fc.iCJ ii j. , a 3sm-i3SreEjg&.ta&aigi iT5 Ukithi CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, AUGUST I' Jf ypj'HlwmMiHMMii rr1ii 3.3. 1890 A "MONARCH" Gasoline Stoves. "SIBERIA" Refrigerators. White Mountain Froc.crs. Screen Doors, Screen Windows, Screen Wire Frank E. Lahr, 936 P Street. North Side Postollicc Square Cushman Park AOOUHOEMMTS Saturday, Aug, 23. Prof. 'IY11 llroeek. tlui English aeronaut Tlth his famous Balloon "Oily of loiulnti" standing to foul IiIkIi. Will Jump from tlio clouds with his mammoth parnohulo iU7 p. lit. Miiftla liy orchestra froo all tiny. Trains at 4i'.Mp 111, iiihI tli!W p. in. Hutiirn niter ascension. Sunday, Aug. 24. At 3i. in. speech liy Col.C. H. Kllstvurlh n! Wisconsin on It. 11. H. Greatest cllort or hi llfo. Prof. Ton Urocele will appear aH p. 111. In hi Krnnil lecture, "Wliixt 1 Hnvo Seen In thoMoon, anil l-'loatlnu Among tho Htnrs." Trains nt 10::W a. in,, 3:00 p, in., nnil :l::i) p. m. Itcturn atft p. in., 8 p, in. ami 7::M p. m. Military band all day. Admission to park, 33c. onoli person. Wednesday Aug. 27, rnut'lloyton, Americas greatest ucquallo export will ulvo i 'series or exhibitions no rompaiilcd liy III famous llttlo boat ami other accessories. . Train loavn at 2, ItSOnnd tliltO p. in. Ito Mtrnnt 7 niul 11 p.m. A Fine Crayon LIFE SIZE F R: E E AT s HERWIN'S 1124 0 ST. Every customer gets a head and shoulder Crayon Picture Free from any and all cost. This work is made direct from any photo you may want copied. Call and look into this matter. NOW IN NEW QUARTERS ! Lincoln Trunk Factory st- 1133 st' Where wt will be glad to sec all old new friend and customers and as ones a can get Into the store. many WIRICK & HOPPER. LINCOLN Mm asd imriTirrc or rxuuxiiiir. outiiiiuiuu.aMu lypcirriiiiur. i me utti ami mnn UulKveln Uie Wet. uu NtuilrnU In ulteuilaiiiw lut :et HtultnU tireparrd lor butluru In from to luunun. j-jiiwricunxi ucuuy. mioiiiil mitructlun. Ucauiltul llliutrahMl cnialoiru, et)UB JoumIi. and p-wvMvua vi fwuniAiujuii, ai irrr ny wmtTtwiing ULUJiRIDOK & KOOSE. Lincoln, Neb. ?fC A lulnr ltirr of Mmlrrn Timr. HuiiM'itirrioM OiiiiYnir by Mall or Carried 1 Q01 Hlx Moulin, II 00 1 Throe Months, Mc. I One month W Cents liirrally In Advance. AtiVRRTmRMRNTm Bales fiinilnlictl on npillontlnn At the office. 8ocIrI rates on Time Contracts. (NwnnurriOKS! Hliort spicy sketches, weni nnil stories solicited. Personal nml Hoolnl notes nre rFclRUy itoittrAlili. I'MNTiw! Wn innko n spoclslty of Klne Printing In nil Its brandies, Hoclety work n scclnlty. PubllHhucl Snturcluy. Address nil cnminiimciUloiis direct to Hie office. Wkhhicu Pwintino Co., I'trill.lHIt KltH. Courier lliilMliitf, H.tl N HI root. TKi.ri'iuiNKiVI I. Wkrhki., Jh., Editor nml Solo Proprietor. Mohton Smith, Asssoclntn Editor. POPULATION OF LINCOLN, 65,000. PEOPLE WE KNOW. Tho nmrrlngo of Lloutciinnt T. W. (Irllllth ami Miss AIIitii Onkloy, which Is nuuouiiccd to occur September II, will remove from tho "single" sot two of tho most opulnr member of society. MIm Oakley's clinntm Imvo tunilo her nrolgnlnglKllo nnd tho lleutonnnt's manly hearing mill compniilonahlcufsslinvu won for him n warm place In thu f rlciulshlpnf the men, Tho wedding, liy tho wny, will