Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, August 30, 1890, Page 8, Image 8

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Saturday Evening, Aug, 30, '90
Corner I Oth and P Streets.
Aincrican, French, British
ami German,
Dry Goods
"TIip INuirlrr" I'or firtlo li Omiiliii.
Coiilw mny 1m found nt lCi'lthVmmf htmnl,
3310 Houth Fifteenth ntnt, Hoyd'Aopornhoimo
On nnd nttcr September jut. wc wilt
Issue no more premium tlckctH. Mow
ever the premium department will rcmnlu
for miiic time nml we will redeem nil out
MnndliiK tlckctn. In nlxnit ten day we
will have new linen o( Mlverwnre nml
other K0O(!'t nmkliiL' the premium depart
ment more attractive tlmn ever before.
Ah wc nrc receiving Inrjjc Invoices of
fall koocU daily, wc nilvUe nil to purchase
Koods while wc nre Ivln' ticket between
now nml Sept. i.
Tim Courier Citn tii I'omul Al
Windsor Hotoi Nown Htnnd.
Cnpltnl Uotol Nows Htauit.
Kxpoalttou Dliilmr Mall NewaHtiind.
Tho Oothntn Nuwa Btnnd, HH Houlli lltti Ht,
IWt Itumior, lit North Mil Htroot.
Ktl. Young, 10M O Htroct.
l'lotolior & Co., lift) () Hlreot.
l.tttlr. a port Ulnar Htnre, 113 North l'Jtli Ht.
Tho lloiul, corner 1'ith anil i M roots.
"Wcxtorlloni'K Harbor Hhop, liurr Mock.
MfAnoxtrn supply or piiporH In uhvnyp loft
I tlin Qothnm, In cnau other Npwndcalors
uppllci run nliorl.
ifiTTTr rfiY .M
Fall Styles, Dunlap Hats
1137 O STREET.
The CouniKii will not be responsible, for
any debta made by any ono In its nnnio, un
tm r written order accouip miIm the name,
Local mid Vcrson!.
Whltebrtvut Coal and Lime Company.
Take Turkish at 1010 O street.
Ruth M. Woods, M. D., 1SSM 1 street,
Lincoln Ice Co., 1010 O St. Telephone 118.
Canon City Coal nt tho Whltcbreatt
Coal and Lime Co.
Only place in Lincoln that unm mineral
water in IwUia is at 1010 O street.
Prompt service, pure and wholesome food
and the belt of everything U always found at
Don Cameron's.
Dr. C. 11. Manning, otllco rooms 00 07-0$
Burr block. Telephone IKlo. Residence Cor.
20th and P. Telephone 10.
Ladies will find a complete line of lino shoes
and all the latest styles at tho proper prices at
Bbem In's Boston Shoe Store.
J. II . O'Neill, lino plumbing, hot water and
sUam heating, fln gus fixtures and globe.
You can buy all gradm of garden bono very
Try n dlnncrntCnmeron's Lunch and Short
Order house.. Berved dally from 11:110 n, in,
till 2. p. m. Everything tine and Juicy and
cooked In a home-like manner.
No such Ice cream and ices as those found
at l'oehleru nre to bo found eluewheru iu
tho city., ,111s new jvarlors in the Mcilride
block nre the llneot in tho city.
I'oehler makes n secinlty of My v lug Ice
cream and ices for picnics, imrtlw, weddings,
etc. Orders taken by telephone 457 or nt tho
ofllce in the Mcilride block, lUth and 1' streets
Prof. F. M. Qibeault will rojumohis clmes
with hU pupils September first. Any one do
siring a thorough course iu music, vocal or
instrumental, will recdvo prompt attention
by calling on or addressing him after
August 29th, at Ids studio, at the Lin
dell hotel. IW-'.'t
Last June, after the great Hood, I received
u bottle of Chamberlalu's colic, cholera and
diarrhoea remedy from my pastor, nt a time
when I was very much run down with diar
rhoea, and had tried two doctors without
finding any relief. This remedy relieved me
at once, and cured me entirely In a short
time I got several bottles and gave it
around among my acquaintances who were
afllictcd in the same way. I think I gave it
to a doxon people, and It relieved and cured,
so far as I know, in all com. It Is the best
medicine for tho disease I have over known.
Mrs. E. L. Ilenrie, Johnstown, Vn.
Louie Meyer has returned from an extend
ed purchasing trip east, and thle popular
store will be found overflowing with a hand
some new stock of fall und whiter goods.
