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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 23, 1890)
a "i"iyr)""iinj .t r "Us,. ""U.'i'WKitwMiwiwmijr iii '..; t n. rTO I HH I n ' ' - .l .p. I i CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, AUGUST 23, 1890 it-' .I IV ' t COMFORT FORTH E I'ElsT! Life Made Easy IIY HUVINO SOME OF Till! IMS EST AND More Comfortable SHOES Ever void In Lincoln. To try tlicm on U tn liny. These goods to lie (omul only nt Webster & Roger's io.3 O Street. Loading PHOTOGRAPHER! Kino Host Cabinets 3 iht ilimm. Hpoclnl rates to students. Cull mill soo our work. Studio, 1314 O Street. Open from 10 n . in. to p. in. Huwlnys. J. S. EATON, Physician and Surgeon Olllcet 116 S. Eleventh St. Telephones: Olllcc 685. Residence 501. LINCOLN, NKH. 'y Sfteialitt. 1'rnctlco Limited to Diseases or tho Nervous System, Heart and Blood HliKKUKNOKdi Hon. Win. I.ocso, Attorney (lonorul. Hon. T. I.. Nerval. Assoctnto Justice. Jones' National Hank, Howard. CIIUoiis' Niitlonnl Hunk, lily kick. OrriUKl Yiii O (street, LINCOLN, NBI1. Tickets ON SALE TO .XjXj Principal Points EAST, WEST, NORTH AND SOUTH - AT 1044 O STREET. E. B. SLOSSON, City Passenger Agent Grand Drawing or T1IK Loteria de la Boneilcencia Publica I OK Till! State of Zacatecas, Mexico. A syndicate of capitalists liuvo secured tho concession loropomtltiK this LOTTERY" nnd will extend Its business throughout tho Unite.! Mates and Hrltlih Columliln. Uelow wilt bo found n list of tho prises which will 1)0 drawn or July 23, 1890, AT ZACATECAS, MEXICO, and continue monthly thereafter. CAPITAL PRIZE, $150,000.00 lOO.OOO Tickets nt MIO.OO, Halves, ft. OO. Tenth, Sl.OO. American Currency. LIST OK l'HI.KSl 1 1MUZE OK fl5O,000 Is 1 I'KI.E OK &),) Is 1 l'ui.KOK avonots.; S1UU7.K80K 10,1X1) are .. ., ai'UI.KtiOK ft.0o0aro.,.,.. 61MU.KSUK 2, nro 1 I'lllZKHOK l.nUnro JOl'Hl.KHOK Jiro auiMUZKSOK SOOuro MJOIMtl.KSOK IflOnro KUOl'KI.KSOK lWnro Al'l'ltOXIXATlCN 1'ltIZKH. .f 150,000 . 60,000 . avou . 80,11X1 . 10.UM .. lo.uw 10,000 . I0,tu) . VXU . 45.000 . 60.UW ISO PMZKH OK SISO nra.... 150 PidXKS ()K nu are,... ISO I'HI.KB OK .... M uro.,.. vn Terminal Prizes of (io aro.... ... I2.VKM .. 15.003 ... 7..VO ,. w,m 1521,(130 SUM CI.UII nATKS) O Ticket fur VRO.OO. SPECIAL BATES AKBANQED WITH AQENI8. AGENTS WANTED SKS city in United States and HrliUh America. Tho payment of 1'rlien U uimranteeil lit- a Mpeclnl deposit of five hundred thousand ilol lar (."00,ut), with tho Btato Uovernmeiit, and npproveu by Jesus Arechlya, Governor Drawings under tho Mronul supervision of i.ic. iivruiiuio Arieiisu, who is appointed by thoOoveminent as luicrveutor, "I Ckiitikv that with tho 8tate Trumurer nil ueecoKsary Kuarautecsnre doioltod aur- tn full payment of all prizes of this UrnwIiiK. HeuhinioAutkaqa, Interventor. IHl'OUTANT. Heinlttaucos must bo cither hy Now York Draft Kxpressor heglitereil letter, American money. Collections can bo made by Kxprcss Compunles or Hunks. Ticket hcut illro.-t to niuimifcniHiit will bo paid hy draft on New York, Montrent, Ht. Paul, Clilcuuo, Ban Fran- olsco or City or Mexico. Kor rurtlitr fnfor matlon address. .IUAN IMKIlAI). Mannuor, Zacateras, Mexico, Apartndo 43, tg&yc&tt. snrK w PM'I.H J HAVEN'T MOT. AN OLD TRAVELER ADMITS IGNO RANCE OF CERTAIN CHARACTERS. He Knott s Nothing of tint llrutnl 1'iillrn. mini, the Insolent Condiitlor, the Arro gant Hoiilhrriier or Hip Nutite Ited Mn Wlml Up Has Heeu. Pliiro I was 14 year old I huwi Hindu frequent tour among miiuyilHTcrcnl sorts of