Kl- 'AA CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, ,890 in j i.rf ROTE THE HEW DIFFERENTIAL PARES rtfW!Tt,iik. pcu Ki R B In Conjunction with tho Erio System HTiitcn 1'imt Vest I IhiIimI Trnlns lip tttcen ChlriiKO nml the Allnnllc Hcnlionrd You mny travel In tlio nm-t Klouiint unit Complete l'lilliimn Vrnllliult'il TraliiM ivir const ructril nml wive II.M to llullivlo Mini Ni agara Falls, sf.(M In Now York, MM l Al tinny nnd Troy, nml .1.00 to lloslon ami New l.uulniul Cities. No rival lino offers the mtvuutiiKc of u tain nf thrniiRh l'lrit nml Hcooiul.ohiss Pay Conches nml I'Ul.l.MAN PININCI OAltH Chicago to Now York. It Is tho only lino operating ll'ulhiinn Cuts to lloKton nml New England via Allmny, I'.ntlro Trnlns nru lighted liy gns, heated liy steam. 1'iillmnn Pining Cars run through In either direction. rulluiiiuClitilr nml Bleeping Cars to Cnluni bus,0.,aud Axhluud, ICy. Dally. No l.xtrn Chnrgo for KiislTlnin anil Unsur passed AooomiiKKliillniiH Aironlril liy IIiumi I.tixiirliiun 'l'riil n. Mir lUlnUnt (iinrniid'iii, tlotcvlM ami reser vations In l'lilliimn cars apply lo your local ticket niiont or to any agent of all connecting 1 1 ties of railway, or to Oil lUAiin Oitv Tiokkt Ori-IOKH, 107 Ci.aiik Ht., ami Dearborn Hlu linn, or (Uldim, L 0. CANNON, F. C. DONALD, (Ion. A lit., for Receiver. (Ion. l'nss. Apt Cllll'AdO. Santa Fe Route ! Alchison, Topeka & Santa Fe R. R The Popular Route to the Pacific Coast. Through Pullman and Tourist Sleepers Between Knnsas City nnd SAN DIEGO, LOS ANGELES, nml SAN FRAN CISCO. Short Line Kntcs to PORTLAND, Oregon. Double Daily Train Service Uctwccn Kansas Cltvand PUEBLO, COLORADO SPRINGS, nml DENVER. Short Line to SALT LAKE CITY. The Direct Texas Route Solid Trnlns Uctween Knnsas City and Galveston. The Short Line Hctwcen Kansas City and Gainesville, Ft. Worth, Dallas, Austin, Temple, San Antonio, Houiton, nnd all Principal Point In Texas. The Only Line Running Through the OKLAHOMA COUNTRY. The Only Direct Line to the Texas Pan-Handle. For Maps nnd J Time Tablet and Informa (v tiott Regarding Kate and Routet Call on 4 or Address S. M. OSGOOD, Gen'l Ag't E. L. PALMER, Traveling Agent, 1308 Farnam St., oiMi.A.x-x.a., itbb. JEp CHIO iMllWAUKEEh gZMll Owns nnd operate 5J0O mlleit of thoroughly e quipped routl In Illinois, Wisconsin, Iowa, Missouri, Minnesota and Dakota. SItUtholIeatPlrect Koute between all the Prluolpnl Points In tho Northwest, Southwest and Far West. For maps, tlmo tables, rates of passago nnd freight, etc., apply to nearest station ngent ot CHICAGO, MII.WAUKKK 4 T. PAUL 1UIL way, or to any ltallrouu Agent anywhere In the world. B. MILLr.il. A. V. II. OAIU'ENTKU, General M'g'r. Clen'l Pass. AT'kt Agt, F.TUCKEif, GEO. II. IIEAFKOIIU, Vss. Oeii' Mgr. Asst. tl. 1". A T. Agt. Milwaukee, Wisconsin. flrFor Information In reference to '.amis Slid Town owned by tho Chicago, Milwau kee A Ht. l'nul Hallway Compuny.wrte to II, a. IlAUUAM.Lnnd Coinmltloner,Mlllwiuilcco Wisconsin. FAST HAIL ROUTE ! 2 DAILY TRAINS 2 -TO AtchUon, Leavenworth, St. Joseph,knnsns City, St. Louis and nil Points South, East and West. The direct line to Ft. Scott, Parsons Wichita, Hutchinson and all principal points In Kansas. The only road to the Great Hot Springs of Arkansas. Pullman Sleepers and Free Reclining Chair Cars on all trains. J. B. R. MILLAR, R. P. R. MILLAR, City Ticket Agt. Gen'l Ag:nt Cor. O and nth Street. HEAVEN'S NEW SONG. DR. TALMAQE'S SERMON ON THE MUSIO OF THE OLEST. It Will lis Aroniiipitnleil liy tlm Hound of the llnrpt of Kim Iti'ilei'iiinl "Oml (Irniit Tliut We- Mil All Join In Hing ing It." IIiiooklyn, Sept, 7. Dr. TiiltunKo'ii ser uion fur today wax n glowing drcrlptlou of tho luolodic.i of tho Celestial hind. Ill toxt wan, "And thoy sunt n now song," Hov. v, 1). Following Is tlm nurmunt Nearly nil tlm cities of Europe and America Imve rouservutorloH of music nnd asioclntluim whoso object It In by voice nnd Instrument to advance tlio nrt of HWcet sounds. On Thursday night Exeter lnill, of loudoo, used to resound with tho intisla of llnt class performers, who imvu their services gratuitously to tho masses, who enmo In with frco ticket nnd hu.incd at tho entertainment. At Merlin at 1 1 o'clock dally tlio military hand, with sJ.xty or n hundred Instruments, discourse at tlio