Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, September 13, 1890, Page 4, Image 4

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) '
A Jtynifnr Mijht 11 .Vixffi'ii IVhic.
Hnterpdnllhe INntoitlco of Lincoln, Neb.
ns second rlnss ninttrr.
HUiisciilrrinvi Ono Vrnr hy Mull or Carried
2W! 8l. Month. II wsTlireo Month, MV.
One month) Cents Inrsrnbly In Adt Alice.
AnviHtniKMMTK! Hairs furnished on Application
At IIm onloe. 8eclftl rales 011 Time (.'outrun,
CoOTsmntOMsi Short spicy skrlclies, hh.iiis mnl
stories solicited. IVriinl slid Social notes are
rsptH'lally desirable.
I'mmtimii WV iirnVrsspeclAliyef Finn Priming
In oil II branchf . rWli-tv work a s'.lnlty.
PuIjIInIiocI iSnturclny-
Address nil commwuciUlon illnot to tli ofllce.
Wicnhici, Printing Co..
Courier llulltliiiK. IWJ N Hired.
L. Wkskki., J11., Kdltor and Hole I'loprletor.
V. Moiiton Hmitii, Asoointo Kdltor.
current literature.
Thr Viuvii' Inst "Five Trip lo KurH'
ImvliiR excited Mich universal Interest, the
puhlMiers of Hint opular iiMRniluu olTvrnu
oilier nml f'.MO extta for oxxiih, to tho ht
mm souiIIiik them the largest list of KiikIIiIi
words constructed front letter contnlncd In
the three words "Ilrltlsh North America."
AiMltlounl prises consisting of Silver Ton
Bets, Clilmi Dinner Hets, CluM Watches,
French Muslo Muxes, 1'ortlore Curtains, Hllk
Dresses, Mantel Clock, mid ninny other use
fill nml vnlunhle articles -will also Imi awnrd
ed in onler of merit. A sHcltil print of n
Benl Hkln Jnckvt totlmlady, nml n hiindsomo
Midland l'ony to the Irl or liny (dellvuivd
frvo in Cniuiiln or United Htntos) sending tho
largest list. Everyone sending n lint ot not
leu tltnn twenty words nlllrwelvon present,
Heml fix U. H. 'Jo. stamp for complete, rules,
Illustrated catalogue of prltos, ami sample
number of 77m Qureit. Address tho Cnnnd
Inn Queen, Toronto, Cntmiln.
Tho September Dmkta Mayaxlnf uk.iim
vtlth i frolicsome frontispiece enllod "Young
Loehlnvnr." Wllf. T. l'uuml write enter
tainingly of ostrich farming In Houth Atrlcn,
his nrtlclo being nttrncilvcly Illustrated,
"Old Israel's Burglar" by Ueo. A. Ilnrrl, Ill
ustrated, In i capita) New England dialect
sketch. 1'rof. Thro. F. Wolfe contribute n
most appreciative nrtlclo on, "TheBeeno of
Clmy's 'Elegy'," which I accompanied by n
lino full page drawing by F. 0. Drnko of the
"Country Chut chynnl," lit which tho poem
wm written. Tho drawing I from n sketch
mndo on thu Hot. Other nrtlcle nml torle
nro "Tenrn, Idle Tenr," by T. Johimton Kv.
uns; "Adulteration nnd n Utnto Kxcixo Com
mission;" "Kccentrlo Chlni," by Cora Stvinrt
Wheeler, nnd "Mother Crnno," by .emu
Dune. Thoxxtry of tills nuinlier is by Kl'n
HIkkIihoii nnd K. N. Lnmoute. "Jottlngh"
nnd "Quncku" fulllll thrlr lespoctlvo mlnlons
with their usunl nhlllty. All thin Is for 10
Tho Jcnnran-MUIrr Mittiaxlnr for ftepteiu'
ber contnhiN more ixtRrs thnn nny pmvlous
number, nnd tho October number will bo
lurgrr thnn tho Hepteinber Isiuo, evidence of
the grent succeiw nnd triumph of IU tonch
Iiirs of sensible nnd nrtlstlc dress for women,
physlcnl cultutv, nnd nil those nccouipllsh
menu which Improve women mrutnlly nnd
physlcnlly. No womitii enn nlTortl notto
rend It. Auionjc the Imiwrtnnt nrtlcles in
tho pn'H.'iit miinUu' nre thoro on "rhyslcnl
Culture," subject Tho Hum! nnd Arm;
'CourtesyliiK;" "Soclnl Ktlmiettn;" "Fine
Gems;'' "A UirlStiidcnt' Year In l'nrl;"
"How RknII wo Improve our HH'och;" "A
Tulk nbout American Olr;" Mrs. Miller's
scrtel story, "Tho rhlloBopherof Driftwood;'
"Fashions nnd Fnnoy;" "Talk nbout Hooks,'
cto. Subscription price, t'J.M per yinr.
