iil ififiirf ' - w- ii iip I, ii iniri "V T6?l LVR PAPER op A?PERN -TIAA11S " Vob. G No GO THE TIUKL1M. There is nt present going the round'! of the ladles' Journals nn Item which snys. "It Ii stylish to show n gotsl 'I cul of neck this summer." 1 haven't wen any fnslilou noto which snys w)j but It must bo equally fiolilcm nblo to show ii good dmtl of "cheek" "tliln stuns mkt." Certain It Intlmt thoo who an? In tho swim nru neck and neck In a general endeavor to show a "good deal" of eheek. And It must lie nilinltted that with the majority of tlio ik1 who constitute what we delight to call polite society, the display of a good deal of cheek conies just ns easily and naturally nsdoes the exhibition by tlio ladles of a "good deal of neck." There is altogether too niueh of lioth cheek and neck wen nowadays. Tlio "Hheridnu Guard Swing" In very pop ular in society further east. In this peculiar twist when you "swing pai titers" you swing your girl to the full extent of both arms. Homo of the. girls don't like It at ilrst, but they soon gut lists) to it, and tunny of them nfter one trial "never use any other." When scientifically done a real tight queoo ac companies the swing. One hears from easterners so often tlio complaint, "you don't do anything but ilnnce and piny curds out here." The auth ors of these walls are, of course, greatly mis taken when thoy suppose that our amuse ments consltt entirely of thso two things; but it must lie admitted thnt there Is a pretty fair sprinkling of truth tu the nsiertion nfter all. It muy not be the intention to crowd out everything else; but In the winter mouths, during society's mnd whirl, there Is little In the way of entertainment suvo cards, dune lug, receptions nnd lunches. Thee lire nil very good in their way; but it does seem that time might l found for something heavier. In many cities one of society's most popular instltutlous'is a well organized and proerly maintained dramatic club, and whh the know talent of many of our people, such mi organization might liecome with us an ex ceedingly Interesting form of nmuscment mid instruction. Western culture or rather tho so-called lack of western culture is tho subject of much ridiculous comment In tho east, where the jieople know us much about our social life us they do of the habits of the Cannibal Inlanders. It Is said thnt wo have no man ners; that wo uro boot ish, nnd that wo have no such thing as "society" as the term Is un derstood in the east, (where a McAllister is a bigger man than the president of the United States). Any one who knows anything of western life and civilization ktiowshut there, is no justice iu such statements. There is in the west genuine culture and it is widely dis seminated. Western manners may Ikj frank nnd hearty, and therein in their great chnrni; but they are not boorish ; uud ns for society, while we ure deficient in McAllisters, Derry Walls and Mrs. Astors, qulto as much dig nity and refinement pervade our social llfo ns In most ol tho effete social circles of the oust. Hecouse western men uud women rue more enthusiastic than their eastern cousins it does not follow thnt they ure less decorous. Hccuuse their hospitality Is generous and free, it cannot lie said that they uro lacking in n proper appreciation of the niceties of re llned soclul intercourse. There Is u differ ence in tlio social customs of the great geo graphical divisions of our country; but It is not so great us some uninformed easterners would huvo people belluve. Tho cast is not a sy non j in for cultuie; neither is the west for barbarism. However, there uro come things in our social life thut might bu improved Ukjii. For iustuuee art, literature und music are much neglected. In art und music Lincoln has an advantage over most western cities. In the llterury field but little progress has been inude. True culture euilirnces