V . V Pcl'dlftft IPER ol A9PKRN -TIMES u Vofc. 5 No 38 Lincoln. 'Nbhuaska, Satuwuav, August mo, 180O. Fnicic livic Oicntm iy THE THIKI.KII. Willi, !: waiting for ii triiln nt the 11. & M. depot the other day, my attention was directed to mi old liuly, whoso earthly exig ence, judging by lier , shrunken features, amis fust drawing to n close. Kvorythlng :ilout her lie- tokened extreme ago mill With tllO OVldollCeS of the lUVIIgCH Of tlllll', Well) couphsl unmistakable In dication of present pov eity nml a life In which there liiul been, n'iliaw, mi unusual men sine of sorrow nml sniveling In Iiit liony ImmN, drown nml freckled from constant cxs-surc, mis vliiic(l n paHTCoveied liook, nml I no ticed tlmt for over thirty minutes, or us long ns I wns present, Iiit eyes never left Its pages. Mary rending Iter llrst letter from dear John could not Imvu bestowed closer attention on the epistle than did the old lady on her hook. Kho seemed, mid prohnhly wns, utterly un conscious of everything nhout her. .Surely the book must have lieen u fascinating one to so absorb the attention of njnTsoir whoesco oml foot was fast following the tlmt into the grove Minno would think. The Itihle it could hardly he. More likely "Pilgrims Piogress," or Gelko's "Life of Christ, "or Fox's "Hook of Martyrs" or something nkln to these some thing comforting to a soul soon to seek I(h milker. Curiosity nt Inst drew me to her side mid there nt the top of the page I fa v the name of the book "Madeline's Iovers!" Could anything he mure incongruous than n person rounding the Inst corner in life, wasting precious hours in leading Idle tales of youthful ronmnce of love'N young dream Cupid's first sting) Novels, particularly the modern vnrlety, nro for the most pnrt. vain, foolish things, nml the time sient In their ienisal is worso'lhatrthrOwn iiuny;hut in the cncj of the dear young girl, fresh from school, with, alas' too many visions of love und too little learning, in her pretty head, there is some excuse for the unconquerable desire for these frivolous tnles of impossible loves we cull novels, To her, life Is just be ginning, and in the Mower lestrewii vista beyond everything is bright and charming; little cupids fill the air and the very earth Is fragrant-of love. In the novel she Hints a partial fulllllment of her dream of life, nml she cannot lie seriously blamed for her vorii clous appetite for pnper covered literature. It lsnnturnl.' And the carumel chewing nml cigaiette smoking youth has also some excuse for his inordinate longing for these trashy yarns. The exuberance of youthful spirits must trend in some direction und this Is doubtless the. most Innocent. Mun nml maiden are both too young to give their whole attention to material tilings nml the "light" novel furnishes (to them) a delightful seasoning. Hut when a person reaches the age of three score and ten no or shu is supposed to have left romance mid youthful folly (I don't say thnt ronmnce Is folly, mind) fnr Ixdilnd. Their concern is for the future their own future, with cherubim mid seruphin, rather thairtho decollete cuplil and his ipieer pranks. The book of life Is, for them, nearly closed, nml the joys of youth aro no more. The old lady at the station must have tteeu nearly ninety. Cnn any render of Tiik Couhikh conceive of any jwsslble enjoyment such a xtoii could obtain from reading a hook of "Madeline's Lovers'," ridiculous sentiinentnllsiiif Just nbout as sensible or llttlng for n boy of eight to become cnriipt with Chancer or Dante. Theie Is n time for everything and the age of ninety Is not the time for sensational liter ature. An eastern uewbpner sis-king to enlighten its readers on the question, "How it feels to lie struck by n bullet," Interviewed among others, our own Senator Mnnderson, on his experience in the war. He said. "1 was on horseback when 1 was struck at Lovejoy's station, and for some minutes it felt as if u charge of red-hot coals had been shot into me, for it struck the vital centre, the spine. Presently I Iwgan to feel teiiumbcd In my extremities and the men curried me olT on their guns. Hut one of my men hud n linger shot oir mid didn't know it. Ho was lying in his tent pointing up at something when a comrade said: 'Look at your linger, Jo, what's the matter!' " 'Hello!' suddenly exclaimed the late own er of the member, 'somebody mutt