Heavy cloths, flannels, shawls, etc., and ev
erything in the dry goods line for the coming
season, he has iu abundance. The stock to
select front is unusually large, and visitors to
this store can always find what they want.
When you are buying it ipa to get the worth
of your money, You want the best, bus you
do not care to pay fancy price. Loulo Meyer
& Co., sell the bst and their prices are lowest.
103 North Tenth street.
wirnGSBR!! -wr
Tho Crete camping party returned Wednes
day afternoon. There was some falling
weather during tho week's slay (but tho nrdnr
of tho cninpers wns not appreciably alTeclcd,
nnd n thoroughly g(Hl tlmn was enjoyed hy
tho gay party, .Mrs. A. II, Colfrotll, who Is
by tho way, nu ndmirnh!ochacrom, nml her
huahaud, had under their charge tho follow
ing young people MIkncs Carrie Allan,
Clnrn W'aMi, Anna llarr, (lertruilo Inw,
AuuloKuiike, .Mnudo Smith, Hindu Honoof
Ht, Iniln, and (lenovlnvo Wells, Mesnr. Alal
nun MuKlnnnn, Will Hardy, KrnnkZehiuug,
(J. W. (lei wig, W. Morton Smith, Owir
Kuuke, John Dnrgiiu, U. I). Mullen, J II.
Cunningham nnd Harry Wheelouk. Tho
Chautauqua iiHwnibly buildings wero lined In
stead of tents and In oun of these, provided
with n wnxod floor several dancing parties
wero given. Hontlng, flnhlng, etc., formed
tho principal amuncmeiitj- by day. Ono of
tho jiarty met with a slight iniihap, nnd tho
event was celebrated iu tlii following, which
boenmu tho camp song:
Huudiiy mornliiK Jut nt nine,
Johnnie OorKall drenxed mi tine,
Went looklmr for u (Mi tielow the dam
As he stood there In the mud
Ho fell with it dreadful thud
And the words ho said renemblcd these:
Oh, damn I
When lilt foot wero once more firm
He'd n rather dampUh stern ;
And how theswenrs did oflcrvcnco nnd Uric,
And with howls wo him did Krcet
As ha sat theru on thu sent
HerapliiK mud w Itli nil Ids itilwlit
l'rom him nnd Ids,
Down went John DorKiin to tho
llottom of the dam
He trleillto cut a swell
Hut when he slipped hosworo
Wko well
Drenncd In his best Hunday clothes
l'lillllp Homrucrlnd, who wns twenty-two
years old Wednesday, was given n delightful
surprise ,xirty by Ids mother In honor of the
event, In tho evening. Mrs.T. K. Kern, Min
Uallance, Mrs. K. (1. DnvN, Mrs. U. O. I'ow
ell nnd Mrs. (1, 11. (Irllllthi tinslntetl Mrs.
Somiuerlnd in receiving thu guests. Tho
early pint of the evening wan panned with
ranis mid dancing, nnd nt 11 o'clock an ele
gant collation wns served nt which Mr (1 . 11.
Hnrnes, representing tho guests, presented
Mr. Soiunierlad with n hnudnoiiio diamond
senrf pin, Tho latter made n graceful
acknowledgement. The following wero pres
ent: Minxes Mnttlo Orllllthn, Hilda Dorhme,
Kldn Ciimpliell, Alum Sharp, Jennie Wntsou,
Josephluo Lotterldge, Anna ClrlllN, Nelho
Hyde nud Mnliel Long; Messrs. Hay Chap
iiinn, W., W. W. Iiottvridgo, (I.
H. Ilarnes, W. Mlchener, M. D. Illackburn,
John Iitterldgo nud Will GrlHUlis; Dr. und
Mrs. T. C. Kern, Messrs. nnd Mesdames CO.
I'ow ell, John Loltter, W. II. Orllllthn, and
Mrs. E. O. Davis.
Society delights iu n fnnhlounblo church
wedding nud Lincoln society is just now spec
ially Interest 1 In tint niimivii.liltii. i,,.tl..l.
of LIcutonnnt T. AV. Orllllth and Miss Alleen
UaKley, which is announced to occur In tho
Clmivli of tliu lldli-Trliiltv R,it. ..!.. tl,ll
at 0 p. ill. Severn! hundml Invitations have
oeen isnutHi ami iiio wetliling will bo solem
nlied with tho greatest eclat. Ilov.John Hew
itt will olllclato and Miss Carrie Allen n-lll
preside over tho organ. Miss Olive Lnttn
will lie tho maid of honor, nud tho brides
maids will bo Misses Mnrtlia Funko, Nannie
Lilllbrldge, Oroco Oakley and Maud Oakley.
