.. r " s '"T,; . - . j-w .:.Afpww-"ww :i , 'x MMMMMMMAMA V ' vtr ,. v, 4frtR imNitf tut tn?afl.v' wy--swr.4n ,. . ,14,.. CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, AUGUST 30, 1890 if I COMFORT FOR THE FEET! Life Made Easy 11 y iiuvixr. some;of the FINEST AND More Comfortable SHOES Ever sold In Lincoln. To try them on I to liny. These goods to lie fouml only nt Webster & Roger's io.j3 O Street. PHOTOGRAPHER! Finn lliiKt Cnlilnrtn :l pur diunn. Hk'Iii1 Tntcs to student. Cull nud sco our work. Studio, 1214 O Street. 4 Open from 10 a. in, to -I p. id. Hunduy. J. S. EATON, Physician and Surgeon Ollice: 116 S. Eleventh St. Telephone: Office 685, Residence 56'. LINCOLN, NEIJ. ( SfttMiit. Practice Limited to Diseases of the Neryous System, Heart and Blood , HKFKUKNUKdi Hon. Win. I,oco. Attoruoy General. Hnn.T. Ii. Norvnl, Assnohito Justice. Jones' Niitlonnl think, Nownrd. alliens' Niitlonnl Hank, Ulysses, Ofkiok: liSSJO Street, LINCOLN', NFll. ON SALE TO Principal Points EAST, WEST, NORTH AND SOUTH - AT 1 1044 O STREET. E. B. SLOSSON, City Passenger Agent UH NEW P.&FREE 10" JU.T.SlS HA Stolid Inl.lWAtrhB &-. "nuaiod.M. 11..TW iwticnin in warld. rrrt tlmiknpt r. WrtiMJ kttry, Hot Idlt'tn4ffitf ftlitt. uuw iiulh nvniior . wun worst ad rauaiTlluff. UHK rtXIONIq lAfAtltV rn um . iYft. torvlkar with kui !. Mil ttlutbUlUiaof llnuttl.l Miimitlra. ThM tttmnlt. vn ... m waicn, r irvf ah ib work you r1iUlt tothowwhal t ttnjyou to IHom Hbortlt your nindtau. uUKboriiAiKoiflMhHii sou thtlwTtrtulif T. t . . V . t . ..... --"-. w4ihuiu4rrrM. U My nil tirrt. frtl(ht(tl. Afirr fan know all. If )u mmVI ilk to o ia w,.rk fur U(, trim rB Mrnirom J!0 to Mill) rr wk ami uuwinli. AJIrtit, '.'"","ii'ikii hpm ivryran nitfnonfftunta. ninnvin ip m.iV JUT ntl UIWIMI. Ail Iff It. MClntmit .V Co., Iltxrtli, l'orniul,Muhi. LINCOLX (OftC asp i.ihtiu'te uf rn-MAiiir, Bhwthanil.find Tyfenrrllluir. It llio U nml tam-at LUkoii, (ho t. uil student lit aifend.iiwlt V!?:, St J'liU ri'p.irl .of builneM In rroiu J toy UmuiUuI illiutrulclliiKur,fiillnM J.iiirnnU, unj "wlmem t 'umBnhli, nt t tto Cy adttr.Mluv UU4WMIK1B HOOSK. Llucolu, Neb. Jyc&ft Tickets KFRfIftt fcyllso m u m KrinliV vmm ( I syj f y yx iawzazxcm SOCIAL ANin'KKSONAIi. V. H. HIclitiTvWtwIOiimlmThui-wlny. HiikIi Ilnllett I1 Imck from Ottuunvn, In. II. It, Onklny linn rotiirnoil fnim Colonulo. W. J. Mirr ImiKonoloKIInlM'tlitown.Itiil. MIm Mny McMnhon lt In lu'tucki't, II. 1 Ml IMIIh Merrill l.-ft for Donvi-r Tliurn-iliiy. Mlw Mnud llurr lin roturnpil from Colo rnilo. OoorKi' llurrown U vlltliilii Yiiuii(?town, Ohio. Diuicnii MeMlllnnlt'ftTliiirHilnyforHirliiK lli'lil, III. Mih. ('. W. I'tolmt will 11 Chlcn(o vMtor tl'U wrck A. Illoch lint ndurnoil from n ImkIiiom trip to tlit int. Tlioiuni I'lciNon linn luturueil from thu lllnek llllk .1. K. Korrln leturntMl Tuomlny from tho lllnek II 111m. LoiiIh Meyer Ihk roturiml from nn tnnteru 1iukIiich trli, Mr. A tin lllttenlii'iiilor linn kdiii to Vnh InRton, I). C. Mm. W. 0. Hnrvuy left Thurwlny for l'ort land, Oregon Elmer lli'iikleih'pnrtcil Momlny for Tort tniul, Oii'koii. (loorRu Korouunu returiictl Wwluwilny from ChlcnKo, E. E. HHtieir U Ku'ii(llii it two week' vn cntluu nt Cruto. Mm. Nulllo llurr Htnrtetl Thurmlny for lluttc, Muntuuii. MIm Ulnrn I'nneoiiHt of CMilntfo, N vhltlnj; Mm. E. A, Hoki'Ix.' Mm. Dnlhy of IIIIihiIm.IhIii thoclty vUltliiR hvrMiu, Dr. Dnlhy. Mr. nml Mih. C. E. Yntiretiirnwl Monilny from