V CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 13 iSgo y COMFORT FOR THE 1'liETI Life Made Easy IIY 1UJYINO SOMF.JOF THIi FINKST AN I) More Comfortable SHOES Ever sold In Lincoln. To try them mi U o buy. These goods to be found only nt t Webster & Roger's io.3 O Street. Leading fG&C PHOTOGRAPHER! Kino Hum Cabinets :t per tltmm. Hpeelnl rates to sliuients. Call unit see our work. Studio, 1214 O Street. 0on from 10 it. in. to 4 p, in. Huiulnys. J. S. EATON, Physician and Surgeon Office t nfiS. Eleventh St. Telephones: Oillcc 685. Residence 561. LINCOLN, NUM. ' SfttMia. Practice Limited to Diseases ortliu Nervous System, Heart and Blood ltl.FKUKNUl.dl Hon. Win. twite. Attnrney Unnornl. Hon. T. I. Norvttl, Assis'lute Justice, Jones' Nntloiml Hunk, Howard. Cltlieiu' Notional Hunk, Ulysses. OrriCKt tsa O Hlreet, LINCOLN, NF.H. Tickets ON SALE TO J&.TJL. Principal Points EAST, WEST, NORTH AND SOUTH - AT 1044 O STREET. E. B. SLOSSON, City Passenger Agent Ul N MSRolld lolalWolckl & Worth IM.M,ImiI laaolrh. In Iho aaorlj. l-olfac! 1 i'e&.M.T'.TJ'S ttmt laopor. Wftrrntil hasrj, tout iiolii nuntinr rtaao. Itoth Uulat'onil gout aim, Hltk worm! nvl oomi of aqaalralua. IIII rillONU t Varolii- cos mart ono a.a. turtthflff with our loroo n.l lutblllntof lluiurholit AnM"7il. i.iili.aM iV.fl. All tho work voo .... ..,!... Th.aa umtil... .1 wall oaaj do U to how what i.n.l grou to llioao woo (all-jour (HoJ. oinl lirla-litri a.l th.xa a boot you lhal lwa) a rr.uln U laablo Ira.la rl u, Ma hol'la ft Jrort lian onto llarl.J, M4lhoaoororrol.. Wo m all tr. fraloM.otr, Aflat too know all, ir ,uj w.hiU Ilka lor" lowurk for m. auuiaa oorafrora WHO' to ftllO par rrk anj ui.uaMi Adlrtaa, Ntlaooii . I: .'!., litis HIM, 1'urlliilitl, Mulne. LINCOr.N yr jtkD imwitk or mxiismr. Slxirlliatiul, ami Ty rwrlllitir Hie twit nmt laiycot CUlit( In tlu West, nil Hiu.lcnH In atli'iiildiH lut jrear. BltikiiU jin-writ .or buihuvs In fruiu J lot months. Hxnrrlriicnt faculty. lYnumsl Instruction. Btamttirul lllunratr-il eMaUvuo, rallno journals, and (."cUneut of r'nmanlili, ocnt free by ailtln mIuu UUJIIIIIDOK t noOiaK, Lincoln, Neb. rBM PB( tKkP rmsDzsmi Mfo'Wtd mituaz mmm) liK " V SOCIAL AiN'l) l'KIISOXAl, MWsesClnrn nntl Aunn Hammond were "ul homo" Saturday nf tornonn, to 11 litrn iiuuia tier of tlulr young frloiul", who wuru very plfniMiiitly I'litortrtlmtl, Tluw wiru prMviiti Mlt (Iruoo lat'inhiK, AkrI" nuilC'nrrio IIihmIj Mnttt'l, Unttlo nntl Tntly Mulr, Kllcii drro, Sntllo nntl Helen Muimtt, lllnllo nntl Notit McConnlir, (Iriironiul I.1I1II0 Tylor, 1'lori'iicti Mttwli', IMim Ilnrloy, Umlo ninl Kriiuklu Hliolilon, lloorlo Ilnytlou, Uiurii lloutr., Win ulo II 111, Iri'iio Couitiivy, l'loiiiico Tlilu, llt-lcn Ilurr, Mnlx'l Illulianlo, HokcIiUiI l't)!t:r, Mnttltt Jont'i, J I'm lo laiiniliiK, lluiri't Mill nnl, Jt'iiulo roinfrct, I'lort'iiif Furcnvll, MiiMvm. Hurry Irf'inliij,', Allen (leu1, IMilItt Tyler, .lolm llnrley, U'lllnnl nml Ilnrluy Ynte, lUtlpli lliitlmnuy, Willie I'urker, Wll llo MorKnii, 0vrn Onkley, Frtsl l)i)t"tMj, Fntl DiKillltle, HtrtttrorM Howltt, tleoiK" IloliiUK nml Ft til Keliliieniler. Mr. nml Mm. U. M. ICiM'fcr t-cloliriitoil