Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, September 06, 1890, Page 2, Image 2

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1 IssjMsWMllliilllllllllllMillllllllllllllMMililliilllllMMaiai- . . s --vJ
SEPTEMBER 6 1890 ;
i 9
for thii 1'iiirn
Life Made Easy
More Comfortable
l!vcr mtil In Lincoln. To Irj them on 1
o buy. These good to bo found only nt
Webster & Roger's
io.j(j O Street.
Kino Hint Cabinet . per doen. Special
rate to student. Cull ami see our work.
Studio, 1314 O Street.
Open from Kin. in. to 4 p.m. buiuln.
Physician and Surgeon
Officci 1 1 6 S . lilevcntli St.
Telephone: Olllce 685. Residence 561
Qy Sffdaiiit.
Vriicllce Limited to Disease nf tlio
Nervous System, Heart and Blood
Hon, Win, l.cee, Attorney (liMiirul.
Hon, T. It. Nnrvnl, Associate .IiiMIco,
,1nnc' National Hunk, Nuumrd.
Citizens' National Hunk, Uljsse.
Okxioki 1SSSJO Htrrct, LINCOLN, NKII.
Principal Points
1044 O STREET.
City Passenger Agent
.Wotih lIM.M.IiMTll
rwateh In la world. WrfMt
nA MM LK-m
lloih latlltt'aad ttnv$ aim.
with woUi and ! of
aaaltalut. 0.1 E flRlODla
fr totality can itcurt &
e. tottthtr fllh our tim
vlutllUitf Household
ultpa. ThM umtlti.ii wall
. lha wattn. an fta. All In work van
i mow wnu w Hniirra i ww wna raiwjour
frttd an J nHf ttbart and thorn about yev thai alwt j rtsulta
la valuta! tf aJ for , wMth hoU for y tart whim one rtariad,
a4 Otuc mi ara tf I4. Wi ty all tipmi, ftvlcht, il. Afltr
y know alt, If you wouU Ilia to ao to work, far ui, rou caa
oararrem SVO to 9IO ntr wk amlupwardi Adlm.
tttlnaon .t: Co., BuiHllI, l'urllunU, Mulue.
ttiorthautt. and Typewriting. U Iho txtt ami largest
Lollr 111 (ha Wcm, uij students In ullnuUtuv lal
year, tttiilcnu iirepartii or builiim lu from Jtov
womb;. Kxark-licnt (acultjr l'crvmal liKtrticliun,
HMitiltuI HlmirMtKl ciialoicur, mllnte journalt, ami
!cunt a o( pt'Dniaothlp, wnt (reu kjr aitdivuliiK
UUJBIUDOE ft ItOSE. Unoolii, Neb.
IB Tickets
"- rnrMk"
Min. O. M. I'lirlnhiiii.Koiioto Morton, III
MIm (liillinctto him returned from CMoiko.
K, M. Woo U went to OrleMH, Ni'li , Mon.
Mi. M11 U'wtmidtlniiKhli'riirtfiit I'ni'tilo,
Ml Nolllo lAinci'Knii i'iit to lliiHtliiK"
It. K. (lordnii left lor IhiKcrotown, Iml.,
A. Wolfo wn 11 imiwiiKfr for CIiIi'iiko
.Imiiiih (I. McKiitliiiiil linn koiio to llrmitlmi
hnrn, ICy.
i Lllllun Hli'illiij? Nhnck fioin lur vn
fit Inn trl.
Murk II Tlltnn left Tuoidny for it trip to
(mkIitii Hilnti.
Mini Mny 1'otvln Htnrhil for Soitttlo,
Wnnli., Monthly.
(I, W IVttllKinn Miii 11 pimeiwr Mondny
for I'oitliind, O10.
Mm. T. H. Kiel mid ditiiRlitor mo vUltlnn
II II NNiiy ictiiiiHMl Hnndiiy from mi
iixtt'iidcd cistern tilp.
Col. Ihury llotcliklns iiMoiiiUhI the leiinlou
nt (iiiiml lh'uitl tliN week.
.lutiH'H Httoihi of lliirnnilot, 111., I vUlthiK
his brother, .renin) II, Strode.
C. K, Turner cfHIoiu City, In lielng vn
tei tallied by (loorKu K. Hlpo.
Mi,.. T .1. Cur Hi mid Mlm Kdnn CurtU
linve retiirned fioin Mlimototii.
