CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, AUGUST 16, .890 SOCIAL AND PERSONAL, "Ma Bblxe" Waltzes. YOU WILL FIND MY V. U Lyndo,goi)ernlpawongrragont of tho ""s. ' ' ft. Bs LADIES' TURN SHOES 7ST $3. SO, EXTRA VALUE AND GOOD FITTERS. ED, (St. YATE8 1129 O STREET. 1 -WBrawW -& c " Cry 23V '-- "If ou ilont get up." the lady said "I'll pull the clothes right off the bed!" "Oh, let nic slcepl" was the reply ; "I get up although I tr) . This mattress is, as jou perceive, Too great a luxury to leave." Such mattresses may he bought at very low prices at A. T. Gruetter & Co.'s Great Furniture House, 111H N S1lti:KT. You Never Saw Such an Assortment OK Fans, Dress Trimmings, Infants Caps and Lace Scarfs AS IS NOW BEING SHOWN AT FOREMAN & CROWE'S FANS Hi! TO 30.00. 114 SOUTH liitli ST. Hi 37 A: W .VTS. tail) O ST. New Hardware Store. KRUSE& WHITE, Where you will Always lltul a Complete Line of SHELF ABD BUILDERS HARDWARE AOKNCY KOR THK OKLKllltATKI) RED CROSS COOK AND HEATING STOYES, iFurnace Work a Specialty. Stores, 1210 O St. and j and W Sts, STEAM AND Ijfr" ' ' iiV'' Hot Water pLTJMBI HEATING. Mjf NG I??T3fVr iiWi5T'i?S F. A. KORSMEYER & CO. Telephone 536, 215 S. Eleventh St. TEETH t EXTRACTED t WITHOUT PAIN - 3Q-S-. DR. H. K. KERMHN, SURGEON DENTIST. 'Who has the Exclusive Use of Steauna's Anesthetic No Chloroform! No Ether! No Gas! A Full Set of Teeth on Rubber for $5.00. AlinFillings at the Lowest Rates. Rooms 94.95.9fi 'Burr Block. LINCOLN, NEB. Ht. .1 .V 11 I. division or (ho Union rnclllo inllwny, mmlotlio Coviiikh n pleasant call last evening. Mr. Lynda paid Llueoln ninny compliments niul mum It Is tliu most lieaiitlftil rlty on hi imiIIio system of roads, mid ho ouglit to know And now Dnnio Humor hns It tlint it prom Incut O street hardware limn v. Ill soon wtulo Into tlio matrimonial swim. TIio fair dam sel's liiimo Is given In llils item, but "for goodness snkos don't Hay wo told you." Do you seoltl F. W. Krtno, lecolvor of tlio Hurt Hnrd "are company, was In Oiualia Thursday on business connected with tlio settling of the ttlfnhs of the eompauy. He was nceoni- pnnleil liy Ids daugliter, Miss Jennie, and their lsltor, Miss l'.llii Howies l'nil Thomas Is seen no inoro walking tlio thoroughfares apimrautly forlorn and for saken. His family returned Saturday fiom Illinois whuru tliey liavo lioen visiting In and nlxnit tlio old homo for nearly two mouths. Huv. Dr. Mniiue, who died In this city a fow days ago held iiollcy forfHXH) In tlio Union Central Llfo Iusuinnee company of Uiielnnatl, Ohio. '1 Ills claim waspaldiurtill August Tth by J. M. IMlulston, statu agent. Miss Clara Goldberg, Mrs David Wlso's accomplished sister of Chicago, arrived Tliursdayimd will visit, n fow weeks In tlio city. Mrs. Wise, who had been visiting at Chicago and further east, returned also. lly re fen lug to tlio "Absentee" column it w 111 1hi seen that Lincoln was pretty well rep I evented in lloston last week. Tlieio woio many others of com so whoso names wo weiu uiiablo to get. Hov. C. V. Greene, who for tlio past eight years has been in Japan as a mission ary, is In tlio city nccompaulisl by his fam ily. They art) the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Kilns Ilakor. John Partington ntid family and Mrs.James Partington and family left for Now York City Inst Wednesday. From there they will will for Qiieenstown on tlio Ktruria today. Mrs. C. A. Goldsmith of Omaha, is visiting In Lincoln, tlio guest of Mrs. M. H. Kent and rcnuwlng acipiiiiutauces made on former visits to tlio capital city. l' Audeihou and William Wlttu left Lincoln last Tuesday for a months' trip through Utah, I laho, Oregon and along the 1'aelllc slope. Mrs. M. Hyitu and Miss Mollio Hyau re turned to their homo In Ut. IjouIh Inst Wednes day after 11 pleasant visit with Mrs. II. J. Kennedy. Kll I'lumnier and W. W. Marsh went to Hplrit Lake Wednesday to assist tlio Lincoln Ites already there, In yanking out tho festive IMi. Miss Anna Ihishuell of Hipon, Wis., who has Ik'oii visiting friends in the city the past month left for homo last Huuday oenlng. 