Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, August 30, 1890, Page 3, Image 3

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Alice Isaacs
Very Low:st Prices.
Ill the Store of Hcymnii V Dclchos,
1518-20 Eamam Street
That has ever used Ilm
Yost Writing iMachine
Gives it (he distinction 1 being the Peer
among Typewriters.
mi-Si N st.
Courier Handing.
Tlio so-called AVobstor's Un
ahril;cd Dictionary" which is
beliiK hawked about the country
anil oflererit'orsalo in Dry Goods
Stores at a low price, and also
ollered as a premium in a lew
cases, for subscriptions to pa
pern, Is .substantially the book ol"
The body of the work, from A to Z, Is a
cheap reprint, page for page, of the edition
of 1847, reproduced, broken type, errors
and all, by phototype process.
Get the Best! "'''V.'niXt". our
'vtABRtoCetJ tBMYi
A Dictionary of the Language
containing 118,000 Words and 3000 EngrnvliiKf,
A Dictionary of Biography
giving ftcts nlout nearly 10,000 Noted Kthiiii',
A Dictionary of Geography
locating nnd urlelly det.crillng 2.xio 1'iacvn,
A Dictionary of Fiction
found 'lily In Volier I'milirldgcd,
All in One Book.
The New York Trlbnnomy uisri-cognued
us (In most iim-IuI i'xIkUiik "nrd-lonk ' of
Dip EhkII'Ii Iu'ikiiiik1 ml over tlio world.
Sold liy nil booksellers Pamphlet free
C. A C. MERHIAM & CO., l'nb'rii,Brlngtield, Mui
"Kind WonW Ni-ter 111.', ClierUlu-il nnd
IIIcmimI" Vn llfitr .tlurli AIiimiI Ilm lilt-t-r
TdiiKIIK mid Ilm Nurriiatln Tongue,
hut I.IIIIk (if tli Soft Tongue.
Cincinnati, Aug. m Dr. Tulmago, who
Is in this city, today discoursed on a power
whlrh, If it had Ihhmi used as extensively as
Christ Intended It to lo used, would havu
wived tho church and the world from in
lltilto discord and sorrow the power of
kindness. Ills text was, "A soft tonguu
bronkoth the Initio" (l'rov .x.xv, Ifi). Fol
lowing Is tho sermon.
When Solomon mild this ho drovu 11
wholu volume into one phrase. Von, of
course, will not lw so silly as to take tho
words of tho to.xt in 11 literal sense. They
dimply mean to set fort lit lie fnct that thero
is a tremendous power in a kind word.
Although It may sooni to ho very iuslgulll
ennt, its foreo Is indescrlhahlo and llllmlt
nhlo. Pungent and all conquering utter
ance; "A soft tongue hreuketh tho bono."
Till: t'SKS OK KtNIlNim
If tho weather were not so hot and I had
tlmo I would show you means
of defense; kindness as a means of useful
ness; kindness as a means of domestic har
mony; kindness as liest employed by gov
ernments for tho turning and curing of
criminals, and kindness us best adapted
for tho settling and adjusting of Inter
nntlonal quarrels; but I shall call your at
tention only to two of those thoughts
And first I speak to you of kindness as
n muuus of defense. Almost every man In
tho course of his lifo is set upon nnd as
saulted. Your motives nro mlslnterpieted,
or your religious or political principles atu
bombarded. What to do under such cir
cumstances Is the (inestlou. The llrst im
pulse of tho natural heart says: "Strike
back, Glvo as much as ho sent. Trip him
into tho ditch which ho dug for your feet.
Gash him with as soveroa wound as that
which ho Indicted oil your soul. Shot for
shot. Sarcasm for sarcasm. An eye for
an eye. A tooth for a tooth." Hut tho
bettor spirit in tho man's soul rises up and
says, "You ought to reconsider that mat
ter." You look up into tho faco of Christ
and say, "My Master, how ought I to act
under theso dllllcult circumstances?" And
Christ Instantly answers, "Bless them that
curso you, and pray for them which do
spitefully use you " '
Then tho old nature rises up again ami
says: "You hail better not forglvo him un
til llrst you lmvo chastised him. You will
never get hint In so tight a comer again.
You will never have such an opportunity
of Inflicting the right kind of punishment
upon him again. First ehasti so him and
then let him go." "No," says tho better
nature; "hush, thou foul heart. Try tho
soft tongue that breaketh the bone."
