v CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, AUGUST ,10, 1890 1h 1 T" 'tffrs JL -X,w Mjb' READY FOR BUSINESS ! J. W. Wingers Go:s n-e-w Dry Goods Hosue Will be Open Tuesday, Sept. 2, 9 A. M. Will bo ploascd to seo you. Goods all New-Prices Correct! IMSS4 -m) &lHiinKSNffiw) l- P1HI fi IMfllSrBr I MHllllRinlfiffll. a Nebraska's Leading Hotel. THE MURRAY Cor. I1IU mill llurnc.v Hl, L 02viE.IX.. 27333. STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS All Modem lmptnvcments anil CntlVclllcllfCS. B. 8ILL0WAY, Frcrrletor. IRA UIOBY, Principal Clerk. YOU WILL FIND MY LADIES' TDRN SHOES HT $3,50, EXTRK iZKLUE AND GOOD FITTERS. RE). (3t. YATES 1129 O STREET. CLOTHING AND- FURNISHING GOODS AT Lowest Prices. --' Herman Bros. 1017 o st,, inraoiir, kbr ---;- Branch Stores at Falls City, Grand Island, Beatrice, Weeping Water and Auburn. W BUNTING FLHGS S fl. to lft It. Ill l-eligtll, 1'rlcew Irom HOe In W7.nO Kuril. Juki thiutlclo tor thoHtate Fair Display, cheap and iliirulilu. Iv'o got II io goods, ?o onlorliiK u8 S. nth St., 'til Sept. i. After that date you will find me at i ioi N St. MILTON M. LYON, rroprlftor Till! (lOTIIAM. (TKRKNT UTKKATTKK. Tho 'iiriiin for Botiinbir contain n po litical essay mi "Money Interests In I'ollticiil Airulrs," liy K. 1,, Uiiilklii, editor of tlio Now York A.Ycmiiii lt. In which Mr Uodkln traces to tho growth of protection the enor mous ntid alarming Ineionso of the lullucnco of money in olltlc, whlchho icgard iia tlio most liii)ortiiiit Killtlcliil fuel of our tlmo. In tlio Mime nunilicr Senator John T Morgan of Alabama, lepllos to Senator Chandler's recent article on "Tlio Kedenil lontrol of Kleetlons" Other ni tides In this nuinhcr wllllio "Tho Training of TeaeheiV hi l'ies. ilent (1 Stanley Hnll of Chirk university: "ThoChilFthmltj of tlio Future" liy 1'iofos. iur John H. lllacklo of F.illnliurgh, Scotland! "llio latest Astronomical Now s"hv rrofes.ir Chnrln A. Young of l'rlneutou; 'l'roteetlon galnst loniiiiliK'inliy l.lent John r.Flnloy; as well as article liy Simon Hteme, IMwnid l.verett lliilo, James I; Murdoch, M J Sav age mill Alice K. hex. Professor Hinder of Harvard, in his article on "Nature ami Man in Ainuilca," In the September Scritmer says: "Um'cius to mo that it Is rather to tho physical conditions of North Aini'ilca thmitomiy irlmal Incapacity on the att of its Indigenous people to take one civilization, that we must ntti Unite tlio falhiui to Indigcnc-us limn within Uh IIiiiiIh to ailvanco heyoiul the lowest grades of hirhar isin. Tho liiillau hIiiiws us in man) wn)s that ho is an able pel sou W may judge any folk liy their gi eater men, amttheio can do lioiloulit that the ablest of our Ainelicall savages rank 1 1 If-1 1 In the Intcllictiial mile. It la, it seems to me, to the ccaclcix illstui l auces of nascent ci iliatioii that we owe tlo falluru of this folk to attain ton higher degi oo." A high tyixMif American mlltlclan a uinn having some him; of the cluitacteriHtlcs of a Itlaine, with a little of tho Daniel Doiighoity perhaps Is brought hj chaucu into the close society of a Newxit iimriieil belle ony of those women ui'itist to wealth ami manly U'auty, wltli keen sympathh uusutmtlcn by the intellectual callliio of her hushaml Then comes a mi etui study of tho self -made suc cessful Ameiicali of tlio society Kill of Now lHrt iltawn by uuu who knows her pel leclly at her Inwt anil at her worst of Miclety not