Saturday Evening, Sept. 13, MJ0
Corner I Oth and P Streets.
Dress Goods and Silks
II, It. NlNHI.l'.V !0.
'Tlic Courier" I'nr fiwlr In Oniiilui.
Copies may lie found nt Keith's nowsstnnd,
810 South Fifteenth street, Boyd's 0ern house
On mul niter September ml. we will
Imuc no more premium tickets. How
ever the picmlum department will remain
lor tome time nnil we win rcocem mi om
standing ticket. In nliout ten days we
will have new linen o( silverware nnil
other goods, making the premium depart
ment more nttrnctlvc thnn ever before.
Ab wc nre receiving large Invoice of
fall goods dally, wc advise nil to purchase
goods while wc nre giving ticket between
now mul Sept. i.
IlKitroumiiiMKit & Co.
The Courier Cnu lit) Found At
Windsor Hotol Now Htnnil.
Capital Hotol Now Htnml.
Kxnonltlou Dining Hnll Now Htnml., ,
The (iotlinm Now Stand, 118 Houth Utli HI.
lUtrt Uumior, III North Mill Hired.
Kit. Young. MWO O Hlri'ot.
Little Hort Ulnar Htoro, 113 North 12th Ht.
Tlio lloiul, corner Pith mul H streets.
Wcstornolil's UnrlKir Hhon, liurr lllook.
An oxtrn supply of papers I always loft
at tlio aotlinm, In caso other NowsitoalorK
uppllo run short.
y (m vk
Fall Styles, Dunlap Hats
1137 O STREET.
The Couiukh will not be responsible for
any debts modo by any ono In Its nnmo, un
esa a written order aoco mimnles tho same,
Local nnil Personal.
Whitebrcost Coal and LI mo Company.
Take Turkish at 1010 O street.
Oysters in nil style at Drown'.
Brown's for oyster In all stylo.
Ruth M. Wood, M. D 1330 P street.
Telephono at tho Couiukh oflloo Is 25:),
Sunday dinner at Browns, only 25 cents,
Lincoln Ice- Co., ltMO O St. Telephone 118.
Mineral water used Cor bathing, 1010 O nt.
Try Brown's Sunday dinners, only 25 cts.
Canon City Coal at tho Whltebreast
Coal and Limo Co.
Doctors Bailey & Goodell, olllce 1347 L
street. Telephone, 017.
Only place in Lincoln that uses mineral
water In baths Is at 1010 O street.
Improvedshowor for Turkish ttoths nt 1011
O street, basement Union block.
All tho latest sheet music, new stock, nt
Orancer's Art Music store, 212 south Eleventh
Prompt sorvlco, puro nnd wholesome food
and the bolt of everything la nlways found nt
Don Cameron's.
Dr, C. B. Manning, oillco rooms 00 07-Og
Burr block. Telephone 830, Residence Cor.
20th and P. Telephone 330.
Ladies will And a complete lino of tlno shoes
and all the latest styles nt the proper prices nt
Sherwln's Boston Shoo Store.
J. II. O'Neill, flno plumbing, hot wntur nnd
tUam heating, flnb gas fixtures and globe.
You can buy all grades of garden hoso very
Try a dinner at Cameron's Lunch and Shot t
Order house. Served dally from 11:30 a. in.
till 2. p. m. Everything fine and juicy and
cooked in a homo-like manner.
No such Ice cream aud ices as thorn found
at tPoehlers are to be found elsewhere In
the city. His now parlors In the McBrldo
block are the finest In the city,
Poohler makes a specialty of serving ice
cream and Ices for picnics, parties, weddings,
etc. Orders taken by telephone 457 or at tho
ofilce in tho McBride block,12th and P streets
H. P. Shorwln, 1124 O street, lias a present
for every ono of bis customers that cannot
fall to be appreciated. Ho will give to every
customer a flno crayon picture made from
any photo that Is desired and It will not cost
you a cent' Call In at his drug and shoo
store and see how it is done. 1 124 O street.
