Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, August 30, 1890, Page 4, Image 4

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Jl - T
i ;
Gasoline Stoves.
" White Mountain '
Screen Doors,
t Screen Windows,
), Screen Wire
Frank E. Lahr,
936 P Street.
North Side Postollice Square
Cushman Park
Saturday, Aug, 30.
400 II. A. M, 11. 11. employes plculn mill oven
Iik party with families.
Sunday, Aug. 31.
Ton llroook with hi ureal balloon, "City of
Loudon" goes above thoclouit nt 4 p. in.
Tho Imby brass band, tho wnmlcr of tlio ago
qlttloOorlnno's fnvorlto Concert at 2:30 ntul
after the ascension, Kroo concert at depot nt
Up. 111. S-cont ntlmlnHloii to nit. Hnllrontt
tickets IS cent for round trip.
Monday, Sept. 1.
Labor Day.
Wednesday Sept. 1.
Odd Follows I'lonlo.
A Fine Crayon
1124 0 ST.
Every customer gets a head
and shoulder Crayon Picture
Free from any and all cost.
This work is made direct from
any photo you may want
copied. Call and look into
this matter.
Lincoln Trunk Factory
Whrc we will be glad to sec all old
frlendi and customers and at many new
ones as can get Into the store.
l lhr IStpenif Mmlrni Tfmr.
HiMmoiiliTUiM )no Year by Mull or Carried
fJOO; Six Moulin, f 1. 00; Three Mnntlm.MH1 ,
One month SO Cent InrnrnMy In Advance
Aiivkiitiskmknts: llntes fiirnliheilnu application
it the oflloe. Heclnt rntcs on Time (Nnitraci.
CONTiunirnnnsiHhort spicy sketches, xeiii ami
stories solicited. 1 Vmoiinl ntul 8ooll notes nre
especially desirable.
I'niymo: We inako ft K'clnlty of Finn Printing
In nil Ha branches. Hocietr work n seclnlty.
PubliMhud Stturdfiy.
Address nil (iiniiniiiiit'iitlolni direct to tlifi office
Wicmnicl Pkintino Co..
Courier HulldtiiK, M:u N street.
I j. Wkhhkl, Jli., Editor and Sole Pi oprletor.
W. Mdhto.v Hmitii, Asssoolnto Editor,
An Interesting Iticldcnt In tint wedding of
Mr. Donald I.. Iivoof Lincoln, to Mix Julia
InrrnU-o of Clermont, Iowa, rcortcd In Inat
week's CouitlKii, was tliu reading of n oeni
by tlm nutlior, Mnjor H. II. M. Dyers, who
wroto "ShernmnV Mnrch to tint Hen," Tho
hkiii wai composed expressly for tlm ocean
xlon and win dedicated tu tho Initio.
(Jeneral Victor Vlfiunln of this city, lately
consul nt Colon, United States of Columblu,
will probably return to Nebraska. HI sue
rertor, who lint Junt been nppoltited, Is Wil
liam I!. SIiiik, of Virginia.
Co'. .1. I) Iliinl, prorletor of tho Officii
Commercial, formerly connected with tlm
State Journal, spent novel nl dny In tho city
thin Mock. The colonel Is iih handitomo in
over and Ik enthusiastic over Ogden's pros-
Messrs .1 0.1 11 1', Huttou, Thomas Meagher
and J. J. Condon, who lately returned from
Colorado, aro regaling their friends wRh
an account of their wild ascent to tlm sum
mit of Pike n Peak, n distance of twelve miles
In four hour. They claim to havo broken
tho record by llfteen mlnutcH.
Of course you know Dick Berlin of Omnlin.