attest the popularity of tho happy couple. V Edgar C. Hnjdor, for two years past asso clato editor of tho Omaha HrvtMur, has left that paper to tnkcchargonf thndramatlc anil society ih'imrtinents of tho llee. Ho will do "Hint nights" anil Imvo general supervision over tho social work. K, C. lsHculatlly well lilted for this class of writing ami tho Coim IKK congratulates tho llferm Its now- ncqulsl tlou. llln will" ncqunlntniico with tho pro fession nnil keen observation of stngo inattein eiinlilo him to writu ilrnmiitlu crltlclmiiH that aro always iiM'Sahle, Kcnernlly to tho olnt, anil In nivoiil with K)pulnr comment. In Roclnl wot k ho lx equally at homo. J. M. Olllau. who In well known In noclnl ami nuwiiimpi'r clrclv in thN city, han nc ceptinl a poult ion on tho roportorlnl rtalfof lluifrc Mr. (llllnn wns city editor of tho Omaha llfjnibllvnn when tho old ship went down. ' Local prldo rhoulil ntltuulnto Interest In ho hnlf of W. J. llryan, MncoliiV candldnto for colore from tho lint ilUti let. In Omnhn It U common for both political partlei to unlto to a coimlilernblo extent on OnmlmV cnudldato for n ntnto or national olllce. Lin coln might do well to follow tho example of tho metroolK mid hIio could honor no better man personally, than Mr. Ilrynu. There U n hearty, frank entluuinim about our ill- tiiiKiiihiHl tow'iiKiunn that l sliiKulnrly win- iiIiir, and lila personal iopularlty is nttostcd by tho fact that many of his warmest friends aro inembeni of tho opposing political party, Tho years nro fow slnco Mr. llryan cast his fortunes with Lincoln mid Nebraska; but to day tho gift I young orator U otto of tho best known men in tho state. Our city has n Hel lish Interest in his success and his career will Ihj closely watched by nil those who llko to Reo Lincoln mid Lincoln young men forgo to tho front. . Fred Howe, the bright young man. who acts ok clerk of the state banking commission, returned from a pleasant visit at Uo.it on, his old home, Monday evening. Fred tuado the acquaintance or tho brother of tho Chinese minister to the United Htati, while enjoying tho luxuries of a Pullman. Tho latter proved to be n well educated, entertaining man, and singularly enough Fred discovered that he knew an old chum of his, tho son of a United States consul nt some outlandish town in China. Mrs. Will Scrllmer, who returnedj'from Colorado last Thursday, had an interesting experience last Tuesday, A cloud burst wns teen from tho Denver & RioGrando train, on which she was a passenger, while near Yetn l'ass, Col., mid when tho spot over which tho phenomenon occurred was reached tho rail road track was covered with two feet of water. Word comes from the hunting party near tho Yollowstone Park that L. C. Uurr not many days since brought down a deer and a lino bull elk. Game is reorted very plenti ful. The milk dealers' association of Omaha is wrathy, all liecauso the city physician has given it out that Impure milk is being sold in that city. They claim that such n stntemout retlect on each and every momber of tho association mid while they make no denial of tho charge they ask that the city physician i leclfy as to who the guilty jwirtles are and they further request his Immediate