Havo you over in all your lifo known
ucurbity and acrimonious dispute to settle
11 quarrel? Did they not always imikn
matters worse and worse and worse?
now a ii!KT ciii'itni (juaimki. was hkt-
T l.KI).
Many jears ago thero was a great quarrel
In tho Presbyterian family. Ministers of
Christ were thought orthodox in propor
tion as they hud measured lances with
other clergymen of tho same denomina
tion. Tho most outrageous personalities
were abroad. As in tho autumn a hunter
comes homo with a string of game, part
ridges and wild ducks slung over his
shoulder, so thero wero many ministers
who came back from tho ecclesiastical
:ourts with long strings of doctors of di
vinity whom they had shot with their
own rllle. Tho division became wider, tho
animosity greater, until after a while some
good men resolved upon another tack.
They logan to explain away tho dllll
cult ies; they begun to forgive each other's
faults, and lo! tho great church quarrel
was settled, and tho new school Presby
terian church and tho old school Presby
terian church lwcnmo 0110 tho different
parts of tho Presbyterian order welded by
a hammer, a little hammer, a Christian
hammer, that tho Scripture calls "a soft
You have a disputo with your neighbor.
You say to him, "I despise you." lie re
plies, "I can't bear the sight of you." You
say to him, "Never eater my house again."
lie says, "If you como on my door sill I'll
kick you off." You say to him, "I'll put
you down." Hosays to you, "You nro mis
taken, 111 put you down." And so the
contest rages, ami year after year you act
tho un-Chrlstiau part, and lie acts tho un
christian part. After a while the better
spirit seizes you, and one day you go over
to the neighbor and say; "Give me your
hand. Wo havo fought long enough. Time
is so short nnd eternity is so near that wo
cannot afford any longer to quarrel. I feel
you havo wronged mo vety much, but let
us settle all now In one great handshak
ing, and lie good friends for all the rest of
our lives." You havo lisen to a higher
platform than that on which before you
stood. You win his admiration, and you
get his apology Hut If you have not con
quered him in that way at any rate you
havo won tho applause of your own con
science, tho high estimation of good men,
and tho honor of your Lord, who died for
his armed enemies.
"Hut," you say, "what ore wo to do
when slanders assault us and thero como
acrimonious sayings all around about us
and we are abused and spat upon" My
reply is: Do not go anil attempt to chase
down the slanders. Lies are prolilie, and
while you are killing one lift y are born.
All your demonstrations of indignation
only exhaust yourself You might as well
on somo summer night when tho swarms
of Insects are coming up from the meadows
and disturbing you and disturbing your
family bring up some great "swamp an
gel," like that which thiiiideied over
Charleston, and try to shoot them down
The game Is too small for the gun.
Hut what, then, are you to do witli the
abuses that come upon you in life You
are to live them down1 I saw a farmer go
out to get buck u swarm of I ices Hull had
wandered off from tho hive As he moved
amid them they buzzed around his head,
and buzzed around his hands, and buzzed
around his leet. If he had killed one of
them they would have stung I1I111 to death.
Hut he moed In their midst in perfect
placidity until he had eaptuied the swarm
of wandering bees. And so I have seen
men moving amid tho annovunccs, ami
the vexatious, and the assaults of life In
such calm. Christian deliberation that all
the buzzing around about their soul
amounted to nothing Thev (oiiquered
tilt in, and above all they conquered them
selves "Oh," you say, "that's 1 very good
theory to on a hot day, but It won't
wink." It will work. It has woiked. I
believe it Is tho last Christian grace wo
iu. You know thero are fruits which wo
gather in June, and others In July, and
others iu August, and others iu Septem
ber, and still othbi-a iu October, and I have
to admit that this grace of Christian for
giveness Is about tho last fruit of tho
Christ al soul
I'lllllST'X WOltllt WKIIi: KISII (INCH,
Wo hear a great ileal about the bitter
nnguc, and tho sarcastic tongue, and tho
quick tongue, and tho stinging tongue, but
wo know very.llttlo about "tho soft tongue
that breaketh the bono." Wo road Iiudi
bras, and Sterne, and Dean Swift and tho
other apostle of acrimony, but give little
time to studying tho example of him who
was reviled, and yet reviled not again O
that the bird by his spirit would endow
us all with "tho soft tongue that breaketh
tho Ihiiio."