Everybody does. Well, Dick, oilr own Tom
Cooke and Rnvo Mercer of Omaha, returned
several dnys ago from a four days trip to
Colorado. Dick carried a small hand-bag
while Tom and Dave stowed away their extra
luggage In their coat pockets, Consequently
Dick played tlm dudo to the utter discom
fiture of tlm other fellows. Tom Cooko
whose portly shapo doubtless quivered with
envy as ho surveyed handsome Dick after a
change of clothes, gives tho following list of
articles contained in the hitter's very Binall
ba);: Two complete suit of clothes, six wlilte
shirts, four silk outing shirts, eight pairs of
cuffs, twelve collars, six neckties, one dozen
collar buttons, seven pairs of hose, thirteen
handkerchiefs, two bottles of perfumery, two
soft lints, one iwx of very swell stationery,
one pair of dancing pumps, three white and
two fancy vests, one chest protector, n liver
pad, two porous plasters, a box of pills, two
watch chains, three jmlrs of cuff buttons,
comb and brush, bottle, of hair invigorator,
it manicure set, one rolr of sllvcr-hucklcd
hose supporters, one pair of slippers, a pack
of playing cards and n novel "Tho Devil's
Own Daughter." A pretty good assortment
for a four day's tiip. lly the way that novel
of Dick's has nu interesting title.
Many of our young people will rememlier
Bert Smith, who n few years ngo, wasn
popular member of Lincoln society, He
was In the city this week and was warmly
kreoted by boats of old acquaintances. Ilert
Is now cashier of the State bank of Oandy,
and Is making himself felt In that thriving
Elmer K. Henkleleft Monday for Olympla,
Wash,, en very Important business. Wednes
day, September thlnl, ho will be married to
MIm Iajiib Giles, thU ceremony uniting one
of the Capital City's most prominent and
promising young men to n most charming
and agreeable young lady, already well
known and exceedingly popular In Lincoln.
Thoy will leave Olympla m tho evening of
the third for this city, accompanied by Mrs.
L. C. llurr ami daughter, and will arrive ou
tho Tenth after a trip to the principal points
of Interest in the northwest. Their "nt home"
nddres will bo Twenty-second and Washing-
ion street.
W. N. Abbot left Monday for (Jcnon, Neb.
Mr. and Mrs, O. I. Davis start todav for
Kansas City.
Miss Mattio Murks-of Dennett, returned
home Thursday,
Mr. ami Mrs, Hobert Ryan have gone to
Den Moines for a week,
Charlie Lewis left Monday on n business
trip to Seyanl, lllalr and Omaha,
Mrs. Caroline Murphy started for homo,
Canton, Mo., over the I). & M, hut Monday
Mrs. J. M.Thomasof Wyoming, III., Is the
guest of her sister, Mrs. 8. A. Dillon, mhUIi
Ninth street.
A certain young man, who shall be name
less, has his cage ready ami we presume ho
will cage his bird ere long.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Small, 1044 A street, are
entertaining MUsBnilthot Indianapolis, I ml.,
and Mrs. Small of Geneva, Neb., this week.
Ho,-. C. H. Ollmore of Elm wood, Neb., has
been tho guest of Mr. and Mrs. R. Murphy,
while attending the prohibition convention.
He left fcr home Thursday.
Mrs. D. It. Lanley of l)e Moines, Iowa,
daughter of Mrs. Frlel, who has been visiting
her for some time returned home the early
part of the week accompanied by her brother
Walter, who will remain there all winter.
Aunt Samantiia.
"For summer complaint," says lien U
Bene, a prominent druggist of I.os Angelee,
Cal., "I know of no remedy so sure and safe
to use as Chamberlain's colic, cholera mid
dlarrluea remedy," Mr. Rear la not alone In
entertaining that opinion, as wherever known
the remedy Is praised by all who use It, For
sale by A. U Shader. J
TPy II h tennis tourna-
omieni which has betn
"In progress all tlm
week has been the
mast Interesting lo
cal contest over held
In the city, bringing
out a number of
now nlnvors and
awakening fresh
luterex In llmsMirt
There was a goxl attendance each
dny In tho gents' singles, Monday, C.
