Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 20, 1890)
I '! CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 20 1890 ft U COMFORT FOR THE FliliT! Life Made Easy lV HUYING SOMKJOI' TIIH IMS EST AND More Comfortable SHOES liver wild In Lincoln. To try them on ! to buy. These goods to bo (omul only nt Webster & Roger's 1 o.j 3 O Street. niss Alice Isaacs OMAHA, LATE WITH STERN BROS, NEW YORK LATEST NOVELTIES MILLINERY Very Low:st Prices. In the Hloro of Heyiunn A Dutches, 1518-20 Farnam Street OMAHA. ON SALE to .aXjIj Principal Points EAST, WEST, NORTH AND SOUTH -AT 1044 O STREET. E. B. SLOSSON, City Passenger Agent PHOTOGRAPHER! Flno Hunt Cabinet f3 per doson. Hoclnl rate to stuiients. full and kco our work. Studio, 1214 O Street. Open'from 10 u. in, to p. in. HiuiJny. J. S. EATON, Physician and Surgeon Office: m6S. Eleventh St. Telephones: Office 6S5. Residence 563. LINCOLN, NKtt. 'fffiai it. l'Motlco Limited to DUciues oftliu Nervous System, Heart and Blood UKKKHKNCKS. Hon. Win. Iec. Atltinuy General, llnu.T. L. Norvnl, AkKix-tiHe JuMtcc. Jones' National Itiink. hfunnl. Citizens' National llauK l raen. orncKt ibb o Htn-ct, Lincoln, nkii. i,iiicor.N ftta: AXD UOTITVTK Ot MkHAXtllir, ftbotfband. ml Tyiewrlclnj.U the brt ml Untwt jrw. KlulenU prepared lor bujliiou I "'"'ii l moolbs. Kxrlencl faculty """.USJ.'.Tu'in.i Kautlful lllujtratwio.ealoiftw.collw J"""ial. na ."Miliums of ru.-iuuMlil, eut fnw hy wUmnlnil UIJJUUIDOK A IIOOSK, Llnooln, Neb. Tickets 4BPya&c V. Y&M(uy-tiJLz'&6f X74 f fl && cgaiGfflQfi LOCAL AND PKKSONAL, .1. (. Hhea of Otnnlin, l In the. city .1. I. Davenport In. it I'oit Dodge, In. I II. Ilaxtcr Is In Missouri this week. C. A. I.nncaiter has gone to Denver. Mr. II. H, Htoncr I id JolinMown, I'm. Ilnv. W. J. Marsh Is in Wichita, Kansas. J. (I. Hnukln has gone lo Leotonla, Ohio. L. E. ltegnler linn returned from llentrlce. 0. W. Knley was In Kansas City this week. V. II. ClcHHlrlch In vNltlitK nt I)unlli k,N. V. M. V. It. Towner bus gone t0 lUrhmoud, Iml. ,C. K. Most departed for I'uebto,G'olTliur. tiny. J. I). Illako !(t for MompliN, Teuti , Mon ilny. Mm. II. II. WHhoii left for Colorado Tluira day. Mrs, George Hherrer ha gone to Albion, N. Y. Mrs. Prank Hherwlu left Thursday for IIIU nols. Robert Muh' was u Chicago visitor this eek. P. M. WootM wasn Pes Moines visitor thin w itk . Ro. J. H. Edwards hn returned from Bull Inkt. Mln Jcsslu Lauder left Tiutilny for KMorn, Ion n, 0. V. Welmtor Iim lii'on ill for tho pint ton iliiyn. Mr. mill Mrn. 11. Hoivluttu nro In HL I'ntil, Minn. Mm. J. 1. Itflmiil of York, In vl.ltltiR Min. Mono. MUt (Irncu Orlllltli lm roMmictl from Col ormlo. Mint Laura Himtvrilny It vlnltluK frleiuls in Omiilin. MlfJnimConpy loft Tuovlny for (Inlona, IlllnolK. MIm Jvnulo Ciirlliou I mi koiiu to Tupekn, ICnmn2 C. Miller wim 11 pniuii);ei' for Cliloao, Momlny, John Lljjlit ilvpnrteil for Ylctorln, II. C, Momlny. Dr. J. II. HiiKgnnl ilepnrtotl for Atchlion Momlny. Mr. nml Mr. II. Yiuulerpool linvo gono to CIiIchko. Tlionmi Prlco loft Tliurwlny for l'ortlniul, Oregon. Y. A.diHirBoilepnrtoilTuovlny for Heleim, Moutnim. John Ullitinu Ntnrteil for Qimntkli, Toxin, Thunulny. Al i:. Kwnu itnrtotl for Hot Springs, Ark., Tliumlny. U. 1. Kell ilopnrtoil for Heleim, Mont., Tliurwlny. L. J. Ilyerit nml wife nro ilglitiioeiug in Colormlo. Mm. I?. A. Vim Ilruut I vbttlng In Al bnuy.N. Y. Mm. P. K. Ongo lint roturuM from Hnrt fonl, Conn. Mm. J. W. 81m rp loft Tuoiday tor lw ilenn, Col. Plenum Drnko of Oinnlin, m In tho city thin week. Miix Kmmn Nelson left Tue.ilny for Ta roinn, U'nnh. Mr. C. II. Holmes li njriously ill with ty phoid fover, Y. J. Homton Is upending n Mhort vicntlou in Colormlo. The Onmlm exposition opens Sept. -J nml clou's Oct. ia. Tho Centrnl Liw college of this city will opoii Sept. St, Mm. T. C, Miniver left for Clir PnlU, Iowa, TuojJny. Mr. nml Mn. A. T. Hndll left Thursday for Olrnnl, l'n. Mr. and Mm. O. M, PnrrUluft Weduostlay for Keeler, Ctil. Mr. and Mm. R. II. Townloy nro visiting in Now York City. Mrs. J. D. Schraeder mid son have gono to St. Paul., Minn. Mm. K. 11. Paddock aud sister loft for Illl nols Wednesday, Miss Kvn Pry of Uloomington, III., Is visit. 