CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, AUGUST 21, .890 1 jg m Ir "W LADIES TAKE NOTICE ! J. W. Winger & Co. Announce the Opening of their New Dry Goods Store AT 110 9 O STREET, And will be ready for business about September First. Look Out for Future Announcements. CLOTHING -AND- FURNISHING GOODS AT Lowest Prices. -- Herman Bros 1017 0 St,, IHrOOES, ffEB. -:--. Branch Stores at Falls City, Aurora, Grand Island, Beatrice, Weeping Water and Auburn. YOU WILL FIND MY LADIES' TORN SHOES TXT $3.50, EXTRH iZKLUE AND GOOD FITTERS. ED. (St. YATEi 1129 O STREET. TEETH t EXTRACTED WITHOUT t PAIN D-2-. DR. H. K. KERMHN, SURGEON DENTIST. Who has the Exclusive Use of Steauna's Anesthetic No Chloroform! No Ether! No Gas! A Full Set of Teeth on Rubber for $5.00. AllQFillings at the Lowest Rates. Rooms 9.1-95-96 Burr Block. LINCOLN, NEB. CURRENT LITKIIATTRK. Front Mil Item It Is evident tlmt some Mop nro being taken In Now York against emtio novels: "Joseph llrltton, of tho Now York Society for tho F.nfotveinont of Crlnilnnl Laws, ne companies! liv Detective McCornmck, of tlm Tombs, called nt tho American News Com pany In Now ork city, on Angina (Hh, nml placisl tho manager, rntrick harrclly, and two clerks, limned Kdwnrd Kverls unit Hd- ward 1'lannlnan, under arrtt for selling lib literature, lliitton was also armed with a M-nrch wnrrnnt, ntnl lie solrisl twelve, hundred nud forty cheap novels. Their titles were: 'Tho Devil's Daughter,' 'Speak ing of Fllon,' 'An Actor's Wife,' 'In Stella's Shadow,' 'Tlio ClenlllucllllCllM,, 'TlionSlmlt Not,' nml 'KreuterSoiiiitn,' Tho liooks wero plaosl on n truck anil tnken to tlio Tunbs, Tlio ilefcmlnnts More arraigned lioforo Justice Murray nml wore purokd for t-xmnliiiitlou, llrltton said tlmt 'Velvet Vlco,' written by l'enrl Kytlngo, tlio actress, would be tlio next liook lio wonlil tupprcss. Ho Is looking for William Floron, Mho translated 'Tlio Devil's Daughter' from tho Fieneh. Tlio American News Company, through lawyer Carney, claimed that It wns not awiiro of the nature of tholHiok." The hilyteeltntc It thenamoof a new umga 7I110 to Im) published In Chicago, the Initial nntntier of which will ho Issued next month. I.Ike tlio Ioiiilon inngn7lno of that name It will ho tho orpin of n I'olytechnle Institute, which In this wish has lieen lately started In Chicago, anil will ho modeled after tho fa mous IiOiulon Institute of similar tinmo, an interesting account of which was given In tho Century for June. Tho first number will Ito largely descriptive of the work of tho Institute, especially Its trade schools, n pecul iar feature of which Is that students may earn their expenses while In attendance, and can learn almost any trade. As this promises to solve the vexed apprenticeship, all master associations are waim supporters of the movement. An article on the new Kvcniug Medical College of Chicago Is also Included In this number. Tho ladles will bo Interested in the description of the cooking, millinery and dressmaking schools of the Chicago Poly technic Institute. Published nt .Madison street and Fifth Ave., Chicago. Sunnily copy, 10 cents. Charles.!. Ilellamy, prolltiug by the wan ing light of his biothei's fame, Is "working the literary mill ket for all It Is worth." Ills "Experiment in Mm Hugo" exploited an Im aginary frco-love community, and his latest book, "Wero they SlnnersT attempts to dis cuss a "scclal prolilein" by picturing the very earthly love of a young man and u woman who believes herself man led, though, in the end, her husband Is discovered to lie a biga mist. Tho story is crudely and iiimrauunats Ically told. Published by the Author's Pub lishing company, Springfield, Mass. "Scouting for Stanley" in Hast Afrlcn Is tho title of a liook soon to ho published by tho Cnvsell Publishing company. It Is by Mr. ThomaH Stevens, who made the now famous tour around tho world on a bicycle. Ho was wnt to Africa by tho Now Yoik II W, to Hud Stanley, and, In spite of many obstacles and great ops)sltlou on tho part of (lermaii government olllclals, successfully ncconiH lished Ids objtvt. The book Is to Is) profti'ely Illustrated and will contain a portrait of tho author. Ucorgo Uaneroft, tho historian, who is now at a hotel nt Newport, It. I., Is in as good health as during the winter in Washington, but more feeble than last Miiumcr. Ho was then unable to Indulge in his favorite recrea tion, horseback riding, which formerly niado him n familiar figure on the avenue, but was able to drive In a carriage. This year ho tins not yet done that, and tho condition of his henlth Is such that probably ho will bo wen on the streets but little, If