people, anil tnnv hnvo to confess tlmt I Imvo fulled to llud most of the characters TIIK IflMCKMAN UK MKT. presented on tlm stngo ntid In current llrtlun. They exist of course, for u mill tit lido of witnesses ho testify, lint t lie problem nmr tniiilillniriny mind Is how did I miss theinr I liiivu been hi every largo city In the United States mid Canada, nnd linvu never seen tho "lirutiil policeman" nt work In any of them, though I Imvo Keen him (In very row UiHtnnces) In Hinaller places. miring seven years' nro and travel tn tho Hocky Mountains, Including thu last veur of Paclllu railway construction and many tours through tho mines, I saw hut 0110 1:11111 shot down; In much travel In Canada I did not once meet tho "overliearlnu En glishman," and In seven extended tours of thu (luir states I utterly failed to soo tho "arrogant southerner." Tho la.y nnd lux uriant southerner I found rather too oasllv. and If I had plenty of money and nothing at all to do there Is no man whose society would sun nut heifer. Whero tho other kind keep themselves I cannot Imagine; they certainly secreted themselves when I wasnround. Thoy prolmhly heard that I was coming. "Tho mini who does not know what fear Is" I huxcoftun rcml of, and always with enthusiastic admiration, hut 1 have never seeu him, though I' have served In the nriny, mlllthi nixt civil khso and scouted among tho Indians. I have shot mid heeii shot at (a little), and If 0110 man's testi mony pics for anything I am perfectly free to nay that when tho first shell liursted alx)vo tny head 1 should have run like n scareil dog had I not been inoru afraid of ridicule and disuraco than of Ih'Iiik shot. HIS NIUTIIEnS miKN'D. I know many good soldiers, but he who "nuver felt fear" Is n nontlenian whtiso ae iUalntanco I have yet tn make. He Is numerous of course, for all tho books men tion him, but he has ho far escaped an In troduction to mo. I Imvo kcou Iudluu tribes from WInul jx'K to Chihuahua and from Newfound land to Florida, nud onco traveled many hundred miles with n band, not seelnK a white face for weeks, but tho "noble rod man" was absent on business travel Iiik with a circus perhaps, or a delegate at Washington at any rate-Idld not see him, lkdng mytiolf a fanatical lollever In tho Aryan and not a candidate, I nm free to give my view of tho aborigines vl., that after tho missionaries and post traders have worked on them for another century they will bo no far developed as to bo lit for extermination, unlets, Indeed, they aro alktorlicd into tho American rncu of the future. I was born and mostly reared within cannon shot of tho Wabash river, yet l&glcston'H "Hooslent" are as much n nov elty to mo 08 to any Uostonlan; though many New Englnndent nro my friends I have not been tho "typical Yankee," and In tho south and southwest I was still more unfortunate. In Texas I found the law against concealed weainins enforced with a vigor unknown In tho northwest; the most generous people I over lived with were from Vermont, and It I were asked to nnino the two states In which tho Sabbnth is strictly okserved I should select Georgia nnd Texas. In fact, Atlanta and Austin we it) during my trawls the only A 6CKNE IN AUSTIN. considerable cities In which whisky on Sunday could not bo obtained by love, money or stratagetn. In tho latter state Galveston Is nn esieptlon, bain;; inoro like a French o;1 other foreign city as to Sun dry; whllu lu othar sections I suspect tho Tesnns feci toward whisky nml concealed weapons much as tho old womnnof tho sto.