'ng tho Misses Hill. Mr. and Mm. J. H. Wells deivirtotl Mondny for Oknln, Ploridn. Mrs. W. 8 GarKr has returneil from n visit nt Ked Cloud. C. I). Trnphageu Is spending n two weeks vacation in tho east. Dr. Chirles P. Ooodell departed ThiiMday for Wnshltigton, D. C. Mr. and Mr. M. A. Martin started for Al bany, N Y., Tuesday. - H. W, Kelley has returned to Lincoln nftor nearly a years' absence. Prod Howo and Prank Hathaway were Omnha visitors Tuesday. Arthur Hamilton was a passenger for To pekn, Kansas, ThurMlay. Mrs. I. J. Starbuck was a passenger for Salt Ijiko City, Thursday. Miss Vinnlo Punley of Atchison, Nob., is visiting friends 111 this city. How H. A. (luild and daughter Otorgio have returned from Denver. W. A. Selleck U entertaining Mr. and Mm. A. Selleck of Owatonua, Minn. llov, K. A. Hell was n Chicago passenger on tlio uurllugton Wednesday, alentlno Welller and SnniuelHiohmnnde parted forOuelph, Out,, Monday. Mm. A. Halter and her cousin Miss Nellie McCabo left for Denver Tuesday, Hev. I). Spethor of Dakota City, Is tho guest of Hev. Luther P. Ludden, J. 8. Warwick was called to Linneus, Mo., Sunday by tho illness of his father. Mm. Jamos He.tton and Mrs. Alien Wil liams left Monday forTopeka, Kan, Miss Anno Punku returned Wednesday from a short visit with relatlvesiu Omaha. Mr. and Mm. N, Haydeu of Mt. Vernon, lown, nro the guests of J, A. Haydeu, Miss Ella Viggen of Omaha, visited nt tho residence of Major Itoliannn this week, MisiT, A Maun entertained Mist Mary uuiimm or ureenviiie, ra mis week. The oratorio society has commenceit re hearsing for tho annual winter's recital. Mm. Dr, Cooke ontortaluetl Jamos llrackin and mother of Uroonvltle, Pa., this wook. Mayor Sfiwyer has been entoitiilnlng John K. Young, nn attorney of Exeter, N. H. P. II. htrnub loft Thiinilny for Potosl, Wis., whern ho will wed MImLpim U'yckendnlil. Por Engriiviil or Printed Wedding Invito tlom always call on tho Wessel Printing Co. Miss Eiuiiin HUcr and A J. Hlior of Otta wa, III,, hnvolieon visiting Col, K, H. SUer. Miss Lou M. Taltof lleatrlco, who has boon visiting in this city returned home Tuonlay. K. E. Ilennrtt was calltxl to Oshkosh, Wis., Thursday by tho sudden death of his father. Mr. nnd Mrs. II, H. Domorest nro filter tabling MNs Urnco Htonoof Itocliuitor, N. Y. Addltlonnl local nnd Hrsonal pagu h. Well, Sarah, what Imvn joii been doing to umka you look so young f Oh, nothing lunch, only boon using Hall's liulr Itenower to n store tho color of my Inlr. Two Nominee ftir livernor. Hon, E. II Wlniius, whom Dm Demo crats have nominated for Kovurnor of Michigan, Isu fanner. IllsDuiuocrutlcop ponuut, Mr, Turner, is ulso 11 fnrmur; so Is tho Prohibition candidate; llkowUu the Union Inbor party man. Hut of nil these .Mr. WltiatmUthu luosttlioroiighlyu ( runner. Huinny Ihi seen any day with Ids overalls rolled to tho top of his old boots busy at hoiiio agri cultural w o r k Ho hiw Kerved two tonus In congress. Ho was bom In New York Mnto ill -- yoaro ago, moved to Mlcliluau 1 11 Itmiind wiwoilu- K- wiXANB. crttod In the illstrlct schools nml nt Albion college Ho had tho gold fuvcrln 18.V), and went to California in n wagon. Ho mined for eight yearn, returned nnd bought 11 farm near tho little, town of Hamburg, and lias lived tliur uver hIiico. Ho