Miiultoii) Col. L. V. HlllliiKKtey lint icturiiu.l from n pleasant eusteri. trip. J. II. Mnurltlin linn roturnisl from nu ox teiuled ('lutein trip. I'hmI lteiizliigvr irturnetl Suuilny from 11 llyliit; trip to Deliver, MrH. Mnrthn D. Miller etto, Intl., Wedno'ilny. A. IIiiltrniiil Uev. 11, tu'iti'dulilti I lock, Nub. started for Lnfny Dykes art hunting MIk Cmw II .rrett left forBlilnoy tliU week to reui iu her tenelihiK. Dr II. Ii, I'nlueli thu iiomlneo ot the pro hibition pm ty for governor. Mlm ICnto Kelly of IlnatliiK", it tlio rumI of Mr. nml Mm. Jnniut Kelly. Mli HUin:iker of Montrose, Iown, Im tlio Riiest of Minn Lnurn McOrew. Jtmleu C. H. l'oxworthy vUltwl relntlvii. In lluirnlo county this week. Oenerul MniuiKT II. (I. Hint of tlio Elk horn, ws in the city Wednesday. Mr, mid Mm. A. H. Minor nml Mint Mnrlvl (lero lutvu returned from Oolorndo. MInvm Meiloni Htnith nml Clnrn Mnisluill vUlteil 111 Weeping Wnter tills week. Mm. 51. Corcoran of Outer City, H. D., Ii tlio Kiientor Mr. nnd Mm. A. Hnlter. Mi Mnry HeBnll U ontertnluliiK her f 1 lend, MIm Molllo Mori in of Gnleburg, I ml. Mr. nnd Jim. Wllllnm Denn left Wednei dny for Vaiirouvrr, IlrltWi Columbia, Mr. nnd Mm. W. II. ClreoiuOit nnd ton of Superior, nre In the elty vIhIUiik friends. MIm Hliille Hhuck of Urbnun, 111., visited MIsseHMInnlo Mnnn nml Myrtle, this week. Chnrle Gregory lini returnul from Cullo wny, Neb., where ho tjieiit n inonth'H vncn- tlon. Krunk Vnn Horn, Joseph Sulltvnn nnd Ed. Walton nro Imck from n pleasure trip to tlio IlllvfH, Mr. nnd Mm. A, n.ColTroth enlei tallied n number of frlendt nt high llvo Thurmlny evening. Mlis Mny North of Columbus, was enter tallied by tlio Mlese Cowdery mivernl dny tliU week. Mm. I. A. Johnson of Spencer, Mil., is visiting her daughter, Mm. John M.Cotton, nt 27HI fear Avenue. Mr. and Mm. E. Hnllett returned Wednes dny from an extended trip to New York nnd the New England states. After September 10th Mr. nnd Mm. J. W. Winger will bo nt homo in their handsome i9W residence, 1213 J street. Dr. O. P. Lambertsoii nnd Mark W. Woods have returned from n successful hunting trip in southern llritlsh America. 5Ilf Mnrthn Punke returned from ths nest Tuesdny. She visited MIkh Tlieo Iaw nt MeCook en route to Lincoln. Mm. Alice Mlnlck nnd (lnughter.MUs Pearl, have returned from llronnvllle, Neb., where iney spent n coupio or months. Col. C. C. race, wifo and daughter were nt ltainstown this week attondlng tlio birthday niinlveriiary of Mr. Pace's mother, Victor Ahrntmmson of tlio conimlsstoner of rublle lands nnd buildings' ollice, departed Weduesdny for Denver nnd the west. Mrs. Pnul it. Holm who returned from Hot bprlngs, H. D., Thursday of last week, Is visiting relatives in Iowa nnd Illinois. Chief W, II, Newbury has been elected n member of the executive committee of tlio National Association of Kiio Engineers. Tlio Sunday schools of the Holy Trinity nnd St, Andrews Episcopal churches held mi en- Joyntilo plcnlo nt Ciislimnn Park Thursday. Mrs. John Fitzgerald and family, Mix Morris Turner, Mrs. Howell, Mrs. George Tlioi)o and others nttended the Hot Springs ChnuUiuipin this week. IUchard O'Neill, P. P. Kooso, W. II. Naw bury, W. II. Howard, C. L. Eaton, Dr. J. 11. Haggard and S. J. Dennis nro the oftlcers of the new tt ibe of lied Men, Arthur C. Munson returned Wednesday from Oregon and Wellington. Ho ent two months surveying In tho wilds of the noithwest in the employ of Uncle Sam, Charles W. Wallis of