Royal Opera house, for tho people. On Easter Sunday In Dresden tlio boom of cannon and tliu ringing of bell bring mill tltudes to tlio churches to listen to tlio orgnn peal nnd tho exciting sounds of trumpet nnil drum, When tho great fair day of lclpslu come tho liaudNof lunula from fnr nnd near Kiither in tlio street mid bewilder tho oar with Incessant playing of (Into and horn, violin mid bassoon. At Dussoldorf onco n year tho lovers of music assemble,, and fur three or four day wait upon tlio great singing festivals, and shout nt tho close of tho choruses, and greet tlio successful competitors as tho prize are distributed cups and vase of silver and gold. All our American cities at time re sound with orchestra and oratorio. Those who can ting wull or play skillfully upon Instrument are greeted with vociferation and Karhiuded by oxclted admirer. THE 01.0IIIK8 or HEAVEN. There uro many whoso most ocstntlo do light I to bo found In melodies, nnd nil tho Hpleudor of celestial gates, nnd all the luaciouHiu'Mt of twelve manner of fruits, and all the rush of Hood from under tho throno of God would not innko n heaven for thorn If thoru wuro no grcnt nnd trans porting harmonies. Passing along our street In the hour of worship you hear tho volco of ucred melody, nlthuiigh you do not enter tho building. And passing along tho street of heaven wo hear, from tho temple ot God nnd tho Uimb, tho breaking forth of magnlllcent Jubilate, We nmy uot yet enter In among tho fn vorod throng, but God will uot deny us the pleasure of ttnudlngnwhlloon the outsldo to hear. John listened to It a great while ago, and "thoy snug n now song." Let none aspire to that blessed placo who have no love for this exercise, for al though It I many agej since tho thrones were set, aud tho harps were strung, thero ha been no cessation In tho song, except lug onco for about thirty minute; nnd, Judging from tho glorious things now transpiring In God'a world, and tho over accumulating triumphs of tho Messiah, that was tho Inst half hour that heaven will over be silent. HEAVEN'S BONO A NEW BONO. Mark tho fact that this was a now song. Sometime I havo in church been floated away upon some great choral, In which all our pooplo seemed to mingle their voices, and I have, In the glow of my emotion, said: "Surely this Is music good enough for heaven." Indeed I do not believe that "Luther's Ilymn," or "Coronation," or "Old Hundred," or "Mount Plsguh" would sound 111 If spoken by sainted lips or thrummed from seraphic, harps. There are many of our fathers and mothers in glory who would bo slow to shut heaven' gate against these old time harmonies. Hut this wo are told is a now soug. Some of our greatest unthems and choral nru com positions from other tunc the sweetest parts of thorn gathered up Into tho har mony; aud I havo sometimes thought that thl "now song" may bo partly mode up of sweet strains of earthly inuslo mingled In eternal choral. Uut It will, after nil, bo a new song. This I do know, that lu sweet ness und power It will be something that tho ear nover heard. All tho skill of the oldest harpers of heaven will bo Hung into It. All tho love of God's heart will ring from it. lu its endonecs tho Hoods will olap their hands, nnd It will drop with tho sunlight of ovcrlastlng day and breathe with odors from the blossoms of the treoof life. "A now song" Just madofor heaven. Many earthly songs uro wrltton by coin posers just tor tho purposo of making a tune, and the laud Is Hooded with note books lu which really valuable tunes are the exception. But onco In a while n man Is wrought up by so mo great spectacle, or moved by some terrible agony, or trans ported by some exquisite gladness, und ho Its down towritoa tuuo or u hyiuu lu which every note or every word Is a spark d.