sides his ftmrycnm nt Washington ho was two terma in the statu legislat ure, nnd Iiiim liven Judge of probate. In Delawnru tho Ileptibllcau nomi nee for governor Is HnrtyA. Hichnnl son, tho youngest man upon whom Mich mi honor has ever been 0 o nl- HAItltV A. ItlCIIAItllSO.V. ferreil by either party of tho llttlo common wealth, Ho Is n nntlvo of Camden, Del., and was Iwrn U7 years ago. The present Is his flnt appearance In tho political nreua. Ho Is In business with his father at Dover, and has the reputation of being wenlthy. Cnllectlug Isliiin Lit vi ut ore. At Tashkent!, u city of Asiatic Husslu, Is to bo found probably tho largest collection of Islam llteraturo in tho world. It owes Its existence to Gen. von Kaufman, who Instituted n search, immediately nftor tho battle of Sainnrcaud, for tho library of Tiimerlauo, often referred to in Persian and Arabian writings. No triutiof this ancient collection could lie found, but partly by persuasion and partly by force he acquired many valuable and rare books from tint priests ami learned men. These formed tho nucleus of tho present library, which, after the compiest of China, was greatly enriched by liiniimeruble costly volumes secured iitthosncklngof tho palace of Chan Mahommeil liachlm. A large number of theological works, the property of Chan ou Kokand, werenlso bent to Tashkent!. A Young University rreslilent. The new president of tho Northwestern university nt Evaiiston, Ills., Henry Wad llogom, Is only 37 years of age, but has al ready acquired 11 wide reputation for schol UMhlp. He Is 11 lawyer by profession, nnd iu religion 11 Methodist. Ills birth plaoe was HiilTalo, N. Y. His parents, WntU by numc, dlod whllo ho was ah Infant, and he be came the adopted son of Mr. Hogen, a wealthy philan thropist, who gave him every educa tional advantage. Ho was graduat ed from Ann Ar- IIEXIIY WADE ItCKllXS. hor unvt;r!)lty , 1874 and from the law school of the same Institution two years later. He practiced at H11IT11I0 aud St. Louht until t8S4, when ho ww chosen to succeed Judge Thomas Coolty as head of tho legal department whertlu he had formerly been a pupil. IU renin, tied at Ami Arbor until elected pres ident of the Northwojtcrti university. Tho Lincoln Steam Inuudry having re cently changed hands and undergone many Improvements Is now better than ever pre pared to executo work In tho very Iwst man ner, promptly nnd nt jiopular prices. Mr. A. W. Day tho now proprietor has adopted n new and Improved process for washing nnd handling garments, by which no blench'ng or Injurious materials are used; tho finest fabrics such as silks, laces, tlouuces, flannels or cotton goods are lnundrled in lint class manner, without the lentdamngp. Ono trial will convince the most skeptical that tho Lin coln Steam Laundry does tho finest work m tho city. All goods called for and delivered. Telepliono fl'-i. The success of Mm. Annie. 51. Itenm of Mc Keesport, Pennsylvania, In the treatment of diarrhoea In her children will undoubtedly be of Interest to man' mothers. Shomys; "I spout several weoka in Johnstown, Pa , after the great flood on account of my husband be ing employed there. We had several children with us, two of whom took the dlnrrhtrn very badly. I got some of Chamberlain's colic, cholera aud iliarrlnea remedy from Hev, Mr, Chnpmau, It cured both of them. I know of several other cases whore it was cquully successful, I think It cannot Ihj excelled aud cheerfully .'ecommend It " 25 and 60 cent bottles for Mile by A,L. Shader, "Want" Ads for the Journal, In order to serve tho convenience of Its patrons who may wish to usa tho "want" col umns of tho .oiirntif the oumcit olllco will receive such advertisements at the regular rates and transmit