have shot it oir." "Little Annie Hooney" after a successful career on the stage has gone up higher. The tune is now being used by the salvation army to save sinners. This is the refrain: "He's my Jesus, He's my Lord; He's my Saviour, He's my Uod," John L. Sullivan, the erstwhile pugilist, is soon to achieve fume in u new role. He is now lu New York rehearsing his part in "Honest Hearts mid Willing Hands,' Dun can Harrison's new play, soon to lx put on at Niblo's theatre. John will personate the hero mid his Interpretation of the part is said to be thrilling in the extreme. When he scaks his dulcet tones am heard at the back end of the cellar, and the echo reverberates among the rafters in the loft; but when he slugs he is n "hummer." A gentleman who attended one of the rehearsals remarked that John's leuditlon of the song "Nornh Duly" re-1 sembleil the rumbling rrelght coming down the Allegheny mountains. As I'limeas T. would say, "Walt for Sullivan." Steaking of theatrical matters, u fearful misfortune has overtaken trisky Fay Tem pletou, now playing to crowded houses In dotlimu In "Heudrik Hudson," und whose y yvovsi 4J VLZ22W coming engagement nt the Fuiiko was i.u uouiiced In last week's CouillKH. Frolicsome Fay has long had an ardent iidmlier in u young Howell Osltcrne, u wealthy bachelor. When the two were in I'm Is during the sum mer they quarreled and Fay left for America without oven n farewell klsR. Of course 0 borne was disconsolate, and to placate-her awful wrath, he purchased &!0,000 worth Jf diamonds and sent them on to New York by his valet. And hero is the harrdwlng purl-ilT the story. The valet tried to evade ihdciis. tom house imqiector, was caught, hikI tlitf diamonds were coullscntcd by tho govern ment. Fay was ready to cry when shc"henid of it. Only four of the packages wcieoHned. They contained the following article': A gold watch about the sl.e of a ulcke! set with sixteen diamonds, n crown-shaped bieust pin set with fifty diamonds and having n large pearl in each of the spikes of the ciown, n brooch in the shape of a blown line, contain ing thirty-live diamonds, a pair of solitaire diamond sleeve buttoiiN, a chatelaine with a great number of diamonds, a beautiful wint lace fan with mother of pearl sides set with seven large diamondds, two i ubles nml a sapphlie mid a moonstone brooch set with twenty diamonds. A sploy letter was found In one of the bundles but tlie otllceis won d let tho reH)rters see but oiie sentence "Dear Fny; when I get over there nil the Johnnies must go." Custom house olllcials never lie, and this tale Is piohably true, to) ti lie III the preparation for w inter (uptimes the young eoplo of Lincoln might do well to make arrangements to sandwich in a little literature with the multitude of entertain ments und amusements. Outside of the Chautauqua circles and the colleges there-i no literary society for young people lit the city, so far us I am informed, mid therosceius to bo plenty of room mid material for a Hot rate dramatic and lliernry club. Musical culture Is comparatively well advanced In Lincoln; but too little attention is given to literature. Certainly there aro enough H'o pie to support a club of this kind. Why not start one I Congressman Watson, cf Pcuiisylvuuiii, whosodefttlr wns rejiortell-ill WodncsduVs papers, sacrillced his life for the sake of his wirty. He left a IhxI of sickness three times to vote on important party lueasuies, In the face of his physician's prohibition and lie died. And yet wo ure told uitrlotism is d) lug out, thnt tho only tie which binds in modern polities is tlie almighty dollar. Tho uunzrou, liiau from the Keystone statd knew ho w is sucrlllclug his life, mid the sacrifice wns made because ho thought his party was in danger. Surely, his was a wit riot's death. Olio of tlie bright young ladies in the Crete camping party, elsewhere refened to, has found a now term to apply to u hammock- a sjioonliolder. The Couhikh'8 prlncljal illustration this STUDV PR07VS L.IPE w o presents a striking stu ly in negro life. The delineation of the features Is usueir pei feetion as an engraving will p.Miilt, ami th" expression (in the face of the tnlfir tutiatt dm key is eloquent of tin sutrerltr.; caused by the dean lug of an ugly splinter. Among the men who have liecomo prom inent Inifdre the public by reason of the labor troubles on