-'( CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 27 1890 I COMFORT FOR THIS l'KET! Life Made Easy hy mm so somkjof tub FINEST AN I) More Comfortable SHOES Kvcr old In Lincoln. To try llioin on l to buy. These jjooiU lo he (onml only nt Webster & Roger's 1 o.j 3 O Street. IMZISS Alice Isaacs OMAHA, LATE WITH STER BROS, EW YORK LATEST NOVELTIES IN- MILLINERY Very Lowest Prices. Ill) the Hloro of llcyuinn A Dutches, 1518-20 Earnam Street OMAHA. ON SALE TO hJUJL Principal Points EAST, WEST, NORTH AND SOUTH - AT 1044 O STREET. E. B. SLOSSON, City Passenger Agent PHOTOGRAPHER! Kino Bust Cabinet 3 per doion. Special rates to RtiuluntKj Call and o oar work. Studio, 1214 O Street. Open from 10 u. in. to i p. in. Sundays. J. S. EATON, Physician and Surgeon OiVicw n6S. Eleventh St. Telephones: Office 6S5. Residence 562. LINCOLN, NEB. 7 Sftei'alist. Practice Limited to Disease of the Nervous System, Heart and Blood HEPKKKNCK3! Hon. Win, leese. Attorney Oenerol. lIou.T. It. Nnrval, Associate Jiutlce. Janos' National Hank, Howard. UUUens' National llnnk, Ulysses. Oman; l2 0 8 1 reel, LINCOLN, NUll. AkD HOTITVTC Of rIUMIIlr, Bhortharut, ami Typenrltlnif. U the t)t ami larmt Coltafv lathe irl, u bludenta lu altriwlansit lut year. Kiutcnu irpartsl lor tm.lnew In from 3io tpoottu. Kxirtncl fatuity, IVnoual Inslruclkm. Katilirul tlliiatrau-tt catalog, collnw Journal, amt .nadaitot of nrnmanihlp, tnl t rre by aitartulnu PLLIIUUDaE IIOOSE. Lincoln, Nib. Tickets Igggggfeg BOSTON'S KUIGIITWOMKN SOME AflE WED AND SOME ARE 8INQLE, BUT ALL ARE CHARMING. Nitl (Inn nf TIhi.o Mentioned Union lint litis l'irnet Wnrli In llmnl mill In lli liiU It Vall Arildl. Authors hiiiI .Mil. ledum. (Onpjrlfilit hy Amerlcaii I'resi Alftllnn. i MIIS MAUIIK IKIWK Kl.t.t.lOTT Porlmps no woman In Boston can lay ,trcntcr claim to Kaiity atxl lltomry abil ity limn Mm. Maude Howe Klllott, tho Imiulitcrof Mrs, .In I In Ward IIowo and tho writer of tunny ehnrinluK stories. Horn In I lie Hull, tlur compositions of tliu young aspirant lor honors curly attracted tho at tentlon of her toucher Mrs. Klllott, U of medium holuhlitud possesses iipnlr of syni pathetic lirown eye that look out from n face of soulful expression which Ih crowned hy n Klory of Titian lirown curly hair, In her youth Maude llowu wns a peculiarly seiiNltlvo child, and early displayed mi an tiiKonlMin to inatheniatlfM, This U not at all HtnuiKO since mathematlcH anil litera tim) rarely o hand In Imnd, presumably from tho fact that an ImaKlnatlve mind ran rarely be tied down I o the practical. Ho mantle, joyous and hluh spirited, she nee her own traits personified In otherii. MIIS CMII.V HKI.INOKIt. Accompanied hy her mother Maude II owe Iiiih been an extensive traveler In eastern lands as well as in America. In 1837 she iHX'auio (he wife of Samuel Klllott, an Knullsh artist, and thotiuh reunnled as one of tho Indie of Newport Hocloty hIic Iiiih never neglected her literary work. Her poetic, fancy finds food In tint contempla tion of the ItouiitlcH of iiaturu by which she Is surrounded In her .uimincr home, and she wiys In speaking of her dully llfu that tho quiet mornlim hount produce the best work, and that a few days stolon from so- clety are among the pleasantest things that llfu lias tiroiiKht her. At present.Mrs. Klllott Ih engaged upon a play a thrco act drama of today, which is based on her novel "Mammon" and In cotijunctlon with hor