L V IIIIUiiKHley mid C. O. Whodon m-ro
In HuMiinl Tiii'Htlny on hiiilne.
(leo. K. Illliner In enteitnlnliiK hix filend
AldlH llnrtlett, of Hprlnj; Valley, Minn
l'rof. L. A. llerinan of the Htnto tinlver
Ity, lian returned from MaMiicliUHottK,
Mil. Kemitnr Tiihiii t of Hinting, visited
her winter, Mrn. V II. W'oloott, till xvwk.
Hev. Llltlier 1'. Lnihleii liiit.heen founeily
Instnlled an piiKtor of tliu draco Lutlivrmi
chin eh.
Ml Martini Krlck who hai Ih-cii WUiij;
)n tliN city, (U'lmrted for her Maryland hoine
Mr mid Mr. II. M. Iliixhnell nr.i enter-.
talnliiK Mr mid Mim. Climnberliiln, of
llliinntlia, ICiiiihiih
HiiK'rliitenilent Calvprt and II. W. Hanly
lime been tourliiK the Illnck HUUIn tlio
former'H private car.
V. A (Irlllltli, a yotinn nttorney of Greens
Imip, IV1111., nttentled the wedding of hU
brother, tlio llvutennlit, Wedncdlny
MIhh Snrnh and Lulu (IriiniiiKer nrrlved
fmio Clevelund, Ohio, Mondny, anil 111 e U
IthiK their Hlxter, Mix. A. C. .leinor
Mim, June AioIuiKhlln and Mm, O'Connor
of Den Moines, Iowa, nro vltltliiK at the reid
dence of Coiinulliniin McLiiii);hlin diirlni; tlio
II. I. Sherwln, 1121 O Htrtet, Iiiihii jnient
for every one or lux customers that cannot
fall to be appreciated. Hu will glvo to every
enntomer a llnu crayon picture made from
imy photo that U denned mul it will not cixt
you a cent. Cnll in nt liU dniK and niton
store and see how It in done 1124 O street.
Helllnu HoiiUn Ity Milimirllitlitn.
The method of wiling books by mibscription
Um many advantnees over any other, mul if
dally Krowlni; in imimrtaiiee mid popuUrity
lly this method the attention or tlio pun-liiiser
U called to valunblu liooks of which ho might
remain In entire Ignorance If they were void
In imy other way. It In the most direct and
altogether the, nviit ccoaDinfcof wny to buy
books. IhKiks purchased nt 11 retail book
store have Kenemlly throuKh the
hands ot from iicoio four mfuiffriiirii, each
of whom must linvo 11 profit.
T10 Ilitermile ivlimhinu Co., St Loult,
Mo., olTers protltablu employment to all who
wlidi to engnso In the bindueiw, Kxpcrlenco
Is not necessary, but any lady or Kuntleman
with IntelllKonco ami Industry can make n
success of the worth.
Their publications nro first class, Just such
books asour youiiR Hoplu nnd our older Ho
ple should rend; IkkiUs that tend to make ln
telllent'men and women; books that tench
IHHiple things that thoy otiKht to know, such
iHHiksnsn splendid Fitmilu Hitile, which Is In
Itself n perfect cyclopeilla of biblical ktioivN
edge. llMiMth't JIMury of fie fnf.J
Mutes U another splendid Ixxikju sale of over
JIOD.IHK) eoplis steaks loudly In favor of its
great worth. I he l,oyle,! Ci)ilontti of
t'niversol Knoulrtlue Is auotlier work that
lias curved Its wny to n wonderful succesi;
IIHI.IHIU copies or this splendid cyclopedia,
mndo and edited especially for the masses,
have been sold, find the. mile Is still verj
They also handle the Itetl Letter Life of
the Iieitubtie Stanley Uxploratlons in Afriea.
The Pioneer History of America; People's
rurmiuid Htock Cyclopedia; The Physical
Life of Doth Sexes: Courtship, Love ami
Wedlock, and History of the Qrnnd Army of
the Hepublic.
