poured on a leaf It
curved up around tho edges, making tlio
form moro cuplike, while tho tentacles
bent over to absorb it. Auother thing has
been noted. If a bit of meat is divided,
half of It placed on tlio leaf and tho other
on Bomu moss beside it, the plecoon thu leaf
will remain fresh until digested, whllo that
on tho moss becomes spoiled. Thu opera
tions of Venus' fly trnpnro familiar to most
cultivators of plants.
A Chlueio Klectrlclitii,
Tho Chinese of San Francisco regard
Hong Tic as a wizard. However there is
nothing of the supernatural about his ex
ploits, Hu is simply a wonderfully cluver
Mongolian who has mado an Independent
study of electricity nnd almost unaided
mastered Us secrets. Ho camo into public
view tho other day through en Investiga
tion set on foot by
who could
not understand
why nil their pa
trons in China
town simultane
ously discontin
ued tho service.
Tho Inquiry un
earthed HongTIo
as tho head of an
Independent sys
tem. He was In
charge of an elec
tric plant, had
strung wires nnd put In telephones of his
own make all through tho Celestial quar
ter, nnd was also found to bo the owner of
a telegraph line. All thu instrument and
appliances aro of his own make. I long Tie
lias been In America thirty-six years, thu
last liftecn of which ho has devoted to tho
study of electrical devices. Ho speaks Kj.
gllsh fluently.
Cupt. McMickau, the commodore of tho
Cuuard fleet, who died recently nt Liver
pool, besides voyaging on tho Mcditcrra
new i for a munlier of j ears, had cruised
thu Atlantic IM times.
No. '-I.10. Kuny ArriiKtlr.
Tho second row of letters, reading down
ward, sjh'IIs tho name of n flower; tho last
row sK'lls the name of certain fragrant
Cross wordsfofcqtinl length): 1. Admit.
S. A glory. :i. Morsels. I. An Island, ft.
Watch closely.
Nn. UA7. The Drunkard' I'ltllnilniinr.
N II T 1 W
ir t r r
As tlio drunkard sat In hU cany chair
Tho spirit of night npenrcd In Hie nlr,
Distilling her dens to inuliteu tlio brows
Tlmt forerlh throbbed from a Into carotuo.
"Oh t erring oiitli. what a cholco Is thlno I
To barter thy reason nnd health for wlno.
I the, manlike, ami (too thy besetting sin,
And renounce tho maddening otIIi of gin."
Tim drunkard replied, nnd tho words ho Kko
Khoned his ick was lmt to tho Ilacchnnal yoke.
And what was his niuwer! I've frnmisl It above:
Commence In tho center rectangular move
And ) on have tho answer ho mado to tlio gnome.
Which roads either way llko n pallndrount.
No. S5H. A Midden Menagerie.
Ten auipmls usually seen in shows aro
concealed In tho following:
Tho Ixxik was so interesting I was loth
to leave It Still I only had to pretend I
did not hear and I might go on with it in
peace. No common key would flt tlio lock,
nnd mother would not think of looking fur
me here U was n small room. Ono must
bo n very small person to occupy and not
caro whether oxygen wero rather lacking
"I hoH) she will be u reasonable woman
and not call mo again," I thought, Hutshu
continued to call, and It seemed so much
llko telling a lib I sonorously called out:
"Coming, ma," and opened tho door. Sho
was nt my side ero I was out of tlio room
"I was at a pirato story and did not hear
you at flrst," I said. Hut sho did not look
very gtntlc. "Oh, pardon mo this time,"
I cried, "and I promise, to never do so
ngaiu," with which understanding she let
mo go.
n. 3.111. Illustrated Helms.
0 rff
r -Sw$S&.
Tim ttuottuoiu Literary Activity of Hi
I, ute Dion llotirlciiolt.
Tho Nlueteeiithvuttiry has produced no
more prollllc or successful plnyu right than
Dion Houelcnult, who (licit the other day
In Nuw York city He iH'gan his career as
n dramatic author when ID jenrsof ago
with "London Assurance," which was flrst
produced at Covent Oiinlen theatre, Lou
don, In ISU.und still remains a favorite
with the public. Ills last effort wits "A
Talo of a Coat," recently on thu boards nt
Daly's New York City theatre, llctwcen
"Loudon Assurance" nnd "A Tale of a
Cont"-that Is. durlngtho llfty jenrs of hlj
activity Houelcnult wrote or adapted at
least 100 phijs. Many were ephemeral, hut
others made phenomenal hits
4 tfe.
fo g dm
No. mill, 1' to Ho Sorted.
I'ut them together nnd spell for mo
A city of Kuropo now qulto freo.
No. !!01. Chnnieterlstlo Initial-.