ull these People everywhere like to see a young man succeed. How tho civilized nations of the world havo wntched with incrensing Interest tho triumphs of Geriniiny's young ruler, William II! At ilrst ho hud very little sympathy ;but ills forceful character soon won almost universal uduiitatlon and now his brilliant career is the talk of tlio world. From the monarch of Genuuny ho bus lie come tlio muster of oil Kurope nnd without tho help of lilsmurck. Ho has triumphed over tremendous Obstacles und Oermuuy Is learning that it is bettor to Iw ruled by its sovereign than by u vicarious uutocraey. Tlio young emperor has become one of th remarkuble men of the nineteenth century at u jump, us it were. A sensational urticle in the eastern pupers u few duys ago was headed, "A Girl lirnves a Hoar." There is nothing very remarkable In that. Kvery girl must of necessity brave a boro many times. A New York paper the other .day t oil twined tho following, and it Is mid thut when young VniiUerbllt read it ho said.soinethlng which sounded like "tho press bo damned!" "Who are these Vunderbilts who ilnnce at 'Newport while their agent thrtutens to spend two millions of their money to crush out labor organizations! I hey are tho children oflttboreis. Fifteen years ago they were cut ut Surutiigu, und only iccently have they been recognized in fushlonable society. Tlieir grnndfuther was a Jeisey tavern keeier; C. Iff If I . . . . ..... their graiiilmotlier a cook l heir ratuer was a small fanner on Htaten Island. Their coal of arms, according to true heraldry, until I consist of a dunghill siippoibsl by a frying pan and a bottle of applejack. If we are to have mi aristocracy in this country let us draw the line at the dependent of rum sellers mid peddler." A retrospective view Is not always pleasant eseeloHy when taken by somebody else. . The latest lltvrnry lion, Ktidyard Kipling, lias maintained a kind of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde existence, and even now no one serins to 1st able to answer satisfactorily the ques tion, "Who is Klpllngl" Is Iltidynrd Kip ling his real mime or Is It assumed I The In defatigable newspaper mall has taken up the case and he lias come to the conclusion that the author of "I'lnln Tales From the illlls'Ms a young American not an Kugllshiiinu as popularly supixised and a recent graduate of Harvard. Ills name Is Henry Goodnow Ilruce nnd he Is the son of a Congregational minister of Worcester, Mass. lirucu has a cast in Ills eye, is an agnostic and Is "ipieer " Whoever Kipling or ilruce Is, his tales of Indian life are striking and original, ami his fume will doubtless endure for a year, any way. His principal worksare "I'lnln Tales," just issued, "the Phantom Kickshaw," "Soldiers Three," "In Illack ami White" anil "Departmental Ditties." Thcie is a novel suit now in pi ogress in the Iowa law courts. A month or so ago a meteor fell somewhere in the interior of the tnU, nnd nu enterprising Iownn, finding it piece of tlio starry visitor cmlcddcd three feet under tlio earth s surface, sold II for fio.OO. The owner of the laud from which the met eorite was taken, hearing of the transaction, claimed ownership and Immediately com menced suit in replevin. The case is iioiv on. This is said to lie the Ilrst case on record In volving tlio ownership of a heavenly Itotly or n part thereof. V- The visit to the United Htatesof the Comte tie Paris sometime next mouth will awaken widespread Interest. In tho regular order of tilings tho Cointo would today tie king of Franco; but he will be honored in this country for what he has been rather than for what he might have lieeii. He rendered elllclent serv ice in the war of the rebellion on tho stair of General George 11. McClellan, then In com mand of the army of the Potomac, uud his history of tho great conflict, written fmpar- t till V iitnl liit.tltlm.utlt Ij tii.t tin. timet it l.lu I -"J ......... .,... ...j , .