Another splendid book, averaging at fifteen
hundred sets. 11 month, is Jlidixtth'n CucUwe-
iltn of Lrniverml History, a book that is
lomiil to tie rend by tens or thousands of
scholars, mul by those who lay no claim to
scholarship, nnd who yet lovo n clear,
straightforward, understandable record of
the great events of the world history. The
(wpulnrity of this book is something wonder
For further particulars, circulars, terms to
agents, ota, address,
The Riverside Publishing Co., 70J Olive
street, He Louis, Mo. iMtKIni
The Lincoln Steam Laundry having re
cently changed hands mid undergone many
improveinenU Is now better Minn ever pre
imred to execute work in the very liest man.
tier, promptly mid at popular prices. Mr,
A. W. Day the new proprietor has adopted u
now mid Improved process for washing and
handling garments, by which no t.lencli'uir
or Injurious materials are used; the finest
fabrics such us silks, laces, tlouueoi, llnnneU
or cotton goods ure laundrled in llrst class
lunnuer, without the least damage. One trial
w 111 convince the most skeptical that the Lin
coln 8tenm Liuudrydoes thellnest work In
the city. All goods called for nnd delivered.
Telephone (W,
The success of Mrs. Annie M. Beam of Ml
Keesport, Pennsylvania, in the treatment of
iliarrluva in her children will undoubtedly be
of Interest to many mothers. She saysi "I
leiit several week in Johnstown, Pn., after
the great Hood on account of my liubnnd bo
Ing employed there. We had several children
with us, twoof w Itom took the tliarrhuen very
iMiilly, I gqt some of Chamberlain's colic,
cholera mid dlanhuia remedy from Hev. Mr.
Chapman. It cured both of tlcm. I know
of several other cases whore It was eiiuully
successful. I think It cannot I hi excelled mid
cheerfully recommend it " 'S" and 60 cent
bottles for sale by A.L. Sbader.
Onn ICtulti'il mi Iilen mid llin Other lie
tciloprtl It,
Kveryliody has hearil of tlio "Cliiiutnii(iin
Men." mul nearly uierybody wakn of
Ulshop.l. II Vincent, of tlio M. K. church, lie fnlherof that Men. lint If lllshop
Vincent Is Ita father, Hon. IcwIh Miller, of
Akron, 1) , may
well he Lulled Its
Kranilfnther Mr
Miller Is about (0
)wim of age, and
win burn nt
(Iron 11 town, O
Ho became Inter
t'Mcd In Sunday
school work when
ipilto 11 young
man, nnd In IKVJ
wait elected miper
lutetident of the
Methodist Sunday
kcIiooI In Canton,
O. In thoM, day , KWH M.LK.
the rliiNMVH all
met In 11 big, cheerleis iipartmont. Such
11 thliiK iih 11 Hystematlo Htiuly of tlio
Scriptures was never thought of Mr
Miller net to work to evolvu 11 model school
room nnd to establish u model school. Ho
had thoroughly formulated both lilcni
When, twenty earn m:o, hu moved to Ak
ron mul began to develop his plans.
A Hiiiaie building wn erected, In which
thero was one largo seinlclrculiir room,
with 11 gallery A plntform, on which
htood the MUperlntendent'H desk, occupied
11 position on one side of the room, nnd
from It radiated nine class rooms on tlio
ground lloornnd ulnu in tlio gallery, mak
ing eighteen In all. The partitions be
tween the rooms weto nrranged to fold
hack,MotliMt when desired thu wholeichool
could be brought together No mutter
whether the doors were opened or closed
the superintendent could tlll command 11
view of nil tlio rooms. The classes were
graded, and tho Htuileiits graduated from
one class to another, Just as they do In tho
public schools Kncli class also has Its ho
clety, mul the Modal features iiinko thu In
stitution popular with young and old.
The school now has over 11 thousand mem
bers enrolled '
Illsluip Vincent, then only 11 plain Moth
odlst pamon, visited thu Akron school, was
charmed with its arrangement nnd siiw in
It the model of mi Institution that might
Ih-coiiio world wldu In Its scope, 11111I which
could cover every brunch of education,
Hu unfolded his plan to Mr. Miller, and to
gether they set to work to carry It out at
Chautiiiiiiia. Mr. Miller Is president of
thu Ohio Stiito Sunday School union and
the board of trustees of Mount Union col
legia In Ohio Ills daughter Minn s thu
wife, of Thomas A Kdlson, thu Inventor.