Hid tlilnl iinnivvrwiry of tlielr witlillnu Huttinlny ovenliiK ut tlielr litinio 7411 J utrwt with 11 tle IlKlitful i'iiiiI piuty. Tlierti went prewnt: ltiwrit, mill MemlniiKH licit 1C. llettit, (Jitilgo I). Cntup, JumoH ,M, Cntnp, jr., Cntr;;u UtMik, Mr. Cliiuleii V. Cnltlwrll, Mm. I). II. Cnipwy nf Fulrltiiry, Dr. nml Nt. W. U Dnytou, Mln ICiiiiiiu Deney of C'IiIi'iiro, MIm Inez DorrK A. 1' Fulr.T. J. Illikey, K. V. Kcofor, Clnirleti A. ICelth, A. K. ICenuiirtl, llnytluii Myer, lllclmiil U'N'ell, Wlllimii N. Keliliien iler, F.il. II. Hlr.iT, T. Wllllmu Tult, C. Tliouipnon, Mmk II. Tlllon, l)r nml .Mitt. II. 0. Victor, Clmrlei II. Wunier. At II o'clock Moiulny .MoiiiIiik, Huv. W.II. II. Mooru, of Illluolti, Krmiil-futlier of tliu lirltlo, olllcliitliiK, wit koli'iuulzoil tliu witl tlliiK of Mr. Fietl A, Htuir nml Mlwt Mlnulu J. Mooie, tliu reieiiiouy tuklUKplitco ut tliu rcttl iloiicn of tliu Lriilu'H mreiitit, Mr. n lid Mm. T. F. Morrltt, 7(Ci Noitli Tweuty-tlftliBtrrvt, In tliu prt'neui'uof a fmv frleutU nntl ivlittlven. Mr. nntl Min, Htuir will tio nt liouiti In HiIh city lifter UctolxT 1 . Ilotli lirlilu uml groom 1110 Kiiuluuteti of tint UulverHlty uf Nubnmku, uml lutvo hoit.t of frleitilii iiiuuiik Iaiiicclu youiiK e.iple. I'nif, Herlivrt J, Wclilior, lute ufwlstuut In tliu tiotnnlcnl ilepni tinent of tint htiite uni versity, mul MIm Ialiceim A. lliililln weio innrrlitl Tiiemluyuvenliii; nt 7:!(l ut tliu renU itetico of tliu It.iIc'm piireulM, !H7 North Huven teeiith htuit, ltuv. C. II, Nowimn, p4intor of the Fiixt C'lirlHtlitu church, oIllciiitliiK. Only 11 few liitlumtu friemlit nml icIuthiH wcto preoent. Tho yomiK couplu Irnvo roiio to 8t. laoulit, their ruturu liome, wliuiv tliu urixiiii will titkun rvMouitlo position In HIiiiw'n lio tuulcnl KitnU'iiK. 1'. T. Hal inilii neelUH to bu n much nt homu in tliu Kociety of n crow tl of tiewHonier moil uit lie doori miller tliu tents of In llrtiitetit Hhoiv 011 Kin III. He U full of unioilotm mul KtHitl humor, mul never fulU to lenvu 11 IiiiikIi hehlnil him when hu ilvptirtit, Whun In Iaon tluu hU Htorlesof Amcrlcnn humor weru liltrli ly iippui'lntitl by the nobility mul iiirunleil hU Hoynl IllKlnieiw, thu l'rluio of Wulet, I'oiultleniblu pleiiMiiv. llnnuiiii'it sluiw np IK(ira in laiucoin uctoner ut. H. F. ilnmlltou, tho veternn circus pretw iiKirnt, wn In tliu city Witluibiluy with llurif um'it ntlYitucu cur muulier 0110 mul tu it cunsu tpiencutlio ncwBimpeiH of tho city will noon I hi oruumeiiti'tl with thu llliutrntotl ilmpluy utlvertliieinentM of thu "tlretitetit BhoW 011 Kitrth." In Its next Usuu TllK CuuutKit will t'outiklu the miujiiiiceiiieut. Tliu circuit will lm hum lor 0110 afternoon mul owning, WitliiMxlny, October 1st. MIm Sntllu Hecker of Btivuutuonth mul 1) stloetH, eiitertulneil a iiuihIht of fileiulsat high llvu IrtHt Friday uvenlnj;. Among thoso pivseut were: Mltwen Mlmilunud Ollvo l.attii, MiirKin-ot llnlnl, Iuex Don U, Maud Htoblis. Muud Hurr nmt Ueorglo Hawku of Nebrnska Ulty; Mwwrs. C. E. Monteoinery, Frank Folk. Will Hardy, Ht. John, Dr. Iaatld, Hurry Hall, Uliarles Algtr, Mr. mid Mr. W. Houghton. Thu Onuilia Ikti of Tuesday contiiluwl