Madison, and Miss Prances pdiuinuto of Du Hols, wero marrletl Wednesday at tho residence of Dr. C. L. Smith. They left for iliullson on the oven lug train. The annual election of the Y. M. C. A. ro hultedas follows! President, A. ii, Wler: tlrst vice president, Charles West; second, A. S. Itnymond; third, J. W. Winger; recording secretary, Dr, B, P. Bailey; treasurer, S. II. Burnhniii. A delightfully Informal progrowlvo high flveNirty was given by Mr. and Sim. Henry Hubbard hut evening In honor of Miss Susie Howe, who will leave for her homo In St. Louis this morning. Tho Invited guests wero Mr. and Mm. A. B.Coirioth, Mimes Gertrude liws, Clara Walsh, Anna Punke, Mnud Smith, Cnirlo Allan, Geiievlexe Well of Cin cinnati, nml Amin llurr, Messrs. Mnlcom MuKluuon, J. B. CunnltiKlinm, 0cnr Punke, G. W. Gerwlg, Will Hnnly, Piank Zehiung, W. Morton Hunt It nnd John Dorgnn. Mr. William Leeso dopnrtisl Monday for Wellington, Knnsns, Shewn accompanied part of tlm way by her hiislmnil.tho attorney genernl. Additional Social and Personal on page 8. DULUTH, BAVFIED Ami Other l.nhe superior 1'iiliiU. Thu traveling public may not Ih nwnre Hint tho II. ,fc M. mnkes the run betweun Lin coln nml K)lnts on Luke Superior several bourn ipilcker than 11 ny other line, our rules mo tho lowest ni.d tho services thu best. Mnko Inquiry nt Union depot or city olllcu, corner O nnd Tenth streets, before deciding on your route. It's to your Interest to do m. A. 0. Zleiner, C. V.&'V. A. Helllnif Honk liy Siihscrlptloti. Thu method of selling hook by subscription hn many advantages over nny other, nnd I dally growing In iuisirtnnce and K)jiul,nlty. By this method thenttelitlonof the purcliaser 11 culled tonlitiililo books or which bo might remain In entire Ignorance If they were sold In nny other way. Itls the most direct mid altogether tlio mist rctmomlcttl wny to buy liook. Books purclui'i'd at 11 retail liook store have generally passed thioiigh tlio hands ot from (irn to our mlitdlcmrix, each of whom tinisf have 11 pi oil t. The UiwrxMf lWiUnhtnu Co., SI Louin, Mo., oirem prolltablo employment to nil who wish to engage In tho business. Experience Is not nocessnry, but nny lady or gentleman with Intelligence, nnd industry cnuninkon success of tlio worth. Their publication nro first clnss, Just such book nsour young ieoplenud our older eo ple should rend; book that tend to mnko In telligent men and women; books that tench people thing that thoy ought to know, such hooks ns 11 splendid Family Utile, which Is in lUelf 11 iH-rfect cyclopeilla of blbllenl knowU edge. llttl)Htth' IIMoru of the United State Is nnother splendid book; it mile of over :iOO,(XM copies K-aks loudly In favor of It great worth. The iVojifr's Cyclopedia of I'nlreriutl Knowledge in nnother work that has curved Its wny to a wonderful success; 100,000 copied of this splendid cyclopedia, made nnd edited t specially for tho liinjses, hnvebeen fold, nml tho nle Is still verj Inrge. They nlso handle tho lied Letter Life of the Iteimlille Stanley Explorations in Afriei. The Pioneer History of America; People's Farm nnd Stock Cyelopedln; Tho Physical Life of Botli Hexes. Courtship, Uivo nnd Wedlock, nnd History or tho Ornnd Army of tho Republic. imiut!rifiiiim hook, averaging nt iiiieen hundred sets n month, is l!ilith'n Cticlnu.