U. llurr defeated Frank Hathaway, "o, 7-f,
Iwo straight sets, (lelsthardt defeated West,
N-'J, -H) mid 7-Ti, Howey deleated FoIhoiii tl-'i
and IW), and F. H. llurr ilefented Monger, IH
iiikKH. In (Im ladles' singles .Miss (trace
llurr was defeated by Mlts Louise round, 111,
IM, and Miss Ilertle Iluir defeated ,Mlss
Hathaway, IM ntul II I. In Tuesday's gentle
meti's singles, O. C llurr defeated Illisli, -a,
M; (lelsthardt defeatetl Wlstinr, ill), US;
i nunc llurr iloruatod Mowey U-l, il-l and
Sheldon defeated Triiphngvii by lefault. On
Wisltiesday, gentlemen's douhfes, F. H, and C.
L. llurr diifented (loUtlinrdt and Hardy, il II,
U-'JandUt;C, O. llurr mid Shtldoii defeated
llllsh and Howey, U-2, U-2, West iindHlarrett
defeated Wittier mid Mtiiiger.U-l, iMInuil U-l.
F, H. mid C L llurr defented C C. llurr mid
Sheldon, U!l. In gentlemen's singles, F. H.
Hurr defoatisl Sheldon 7-fi, U-S, and In ladles'
single, Miss I'ound defeated Mls llertlo Kin r,
7-o, U-'J, giving tho former tho Indies cham
pionship of tlm city. On Tliunsday In the
gentlemen's doubles, ('. L. and F S. Ilun de
feated West and Stnrrett, U-S, U-l. In the
gentlemen's singles (lelsthurdt defeated C. V.
llurr, D-7, IM, and in tlm ladles' doubles Misses
Found and llurr defented Mesdames llurr mid
Sheldon, tin, J-U, tW. Mixed and gentlemen's
doubles were played yesterday afternoon.
Tlm results were nniiouncril too late for pub
lication in this week's CouitlKlt.
Walt until Lincoln plays Omahii.
C, C. Dun's tennis playing Monday excited
general admiration.
A number of very lino horses have been en
tered for the state fair races,
Tlm Omaha Wheel Club tournament will
bo hold Sept. Ill and SO. It will lion big event
In byklng circles.
Tlm Lincoln club played a good gnino at
MlnneiiKills Tuesday; but tlm scorostood II to
0 in the other club's favor.
The Omaha Her still thinks Lincoln istio
small to support a league club; but our club
Is In the association to stay.
Lincoln ran up against Milwaukee this
week and was pretty badly punished. In
Sunday's game she scored a goo-e-egg.
The Lincoln club will play tho Denver team
In this city Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday,
and Kansas City, Thursday, Friday and
U. W. Oerwlg was at Rent! ice Monday.
Rev. A.Van Duyn left Sunday for Chicago.
Miss Helena Lau Is visiting at Illoomliigton,
O. R. Oakley was n: Woaplng W.itjr Tiles
dny. Paul Weaver dci.r ted for Rochester, N. Y.
Tuesdaj .
Miss Laura Taylor U vMtlug fi lends nt
T. J. Thompson left Thursday for San
Diego, Col.
Madame' Weber will return next week
from Iloston.
K. 1. tinnier went to Hutchinson, Knrtms,
Mrs. Ella M. Ureen left for Rocheiter, N.
Y., Tuesday.
Raul Holm has returned from Hot Springs,
South Dakota,
Mr, and Mrs. C. lion!) started Tuetdny for
Madison, Wis.
Chief Justice Amiisa Cobb returned from
Boston Thurxlay.
Miss Emma R. (Jeach left Tuesday for
Manslleld, Ohio.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. John dross n
daughter, Monday.
Mrs. Helen Knotta left Thursday for
Hutchinson, Kansas,
Miss Jennie Kruse is making an extended
visit at the northern lakes.
II, II, Roggcnkamp wan a assenger for
Portland, Oregon, Tuesday.
Mrs. A. L. (Julie is home again after a
month's visit in the Rockies.