thu following: "Fuil Carter, a hair.brother of Thonma Knyres of thU city, win killed at KlUworth, Kau., by falling from n moving train. Carter wan a Wwtei 11 Union lineman and formerly rojlileil In tlilu city. His moth er, Mitt. Tlionma 1'ruU, ivblden ut Lincoln." Tho ronmlnt were Interrwl In this city. Mrs. II, A. llttbcock after vuuing thu Hum mer very pleasantly In thu Northwest Is onco moro nt homo nt 1!W4 J street. Mm. llnbcock reports having cnjoycil a delightful trip to Tttconm, tkuttlo mid other 1'uget Houml lolutH us well as interesting visits in Southern Oregon and California. A. C. Cass, formerly of this city, but now of Denver, was In thu city during the fair. Mr. Cuss still reUtns nn Interest in tho Whlto breast Coal mul Llmu Co, of this city mul ill wnjs enjoys a visit to his former homo, whero ho nlwuys i-rx-vlven a welcome. Mr. mid Mrs. HuckstnlT nro entortAiulug this week General Mlltan Montgomery mul his sou Ooorgo, of Albion, Ooono county.Keb. Uenenil Montgomery, who isMrs.Iluekstnirs father, wan formerly xlico Judge in this city. Mr. Hamuol Fretden and Miss Anna FroliU en were umirletl Sunday evening in Curl's hull, according to tho Jewish ceremony. Atter tho wedding tho guests, of whom thero was 11 largo number, twrtook of mi vlaltorntu super. Dancing followed. II. J. Whltmore, I'rof. L F. M. Kasteitlay and L. M. Kastenlay left for Denver Tuewlay to attend the vynod meeting of tli Kvnugell cnl Luthernn church. Aaron nuckstntT returuwl Tuesday after enjoying an extended vucatiou of four mouths east mid south, looking none the worse for hU trip. David Bradley of Chicago, the oldest living plow manufacturer In the world, nttendtxl thu fnlr this week. He was accompanied by his wife and son. Mr, and Mrs. (. L. Hmlth of Omaha, visit etl In Lincoln this week. Mr. Hmlth looked after thu interests of the Implement Dealer ut tlso fttlr. Itev. Henry 'Wanamaker has accepted the paitoritto of the Fast Lincoln Congregational church. Mr . Wnuamnker Is a Yale graduate, Mrs. W. 11. Axtater left for Chicane) the early ,rt of the week. Hhe will seud some time visiting dllTerviit points in tho east. Mr. ami Mrs. P. W. Tarny, of Tenth mid Plum stretts entertained the Misses Mnryund Maggie Hughes, of Omaha, this week. Mr. and Mm. J. C. Klkenbarry of South Omtiiiu, were visitors nt the Latta residence this week. Thu latter Is Mrs. Lattn's sister. Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Onrroute are enter taining Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Neel and .Mr. and Mrs. A. A, Chapman nt Allele, Icwu. Mm. C. W. Drown of Wnverly, Iowa, sis ter of Goo. 11. C.arkn, is vhltlng Mr. mid Mrs. Clarke at 1KW L striH-t. Judge nml Mm. Allen W. Field are enter taining the judge's parents, Sir. mul Mm. W. It. Field of Yuinn, Col. Mlos Theo I jink of McCook, daughter of CongntMinaii Ijiwb, vlltit Miss Martha Funku this week, 1), J.Coyle, formerly of Lincoln nut now of Hroken How, was the guest of P. O. Cuts', idy this week. Ncllgh, Neb., Is Fnnnlo Wnriier, Kttl K street. Kil, (1. Kit mi, of Tnliimilgn, Is visiting his brother, Al K. Fwnu, of CommlsHlouer Hteell's olllee. J. K. Ilniun mul Mi IJrowulo