-opped from tlio forgo of his own burniug emotions. So Mendelssohn wroto, aud so Beethoven, aud so Charles Wesley. Cow por, depressed with misfortunes until al most Insane, resolved on sulcldo. and ask ed the cab driver to tako htm to ti certain placo where ho expected to destroy his own life, Tho cub driver lost his way, and Cowper begun to think ot his sin, and went buck to his home, und sat down and wrotoi Qod moves la a mysterious way His wonders to perform; lie planti. Ills footsteps In the sea And rides upon tho storm. Ye fearful saints, fresh courage take) Tho clouds you so much dread Are big with mercy and shall break In bldmlDgs on your head. Mozart composed his own requiem and said to his daughter Emily, "Play that." And whllo Emily was playing the requiem Mozart's soul went up on the wavo of his own music Into glory. Emily looked around uud her futher was dead. ON A WAVE OK MELODT TO 0L011T. This new soug of heaven was uot com posed, because heaven had nothing else to do, but Christ, in memory of cross and crown, of manger and throno, of earth and heaven, mid wrought upon by the raptures of the greut eternity, poured thl from his heart, mude it for tho armies of heaven to shout In celebration of victory, for worship ers to chant In their temple services, for the Innumerable homo circles of heaven to Ing In the house of many mansions. If a new tune be started in church there I only here and there u person who can slug It. It Is some time before tho congregation learn u new tune. Uut not so with tho new song of heaven. The children who went up today from the waters of tho Ganges aro now singing it. That Christian man or woman who a few minutes ngo departed from this very street bus Joined It, All kuow It those by the gates, those on the river bank, those in the temple. Not feeling their way through it, or halting or going buck, as If they never before had ung It, but with a full, round volco they throw their soul Into this new song. If some Sabbath day a few notes of that an them should travel down the nlr we could not slna lu No organ could roll It thins dcr. .Nil harp could catch It trill, No Up could announce its sweetness. Transfixed, lost, enchanted, dumb, wu could not hear It th faintest nolo of the now song, Vet whllo I speak heaven's cathedral quake under It, and sea of glory I war It from beach to IknicIi, and ten thousand times ten thousand, nnd thousands of thousand Mug It "the now song." IT 18 A COM.MKMOIIATIVE BONO. Further, It I a toiniiiumoratlvo song. Wo nru distinctly told that It make a ref erence to past deliverance. Oh, how much have 'hoy to slug about. Thev hIiii of tho darkness through which on earth they pas-d, und It Is n night soug. That one was killed at Yoiktown, nnd with liiui It Is a battle song, That one wan Impris oned for Christ' sake, mid with him it I a prison song. That wan u Christian sail or hoy that hnd hi back broken on the ship's halyards, nnd with him It Is a sail or' sor.g. That one burned at Sinlthllelil, and with him It Is a lire song. Oh I how they will sing of Huod waded, of fire en dured, of persecution MifTcrcd, of grace extended! Song of halll Song of swordl Song of hot lend! Song of axel As when tho organ pipe ieal out some great har mony, thero come occasionally the hound of the treiutilante, weeping through the cndonccH, adding cxqulsltoucss to the er furmanccM, so iituld the stupendous ac claim of tho heavenly worshiper shall coiuo tremulous remembrance of past en durance, adding a sweetness aud glory to the triumphal strain. So the glorltled mother will slug of the cradle that death robbed, and tlio enthroned spirit from tho olmshoiiso will sing ot n lifetime of want. Clod mny wipe away nil tear, but not tho memory of the grief that started theml THE MAUI'S OF THE IILKST. Further, It will bo an accompanied song. Somo have a great prejudice against mu sical Instruments; and even among thoso who like them thero I nu Idea that they nru unauthorized. I love tlio cymbal, fur Israel clapped them lu triumph at the Itcd Sea. I love tho harp, for David struck it lu praising tho Iord. I lave tho trumpet, for wu nru told that It shall wake tho dead. I love all stringed Instrument and organs, for God demands that wu shall pruiso him on stringed Instruments uudorgans. Thero Is lu such music much to suggest the high er worship, for I read that when ho had taken tho book tho four-uiid-twcuty elders fell down beforo the lamb, having every one of them "harps," and "1 hoard tho volco of the harper harping with their harps," and "I saw them that hud gotten tho victory from tho beast standing on tho sea of glass, having tho hnrps of God." Yes, the song I to bo accompanied. You Hay that nil this Is figurative. Then I miy prove it, I do uot know how much of it I literal and how much of It is