I pass now to tho other thought that I
desire ( present, and that is, kindness as
a mo'iiis of UHcfiitucis. In all communities
you Mud skeptical men Through early ed
Mention, or through the maltreatment of
professed Christian people, or through pry
lug eurlotty alsiut tho future world, thero
nro a groat many M-ople who Is-cnmo skep
Ileal iu religious thing. How shall you
capture them for God Sharp argument
and sarcastic retort never won a single
soul from skepticism to tho Christian re
ligion. While powerful books on the "F.vl
donees of Christianity" have their mission
in continuing Christian people Iu tho faith
they have already adopted, 1 have noticed
that when skeptical coplo are brought
Into tho kingdom of Christ It Is through
tho charm of some genial soul, and not by
argument at all.
Men are not saved through tho head,
they arosaved through the heart A storm
comes out of It hiding place It says:
"Now, we'll Just rouse up all this sea;"
and it makes 11 great bluster, but It does
not succeed. Part of I he sea Is roused up
perhaHt one-half of it, or one-fourth of It.
After awhile tho calm moon, placid nnd
beautiful, looks down, and the ocean lio
glns to rise it comes up to high water
mark. It embraces tho great headlands.
It submerges tho beacheii of all tho conti
nents. It Is tho heart throb of one world
against the heart throb of another world.
And I have to tell you that while all your
storms of ridicule and storms of sarcasm
may rouse up tho passion of an Immortal
nature, nothing less than the attractive
power of Christian kindness c-in over ralso
tho deathless spirit to happiness and to
God. I have more faith In the prayer of a
child live years old, iu tho way of bringing
uu lnlldcl back to Christ and to heaven,
than I have In all tho hissing thunderbolts
of ecclesiastical controversy.
Tin: rowKit or i-i:itsti skin.
You cannot overcome men with religious
argumentation. If you content a iikcptlcul
man with an argument on behalf of the
Christian religion you put tho man on his
mettle. Ho says: "I sis-that man has a
carbine I'll uso my carbine I'll answer
ills urgument with my argument " Hut
If you come to that man, persuading him
that you desire his happiness on earth and
his eternal welfare In tho world to come,
he cannot answer it
What I havo said is Just as true iu the
reclamation of the openly vicious. Did
you ever know a drunkard to bo saved
through tho caricature of a drunkard?
Your mimicry of tho staggering step, and
the thick tongue, and tho disgusting hic
cough only worse maddens his brain. Hut
If you como to him In kindness and sym
pathy, if you show him that you appreci
ate the awful grip of a depraved appetite,
if you persuade him of the fact that thou
sands who had tho grappling hooks of evil
inclination clutched in their soul as firmly
lis In his havo liven delivered, then a ray of
light will Hash across his vision, and it
will seem as If 11 supernatural hand was
steadying his staggering gait.
A good many years ago thero lay iu tho
streets a man dead drunk, his face exposed
to the blistering noonday sun A Christian
woman passed along, looked at him and
said, "Poor fellow " Sho took her hand
kerchief nnd spread it over his faco, and
passed on. The man roused himself up
from his debauch and began to look at the
handerehlef, and In' 011 It was the name of
a highly respectable Christian woman of
the city. He went U her, ho thanked her
for her kindness, and that one little deed
saved him for this life, and saved him for
tho lifo that Is to come. Ho was afterward
nttorney general of the Pulled States; hut
higher than all, he became tho consecrated
disciple of Jesus Christ.
KINIi wolllis ensr MMIIIMi
Kind words are so cheap It Is a wonder
wo do not use them oftener There are
tens of thousands of people who are dying
for tho lack of one kind Thero Is a
business man who has fought against
trouble until he is perfectly exhausted.
He has Im'oii thinking about lorgery, about
robbery, about suicide. Go to that busi
ness man. Tell him tint belter times are
coming, and toll him that you yourself
were in a tight business p'tss. ami thojird
delivered you. Tell him to put his trust
iu God. Toll him that Jesus Christ stands
beside every business man in his perplex
Ities. Tell him of tho sweet promises of
God's comforting grace
That man Is dying for the lack of just
one kind word. Go to morrow and utter
that one saving, omnipotent, kind word.
Here is a soul that has been swamped In sin.
He wants to Jl ml the light of the Gospel,
lie feels e a shipwrecked mariner look
ing out over the bench, watching for a sail
against the sky Oh, Is-nr down on him.