llnum of Ouinha, vlslttil their relatives In tills city this week. Mrs. T. L. Norvnlof Hownrd, wlfnof Jmlgn Norvnl, of thu supreme court, nttmuhtl tliu stnU fair. 0. II. Polk of liattsmouth, n graduate of tliu Htato Uulverslty, was n Hiimhiy visitor In this city. Miss (lerttt) Yates of IU'11 O (drift, is outtir tulnliig her friend Miss loii llruco of Hast ings. Mr. and Mrs. Bcott have leii visiting (I. M. Yntes, ut 1CJI Q stieet during thu week. Miss lmlsu Hheltou of Long Island, N Y., Is visiting, her brothiTs, Fi'ihI and Hnrry. MUrt Agglu Alexander of Hustings, Is viilt lug MJ-t Jviinln Morgan, 17-1 J street. Judge A. D. II11IIK a former reslduut of Lincoln, was in the city this week. J. Ii lloytl, Omaha's citmlldnto for gover nor, was In the city this week. Mrs. J. W, ClogHtou of OxknlooKii, Iown, Is visiting her son, John J. Hlce. Mm. F. W. Ilalilulii mul AL H. Ilitldulu left for Chicago Wednesday. J. A. Bplelmiin of Falrllcld, Iown, Is visit ing tho Kastortlity brothers. tli-o. M. Yates Is entertaining Jbtrlon Yut?sr of Heaver City, Neb. , Mrs. A. Lewis was 11 passenger for Ban Francisco, C11L, Monthly. II. 0. llnrtruir mid Wuller lllnko were lit utiico vlsltois Tuewlay. F. It. Currnti, of Newcastle, Wyo., Is visit ing friends in the city. Miss Kvii Kline, of Omaha, Is visiting her sister, Mm. K. Mot?., U. J. Courtney Is etitertululng WlUlatu I'ltluiM' of Chicago. Miss Alia Iaiintz returned from hersuuuner tour Wrduestlny. Airs. C. I). Tmplinguu tleparteil Moiulny for lVorlu, III. Mrs. W. T. lllcUnnlson lias gone to llrlstol, Connecticut, Joseph Hwnti Is visiting old friends at Peorln, 111. Horn to Mr. and Mm, F. L. Dunn Tuesday, ntlaughter. Mm. Oeorgu IluUiiliisou tins gone to Hunt ington, Pa. W. H. Fiiphroy.of Ouinha, spent this week in Lincoln. Helling Hooks liy Huliserlptiiiii. The method of helling books by subscription hns ninny nilvnntnges over nny other, and is tlnlly growing In iiiitorUtue and xpultiity. lly this nu'tluxl the attention of tho purchuser Is cnlletl to valuable books of which he might remain In entile Ignoruuco If they were wild In nny other way, Itls the most divert nntl altogether tho m st ectiuoinfcu way to buy lxoks. Hooks imrchnseil ntu retail hook store have genernlly passed tlnoiigh tho hautlsot from two In four middlemen, each of whom miisf have u pitillt. 77ie HUemide PidilMiinu Co., Ut Lnula, A7ii.,oITcih profitable employment to nil who wlsli to engage in tho business. Experience Is not necessary, hut any lady or gentleman with Intelligence mid Industry can make a success of the worth. Their publications nro first class, just such books ns our young eoploniiil our older teo- ple should rend; liooks that tend to mnko In telligent men mid women; tiooks that tench (tooplo things thnt thoy ought to know, such books nm splendid Family llfolc, which Is In itself 11 perfect cyclopedia of biblical knowl edge. IlidiHdh'a Wntoru of the Cnited Stutes Is another splendid book;nsaluofover :il)0,000 copies siteaks loudly in favor of Its great worth. The lo)le'H Cyclopedia of Universal Knowledue Is another work that has carved Its way to 11 wonderful success; 100,000 copies of this splendid