-. ..v. ...v- .i..n ... inn 'services to tho country so nobly aided by I Franco's eurlierson, Lafayette Only society I was interested in the visit of the Prince of Wnles to KiiKlund's relielllous offspring. The Comtode l'uris will Ikj welcomed seriously us a man who has accomplished something. "Is there such u tiling ns genuine friend between men uud women l'1 This subject wns discussed ut some length ut a gathering of I Lincoln K'opIo the other day, and singularly I enough, the men present weie almost a unit on the negative side of tho proHsitlou, while the ladles held that it Is not only possible tor two jHjrsons of opposite sex to lie sincere friends; but that such iiistaucesare very com mon. V Under ordinary circumstances true friend ship, pure uud simple, between mini uud woman, Is not of very ft equont occurrence, but the best friend of many a mauls u woman and vice versa. Iu tho relation of man to woman, there must be something lietwecn mere acquaintance nnd love and this some thing Is friendship, lly the way, how dllll cult it Is to define the difference between love and friendship! Kven Webster and Worcester are not conspicuously clour on this jiolnt Nolxsly s-ems to lie ublo to tell Just what It Is that differentiates the one from the other V Puffed up by his success In running theuf fairs of Germany the young emperor isulMiut to turn his nitration to t task iuflnitely more dilllcult Cnmmi'iu-iiiK Oct 1 William II will run ii lien spaper, bili will, it is an nounced, "1 inspired dlrcttly by himself, iitwi villi 1st the official expwnt of his views on all subjects, iiillitHO, i'iiiI and political " Aleuviges -if condolence urr in order. And another year has rolled around with must of us still here. The state fair has opened und the guy Capitol City lieglus to liven up again with increased vigor and beauty. Many of our visitors in past years uro with us again and thus we renew old ac quaintances nt the same time extending tho hand of welcome to the stranger within our gates. Thooxhibit this year is already larger than lust year, uud the fair bus really only oHnod iu fact the first two days are now considered us preparatory days, nnd not for exhibition. Monday tho ojieuing proper will occur; then look out for the crowd. Oh' what a muss. And still some ieoplo say house cleaning is a pleasure. TllK Col'Hikii has had a full uud sutllcient oxier lence during tlio pust week and is not overly anxious for any rextltlon. Witli carietH all torn up, paper hangers nnd decorators making amuss, and the painters daubblug the holy sanctum, tho ordeal has been a trying one, not altogether fraught witli any great amount of pleasure. Hut like the gentle housewlse wo abide ourtlmo with fond nutlc iHktlons that tho improvements after the work will more than repay ull trouble and turmoil. Then next comes tho grand open ing uud then we shall huvo cause to feel proud of our handsome quarters. It will taken week yet until we will bo entirely "dressed In our new suit of clothes," und then we want all our trluuds, Ciiuuikii read ers and patrons to come in to see us. Comu in early and often come iu nt every time mid in f net if you ure waiting and wish to while away a few moments, come in and visit us. Nice easy chairs, lots of nice things to admire, photoi of distinguished actors and actresses, new- tilings iu lino stationery, etc. ou will always bo welcome. Lincoln Ice Co., 1010 O St. Telephone 118. Lincoln, Nichkaska, Satuwdav, Sup'i'ijmuicn U, MUSIC AND TllK DKA.MA. Join Dillon, the eminent com ullan, opened u five night's en gagement at tlie Funko last een lug In the old fa oi ite," Want ed the Knrth," to a good sired au dience This Hat til day evening, he will be st ell III the popular play, "Hint's Attor ney This is one of Dillon's best, thecomedy ermlttitig the star tin u sua I scope for his own peculiar and ar tistic methods. Monday evening "A Colossal tit Liar" will be pre sented, This may not be as familiar to Lincoln play goeisus the other.