Tell him that tho Lord waits to be gra
cious to him, and though ho has been a
great sinner there is a great Saviour pro
wiled Tell him that though his sins arc
as scarlet they shull boas snow, though
they are red like crimson they shall boas
wool That man U dying forever for the
lack of one kind word
Thero u..ed to bo sung at a great many
of the pianos all through the country a
song that has almost died out. I wish
somebody would start it again in our so
cial circles. Thero may have not been very
exquisite art iu the music, but there was a
Srand and glorious sentiment:
Kind rorit, never die, ilia,
ClierUlied and Messed
I.i:T IS 1lt TIIK 10U(.h (IK MNDNKSS.
Oh, that we might iu our families and Iu
our churches try the force ol kindness
You can never drive men, women orchil
dren Into the kingdom of God A March
northeaster will bring out more honey -suckle
than frctfulucss and scolding will
bring out Christian grace. I wish that iu
all our religious work we might U satu
rated with the kpirit of kindness Missing
that we miss a great ileal of usefulness.
There is no need of e lining out before men
nnd thundering to them the law unless at
the same time you preach to them tho Gos
pel. Do ou not know that this simple
story of a Saviour's kindness Is to redeem
all uatlousr Tho hard heart of this world's
obduracy is to be broken U'fore that story.
There is in Antwerp, Belgium. one of t0
mosi lemaikablo plctutes I cwr saw. It.
is "The Descent of Chi 1st from the Cross,"
It is one of Itubeus' pictuics. .' man can
stand and look at that dcsieut from the
cross as Itubeus pictured it without
having his eyes Hooded with tears, if he
have an) sensibility at all. It is an over
mastering picture 0110 thalstuns you, and
M.iggor you. and haunts your dreams.
O 10 ifternoiei a iiiau stood In that cathe
dral looking at Itubeus' "Descent of Christ
from the Cross," Flo was all absorbed in
thiifc scene of 11 Saviour's sullerlngs wl on
tho Janitor nuno In nnd said: "It Is time to
cIofo up tho cathedral for tho night I
wish you would depart." The pilgrim
looking at that "Descent of Chilsl from
the Cross" turned around to tho Janitor
nnd said "No, no; not yet Wait until
thev get him down,"
Oh. It Is tho story of a Saviour's suffer
ing kindness that Is to capt nro the wot Id.
When the bones of that great Itchcmoth
of lulqtilt) which has trampled all nations
shall Is- broken and shattered, It will ho
found out that tho work was not done by
tho hammer of tho Iconoclast, or by Ilm
swonl of tho conqueror, or by the torch of
persecution, but by the plain, simple, over
whelming force of "tho oft tongue Hint
blenkelh tholsnio."
And now I ask the blessing of God to
comedown upon you in matters of health,
Iu matters of business, that tho lird will
deliver you front all your lluauelal per
plexities, that ho will give you a good live
llhood, largo salaries, healthful wages, stif
llclcut Income. I pray God that ho may
give you tho opportunity of educating your
children for this world, and through the
rich grace of our lml Jesus Chi 1st of see
ing them piepared for the world that Is to
AIhivoiiII, I look for tho mercy of Gisl
upon your immortal souls; and lest I sland
befoie sonic who hive not yet attended to
tho things of their eternal interest, iu this,
the closing part of my discourse, I Implore
them hero and now to seek after God
and !c nt pene" with lilin. Oh, wo want
to lie gathered together at last Iu tho
bright and blessed assemblage of the skies,
our work all done, our sorrow all ended,
God bless you, and your children, and your
childieu's children. And now I commend
I you to God and to the word of his grace,
! which is able to build you up and give you
I an inheritance among nil them that are
A Hog Tlinl Hid llienl Swimming.
Thomas L. Clements, a salesman of tho
lino of Wood, llrowu & Co,, tells it re
markable story concerning 11 water spaniel
that is owned by a hol-d keeper at Hrigau
tluo Bench. "A party comprising in j self
and ?mo friends," said .Mr. Clements,
"had taken a boat and sailed out from tho
beach to the llshiug grounds. A contrary
wind drove us ba"k, and while wo wero
onileavoiiug to weal her the adverse breezes
we perceived an obje.-l on the water that
wo at llrst took for a post or submerged
log until we saw it was making its way
toward us. It came beside our boat, when
wo recognized it as the beach spaniel Wo
took it on hoanl and wondered how it had
managed to swim the live miles thou iu
tcrvculug between us and the shore
Wo continued our course Just ninth of
Atlantic City and then steered for tho
wreck, where tho vast llshiug grounds nro
to 1st found. Thissallliigdlreetiou brought
us jgain within a few miles of Hrigautino
Beach, and as we approached the nearest
point In it we were surprised to see the
dog Jump overboard and begin swimming
for Ills home That dog certainly swam
ten miles that day. and when we returned
to Hrigautine Beach wo found him calmly
seated on the pin:'. 1 and evincing no signs
of extraordinary exertion." Philadelphia
Hint 'I hey Kxrcutit Women In Spain.
