Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, September 20, 1890, Page 8, Image 8

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Saturday Evening, Sept. 20, '90
Corner I Oth and P Streets.
Dress Goods and Silks
"Thr Vnurlrr" I'nr Halt) In Oiiiiiliu.
Copies limy Ui found nt JColtti'n uonsatniul,
810 8011th KUtPontli street, Iloyd's ojwrn house
Cress Goods Novelties
offered hy UcrpoUhclincr & Co nrc tlic
Most Vnrleil outside of tjic liutfc cities,
Thing that nre different a'lid cannot bo
matclicil perhaps In the state. Their stock
of Clonki, Wraps, House Wrappers anil
Dresses, are a wonderful collection of the
coircct thing In Lndlcs Wear. An In
spection Is Invited to this veritable Trade
l'nlnce. I'rlccs everyone knows are al
ways the Lowest, quality considered. Call
at ilerpoUhelnicr S; Co's. and look them
The Courier Onn be Fouiul At
Windsor Hotel Now Htand.
Cnpltnl Hotel Nows Htuml.
Exposition Dining. Halt NowaHlnml.
Tho aothnm Nw Utniul. 118 Houth llth HI.
ltert Uuiriior. Ill North llth Htrcot.
Kd. Young, law o Htrcot,
Fletohor A Co., IISM U Htrcot.
Little Hport Ulgar Htora, 113 North 12th Ht.
Tho llond, corner l'.'th mid l Ntreots.
Wostorflohr Harbor Hhop, luirr lllook.
PTAn extra supply of papers Is always- loft
l tho Uolham, In caso other Newsdealers
upplle run short.
Fall Styles, Dunlap Hats
1137 O STREET.
Tbo Couiuku will not be responsible for
any debts nindo by any ono In its name, un
ess n written order aeco mponice tbo same,
luteal nud l'ursonsl.
Whltebrcast Coal and Lime Company.
.Take Turkish at 1010 O itmt.
I " t
Oyster In all style at Brown's.
Brown's for oysters In all styles.
,Uuth M. Wood, M. D 122tl V strcot.
Telephone at tbo Co'umkr office Is 253,
Sunday dinners at Browns, only 25 ceut.
Lincoln loo Co., 1010 O St. Telephone 118.
Mineral water used (or bathing, 1010 Ost,
Try Urown's Bunday dinner, only 23 cts.
Canon City Coal at tho Whltebreast
Coal and Lime Co.
Only place In Lincoln that usee mineral
water In Utus is at 1010 O street.
Improvedshower for Turkish baths at 1011
O 'street, basement Union block. ,
All tho latest sheet music, new stock, at
Oranocr's Art Music store,SI3 south Eleventh
Prompt service, puro and wholesome 'food
and thu beit of everything is always found at
Dim Cameron's.
'Dr. C. II. Manning, office rooms 00 07-09
Burr block. Telephone 330. llesldonco Cor.
20th ami F. Telephone 330. "
Ladies will find a complete llii'j of tine shoes
, and nil the latent style at tho proper prices at
4 8herwln',Boton Shoe Store.
J, II. O'Neill, fine plumbing, hot water and
steam heating, fln gas fixture and globe.
You can buy all grade of garden hose very
Try a dinner at Cameron's Lunch and Shot t
Order house. Served dally from 11:30 a. hi.
till 2. p. m. Everything fine and juicy and
cooked In a home-like maimer.
No such Ice cream and ice as those fouud
at Poehlers are to be found elsewhere in
the city. HI new parlor in tho McUrlde
block are tho flneit in the city.
Poobler make a. specialty of sirring Ice
cream and ices for picnics, parties, weddings,
etc Order taken by telephone 457 or at the
office in the MoUride block, 13th and P streets
II. P. Bherwin, 1124 O street, ha a present'
for every one of hi customers that cannot
fall to be appreciated. Ho will give to every
customer a lino crayon picture made from
any photo that I desired and it will not cost
m? Mk a
you a cent. Call in at hi drug and shoe
store and see how it is done. 1124 O Btroet.