vycloiieilln, mnile nntl etlltetl especially for tho mnsses, have been sold, uml tho sale Is still very large. Thoy also Imnillo tho lied letter Life of the Uepublle Stanley Explorations in Africa. Tho Pioneer History of America; People's Farm nml Stock Cyclopedia; The Physical Life of Hoth Sexes: Courtship, Lovo ami Wedlock, ami History of the Grand Army of tho llepubllc. Another splendid book, averaging nt fifteen hundred sets n month, Is ffifjKiftVr. Cyclope dia of Universal History, n liook that Is liouutl to lie rend by tens of thousands of scholars, and by thoso who lay no claim to scholarship, unit who yet lovo a clear, strnlghttorwitnl, understandable record of thu great events of tho world's history. Tho populnrlty of this liook Is something wonder ful. For further particulars, circulars, terms to agents, etc., uddrcfs. The Riverside Publishing Co., 710 Ollvo street, St. Louis, Mo. IHO-Im The Lincoln Steam Iaiiundry having re cently changed hands and undergone many improvements is now letter than over pro-, pared to execute work in the very lost man ner, promptly and at opu!ar prices. Mr. A. W. Day the now proprietor has adopted a new and Improved process for washing nml hnndllng garments, by which no blcuch'ng or Injurious materials are used; tho finest fabrics such ns silks, laces, llouncos, llmmels or cotton goods are laumlrlcd In first class manner, without the least damage. One trial will convince thu most skeptical that thu Lin coln Steam Laundry does tho llnest work In tho city All goods called for and delivered. Telcphono IW. Tho success of Mm. Annie M. Ileum of Ale Keesport, Pennsylvania, in the treatment of diarrhien In her children will undoubtedly lie of Interest to ninny mothers. Shu says; "I hHnt several weeks In Johnstown, Pa., after thu great flood 011 nccouut of my husband be ing employed there. We had several children with us, two of whom took tho dlarrhten very badly. I got some of Chnmlierlaln's colic, cholera and dlarrhn'a remedy from Itev. Air. Chnpmnn. It cured both of them. I know of several other cases whoro It wus equally successful. I think It cannot lx) excelled und cheerfully recommend it " C5 and 60 (tent bottles for sale by A.L. Shatter. "Want" Ads for lite .Journal, III order to servo tho convenience of Its patrons who may wish to use tho "want" col umns of tho aoumo! the ouiUKii olllco will receive such advertisements nt the regular rate and transmit them totlie.nunin. Sco the new corifsvoutluuco papers In tub let form just received at the CouutKU ollice. We have nil tho latest weaves, in all the fan cy mul plain uper, Including n uumlier of very pretty novelties. Envelopes to match all pucra. Mist Fnuulti Meyers of visiting .Ml-s Ivlltli mid OUT OF THE HARNESS. Well Known ltd It 11 r Who llns Turtle I'urtne r. Ono of thvwult known Wnshhigton cor respondents of former sessions, ntiil nlso one of Kentucky's prominent newspaper turn for a long time, was L, S. Ilowlctt, Horn ut HoHtoti forty-four yuurs ago, he learned tire typesetting lmslnesiu 11 boy, nml "held i'net" nntl did rcportorlnl work until 1870, when he went to Louisville nml .MIL U 8. IIOWLBTT cstnbllsheil The