Thirty thousand Inhabitants of Madrid,
mostly women, assembled one Saturday
morning outside the great prison walls op
posit c tho scollold upon which a woman
was to be executed. Aecoiding to Spanish
custom, this was done by strangulation.
The criminal sits upon a wooden bench be
fore a post, against which tho neck is
pressed and broken by un iron collar. This
execution excited tremendous interest In
all classes of society, and particularly
among the lower order.). Many were ills
satisfied with the senteiue, because it was
believed that this servant girl had not ls-eu
alone In the murder of her aged mistress
She coulescd her slum-In the crime, but
accused another woman, who was sen
tenced to penal servitude, with being tho
principal actor in the tragedy The wom
an had to be carried to the scaffold half In
sensible lumlou Globe.
New Ynilt In I SOU,
In tho year 1800, except for a few banks
and Insurance olllces, turnpikes, hedges, ca
nals and laud companies, neither bonds nor
stocks were known, Tho city of Now York
was so small as to make extravagance dif
ficult; the Battery was a fashionable walk,
Broadway a country drive and Wall street
an uptown it'sldciicc Great accumulation
of wealth had hardly lioguii. The Patroon
was still the richest man In the state
John Jacob Astor was a fur merchant liv
ing where iho Astor house afterward
stood, and had not yet begun those pur
chases of real estate which secured his
fortune. Cornelius Vanderhilt was a boy
il your.s old, playing alsn.t his father's
ferrylsiat at Staton Island. New York it
self was what it had been for a hundred
years p 1st, n local market. Huston Hud
Tln Original l.llhpul.
Stories about tho pigmies of Africa have
lseu common iu classical as well as mod
em literature, and yet always read as a lie
tiou, a pretty fable to entertain children or
i-mls-IUsh a poem. Three 01 four centuries
In-fore Christ the Greeks wero u-ally aware
of the existence of a people of stunted
growth inhabitatiug a district somewhere
about the source of the Nile It was re
served for Schweiufurth, iu InKI, to discov
er a race of African pigmies iu the Akkas,
since which time Krapf found the Doko or
Berikccino dwarfs, Du Chaillu the OIkiii
gosaud Stanley captured one of the dwarfs
said to live north of the akiima country,
so that abundant evidence now exists iu
proof of the claim so long ago made that
Africa was the laud of the pigmies -Koch
ester Time.
I'ushlon In i:pllaihs.
A man was returning from the west to
visit his mother's grave iu a cemetery near
Boston. "I couldn't llnd the lot," he said,
iu telling the story, "and when I got home
I asked my sister about it, ami who it was
that had put up the big monument there
with the name 'TheiMlosia' on it 'Why,
that was the place,' said my sister 'Hut
who Is Theodosla"' I asked 'That is
mother,' said she; 'I know it wasn't her
name, but it Is a pretty one, and 1 thought
she would like It. And you see, John, I
thought mother looked lonesome in t hat
big lot, and I had a baby headstone set up
near the comer with "Jennie" cut on it.
You ('on't mind, do youv'" Boston Post.
Ol the suiiiuier, huinioioy.
Jack Is your latest conquest your sum
mer girlv
Jim - Nothing could by more so
Jack -Ah? Don't understand
Jim Of you don't. Hut you
would had you noted her summary man
ner 01' dismissing mu last evening. Pitts
burg Bulletin.
A bolt of llrfhtultiK recently struck n
house In Kansm, setting It on Urn nnd at
tho same time touching off tho lire alarm.
women havo been occupying tho lecture
platform Iu Italy with great liveliness this
year. Tho Heat rlco celebration has had it
ureal effect In rousing Italian women to
intellectual effort
By tho side of the main road, hIhiiiI four
tulles from Canterbury, tho following curi
ous notice may Ik lead: "Traction engines
and other persons taking water from this
pond will bo prosecuted "
Kangaroos ate to lie Impntted Into this
country to provide fresh big game for
spoilsmen, now that tho buffalo Is almost
extinct. A uumberof wealthy Americans
nriposeto Introduce Iho kangaroos at tho
iH-glunlugof next summer and house them
ill the Yellowstone park until they become
A planter at Alpharetta, (la., has an acre
of cotton every stalk of which Is of 11 deep
red color, leaf, boll and bloom. This novel
crop Is the product of seed derived three
years ago fiiim two stalks of red cotton
found In a cotton Held There Is it fortune
iu this now-variety If t can bo perpetuated.