-y Old about dancing thoy have "seou tho folly of it." lu tho course of about 100,000 miles rail road travel I have not run ajudnst tho In- si413 jpW' tilting brnkomnn or conductor. Without exception thovi gentlemen Imvo acted In my preset ico m gtntlemeu Indeed, and oven tlm sleeping car porter has usually kept within ImiuiiiIs, lleglunlng ns tho son luid assistant of a stock farmer, and rontl in lug as studuiit, explorer and heiilth seeker and tlnallyas journalist, I havo traveled at leastn.OOOtulleiiluleiigthytrlpsoii horso back, as much 011 foot and by sti'go coach, nud much more by water. In every state west and south' of the Hudson and lu Canada and Mexico, and tho rudo or Insulting people I have met hnvo not ltccit as one In live hundred. Alt these things mako mo think that wo Americans, of all sorts, aru 11 pretty fair set of folks, and If wo knew each oth"r IsiMer wo should lovo each other more. Wo Imvo a natural vice, howoter, and It Is not Intemperance, ns so many think. Nor Is It avarice especially -,vo want mo ney chlclly for the fun of spending It nor vanity, nor yet licentiousness. Our na tional vice is, to put It bluntly lying, This Is nil the more lemarkablo as our Kiigllsh cousins aro tho most Inveterate truth tellers lu tho world. Wo Americans exaggerate or depredate everything; not 0110 article or Incident lu 11 hundred Is just as It Is represented. If thu reader thinks this 11 rash statement let him consider thu question) How many eminent men are there whoso statements on any political mutter would lw accepted In full, ns of course? Kveii tn aiming to tell thu truth they Illuminate It fearfully; they lllustrato it with cuts very liberal cuts, Our hu mor Is chlelly broad exaggeration. And this hnblt Is probably tho real reason whv tho people In each section know so little of those of other sections, why thoy expect when traveling to meet tho people. I Imvo mentioned most of which people I Imvo not met. J. II. IIiiaiiu:. THE GRAND ARMY'S NEW CHIEF. (inn. Vrncpy's Crcdllalilo llecord as Sol dler mid Civilian. TI.e military record of Gen. W. O. Vea zoy, recently chosen commander-in-chief of the Grand Army of tho Hepubllcat the national en enmpmeut at Ilos ton Is n crcdltnlili) one. AttholH'gin tilng of tho civil war ho enlisted as n private In tho Third Vermont regiment, and biv foro the close of thu summer of OO. W. o. VKAZI'Y !S(H attained tho rank of lieutenant colonel. In the fall of the next year ho became colonel of the Six teenth Vermont, nud led It throughout its term of service. This regiment formed part, of tho Vermont brigade that made t ho famous Dank assault on Pickett's divis ion nt Gettysburg. When the war ended Vear.ey had attained tho rank of brigadier general. Thu new commander of thu G. A. It. is a native of Itockiugham county, X. II. After receiving a collegiate education ho iK'gau tho practice of law, but his profes sional pursuits wore early Interrupted by tho outbreak of the war. Ho resumed them after tho close of thu contest, and from 18711 to ISSU was judguof the supreme court of Vermont Holms liecn Identified with the Grand Army for twenty-three years. He May Ha 11 Cardinal Yet. It Is announced that - Ithln a year or so the Catholic cliuroh of America will Imvo a now cardinal In tho person of Peter ltlch ard Kenrlck, archbishop of St. Louis, who has almost completed a half century of service as a church dignitary. Archbishop Kenrlck Is now 81 years of age. Ho was born at Dublin, Ireland, nnd ordained priest in 