Buuuku Complaint. A druggist at Brltt,
Hancock county, Iowa, relates his experience
with this disease as follows: During the
summer of 1682 my Uttlo girl, two years of
of age, was taken seriously ill with summer
complaint, so common to children of that age,
ana after being treated oy a puysician auu
getting no better I took from my shelves a
bottle of Chamberlain's colic, cholera nnd
diarrhoea reinndy. She felt relieved after the
first dote and In three days was entirely well,
Aucx, Mom.
It I a matter of general rogict thai tho de
mand of hutlncM have mndn it necessary for
Mr. and Mr. O. T, llrowu to ivmovo to
Omaha. Fow pcoplo In Lincoln have n larger
circle of friend than hnvo Mr. nnd Mr,
llrowu, mid hut fow home Imvo been n
luMpltnlilo n their'. They not only entei
tnlned a great deal, but well, ntid tho mem
ory of good time In the homo on tlio hill will
long linger with score of cur young eopli
Their departure will leave a plncu In Lincoln
society that will Im linrd to (111. Mr. llrowu
ha for tho pint year spent u largo part of hi
time In tho metroKill. Their rraldewn hero
ha already Ix-cn rented and Mr. Brown ex
pect to Join her husband In their new homo
In tho course of n couple of week, after a
short visit with Lincoln friend nnd relative.
Monday evening n party of young people
who have liecn chneriifd by Mr. Brown n
number of time thU summer, chartered En
sign' baud wiiguu, to make a fiiruwoll call,
and were entertained In the usual hnppy
manner, Tlio floor were canvassed making
dancing specially agreeable, aud this with
card, music, rclrnslinienl, etc., comprised
tho evening' enjoyment, Mr. nnd Mr.
Brown wcro ablated In receiving by Mr.
Charles Chapman nnil Ml Brown. Those
prcHcnt werot MImcs Carrie Wnsiuer of
Urnnd Inland, Hello babln of Dcatrlce,Ueorglu
llnwkn of Nebraska City, Mlnnlo Latta, Olivo
Uttn, Maud Stobhs, Margnrot Balrd, lues:
Dorrtf, Sndlo Becker, Maud Burr, Bertie
Burr, Nellie White, Lllllo Hathaway, and
Nettle Wharton. Messrs. Ht. John, H.J.
Hall, Charle Hnll, 1' rank Zehrung, Clinrle
Burr, I'Yank Burr, Mnrkll.Tllton.Dr. Lndd.
Charle Alger, Ocorgu Korsemnn, Krnnk Polk,
u. k. Montgomery, will llnnly, Will Clark,
ur. Hoove ana Kilwnnl Becker. Mr. ami
Mr. Brown onve n farewell rvcentlou IiihL
evening which wn very largely nltended.
A lnrge nuniher of young noonlo Knthered
at Hnrdy & Pitcher' storo Thursday ovenlng
to witness tlio trnile display nnd were made
welcome by Will Hardy mid hi ulster, Miss
Corn. Among IIiomi present were Misses
Uertlo Kleiner, Peck, Cowdery, Brock, Haw
ley, Wilcox of Nebraska City, Hawko of Ne
braska City, Donne of Omaha, Price of Chi
ciigo, Anno Funke, Clarn Walsh, Maud Burr,
Anna Bnrr, Nolllo White, Cnrrlo Wnsmor of
Urnud Islnud, Mnudo Smith, Minnie lattn,
Olive Latta, Cnrrlo Allen. Messrs. John
Dorgnn, J. B. Cunningham, Frnuk Zehrung,
Piatt of (Irnnd Iilnnd, Mnlcom McKlnnoii,
Dr. Indd, Dr. Heaves, Oncnr Funke, Clmrltw
Hall, W. K. Clarko, Ht. John, Knmk Hatha
way, Frank Burr, Chnrlt Burr, 11. 8. Mc
intosh, (leo. Porcstimu, C. E. Montgomery,
O, W. Oerwlg, Donne nnd Touznlln of Oma
ha, Mr, aud Mm, C. A. Hardy of Dnllos,
Miss Anna Burr wns given a charming sur
prise party Inst ovenlng by a number of
friends who enme provided with refresh
ments nnd other cmmtlnls for n good time.