An effort Is Iwlng uiailo to havo plants
registered, so as to avoid confusion Iu
names nnd to glvonrlgliintnrsof now varie
ties soh rights font limited tlmntnsoll tho
variety they register. A circular uiiuti this
question has ls-eu sent forth by the Call
forula state board of horticulture
Fifteen years ago, when a gentleman I hi
gnu the cult urn of Is-es, ho suffered severe
ly from stings, hut they havo now lost
their force. For several yearn past they
have caused only a slight and rather pleas
urablo sensation, and that lasts only for a
few minutes Hut this thorough luocula
thin against In-ii poison leaves him as sus
ceptible as ever to tho sting of tho wasp.
An Kugllsh gentleman, who, with an
American filetid, was watching tho pio
cession of fa-ihlonahlo turnouts oil a New
port drive recently, commented upon the
skill with which several well known New
Yorkers handled their tandem teams. "It
Is surprising," tho Kuglishmiiu said, "how
few otherwise u-ally excellent whips can
drive tandem well."
J. Price, of Savannah, has a curiosity In
the shape of a young mocking bird entire
ly white Price purchased tho bird from 11
negro trapper 011 the Waters road, who
brought It Into town I he other day From
tho appearance of the bird's hill It cannot
bo over six weeks old Thero Is no doubt
of tho bird beluga mocking bird, as it has
all tho marks of tho species except tho
color, and has the peculiar chirp of the
young mocking bird. A white mocking
bird Is a gioat ratify.
Two or three young fathers who are In
cluded among the safety bicycle riders of
New Haven make a practice of taking their
little sons and daughters out to ride. They
have attached to (heir machines and in
front of them 11 wicker seat with a canopy
top, which holds tho little one.
A lotus Illy blooming III the rear garden
at the Hotel louder at Macon, Ga., Is at
trading considerable attention. The llow
rr, which is of alsiut the same shape and
size us I hat of a wider Illy, Ih remarkable
for Its sword shaped (K-tals, tinged at tho
tips with a light rosy blush, and for its
faint, sweet, cinnamon odor This Is tho
far famed lotus of the Nile, tho roots of
which are eaten by tho P.gyplluns.
Figures hIiow that it Is by no means true
that agriculture .ins kept pace with manu
facturing in this country. While farm
pioducts Increased Iu value from $,TJ,MM),
000 In I MB to M7,(KK),(HKI In IHSS, orillMHlt
41) per cent,, manufactured products In
creased from Wol.HOO.OOO to t;VJH,HliO,0(K)ill
lHr, or alsiut IKI cent , and to I7l,r-O0,l00
In IKS.1, or nearly 1.W per cent, iu tho twen
ty years.
Tho libraries of tho German empire aro
as follows Berlin Imperial library, 71)7,1)71
volumes, Berlin university, IHT.Tir.'; Bonn
university, UIII.IIMI. Hieslau, MKI.IKUI; Goet
tlngen. II'J,:I71. Greifswald. i:t'J,7H.'l; Halle,
1MJ,1I(I; Kiel, llr.',,M). Koeulgsls-rg, 'JU'l.ilM;
Marbuig, I ID.'-'OO; .Minister academy, 1i.1,KKi,
Hrauusberg, 11,(100. Dusseldorf, WJM;
Wiesbaden, H7,(d'J; F.rfurt, IH,:i'.7 Besides
tho three million and odd volumes hero
enumerated the high schools and educa
tional institutions possess several hundred
thousand books and manuscripts
Not lo be outdone by tho generosity of
Philadelphia and Baltimore in presenting
appropriate emblems to tin- cruisers I tear
ing the nnmcM of their -city tho people of
San Francisco have presented to the new
cruiser of that name 11 (7,501) silver service
that Is said to be the handsomest thing of
tho kind owned In America. Tho sum was
subscribed popularly iu less than a day,
and so great was tho public desire to "leave
a mark" aboard their favorite ship that
subscriptions wen- dually stopped and a
part of tho money returned
A small collection of walking sticks,
formerly the property of George III ami
George IV, fetched astonishing prices. An
ebony walking stick with gold top, en
graved with "G. H " and crown, contain
ing the hair of the Princesses Augusta
Kllznbcth, Mary Sophia and Amelia, and
inscribed. ''The gift of tho Prim-ess Mary,
NX." sold for i;H; an Ivory walking stick,
with engraved top, ill; a Malacca cane,
with gold top, is, a bamboo cane, with
bliMslstone top, inlaid with gold, and a
hael walking stick, with gold top, 1'IU
UM.; a tortoise shell stick, with amls-r top,
ami a cnuo with amls-r crutch, i".".!.