8. H. Drown of tho Ii. & M. dispatcher's olllco has returned nfter n several weeks' pleasant sojourn In Denver. A party of young .coplo chaperoned by Mrs. Coffroth will go down to Crete Wednes day for a ten days' picnic. Mr. and Mrs. 11. A. Hhlpmuu of Omaha were the Kitcts of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kvans last Hunday. Mrs. Charles K. Ilurtoii and son have re turned homo after n visit of some length at Akron, Ohio. Supt. C. K. Yates and Hon. H. II. Oukloy loft this city Thursday to Join their families at Mnnltou. Mrs. J. II. Corrlck returned homo Ttiesdny after an enjoyable vlsitat Ottumwa, Iowa. Mr. H. M. Melick and wife returned Wednesday from their stay at Hplrit Inke. C. K. Mngoon returned Thursday from n short sojourn at Luke Mlmietonkn, Minn. Win. linker and 15. G. Watson of Friend, were among tlio Lincoln callers this week. Monday night was an unusual one for Lin coln In tho matter of births and deaths. Miss Myrtle Mann left tho city Thursday for a visit with friends In I'lattMiiouth. Hoiaeo Holbroke was n D. & M. passenger Thursday bound for Salem, Oregon. Charles Hammond wended his way to Halt Lake City tho foto part of tho week. Mr. K. H. and Miss Lottio Grist went to HotSprlngs, 8. D., last Wednesday. Henry Iloyer and wlfo went to Hica yes terday to visit lelatlves for a week. M. W. Folsom was a Burlington jwissenger Wednesday on Ids way to Chicago Dr. Holyoko and wife have returned from a week's visit with friends in Iowa. Mrs. T. E. Thomas has returned from a several months' stay at Ijicoii, 111. Col. K. I). Webster of Stratton, was In tho city several days during th week. Miss Ada Heatou went ro Ashland Thursday to visit friends for a short time. Hon. John C. Watson of Nebraska City, was a Lincoln visitor this week. Kugeuo Heatou left for Albany, N. Y., Inst Sunday for an ludelluito stay. County Attorney Stearns and wlfo went to Monmouth, III., Thursday. W. M. Hook wont to Rochester. N. Y., last Tuoiday on a business trip. Hon. John A. Dempster, of Genovn, was in Lincoln during the wink. T. F Dimes went to Washington, D. C. last Sunday on business. Dr. Wlnnett and wife are enjoying a sum mer catiou at Denver. J. D Wndsworth and wlfo went to Denver last Thursday morning. H. K. Bailey went to Chicago hut Tuesday on a business trip. C. C Mmison was in Kansas City a few days this week. Sirs, Low Is A. Bowers is visiting at Port. luud, Oregon. Truman Libby wont to Minneapolis, Minn.. last Monday. H. II. Branch went to Quincy, III.. Wednesday. Miss Cora Outcalt left Monday for New York City. K. L. Viekars was in Newcastle a fow days this week. Mrs. A. K. Alter is visiting at Hock Island Illinois. A. Abbott was In Des Moines this week. Win. Lellerdlnk is in Ht Paul, Minn K. M. Iong Is In Denver "WhiiI" Ails for tlit. Journal, In order to servo tho convenience of Its jmtrons who may wish to uso tho "want" col umns of tho Journal the ContiKU oIUim will receive such advertisements at the regular rates and trnuomit them totho.onrnii? I.-INTRODUOTION. :JJ Written expressly for Tho American PrcM Association. By T. L. YOUNG. - aggsjgsg yu rnX:jli d-i-J-4-J-J-fJ -r rf--n -" . "g ' I' M PP iltttcatammlt. m. SBS5 1 r .... 35: :r :. :( j. j. . f-p. .. b - ,. i-l-psrj.i:rrgsgl v '" J '" v ,-. 111 . .... U tr -w ) -m- -gilm- tT-m- -m- --J-0- w J-S- m -J-w m yya5rp;p&3 ma ... i Uirfatoilrpp IUiii ) g J. : . j hg- a. m. a 2 3 I I. 5 "' fit a . .- -. e- a fe . . . immmmmmmmmmmm-m ii- - r i rUarti, . - nuii. j turmiw h : u m- ' S7TT3rir-rr-i -a l-ll r -r Y-r- - w u i -ij j i j i -r j - i fe & K pqr5cSWE : rrcrf, i j ' - 3 2 3 " 3 3 ii T- r r r -r -m t m- m. fe . BFfr 5 ; Hi J 0U m. & S. '3 ' ' 3 b III. Wmme nvii iflffnn i tnmn i nrmrt mmw 1 3 3 mimmmM ggc--l3E3S5gjg i 1 lji-i a.-' A Pll 3 3 3 mmrmmsmimmm mmmmm !fc-rtgr ;i:5r 1 7 il sta ., ' " 3 3 3 " FINALE. 51 M. xr . rX-i mms PP Ht. - y,SJ , m.r pfr gS-g- g: erfeHtggg EE1ZE ISES 1 i lr 3 " if - - -t . - ? SJS . m . :: 3 3 $ 3 dun a , g 4 W4 I .gj-tTl 16 Ontfra w :r ' i -a- arW erne if " 4- (pjrrt;bt, 18M. by John da Witt. Telephone 176 W yHBIKaflBSHH jfr V -r 'f OFFIOE: 1024 0 Street Moving Household Goods and Pianos a Specialty. i