resigna tion. Holms notrvslgnedasyethowoverand it is scarcely probable that he will. The pub lic has aimed shafts of poignant wit nt tho milkman for many a moon and have walked on his neck with ungentle tread for, lo those many years, in retaliation for tho crtamless chalk and water he lias furnished with great precision and commendable regularity, yet this Is the first Instance for a long time In the history of Nebraska wherein the milkman has related these attacks. Hut then the milk man probably has feelings the same ns other people and occasionally his temper turtis as sour as tho milk he peddles. The largest whalo captured during the tutst twenty-live years has Jtut been caught by thu Northern Light, a whaling ship now cruslng in tho Hehrtng Hen, The monster contained 11000 pounds of bono valued at JI5, 000, and It it expected to ylelJ 170 barrels of oil. , fcr Am? IS-, '' ti f'p LINCOLN'S ABSENTEES. A l.lt of l.lnciilnltes Aliroiul nnil Where They urn Niiiiiiiierlng. Tho Count Kit will esteem It n favor l( Um friends will nsslst In keeping tho following lint of Hummer iihsontces full nnil correct. Wo will Iw glnd to nilil names to tho list, lint nlKivn nil Irt tin know when those tourist return. Hlilney Miss Attn Lant.. Pueblo, Col. M. H. Fish, Illinois MIm KM el In Htlro. Aurora Mrs. C. A. Whlck. Montreal, Can. 12. Goodrich. Detroit, Mlch.-G. A, Colton. Iivelnuil, Col. Georgo Hinlth. Whitehall, lll.-Dr. O. F. Ii.Iit. Wlilto Moiiiitnln-K. 11. Wells. Hockford, In. Mist Ollvo Trigg. Qtilncy, III. MIks Jennie Kruie. Klmwood, III. Mls Maria Itoso. Now Jersey Mist Corn Outcalt. Phllndelphla-MrH. L. W. Ames. Itoudon, Ontario Henry (Icrner. San Diego, Oil, John M. Ilurks. Madison, Neb. Mrs. J. I). Hood. Hcrantoii.Pn. Mrs. H. T. Daykln. Hltkn, Alaska-Hlchanl I). Miller. Miirsrlllw, III.-MIih Llz.lo Ilond. City of Mexico Anron lluckstnir. IudlauiiK)lls, Inil. O. F. Dittmati. Graham, W. a, MIm Ida Young, llwheiter, N. Y. Miss Corn Haidy. IJrlwnn, Ohio MIsh Alice Mnltli.nd. Oswego, N. Y. Mrs. 0. 1). Pitcher. Hnrtford, Conn. Mr. F. K. Gngo. Naiianlmo, Wah. II. F. Houthwell. Kvniiston, Wyo. Charles Morrison. Castile, N. Y. Miss Mary A. Hinlth. Mlchlgan-M. M. Whlto nml family. Lake George, N. Y. MIm Allco Orr. Marli'ttn, O. Mrs, Dr. Charles Hurt. Jnmestown, N. I), Miss Lolllo Hinlth. Palmer Lake, Col. Mrs, A. M. Ilalrd. Idaho John IC. Stout, John Fnlrlleld. Osngn, Iowa -Mrs. P. V, M, Haymond. Nantucket, li. I. K. Hiillett nml wife. Annconda, Montnnn Mrs. M. Harris. Milwaukee Curl C. Ijiittz and family. Davenport, Iowa MIm Minnie Mnteer. Galveston, Texas Mis. Kiniiia Patrick. GlenwiMMl Hprings, Col. John Zehrung. Oaleshurg, III. Miss Kleanor llllams. lllalno, Kan. -W. H. Taylor and family. DesMolnes-Dr. nnd Mrs. C. C. Cnlklns. Kvansvllle, Ind. F. H. Nlsliett ami wife. Lyons, N. Y. Mrs. It, M. Lyons and niece. llrooklyn, N. Y II II. Molfatt and wife. MnwnrluiscttR II. H. Gordon nnd wlfo, Madlson.Wls W. H. Hamilton and family. Portland, Me. Jos. lloehmor mid family. Now York City little Meyernnd konMiix. Janosvllle, WN.Mrs. A. J. Hlngham and son. Camping on Lake Champlnln I.ew ainr shall. Oinnlin hunting party In Wyoming L. C. llurr, Hillsdale, Mich. Prof. K. T. Hartley and