The Initials of each of tho two words lu
capitiil letters nro those of famous wrlu-rs
1. Okml's Kxcu.ixnt, jjrejit was her fame.
And known to nil of I'liRllnh name
S. Amcsino WmiKii, loni: Konoto rest,
Of American liiiinorlsts ono of the U-st
8. CAnrKfi. Dctailkh, his fnmo cannot die
In tmliisti-r Abln-y his form ilotli He
No. XO'i. Word SqiuirK nnd llulf hqiutre.
1. I'lay. 'J Pertalulng to tho poles. II
Emblem of peace A. Talks wildly, fi. A
lock of hair.
1. A country, 'J. Anguish; a. A gas, .
A preposition; fi. A letter.
No. MlCt. Sjnropikted Central.
In the center of "coverings for the ftvt"
find a gurdeu implement.
In thocuntorof "a printed sheet" llnd an
In thu center of "a growth of hair" llnd
a part of tho body.
In tho center of "a cross look" llnd a do
nustic nuiinal
In thu center of "a prolonged look" llnd
a black substance
In tlio center of "a kind of string" find
"to gain."
In tho (.enter of a fruit llnd "a knock."
In tho center of "to tako without leavo"
find a refreshing beverage.
"In tlio tenter of tho hncklmno And a
small but useful nrticlu,
In thu centt r of "a sheltered nook" And
"a lwy "
Oueer Things In 1'rlnt.
A nowspaH'r contained this: "Wo have
two school rooms sitfllciently largo to ac
commodate :t01 pupils ono above another "
Mr. Hlmik who was taken suddenly ill
hastened homo while every means for his
recovory wero resorted to. Inspitoofall
their efforts, bodied in tho triumphs of tho
Christian religion.
A man was killed ! a railroad car run
tiing into Moston, supposwl to Ikj deaf
Wo Imvo decided to erect a school houso
largo enough to accommodnto fK) scholars
flvo stories high,
A steamboat captain, advertising an ex
cursion, says. "Tickets, twenty flvo cents,
chlldien half price tolm had at thootllce "
On a certain raihvny thu following liiml
nous dliectiou was printed; "Hereafter,
when trains in an opposite direction lire
approaching each other on separato Hues,
conductors and engineers will 1x3 requested
to bring their respective trains to u dead
halt before tho poiut of meeting, and )u
careful not to proceed till each train lias
passed tho other."
A Wry ll-irctr-uli KiiIkiiiu.
What's that? what's that? Oh, I shall faint'
Cull thu priost to by it'
Trunsosu it, and to kiuj,' und saint
And yivat and good ) on ay It
Siectroj reect.
Key to tlio l'uzzler.
No. 2t8. A Letter Piir.7.1e: Henry M.
No, 'J4D, Anagram; Sorghum.
No. 250. Picture Puzzle: Tho answer to
tills is found in tho picture iUelf. Sharp
eyes will distinguish tltreo mlcu in the
shading of tho old cat
No. 331 Ten State Capitals: Boston,
Jackson, I. tub ltock, Frankfort, Topckti,
Columbus, Spt'inglleld, Madison, Augusta,
No. 252.-A BhopphiK Problem: f 13.
No, SKI. Numerical Knlgma: Hod, wliiti
lid blue
No i!3l. i:niguui: Leaves.
N.i 4V. - UuitallHieiits: 1. Iler-il .'.
litm . s Hot-s I Whlr-1 3 lU-f
Among tho latter tuny be mentioned
"Tho Willow Copse," In which Couhlock
,coied his flrst stiiKo tiitimph, "Hip Van
Winkle," with which tho name of .JelTer
on Is llrmly linked; "Tho Colleen llnwn,"
"Tho Shaughraun," "Uuls XI," "Foul
Piny," "I.el Astray" and "After Dark."
Thirty flvo of tho dead author's plnjs hud
urst runs or nt least ISO nights each, and It
Is said that during thu last quarter of a
century there has not been u single night
on which soiuo ono of his Immense number
of piodiictlons has not been presented
cither hi the United Stutes, Great liritltiti
or Australia. It Is nlso estimated that
In that timo tho public has paid fill,
000,000 to seo his plays acted "The Col
leen Dawn" netted him ei.OOJ.OOO, ami
"Tho Shaughraun" reullzed nearly half
that amount. For tho latter play and his
services ns an actor during Ave yenrs
lister Wullack olfered Mr Houelcnult
150,000. Tho proposition was declined.
Dion Houelcnult was born In Dublin of
mi Irish mother and a French father llo
was flrst murrled In tS-lt ton widow of
means und beauty, who died a few jours
later. Then It was announced that Agnes
ltobertson, a handsome actress, had be
come his wife. They lived together for
many jenrs, and llo children wero tho
fruit of tho union. Their differences ended
in a divuico suit, and not long ago Mr.
Houelcnult espoused Ioulsu Thorndyko, a
young nctress, who survives him, and who
was with him at tho tlmo of his death
Despite the enormous sums lie earned
Houelcnult died poor. Ho was lavish as a
prluco in his expenditures und unlucky
In his speculations; but no financial disas
ter affected his buoyant temperament. Ho
felt that ho had a gold mluu in his head,
and that ho could replace lost fortunes at
will. He left nearly finished a drama
based on Hret Hurto's uoel "The Luck of
Houring Camp," in which It had been
planned that Mrs. Thorndyke Houelcnult
should star.