Tho following were present; Misses Clara
Walsh, Anno Funk, Cnrrlo Allen, Utn
ovlovo Well, of Cincinnati ; Mnudo Smith,
Corn Hardy, Mlnnlo Lnttn, Olive Lutto,
Qeorglo Hnwko, of Nebruskn City; McMrs,
Frank Zehrung, Will Hardy, John Dorgnn,
j, ii. utmmngunm, Ainicom aicKlunoii, U.
W. II. Uerwlg, Mr, nnd Mrs. A. P..
The Pill Delta Thctn Ixiy, of tho Htnto
university, invited a fow of their friends to
witness the trades dliplay of Thursday even
ing from tho windows of their fraternity hall
in Htnto block. Tho following were present i
Prof, and Mrs. Stovous of Button, Misses
Hammond, Vic Mlllan, Kkldiuoro, Hnolllug,
lllghtor, Smith and Underwood. Messrs.
Gerwlg, Taylor, Talt of Beatrice, Evnns nnd
Jones of Itncine, Wis., Edniistou, Hlghter,
Haggard aud Hardy.
Uoscoe Barnes, who hns been the treasurer
of U rant county for a year past, nMlved In
th city Wednesday. Mr. Barnes has ac
cepted tho position of assistant toaclier in
tho mathematical department of tho Wes
leynn university, nnd will enter upon his
duties nt once. Ho was accompanied to
Lincoln by his mother,
Mis Corn Hardy returned Wednesday
from n plcntant Miinuier tour.
A good ntteiidnncoof Oninlinns I promised
for the Ouinhii'Llncolu serle.
M, I. Altkrn nnd Mlsi (Urtiudo Altkcn
have returned from the east.
J V. HehardofYork, formerly of till city,
attended the fair Thursday.
I). E. Thomas, of I-acoii, 111., I visiting
his sou, Fled Tlioiun.
A largo mrt of tho weekly social gossip will
be found on page two.
Mr. W. O. (Ilhl Im gono to llornells
vlllo.N.Y. Arthur II, Bmuitend lin gone to Pucbl.),
Joseph Mallnlleu of lvnuwis visited Lincoln
this week.
B. H. Llttlelleld of Omnhn, was In the city
J, A. Llpplncott went to Weeping Wnter
(, M. LamlHirtsnn Im returned from Ht.
C. C. Barm started for Bushuell,III.,Mou
Mis Anno Punka spent Hundny in Omaha,
K. llenka left for Well. Minn., Thurwlny.
Mr. John Hewitt leftTui-nlay for Chicago.
Joseph Henry Im gono to Victoria, II, C.
O. C. linker went to Denver Sunday.
II. A, Uulld left Monday for Denver.
It. C. Boutloy hns gouu to Chicago.
If ever Corn Tnnner sighed for a piece in
which she should have, a grent central, nil
absorbing part, she ought to bo thankful
now, for, as Judith Orme In Edward E.
Kidder's drainn, "Ono Error," sho I the
centre nnd nxlo of a play nroimd which nil
tho other characters humbly revolve. More
over, Jwllth U in overy resjiect a very re
markable creatine. She coquet with nnd
Jilt tho man sho loves; she marries (mother
man for spile, become n widow with coin
plncency, nnd I nbout to marry a third man
when sho I recalled to herself by tho sight of
n letter. Hho hns a narrow escnpo from be-
lug murdered by a maniac, sho tries tho
height and depth of wKlountonudnlnrmlng
vicissitude, and through all Mis Tanner acts
with spirit, vigor and vlfect, finding time,
with frequent changes, to wear a liewlldering
array of Follx drewes.
Miss Tanner is supjiorted by a company,
including Minnie Dupreo, Ada Dwyer, Lulu
Klein. Harold Hussell, Myron Calico, Ooorgo
H. Edenon, Harry Moicdith, Owen Westfonl,
Theo. M. Brown nnd Oeorgo M. Windsor.
Thero I n largo coinlo element in the piece,
nnd In tills element Oconto Edison disports
with gladsome glee. The phy Is well pro
duced In nil rcsicct, nnd will servo well for
Miss Tanner's coming tour. Her )iersonntion
of the woman who, to gratify her whim, lie
comes poor so as to bo loved for herself
nloue, will uttrnct many admirers; and the
misfortunes of this personage nro thrown
into IkiIiI relief on tho dnrk back -ground of
depravity incredible ns oxpressed In tho
actions of tho villain of tho piece. HoUsnci
an utter vlllnlut He has not one spark of
liumnulty nbout him, though at the samo
time lie is a genteel socloty villain, aud evi
dently possesses tho power of fascinating tho
opiKwlto sex.