wlfo. Hiimllton, Cannila Jack Htobbs and sister Maud. Halifax, Nova Hcotla .1. II. Hurley and family. Iluiralo.N. Y.MIfs Julia Hinlth, Kugene Heatou. Iowa Mm. A. J. Caldwell, Mrs. 1). P. Cropsey Heardstcwn, Iowa Mrs Frank Mayo and mother. Geneva, N. Y. Mrs. H. M. Simons nn.l tlatighter. Freeport, III. Mrs. J. W. Menlovo and daughter. Chicago Miss Kdlth Hussell, Miss Lillian Mitchell. In tho Koekles John P. Sutton, Thomas Meagher. Kstes Park, Col. Mm. H. P. Foster and children. Mineral Point, Wls-G, M. Uinlwrtson and family. Toniahnwk Lakes, Wis. AlU'rt UntKins mid family. Wyoming, camping Mrs. C. 8. Clason and family. Asbury Park, N. Y.-Mrs. K. K. Crlloy mid family. Windsor, Nova Hcotla Mrs. C. L. Hooper and children. Hlack HUN, H. D. Mr. and IMrs. John I. Untlorwood. Long Pino Chautauqua Miss L. M. Todd, Mrs. H. Krull. Canada Ilov. Gregory mid mint, Mr, llucklnghain. Olyiupln, Wash. Mrs. I C. Hurr and daughter, May. Coldwater, Mich. Misses Louise Hmlth and Allco Highter. Helena. Mont. M. D. Thurston, A. II.Har ber, J. F. Morris and finally. Lake Chautauquv, N. Y., Mlsi Maud Hammond, W. H. Ooodrlch. Wisconsin Mrs. T. J. Curtisand daught er, Fxl, Walton, M. F. Van Home. Albany, N. Y. Miss Sarah Wool Moore, Mrs, M. Lecko mut Willie Itowlck. Cleveland, O. Miss Lulu Gruninger, E. U. Ellsworth and wife, W. C. Dutton. In British North America, hunting bear Dr. O. F. Lambertson, Mark Woods. Georgetown, Col. Mrs. C.G. Dawes, Ilov. and Mrs. Curtis, Miss Ethel Mnrshuid. Seattle, Wash. Mr. nnd Mrs. H. A.Worth Ington, E. II. Messenger, Will Heywood. louring Eurojio A. E. Hargreaves, W.AV. Wilson, Harry Towiisend, William Phelan. Hunting In Western Nebraska J. H. Tricky and wile, Myron Wheeler and wife. Now York Mrs. C. W. Pomfret and daughter, W. W. Folsom, E. O. Williams. Portland, Oregon A. Manger, H. A. Hab cock and wlfo, Mrs. Lew Is A. Bowers, E. O. Clark. England Mrs. If. A. Blnns, Jno. Parting ton mut family, Mrs. Jas. Partington and family. Spirit Lake II. P. Lnu nnil family, Mrs. George Bosselmnn, Ell Pliuumer, W. W, Marsh. Nautatket Beach Capt. mid Mrs. Hillings ley, J. M. Knox, H. W, Brown, wlfo mid daughter Florence. Dayton, Ohio Misses Jennie and Mary Underwood, Mrs. A. G. Blllmeyer, Mr, mid Mrs. A M. Mtimuia. Old Point Comfort, Va. Mrs A. 8. Hay. inond mid children, Miss Blanche Hargreaves, Mrs. H. C. Outcalt mid children, Mrs. C. O. Wheedon and children, Mrs. Prof. Little. Colorado Geo, It. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Worthy Sterns, Frank T. Wnlton, Mrs. H.A. Hnwley, Mrs. L. E. Stewart, Mls Lillian Sterling, Mr. and Mrs. Shoemaker, G. W. H. Potllbouo, Denver Mis. M. E. Canlleld, Mrs. W. W. Wirt, Mrs. Hook, Mi's, ltoss, MIm Hhcta Aloxauder, E. M, Long, J. O, Wadkworth and wife, J red liiixinger, Miss Clarkle Pace, C, H. Clason, Colorado Hprings Le lino Brown, Mrs. M. C. Coleman, MIm Clair Link, J. II. Hortou, Mrs. J. II. McMurtry and daughter, Miss Toto, T. J. Mlltonburgcr and family, MIm Anna Tlhblts, Touring tho northwest C. II. Hlchter, Win, Wltto, Peter Anderson, MIs Joslo lilnlr, J. G. Hinlth, MIm Jennie, Hmlth, U Elliott, II. H. Dean and family, Mrs. II. M, lllce, Mrs, J. B. Wright. Ht Paul, Minn, Mm. J. E. Edwards, J. 11, Conkllu and