figurative. Who can say but that from somo of thu precious wood ot earth and heaven there may not be made instrument ot celestial accord f lu that worship David may take thu harp, and Hnbakkuk tho shlglonoth; and when thu great multitude shall, fol lowing their own Inclination, tnko up In strument sweeter than Mozart ever finger ed, or Schumann over dreamed of, or Ueo thoven over wroto for, let nil heaven make ready for thu burst of stupendous min strelsy and tho roll of tho eternal orchestral AN ANTICtrATIVE BONO. Further, It will bo an uutlcipatlvu song. Why, my frieuds, heaven has hordly begun yet. If you had taken thu opening piece of muslo today for tho whnlo service you would uot havo made, so great n mistake as to supposo that heaven is fully Inaugu rated. Festal choruses on earth hist only n short whllo. The famous musical convo cation nt Dusscldorf ended with tho fourth day. Our holiday lust only eight or ten days; but heaven, although singing for so many years, has only just begun "thu now song." If tlio glorified Inhabitants recount past deliverances they will also enklndlout glories to come. If at 0 o'clock, when tho church opened, you hnd tnkeu the few peo plo who were scattered through it ns thu mulu audieuco, you would uot have mado so great a inlstnko as if you supposed that tho present population of heaven are to bo Us chief citizenship. Although millions aro already there, tho inhabitants are only a handful compared with tho future popu lations. All China Is yet to bo saved. All India Is yet to bo saved. All Borneo Is yet to bo saved. All Switzerland Is yet to lie saved. All Italy Is yet to bo saved. All Spain is yet to bo saved. All Russia is yet to be saved. All Franco is yet to bo saved. All England Is yet to bo saved. All Amer ica is yet to bo saved. All tho world is yet to bo saved. After that thero may bo other world to conquor. I do not kuow but that every star that glitters In our ulghts 1 an Inhabited world, and that from all thoso spheres a mighty host aro to march into our heaven. Thero will bo no gato to keep them out. Wo do not want to keep them out. We will not want to keep them out, God will uot want to keep them out. I havo sometimes thought that all tho millions of earth that go into glorynro but a very small colony compared with tho In flux from tho whole universe. God could build a heaven largo enough not only for tho universe but for 10,000 universes. I do not know Just how It will be, but this I kuow that heaven Is to be constantly augmented, nnd thnt tho song of glory Is rising higher and higher and tho proces sion Is being multiplied. If heaven sang when Abel went up tho flrst soul thnt over left earth for glory how must It sing now when souls go up In (locks from all Christendom, hour by hour nnd moment by moment f THEllE'LL DE NO PAItTlNO T1IEHE. Our happy gatherings on earth aro chill ed by tho thought that soon wo must sep arate. Thanksgiving and Christmas days come, nnd the rail trains Hying thither arc crowded. Glud reunions tako placo. Wo have n time of great enjoyment. But soon It Is "Good-by" In thu hall, "Good-by" at the door, "Good-by" on tho street, "Good by" at the rail train, "Good-by" at tho steamboat wharf. Wo meet lu church. It Is good to bo hero. But soon thu doxology will lie biiug, tho benediction pronounced, and thu audience will bo gone. But there nru no separations, no good-bys In heaven. At the door of tho house ot many mansions no good-bys. At tho pearly gate no good bys. The song will bo more pleasant be cause wo aru always to slug lu Mightier soug uh ourotherfrlendscomoiu. Mightier song as other garlands aru set on the brow of Jesus. Mightier soug a Christ'sglorle unfold. If tho first day wu cuter heaven we sing well the next day wo sing better. Soug untlciputivo of more light, of more love, ot moro triumphs. Alwuy something nuw to hear, something nuw to see. Many good people suppose that wo shall see heaven the Hrst day we get there. Not You can not see London in two weeks. You cannot see Itotno In six weeks. You cannot see Venice in a month. You cannot see the great city of the New Jerusalem In n day. No; it will take all eternity to see heaven, to couut the tower, to examine the tro phies, to gaxo upon the throne, to see the hlernrch. Ages on ages roll, and yet heaven