-, but it Is piotiouui-cd equally as good. Tuesday evening there will lie u repe tition of "Wanted the Kartli," and "State's Attorney" will lie put on fur the second time Wedneslay evening, Dillon is now at his I test and Is particularly fortunate In his support this season, the company embracing many well known and talented people. He has long Ih-oii a favorite with lovers of comedy and his success last year demonstrat ed his increasing K)pularity. Dillon every night at the Ftiuke until and including Wtslnesdoy. MINhTllKl.H AT TllK KUNKK. The Compton, Franklin Hi West Mlnlstiel company Is liooked for Funko's opera house Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings of next week. This organization embraces a largo number of burnt cork artists, ami Is one of the strongest minstrel companies on the road. An Interesting and varied pro gram is promised, Introducing new fun and new sketches. S31110 excellent singers are in cluded in the company, nnd the musical features of the show ure unrivalled. Min strels at the Funko Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings. AT TllK. MUHKK. The Kdeu Museedid a phenomenally large business this, the opening week, for so early Iu the season. Upstairs the wax figures of KiiroH.''s sovereigns, tlio representation of the Pitiney fill 111 murder, Prof. Zntizlc, etc., held the attention of the crowds, while iu the theutoritiiu "Fun Ii. a Chinese Laundry" proved a taking attraction. The character comedians also gave some Interesting sketch es. For the week commencing Septeiulicr b, Annie Nelson, the midget soubrette, will ap pear with the three musical Tarr children, Deiiioulo, the contortionist, etc. The Hew letUs Iu "Fun 011 11 Clothes Line" will give 11 unique entertainment, lutiodiiciug some startling novelties. Kvery department will Ik filled during the week, and there will he it CUHHMA.V I'AIIK. Cuslimaii Park was well filled Monday, IalKjr day, and an interesting program was given. There was a large crowd iu the after noon and tho basket picnic was tlio occusion of many nleusunt family reunions uud gath erings. The Odd Fellows, Dutigliteisof Ho- Isikah, witli their friends held u picnic at tlio jutrk Wtslnesdoy, and despite the rain an en joyable day wns spent. The young tsople danced and tho older ones amused themselves in various ways. Tomorrow, Sunday, Col. C. S, Ellsworth will deliver nu address nt Minn m . 011 the snhfect. "I'nrt vu. ltlnir " At 4 o'clock the Wyoming Cow Hoy show tvlll (ity.ll 11 MlI-llllllLr (IX llltlltllill mill .. hum. interesting iK-rformance is ptomls.sl. Tho 1 " , .. - o - , .. ....-.-,. cow boys guarantee to rldo uny horse offered. Allen, Welch and Williams, the tuinouis lar- latifts, and six reckles riders are the piomi nent features of the show. The Military baud will discourse music all tlay Trnlns will leave for the pink Tuesday, goon progn.,., on iKiin uoors. ,iurlug the rvi prlze-llghters, and a couple ot reu flreek hoMuseew-il be open U day und tl,I-es.. or. tho stKo, n Herlln nmnnger I evening tho morning show commencing t Kno ll8 ono ,,etu,r bypr.sluclt.gn melodrama 10 o clock. The semi-weekly change of pro- (.aIle.l "The Kxecutloner of Herlln "for 0 pram glyes much satisfaction and will be title role of which ho engngod the real gov- contiuued by the management. ,rnmtMlt ,.x,cutl()I1(,r. KlH,ror W,Ik. ,. Wistnesduy, Thursday nnd Friday of next three new plays will lie, produced, Mr. Itoh week nt -1 :'.'