Cora Tnnner Is booked ror tlio kuiiko in
"Ono Error."
And Oilier l.uko Nunrliir Point.
The traveling public tuny not be aware
that tho B, it M. make tho run between Lin
coln mid iKilnta (in Lnko Superior several
hour quicker thnn any other line, our rate
are the lowest nnd tho services tho best.
Mnke Inquiry nt Union depot or city olllce,
comer 0 nnd Tenth streets, before deciding
on your route. It' to your Interest to do so.
A. 0. Zlemer, C. P.&T. A.
TIit Is ii Tide In tlio Afrnlr ,
Wlilrli Tnkim nt Its Flood reads
mi In fortune."
And this tide is tho tide of immigration
which Is now strongly Retting In toward
tho upper southern states, Mnrylmid, West
Virginia and fnr-fnmcd and fertile Bheimn
donh valley. Till region ha unsurasted
advantages for tlio farmer, tho stock-raiser,
tho dairyman nnd tho manufacturer. Hero
are found tho richest veins of tho best coal
nnd Iron ore, and nu abundance of tho finest
timber, suitable for mnnufnctmiug purKms
with splendid wntcr power In huudred of
place. Tho soil I productlvo nnd nil the
cereal and vegetables known to tho tenqier
ate rono yield abundantly. Hero Is also tho
fruit aud wluo belt. Tho climate I delight
ful, nnd vital statistics show It to bo one of
tho healthiest regions In tho world, springs
of pure, wnter nnd ' running streams abound.
Lands nro chenp and convenient to mat ket.
To tho homo seeker or persons seeking profit
nltlo investments this ronton cannot fall to bo
attractive. Como nnd look it over, nnd you
cannot fall to seo tho many advantages pre
sented. For further information call on or n U
dress, M. V, KtcilAiiDH,
Land nnd Immigration Agent,
II. & 0. 11. H. Baltimore, Md.
Tons of merchandise of various kind were
carried nwny from Ixiulo Meyer fc Co.'s
storo this week by state fnlr visitors anil oth
ers, who wnnt n good article nt a fnlr price.
But their Immense stock of new goods for the
fall aud winter trade did not suffer in the
lonst. Tlio store is overflowing with every
thing new and fresh in tho dry goods line.aud
In groceries, etc., one of the largest and beta
assortment In the city Is carried. Hieclal
preparations havo been mndo for the present
season's trnilo by Mr. Meyer who sjient sev
eral weeks in New York nnd the east pur
chasing goods. He secured nil tho lntest novo
cities nr.d the shelves are now loaded with
tho freshest eastern p'oiucts. Everything
reliable aud nt the very lowest price. Call on
Iiulo Meyer & Co. for anything in the way
of general merchandise.
Huudro s of iieople wero given a pleasant
reception this wo.'k by Brlsco tho Hhoo Man,
In Ills handsome storo In tho Exposition, and
lmudreiUof pair of shoes were sold. Most
people know n good thing when they see It,
nnd Briscoe's shoes havo only to bo seen to
lie appreciated and purchased. Cold
weather will soon be hero and you will want
n good comfortable shoe, something that will
lie suitable to tho rough weather ami ;at tho
samotlmo neat and stylish. If this is what you
want if you wnnt something that will suit
tho eye and lit tho foot, call on Briscoe.
Stylo and durlhlllty nro comblnnd In hi
stocknud lie guarantees satisfaction. His stock
of fall and winter wear is the most complete
In tho city. Drop m and look it over. Ho
member It 1 very Important to havo u good
Fall of 1890!
Kid Glove Department. .
Wc respectfully call your attention to our Glove Depart
ment for the coming season, with a view to making this De
partment the most complete of its kind. Wc have added
several new makes, including a full line of
Fosters, Alexandre, Couvoisier
and other staple brands which makes this stock the Largest
and Most Attractive ever shown by us. Wc arc giving
prices which should command the attention of all wearers of
Kid Gloves. '
Yours Respectfully, ".