children, Mrs. John Hchmittel, Mrs. John Fitzgerald ami child ren, Ed. Cnguey. Win. U'lTcnlluk. Mrs. Jacob Hnberlomid daughter. Hot Hprings, H. i). It. M. Tumernnd wife, Mrs. Paul Holm, Mrs. Morris Tinner, A. C. White, J. Fanner nnd wife, John Hteen mid wlfo, Hon. O. M. Bartlett and family, E. II. Gristmill MIm Utile Grist, J. E. Ferris. Manitoti Mrs. L. B, Treemiiu nnd dnucht- er, Mrs. T. P. Folsom, Mrs. C. Thompson, J. M. Htownrtand wlfo, Mrs. A. N. Wyckolf. C. E. Yntes nnd fnmlly, It. II. Oakley nnd family, Mrs. W. C. Orllllth. MIm Ornco (Irllllth. Touring tho east J. A. Htiddleson nnd wife, Ilev. O. A. Wllllnms, Frnnk nnil Oicar liasterilny, M. I. Aitkin, Mrs. Hani. MIm Gertrude Aitkin, F. W. Helwlg, .MIm Molllo Helwlg, Mrs. J. J Iinhoir, T. II, Benton, M. M. White mid family Halt Iiko Geo. Hiwiicer and family, Jas. HM'iicer and wife, Frank Gregg nnd wife, Mrs. J, I). Parish and daughter. Mrs. Jou I). Moore, Mrs, Anna Miller, Miss Una GIN lesple, Mrs. I). G. Courtney, Miss Irene Wut khu, Henry Aitkin, Mrs. N. C. Brock nnd daughter, Charles llnmmoud, Mr. and Mrs. A, II. Mcndculmll. Boston Mrs. Adolf Weber, Prof Ilngnnll, Mrs Mary Belt, Mrs. II. M.Ersklnennd fami ly, Mrs. II. W. ICelley, and Miss Flora Moore, Mis. C. O. Warner, Mr. and Mrs, L. C. Clark, Frank Iiwrenre, Jacob Morrow, Joseph MeGrnw, wlfo and daughter, Jerome Schnmp, G. C. St, John, James L. Mmulell, I). II. Young, John McGlolu, Henry mid A, A. Ecker, D. B, Brace, and mother and Miter, Capt. Teeter and wife, C. I). Hlchardon nnd wife, W. W. Wilson, S. It. Jncohy, Major C. W. Pierce and wife, 11. Grlswold, B. P. Bosworth, J. L. Mlchelson, Mrs. S. J. Lccky, II. W. Brown, O. K. Olmstenil, Ada P. Ohniteail, L. II. Ful ler, A. B. Pierce, Amos Peck, Prof. L. A Hheiman, Mls Julia Hatch, Brad I Albn Brown, Visiting in various parts of state. Cook, THE RAILROADS. Mnlcom McICIiiuou, of the B. & M. visited tho Crete campers Thursday. John Ware of Beatrice, commercial agent of tho B. v M. was in the city .Monday. Capt. Tebbetts, tho veteran llfo Grand passenger ngent wns In the city Thursday. J. II. Buchanan, geneinlpnssei.ger agent of thoF. E. it M. V., and wlfo were In the city Monday. G. II. Crosby, general freight ngent of the B. tS: M. wns In tho cltv Monday, as was also General Passenger Agent John Frauds. Tho Nebraska delegation to the American Banker's Association meeting nt Saratoga September U-S, will leavo Omaha August.')!. Pullman cats may bv secured via the Burl ington. His many friends nro glad to hear of tho promotion of G. A. Hnymer, assistant chief engineer of the H, & M. to the position of manager of tho Newcastle Coal company. Mr. Itnymer's headquarters will lie nt He ntrlie. Ed. Rutherford will bo tho Lincoln passen ger ngent for tho Hock Island. Mr. Ruther ford Is at present tho company's agent nt Wichita, Kns, It Is tinlmod by those who know tho gentleman that ho is a great rustler and just such n man ns the commuy will need in a live, bustling city llko Lincoln, Parties who claim to know- also state that tho Hock Island will hnvo their city passenger olllce nt Hnrley's drug store and will occupy tho corner window spice. Fitting tho foot Is not nu easy matter, but with such a magnificent line as