,! . BUMMKuCoMPUimT. A druggist at Brltt,
5,1 Hancock county, Iowa, relate hi exiierienco
with this disease a follows; Durlug the
summer of 1882 my llttlo girl, two year of
of age, wa taken seriously ill with summer
complaint, bo common to children of that age,
and after being treated by a physluhui and
getting no better 1 took from my shelve a
bottle of Chamberlain' colic, cholera and
diarrhoea remedy. She felt relieved after the
first aoseand in three day was entirely well
Aux. MoiB.
II 1! lengthening
shadow of fast
lliitiiig summer
have rerved as a
bugle call for the
'I j legion of Lincoln's
'I it,A,iti.fB mill fnr
I nrvmtiln Wmk
"VM"I -' " '
every Incom
ing train has
boon lndcti
with return
ing pilgrims.
From mount
it III mid sea
side, from In
land lake nud
rurnl ret lent
from tlln fash.
?. I n ti f. I . I n m
sort of the
east and thu
imlilnll bllfirn.
. of tho Pacific,
from the wilds of tho north and tropic of thu
south, from foreign land and old ancestral
halls, from everywhere have tho wander
er como. Singly and In companies have
thoy como-somo from u three month' so
journ nud other from a few days', outing,
Tunned and lmrud, ninny of thorn nrot but
happy all, glowing with rekindled spirit and
)Mrfivt health, Oh, 'tis pleasant to Idly while
away the hour and day and week nud
month of God' precious gift to man mani
fested in uaturu's kindliest mood tho glad
some summer. I fanny aro they who can for-
suko for n tlmotho monotonous routlun which
nil must obsrve, and gather now strength,
now enthusiasm and now vitality, In soiuo
plnco afar off away from tho mnddeulng
crowd. Ages ago It was predicted that in thu
latter day there should bo much running to
and fro on the faco of tho earth, and tho
prophecy is more than fulfilled nud mauls
the iMitter therefor, Ills vision I larger; his
Ideas broader; his Intellect brighter. Yes,
the wnuderi'm hnvo returned, nud onco more
will turn the wheel of fashion, of socloty, of
gaiety, mid tho revolutions will throw off n
brilliancy never ctpialled In thu nodal llfo of
Lincoln. True, tho young eoplo who have
canned (ho wedding bells to bo rung during
the past lx months, will ho missed; hut other
buds will blosHom and there will I hi no vacant
place. Already active preparation for ''tho
season" have commenced and tho early days
of October will witness an unusual sprlghtll
lies In society' domain.
President Will Hardy of tho Plea-unit Hour
Club has called a hunlues meeting for Wed
nesday evening at 7:S() o'clock at Hardy &
Pitcher's store, for the purHsoof organizing
for the coming seiiMin, A number of new
member will lie taken Into this club whoso
fmno is us wido us thu state, nud whoso name
Is n synonym for enjoyment. Tlio outlook for
tho Seniors I promising, Indeed.
And the Junior are also bestirring them
selves. Both club will probably re-organlzu
on the old basis, although there aro some new
scheme proiOHed. Thu llrst party will occur
in u few week. Tho presldont of tho York,
Kent Dluford, has called n meeting for Mon
day ovenlug for tho annual election nud re
organization, nnd tho other clubs aro prepar
ing to follow suit. Dancing (lartle will bo
plenty this winter.
Tho various Chautauqua circles, the society
of tho "Hall in tho Grove," tho art club and
other similar associations hnvo commenced or
uronbout to commence tho smsou' work. At
Mis Anna Barr' last Friday evening twenty
youug eoplo organized Informally a new
literary socloty, which will hnvo it llrst
meeting Tuesday evening at the residence of
Mis Maudo Smith, 1330 J street. Etcetera,
Mr. and Mr. K. C. Bewick, assisted by
Mr. aiiilMi. Ueorgo. H. Clark, entertained
a largo number or friends Wednesday even
ing nt a charming progressive euchre party.
Progressive euchre proved a delightful
change from our own gnme of high live
which has so long prevailed. Those present
were i Messr. and Meedamea F.A. Brown, II.