Is new! Tho streets new! Therein I olo uewl Tho iov uewl The souu newl I suyed a week at Nlagnni Fall, hoping thoroughly to understand It and appre ciate it. Hut on the lust day It seemed newer and moro Incomprehensible than on the first day. Gazing on tho Infinite rush of celestial splendors, whero tho ocean of delight meet aud pour themselves Into thu grcnt heart of God, how soon will wo ex haust the HongC Neverl Noverl THE BONO Wll.t, NEVEH UK EXHAUSTED. Tho old preachers, In describing the cor row of tho lost, used to lift up their hands anil shout, "Tho wrath to coinel" "Thu wrath to coinel" Today I lift up my hands, and looking toward tho great fut ure cry, "Thu Joy U coniol" "Tho bliss to cotnol" Oh, to wander on thu bunk of tho bright river, and yet to feel that n lit tlo further down wo shall find still bright er flood entering Into ltl Oil, to stand a thousand year, listening to tho enchant Ing music of heaven, mid then to And out that the harpers aro only tuning their IIUrjIH! Finally, I remnrk that It will bo n unan imous song. There will, no doubt, boomo to le.-l, but nil will bo expected to Join It will bo grand congregational singing. All tho sweet voice of tho redeemed! Grnnd music it will bo when that now song arise. Luther sing it, Charles Wesley sings It. Iyowell Mason sing it. Our voice now may bo harsh and our ears un cultivated, but, our throats cleared ut last and our capacities enlarged, you and I will not bo ashamed to utter our voices as loud ly iw any of them. TJioso nations that havo always been distinguished for their capacity In song will lift up their voice In thnt melody. Thoso who havo had much opportunity to hear tho Germans slug will know what Idea I mean to glvo when I say that tho great German nation will pour their deep, full voices Into thu now song. Everybody knows the natural gift of tho African for singing. No singing on this continent like that of tho colored churches In the south. Everybody going to Richmond or to Charleston want to hear thu Africans Hug. But when tint only Ethiopia, but all that continent of darkness, lifts up its hand, and all Africa pours her great vol ume of volco Into tho new song that will bo music for you. Added to U.ls are all tho sixteen thousand millions of children that uro estimated to have gono Into glory, and thu host of young nnd old that here after shall pooplo tho earth aud Inhabit thu stars. OIll THE NEW BONO. Oh! tho now song! Gather It all up! Multiply It with every sweetness! Pour Into It every hurmonyl Crown It with ovory gladness! Bolt It with every splen dor! Flro It with every glory! Toss It to thu greatest height of majesty! Roll it to the grandest cycluof eternity l-mul then you havo but the faintest conception of what John experienced when, amidst tho mngnlflcencu of apocalyptic vision, ho heard It t lie now song! God grant thnt at last wo may all sing , It. But If wu do uot slug tho prnlso of Christ upon earth wo will never slug it in heaven. Bo suru that your hearts aru now attuned for tho heavenly worship. Thero Is a cathedral In Europe with an organ at cacli end. Orgnn answers organ, and tho music waves backward and forward with indescribable effect. Well, my friends, tho tlmo will come when earth and heaven will bo but different parts of ouo great ao cord. It will bo joy here nnd Joy there! Jesus here nnd Jesus there! Trumpet to trumpet! Organ to orgnnl Ilnllelujah to hallelujah! "Until tho day break aud tho shadow lieu away, turn, my beloved, aud bothoullkoa rou or a youug hart upou tho mountains of Betherl" Hunted to the Spot. I heurd a Btory tho other day about the former assistant rector of ouo of tho larg est EpUcopal churches lu tho city. The gentleman lu question is now the president of a college so far nway that ho cannot mind If I relate tho Incident, Huwusa Jolly good fellow when he lived in a board lug house hero, and in his oft hours hu was accustomed to Join In with tho other good fellows of the house nt a friendly gutno of whist or n smoke. Ono ovenlng when ho was out at service two of tho wags of tho establishment ro metnlieretl that It was his invnrlablo habit upon returning homo to dott his rounda bout vest and clerical coat, put on nu old smoking Jacket nnd Incnso his feet in a pair of morocco Bllppers, which latter