1830. Three years later ho began his career in tho United States and lu 18-11 hecntnu a bishop. In 181.1 ha liccntuo n resident of St. Iouls, and his labors have been directed from that point ever since. St. Louis was created an archleplscopal see lu 1847, and I'opo Pius placed Dr. Kenrlck lu charge. Ills chari table and relief work during tho civil war gained him general com mendation. Of Into years his energies Imvo been devoted among o t h 0 r things to the in troduction of re ligious orders and Aucmitsiiof kkniuck. to tho establishment of Industrial and pa rochial schools and reformatories. Tho cemetery of St. Louis, laid out by him, Is considered ono of tho finest on tho conti nent. How tlio Digger Indians Live. Tho Digger Indians live In little huts made of poles covered with grasses or tulo leaves, though some of them have canvas tents which doubtless they Imvo obtained from miners. Thdr lives aro bounded by ono horizon to get all they can to eat or drink without working for It, or hunting, which Is about as bad, In that it entails fa tigue. Tho children are tenderly treated by their mothers, and their presence Ig nored by thu fat tiers. They live In dirt nnd squalor, and nro utterly Ignorant, hav ing apparently no religion or principle, and tho only thing that lifts them above tho level of the leasts Is that they collect nnd prepare such food and shelter as nat ure absolutely demands. In certain sea sons some of them go to tho seashore, whero they gather and eat tho mussels, limpets and nbalones thnt they find among tho rocks, nnd thoy move nliout as tho grass or supply of food requires, but this oven Is n very slight improvement on ani mals. A Large and Ileapvctubte Cuucu. Hon. Hannibal Hamlin, of Maine, doesn't hesitate to tell a good story, nveu It it In volves himself. Hero is ono regarding his early political oxerlence, somo sixty years ago: At a certain caucus in Hampden tho only attendants were himself and a citizen of very largo stature. Mr. Hamlin had somo resolutions to past, which began by representing that they were presented to a "largo nnd respectable" gathering of voters. "Hold on," cried the other man, "wo can't pass tlmt, for It ain't true. It ain't a largo and respectablo caucus. There's only two of us." "You keep (.till, brother," commanded tho wily Hannibal. "It's all rlgit, for you aro large and I am respectable. You just keep still." So tho resolutions were passed without further iloniur. . A Spcclllo fur Wheat ltuat. It is said that an Australian has discov ered u specific for rust In wheat. Ills con lldenco in tho process is so great that ho will undertako n series of experiments nt his own expenso under tho supervision of agcuUof tho Australian colouics. If Ills tests prove successful he i to get $10,000 for tho secret. jBBaBpjfce. SOCIAL AND PKHSONAI, loiiu M, Htirks ts In flan Diego, Cal. U, H. Clafon is in Denver tlili tteek. Kddlo Wnlt left for New Orleans Monday, W, A. Williams is east on n business trip. H. I). Hliscr started for New York Tues day. Kd Monies returned from Colorado Mon day. A. K. Kennard was a Chicago visitor this w eek. Mr. and Mrs. 8. 