the- New York Central railway, the' most conspicuous position, HAItOKNT. WKIIII. WHS. naturally, is held by tho third vice presi dent of the road, Mr II Walter Webb, who, so far, has noted as the authorized representative of the corporation's Inter e.sts. Mr. Webb Is n man not yet 40 years of age. lie is an attorney by profession, nnd began his railway ex porience lu I8M1. On the other side of the big quarrel lenders In the opposing nrmy, they may Ins tunned two prominent figures are those of Frank I Sargent, who is chief of tho Hrotherhood of Locomotive Firemen, and Kngene V. Dehs, who Is grand secretary and treasurer of the same brotherhood, and who also publishes the olllclnl magazine at Terre Haute. Ind. Sargent has tho repu tation of Mun ii natural bom diplomat, and Mr. Toucey, of tho Central, declares that he is a remarkably able man. Mr. Debs is reported to enjoy In a large degree tho confidence of his associates, and on oc casion has shown notable executive ability and lntellectu.il lorcu. Whj It U Popular. Hecause It has proven It alisolute inert' over and over again. Iiecnuse it hasanuii eipnlled record of com so, Im e-iue its Iiiimh,.,, Is conducted lu a thoitmghly honest manner, and because It combine economy mid strength being the only meillciuo of which 'HH) Doses One Dollar" is true- these strong points have made Hood's Sars-ip-irllla the most miccessful medicine of the day. ImproveiUhower for Tuikish Uithsat 101 0 street, basement Union block, AMCSKMKNTS. Daneeis a re In demand nowadays Hum they have been In years, lVemleres like Coiiinllia, OunllU and Paris command smiietlllllC like I.VI a wistk. run. ii-nelln J "ho Is the mitroMilltan hit atKoster&Hlal's rrKiy iiikcs ii. mn) simoieoiiH. Dancers like Ida Heath. Ivate Seymour, Lillian Itmnsden, Kinlly Vivian Imvu salaries ranging from f 75 to turn a week Slacelone, tho skirt dancer, who will trip nroimil "Tlie Hustler" this sen son, passes the hundred limit, (lood sh-c. laity ihmcei sure very scarce. Harney Fngln. one of the U-st authorities on the subject, s:i)s tliat most women haveiiptitudefor danc ing but mo la.y. Toto De Crow, nnother until it It;-, snjs that women confine them selves to one dunce, and never learn a new dauie moie than once in live years Jennie Williams, who according to reort, is to wed Ixuil I'etle, notoriously dancisl one dance and that let her out. Tho advent last year of Sylvia (liny and l.etty Liuil among us, and I their terpslchoriuu success, wns productive of a shoal of iiultiitois. Florence Miller, Vlo- lette Mnscatte ami Mario Cnhlll nro among l these imitatoiy skirt dancers. Tho preval ence or hlack skill dancing has given rise to a lot of male parody sklitdancliig. Mnrtln ettl ami Collier, John Kemell and Mux Ar nold, Donnelly ami Oiimil, Kvnns and Hocy ate adapts in the Inn lesipie of this style of female sUitMlaiicing, and their antics on tho stage me aluio-d ceitalu to be voeifeioiisly applauded. Clever song wiiteis like Sidney Hosellleld, theever (IimhIwIu, Kdgar Smith, Armory Knox and IM Kidder command very neat prlciM lor their elliiHlons. Checvcr (lomlwln got fKHIfor the "Little Pig" song he wrote for De Wolf Hopper. Hewitt got 100 for "It's F.nglMi You Know," writttn by him for Dlxey. Sidney Hosenfeld is a linguist nnd heme very clever at cn'chlng the spirit of the else in foreign llluetlos. Nadaud, the gnat Flench topical songster, had u coutiti) house near Pulls on which he had painted this inscription 'Tills is tho result of songs." Most ot oiii song writers do not .wn houses, slid tlie pi ices they get for their piodlictinns lender the piospects for houso- iwueishlp exceedingly slim. We often lend of how K-opo miss "it" in one way or another A good Illustration is told nlsnit Ccoigo r. St a ley, ihetieiiumi comedian, who is winning lame ami foi tune lu "A Itojal Pass. The season at the (Irtiud in 'Fiisco had elos. (iold had Just Ih-oii discovertsl nt SMkane Falls, crowds were rushing thither In their wild desire tor itches, and among the crowd wein two joiing men "made up" in the most nppiovisl "old loity lliller" stjle. IllglxxiU, Ihiliuel shiits, slouch hats, und knives und pistols galore. One was a little fellow with twinkling eyes mid biilliaut auburn hair, the o. iter nig ami lluely fotnii.l with an nuns, irilly attlaitlve faee.wliotoonUvauieknown among te mliieis as "llandsomii (leorge." 