U. Patrick, W. K. Klrker, Mason Gregg, O.
W. Webster, K. P. Holme, C. W. Lyman, J.
II. Hurley, It. A. Perry, G. M. BarUett, W.
W. Holme, J. F. Lansing, Q. F. Belts, O. L.
Hall, J. U. Drinker, J. C. HouU, C. lllchard
son, A. S. Tweed, Frank Hall, W. Q. Bell, II.
P. Foster, H. W. Brown, H. 8. LIpplncott.B.
Parker, A. S. Tlbbet, Charles Knapp, C. D.
Sttzer, Drs. and Mcsdaince E. B. Appleget,
R. E. Glffcn, II. Stanhope, Prof, and Mrs.W.
W. W. Jones, Mr. U. F. UIU of Louisville,
Kentucky, Dr. Geo. II. Simmon, Mr. Charles
Alger, Mr. Ada L. Espey, and Mrs. G. W.
Brown of Waverly, Iowa. Tho prize, which
were uuusually handsome, were awarded
to Mr. Frank Hall and Dr. Stanhope.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Ewing gave a delightful
progressive high Ave party Wednesday even
ing, their pleasant home on Fourteenth
street, containing one of tho happiest gather
ing of tho early Reason. The guests wero
MeMr. and Mesdamrs Frank Sheldon, G. M.
Lambertson, McFarland, A. II. Buckstaff,
Jansen, K, 11. Oakley, Foster, Hayden,Green,
Beeson, Perry, E, P, Holme, Leonard, W.
B. Hargrcaves, Wright, Coffroth, Sterns,
Travis, Hubbard, Davis, E. E. Brown, San
ders, Mrs. John Hewitt, Dr. nnd Mrs. llailey,
Messrs. A. D. Law, Geo. Foresman, Kind,
Tom Ewing, Vau Dyne, Buckstaff, Magoon,
Mlssea Cora Hardy, Minnie and Ollvo Lutta,
Talbot, Bailey, Sterling Crowe, Travis of
Tarkio, Mo., and Price of Chicago; Mr; Har
greave and Mrs. Buckstaff wero nwarded
royal favors nud Miss Hardy and Mr. It. II.
Oakley received consolation tokens.
Mr. nnd Mrs. T. F. Lnsch entertained very
pleaanutly a number of friends Wedncbday
evening in honor of Mrs. Frank Everson of
Kearney, who Is at present their guest. High
five was the principal amusement of tbo even
ing. The following were present: Mlses
Mamie Hartshorn of Charles City, Iowa;
Angle and Carrie Sterns, MoCamond of
Charles City, Iowa; Messrs. E. Hartshorn,
Bagley, Mr. and Mrs. Loverlng, Mr. and
Mr. J. W. Cutwrlght, Mr. Stern, Mrs.
Vauderberg, Mrs. Dr. Beachley and Mrs.
Mrs. W. T. Follmer nnd daughter, Mis Mae
of Oil City, Pa., are visiting In the city a the
truest of Mr. Dr. Lane on South Twelfth
street. Mis Follmer for her own amusement
ha studied elocution and ha become very
proficient. The lady, owing to tho fact that
her deceased father wa an old eoldler, ha
consented toreclto this evening 'at thu old
soldier' reunion.
Mr. and Mr. George Connnt entertained
a number of friend Saturday ovenlug.
ThfH prcbtfiit wero: Mlssea McNIchlo and
Cozad of Cortland, May Colllver of Green
wood, Lucy Skinner nnd Tyler; Messrs. Clar-
enoVBcott, li. A. Uoorge, Fran irvmo ami
At the tennis tournament at Hasting this
week B. L. Gelsthardt and Frank TJurr won
the men' doubles, tbreo out of live. Gelst
hardt was elected president of tho state nfbO-
cialion ana nrown in Hastings, becrviary,
The noxtannual tournament will be held In
thl city.
lIvMssK' TO
'it usVu9nRfM,
M: avsssssssr .- a,y
I laaSSSSSSWran u ;-spr
y f h.'im fuTTftTJstt'
Daniel Ford and Ml EllleC. Bracken were
united In mnrrlnge Tuesday evening at tho
trsldeneu of the hrldu's parents, 401 North
Tenth street, Itev. P H. Hhmiip officiating.