ulster, Mrs. Florence Howe Hall, Is also busy In the arduous task of writing tho history of the teaching of LiuroBrldg man by her father, Dr. Howe, WM ' ilZi f rTizrJH, MltS. MICAII DTCIt, IIX. Mrs. Kmlly Sollnuer is a lino examplo of the combination of brains and beauty. She Is of sou t hern birth, having been taken north just, before tho war by her mother, who was a widow with thrco children. Her career ha-s leen successful, and she has be en red much reputation as a (lower painter. In ItOahe married .lean I'aul bellngor. an artist. She Ih tudd to le without a rival hs a painter of rosen, Her Iwok'The Folk lore of the Havarlnn Tyrol," published tome time Hluce, Is extremely iiitirv.stlut. -V Hits. WALTKft PVKIt She Is a blouJe, with Hoft eyes of blue, and drvrtHCH In excellent taste, keeping In even balance mental culture and personal beauty A woman dearly beloved of her ux Is Mm, Mlcah Dyer, Jr., of Dorchester, who hi the tut allowed "rent devctlon to the SSES rall;SW mm. i wMmmm- SM&vy, flf a iJKr 'M xrX'.y'. ' xm irr r ro "boyn In blue." Bho In Identllled with twenty-two noclctles, nil engaged in tho work of reform Sho Ih president of tho Indies' Aid association, which cares fortho Boldleni' home In Chelsea, and In also di rector of the Woman' Charity club, which founded a freo surgical hospital for women ,101110 few months ago. Mr. Walter Dyer, who Ih a brldo of n few months, Ih following lu the footsteps of her mot her-ln-law, Isjlng already noted for her charitable work. She was Miss Martha A. Houston, ofTlioinsonvllle.Conn. Bhu hasone of thu sweetest of illsposltlons, and her earncMt gray eyen lienin with the light of lofty piirpimi'. Miss Lillian Amen, the young daughter of ex-dovernor Allies, mil Miss Madellno O'Hi len, tlaughter of ox Mayor O'Hrlen, are opposite types of beauty Miss Amen In tall and fair, with bine eyes and lirown hair. She was educated at North Kaston, and at present Ih taking a coiirsoof In struction In Ktiropo Slio Is not a Horlety girl, but enjoys the companionship of a few special friends. Miss O'Hrlen ( now with her mother In the south of Franco. She Ih lithe of form and has a pair of big brown eyes that promise to play havoc with masculine hearts sooner or later. The "Hello of Roxbury," rui Miss Her inlnlo ltlchards Ih called, has, at the ago of 18, blossomed forth In all the charming grace of womanhood. She Is a pronounced brunette, rather tall and graceful In figure. Her face Ih exipilsl'ely modeled, and sho Iiiih a luxuriance of brown curly hair and large, brown eyes kindling with lutclll- rg- MISS lll-.IIMINIK IttCIIAItllS. pence. Inheriting the rare artistic ability of her father (the late Orriti ltlchards) In the use of crayon and brush, her easel lias already held many works, Hliowlng Hontl tnent and idnccrlty At the piano she easily Interprets the thoilghtsof celebrated composers, and hervolcols sweet and full of sympathy Two other charinlng girls aro MIrh Con Htiuico Whitney and Miss Kllso West. The latter ban great brown eyes and classical featuren, She wears her hair drawn tight ly back from her forehead, and dresses with artistic taste Her friend, Miss Smoot, a niece of Chariot: Head, was the belle of the "Ladles' hall" last winter. Jack LIii7.ii'h pretty sister, who married Mr. Mlnnt Weld. and who has been likened to the famous Kugllsh beauty, Lidy Dud ley, Ih very tall and willowy In llgure. Her eyes are of a