Mr. and Mrs. W. 8. Carter and daughter
left Tuesday for Philadelphia
The Presbyterian Sunday schools held n
piculo at Cushman uirk yettcrday.
Mrs. J, il. Robinson and daughter of Chi
cago, are visiting Mrs. C. E. Yates.
The remains of the late Paul R. McOrew
were Interred Wednesday morning.
MUses Nellie Hlldeibrnud and Nannio Allen
have returned from n visit In Omaha.
Henry Leavltt, of "Domestic Coal" fame,
has been doing Chicago the past week.
W, 8. Hamilton and family aro back from
a month's vfsltut Foit Madlton, Iowa.
Miss Minnie Hale, 11SI U street, Is enter
taining Miss Mamie Prouty of Peru, Neb.
Mrs. A. D. Clark has been appointed ad
mlulitratrlx of the estate of John R. Clark.
A. F, Wood will be Prof. Weber's succes
sor as tutor in botany at the state university.
Dr. 8. 8. Skldmore entertained Dr. M. H.
Stackhouse and family of Hickman, Tuesday.
Mrs. W, T. Duncan and baby returned
Wednesday from a summer's visit In the east,
Mrs. E. K. Criley and family have return-
from a pleasant visit to various points in the
J. R. Smith, who has been with A. Hulburt
for some years, ha entered the More of S.
Mrs. W. J, Marshall and daughter, Miss
Fay, have returned from the Dakota Hot
Ml Mary Datch of Des Molnej, Iowa, Is
visiting at tho residence of Mr. and Mrs. W.
B. Ogden.
"Want" Ails for the Jiniriittl.
Ill order to erve tho convenience of Its
pntrpns who mnywWli to use tho "wnnt" col
umns of the Journal the ouiiikh olllco will
receive such advurtlsements nt the regular
rates and traiiKinlt them totlie.ottnidf.
See the now conespondenco papers In tab
let form Just received nt the CountKil olllco.
We have all the latest weaves, in nil the fan
cy and plain apr, Including a number of
very pretty novelties. Envelopes to match
all papers.
A 1. 1st or l.luenliiltes Abroad and Where
The) nre Niiiiiiiierliig.
Tlm Couhikh will esteem It a favor If its
friends will nll In keeping ths following
list of summer absentees full ami correct.
Wo will Im glnd to add nniiiw to the list, but
iihoveiill Irt us know when these tout Ists it
turn Sidney Mls Alia Laiilr.
Pueblo, Col. -M. II Fish,
Illinois Miss Estella Stlre.
Auioiii Mih. C. A Whlck.
Montreal, Can. E. Goodrich.
Detroit, SIlch.-G. A. "0011011.
Loveland, Col.-UeorgeHiulth.
RoeUoul, Ii M.h Olive Trlgir.
Qulncy, III -Mim Jennie Kmim.
Elmwood, IIU Mto Jlarja Rosy.
New Jersey-AMIss.Corn Outcnlt.
Phllndi'lplimfc-MiU l.-. W. Ames.
Ijmdfin. Oittni lMlf..iiti fl......M
Sail Dll'L'O. ('ill. Inllll M lliirb.
Madison, Neb. -.Mrs. J. I) Hood.
Sciiinton,Pa.-Mis. S. T. Daklu.
Sitka, Alnskn Illchniil D. Miller.
Mnrwlllw, Ill.-Mlss Lizzie Bond.
Cltv of .Mexico Aaron Buckstair.
IndlnnnpolN, Itul. O. F Dlttmnn.
Hiitchlmon, Knnns E. P. Hawes.
Giaham, W. n. Miss Ida Young.
.Urbima, Ohio Mlfs Alice Maltli.ud.
Oswego, N. Y.-Mrs. C. I). Pitcher.
Iliutfonl, Conn. Mrs. F. E. G.ig..
Nniinnlnio, Wiuli. II. F. Southwell.
Evnn.ton, Wj o. Charles Morrison.
Castile, N. Y.-MIm Mary A. Smith.