After the ceremony tho company nsxeiuhlcd
partook of nu elaborate weeding supjier.
ProfcssorO. (J, Menrendorf and MissMluule
I). Cochran, directress of music In the State
University, wero married at Normal, III,,
Wednesday. They arrived In this city Thurs
day evening and now receiving the congratu
latlons of tholi- many friends.
Hloux tribe, No, it, of tho Improved Order
of lied Men was formally organized Tuoday
evening nt tho CastJo hall. Bed Men of Ne
braska and Iowa ero present In largo num
bers. Tho East Lincoln Chautauipin Literary
and Scientific elrelomct for tho llrst time this
season at the residence of Mr. Trunx, Twenty-seventh
and U streets, Wednesday even
ing. Tho young iieonle of the First Preshvterlau
church were very pleasantly entertained
Tuesday evening nt tho resldenco of Mr. and
Mr. W, J. Turner nn L strict.
Lieutenant nnd .Mr. T. W, Griffith re
turned from their wedding tour Wednesday
afternoon nnd are now nt homo on It street
near Fourteenth,
Miss Guudlo Coburn of.Omnhu, well known
In this city, nud S. G.V, Griswold of thu Ike,
will bo married nt high noon Ihurwlay, Oc
tober 2.
Tho socloty of thu "Hall in thoOrovo" met
last evening at tho resldenco of Mr. Culvert
on II street, to orgaulzo for winter work.
A reception was given by tho Women'
Foreign Missionary Society of tho St. Paul
M. E. church Wednesday afternoon.
A number of friend wero entertained by
Mr, and Mix Schwab Tuesday oveulug.
Mr. Dr. F. W. Tucker left Wednesday for
Central City.
Miss Lulu Oninlnger visited her sister In
Omaha this week.
Mr. Charles M. Keefer and her mother,
Mr. William Ashton, left Tuesday for Den
ver. Tho ladle of tho Eist Lincoln Congrega
tional church gave an Ice cream social last
Mr. G, A. Soyboldt nud daughter, Mis
Sarah, loft Thursday for n month's visit in
Now York.
Mrs, S. M. Dalhy who has been vlsillug
her sou, left for her homo at Hodalla, Mo.,
Mr. and Mr. M. S. Bohanau entertained
Mis Edith Wetzel of Leavenworth, Kansas,
thl week.
Mr. J. 11. Harley and children returned
Tuesday ovenlug from nu extended trip to
Nova Scotln.
How G. W. Isham, thu now pastor of tho
Grace M, E. church, will preach his first ser
mon tomorrow.
Harry I). Aron, lato of tho .S'dife .ounni
counting room, has accepted a jiosltion with
Miller & Palnu.
Mr. T. Hi McGahoy and children returned
Tuesday evening from n pleatnnt summer's
visit In the east.
Mr. and Mr. W, Q. Bell aro entertaining
W. II. Sexton of Monmouth, 111., tho former'
Miss Anna Howlnnd of Bownrd, who has
been visiting Mis EllloLeeso, returned homo
Sunday ovenlug.
D. L. Draco Inn purchased C. T. Brown's
handsomu resldenco nt Twenty-second uud
Washington street
Mr. T. II. Botton and mother left Tuesday
for Now York, where they will remain u
mouth or six Week.
O. T Pound, who has been tho guest of his
brother, Judge Pound, left for hi homo nt
Hillsdale, Mich.," Monday. -
E, F. Este of tho B. & M., was married in
Kunsn City Monday ovenlug. The couple
arrived In this city Tuesday.
G .A. Ilaymer, formerly, of thl city, Is
now manager of tho Newcastle coal company
with hoadquartert In Beatrice.
Mrs. Zara Wilson, Mrs. H. C. O. Upton nnd
Mr. Phllpot returned Thursday from the W.
C. T. U. convention at Palmyra.
Street Commissioner Byers wa presented
with a pair of handsome gold rimmed eyo
glnssea by his employees Mondny.
New waa received in thl city thl week of
the death of Mr. II, It, Harbison, a former
Lincoln resident, at San Diego, Cal.