Brlscoo, the shoo man, carries it is n very easy matter to tlnil the right tiling. Fit, of course, is the first principle in footwear, but with it one likes stylo as well. Hero again does Brlfcoe, tho shoo limn, come to the front. No liner display of stylish footwear Is nny where to bo found. Lailloanever fall to go away pleased, mid the gentlemen, too, nro always well sat isfied. All tho latest shapes aro 011 hand mid prices me never known to be other than right. Sincerity. Niece I'm writing to Clnra Smith, mint. Shall I nay anything from you? Aunt You may glvo her my love, dear. How I do dislike that girl, to Ihi tmrcl Yankee, Dlade. Next. Tho professor of dead languages who had lost, his falso teeth wns obliged to dis miss his class, because, as one of tho stu dents said, he couldn't "gum Arabic" Exchange. Irn-spiiiiHllile, Tho Culprit (in confusion) Really, you must excuse me, but, I thought it wai ITctty Hopper. Sho Well, you're excusable. A man thnt would wnnt to kiss Hetty Hopper Isn't rcspouslblo for his nets. Life. Chapter 1: Weak, tired, no appetite. Chapter 2: Took Hood's Sarsaparilla. Chapter H: Strong, cheerful, hungry. Summbh Complaint. A druggist at Biitt, Hancock county, Iowa, relates Ills exerIeuco with this disease ns follows: During the summer of 1B33 my llttlo girl, two years of of ago, was taken seriously ill with summer complaint, so common to children of that age, nnd after being treated by 11 physician and getting no better I took from my shelves a Ixittlo of Clmnherlalu's colic, cholera and dlarrhon remedy. She felt relieved after the first dose mid In threodays was entirely well, Ai.kx, Mom. Prof, F, M. GltH'ault will rem mo his clashes with Ills pupils September first. Any one de siring iv thorough course In music, vocal or Instrumental, will receive prompt attention by calling 011 or addressing him after August -Jth, at his studio, at tho Lin dell hotel. 'J0-2t REMOVAL NOTIGR The Gotham News Emporium Removes to the Corner of EloVonth and N St., SEPTEMBER FIRST Hoping to meet all our patrons nt the new location. Mtl.TON M. I, YON, l'rnprletnr. CUSHMAN : PARK ! EXTRK Prof. Ten Broeck The famous English Aeronaut wilt make n Grand Ascension in his beautiful loon "The City ol London,"TU 7 o'clock todav (Saturday.) Orchestral Music all fiee. Trains lcncnt 4, jo and 0,30 p in and return niter the ascension. ran 'aKBukvIh m lH vA I ill III SUNDAY'S PROGRAM. Col. C. S. Ellsworth will speak on R. R. R. at 3 p. in after which Prof. Ten Hroeck will Lecture on "What I hate Seen In the Moon nnd Floating Among the Stars." Trains leave nt 10:30 a. in., I and 3:30 p. in., returning at 5, 6 and 7:30 p. in. ADMISSION, 125 CENTS. Wednesday, August 23. CAPT. PAUL BOYNTON mul hU Superb Aquatic Compant in Surjulslng nnd Pleating Feats never before at tempted in water by ant one. On the program Is a Foot Race on the Water, Polo Game nnd Water Sports of all kinds, concluding with a GRKND NKXZHL BRTTLE I between two full rigged Ships, dutlng which I'UWCIIlll iiiipciiu. ADMISSION, 25 CENTS. Trains leave nt 4 ::o nnd 5:30 p, n returning at 6 and 1 1 p. m, Hal-day i ViI.bi w VTHUhSLi one will be completely demolished by a Vl i ." 44 i S Ji I ;? . i a V ii"ii"'" ' rn .n 1