at all. George Alfred Towiisend'H liook, "Knty of Catoctln," deals with John Urown's raid, tho opening of the rcliulliou and the assassination of Lincoln. It Is an interesting historical novel, betraying considerable knowledge of southern life and customs, ami an intimate acquaintance with tho lives and environment of tho historical personagei with which tho novel deals; but thelltcrary finish of the work hardly sustains "Oath's" wide reputation ns a polished writer. On account of the large mimlicrof advance order received for Mm. CusUr's new book, '"Follow lugitho Guidon," the publishers have been cnmiielled to postiiono Its publication until Aug. SM. Theodore lloosovelt says of this work: "Ic is a liook which is not only in teresting, hut which possesses real and last- lug value as a faithful itortrayal of a char ncterlstlcally American phaso of life which has now almost passed away." The father of Hudyanl Kipling, who has just resigned a government npjolutmeut he held for many years as head of tho Lahore fchool of Art, is a man of varied attainments, a linguist and clover artist. Asked if he had always tho tnsto for writing, tho son said " hat else was I born fori Tho luk-iot wus emptied Into my veins und was bound to ooze out through my fingers." Tho St. Louis muguzlno for September dlv. plays a new cover mid shows evidence of general improvement, internally. Lain a II. Parmer has some interesting "Sketches of Arytlc Life" mil considerable space Is glvun ton well written Illustrated article on Kansas City. The regulardepartments nrounusiially entertaining. Marlon Crawford's new novel, with its striking title,"A Clgnrottomuker's Romance," is not to bo brought out until autumn. At tho last moment the publishers wero made a very tempting oirer for the serial publication of the story, and It will first run in this form threnxh the newspapers of Kuropo. Mr, Frank It. Stockton has written a novel ette for tho Century to bo called "Tho Squir rel Inn." Mr. A. II. Frost, whose successful designs lor Mr. Stockton's " Grunge" will bo remembered, is to illustrate it. Senor Valdo's new novel, of which the F.uroHau llteiary press aro expecting so much, will not lio published until Octolier. The story is said to bo a iorfect bioadside at the morals or Spanish nobility. Miss May Rogers, an Iowa girl, him com. piled a Wnverly dictionary in which uioro than thirteen hundred characters of Scott's novels are described with Illustrative extracts from the text. "KrcuUer Sonata" continues to bo tho reigning llteiary sensation Wauamaker inudo this book when lit) condemned it ollle ally. Mr. and -Mrs. Ward's (KlUnlietli Stuart Phelpsi "The Master of the Magicians," from the same press, enters into its six thousand. Tlie author of tho now nuud "Thnicknior ton," .Viss Molly Elliott Seawell, is a nleco of ex-President Tyler. "VA'mit" Als foi the .lout mil. In order to servo the convenieuco of its imtrons who may wish to use tho "want" col umns of the Journal then UlilK u olllco will receive such advertisements at the regular r.'itctuiud transmit them tothe.ournn. THE GLEANERS. FOR PIANO OR ORGAN. Published through Tlio American Press Association. i . r,. 17 OratWjo. By CECIL RAY. pMmmimm fl&REApgJipgsA, ,' mp I 'M?c M ) im . m . .rz z - EEr r -gff - -j--a Jiff 1 I 6 F . 1 1 1 gB&skim&ggm&Mmg ??!dmd$m MM. Pi mBiMmiwMi 1 ttotmto. Telephone 176 OFFICE: 1024 0 Street Moving Household Goods and Pianos a Specialty. Selllliu Hunks by Sllliellitloll. I'he metliotl of selling books by subscription has many advantages over any other, and Is daily growing in lmiortjuico and Kipulnrlty lly this nielhotl theatteutlou of tho purchaser Is called to valuable IkxiUs of which ho might remain in entire ignorance if they wero sold In any other way. Ills the most direct and altogether tho nHst economical way to buy liooks. Hooks pureliuMsl at a retail Isiuk stole have generally passed thlough tho hands ol from ticolofimr mlitillcmcn, each of whom miixf havo a profit. The ltier.ii(lr I'ltltllnhiim Co., HI Louis, Mo., offers profitable employment to all who wish to engage III tho business. Kxperleuce It not necessary, but any lady or gentleman with Intelligence and Industry can uiako a success of tho worth. Their publications aro first class, just such books nsour young eoplo and our older co plc should read; books that tend to make In telligent men and women; liooks that teach people things that they ought to know, such liooks as a splendid Famili Itlhlr, which Is In Itself a HrftH-t cyclopedia of biblical knowl edge. IliilMith,n Jlialorii of the fulled Slates Is another splendid hook; a sale of over :IU0,(KN) copies