'I hey staked their claim mid set to work like Iicmh's, mid like t'oloni'l Sellers, they saw nilllloiis In it. Hut mining Is hard work, ami Ilia few da st heir ardor had iiN.mil. (lame wan plentiful nml the si reams full of llsh.nud theb jsgnvo themselves up to enjoynelit. Soon the time enme for them to get back to 'Fi Imii to n henwils, nnd they sold the claim for l few dollats, nml depailisl well satisfied with ii Miiuinei'K sHiit. Now coiuin the se quel: lu six months a half Inleiest lu that claim was sold forlh),0(i0 Slalov often tells of the sixty thousand dollars' win Hi of game und lUli hegot ut SHikane. Follo-vlng is this week's theatrical menu lu New Yoik. Haiilou Volter coiupuiiy, ".Merry Monarch," "The Canuck," Sol Smith Hiissell, Coin TaiiiiiTlu "One Krror," Fay Teuipleton, "Prlvale Secretary," K. II . Soth em, llichard Manslleld, Strmiss Orchestra, Kajanku, "Hul lluiwir," tho llalloou," "Tlie Paymaster," "The lllue and the Orny." lu the Inmost circles of dramatic goslp It Is whispered that Corlline Is not Corlnno ut all, but that theSliiiou pme, original Corlnno died live yems ago from doses of brandy to keep her tho diminutive cieatuie she as, and tlmt tliopieneul Corlnno is another Coiliiue altogether. "The Crystal Slipper" will lenvo St. 1iuls Sept. II on IIvckcIiiI cms for San Francisco, wliciu they open at the llaldwiu Sept IK Senorlta I'Vasetiela, the wife of tho famous Spanish bull lighter, ami Semulta Aella,tho Flying Dalictr, have jollied tho company Lewis Moirlsoii has iH'gmi rehearsing hi.s cniupuii). It Is pel haps unnecessary to re iterate what has so often I -cell said, that tho lotthcoiuhig production of "Futisl" will be one of the gliiliilestrepieseiitiitlouslii the his lory of tho Ameilcuu stage. Charles Coghluu will suppoit Mrs. I-nngtry dm lug her bunion season, which begins In November appeal lug in "Antony ami Cleo patra." Sardoii has a Hanged to w rite n piny for Stuart ltobsou which will Imi ready for pro duction a year hence. Ami now it Is said that Postmaster (leneral John Wuniiiiinkur objects to being burlesqued ill tlie "II. S. Mall," ICilwlu Hooth has enruisl a quaiter of a million of (IoIIiiik by his iictlug during the last three years. at tin: I'r.NKK John Dillon, the eminent comedian, will open a live night's engagement nt tho Piiukc, Friday, Sept. 6 Ho will lie seen lu "Wanted the Km th," and a select icicitolr of light comedy. Dillon needs no Introduction to Lincoln theatre goers. Ho isnlready a favor ite here, and large audiences aro assurislencli night during the engagement. Ills support Is said to I m unusually strong this season. Fol lowing Dillon Comptou's minstrels, an able orgauiJitioii, will bo tho next attraction. TIIKMUHKKOl'KMMti Tho Kilen Musee, under entliuly new man agement, mid with many lniortnnt Improve ments, will 0n'II at 1 o'clock Monday after noon for the season of Pt'.HMH. Mr. Jules K. Oirner, tho new manager, has given particu lar attention to the owning attractions and arlch store of good things await the Museo patrons this wis'k. In the Curio hall there will ho life like wax figures of tho crowned heads of Knroie, a realistic depletion of the Pliiuoy Farm murder, Omaha's awful trag edy, etc., etc. Professor .au.ic, tho famous wizard, will give some staitllng exhlliltlons In the Ilijou theatre, ami Inthegrmid theato riiiui, (leorge Ivlwards, a prlnc of fun, will I mi seen lu Ethiopian characters, (leorge Catliu, In Mongolian eccentricities, Hilly White, in HilsTiiiau wit, Professor (Jleasou's wonderful canine p'iradox, mi I tho popular play, "Fun in a Chinese Laundry." Satin day af leriioous during the season, school children will I m given admission mid a seat for 10 cents. A feature of the coming season will lie mi entile change of bill twice each week. Tho same care will tie taken by tlie Incoming management to exclude everything objec tionable from tlie HM'foriii'iuco that has chaiacteil.ed this house since its Initial ht formaniv. at Lincoln's hlmmkii iiksoiit Ciishmaii paik was well filled with pisiplo Wislnesday to see the wonderful exhibition of Paul Iloynton and his company of acquatlc eiM-rts. A kjIo game on tlie water, rather a novel scene, was mi Interesting sH.