-- dia of Cntveriud HMory,n Inwk that Is Iwuiid to bo read by tens of thousand of scholars, and by these who lay no claim to scholarship, nnd who )et love n clear, straightforward, understandable record of the great events of the world's history. Tho impulitrlty of tills hook Is something wo tier fill. For fin therp'ii Menhirs, circulars, tonus to agents, etc., nddress, Tholtlvemlde Publishing Co., 7(rj Ollvo street, St. Louis, Mo. tl-lO-'mi The Lincoln Steam laundry having ic cently changed hands nml undorgone many inipioveuients Is now better thnn ever pre pnied to execute work In the very best man ner, promptly mid at popular prices. Mr. A. W. Day the new pioprletor has adopted n new mid Improved pieces for wnshlngiind handling garments, by which no bleach'ng or Injurious mnterluls nro used; the tlnest fabrics such ns silks, Inces, flounces, tliinnels or cotton goods nro Intindrled In tlmt closs uinimer, without the least damage. One trial will convince the most skeptical that the LI11 coin Steam Laundry does tho llnest work In the city All goods called for and delivered. Telephono tli Sept. 1 will find The Gotham established in commodious tpinrters nt Eleventh nnd N streets, the McArtlmr corner. Mr. Lyon will add several new Hues to hi already Inrgo nud varied stock and his patrons will find in Ids now quarters 0110 ot tho best equipped stationery, book nnd news stores In tho city. A siwclalty will bo made of me. Vouga's floral, animal fruit nnd life studies nnd tho ladles will at nil time find a full assortment of these design. All of the fashion inngailnes, nud tho lending daily paers and periodicals of the country In cluding tiik CouniKU, aro regularly on sale. Also current fiction, stationery, etc. Dont fall to note tho new location and remember Tho Gotham when you want anything in tho nbovu lines. Tho success of Mrs. Annie M. Beam of Me- Keesport. Pennsylvania, in the treatment of dinrrho'a In her children will undoubtedly be of Interest to many mothers. Sho says: "I spent several weeki hi Johnstown, Pa., nfter the great flood on account of my husband lad ing employed there. We hnd several children with us, twoof whom took tho dlarrhu'a very badly. I got some of Clmmbfrlain's colic. cholera and dlarrhu'a remedy from ltev. Mr. Chapman, It cured both of them. 1 know of several other rns w hero It wns equally successful. I think It cannot be excelled and cheerfully recommend It " ffij nnd BO cent bottles for Nile byA.L. Shniler. II. P. Shorn In, 1134 O street, has n present for every ono of his customers that cannot fnil to 1h) appreciated. He will give to every customer a line crayon picture nrndo from any photo that Is desired nnd It will not cost you a cent. Call In nt hi drug and shoo store nnd seo how It is done 1121 O street. Cninrnitest Are Vuu Aunrn that the G. A. It. of Nebraska hold their re union at Grand Island Sept 1st to Oth, and for this occasion tho Union Pacific railroad has made n rate of one fare for the round trip from Nebraskn palntsl Tickets will Imj on sale from Aug. illst to Sept. flth, good to return to nud lucluslveSept 7th, For further Information apply to the un- Doctor Ilnllov & Ooodell, olllco 1017 L street. Telephone, 1117. Notice of Sale Under Chnttle .Mortgage Notice Is hereby given that by virtue of a chnttle morlgngo dated on tho M day of Au gust, isAS. und duly tiled nud recorded In tho ollice of tho county clerk of buncaster county. cbmka,on Uintah ilnyof Auuiist, ls,nnd executed by Plntt llnyles to Wllllnm Peering A Co. to secure tho payment or tho sum or I.17.