Mluhignn-M. M. White ami fnmlly.
Lake George. N. Y.Mks Alice Orr.
Marietta, O. Mrs. Dr. Charles Hart.
Jamestown, N. I). Miss Lolllo Smith
Palmer Lake, Col. Mrs. A M. I! did.
Maho John IC. Stout, John Fall Held.
Anacondn, Montnnn Mrs. M. Hnriis.
Madison, Wl. Mr.nnd Mm. O . Ilenll.
Davenpo't, Iown Miss Minnie Mateer.
Galveston, Texas Mm. Emma Patrick.
Manslleld, Ohlo-Mlss-Einina R. (leach.
Galesbnrg, HI. Miss Eleanor llllams.
Illnhie, Knn. W. B. Taylor and family.
DesMo!nes-Dr. ami Miv. C. C. Calkins.
Evansvllle, Intl. F. B. Nisbett and wife.
Lyons, N. Y. Mm. R. M. Lyons and niece.
Brooklyn. N. Y. It H. .Voiratt and wife.
Massachusetts!!, S. Goidon and wife.
Portland, Me. Jos. lloehmer anil family.
Niagara Falls II J.WaWi, George Walsh.
Janesvllle, Wis. 51m. A. J. Bingham and
Oinnlm hunting party In Wyoming L. C.
Hillsdale, Mich
Buffalo, N. Y.-
-Prof. E. T. Hartley anil
Mls Julia Smith, Eugeuo
Iowa Mrs. A.
J. Caldwell, .Mrs. D. P.
Rochester, N. Y. Miss Corn Hardy, Paul
B-nntstcwn, Iown Mrs. Frank Miiyo and
Oenova. N. Y. Mrs. R. M. Simons an.l
Freeport, III. Mrs. J. W. Menlove and
Chicago-Miss Edith Russell, Miss Lillian
Tomahawk Lakes, Wis.Albert Watklns
and family.
Wyoming, camping Mis. C. S. Clasou
and family.
Black Hills, S. I). Mr. and Mrs. John I.
Canada Rev. . Gregory and aunt, Mr.
Olympla, Warh. Mrs. L. U. ' llurr and
daughter, May.
Uoldwater, Mich. Misses Loulso Smith
and Alice Righter.
Helena. Mont. M. I). Thurston, A. H. Bar
ber, J. F. Slorrls ntul family.
Lnko Chautauqua, N. Y,, Miss Maud
Hammond, W, II. Goodrich.
Albany, N. Y. MIm Karnh Wool Stoore,
Mrs. M. Leckenml Willie Hewlett.
Cleveland, O. MUs Lulu Grunlugur, E. R.
Ellsworth and wife, W. C. Dutton.
Georgetown, Col. Mrs. C.G. Dawes, Rev.
and Mrs. Curtis, Miss Ethel Marsland,
louring EuroH. A. E. Hargreaves, W.W.
Wilson, Harry Townsend, William PI. elan.
New York Mrs. C. W. Pomfret and
daughter, W. W. Folsom, E. G. Williams.
England Mrs. Ji. A, Blnns, Jno. Parting
ton and family, Mrs. Jas. Partington and
Hot Springs, 8. D. R. M. Turner and wife,
Mrs. Morris Turner, A; C. Wlilte, J. Farmer
and wife.;
Dayton, Ohio Mlssei Jennie and Mary
Underwood, Airs. A. U. Uiiimeyer, Mr, and
Mrs. A M. Mumma.
Portland, Oregon A. Manger, H. A. Dab
cock und wife, Mrs. Lewis A. Bowers, E. O.
Clark, II. II. Roggeiikatnp.
Old Point Comfort, Vn. Miss Blanche Har
g reaves, Mrs. R, C. Ou teal t and children, Mrs.
C. O. Wheedon and children, Mrs. Prof.
Colorado Geo. R. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs.
Worthy Sterns, Frank T. Walton, Mrs. R.A.