Evening Post Later on huKdltl hlrt interest III that sheet ami be ciiiiiu part owner nntl umnugliig editor of The CoiumerchiL During the tlmo of UL connection with The Commcrclul he held 11 custom house position, uml discharged his duty both to thu government uml to the newspaper in 11 satisfactory tnituner. Ho left I-ouLsvllIu In ISSO to uccept 11 jilacu us aVHsociutcil Press reporter ut Wnshlngtoji Wlillu ut tho national capital, where he nerved three years, he became- very popular with hU brethren of the press, uml was chosen first president of the- Correspondents' club. Ho wunt west In 181, ami located ut Portland, Ore. There lie edited 11 n afternoon iuier, 'l'he News, until It wits given Up us 11 losing enterprise, uml thou ho iiiuuugcd Tho Ore goiilun during an extended eastern trip of Its editor. He next went to tho Couer tlo 'Aleiio mines, and represented an eastern syndicate of papers for n yenr He was then appointed by IViftldcri aVrthur re ceiver of (iiilillo moneys In the Uultctt States laud ollice, with lieadfjuarlerH ut Yaklnm, nntl held tho ofllcc from 16S.'. to ISSil. He luvestetl his surplus cusli la 1 tract of land whero now stands tho town of North Ynklina. Ills Itacatlon pro veil n fortunnto ono. Ills farm was principally laid out in town lots, mid he now owns vnliiablo busl uess property where onco sage brush uf forded scanty winter forage for hungry cattle. He built a comfortable retldenco on the brow of 11 high ridgooverlooktugthe town, uutl bus i model little farm of n fow rich acres surrounding It, upon which he ruNes moro fruits mul vegetables thnn he knows what to tlo with. In I87li-b0 I wiiH employed under Air Howictt on tho HtnlT of The Commcrclul, and Inning business ut North Vaklnia 1 took occasion to visit my former chief. After dinner I walked Into his back yard uml saw luscious grapes by tho bushel hanging on il-year-old vines. There was n corner of melon vines, uutl dozens of largo ripe wutermions lying around waiting to lie eaten ('caches, apples, plums, tarries, green corn, beans, cabbage In fact, all sorts of things that would tend to iiiuku n hungry mini moro hungry were there in profusion. Just back of the burn Mows n rupltl stream of pure mountain water, nntl from this "ditch," us It is called, the entlro region of green meadows nntl gardens nre irrigated. It will surprise his journalistic rrleuds to learn that .Mr, Howictt hns become un at torney White In the laud ofllcc he took up the study of law, and was admitted to the bar when 40 years old. At the last Ro publican state convention ho came within six votes of being nominated for govcrnoi . !;., MIL UOWLETT'S ItKSIDEKCE. of Washington. ITo bus been talked of for congress, nntl some time In tho future the Washington reporters mny possibly sco their former nssociato occupying n sent In one wing of the Capitol. W. G. Denton. Some Cannibalistic Arguments. Regarding the inhabitants of the upper Oubunghi, an nfllucnt of tho Congo, a Cnthollotnlsslounry furnishes some curious particulars. Tho natives arc cannibals, nml when the good fattier endeavored to dissuade them from tho practice on tho ground that "human llesh is