SIiirIo copies, ffiJ cent. Tho Jenneiu-Mlller
lhtblUhliiKCa, Now York.
When tho youtiR Lonl DufTerin ivnehed
his mnjorlty his mother, Helen, CounUw of
OIITonl, nnd Kranddnushter of Sherldnn,
presented htm with n silver lamp nnd poem.
Ho built n tower ns n shrino for tho lamp nml
bd tho ioem engraved on n gold tablet.
Lord Tennyson, touched by this Ideal deed,
was moved to write n jKxm, which was nlso
engrave! on n gold tablet. Tho story of
"Helen's Tower" Is told In the September
Wid AuiKy nnd the poems given, also n
k picture of tho tower from n sketch innde on
' the spot.
The Magazine of American History tor
Beptember conUlus mauy Intervsting feat
ures, among which may bo mentioned n des
criptive vhw of the llrst croton wnter cele
bration In lWa, nn nrtlclo on "Tho Self
made Iird Timothy Doxter" by Spencer;
"The llllle In Colonial Timis," "The Deacon's
Wooing," "The Dead Man's Island mid tho
Ghost Ship," "Linked with Btnkesiware ,"
The September Arena Is replete with good
things. ' Senator Morgan discusses tho Ilace
Question. Prof. Crelghton writes of Meillcal
Science, mid other Interesting nrtlcles nro
"Uniform Marrlago and Divorce Laws" by
Rev. Bamuel W. Dyke; "The Domini n'
Original Sin" by Thomas P. Gorman; "The
Greatest Living Englishman by James
Tho brilliant success of Margaret Sidney's
"Five Little Peppers and How They Grew,"
which has had a larger sale than nny Juvenile
within the last twenty years, bids fair to bo
repeated by Its sequel, "Five Little Pepper
Midwny." Though issued lees than two
months ago, tho lx thousand is now In press,
Mrs. Harriet Taylor Upton has taken in
finite pains to secure a complete set of au
fbentlc llkenes for her new book, "Our
Early Presidents, Their Wives nnd Children,"
In the press of D. Lothrop Company, They
are. nearly all reproductions of paintings nml
miniatures In the possession of the presiden
tial families.
"The Lion City of Africa," Willis Boyd
Allen's latest literary venture, (bows up In
cidentally the Infamies of tho liquor traffic'
tietwivn iho United States nnd Africa. Mr.
Allen's "Kelp, a Story of tho Isles of Shoals,''
is Jutt the book for visitors' to that famois
group of Islands, nbout which it gives much
interesting dntn.
"Tho Poets' Year," a iow and sumptuous
gift book, edited by Oscar Fny Adams, and
published by I). Lothrop Company, does for
the poetry of the seasons what Longfellow's
"Poems of Places" docs for the poetry of lo
Tliejr lliivn Wrnllli, lliink nml 1'iilliheil
MiuiiirrK lltr'i'nliitlra of the Otil
llfglmn nml of llm ,Nn (Inter Homo
I'alr I'uifditnnr.
lOipjrlRht liy American l'rc AsuiciAtlon
Tho Mnniulso do Vlllenciivu, nco Houn
pnrto, Is the youngest daughter f Prlnco
I'lerro llounpnrto, who shot Victor Nolr.
3ho wns brought up lit tho bitterest priva
tion nt Atitottll, near Paris, In nn old
hottso lost In tho depths of nn Immense
gnrden full of ImvisIn, for Prlnco I'lerro
owned n rcgttlnr moungcrlo of lions nnd
wild bonn. Hi Pet wm h liugu lioness,
which had tho freedom of the Kiinlon, nnd
often crouched nt Ita tnttstcr'n feet. After
tho full of his family ho would certainly
Imvo starved but for his wife's exertions.