Mr. and Mr. C. T. Bower, 1038 K street,
nre entertaining the Mirse L. C, Katzenbnch
and Mollio L. I. Neal or Trenton, N. J.
Hugh Inmastor and Frank II. Woods left
Monday for New York where thoy will enter
tho law department of Columbia college,
A small party of friends wero delightfully
entertained by Mr. Vnnderburg of 1421) D
street, Thursday evening with high five.
8am E. Lowe will leave Monday for Ann
Arlior, Mich., via Bloomiugton, 111. Tho
present term will complete hi law studies.
Mrs. G. J. Chowning of. Salt. Lake. Glty,
who has been visiting at tho residence of T. J,
Crawford, departed for her homo Thursday.
Miss Bertie Burr and Mis LIIIlo Hatha
way left Saturday evening for Auburndale,
Mass., where they will spend the winter at
Frank J. Morrow, a son of Gen. Morrow
of tho United State Army, stationed at Ft.
Sidney, is taking a siieclal course at the State
Dr. J. F. King of Cameron, Mo., is In tho
city on n visit to hi son, E. A. King, of south
Tenth street. Tho doctor think Lincoln a
"mighty fine" city.
G, M. LambertMii ha been entertaining
Geo. C. Ingham of Chicago, one of the Windy
City' noted lawyer, wiio won considerable
distinction in tho Cronln caw.
October 4 The Couiuku will commence the
publication of "His Fleeting Ideal," the great
comiwsito novel. See notice elsewhere.
Watch for tho opening chapter.
Ml Mammle Hartshorn, of Charl City
la,, I visiting her brother, stopping at Mr
Ulalr' 1201 K street. 'Mis Hartshorn wll ,
spend a pleasant visit of about a mouth in
Church or tho Holy Trinity, J and Twelfth
stieet, John Hewitt, rector. Sixteenth Sun
day after Trinity. At 8 o'clock a. in. Holy
communion; 0:30, Sunday school; 11 o'clock
morning prayer uud sermon. Subject of
sermon; "The Permanent Need of Earnest
nets." At 4 o'clock, infant buptUm. 7:30,
evening prayer and sermon. All welcome.
Additional local nnd personal page 2.
Ayer's Sarsaparllla, highly concentrated,
1 the most economical blood purifier that can
be used.
UuueliiK C'Ihm.
Miss Fannie Warner's clais in dancing
will wn nt Mn'onlo trinploon Saturday 27th
In the nfteitioou for masters nnd iiiIhsch nud
tho evening for ndtills. Mls Warner's ex
IhtIciico In this Hue of work Is such as to
glvo her nu lii'lglit to tho peculiar ahlllty
necessiiry to Instruct lii'thl. one of thu mint
interesting tuts, and her success In ast sea
son has been such as to warrant her larger
cm wo than ever.
Lincoln, St.. loo ,1 Kunsn City. TliroiiKli
Nli-epers mill I'lirlnr (,'nrs.
Tho day of transfers, change nnd delay
between Lincoln, St. Joonud KnnwiClty Is
over, tho B. & M. having placed In servico n
lino or combination sleeper and pnrloi chair
car that for convenience, elegnnco and com
fort surpas anything heretofoioruu letween
theso tKilnts. The present, schedule is ns fol
lows; Ix-nvu Lincoln, 8:30 p, m. dally, nrrlvo
in St. Joo5:27n. in., Kansas City 7:f,0n, in.;
returning, lenvu Kansas City !:l.'i p. in. dally,
St.Joo 11:15 p. in,, arrlvo at Lincoln 7:50
p, m.
Tlirso trains run via Beatrice. Wymoronnd
Table Hock uud iiiuko close connections nt
terminal points. Tho servico Is really excel
lent nnd wo can recommend it with much
confidence. Furthor Information can bo ob
tallied at union ticpot or city office corner O
nnd Twelfth streets.
City Pnisenger and Ticket Agent.
(I. A, II. Hooks Very Cheap.