-ctncle und much ojoyed. Tho wat-r slus-s worn me made of coik with a nihlicr coveilug ami lui llleiise In sle, measuring nlKiut two feet wide mid four feet lu length. Tlie places for the feet are such that when the player IomsIiI balance tlie shm-s flee the feet. The game was Is-tweeu Wallace Itoss and nun of the company, and several times during the play, "a man went oveilsiard" but soon got Into I place again Paul Hoyutou's exhibition was practically the s'line assccu with thrfciiciises He gave exhlliltlons of making a raft out of stray tlmlter, prewiring a meal on tlieiaft, llshlug lid hunting, life saving, signals of various scriptlous, etc The program con cluded with a realistic naval duel between twoships, each Mug about twelve feet long, one of which was blown to pieces The ImiIIooii ascension on Saturday nml Sunday Inst was not so well attended owing to the inclement weather However, u fair sl'd crowd was present and it prettier nscen slim never wns seen. Pi of. Ten Hrocck's iMiaiitiful lialliMiu, "Tim City of Imdoii," made a grand showing nml the parachute leap was a gieat success. The professor wtll res-at last Sunday's piogram again tumor I low I Manager Amlrus litis another Mun attraction I foi tomoriow in the shao of u novel musical pOlg'iliiJitiou It is thece'ebriitcd llabj Hrass I Hand iviupoMil of little youngsters, none of them uiii than twelve jears of age. They pin) exist llently and will give a few selec- tions at the desit tomorrow nt 'J p. in iiefnr the train leaves foi tlinpark For time table ' see ad'irtvuient on page lour A very ttt- trnctiie piogram has Invnarrangnl for Mou ilii) , "IjiIkii Day " (iocsl sieukers and mu sic nil day In the afternoon theie will b a basket picnic ami in the evening a grand twill , and mh'IiiI will be given. Theie will also lie I racing and otlni athletic sjKiits during the 1 1,"'' I lliueral water uwl lor Imthlng, 1010 O kt. OUT DOOIJ COSTIIMKS. Hpeclnl Coltlitr.lU'orreipomlenco.l Nkw YiHlK, August 'J7, ISiH). Tim attempt of two young women to glnlln tho globe last winter, limldoof eighty days, and the stilmo qiletlt iichlovemelit of the eccentric (leorge Francis Ti alii lu tho same line, has causisl a prominent society woman of Now York to mnkiia wager that she will not only make tho same trip but "-ill licat Train's iwoiil, Ah mi luillsH'iisnblo prelluiluary, she has ordered A TIIAVI-.I.INII COHTl'MK KltllM IIKIIKKIIN. Here it Is, Illustrated It is a medium weight, Hue cheviot, lu ii somewhat largo eloiidisl plaid, and though extremely simple in design, is wonderfully chic and becoming. As sin) Is by tho terms of her wager, restrlct isl to a merit hand-bug by way of luggage, lledfcrii Iiiih contrived fur her, to meet tho colder weather, u supplementary skirt which buttons on Just liolow tho waist-lino, uu unique, featuro which may bo Imitated with advantage by other travelers who do not euro to bo liurdeiiisl with tho usual amount of Impedimenta. A large, all-eiive'oplng wrap, of tlie ulster variety, compleU-s hor equipment. Tlie little Hiik cup, with enr lhiM tied on top, Is made of tho dress mater ial. This other pretty costume Is marked A IIKIIKKIIN I.AW.N KKTK d(IWN. It consists of a petticoat, high K)iutcil cur set girdle, und sleeve of pale, ton-colored cashmere, iqiou which are 1 Minds of gold braiding The upwrpnrt of the corsage, tho pulls on the shoulders, mid the skirt ilraKry, are of a deep old-rosy smith w Idch contrasts well with the other puler tint Tlie high col- lar and narrow, NiiuUil plastron, are a mass ! of gold braid, but it is applied In it light, I sketchy design, and therefore Is not too heavy ' lu elTect, for a summer gown. The oddly ' sliaisl chip hat Is of tea-colored straw, and 1 has it vniulykiil-trriui, while tlie trimming Is rose antique satin ribbon and an algiette ar ranged at tho Imck of the crown. Style, tit mid durability aro all essentials in a good shoe. Itriscoe, the shoe man, lias a wide reputation for footwear, embracing these qualities His shoos Invariably tit the foot, satisfy the eye and give sttitaction gen ally. Ladies' mid geutUine;.' shoes in all the latest shtqies and styles at Hrisciv's Tlie largest and finest stock in the city is his. Heavy shoes for winter wear in great variety and a complete assortment of everything in theshoo line. Shoes uro mi important nt of a persons dress, and wo can not U tisi careful in their selection. Visit a store wheie you can see the best workmanship mid the largest stock Hiiscucsistho pl.ioo. lu the KxKitfon.