Lieut. Tnggnrt will pnibably liotho best man
and tho following will net tu ushers: Messrs.
Frank Zehrung, Cooper. J, It. LemUt, Frank
Hurr, L. Kuhns of Chicago, Ueorgo Foics-
mnn nnd Dr. Hiuihr. Aflur tli w.ul.ll..,. n
reception will lie given nt tho residence of tho
in mn u um i iu v p. in.
The H'oWd-Zferdif's coriwpondent nt
Union, Neb,, souds the following under date
of the 27th Inst.: "More than one hundml
invited gueste witnessed the marriage of two
of Lincoln's most twpular young people,
Harry M, Trans nnd Miss Nellie I. Jones, nt
tho Ilnptlst church today. The church was
humUomely decorated and Hov. S. 11, Dillon
of Weeping Water, pronounced an Impressive
ceremony ns they stood under a beautiful
evergreen arch. The groom is a popular
young man and the youngest son of a leading
merchant. The bride Is one of society's
favorites aud is highly esteemed by nil. A
large number of frlonds escorted Mr. and Mrs.
Trans to the depot, where thov boanledtho
Missouri l'aclfla train for Lincoln and Omaha.
They will return iu a few days aud make
their home in Union."
The thirty-eighth birthday auniversary.of
Mr. Carl Funke, whloh occurred Wednesday
evening, wns the occasion of an enjoyable
surprise party, composed of Lincoln pvoplo
lately thrown together at Estes Park, Col.,
as follows: Messrs, and Mesdames Le Grand
llnldwin, W. H. Hargreaves, W. II. Ogden,
Win. M. Leonanl, A. C. Zolmcr, Misses Price,
Mary Datch of Des Motnej, and Messrs. Ed.
Ilarnes, W. II. Orr and I). E. Thompsou. In
the course of the evening Mr. Funke wits
presented with a handsome meerschaum pipe
and smoking outfit. Last evening tho snmo
lrty "suprlsed" Mr. und Mrs. Le Grand
llnldwin iu the same happy tnnnuer, nud the
enjoyment of the first evening was repeated
with latere!.
A very pleasant party was given by Misses
lllanchn nnd Stella McOlnnis, nt their resi
dence, Sixteenth nnd 11 streets, Monday even
ing, in honor of Mlssca Llllle nnd Myrtle
Prior of Clinton, Mo., who have been visiting
the former for several weeks. The guests
were Mlshes Elvira Illake nud Daisy Hurras,
und Meturs. Will O'Shea, Arthur Harney,
David Small, Howard Ilurrus and George
Decker. Miss Myrtle Prior nud Mr. George
Decker received prizes for successfully tail
ing the donkey, aud booby prlien were'
awarded Miss Daisy Ilurrus und Mr. Will
O'Shen. The evening's enjoyment closed
with high live aud refreshments. The Misses
Prior left for their home Tuesday evening,
A happy picnic orty spent' yestenlay aft
ernoon nnd evening at Cushman park in the
usual entertaining way. There were present
Misses U race Kuapp, May Moore, Maud Oak
ley, Grace Oakley, Georg'lo" Camp, Fannie
Hawley, Joslo Winger, Grace Hurr, Lute
Griffith, Fannie Marshall, Libble Becrest,
Joslo Lotterldge, Stella Curtice and Flo
Winger; Mescrs. John Mcilride, George
Osdd, Hay iA-coe, lloss Curtice, Frank So
crest, Hoy Chapman, Fos-s Becrest, Harry
Lansing, Clinton Lansing, John Lotterldge,
George Kleutsch, Hugh linker, Matt llaldwin
and Charles Hammond. Mcfdnmes llaldwin
ai:d Griffith attended as chaproues.
Visitors to Thk Couiukh ofllce next week
will find the annual house-cleaning aud re
furnishing In full progress, A number of
improvements will 1m mode preparatory to a
novel opening which will be given about the
middle of September, and at which a hand
some now stock of fall and winter stationery
will be exhibited. The CouiiUH will be un-
tuiiiilly well riiliied In thin department the
coming nennon In menu cnnln, ball pro'
grams, etc, wo Imvu some uulipiu nud strik
ing designs.