Hut nothing tho man wrote excelled that
production of tho loy - thu wonderful
"London Assurance" Tliuiu Is electricity
in eery line und an extra heart throb in
every climax What modern pen has pro
duced a moro stirring passage than this
where Lady Gay Spanker tho
conduct of her mount In a steeplechase
There wero sixty horst-s In tho lk-ltl. all mettlo
to tho hone tho start was a plcttiro-nwny wo
went In a cloiid-ull mull helter kkeltcr-thu
fool first, as usual, nsliij; themselves up-wo
soon ixiswil them-first jour Kitty then my
IllueaMii nnd Crown's coll last Then ennui tho
lug Kitty skimmed thu walls-llliieskln Hew
OTvr tho fcnees-tlio colt neck und neck anil half
u mllo to run-at last tho colt balked u leap ami
went wild Kitty nnd I hnd it all loonrsulws
ulio was threo lengths ahead ns wo lireusted tlio
last w nil, six feet. If an Inch, nnd n ditch on tho
otliersldo Now. for thu first time, I ruo IIIiio-
Mini inn iienn nn- n.ii ,wny no new llko n owr went tlio lllly-l owr thu snmo
spot, lent lug Kitty In tho ditch-walked tho
kteeplu, ciKlit miles In thirty minutes, and
scarcely turned n hair
These lines, voiced by uu actress liku Mrs.
Nlsbctt or Charlotte Ciishnian. noer
failed to "bringdown the house," but tho
closing sentences of "London Assurance,"
which fall front the lips of Sir Harcoiirt
Courtly, are equally worthy of reproduc
tion The character saj'H
Ilnrt-fuced assurance Is tho vulvar substitute
for gentlemanly ease; and theru uro many, who,
l.y npliiK thu vices of tho great, imaglno that they
eluvato themselves to tho rank of those, whoso
faults nlone they copy No' sir Thu title of
euntleiiiuu U tho only onu out of any monarch's
gift, jet within tho reach of uvery peasant It
should Iw engrossed hy Trulh-stauied with
Honor-sealed with good feeling-signed Man
Slid enrolled In every truo young English heart
Tlio DiiiiiiI.u'n lion (Jute.
Knglneers nro now at work I. lowing up
thu rocks in the bed of the Dtnul.e at that
point in tho great river's progress which Is
known as the "Iron goto." Many jean
ngo a ;iuv:lgoblo channel was cut through,
but it Is practicable only for povveiful
steamers. No other craft could live in tho
mighty whirl of waters. The plan to make
tho cataract feasible for nil sorts of boats,
was first suggested in 1781, but over n cent-
-j .tftr'
ury passed lie fore the nations Interesttsl
iigrtfd us to the details A conference at
Vienna some time ngo culminated n u
harmony of iindurstnndltig, und the great
work Is now under way The "lion gate'
Is situated on the Servian bordei Then
the tremendous volume of the DuiiiiIm)
passes through u delllt UVl feet wide und
7,500 feet long, with a full of Id feet and a
veloclt J or IJ to 13 feet a second, its toiirse
being troubled bj numerous neN and
ledges. The plan upproved for ( leaiiug
the channel Is tlmt of an American engi
neor named .McAlpino.
During the List two jears Kuglish cupi
tallsts hae paid out l),ooo,lioo (or tl.o
purchiseof manufacturing plants in no
tT'l" d States
J'ullishcd throwjh The Ainoncan Press Association.
1. Aft cr yenn of won . ry toll Inp,
8. Aft cr year of won ry wait lug,
r-4-r -t I-
Where hluo waves lw tween us roll, Tho' our lives nro cast n sun . tier, Still it . tilt - ed,
I will coino to thco n-gnlu; Love shall ban Mi oil thy sor row i Lovo bIiiiII charm a-
f T-
soul io soul. Keep thy faith for me, my dar-llng, Till I clasp thco to my breast;
way thy pain I Tho' thy hair Is, Hrenk'd with sil vcr. Still to mo thou art tl.o best t
:' -jl
When life's nu - liiinii twl . light gatli -crs, Come uu to my heart ami rest.
Hand in hand, to - geth - cr on - ward, Wo shrll find o tcr - ual rest.
1 i ,K.
1 y l-L.
)l 0-i e
folia tofA "" i u. 8
Telephone 1I6(
1024 0 Slreel
Moving Household Goods and Pianos a Specialty.
You cannot afford to
waste your money in ex
perimental trips by other
ines represented as being
equally as good as the
"Burlington." They are
J. niANCIh,
(icncrnl l'astenger anil Ticke Agent
Cit ln.eiiu,ei .mil Ticket Agent,