&J nnd upoi) which there Is now duo tho sumor.l7.Wnnd8 per cent, from August l, Inns. Delnult having been mndo In tho pay ment of said sum, and no suit or other io ceeiMngat law having been Instituted to re cover hiild debt or any purl thereof, therefore I will sell the property therein described vlxt one six-root Ueerliigdhint mower, at ptiblle miction n tho warn house of Wuillugford & Siinnin. corner or Klghth nnd N streets, In tho lily of Lincoln, In bannister County, on the '."Jth day of August, ISO, nt 'J o'clock p. in., or said day, William DKhHI.NO A Co. Mortgagee. Dntrd 0-3t August 7th. IMM. helleck A Lane, Attorneys, PHILOPENE In ptnyrnl 111001I hn placed his black straw hfct On top of Madgo's curly, bronm brown hnlr. And thought In nil his llfo he'd uexer wvn A 'nnlilrn Imlf so rnvlslilngly fair Her blue eyes spnrkllnif In a rouiUsh way, liar dimpled cheeks just reil enough to show Tlio cherry rl-nes of her luscious Up Just retched him. nnd of counwt hu wasn't slow To selso the opisirtunlty. Ilkun Iso The half resisting Madge, and plant n kiss Or two, or more. Just whero they'd do most good. Ills nlm mo trim-lie never mmlo n miss Ho thniuht slio might bo nngry, hut his fears All vanished as ho reached the hall door mat. Bho said, "SmI time you comn Im suru to wear Tlint trltfky-menn-otd-loviJv lilnck straw hat " Now York Herald Iter IMIiniitr of l)iinni(. "II11I 1111 iiccldent here this inornlngf" querlisl thu hreuthlesi reporter n n ma tronly lady appeared at thu door In re sponse to his violent ringing. "Yes, hu did. You see, the next house come right up to ours, and tho nmn paint ing It iiskcd tncoini! through oiirhoiisonnd crawl out tho scuttle onto Its roof. Well, I let him. When ho crossed thu gnrrot ho fell through tho lloor" "Hurt him inuehr" "Yes, I guess so. Hut he didn't stop with the garret; ho fell through tho next lloor, tore n holo through tho enrpet, knocked the plnsterliiK oil tho celling nnd, oh, ho Just made nn awful iniissl" Texas Sifting. .Johnny's Opinion, Teacher Johnny, In tho sentence, "the audience cheered tho tennis players loud ly," you may point out tho nbsurdlty. Johnny - There Isn't any nbsurdlty, um'ntii. "Am you surer Whnt Is tho inclining of the word 'iitidlcncor ' " "An Mscmlily of hearers." "Exactly. And do persons hour 11 gnmo of tennlsf" "Yes'm. Thoy hear tho racket." Chi cago Tribune. A DlnYi-enre. Visitor Your sister Is studvlng music, I understand f Little Girl Oh, no, ina'iiin; sho doesn't study music. "She doesn't?" "N'o'in. Sho only practices scales nn' things." New York Week I v. r.tlqucttc. .Mrs. Hauteur And did you thnnk most profusely thu young gentleman who wived you from drowning when you fell over board f Miss Hauteur No, Indeed, ninmmul Why, wo had not been Introduced, you know! Ijiwrenco American. In Her Own Coin. "Mny I have the pleasure, Miss GrayP' 1U ll!Kl'II. "Will it coyly. bo 11 pleasured" she replied "It depends upon whether you say 'yes' or 'no,' " ho said, mid let her think it out. Now York Sun. It r.Jolie- 11 IHnVrrnce. Clara How do you llko my friend? Funny He Is n horrid creature! Is ho smrrled "No, hu is not married." "How happy Is tlio lot of tho woman who did not get him for n hiisbandl" fcxiw Sift lugs. In tlio Surf. PaSSft .