() aud IS-.itQ p. m , returning ut 7 ' sm recelveil last week from Vlctorlen Sar nnd 1 1 o'clock . A good atti action is prom-1 1I011. the Ilrst draft of 11 coined v which tlm jsed for every evening TOPICAL TIIKATItK'AI. TALK The following attractions appeared Iu New York this week; "Francis Wilson in "The Merry Monurch" ut the Hroadway theatre, "Mine. Angot" at the Cnsmn, McKee Hank In In "The Canuck" nt the Hijou theatre. Mario Teuiiest iu "The Ued Hussai" at Pal mer's; Sol Smith Hussoll In "The Tall of a Coat" ut Dnly's; Cora Tinnier '..,.. In "(In. I.'r- ror" nt the Hfth Avenue ;,.,;.. !.. ... .... ' .... ' . Minstrels at the Fourteenth Street thtatre "The Halloon" at the Star theatre, Rlchmd Mansfield in "Heuti Hrtimmul"nt the Mad ison Square theatre; Hose Osboiu ill "Satan" nt tho Windsor, German Opera nt Terrace Garden; Vaudeville ut Tony Pastor's, Tho International Vaudeville company ut the Union Squat e theatre, John L. Sullivan at Niblo's.Tho Nelson Vaudeville company at Jacob's Thiid Avenue theatre, Strauss' orchestra and grand ballets at the Madison Square Garden; "The ijottom of the Sen" at the Peoples theatre, The lliinlon Volta-Mar-tluutti 1'nntoinlmo company at tlio Academy of Music, Kdwiud Sot hern in "The Malster of WcxHlliatrow" ut the Lyceum theatre, I Hobby Gay lo In "Tho Irish Aiab"attlie' Grand 0H'-a House. Ml. Iiillo Curter will rehearse "The Cgly Duckling," for live weeks lfoin its puxlilctlon at the Hroadway theatie. Mcr vyn Dullas who Is to play the CVieivuu Itujl, uirlvtslfiom London Monday. Ho wasn well known 11ctor.1t Drury Lane, and with I Irving at the L)ccum, and sinned t.ir two years Iu the KnglMi provinces, In his own drama, "The House 011 the Marsh " list reason he was with Miiuslleld, and made a hit as the Wmitii iu Ibsen's "Doll's House." Like Arthur Dacre Mrs. Carter's leading man he was once 11 physician Iu Loudon, and like him also, he has 11 lluesis'lal khI tiou and peculiar distinction of manner Dan Sully has made a hit In "Tho Million nlre," which has been revised for hint by tCniider Itlt'haidsou. The second tour of die .lefferson-Floience combination begins October III, Iu New Yoik at Palmei's theatre. "The Kdltor," under the management of ICdw-ld Know les, will lie taken to California this season. A splendid company has been engaged and the prospects for a successful season an- very good Indeed Kven bets are offoicd in New Yoik that Fay Templelou will not take "Hcndilk Hud son" 011 the road, mid odd of two to one are offered that Fay will "skip the game" lief ore tho end of her two weeks' engagement iu New York. McKee Rankin's "The Canuck," which Is oil the fifth week of 11 successful run at the N. Y. IIIJ011 was slightly altered but greatly Improved on Monday. Mr. W. II. Currle has succeeded Mr. Wilton Laekaye iu the character of .nil lloijun . Warfare l Iu the nlr between Will Lykens manager for Fay Templelou, ami his backer, C II. Unverzagt. Knelt of the two men seems determined to get tho otlu-r out of the iiianageinent of the Fay Teinpleton company, uud there Is no telling, Just now, wliero the trouble will end. Tho physicians say that George S. Knight can live but 11 shot t time. He Is not insane hut he has hut the Kiwer of speech, and one side of his body Nat times almost useless His mental powers are nearly gone at times ho talks like a child. He fully lealleshls sad state, uud seems to lie Waiting with leslg nation for the end Tlio IuiiIju Hrothurs have nenrl) com pleted tlieir pieparatlons for the production of a now and costly sectncle with tlionw proprlnte title of "Supi 1 ba." They promise to surprise the public with the inigiilllceiice of the now piece which Is to Include ninny novelties of scenery, costumes, magical tricks and tramfoi million. Holiert Muntell began his present and last tour under the direction of Augustus I'Jtnu Septoinlier J, in Duhith, Minn. Illssup IKirtlng company Includes Murk Price. 