them totli.ouniif. Wedding ralo boxes, all styles, Wessel Printing Co. ' Novelties In Wedding Cake boxes t Irty ilitfereut Minjies at Wessel Printing Co. All the latest sheet music, now stock, aU urancers Alt aimlo store, 'JI'J south Kleenth street, Oysters In every stylo at liroiwi's. tAVPH.i?Ct- 1M .V.l rl STRICKEN DOWN ON THE 8TEtr, Tim fliiililen Numinous Thwt Oiimn ta luilgo Nnyw, of Ohio. It was Just after tho closo of court nt Cincinnati the other day flint Judgo Ed ward Pollansbee Noyes met 11 friend nnd condoled with him on tho loss of ono they both loved as 11 brother. Saltl tho Jttdgei "Tho ways of Provldcnco nro mysterious ami past our finding out. Wo must abide by them. Prom them there Is no appeal. Hut It does sometimes scorn tluit death al ways takes thosowo learn by contact to vnluo nnd lovo the most highly." Not live minute later Judge Noyes fell a corpse upon tho street, stricken down by apoplexy at tho ago of 68. He was n nntlvo of East Haverhill, Mass., and 11 gratluntoot Dartmouth. In lt9 ho began the practice of law at Cincinnati, When the civil war begun ho abandoned the office for the field, nml while acting colonel of the Thirty- J. II. HAVI.lMt IITIUIP MflVL'a ninth Ohio regiment lost a leg In battle. Recover! Iitr from lilu ivniiml lw. t-imnrlnil nn crutches for duty, and was made a briga dier general nml assigned to the command of Camp Deutilsoti. Iutor ho left tho army to assume olllco as city solicitor of Cincinnati. Then tho people imiile Mm probate Judge, ami hi 1871 ho wna elected governor of Ohio. At tho end of his term be accepted u rciiomluntlon, but was de feated at the polls. When Mr. Ilnycs se cured the presidency he made Mr. Noyes, who hail been ono of his most nctlvo sup porters, minister to Prance. At tho ex piration of his term ho returned to Cincin nati anil resumed tliniirirtlriwif lnv Ttvr. years ago he was elected superior court Judge, nnd occupied that place lit the time of his death. Ho leaves a widow nnd sou. Uovernor Campbell hasappuliited Mr. J. Ithlner Sayler to succeed Mr. Noyes on the bench. BELLAMY'S PUBLIC UMBRELLA. A Theorist's Idea Put to n Pmrtlcal Test In Lnglitml. Those who have read Ilellamy's "look ing Hackward" will recollect that onool the Ideas advanced In that rcmarkablo book has to tin with "public umbrellas," other wise covered footwajs In public thorough fares. A new street Its Hrlxtou, Eiiglaud. - 'd,f I' .Un'n rtfli'rlm"1--'--:T?' VI KW OK IIHIXTON'8 COVKKEII bTIIKI'.T. Is iK'Ing constructed nccordlng to the Del Limy plan. It starts from the principal thoroughfare nnd curves around toward the station. The roadway Is broad, and the covered pavement on each side Is ten feet wide. Light iron pillars support 11 glazed roof, from which nro suspended numerous gas lamps. When It Is finished tho cov civil way will, It is said, be 11 well lighted promenade, open to tho fresh air and ut the same tlmo thoroughly protected from storms and heat. Authors Hint Critics ut Otitis. The critics those gentlemen who Hit In Judgment 011 tho productions of authors have been of Into impaled by the pens of two well known writers one British and ono American. "All current criticism," says the first, " is falsely principled and conditioned In evil;" but If anonymous It Is usually "savage ami dishonest," The other asserts in satirical vein. "The critic can really produco good work on subjects of little or no Importance, but ho should not meddle with fiction of a high order." Says The London News: "It Is Impossible to avoid the suspicion that both these au thors, though old enough to know better, have yielded to tho temptation of reading some unfavorable reviews of their own books, ami they arc naturally incensed that the mask of the anonymous prevents them from Identifying tho writers and tearing them limb from limb. One critic has 'gone for' them and shown himself also to lie muster of language. Another has confined himself to satire. The most amusing sentence he has written Is, however, where the drollery is undesigned. 