Hawley, Mrs. L. E. Stewart, Miss Lillian
Sterling, Mr. and Mis Shoemaker
Mamtou Mrs. L. R. Treemau and daught
er, Mrs. T. P."Folom, Mrs. C. Thompson, J.
M. Stewartand wife, Mrs. A. N. WyckolT,
Mrs. W. C. Grimth, Miss Grace Grlftlth.
Denver Mrs. M. E. Canlleld, Mrs. W. W.
Wirt, Mrs. Hook, Mrs. Ross, MIm Rheta
Alexander, E. M. Long, J, O. Wndsworth
and wire, Miss Clarkfe Pace, C 8. Clason.
Touring the northwest Win. Wltte, Peter
Anderson, MIm Josle Blair, J. G. Smith, Miss
Jennie Smith, Lee Elliott, II. H. Demi and
amlly, Mrs. II. M. Rice, Mrs. J. R. Wright.
Colorado Springs Le Rue Brown, Mrs. M.
C. Coleman, Miss Clair Link, J, B. Hortou,
Mrs. J. it. McMurtry and daughter, Miss
Tote, T. J. Mlltonberger and family, MIm
Anna Ttbbits.
St Faul, Minn. Mrs. J. E. Edwards,
J. R. Conklfu und children, Mrs. John
Schmlttel, Mrs. John Fitzgerald and child
ren, Kd, Cagney. Win. Lelrerdluk, Mrs.
Jacob Huberlo and daughter,
Touring the east J. A. Huddleson and
wife, Rev. O. A. Williams, Frank and Oscar
Easterday, M. I. Aitkin, Mrs. Hard, Miis
Gertrude Aitkin, F. W. Helwlg, Miss Mollle
Helwlg, M. M. White and family
Salt Ijike Goo. Spencer and family, Jas.
Hieneer and wife, Frank Gregg and wife,
Mrs. J. I). Parish and daughter. Mrs. Jesse
D, Moore, Mrs. Anna Miller, Mrs. D. G.
Courtney, Mifs Irene Watklns, Henry Alt
kin, Mrs. N, C. Brock und daughter, Mr.
and Mis. A, II. Mendeuhnll.
VUitlng in various iiarts of state,
Poehlers fancy cakes of all kinds nre pref
erable to any found elsewhere. Any kind of
cako rn ado to order omliort notice.
There U bound to be trouble after this break. Mrs. Jones will now apply for a
divorce. .She IntUted that her husband should go to A. T. Gructter & Co. for their
Jones Insisted on golnj,' to n cheap John up the street and the accompanying pic
ture shows the result. We do not handle this quality of furniture. Our goods are
made by the best manufacturer in the country and our prices arc marked low.
A. T. Gruetter & Co.'s Great Furniture House,
1118 N HTItKKT.
Those upon whom wc depend for support It Is with pleasure that we announce
n complete transformation during the hot weather of Lincoln's most popular Amuse,
merit resort Into the cosiest of America's Thespian Temples.
Under a New Management. With New Idens and New Features. See Om List
Q Life Like and Life Size 6, Wax representations of the Crowned Heads of Con
A most realistic depletion of Omaha's awful Tragedy,
The Happy Family !
The Stereoptican Promenade !
The Gallery of War Paintings !
The World's Famous Wizard,
Z A N Z I G-MtfivKLoim and M3BKIOT&.
Hents 5 and 10 Cents Extra.
Tho King of Laugh Makers
In Ethiopian Comicalities.
Thu Peer of Clilncho Impersonators
In Mongolian Eccentricities.
The Man from Onlway
In Hibernian Wit.
Chairs 6 and to Cents Extra. V-r
, EST Pokltlvely no improper characters admitted.
' ?
The Canine Paradox of
With Dos that do Everything Imt Talk.
TJhe Funniest of Fumy Plays
Fun in a Chinese Laundry I
Performances Hourly from to 6, and 7 to 10
p. in. every day '
On the Sabbath the Doors will bo Locked.
i a Jrs-
V1...111. i,,i