Prlncesso Plorro went to London, set up
n milliner's shop there nnd fulled. Then,
going buck to Paris to carry on tho almost
hopoleiw strugglo for it living, she found a
benefactor In M, Duriiy, the historian, and
ex-minister of Napoleon III. He sent her
boy, Prince llolnnd, to the Lycee Louis le
Grand, nnd afterward to the military
kcliool of Saint Cyr to work for u commls
nlon; and her girl, the Prlncesso Jeanne,
to n drawing school, as hIio hud a taste
that way. Tho poor little prlucense win
working for tho Illustrated paper to earn
her bread when tho marrlago of' her broth
er with tho wealthy holrcsts of tho Hlanc.M,
of Monte Carlo fume, changed tho fortunes
of tho family nt with tho touch of 11 magic
wand The brlilu took n wnrni affection
for her sister-in-law, beggod her to accept
sonio of her superfluous riches, and soon
"each of hor llttlo hands hold a million"
as a marriage ortlon, and n union with
the Marquis Christian do Vllleueitve, of
nn old Provence family dating bock to
Clmrlcmngno, brought happiness nfter
days of trial nnd palu.
The houbo of the Prlnccsse do La Tour
d'Auvcrgno Is a grand center in tho aristo
cratic Faubourg. It s situated behind the
Invnlldes, To be mcn at her receptions I
n brevet of good birth and good breeding,
Dut tho old'DuchcANedo Mallle rules the
roost for pride of birth on the left bank of
tho Selno. If the Count do ParUVere
called to the throne the Duchesse do La
Hochefoucauld-Hlsaccla would, of course,
take precedence of all other ladles at court,
XMsisisir JKv7 s9Bu
h V 7 A. lit J IfiAP
but tha scepter of nutlqun privilege would
no doubt necrun to tho Diichcssodo Mallle,
who, with her haughty inniinem and jkjw
dorcd Imlr, Imiks mnrollkna miiritilso of
tho t It ii3 of Lnul XV than u Nineteenth
century ducheste, Mine, do Mnllln stickles
for nntl(tiitted forms nnd old traditions.
Her equipage dnto from tho Inst rcntury,
whllo sho Is always recognized nt tho Hols
do Hoitloguo by her Immetno conches, with
postilions and outriders In livery an ec
centricity panlonablu In a very old Indy.
Tho homo of tho duchroio In tho Ituo do
Lille has not Ix-on changed si nro sho wetit
thero ns a brldo many, tunny years ago.
On tho first floor are two lnrgo vestibules,
two vast salons nml a dining room. In
nuo anion tho furniture Is of the tlmo of
Louis XV, nnd the other of I -on Is XVI.
On every side thu eyo rests on light, grace
fill draperies, white and gilt walls, It Is
curious that the iIiilIickhc, who Is a sister
of tho famous amateur artist tho Marquis
d'Ostnond, should have so few pictures nnd
nrtlstlo objects about her. The fact Is
that nil her purchases of nrt treasures nro
sent to museum and public Institutions,
thus proving her real generosity.
Tho Dttchesso do Chovruuso,n rigid dow
ager who hunted au erring dnuglitcr-ln-law,
tho Duchessn do Chaiilnes, out of
hottso nnd homo and Into her grave, exhib
its tho nobla Fnttbotirg In Its perfection of
gloomy stat n.
Of tho many foreign Indies for whom n
long residence in tho French capital has
Knitted tho social freedom of the city bur
highness the Prlncesso de Metternlch,
ranks first uud highest. Tho Austrian
prluccssu, who was anything but a Iwauty,
contrived, despite of hor dlsadvnntngo that
way, triumphantly to support proximity
to the prettiest uud best dressed women in
Paris the Empress Eugenie uud those
beauties of her court whom Wlnterlmltur
Kroujicd around her in ono of her portraits
now to bo seen in tho galleries at Vor
sail I on.
The Prlncesso Hrancovnn do Ucssnmhle
has a hottso In tho Avenue lloche which Is
furnished with oriental splendor, nnd where
nn Sundays a morning banquet of all the
arts, or Concordia, at It Is laughingly
called, brings together somoof the greatest
literary and musical celebrities of tho cap
ital. The prlncesso Is a passionate lover of
music, nnd her rendering of genuine east-
ern compositions seems likely to lead to n
now departure In musical tustc, Her sis-ter-ln-lnw,
tho Prlncesso Dlbesco, nnother
Roumanian grando dame, shares tho snmo
passion, and her salon U moro exclusively
musical. Comtcsso Pntocka is n first class
pianist. These foreign Indies, however,
II nd their match In somo of tho French
Tho Comtcsso do Mercy-Argcntcnti Is nn
Instrumcutnlist of talent, nnd tho Com
tesso de Mnllly-Nesle, blonde, petite, ele
gant, with hair of liquid gold, oyes ot
azure, n queenly port nnd a proud curl of
tho under lip, is nn nrtist to the linger
ends, both In painting and in music.