While two young im-u were taking an
early bicycle ride in Prospect park, Brook
lyn, a morning or si ago they suddenly
came upon a young woman lying iu tho
roadway Ix-uculh her overturned wheel,
She explained that her skirts had Is-come
entangled in the iiuk bine, and that when
thrown to the ground the garments, which
wore of the divided variety, had Is-como so
tightly fastened ,, the ssikos of the
wheels that she was compelled to wait for
assistance to enable her to rise The young
men gave the necessary aid, and the thank
fill young woman went on her way, stop
ping t'i give neither name nor address
Then- is a birds' home and hospital in
Oxfoid street, Loudon, where people can
take theii pets to Is- noised and cared for
The pioprietor say birds stiller chlelly
from consumption and asthma diseases
brought 011 by the birds being placed iu
draughty windows Consumption is helped
on by tho birds Is-mg indiscriminately fed
on all sorts of things that are unsuitable
its food Birds are very fond of luxuries,
and the nunc you give them (he more limy
will eat When a bird is going off into a
consumption it Ih always eating. He
pointed t one ami said: "IK is in u con
sumption, ami la; will Isj like a ball of
down lo 1001 row all pulled out. Physio
will sometimes arrest "
lie Netei Cliches Anything.
Suuivvay I went llshiug with Jaysniith
yesterday, and while I caught a big string
ho didn't catch a tlsh. Struniro, wasn't It?
Giulay Not at all You seem to forgot
that Jaysiultil Is a detective Judje
Colli IIiii-iiiii Nature,
"You newspaper fellows talk about tho
hind platform of u street car lielng n great
place lo study human nature," said Dm
drlverof an Ice wagon, an ho got u moment
to spate, "but It don't bi-giu to comparo
with that seat up thero."
"One wouldn't suppose you saw much of
It, us you deal mostly with back gales."
"It Isn't so much tho quantity as tho
quality I see enough of il every day lo
satisfy mo that four families out of llvn
glvo tho truth tho cold shako when dealing
with an Ice company. I Just caught i
man the other day at it trick no profes
sional thief would play."
"Ix-t's hear about It "
"Well, he's one of my curliest, customers.
I get along to hint about ll o'clock In tho
morning, and I leave tho ico In a shady
angle al his back gale. About two vvcckii
ago ho complained of n shortage, nnd next
morning I picked out Iho biggest piece In
sight. There was another complaint, nnd
I was overhauled at thoolllco. Then I took
along a pair of scales nnd gave him llvn
pounds over, but 11 third complaint caino
In. This time I took a witness, weighed
tho Ice, and put down tho weight In black
and white, nnd yet ho sent 11 nolo to I lis
olllco sa lug he was short oil weight This
time I took 11 man to drive the wagon mid
II second ns witness, nnd nfler Iho Ico was
dellveied wo hid a In doorway to watch
"In about ten minutes tho old chap
comes out, looks all around, and then with
pick and hammer splits off alsiut live
pounds and carries it in. Five minute
later tho cook comes out with tho long
after the lump, and that sumo forenoon wo
get another complaint of shortage. I to
was sent for, and the roasting ho got will
last him till tho snow Hies. Human tint
urel Why. sir, when a man worth 11 hun
dred thousand ilollais will lie joii out of it
dime's worth of Ico you can N't you are
seeing something of that side always hid
den to thocnrcondiietor." Now York Sun.
I.IuIiIiiIiik t'niul net urn.
Professor lodgo, In Industries, has tho
following to say on lightning conductors
from 11 modern point, of view:
The fact that un Iron wire, such us No. (I
or even NoM B W. G., is elect rlcnlly hiiIII
clent for all onllnury Hashes, and that re
sistance Is not it thing to be objected to,
renders a reasonable amount of protection
font dwelling house much cheaper than It
was when a half Inch copper rod or tupu
was thought necessary.