tlark haze1, while her grace of manner and charming personality make her one of the most sought after in the chclo of lloslon's best aoulety MIS9 LU1G1NA I'AGANI. Miss Luiglna Paganl, as her name Indl cates, Is n daughter of ltnly, linvlng llrst seen the llghtof day In the "Ktornnl City." Miss Paganl has resided In Boston since her earliest years. She Is tall and grace ful, with a beautifully Hhaped head, well pobed and covered by an nbuudunco of dark brown hair. Her olive complexion lias a rich, warm coloring that delict de scription, and sho possesses eloquent brown eyes, full red lips and a dimpled chin. Added to these personal charms she Is n gifted musician and has a voice of more than ordinary richness. Miss Paganl wns educated at the Notre Dame academy, and during the coming season goes to Italy to complete her musical studies. Mrs. Phuibe .looks, a portrait painter, must also he mentioned in the list of Bos ton's beautiful ami brainy women. Sho was born at Portsmouth, N. II., and bo came Interested In art whon a school girl. She worked assiduously, and has literally carved out her own success, never having taken a painting lesson In her life. Al though .1 hard worker she is not a rooluso In any sense, of thu word, but rather enjoys discussion of the social questions of tho day, and, while practically a suffragist, says "tho time has not come, for women to vote, as they are not yet ready for the ballot." Master Barker Pickering Jcnks is a bright and promising student in archi tecture at tho Institute of Technology, and his mother takes great pride lu her only bo n, whom sho declares to be the "hand somest of boys." Three Uiiropoun l'rliiceuct. The giant of royalty Is the crown prin cess of Denmark, She Is 0 foot and 3 Inches tall. The most sonslblo of her class Is probably Princess Mario Anna, of Portu gal. She Is about to wed an untitled phy sician, and defends her choice by saying, "I prefer to marry a man without a name rather than it name without n man." There Is also current the story that a tlaughter of the Prince of Wales loves a son of the house of Itothschild. Ills royal highness Is said to favor the alliance, and the only prerequisite to tho nuptials yet unattaluod as thu consent of the queen. A Vigorous Old Ace. Kx-VIco President Ilannlbil Hamlin still retains the reputation of being the young est oh) man lu Bangor, Me. His health continues so rugged that he has not yet abandoned his life long rule to get along without umbrellas or overcoats The old gentleman's chief amusement nowadays Is a game of whist. During 1SU0 British makers of patent medicines paid 1,300,000 In thoshapoof dutle on their preparations KRWr LOCAL AND I'KHSONAI, Mrs. A. II. Mori Is has gone to Boston. U. A. Weeks left Monday for Kile, l'n. (loo. L. Smith has gone to Seattle, Wash, C. J. Daubach litis returned from Chicago, Dr. H. It. IvImr has gone to Albany, N. Y. A. (!. Beii'rny lias returned from Cordova, III. .1. K. Turner left for Itocl.ford, III , Tiifs day. Mih.C. C. Moiho left for Vermont, Tues day. C. A. Vnn Fleeto Mm In KmiMs City this week. J L Caldwell ret 11 mod Monday from Halt Like Mrs. M. L. Williams Is vMtlng friend lu Illinois. Mis. J. C. ICIer left Monday for Kluts in Illinois. W, C. Honey started for Dallas, Texas. Monday. J. Audiow was a pasHiiger for Seattle, Monday. Mis. F.H. Potvlu left for Portland, Ote., Monday. Mrs. C. W. Hoxle left for