detcstnblo" they replied! "Pardon, but what do you know about Itf With salt und spIccA it is, on the contrary, delicious." When tho missionary pointed oHt the dllTercnco be tween man uutl animals they responded! "Certainly, we agree with you thnt mnn Is the nobler; therefore hu is tho nicer." Norm Dakota's Itopubllcau Leader. May 15, 1850, Andrew II. llurke, Repub lican noinlneo for governor of North Da kota, was horn In Now York city At nn early ago he wus left n homeless orphan, and was sent,, when 8 yearn old, to Indiana, where he worked on 11 farm until tho second yenr of the civil wnr. Then he enlisted us a drummer boy, nntl served In that capacity un til the close of tho rsintllir A f t.Ar that he educated EW " DU,lKE himself, uutl was Identified for some time with nuwspupers at Evansvtlle, I111L In ISSO he became a resident of Casselton, l)ak where he has tilled the positions of bank cashier nntl county treasurer. Tho latter olllco he now holds. A Tribute to Mursuret Puller. Of .Margaret Fuller George Willlnm Curtis says In a recent article: "A scholar n critic, 11 thinker, 11 queen of conversation above nil a person of tlellcntc Insight and symMithy, the wisest of friends, t lie ut most feminine refinement of feeling nud dauntless spiritual courngo, she seems to mo still the figure of Woman in tho Nine teenth century." mi-"T -wan--mw 'y JUST RECEIVED A Beautiful Writin IN Tablet Form Envelopes to Match. Wessel Print. Co. COURIER OFFICE, IK'S VIUMaVHBoVBftVKaBaaaSjBBBpjBSS . c, 3r IHHinlSiflKflBHiHAlaHH-lL i".. A. M. DAVIS & SON, Fall and Winter Carpets and Draperies, 1112 0 St Telephone 219. H. W. BROWN DRUGGSITWBOOKSELLER The Choicest line of Perfumes. D. M. Ferrys Finest Flower .nnc' Garden Seeds. 127 Sou.tht Eleventh Street. m M&-bL 1 .i LrgTOO?iWn mejjiiim3 M&&mwg?jzsyr njdr the personal supervision tTsss?sZzz--- r4 will b open for tij rceptloi) of quests Jui) first li et$ year, tisltors will find THE ORLEHNS i& first olass In all of Its appointments, bcinf well suppled ultr; qas. hot arrf cold water bitijs, cletrio bells iT)4 H modern improvements. &ean laundry, billiard halVe, bowling alley, etc.. and positiuly free front annoyance by moeultoe. Round Trip Excursion Tickets will b plated on sal at t (ommcnr.emnt of t tourist season by t Durllnton, Cedar lapld &. (ortnern Railway and all oonncttlnq lines, t lou; rates, to tlje following points In Iowa and T)it)i;csotj Spirit lak.c. Iowa; tlbcrt lea, Uatervllle, Yweapotis. St. paul, (alc Ilnnctonh;a, Uijitc Bar q and Dulutn. TlniesoTa, Clear ae, louia: l?Kc Superior points; Yellowstone parts; points and polrjte In Colorado. Urit for...' "A Midsummer Paradise," to tjo general Jlolet aijd passenger ftcnt. Cedar Rapids, lows, and, fojjgfltgl rjatcs to H. L. LcLAND.Splrlt le. Iowj. C. J. IUES, prtl. vtHtfif Soft J. E, HKrlNECHN, .t'l Tot njJ pais. p;(t. Line of Fine Papers 1 136 N STREET. Nebraska's Leading Hotel. THE MURRAY Cor. I3tli nud Harney Bts., o2uea.zz.. urn. STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS. All Modern Improvements and Conveniences. B. BILLOW AY, Pro-rietor. IRA HIQBY, Principal Clerk. ofHORKCE L.. LELaTtlSD.JFH-n-T tf r ' swum