as it is imagined but us it exists of tlio hu man heal t by one w ho lias uvlilc ntly taken it in her hauilaiiil watched its c.ver puliation. At cieiy page tho story Is bright anil clev er, anil we ale much mistaken If it los not atti act the w iilesl attention. Domtlil U. Mitchell (Iku Marul),iu his urtl clo on "Tlio Counliy i louse" Sri diiirr'x for Koptemlici), givus the IoIIowIiik remlnisceiico of Washington Irving Mr. Ii lug coitaiuly hail tho rm al instincts utiiiiigly ilovi)loieil, holovis.1 tho things of the gaiilen, not tho (lowers only, am) the llttlo tiup ofagieen house ho hail Improvisuil in the corner, but the trim rows ot vegetables us well. With what a i are gusto (If I may play tho retiortcr tlK)n tlio weaknesses of a host) ho looked up on the yellowing melons, bathing in the sun shine, ami on the pin pie glories of the egg plants 'Not like them! (with a womleitul lift of the eyebiows), why, a broiled slice of one Is i icher tuim a rasher of bacon1," It is anuouncisl by Messrs. I). Appluton A: Co., that the third volume of I'rof. McMas ter's "History of tho I'eoplo of tho United States," Is now well advanced, and will be published probably in the course of thu win ter. It will bo remembered that tho second volume closes with tho negotiations regard ing tho Ijouisiauu purchase. In tho new vol ume, which will contain eight chapters, I'rof. McMaster ln-glns with the debate In tlio House legarding tho constitutionality of th Louisiana purchase, and ho closes tho volume w 1th a discussion of tho political and economic utrects of tho Aarof lSl'J. Wimbledon and lt camp is tho story of tho Kjglish volunteer out for target practice, iiud is ouo of the scriusof Outiinj papers for the citizen soldiery. None ot tlio articles will awaken greater interest among the national guardsmen than this story told by ouo of Al bion's sons with tlio patriotic glow of a Saxon uud all the fervor of a Norman. Hiclily iiip plcmentcd by illustrations the Wimbledon Is n most titling companion to tho paper on Creedmoor. "A Successful Man" is thu title of what is probably the brightest American story typi cally American which has upeared for manyj ears. It Is a story of life prominent in fashion and in Kilitics, written by n mem ber of New York's highest society who diss plays a genius as a writer destined to make her name famous although she substitutes a nom do plume for her own well known one. Thu 1'ralrlo Chicken of Amerlcu, u most Indispensable supplement to "Thu English 1'urtrldge," Is a story of starting experience in thu stubble Holds of, central Nubrntku not less inteiesting to tho sportsmuu, and so brim ful of enthusiasm that many an Ontiinj read er will bo iuspliod to take to thu Ileitis where thesu "farmer birds" abound. Macmllhan & Co. have In press for mi mediate publication n now volume of stoi ios by Kudynrd Kipling, uniform In size with "I'lnln lales From the Hill." Tho stories In cluded In tho volume uru ipjite new, mid this edition, Issued by arrangement with the author, will be ohTered at a low price to tho American public. "A Successful Man" will appear In two parts in tho CosmoHiHton Mtujuziiulhn first in tlio September Issue und Is illustrate ed by Harry McVlekar, tho drawings being made fiom life from acting models who were guests and servants at a Long Island country house. September' Cusmojiolitmi contains uu In teresting story by Kdgar Faw cett entitled "A Comedy of