11. T HlnggoldH, Archie Lindsay, Guv Lindsay James MeFtslrls, Klwln llurrou, V'. T. Vance, .1. T. Olbln, C. A Hall, Khner Hynes, Char lotte Ilehrens, Minnie Monk, Mnrle Sheldon uud Kutherlno Perry, with W II (Jross ns the acting inunager uud Max .oellnerus business manager. Stuart Itobson will take the road full of "go" uud energy with at least three new- comtslles iu his Kirtfolo Most of his orig inal company remain with him. an.! !., two or three new jieoplu are strong additions thereto, Tlio physical depression occnnlniii.,1 by his gieatloss has worn off, and though inu mow was one irom w men there can never lie complete recovery, Mr. Itobson looks for ward to haul and h st woikas Its only Kissilile alternation, U bile we have in however, nipped tho enterprise In the bud before he stinted on his Norwegian trip, by forbidding the cheerful olllclul from turning Into a real actor Hccli' Gen. John H Cm-son, of tho Cliicaco Co luiubia theatre, Is said to lie out uliotit t 'M,hm on tlio Jllxey eiiguginent. The Columbia, by tlio way. Is a lieauty bright It cost J. II. Haverly ?40,00(), (J. H. .McConnell clKMKM). J. II. Hill firi.ooo, Dan HheeliyW,0(X.aiiiliiow, with tlio loss of rent. pJ.'W.OOOj for two years, 20,000 cash paid to keep the hoiwt open, and ,1... OA mull ,(w ti.i. . . . mi: ",""""- imi inxey, iiie general has lost fl 13,000 Total ttropiKsl in tho Coluin ,'ln 'W-'.i"f). nnd the baud playisl Mall . t('iuilli'ii. Stlllllt Kojison begins his season Sent -'-' Ills company will bo ostensibly the same as hist, with the addition of Mfks Olive May, Mrs. Oeorgie Dickson nnd Mis Amy Htishby Miss May Waldrou will continue as leading limy, willing .Mr. itoiisons Chicago, Phlla delphia, Hostou and New York eiiiiuueiuents. great freiieh ilraiuatlst piomises for the sea son of Ihlil-W Oeorgie Parker, the cliurnilu.' Miubrette, whocreattsl such a furore by hei wonderful kick ns Venus, in "A Hag Haby," I- the chief female attraction in the "U. S Mail." She takes the pint of the daughter of John Wanu mnker's proKityH iu that satirical farce-comedy A trio of ctmediuns, each of whom is r..l'M, il.nl UK lIMIililir.iiinluilil.. I. l.lu .....u. ...... . " .. " """ ' ......".",,,,,. M,' w,u ".,,m Proiwly excruelntiiigfeatuus. to that satire 011 the Pi l'ot Olllce. the "I' S Mall," which appropriately ok-iisii Plilluilel phiu in HeptemlsT "U'lid Mo Your Wife," a new comedy which wiisadiiptsl for the Kngllsh stugo by Justin McCaithy, and for this country by Dion Houclcault, will Ui pnsltut ut the Ho ton Museum next Monday night with Holand Heed us Captain Aimer TuiInix, as mild a niuuiiereil inanasever scutthsl a ship He will have the assistance of Miss Isadoro Hush, Mutid Mourno, Mary Meyers, Al I.lpman, Geo I'. Nash, Julian Heed, Kriiest Hertraiu, II. A. Smith, Wm C. Andrews, II Htsw Davis, .Mux Fehimiin and Juinos Douglas. All the latent sheet music, new stock, at Cralicei 's Al t Mulc store, 'JI'J south Kleventh stns't. Try Hrown's Suiiihiy dinners, only W cts. Canon City Coal Co nt the Whltebreast Coul nnd Lime America real burilnr 180O. FASHIONS KO II KALI, IHpeelul CitMtli:uCiirrespoiideueo. Nkw YtillK, SeplemlsT ii, IM1HI. When Mother Kve Iu 11 its-kless craving for excite ment uud novelty, ale the forbidden fruit and so cuddled upon her ilesceudeuts the necessity of clothing, she laid it heavy burden upon the designers and producers of men's uud women's nppnicl, und more pniticuhuly ilHiu those who cater tothevulhsl require ments of the gelitlei sex For them theie comes 110 playtime, no summer "dolee fur nlente," for scut cely have their pat ions ar rayed themsehes hi summer finery beloio they, thopiiro)ors, must go to wotk 011 full designs and mulct luls. Kspcclally Uthls the case Iu the gieat Hedferu establishtuetit where therenre never any Idle moments, never any bioak In the designing of novelties This sun r, ns usual,! theie has been a grand consultation among thehendsof the different brunches in New Yoik, Lindou and Paris, nnd as 0110 of the results come these sketches