Chautaiiiiia owes its success In great
nieiLsiiru to the energy mid thuuxecutivo
ability of its present secretary nnd general
superintendent, Dr. W A. Duncan, of Syra
cuse, N. Y. In IS7S Chancellor Vlncunt
up polti tod Dr
Duncan us his as
sistant ul Chun
tauiiia, mid on
the dentil or A. K
Warren, In I SSI,
he was made sec
retary and general
superintendent of
the assembly. He
found the Inst I
tutioii burdened
with a debt of
1"0,ukj, nnd nil the
complicated in a
ehlueryof the coil
cern out of uear.
ITo went to work with a will, instituted
reforms, reorganized the working force,
nnd iLsn result of his labors, 100,uuo have
been expended for Improvements, the debt
has been reduced to 10,000, nnd everything
iitChautauiiia moves like clockwork. Hut
Dr. Duncan has not expended nil of his
energies nt Cliautauiun. At Albany, Ga.,
W0 miles south of Atlanta, he owns 11
plantation of H.fiOO acres, and there hu hits
rstablished a branch Chautauqua that bids
fair to rival its northern parent. Tho
southern assembly Is held lu March, and
nt thu next meeting President Harrison
nnd Chauiicey M Depuw are expected to
bo present.
Value of Knouhig How to .Sketch.
An artist's habit of quick ur.d accurate
observation sometimes stand hlia In good
stead. jears before the photograph
was heard of the famous Mulready, whllo
walking along a deserted London street
late at night, was despoiled by a lihihwav-
man. Tho artist on reaching home draw
the man's face very carefully and took tho
sketch to How street. The rohler'wa
captured within 11 fortnight, his apprehuu
klou being duo entirely to the picture.
And Other Lake Superior t'nluU.
The traveling public may not bo aware
that the H. & M. makes tho run between Lin
coln nud points on Lake Superior severnl
hours quleker thnn nny other line, our rotes
are the lowest m.d tho services tho best.
Mnke Inquiry at Union depot or city olllce,
corner O nnd Tenth streets, before deciding
on your route. It's to your Interest to do so.
A. C. Zlemer, C. P. & T. A.
A Few KhcIs,
There seems to be some misapprehension
with regard to the time when tho present
charter of Th Louisiana State Lottery ex
pires. It Istruetliattheconipany has applied
for a new charter, and on tho 10th of July of
this year the legislature ordered that nn
amendment to the constitution of the state
lie submitted to the people nt the election in
1SW. Thus, tlio charter of the company will
be carried up to the year 1UH. However,
the present charter which had been rntltled
by the supremo court of the United States,
does not expire until the llrst of Jnnuary
lbitt, Tho npplicntion for Its extension was
merely a matter of routine legislation, and
there is not the slightest doubt that when
the present chnrter has expired, tlio people
of Louisiana will order Us continuance till
IU19. The management of Generals l)enure
gun! mid Karly has challenged the admira
tion of all men lioth in this country nud
altroud. The high character mid sterling In
tegrity of these gentlemen is the beH guar
antor that tho company will fully justify the
confidence- pineal In it by tho state of Louis
iana. AV10 OrlnttiH Ui.) TimtM-PemociHt,
August 0
"Want" Ads for the .Journal.
In order to serve the convenience of its
patrons who may wish to use tho "want" col
umns of the Jonrmif the OUlUKH ollico will
receive such advertisements nt the regular
rates nnd transmit tllem totlie Journal.
See the new coriesjiondence pners in tab
let form Just received nt the Couiukk olllce.
We have nil the latest weaves, in nil (lis fnn.
cy nnd plain Niwr, including a number of
very preuy novelties, r.nveloies to match
all pupers.
Doctors Ilalley & Ooodell, olllce 1317 L
street. Telephone, 017.
fitntUtlcs About Ihr t.liirn I'lnnt and
Various Oilier rrodiirtlous.
The Irish crop this jear, It is estlmntcd,
will fall short of tho acreago of 1880,
though tlm production of whnt has been
a most favorable season may hIiow an ag
gregate of vnl no in excess of that of IBM).