al ways occupied thu sumo position on his bedroom Hoor preparatory to Ids coming. Accordingly thoy firmly nailed theso slip pers to tho floor and awaited results lu tho next room. Presently the dominie returned. They heurd him moving ulwut; thoy heard the thud of his shoes as they were tuken on and thrown down, nnd then all was si lence. They peeked cnutlously In, uud there beheld the young clergyman stand ing In his slippers, hi fuco whitonsn sheet, and a look of horror upon it, his eyes star ing straight ahead. The sight was too much for them, but thoy managed to sup press their laughter and ask lu a tone of amazement what tlio matter was. "Matter," ho gasped, "thero Is mntter enough; boys, I'm paralyzed, and can't move hand or foot. For mercy's sake, help mo." Tho man did actually, such is tho force of imagination, believe he was paralyzed for a moment or two, but ho finally set 'em up, iu a manner appropriate to his colling, by buying cigars for the crowd. Brooklyn Life. She Ws Very Deaf. Thero was onco an old lady of Boston who was very deuf and bclug very old she did not read much. Ono Fourth of July thu Boston artillery flred n hundred guns on tho Commou to usher In tho dny. The old lady hud forgotten the day and she sat In her room near thu Common, knit tlug. Every now and then she would fidget a little, look toward tho door aud then resutno her knitting. Finally tho hundredth was Ured, with u big chnrgo of powder, and tho old lady gnvu a sudden start, looked up keenly and said: "There! I was suro somebody was knock lug. Como In." Exchange. Starch Sirup und Sugar. Bring to brisk boiling two ounces and a half of water to which twenty drops of sulphuric acid have been added, aud then add one ounce of starch mixed with a little wnter, forming a paste, but only iu small quantities at once, that thu boiling may not bo Interrupted. When all the starch Is stirred in let tho mixture boil for somo minute. Then add chalk to neutralize tlio ncld, filter tlio liquid through porous paper, and evuiiornte to thu consistency of a thick sirup. Thu starch sirup thus made, a well us the white solid starch sugar, aro both articles of commerce. Exchange. In n discussion that has lately been car ried on in Europe as to the distance at which large objects on tho earth's surface nro Islble it was stated that tho Himalaya mountains have appeared to view from tho great distance of 334 miles uud Mont Blano 210 tulles. Ensign's Bus, Carriage and Baggage Lines 31 a. iitii ot. Hacks, Coupes, Landaus and Carriages INHTANTI.Y KUKNIHHI.I). Telephones CITY OFFICE. 303. OEPOT OFFICE, 572. i!ES Stylish Carriages and Buggies, At all Hours Day or Night. t2T Hones Hoarded nnd best of enre taken of all Stock entrusted to us PRICES REASONABLE. BILLMEYER & Call and Soo Us. The - MOW Tabic Service Unsurpassed in the City. Apartments Single or En Suite with or without Board. Passenger Elevatorsi Cor. luth nml y Stri-uts. Tclepliunn No, 4H2. I- MEYER, Notary Public and Real Estate Dealer in City and Farm Property AQKNT -HHHHVRBspRSSI9cSsi?EBiSP" North German-Lloyd Steamship Co., Hamburg-American Packet Co., and Baltic Lines. Also Railroad Agent for the Different Companies East atid West Southampton. Havre, Hamburg, SteUen, London, Paris, Norway, Plymouth, Bremen, Sweden, and any point in Europe. Post Orders and Foreign Exchange Issued to all prominent points n Europe market price. Call ami eo moor UoVraspond I with iiie! ' ' V'11 nlWn'8 ,,ny ,ho ,,"!l,Mt L. MEYER, 108 North Tenth Street. Burlington route (J most OOMPLETEZSERVICE R Ever Introduced in the West ! L . - I k DAILYj TRAINS ?Ji CHICAGO jf T "THE BURIIIf&TOF PITER," O Leaves Lincoln Daily at 2:40 p.m. Arriving in Chicago Next Morning nt S o'clock, tnnkes JJTMEi FASTEST TIME OV ANY LINK lUINMXO R Sumptuous Dining Cars ! Pullman's Finest Palace Cars ! Train Service Unexcelled Anywhere ! O U T E Fo Full Particulars as to Time, Tlc.';ct Office, Cor. J. KHANOIH, Or'l l'nss. nuil Ticket Aifent, Oiunhn. Finest in the City KTHE NEW-4 Palace Stables M St, opp. Masonic Temnle. CO. Proprietors. Tolophono 435 Bond OPEN M. ISABEL BOND Prop. KOIt TIIK IIKTWKKN KAST AMI WKST. Rates anu Routes, Call at the City O and Tenth Streets. A.O. ZIKMKH, City I'll, and Ticket Audit, Lincoln. 4 i 1 I f ( w m : W f I- 1 sP l -.-"MP- Viys