11. Pearson nrc nt Phoenix, Arizona. Mr. and Mis. J. K It. Miller have returned from AtchUou. Mls Clara Leesu has returned from n short vMtatHuwaid. Councilman II. W. Orr has returned from Kstes Park, Col. Mr. nnd Mrs. T. It. Hylvnuus went to Chi cago last Holiday. Mr. and Mrs. 1). II. Hlioenmlcer left for Colorado Monday. Auditor Thomas II. Denton is (-(vending a few days lu the east. Mr. and Mis. Carl Funke leturncd from Kstes Park, Col., Tuesday. Mis'. II. M. Illcoaiid Mrs. John 11. Wright nro touring tho west and northwest. Judge nnd Mrs. W. K. Htownrt hnvo re tin ned from a two weeks stay lu Colorado. Mis. W. C. Grllllth nnd daughter, Miss Grace, left foe Muultou Tuesday morning. Thu Holiday school of the Klrst Presbyter Ian church will probably picnic at Mllfonl next week. Mr. nnd Mrs. John I. Underwood left Thursday morning for n trip through tho Dliick Hills. Miss Lids Hrew of Ht. Iahiis, who has been visiting relatives In this city, returned to her homo Wednesday. Mrs. Pettlt, formerly of Lincoln and now of Chicago, Is in this city tho guest of Sirs. K. P. Itoggen nnd Mrs. Ed. Franklin. Tho Hundny school picnic of the Trinity Kpiscopnl church will be held at Ciishman park next Wednesday or Thursday. Misses Mngglo English nnd Clara Cnrmody leturncd Monday from Spirit Lake, In., where t ey sent n delightful season. Uev, C. W, Gnen ami family who have been tho guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ellas linker, left for Michigan Monday afternoon. M. M. White, wife nnd family, left for Michigan 'nst Hiiudiiy. They expect to re ninln a Any until the middle of HeptemW. Deputy Htnto Auditor C. 11. Allan is at Cleveland, O., attending tho Interstate con vention of Insurance commissioners. Mr. and Mrs. Fred llaldwin nud son, Matthew-, and Mrs. W. F. Huffman nud children have returned from Lake .Superior. Miss Ethel Mnrsland left for Georgetown, Col., whcYo her parents nre now staying, yesterday. She expects to remain until about Sept. 1. Mr. nndMrn. J. W. Winger Imvo returned from their bridal trip. They expect to occupy the handomo new resldenco nt Thliteeiith and J streets in n few weeks. I) A. Williams arrived In tho city from Illinn's Tuesday. Ho will make Lincoln his home, joining his brother, M. L. Williams, In tho Capital Steam Dye Works. Mlsi Gertrude Laws who has Iwen visiting Miss Clara Walsh went to McCook Monday to meet her father, Congressman Lairs, who has Ihhmi spending a fow days at h s homo. H. J. Dennis Is organizing a trllo of the Improved Order of Hed Men. It is expected thht n permanent organization will lo effect ed by Hept. 1. with nearly two hundred mem bers. Miss Knto Upton, a graduate of tho state university, and Mr. Charles 1L Adler, of Neligh, Neb., were united in marriage Mon day noon by Itev. F. S. Hteln, of tho St. Paul M. E. church, Tho Cou1tlF.11 has received 11 supply of souvenir albums, lllustrntlvo of Lincoln Thoy show tho city to ndvantnge, and nro just tho thing to iwnd to your friends in tho cast. Prlco 60 cents. Eil. K. Harris arrived homo from Denver Monday but will retuad thoro next week to locate permanently. The extensive grain firm of Woodman, Harris & Co. Is about to open an ofllco there nnd Mr. Hnrris will hnvo tho managing of tho business. Additional Hcclal nud Personal on pago 8. The Lincoln Steam Laundry having re cently changed hands nnd undeigoue many improvements is now better than over pre-, pared to execute work in the very best man lier, promptly and at jiopular prices. Mr. A. W. Day the now proprietor has adopted a now and Improved process for washing nnd handling garments, by which no bleuch'ng or injurious mnterials aro used: tho finest fabrics such as silks, laces, flounces, flannels or cotton goods nro liiundried In first class manner, without tho least ilomnge. Ono trial will convince the most skeptical that tho Lin coln Steam Laundry does tho llnest work in tho city. All