Total of acres dovoted to llax lu lSSSwns
113,(1111. Total of ISM) was 113,817. Of tho
llax required for a jear's production of
linen tuxtilcA lu this country only about
ono-slxtii Is raised within the limits of tho
Island, tho remainder Mug Imported from
Hiissla and IJelglum chiefly Figures for
ISW) show Hint the homo product was
ll),!n tons, while thu number of tons Im
IMirted was llli.OOl, valued at about l,t)00,
000. That llax Is not a popular crop with
tlio Irish farmer - lieclaluis that It Is "hard
Upon the land" Isshiiwnbj the following
statistics for lsss, nhowlng iiumbernf ncres
under cultivation for live principal crops:
Number of r.cresdciotisl to oats I.VTSI.Sdfl
NiiiiiIht of iiens iloMjted to tntiH-s ... WLWrt
NuinlHTiif HLT(Mtln()tiMl totlirnlis .... '."JI.SU.1
NiiiiilMrif ncres ilcidi. si to hurley .. I70.HI3
Niitnlieriif neresiletiitisl to ilnx 113,013
And llax must Indeed be Imnl upon tho
land, when we nnt giien to iiiiderstnuil
that Miieii to ten cnrs should ellipse be
tween crops of llax In the Mime Held. In
the llax wowing districts there Is an es
tablished rotation for crops between Max
and flax. One rotation is In thiswise
llax, oats, turnips, wheat, clover and grass,
oats, potatoes, llax Whllo one authority
states that "no plant grows and thrives so
well under so many varying conditions
and lu so ninny countries iib llax," It places
Its geographical status ls'tween tho forty
fourth mid sixtieth jMinillels of latitude
for the most successful area of cultivation.
In the I'nlted States the forty-fifth paral
lel divides Wyoming (south) from Mon
tann, nnd is tlio boundary lino between tho
northeastern portion of Now York statu
and Canada Ireland lies between tho
llfty-llrst ami tho fifty sixth.
Tho authority Just mentioned describes
tho proper method for seed planting; nnd
when ouo has read all the requirements of
preparation that lead up to perfect llax
production the quality of soil necessary,
the dangers of extremo dryness or extreme
dampness, the plowings, thu harrow ings
and the rollings, not to mention huveral
weedings of the growing crop and tho
hand pulling that harvests it he wonders
how It "grows nnd thrives" as stated, ami
he Is Inclined to acknowledge the force of
a remark 1 hear every day. to tho effect the American farmer could not bo In
dined to glvo his laud or time to Its culti
vation for lllier. "lie Is a raiser of llax
seed for linseed oil purposes, and that's all
ho ever will be," I have heard scleral
times. Ilulicrilnslicr.
l.lKhtiilni; In Maine.
A straniro lu tulil r.mfttili.r !..
fatal thunderlMilt at Homer N. Chase's, at
iiiicKiiciu As lias lieeti staled, Mr. and
.Mrs. Chase were In Auburn Thursday af
ternoou, ami Isjforo the shower were lu tlio
National Shoo and leather bank lu An
burn. Mr. Chase was talking with somu
of the bank olllcials, and was asked if he
was not going to stay over In the afternoon
nud see the races. Ho said that lie thought
not "I noticed just as I catnuln," )iu said,
"that a black cloud was hanging over tho
west, audit looks to mu as though It was
rluht up in our vicinity. Lightning has
struck there u good deal. Our house is on
a knoll i.-lth a ledge, and I have had an
Idea that thero might bo somu sort of at
tr.utl'a .ibout the ground." Mr. Chase
ncsor.lln,;!y left for home, mid, as Is known,
readied then) only to Hud that thu light
ning had descended upon his home, pros
trating his son mid killing his hired mail.
As near as can be learned, at the very
moment that Mr. Chase niado the abovo
statement the lightning struck the house.
Lewlston Journal.
Iiintlce Without .Meioy Indeed.
A Judge In a neighboring state once In
tervened to prevent a waste of words, lie
was sittliij: lu chambers, and seeing from
tho piles of paper in the lawyer's hands
that tho llrst case was llkoly to Imj hotly
contested he asked, "What Is tho amount
in question.
"Two dollars," said the plaintiffs coun
sel "I"lpnyit,"snldtho Judge, handing over
the money; "call thu next case."
He had not tho patience of taciturn Sir
William Grant, who, after listening for a
couple of days to tho arguments of counsel
as to tho construction of an act, quietly o&
served when they had done, "That act liiu;
lieon repealed." ( J recti Hag.
lluthlng Costumes.