NKW At TI'M.NCOATH. The first is a very striking model In fawn und brown cloths, the main pint of tho coat lieing of tho lighter shade. Aiotitiil the arm hole is nu Insertion of the brown cloth over which the fawn color Inps In a series of saw teeth Mlnts, each one fastened with a fancy button. Inside of these iolnts Is a Isirdcr lug of mixed gold uud brown cord nnd braid. A triangular Insertion to match is 11 1 von the hips, and the collar and cuffs are tilmmed to accord A IIKI'KU.N ( IlKATIIIN Number two Is Iu ver different style, but will doubtless find an equal iiuinlwr of ad mirers. It is a golden brown clot Ii of the shade known as innroouln. ami U cut win, straight, loose fionts. The braiding which pasM-i, around the slu ulders 111 the shnsi of a lliv.ll CfltM, f'llllfir II, l.l fli.m in .. u..lu I... ...I ...,,-... j... .......,,..,... ..u ...l.v ,Kill( down the front Is worked in gold and white corns, a ouiiu ot 11 incircli-s tho sleeves, several Indies from tlio edge, like a heading 10 me piaiiicuii. At tin- .Sugar Palace, A sugar nalace iscertaliilv uuitim nnv..liv mid Gruud I-liind is nothltik' If not novel. Tho idea was no Mum,' iiiiii.n't...1 tin... ,n. - ..'..... ....... ... , into realization ami today Nebraska shows to the World a beautiful Imilillinr i.nii-lrn,.l...l 1., promote interest iu the greatest modern ug- iieiiiiwini ministry, unit 01 raising sugar Us'tsnud miikliu: siil'iii- tlii'ii.trniii Ii uu. tlie pleasure of a Cot'lllKIl leprese.itatlve on TlU'hduV tO lh liresiMlt lit (III! KIIIIIiI niui.lm, Ot this mnmiithviit eotrnil-i. nn.l 11,.. ,,,1. dres-es made liy the mayor, his excellency .nv. iiiayer nun oinern, were of universal I lit.' rest mid ervenlnvnlil.i Tl, ,..,v.. p.. .. address wns, to the writer's opinion, as Hue and full of meat, us any he has ever heard him deliver. He levlewod briefly the career of the sugar lieet, sKike of the duty now on la, II &, ii,. wm, Vv jssMi'y,8 wa iisa'1 l WlfWRtJlkm Mil i ,1 f fim ifm Pmcie Kivic Cicnth that product and luisd that for 11 few years yet the duty would remain until our home production would come Into the market then we would have sugar ns towns four cents, The governor bus 11 hupp) faculty of keeping before the nsiplo the fact that we as Nelirnskans ure milking wonderful progress nud seem lo rejoice Iu making comparison. He said Nebraska's sipulatlou Is more than half of Massiieliuselts', uud the population It took the old colonial state UTit years lo build up, wclinvu attained In thuty-slx. The ail diess wns very attentively listened to and uiaiked Intel est was shown, deiiionslratisl by fleqtient applause. Grand Island has every leasou to feel proud or her sugar palace It Is it great novelty mid 11 novelty In these days Is more valuable than gold Itself Gold Is but 11 cer tain value, while 11 novelty such as the sugar palace catiitol be estimated Its value If ptosily managed (and wearo sine It will be) will result hi 110 end of good It Is 11 great adveitlseinent fur (I rand Island, a credit to tlie city, nnd nil Nebraska feels proud of It mid of Its orlglnatois, not only tis a success ful exhibition, but because it Introduces n new Held for the agriculturist. It Is the tint plant or its kind In the union, and us sugar Is at pi esoiii receiving so much attention from cougi ess nud tlie country nt largo, Nebraska' iiaiite comes prominently to the front every time the subject Is discussed. The Interior decorations are very artistic mid elalsirate, the sugar IntI being observed Iu every do flgn and place. Lor W. I.lneiilii Cluli nt lliimit. A gissl many people ure wondering why the Lincoln base ball club lost every game on tlieir recent trip, when tiny won wi easily nt home this week It certnluly docs seem strange. Monday's game was 11 walkover, Lincoln scoring til and Denver II. Ourcluli's heavy hatting did tills. Iu Tuesday's