'You say,' he writes, 'that you authors have never profited by our ob servations. Perhaps not. Hut there are other people to be considered In this mut ter. An author may be Incorrigible, but the public taste may be corrected.' An In stantaiieous photograph of a reviewer In the act (and with the motive) of correcting public taste would be invaluable, aud should lie secured at any price by the National Portrait gullet y." Lml of mi Artlitle Career. The well known artist Henry F Spread who died recently at Chicago iu the V.nU year of hN age. was best kuovru its a por trait painter, hut h a tl d o 11 e work o(imlly mcrltorl oils In other tllreu tlons, his "First Dream of Love' and "Sail News' being ta 11 vases that have gained jj5aplrsl OTSsj thopralsoofcrlcicn IrvlYlir n! "t" ,h"' coiiuo1soum ?' ? '7l n Mr Spread was born at London and educated at Trinltx college. IIKNItY r. SI'ltKAD Dublin After graduating he became a -tiitleut of drawing nt the South Keuslng ton museum He ut Hist devoted his tal cuts to water colors, but later on took up work lit oil, ut which he made his chief success.' He traveled extensively, and In 1871 became a resident of Chicago. He leaves a wife ami five children well pro vided for The "National Tonsorlnl Parlor com pany" Is the latest novelty In the way of trusts It has been Incorporated at Chi .ago, ,'itid Is to include barber shops in the furious cities cf thi United Stutiu r3-L i- Siv J" ""IWl-- ,1 "..TV .. j.. 1'SjlSsvT. 1 I 1 YOU WILL LADIES' TDRN SHOES KT $3.50, EXTRH !kZPO-liZE AND GOOD ED. (St. TATE 1129 O STREET. jli A Stylish Carriages and Buggies, At all Hours Day or Night. tST Hones Hoarded and best of care taken of nil Slock entrusted to us. JEJ PRICES REASONABLE. BILLMEYER & CO. Proprietors. Call and Soo Us. Tolophono 435 liHIlllHiisHIHfcf s.Si llllimDmBBir IN t BW SHUilHWiBHi i iv inmuiaflnBiii u waii "ffiHIMnlDHIsHi 1 A. M. DAVIS & SON, Fall and Winter Carpets and Draperies, 1112 0 St Telephone 219. H. W. BROWN DRUGGSITWBOOKSELLER t The Choicest line of Perfumes. D. M. Ferrys Finest Flower 51110' Garden Seeds. 127 South Eleventh street. ir)r tlje pcroijal Bupcruljioi) aod iuIII b year, tleltorj will fiijd THE ORLEHNS Is fret class li) all of Its appointments. bcli? well supplied uiitij 5. Ijot and cold water batiks, clctria bells and all modern Improuaentj. steam lauodry. billiard I)all6, bowling alley, eta., and po$ltluly free from annoyance by rr)0Eqult06. Round Trip Excursion Tickets olll b placed on sal at ti ommccmt of t tourist season by t Burlington, cdar Rapids &. (ortcro Railway a 134 all conne(tinf lines, at low rates, to tijc following points in Iowa and T)lnnesota Spirit te, Iowa; filbert (ea, Uaterullle, Ilnncapolls. St. paul, c Tllnnetonia, Uijitc Bar Lac and Duluth. fTlonesoK), lear lc, Iowa; l?Kc 5Jpcrior points; Yellowstone par( points and points In Colorado. XIrlK f" "A Midsummer PARAOiac," to tfce general Jiolet aijd passenger ftent. Cedar Iaplds. Iowa, agd, fejjjl IJitcs to H. L. Lcland, Spirit iKc Iowa; C. J. 1UES, prtt. 9d Ct f- J. E. HnNNECKN, Ctl'MO W P. p(L HIND MY FITTERS. Finest in the City THE NEW Palace Stables M St, opp. Masonic Temple Nebraska's Leading. Hotel. THE MURRAY Cor, 11th and Jlnrney Bts,, III OI.XEV. STOCD. STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS All Modern Improvement nnd Conveniences. B..8ILL0WAY, PtoTiotor. IRA HIQBY, Principal Clerk. open for t rcccptlof) of eucits Juw first lo each A -V s-i