Courtship," a poem by Kdwfu Itoyle, "Mario llasklrtseir to Fame," "Tho Kthlcs of Wall Street" by Henry Clews, ami mini) othvr entertaining features. One of tho last urtlcles penned by tho late John Klllot Itovten of tho Indrjmuhnl, was one In which h emliodleil a corresKndence with the oet, I'aill Hamilton Hnync. This article will appear in the September unrulier of Lijijunrtttt's Mitijitiine. Tho authors of "Tho Life of Lincoln,'' Just completed in the Crntnry, Messrs. Nlcolay and Hay, are to write several paiers for the same magiine on Lincoln's personal traits. They are to appear during the coming vol ume. Elizabeth Stuart I'lielps' article In tho Au gust number of tho r'onim on "Tho Decollete in Modem Life," has caiue I such demand for that iiuiiiIht that a second edition has lieen issued, Ond'iiy has reached its sixteenth volume. ! Summkii Complaint. A druggist at Ilritt, Hancock county, Iowa, relates his experience with this disease as follows: During the summer of ISvJ my llttlo girl, two j ears of of ago, whs taken seriously ill with summer complaint, so common to children of that age, and after Mug treat4sl by a physician and getting no better I took from my shelves a bottle of Chamberlain's colic, cholera and dlarrho'ii leuusly Shofelt relieved after the tlrst dose and in three days waseutliely well, Ai.ex Mom THE BONNIE BANKS 0' LOCH LOMON'. - 13 J'ltlilimfictl through Tho American I'rv.vt Association. m Sa 3EH9H 11 dM IMhtr iloic, uifh CJ)mfan. I. liy )im bou nlo liankii anil by 'J. "I was llicre that we pair! -ml In II. Tlio wco bird leu shitf, nnil tho &mm3&m j ' .""U:1 -s-.: V M '"' -xJE ..j i i mmmmwmmmm mg0 )on ImiiiiiIi) lirnwj, horn tliosun hIiIiich bilghl on UhJi Ln - iiion', When) I mill my trim lino wcto ov-i-r wont to jon pIiii -ilyilcn, On llio steep, stcciiHliloo' lien La - inoir, Where, In ptirMilo hue tho lilelaml hills w wllil-IIowcriKprlnj,', An'lusiiiishliio the wa-lcwiiroMccp - In', Hut tho lirnk - en heart.... fl kens 11110 wcond wo I t h 1 v - jipig nn ('IIOUVS (Siuij TrtbU line an Solo awl repeat an Cho ad lib. Tiiiiiu.r.. joiititrqinrktr. i hi. 111. i. jiiuitcr inircr. gae, On thu bonnie, bonnlc banks of Loch Lo - mon'. O, joii'll tak' the high road, mill I'll tuku tho low road, An' view, An' tho moon com - in' noL In tho gloam - m sprinp, Tho' tho waefu' may cease frao their j;net In'. Al.TO. in ' I ? I -'! 0, jou'll tnk tho high road, and I'll tako tho low road, An f-faiP i 35 p rail. a tempo. " I'll bo In Scot-hind a - foru yo ; Hut I and my truo loro will nov - er meet a-galn On tho bfc ee3 u 4. 4 I'll bo in Scot-land 11 - foru jo; Hut I anil my truo lovo will nov - er meet n-galn On tin J. gEfefefefeSEJIsBlS D.8. I bonnlc, bonnlo banks o' Loch Lo mon. m-njfr" 1 bonnle, bonnlo banks o' Ixch Lo mon'. bvmmi. - .. -j-t-s-j 5 C C d. a. l. fm Telephone 176 n yHHUESflRHH VsMsSrTflA OFFIOEl 1024 0 Street Moving Household Goods and Pianos a Specialty. EVERY EXPERT Thut lias over unetl thu Yost Writing Machine Olves It the distinction of belmr. the 1'cer amoim Tpewrlteih. WliSSBI. PRINTING CO., AgU. ll.M-3l N SU 1'ourlcr lliillclliik'. To Have Your Teeth Extracted ! EVERY MORNING during the STATE FAIR, I will Extract Teeth WITHOUT PAIN and without Extra Charge, by the use of STEINAU'S ANESTHETIC, No Chloroform 1 No Hther ! No Gas ! A Full Set of Teeth on Eubher for $5.00, All Fillings at the Lowest Rates. DR. II. K. KERMAN, Rooms VmZkt"" n'ck'