The' Wcsscl Printing Co. has several copies
of Col. KoU'rt B. Ileal' well known history
of thu Grand Army of the Republic in fine
bindings which it will sell at fll.OO per vol
limn. Original price, sold only on subscrip
tion, at 5.00. Theto books tiro fully Illus
trated nnd complete in every detail. Call
and tee them.
Don't Cure to Kill.
It is with tho greatest confidence that
Hood' Sarsaparllla Is recommended fur los
of appetite, Indigestion, sick headache, and
similar troubles. This medicine greatly tones
the stomnche, assist digestion, and makes
ono "real hungry." Persons In delicate
health, after taking Hood' Bnisapnrlllu a
few days, find themselves longing for uud
eating the plainest food with unexcctod
Seo the new coriesjioiidenco papers In tab
let form Just received at the Couiuku office.
Wo havu nil tho latest wtavc, in all the fan
cy nud plain MiiMr, Including u number of
very pretty- noveltliu. . Envelope to match
all pajier.
Attorney General Ix-eso went to Halting
Tho prompt use of Ayer's Sarsaparllla will
Invariably cure nit affections of tho kidney.
Mr. and Mr. W. B. Oult who have been
visiting thoir daughter. Mrs. O. G. King, re
turned to their home New York this week.
What is Scrofula
It Is that Inipurltr hi the blood, which, accumu
lating In tho gUmU of tho neck, protlucos un
sightly lumps or swellings; which cuuics painful
running sores on the unns, legs, or feet; which
devclopcs ulcors In tho cjrci.can.or noio.otton
csutlng blhiilncsi or deaf ncss ; w hlch l the origin
of pimples, cancerous growths, or many other
manifestations utuslljr merited to " humors."
It Is n. moro f ormldablo enemy than rumumpttoa
or csneer alone, for scrofuU combines tho worst
poulblo features of both. Doing tho mod ancient,
It Is tho rnont general of all dlteaies or affections,
for very few persons aro entirely f roo from It.
How cau It bo cured t Ily taking Hood's Sarss
partlla, which, by tho cures It has accomplished,
often when other medicines have failed, has
proven Itself to bo a potent and peculiar mcdlclno
for this dlicaio. For nil affections of tho blood
Hood's 8artaparlll.t Is unequalled, and somo of tbo
cures It has effected are really wonderful. If you
suffer from scrofula In any of Its various forms,
be sore to giro Hood's Sariaparllla a trial.
Hood's Sarsaparllla
eoldbyslldruggliU. flialxforf. Preparsdoaly
by C I. UOOU CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass.
100) Dosos Ono Dollar
We will soon oommeBoa, In these column,
f-a publication of the
Great Composite Novel,
flis Fleeting Ideal,
The Joint Work of
MAR y. e astl ake,
Bach chapter by a different writer, and the
Illustrations in each by a dlfforent artist.
It is the Literary Sensation of
- '(mBlmMK fa ill
Fall of 1890!
Kid Giove Department.
We respectfully call your attention to our Glove Depart
ment for the coining season, with a view to making this De
partment the most complete of its kind. We have added
several new makes, including a
Fosters, Alexandre, Couvoisier
and other staple brands which makes this stock the Largest
and Most Attractive ever shown bv us. Wn nm irivimr
prices which should command the attention of all wearers of
Kid Gloves.
Yours Respectfully,
. . 1 V l
This is the Season of the year when
when Competition is Close and Everybody has the
best. Then isjthe time to go direct to Headquarters.
You need a supply for the Winter and as now is the
time to buy, why not call on
and see their line and get prices. There you can get
the pure article direct from America's greatest mines
noted for their
Call up Phone 440.
JL i ajML I IV R
It surely can cnusu no (tlssenslgn
If wo take this occasion to mention:
To our bargains ho turned
Ami tho paper wns burned
Bo strongly they hold his attontlon,
Who has the Exclusive Use of Steauna's Anesthetic
No Chloroform 1 No lither I No Gas I
A Full Set of Teeth on Rubber for $5.00.
All Fillings at the Lowest Rates.
DR. H. K. KERMAN, Rooms9jo6,NBErBlock'
full line of
33 to 139 South Eleventh St.
and excellent quality.
Office 1045 O Street.
23TT -