goods called for and delivered. Telephone 03. II. P. Sherwlu, 1124 O street, has a present for every 0110 of his customers thnt cannot fall to be appreciated. Ho will glvo to every (Mittnmnr n lino crnvon nlcturu made from any photo that Is desired and It will not cost you a cent. Call in nt uis urug aim suoo store mid seo how it is dono 1134 O street. Last June, after the great flood, I received .. iuiinr riminla'rliilii's polio, cholera and diarrhoea remedy from my pastor, at n time when I wns very iniicii ruu uown wuu diar rhoea, and had tried two doctors without finding any rtller. This remedy rolleved 1110 nt onco, and cured mu entirely in a short time I got soveral bottles nnd gavo It around among my acquaintances who were ntlllcted in the same way. I think I gnvo it to a dozen people, and it relieved and cured, so for as I know, lu alt cases. It is tho best medicine for tho difeat-o I hnvo ever known. Mrs. E. Ij. Henrlo, Johnstown, Pn. Notice r Halo Under Cliattle Mortgage Notlcots hereby given that by virtue It a chiiltle mortKiiKo dated on tho Sd day of Au gust. lb.S, una duly Med nnd recorded In the oltlec of tho county clerk of Lancaster county. Nebraska, on th- Uih duy of August. 18.SS, and executed by Piatt lluyles to William IVcrlng A Co. to secure tho payment or the sum or I37.W nnd upon which thoro Is now duu tho sum and ft per cent, from August M, ISn. Default having been made lu tho pay. mentor said sum, and no suit or other pro ceeding at law having been Instituted to 1 re cover said debt or any part thereor, tlierurore 1 will sell tho property therein dcicrllictl ylyi one six-root licerlngtlhuit mowor. ut public auction at tho ware house of Walllngroriltl. Hlininp, corner or Klghth and N streets, In tho ell v of Lincoln, In Lancaster County, on the Sli day or August, 1NW, at 8 o'clock p. in., or h""Umy' WU.I.IAM lMMa Co.. Mortgagee. Dated A ugust "th. 1HX), '!ll Belleck A. l.ano, Attorney. JUST RECEIVED A Beautiful Writin IN Tablet Form Envelopes to Match. Wessel Print. Co. COURIER OFFICE, A. M. DAVIS & SON, Fall and Winter Carpets and Draperies, 1112 0 St Telephone 219. H. W. BROWN DRUGGSITjUBOOKSELLER The Choicest line of Perfumes. D. M. Ferry's Finest Flower nnc! Garden Seeds. 127 South Eleventh street. m-f- gterftiftTCP01 'iiSSSSmir r5?ci nip f jth-uapli st-- zz-5J?jm,mm iwj I niSX--iSS&- ' -yr; L. ! 1 - ill te uodsr tbe personal eupe'ruklon of HOHRCB L.. LBLTtND, tsas5aiss--i and will b$ open for t recptiof) of quests Jui first Iq ejc$ year. Uisltors will find THE ORLEANS Is firet olaE6 In all of He appointments, beiijq well supplied vult qas. $ot and cold water batijo. eletrio bells i?d all modern Improvements. 8teat lauQdry, billiard halls, bowling alley, cto., and positively free from annoyaijo by mosqultos. Round Trip Excursion Tickets will b$ placed on sal at t commencement of t tourist 6eason by t Burlington, cdar lipids &. ffortrcro fjallway and all connc lines, at low rates, to tyc following points in Iowa and ninijesots Spirit e. Iowa: flbcrt Ipa. Uaterullle, Minneapolis. 6t. paul, IjHic filnnctonHs. Utyite Dar l9 and pulutt?, frlni)csoMi ?lear c, lou81 (alic 5pcrlor points; Yellowstone pars; points and points n Colorado. Urite for "A midsummer Paradise," to tho CeQcral met atjd tassen$cr ftent. ?edar rjaplds. loyw. apd, fejjojl rjatcs to H. L. LELAND.SplrIt lale. Iowa. C. J. I U ES, pr.jt. ai)d C eft J.E.HHNNECRN. W ToKt H pan. n9nt Line of Fine Papers 1136 N STREET. WWfflJF ,; .,aWfi!FM'--,Nr- ' . J-V -x. m crtfk -) ' wr tr' JU,