The tine voices in society nro equally nu
merous. The Vlcomtesso de Trcdorn Is
frequently heard at her own musical sol
rtcs In the Place Vcndotno. Dut tho finest
voice of all the grande dames of Paris Is
that possessed by the Comtcsso do Guorno,
nee de Segur. It Is warm, deep, thrill
ing In tone, and would prove n 'fortune to
its owner under other circumstances. Sho
was Gounod's favorite pupil, who trained
her musical talents from Infancy nnd was
always ono of tho best friends of her fam
ily circle. Many of these ladles belong to
tho truo Concordia, a musical association
of persons in fashionable society, which on
one occasion garetheentiro "Redemption"
of Gounod In one of tho Paris churches.
Such Is an Imperfect picture of what Is
left of tho "old society" of Franco. The
ladles have grand names, many of which
are famous In the history, literature and
diplomacy of the past. They often have
wealth, grace nnd wit. Dut the new society
of France, the boiirgcoislo of the modern
monarchy and of the republic, possess
cores of women whose maimers, mind nnd
heart equal nnd often surpass those of the
most high born grande dnmo of "the noble
Faubourg." And this is as it should bo In
nn age where titles of birth have lost much
of their old value and significance.
An Austrian's lloiievinuun Trip.
A young Austrian and his bride nre tak
ing a honeymoon trip which is free from
the annoyances of vulgar curiosity on the
part of other travelers and "the etTusivo
ness of over attention from hotel servants
and railway porters. The groom hired a
big covered furniture wagon, had It com
fortably furnished, and now ho nnd his
wlfonre Jogging cozlly about Hungary be
hind three stout horses nnd a driver. This
kind of gypsy lifo may recommend Itself
to ftituro "happy pairs" who desire com
fort, seclusion nnd freedom,
Eden Mnsee !
Week of September 15th, 1890
The Season Opens with- -
Success Laureate."
Tnc Old Favorites
Gollins and Barton,
Max Leroy,
Stnndlng Pre-eminent among Refined
Arthur Lorraine
The Original Stntue Clog Dancers
3Dashington Bros. 0
Jerry Wnlter-AIbert. Q
Friday, September 19,
Is Ladies' Souvenir Day I
A linmUoinc present for our Lndy patrons
Saturday, Sept 20th,
Is School Children's Day!
Free Scats for the Ilos nnd Girls.
Program Changes every Monday nnd
10c. Admits 10 ill. 10c
Chairs 5 nnd to cents Kxtra.
No Improper Characters Admitted.
1540 O STREET,
Carriages for Evcr3body !
Three Car Loads
Men's, Boys' and Children's
Fall Suits and Overcoats J
We are now prepared to you an exceedingly large as
sortment of new and attractive styles in Fall Suits and Over
coats. We have devoted more than the usual care and at
tention to the selection of our new Fall and Winter Stock
and are postivc it is not to
tor furnishing the best possible values for the least money
will be steadily maintained. We shall be pleased to be fav
ored with an early call and examination of our new stock.
Globe Clothing House,
Cor. O and Tenth Streets.
more Coming for the Rair. Eton'Ufail
see us before Buying. " '
be surpassed. Our reputation
Milton M. Lyon the Wide Awake Newsdealer
and Subsriptlon Agent, 1 101 N St.
Leave 1 Orders for nn- Newspaper. Magnnmo or Periodical whatso
ever and I will procure It for you nt publisher's Lowest Price
Ladles will iiIuim'm Mud a full lino of Fashion MiiKiizlnesnu my
counters, also a full lino or Mine. Voiiku's Celebrated Flower Htudlcs,
Citizens and business men ili-slrlmr to decorate for Fair Week will
And tho Nntlomil Colors" In Wren tin nnd Festoomlng, FIoks, Ktc
hte.,hta.,ntiny New Location. I1UI NHtreet.
MILTON M. LYON, I'rnprletm-.
Mm s ? '" tsBltsB