speaks loudly ill favor of its great worth. VVic I'cojrtc'n Cuclojtedltt of t'niverxid Kmnvledye Is another work that bus carved Its way to a wonderful success; 1(X),(KX) copies of this splendid cyclopedia, made mid isllbsl especially for the masses, have lieen sold, and the sale Is still vor) large. They also handle tho lied Letter Life of the ltciuhlic Stanley Explorations In Africa. Tho Pioneer History of America; People's Farm ami Stock Cyclopedia; The Physical Life of Doth Soxes; Courtship, lovo and Wudlock, and History of tlio Oram! Army of the Republic. Another splendid liook, nveraclngat fifteen hundred wis a month, Is IUiIjiiiIIi'm 1'nrlojie dla of I'nircrstd History, a book that Is hound to bo read by tens of thousands of scholars, and by those who lay no claim to scholarship, and who yet love a clear, straightforward, understandable record of tho great events of tho world's history. Tho sipularity of this book Is something wonder fill. For further particulars, circulars, terms to agents, i-te., address, Tho Riverside Publishing Co., 7W Olive street, St. Louis, Mo. O-KKmii DULUTH, BAYFIED Anil Other I.ulie Superior Points. The traveling public may not lie aware that the II. &M. makes tho run lietweeii Lin coln and ointH on Lake Siiierior several hours quicker than any other Hue, our rates are tho lowest and tho services the lient. Make Inquiry at Union dejKit or city olllco, corner O and Tenth streets, lieforo deciding on your route. It's to your Interest to do so. A. C. .lemer, C. P. & T. A. Tho Lincoln Steam laundry having re cently changed hands and undergone many improvements is now tatter than over pre pined to execute work in the very Ixist man ner, promptly and at popular prices. Mr. A. W. Day the now proprietor has adopted u new and Improved process for washing and bundling garments, by which no bleach'iig or Injurious materials are used, the finest fabrics such as silks, laces, flounces, flannels or cotton goods are laundrled fu tint class manner, w ithout the least damage. One trial will convince the most skeptical that tho Lin coln Steam Laundry does tho finest work in tlio city All goods called for anil delivered. Telephone ll'i. L'nl Jinn, after thogroit lio sl, I rcccixcd nbottlHof Clmuihci Iain's colic, cholera nml dlairhoea icmcdy from my pastor, at a time when I was very much run down with dlar-1 rlioui, mid had tried two doctors without j finding any rtllef. This remedy relieved ino l ut once, and cures 1 me entirely In a short time I got several tattles and gave ft I around among my acquaintances who weiej ntlllcted in the same way. I think 1 gave it to a dozen people, and It relieved and cured, ' so fur as I know, in till cases. It is tho tast I medicine for the dnease I have ever known. Mrs. K. L. Henrie, Johnstown, Pa ('oiiiiiidest Are Vim Aware that the O. A. R of Nehruaka hold their re- j union at (iriuid Island Sept 1st to 0th, and j for this occasion tho Union Pacific ritilioad t has nittiio it rate of one faro for the round trip from Nebraska )lntsf Tickets will bo on sale from Aug. flUt to Sept. .'th, good to return to and iuclusivoSept 7th. For further information apply to the uu- Doctors llalley kt (loo.lell, olllco VM1 I. M root. Telephone, til? nisi PluAHIfti J7 .V WKTH. ljo O HT. New Hardware Store. KRUSE& WHITE, Where you will Always llnd a Complete Manor SHELE AND BUILDERS HARDWARE AOKNl'Y KOHTIIK CKLKIIUATKI) RED CROSS COOK AND HEATING STOVES, Furnace Work a Specialty. Stores, 1210 O St. and 27 and W St, vz 4 T' I'lrst, there comci the cradle to stop the baby's cry, Hut the cradle will not hold It in the sweet bye-atul-by. And then high chairs and rocking horse the parents must secuie Among the many other thing they're called on to procure. As life piocccds there comes a time when single chairs won't do, And papa has to buy something that's big enough for two. A little later, mind you, one chair is big enough , To stand the strain we make them of the strongest kind of stuff. When old age comes we need to have soft-bottomed rocking chairs (Bought at lock Imttoin prices) to dissipate our cares. All tills Is Intended to Impress upon the reader's mind one Important fact, vi. ., that we are prepared to sell all kinds of furniture of the best manufacture at low prices. A. T. Gruetter & Co.'s Great Furniture House, 1 1 in n vimcin'. You Never Saw Such an Assortment OK Fans, Dress Trimmings, Infants Caps and lace Scarfs -as is now must; shown at FOREMAN & CROWE'S HI SOUTH l!itlt ST. TANS He TO tHO.OII. HEATING STEAM AND Hot W a te 1 iiLJifc .iv.. .- rl tr,',ttir,.9;-gij) j Plumbing F. A. KORSMEYER & CO. Tiiiphom. 53O .MS S. Eleventh St.