Baltimore, Md., Thtirfdtiy. Mrs. II. M. Bice lias returned from Halt Like City. A. K. Bow en departed for Oshko-di, Wis., Wed lies lay. Joseph McUrnw and family have returned from Now York. Mrs, M. K. Illce of Jcpliu, Mo., Is visiting her son, John J. Bice. Ocoi'Ko Walsh visited the com palace at Hloux City Wednoiday. Mis, M. Overton and Mrs. L, Mai tin have gone to Clarksvllle, Iowa. Mrs. W. C. Bristol was a pnsenfer for New York City, Wednesday, Misses Maltha, Mollle and Ada Hitchcock have gone to MendainlJ, Iowa. Mis. Joseph Boehiner and hou Kdniu, have returned from Montreal, Canada. Dr. K. 11, Dunn of Khun, Iowa, litis been vlrltlug his brother, Frank L. Dunn. Mrs. J. II, Alfotd and daughter returned Monday from Wlnconslu mid thu lakes, Mrs. K. II. Guthrie If entci tabling her uls ter, Mrs. T K. IloxMell of I'adiicah, Ky. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. I.lpplncott nud daught er nre visiting in New Y01I1 ami New Jersey. TI10 Central Lnv Cvllege oieuisl Wednes day evening with an Inforinal lectin 0 by T M. Maitpiette. Mrs. M. C, Brown and MUs I.oult-o Parmer weio among this week's visltoiH to the Sioux City cot n palace. Mr. and Mrs. Kent 1C. I lay don of Lincoln' ate the gucMs at the Millard of Mr. and Mrs. K.M. Phillips.-Omaha .. A meeting of the Kast Lincoln Congiega tloual Hreiety was held ThtusJay nfteinoon at 'J o'clock in Smith & Bilker's hall, Mr. mid Mis. M, 1). Spnhr, of York.lVuna who have been visiting their sou, Dr. C. K, Sinhr,tlepaitiHl for their homo Sunday even ing. MIshh Gei truth) and Cntola Hill and their guest, Silts Kva Fty or Bloomlngtou, 111., spent a couple of days at Beatrice this week Sam K. Lowe departed Monday evening for DIoomhiKtou, III , where he will tpeiiil 11 few days before pioceedlng to tl.o uuiveislty at Ann Albor, Mich. Adilltloniil local and HTsonal page H- Well, Surah, whnt have you been doing to make you look so 3 oiitigf Oh, nothing much, only been using Hall's Hair Benewer to le storu the color of my hair. H0III111; Hooks by Siilit.crlptl.in. Tho method of selling books by subscription has many advantages over any other, and Is dally growing lu importance and popultiity. By this method thenttentiou of the purchaser Is called to valuablo liooks of which he might remain In entire Ignorance If they were sold In any other way. It Is the most tffrecf nud altogether the m st ecoiioiiifctif way to buy books. Books purchased nt a retail liook store Imvo generally passed tluoiigh tho hands ot from f ico to four iiiftftffeiiieii, each of whom must have i prollt. The ItlversMe I-ulliiMn' Co., St Lou in, Mo., offers profitable employment to all who wish to engage lu thu business. Experience Is not necessary, but nny lady or gentleman with Intelligence mid Industry can make 11 success of tho worth. Their publications are first class, Just such IkHiks asour young people and our older jwo ple should rend; liooks that tend to make in telligent men nud women; books that teach people things that they ought to know; such liooks ns a splendid Fitinilji Ililile, which Is in Itself a perfect cyclopedia of biblical knowl edge. UltliMith's Ilistoru of the Unitett Stolen is another fpleudld book ; a sale of over 1100,000 copies speaks loudly in favor of its grent worth, 77ie IVopte'a Cyclopedia of Universal Knowleilae is another work that has carved Its way to a wonderful succesj, 100,000 copies of this splendid cyclopedia, made