A recognition of nil tho dangers to which
11 struck neighborhood Is liable doubtless
prevents our feeling of cnnlldenco from be
ing absolute In any simple system of dwell
ing house protection; but at the same tlmo
nu amount of protection superior to what
lias boon Iu reality supplied In tho pout Is
nttalunblo now at a fnr less outlny, wlillo
for an expenditure comparable In amount
to that at present bestowed, but qulto oth
erwise distributed, a very adequate system
of conductors can bo erected.
Turners us Holdlern.
"If there wns a wur Is-tweeu tho United
Slates and another nation," said un army
olllcer, as ho stood on the sidewalk and
watched a company of Turners march by
behind a brass band, "thoTurnerorgaiilji
tlous of tho country could put Into the
Held within twenty four hourH MXkUOO
athletic young men who would make as
good soldiers us over carried a musket.
"They aro all young, very muscular,
alsivo t ho average iu Intelligence, ami they
havo Imjcii so strictly disciplined and
drilled that a brigade of them would be
come n terror to tho enemy within ueoiiplo
of months. People complain sometime
that the young men of the country do not
take any interest In military affairs, but
they forget that the Turner organizations
are training young men who will make thn
ls-st soldiers tho world over knew If the oc
casion comes for them to bo called to tho
flout." Cincinnati Ooininorciul Gazette.
Tlit- New damn of ('lumps.
Ill this game all the players are equally
divided. They sit on opposite sides of tho
loom and a girl is taken from 0110 clump
and a hoy from tho olho.. They leave tho
room, while each clump thinks of soma
word, proverb or Incident, They then re
turn Into the, room and go ench to the op
posite party whence they emtio By dint
ol questions and cross-questioning they
must Hud out the word Iu Incident ll.xed
on. If the ghl succeeds she rejoins her own
clump, if she falls she sits with the other,
and the same with tho boy; If ho succeeds
ho keeps with hisowu party, and If he falls
he also has to Join thu adverse party. Tint
(allures thus swell tho clump opposed to
their own, and the game Is won by tho
side that iiuiuIhts most at Its conclusion.
It is an amusing game, the different
clumps welcoming tho successes ami fail
ures, making r, llvelvunil bright.
Italians Weleonin Cumttt.
dipt Oasatl has arrived Iu Home. Our
correspondent telegraphs that a largo and
enthusiastic crowd assembled at the sta
tion to welcome tho captain A great many
associations with their banners wore pres
ent As tho train stopped tho traveler wiw
greeted by loud and reH-ated cheers. F.v
erylxsly pressed forward eager to catch a
glimpse of him, and tho memlM-rs ol tho
Geographlcnl society had great difficulty
In keeping a way clear Capt Casati was
111 excellent spirits, and thanked those pres
ent warmly for their cordial welcome. Tho
Geographical society will give a great ban
quet iu honor of the companion of P.mlii
Pasha. London News.
A Ni-w Sti-rl.
Dr. J llopkiiison, P. K. S.,has announc
ed the formation of a nickel-steel which,
like manganese stisil, Is practically non
magnetic, although all the Ingredients aro
strongly magnetic Tho now steel contains
'Jl S per cent, of nickel ami 0.h5 per cent, of
manganese, and Its magnetic permeability
or power of is-ing magnet i.ed is represent
ed by the low llguro 1 4, whereas pure steel
runs up to many thousands New Orleans
'llinught Hi- Knew tin- Cunst.
A good story is told at the office of the
favoitte harlsir steamer New York Its
familiar announcement, "Mat into Bay
Trips," reci utly brought to the tu ket sell
er's window on Lewis wharf a puzzled old
man, c ideutly frou the countrv, who in
nocently observed, "' thought I knew alsmt
all the ba.tsou this 1 oast, but 1 never heard
tell of this Matinee lay U'fore -where is it,
anyhow'"- Boston Globe.
Its Worst rctituit.
Dm tor I w mulct it wo will have any
yellow fever this sit nuier
Society Ijuly Dour me' I hope not. I
am told that yellow is not fashionable this
season. -Muiisoj's Weekly
John M. Steadma 1, H. S.,of Hruekpo-t,
.V ) . w it'i vv.ts a grtduate ol I unietl uni
versity two ytMiN tii, has accoplcd an up
tiointmout as blolog'st iu the agricultural
ii.'iktrtment at Washington do Is 'it
v .-, II