The "No Name" social club held nil lm
pmiuptii meeting nt the residence of J L.
Montrose, Tuesday evening. In honor of Mr
Montrose and family who departed Inter Iu
the week for Hook Island Mid thneant, Thnie
wero present! Mesms nud Mettdames Iluir
man, Vnrney, E, K Crlley, Kiank Hall,
Cook, Fred llaldwin, Samuel Monro, 0.
ThompHoii, Doctors and Mowlame II. F. Hnllly
nud Dayton, Misses Nellie Hnllly mid Mae
Montrose and Mr. Matt llnldwin,
H, 11. lliiriihnm, wife und son returned
yestenlay from the wist, whei o they have en
Joyed live weeks of pleasant sojourning In
Massachusetts, New' Yoiknnd Cnuailn, Mr.
Iluriihnm stopnd eu louto homeward at
Queliec to see Mr nnd Mrs, lloehmnr nud
their sick child. Ho reports that tho little
sufferer Is still very ill, nud Hint tho trip
which promised so much pleasure, has turned
Into anything but enjoyment.
W, H. HufTiiian entertained his friend, N.
K. lllllnw of the lv annas Spilng lied and
MuttresM company, Wichita, tho latter irt
of this week. Mr lllllow Is liKiklng for a
now location for hli factory, which employs
In tho neighborhood of a hundred ,eople,
aud Lincoln's peculiar adaptability for such
nu Institution wns Impressed Ukiii him by Mr.
HulTinuii with nu encouraging prosjicct of
It. II Mollett and bride, neo Miss Gilbert,
retuiueil yesterday from their three months'
wtddlug tour through tho vast. During the
trip points In Virginia, New York and Mnry
Innd wero visited, nnd on the return a stop
of several days was niado nt Chicago. Mr.
und Mrs. Moirott will lie at homo for the
present nt Denton, but expect soon to become
residents of the CnpltnlClty, where they will
lie henrtlly welcomed.
J. M. Munlock, ono of the most popular
young traveling men who make their homes
In Lincoln, will on Septem)er Oth bo wedded
to ono of Coueoidln, Kansas', most accom
plished belles. They will bo inairk'd Iu the
morning, so dame minor has it, nnd arrive
In Lincoln the same day, nud nt once take up
their lenldeiico nt Twenty-Unit nnd K streets.
The unmo of tho lady wns not learned,
H. W. Drown, wife nud daughter Mlns
Florence, returned Thursday from Hoston
and tho Now Engluud seashoio resorts, Mr.
and Mrs. llrnnn have been east ntmut u
mouth, while Miss Urown's stay was nearly
six mouth during which time she gave at
tention to the higher studies of voice culture.
Lincoln (HKiple should always stop nt the
Murray wiillo Iu Omiilia No bettor plneo In
to bo found nt tho inetiopolls, nnd no hotel
there receives us tunny guests from Lincoln
us this popular house. Tho table Is the finest
In the state, while the rooms nre lnrge, airy
and magiilllccutly furnished.
Messrs. E. S. Hawiey, J. H. Sheltoumid A.
O. Hlcketts accompanied by their families
have lieen enjoying weekly outing trips to
Cushman Park. They usually go out Tues
day morning nud remain nil day. It all'ords
n day's recreation in tho woods that Is both
pleasant and healthful.
II. Goldsmith nud family arrived Saturday
from Philadelphia nud will bo nt homo at
their handsome now residence, l.'i'.l north
Eighteenth street lifter September 1st. Mr.
Goldsmith has rented the Davy block, 11'iS O
nud will open a furniture und cnret store
next week.
Mr. and Mrs. Myron Wheeler und Mr. nud
Mrs. J. H. Trickoy returned Wednesday
from Custer county, Nebraska, where they
have enjoyed n two weeks' hunt. They rejiort
prairie chickens, rabbits, etc., plentiful. Of
course they bagged a bountiful supply.
The list of absentees which The Couiukh
tins been running duriiiK tho summer, will
lie discontinued niter this week. It has
proven n convenient directory of traveling
Llucolnites, nnd wns much appreciated.
Tho Masonic Temple is undergoing im
provements, to to commented on in next
week's CouniKii, which will present this
IKipular resort in full dress in time for tho
commencement of the society season.
The sixth birthday anniversary of Miss Eva
llnrniss of 14-15 E street, was pleasnntly cele
brated Monday evening, with appropriate
amusements and refreshments.