and edited especially for thu masses, have been fold, ami the sale is still very large. They also bundle the lleil Letter Life of the llepublic Stanley Explorations lu Africa. The Pioneer History of America; People's Farm and Stock Cyclopedia ; The Physical Llfu ot Both Sexes: Courtship, lvo and Wedlock, and History of the Grand Army of tho Republic. Another splendid book, averaging at fifteen hundred sets a mouth, Is iiilpath, Cyclope dia of Universal Watery, n book that Is bound to bu read by tens of thousands of scholars, and by those who lay no claim to scholarship, and who yet lovo a clear, strulghttorwnrd, understandable record of tho great events of tho world's history. The popularity of tills book Is something wonder ful. For further particulars, circulars, terms to agents, etc., address, The Riverside Publishing Co., 702 Ollvo street, St. Louis, Mo. 0-10-oui 'Wnt" Att for the Journal. In orJer to serve the convenience of its patrons who may wish to use the "want" col uiniis of the toiirtifit the ouhieu olllco will receive such advertisements at the regular rates and transmit them to the Journal, Oysters In every stylo nt Brown's. WeildliiK cake Iwxes, nil styles, Wessel PrintiiiK Co. Novelties In Wedding Cake boxes tiilrty different shapes at Wessel Printing Co, All the latest sheet music, new stock, nt Craiioer's Art Mulo store, til'J south Kle enth strct. YOU WILL LADIES' TURN SHOES HT $3.50, EXTRR iHLUE AND GOOD ED. Gc. IATEIS 1129 O Jfi " M Sti Stylish Carriages and Buggies, At all Hours t3f" Hones Boarded and best of caio taken of nil Slock entrusted to us. jgj PRICKS REASONABLE. BILLMEYER & CO.,j. Proprietors. Call and See Us. Telephone 435 mi-. WBnmimmMXSmm?? , wm&WttimyBim r- s iTttm sufumiv Mil 1 1 1 ''TffrTHlTlr ff 8 H JllJHflHSilll 1 1 A. M. DAVIS & SON, Fall and Winter Carpets and Draperies, 1112 0 St Telephone 219. H. W. BROWN DRUGGSITWBOOKSELLER The Choicest line of Perfumes. D. M. Ferrj V Finest Flower anc1 Garden Seeds. 127 South Eleventh street. l"Ci-- - 3 -wr Jkjt i?fS?7r- "'nW Will be ui?dr tlje p crjorjal ik jpcYuiSlotjofHO aij4 will t yeir. tititorj will fiijd THE ORLERNS le first oliea lij all of its appointments, belt)? well supplied witty qaj. Ijot and cold water batiks, clctrlo bells W " modern Improumeots. eteatn iTtiQdry. billiard ball6, bowlli alley. cto.,and positively frca fron annoyance by raosuit08. Round Trip Excursion Tickets will b placed 07 ljat tt ommcrjqe'mijt of tt tourist 6son by t Burtliton. ?cdar rjaflds i. flortcrn fjailway aod all coijijctlo lines, at low rates, to tt;c following points In Iowa and T)lnncsoU Spirit z. Iowa; filbert tea, Uatcrvllle, niQijeapolls, 8t. paul, lac rlnnctonija, uTltc Bar $i aijj Dulutn, Tlntjcsoa, Clear Ijiljc, Iowa; lak,c Jupcrlor points; Yellowstone parrj points and points li) Colorado. Urlt for "A MiD3UMMtn Paradise," to tijo (Jeneral jiohjet ard Jasscnqcr ftqent. Scdar fjaplds. lows, ag fetji rjates to H. L. lclano, Spirit $z, Iowa. C.J.IUES.ptct.4Ciiir- J.E.HANNECKH.Cirkiitjpattppi. HIND MY FITTERS. STREET. Finest in the City -THE NEW-3 Palace Stables PP Masonic Temple. Day or Night. Nebraska's Leading Hotel. &THF, MURRAY 3 - - Cor. 11th nml Harney Hts , oir-A-ii-A.. i73n. STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS All Modern Improvements and Conveniences. B. 8ILL0WAY, Pio-rletor. IRA HIQBY, Principal Olerk. open for ti rc(ept(o() of quests Jur first In ea(6 0-: X