-ja '; 2 ' V-'f.i Mr. Hohllmy (smiling kllllngly) The waves nro using you rudely. Will you per mit mo to assist you to tho shore? Miss Waterly Never mind, thank you. Tho waves may bo rude, but they're not fresh. Life. Two Kills. "Well, young man," said tho Irnto par ent, "If you persist in your present course you will sup sorrow with n spoon." "I don't know whether thnt can bo worse thnn eating Ice cream with n fork," re turned tho profligate, "and I've tried thnt." .Judge. Very Viilimhlt-. Cuinso I seo thnt tho secretary of war Is to pay $10,000 for tho sword of tho lato Gen. Shields. Mrs. Cuinso Why, I didn't know that second hand swords wero worth nnything liko thnt much money. Yenowlno's Nows. Young Lovers. He U-t us go nnd sit In tho park for awhile. She (naively) Mow bright tho electric lights urel Ho (reassuringly) Hut thoy dicker and go out occasionally. Munsoy's Weekly. A Tlilp of tlu Oh) lllnek. "I see Charlie Is wearing u sash now (lays, t never thought he'd come to such a dude." "Most iiuturnt thing in the world, my boy. His father, you know, is In tho sash and blind business." 'Boston Times. A Proper l'hnisc. Jack When tlio two-headed girl goes to tho lieach foriiHwim, what popular phrase would you use when describing her taking n dive? Jim I would Hiiyshu wnstakinguiloiible header. Boston Courier. Tlio i:tenml fitness of Things. First llcsiilont I hear wo are to luwe four arc lights In town. Where ilojou suppose thoy will bu put? Second Itcsldcnt Why, opposite the houses of the oldest inhabitants, of course) Texas Slftlngs. .Shu Wanted to Ho Coaxed. lie Oil, do say that you will marry niel Why don't jou answer? She (hesitating) Er- -I . er Jlo Why, anyone would think nsl.cd you to slug! Llfo. I had L'uiilli'iiied und Cxpliiluvd. "Why did jou say slio ,vns i designing woman?" "So sho is, Shu belongs tothodecorntiw urt society." New York World. MldMimiiior (nililiU. ."Tho nights up nt thouoith pole nro six moutlisloug." '"Bout tho siiiiiu us tho day in Phllndel nhla." Chatter. .-r -i.titm- tPi. mm -- ". V rrrs77Jk " Mr-' vj-t;. gmms r JUST RECEIVED A Beautiful Writin Tablet Form Envelopes to Match. Wessel Print. Co. COURIER OFFICE, A. M. DAVIS & SON, Fall and Winter Carpets and Draperies, 1112 0 St Telephone 219'. H. W. BROWN DRUGGSITWBOOKSELLER The Choicest line of Perfumes. DLM. Ferry's Finest Fiowcr and Garden Seeds. 127 South Eleventh street. 7SXham& OTiEyjpyi lie "Pa5tfy X 5" 7 h Iff i'AJrg SV: z0MM. I7ill be ui)4r te personal euperufsioo of HORKCB L.. LELKN c--ssrs ai,d u,in b ope for t rcptlo) of guests Juijp first In cacti year. Visitors will fW THE ORLEHNS is first class l9 all of its appointments. belM well Bupplld with (jaj. hot and cold water baths, clctfria bells and all modern Improuments, steam laundry, billiard halls, bouilloo, alley, cto.. and positiuly free fron aijnoyao by mosqultos. Round Trip Excursion Tickets will b placed on sal? at th commencement of tb tourist season by th Burlln?ton, ?edar rjaplds &. flortnern rjallway and all conWtlno lines, at low rates, to the following points in Iowa and Minnesota Spirit i?c, Iowa; filbert lea. Uaterullle Tllnncapolls. St. paul, a iTinnetonKa. Unitc Bar bJe and Dulutb, n'nnesoM, Slear ic. louaj l.aKc Superior points; Yellowstoijc parl points a9d points in Colorado. m fr "A Midsummer ParadTse." to the general TicKet and paSS-Wr f ent. ?cdar rjaplds. Iowa, ap jpji (jatcs to H. U. LcuAND.Splrlt aKe)lowa C. J. IUES, prsji. .,J w ssft J. E. HnNNECRN. Wl Vm 'l f PJ.yt. Line of Fine v Papers IN 1136 N STREET. 5nUftTED0?jo; 1W-53P W otr rnszr0 DtiHTarf awRRJD OilCRp- 1V.Y. LvK :tr '.A.V.'W xV27SI sujc7iirii ri'a . i yr fijmdr LJ.r----- '4 &4 A I