Thero is little that is ne.iv in .bathing cos
tumes ns far ils Englnnd Is concerned, but
In France things are different. Light col
ored silks and thin woolen fabrics arc
worn, trimmed wtth lncoand frilling. One
absurd fashion is tho pendant sleeve from
tho shoulder, which leaves thu arm bnro
and answers no purpose, but lloats In tho
water.andmust be considerably in tlio way
for bathing or swimming. Only tho fact
Is at French watering places few people do
anything more save'play with the water.
Tho mot comfortable and sensible bath
ing dress Is the combl nation, made to fasten
In front and fall to the kneo, with n belt
round tho waist to which n short skirt Is
Thu hultim's I'mjers.
It is said that It requires forty minutes
for tho sultan to say his prajurs every
morning of his life. If tho average new s
jiaper man were as wicked as is tho sultan
lie would think it necessary to devote
twenty-three hours mid 'twenty minutes
to his orisons, and hustle for his salary
during tho remaining forty minutes of the
day. Hut then tho sultan Is preying on
some ono all the time. Detroit Free Press.
It Win "Verm Onld."
Theru is told an anecdote of a Scotch
minister who, when he had been engaged
to a girl for some j ears, said timidly one
day, "D'yo think, lassie, wo might tak' a
klssr" The damsel looked as if she thought
they might. Thu minister folded Ids hands,
asked a blessing, took the kiss and gavo
thanks. Very soon lie whispered: "Eh,
lassie, but It's verra guld. D'je thli.k wo
might tak' anitherf'" San Francisco Ar
gonaut. A New Instrument of War.
A trial has liven made atClvltn Vecchla
of tho nautical ball Invented by Signer
Halsamello, It Is seven feet in diameter
and can hold four persons. When closed
It sinks, and Is steered nnd propelled under
water by rudder and screw. It has win
dows and grapplers mid will be useful for
fishing up objects, and can bo used for de
structive purposes In time of war. Now
York Commercial Advertiser.
. ,
Little Girl Papa, Dick found a horso
shoe and I found a four leaved clover,
Which of us is thu luckiest?
Pi'nctlcal Pa Dick is. Horseshoes ore
worth money, Now Voik Weekly. ,
A Beautiful
-.IL-Maaaai4.M:aVH laM aWSBl ,smJ 1fraMaBaBaaWaaaW. tB'-:-!
(BPaHFBoffHUnHnRHI'i' fin
- MOl m iffMHiinffi 1 a
MMKiaRiSSviS o
SlStgB i Jas
Fall and Winter
Carpets and Draperies,
1112 0 St Telephone 219.
The Choicest line of Perfumes. D. M. Ferry's Finest
Flower and Garden Seeds.
127 South Eleventh street.
t"!. jfc- r-3?. rr,sri- .k3i.JF'w,' ,- i
uijdr tijfi pcrjoijal euperwisloo of
s t)4 mill b opci) for tf; rewptlof) of uejts Jur; fir$t h) ca(r
year, (isltors ulll fiijd THE ORLERNS is first oliss lo all of Its appointments, bcl well
supplied IUH7 $as. Ijot ai)d oold water batijs, clctrio bells aijd all modrij Improumcijrj. steam
Uurjrfry. billiard Ijalls. bomlli) alley, cto., aijd positively free from aijijoyaijc by mosqultoe.
Round Trip Excursion Tickets ulll b$ placed 07 sal at ; vmmccmt of t
tourljt sasorj by t Durllton. ?edar Ijaplds & fonrr) rjallway ai)d all ooijWtli? Ilijcs, at low
rates, to tc followlo polijts ii? Iowa and ni7i)sota.. Spirit latje. Iowa; filbert lea. Uateruille.
nlijijeapolls. St. paul, laKe m'Metoijiii. uite Bar lk.c ai)d Duluti?, miQOCsota, lear e, lowaj
lHe Superior poli)t6; Ycllowstorjc parl points aijd polrjts h) Colorado.
MK for "A MiosuMMER Paradise," totijo tewH JloKJet and
passecr fluent. 5cdar faplds. Iowa. agd. fesl IJates to H. L. Le la no, Spirit lale. Iowa.
C. J. IUES. pr.jt. 0J Cil f- J. E. HHNNECHN. Ct, I Mt ig4 past,
Line of Fine
to Ma
Print. Co.
1136 N STREET.
Nebraska'9 Leading Hotel.
Tor. Iltli and Harney Hts.,
All Modern Improvements and
B. 8ILL0WAY, Proprietor.
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