33 lo 139 South Eleventh St.
Guns and Loaded Shells,
Cutlery, Shears and Scissors,
Mr. nnd Mrs. Elmer E. Honklo urrlved in
the city from their bridal tour yesterday, nc
coui)anleil from Olympic, Wasli., by Mrs.
L. C. Burr aud daughter. Tho newly mar
ried couple will bo "at home" at Twontysseo-
ond and Washington streets.
Tlio Yorko club expects to ro-orgiinUo In a
few days and prospects are that it will bo
more successful than ever. Its parties last
season were among the most enjoyable held
in Lincoln and continued Interest is tielng
felt among Its members for tho coming sea-
Mr. and Mrs. Wnlter B. Hargrove have
been entertaining MIm Bosslo Tatum, of
Omaha, and Mr. aud Mrs. W. C. Smltti, of
Kokomo, ImK during tlio fair. Mr. Smith
is one of tho most extensive hardware manu
facturers In the naturul gas region,
A number of friends were ploasently en.
tallied by Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Orcor, of
Twenty-fourth and Q streets, Wednesday
evening, in honor of Miss Nannie Robertson,
of Broken Bow. High (Ivu and dancing were
tho amusements of tho evening.
Miss Cora Outcalt returned from a
month's visit in tho east Monday, leaving
again for Denver in the evening to visit her
mother, who met with a painful accident a
couple of weeks ago. Sho returned from
Denver Thursday,;
Mr, and Mrs. T. J. Hltto havo bean en
tertalnlng Dr. James O. Cox , of Humbolt,
Neb., and L. Foster Hitte, this week. Dr.
Cox is ttie father of Ham U. Cox or the
A. Hallor, Mr, Linlnger's son-in-law, a well
known member of Omaha society, had charge
of Llninger & Metcalt's exhibit at tho fair.
Ex-Oovernor aud Miss LnPce, of Iowa,
wero ifi tho city this week mm visited Mrs.
Stephen L. Love, thelr'doJhter.
A. J, Vaughn, tho celoKUed tooth powder
manor Now York, wus at the fair again this
Miss Lou M. Talt, daughter of the mayor
of Beatrice, visited relatives In this city this
Miss Zadle Hector left Thursday for Cin
cinnati to attend the conservatory of music.
Thomas Boyd, Omaha's popular amusement
manager, wus a state fair visitor this week.
Mrs. J, E. It. Miller left Thursday for
Atchison, where her father is berlously ill.
Miss Grace Osborne of Council Bluffs, Is
visiting Misses Liuie and Iua Bonnell.
Miss Mary L. Pago of Plattsmoutb, was the
guest of Mrs. T. II. Hatch, this week.
Mr. and Mrs. T. K. Stearns left Thursday
evening for Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.
Miss Eflio Leese is entertaining her friend
Miss Anna Uowland of Seward.
SellliiB Hook by Huliserlitliiu.
The method of selling books by subscription
has many advantages over any other, nnd is
daily growing in importance and popultrlt.
By this method tho attention of the purchaser
is called to valuable Ixxiks of which ho might
remain In entire Ignoranco If they wero sold
In any other way, It Is the most iffivct and
altogether the most rconoHifcui way to buy
books. Books purchased at a retail Imok
store have generally jiassed through tlio
hands ot from two to four middlemen, each
of whom must hnvo n profit.
The ltivtrside I'uhUnhing Co., St IaiuIs,
Mo., olfers profitable employment to all who
wish to engage in tho business. Exerieuce
Is not necessary, but any lady or gentleman
with Intelligence nnd industry can mako n
success of tlio worth.
Their publications are first class, just such
book asour young people aud our older peo
ple should read; books that tend to mako in
telligent men aud women; book that teach
people things that they ought to know; such
books as a splendid Family Ilibte, which is in
Itself a perfect cyclopedia of biblical knowl
edge. ltldixtth' Wtttorv of the United
States is another splendid book; n sale of over
300,000 copies sjieaks loudly in favor of its
great worth. The iVoife's Cycltintin of
Universal Knotcledye is another work that
has carved its way to a wonderful success,
100,000 copies of this splendid cyclopedia,
made and edited especially for tho masses,
Imvo been sold, and the salo is still very
They also handle tho lied Letter Life of
the Republic Stanley Explorations in Africa.