Jack Stobbs, tho genial nnd popular man
ager of tho Wkltebreast Coal company, and
sister, Miss Mnud, returned Tuesday from
Hamilton, Ontario,
It is nnnoimced that Fred lleuzluger, Into
of Thk Couiukh, and John M. Cotton, will
ere long begin the publication of h new
weekly iwiper.
A marriage license was issued Tuesday to
Joseph Hn worth, ng'ed sixty-nine, Cretd, und
Miss Mny M. Ful wider, aged slxty-thrco.Uird
City, Kansas.
Notwithstanding tho partial failure of crops
it is said that the statu fair will be the finest
exhibition yet given by tho state board of
Mr. aud Mrs. George Cook have returned
from n stny of six weeks nt the lakes. They
are entertaining Miss Dewey of Chicago.
Mrs. J. M. Gregg of Hnrrisburg, 111., is in
the city visiting iter old time friends Mr. nnd
Mrs. W. II. Weaver, 1230 II street.
Lnngdon Frotliinghnm of Hoston, has leeu
appointed to tho chair of agriculture and bi
ology at the state university.
Mrs. O. W, Webster returned Tuesday
from un extended visit nt Mansfield, Ohio,
aud other eastern iwlnts.
II, J. Walsh nnd nephew, George Walsh,
left Tuesday for Niagara Falls, The latter
will enter Cornell.
Wednesday will bo Odd Fellows' day nt
Cushman park. An elaborate program has
been provided.
Miss Carrie Wasnier of Grnud Island, will
bo the guest of Miss Nellie White until nfter
the state fair.
Miss Alinena Parker returned Wednesday
from Grunt, Neb., where Sunday wns pleas
antly passed.
Mm, S. C. Elliott and daughter Stella have
returned from an extended visit nt Chautau
ipin, N. Y.
Other Social News on Page 2.
C. E. Purgcbon, Swintou's popular "drums
iner," is due iu Lincoln about tho first of tho
week, nnd as usual, his handsome counte
nance and manly form will ornament the
pharmacies und the thoroughfares of the
city for n few days. Mr, Ferguson handles
the celebrated English Primrose extracts
which have become so popular In Lincoln
society. The fragrant odors made by tho
Swiuton company nre now used by swell so
ciety everywhere! at the theatre, In the ball
room and elsewhere. After next week our
druggists will again haven complete supply
and the fair sex may begin to lay In a wins
tor's supply. Always ask for Swlutou's En
glish Prlmroso, If you would be with the
upper ton.
Telephone at the Courikh office Is 263,
Hood's Sarsaparllla
Is a peenllsr medicine. It It csref ulljr .repnret
from Sriarllls, Dandelion, Mandrake, Dock,
l'linliiewn, Junior llprrlet, nnd other well,
knomi snd vnlusblv vegetable remedied, hj a
peculiar combination, proportion mid process,
(tiring to Hood's Bsrinparltla curtttlvo power not
possessed lijr oilier medicines. It effects remark
ablo cures where oilier preparations fall.
Hood's Sarsaparllla
Is tho best Mood purifier before the public. It
eradicates every Impurity, and cures Bcrofula,
8alt Kheutn, Iloltt, Iimplet, all Humors, Di
pepiU, llllloutiicss, Rick Headache, Indigestion,
(Icncrat DcMlltjr, Catarrh, Itheutnallim, Kidney
and Mvcr Complaints, overcomes thai tired feel
ing, creates nn appetite, and builds up the lyiteni.
Hood's Sarsaparllla
Has met peculiar and unparalleled success at
homo, Huch has becomo Its popularity In I-owoll,
Moss,, nhero II Is made, (lint whole neighbor
hoods ato taking It at the same tlino. Lowoll
druggists sell morn of Hood's Sarsaparllla than
of all othor sartaparlllaa or blood purifiers,
flold by druggists. gltlxfnrf.V Prepared only by
C. I. HOOD A CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass.
100 Dosos Ono Dollar
Lfev taxaxfaxt t i rum j, wtw in vw u'rt sjcbumi ma j mm
1204 and 1206 0' Street Burr Block
1540 O STREET,
Carriac far Everybodv !
Three Car Loads more Coming for trie Pair. Don't fail
to see us before Buying.
You cannot afford to
waste your money in ex
perimental trips by other
lines represented as being
equally as good as the
"Burlington." They are
General Passenger and Ticket Agent,
City Passenger nnd Ticket Agent,
iM mLmW&SmmMmmmmmm Mv
f JwISh I