game there was some very pretty work mixed with 11 gissl deal of bungling Denver rumbled nud fell down badly iu Held work. The score was 14 to tl in our favor. The Is-st gnlnn of the Denver Lincoln scries was playisl Wed nesday, when tlio home tivim wiih nimbi vie. torlous by a score of ll to 4. Whitehead, uenvers pitcher, was wild mid the vlnltoiM wen, 1101. nine 10 piny together. HrOHTINU .NOTKH. Hoover gives fnlrnttlsractlon ns umpire. Tlie lust of tho Lincoln-Kansas City series . will I m played today. It is exK-ctisl that the Omnha.Llncoln series will lie played In tlio morning. Duvo Howe lumi't been particularly drippy this week. Hut he never gets discouraged. The state fair races will Imi a strong attrac tion next week. Unusual attention has lieeu given this department this year There is us much dlffeiciico between Lin coln nt homo nud Lincoln abroad as there Is lietwecn Phillip dii.uk ami Phillip sober. The first of the Lliicolii-Kuusns City series was playisl hem 011 Thursday Lincoln sconsl t! mid the visitors 8 in a fairly good game. Mulder's work iu the box showed some improvement. The Lincoln club will return Monday mid will play tho Omaha club Monday, Tuesday ami Wednesday. Thursday, Friday and Sat urday the home dull will a oh hats with Sioux City. Tlio peculiar enervating effect of summer weather is driven off by Hood's Sarsnparilln which "makes the weak strong." The new rail styles of kid gloves are very handsome, Isith In shape ami colors, Alsmt the newest ami most novel fitting is the Suede glovt, 11 very pretty, dainty attire for tlie band. 1 tulles will of course adopt tlio new fad 011 sight Miller &, Pnlne ns tistin show tho Ilrst of them in Lincoln. it. A. It. Ilonki) Very Clienp. Tho Wessel Printing Co. has several copies of Col. Holiert II Henl's well known history of the Grand Army of tlie Republic in lino bindings which It will sell nt f.'i.OO per vol utin! Original price, sold only 01. subscrip tion, at i.YO" Them hooks are fully Illus trated uud complete In every detail. Call und sis) them. A Itiillwny Innovation. The Missouri Pacific railway's m,w Uv ,v 1 way of Coffey Hie and Wagoner, to Little Hock and tlie Southeast, which has been osu rir several months, will imiuguiute anew de- ' parture In train servheou August .list. A , through daily msse:iger train, consisting of i coaches and Pullman buffett sleeping cars, will he established between Kansas City and 1 Little Hock, witli sleepers running through to I Memphis. Going south, tlio train will leave Kansas City about ( o'clock in tlie evening, "onneaing at I.lttle Kock ror Mot Springs id ull points touth uud east. There Is Tide In tlie AfUIrs uf Mmi,, Which Taken nt It FI0111I l.iiuit 1111 to I'lirtiuie " And this tide is the tide of Immigration which is now strongly setting In towanl tlie upper southern states, Maryland, West Virginia und far-famed und fertile Shenan doah vnlley. This region has unsurpassed udvanbigi-s for the farmer, the sttick-nilser, the dairyman ami the inniiufacturer Here ure found tho richest veins of the t,t coul nnd Iron ore, und nn ubiiudnuce of the Huest tlutlier, suitable for mainifacttiifng purK)Ws with splendid water powers In hundreds at places. Tlie Mill is nroductive and nil id.. cereals and vegetables know 11 to the teiiiter ute zone yield uhunduntly llete is also the rrult and wine licit The climate is delight ful, and vital statistics show it to Is- one of tlie healthiest regions In tlie world, springs or pure water and running streams nlmuud. Lands ure cheap nud convenient to market. To the home seeker or persons seeking prolll. able Investments this region cannot rail to lie attractive. Come nud look it o er, and you cannot full to see the many advantages pre sented. For finther information call 011 or al. If's. M. V. Kii'iiAUiisi. .'jiihI and Immigration Agent, H & O II. H. Haltlmore. Mil.