The Pioneer History of America; People's
Farm and Stock Cyclopedia; The Physical
Life of Both Sexes: Courtship, Love and
Wedlock, and History of tho Grand Army of
tho Ilepubllc.
Another splendid book, averaging at fifteen
hundred sets n mouth, Is llidpath's Cyclops
din of Universal History, a book that Is
bound to be, read by tens ot thousands of
scholars, and by those who lay no claim to
scholarship, aud who yet love a clear,
straightforward, understandable record of
tho great ovents of tho world's history. Tho
popularity ot this book is something wonder
For further jiartlculars, circulars, terms to
agents, etc., address,
Tho Illversido Publishing Co., 702 Olivo
street, St. Louis, Mo. (MO-ftm
Japanned and Granite Ironware,
Garland Stoves and Ranges
The Largest and Most Complete Stock in the City.
A generil merchandise store properly eon
ducted 1 a great convenience to purchasers.
Loulo Meyer & Co.' largo establishment nt
108 north Tenth street. Is managed with tlio
vlow of accommodating patrons, and tho
stock enrried is larco ond varied. Every
thing in dry goods, groceries, etc. In cloth
stuffs thero is a full lino of latest eastern
novelties, embracing many beautiful designs.
Tlio entire stock is now nnd fresh and every
thing is rollnble. Pntronlzo Loulo Meyer &
Co., for anything needed in tho way of gen
eral merchandise, nnd you ennuot fall to be
satisfied. A big stock, fresh goods, and
cheap prices nro their drawing cards, and
hey draw well. Peoploapprcclnto reliability
and this accounts for the large trade of this
popular house, having u record of many
years' unbroken success. Hemember, any
thing nnd everything you wnnt nt the lowest
No. ii22 N STREET.
W will soon oommenoe, In these columna,
the publication of the
Great Composite Novel.
Who has the Exclusive Use of Steauna's Anesthetic
No Chloroform ! No Ether ! No Gas !
. A. It. llouks Very Cheap.
TheiWessel Printing Co. hns several copies
of Col. Hobert B. Beat's well known history
ot tho Grand Army ot the Republic in fine
bindings which it will sell nt 1.00 per vol
umn. Oriclnnl price, sold only on subscrip
tion, at t-5.00. These books nro fully illus
trated and' complete in every detail. Call
and see then.
Skm I so
A lull Set of Teeth on Rubber for $5.00.
All Fillings at the Lowest Rates.
DR. H. K. KERMAN, Rooms 9L!I'Lg6'Nrr Block'
Don't Cure to Kut.
It is with tho greatest confidence that
Hood's SarsaiMirllla is recommended for loss
ot apetlte, indigestion, sick headache, and
similar troubles. This meillclne greatly tones
tho btoinache, assists digestion, aud nukes
one "real hungry," Persons In delicate
health, after taking Hood's Sarsaparilla a
few days, find (.themselves longing for and
eating the plainest food with unexpected
Sec the new corioepondenco papers in tab
let form just received at the Couiukh olllce.
We have all the latest weaves, in all the fan
cy and plain pupr, including a number of
very pretty novelties. Envelopes to match
all papers,
All tho latest sheet muslo, now stock, at
Crancer'sArt Music store, -1'J south Eleventh
Oysters In every stylo nt Brown's.
IDs Fleeting Ideal,
The Joint Work of
Bach chapter by dlfTereat writer, and the
Illustrations in each by a different artist.
Seedy old countryman to dapper young clerk, "By Gosh." This is just the
place I've been looking for. I've been a wandcrin' round these streets 'til I'm most
tired out and I wish you'd let me jack my boots an' lay down on that bed for a wlille.
I'd enjoy a nap now bctter'n a drink o' hard elder, sir."
Our beds nnd hair mattresses are Indeed Inviting. No wonder the tired way
farer casts a wistful eye Into our windows. Call nnd sec our goods.
11 1H N liTUKKT.
It is the Literary Sensation of
the Day.
,rijTr'iihMHiirrr rT"-t jbiijju.i i i bi smm m
rjaamar wniffw ae--