' V .M. CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, AUGUST 9, 1890 y msr Most Popular Resort in the City. Exposition Dining Hall, S. J. ODELL, Manaork. -o 119, 1 12 1 and 1123 N Street. o Meals 25 els, $4-50 per Week. AMAZING OFFER WE ARE GIVING AWAY T H Complete Works of Shakespeare Comprising hiB Plays, Sonnots and Pooms, with tho noted profaoo, by DR. JOHNSON. a aLomnr and an aooount or baoh i-lat dt the REV. WM. HARNESS, M. A., of Christ Collogo, Cambridge England HBM TO EACH SUIJSCRII1EH OF THIS l'Al'Ell FREE TERMS- Wc will give each subscriber a copy subscription to the paper This is the greatest legitimate premium offer ever made, and is possible only, be cause, in this age of invention, with its improved printing machinery and rnctl ods, the cost of production in large quantities has been reduced. This book is a wonder of typography. It is beautifully bound in rich cloih, extra, with artistic stamp in gold on side and back. The book contains 926 PHGES, Size, 8 inches wide, 1 1 Inches long and 3 Inches thick. It is embellished with a portrait of the author from the celebrated Chandos Picture, engraved on steel. It has other numerous illustrations. No description can do justice to this magnificent premium. It must be seen to be appreciated. It is no cheap or commonplace production, but, on the contrary, a book that its owner will have every reason to be proud of; the most suitable thing in the world for a present; a volume that will embellish any library or center table in the land. Wc expect every one who knows and appreciates a good thing, to respond at once to this extraordinary offer. When you have the book and your neighbors see it, they will also want it. We will give the book and one year's subscription to our paper to any person sending us $2.50. Old subscribers who have already paid for their paper, and who send us 52.50, will receive the book and have their subscriptions extended one year from the date of their present expiration. Note ir the book linn to be Ment by mnll or expreHH, add 5 cent to the remittance to cover cont of tranHportatlon. 100 Engraved And Copper Plate, for $2.50. If you have a Plate, we will furnish 100Cards . from same, at $1.50. WESSEL PRINTING CO. Courier Offico. Tolephona 253. B (OLD Oil NEW) UPON THE FOLLOWINO of this $5.00 book and a year's for 2. x in advance. Callng Cards ft." 1 134 N Street VMl ANVIL TO ALTAk" THE REMARKABLE CAREER OF A WELL KNOWN PULPIT ORATOR. nilirp.ru if Iter. Hubert Colljrr it lln Appear hi tliti 1'iilplt, In III Ntudy ii nil nt 111. Itonip A Own Old Arc Hprnt In At'llvn Work. Copyright by American I'rrm Asroclntion. When, Inst December, Inatln the Church of tho Mivvtluh mill looked on tho enriimt faces that went asiemlied there to pny tliu ltKV IIOIICIIT COI.LVKII. Inst tribute of respect to tho frail body of Oliver Johnson, t lit) famous nliolltliinlHt, tho nceno whs an Imprestdvu one. As tho sail notes of Shiihcrt'H o.ulsltu "Lust OreetliiK" (lieil nwny Iloliert ('oll)er rose, and In touching and eloquent latnmiiKo re ferred to the virtues of his dead friend. Thero was tut trick of eloquence nnd no straining after dramatic .'fleet, but lieforo lio had said many words most of the ladies present wero weeplnj? bitterly and the ejes of tho men wero dim with emotion. As the eloquent old man with his lino leonli,e head anil splenillii virility closed his ad j dresrt with poetic peroration It occurred to mo mat no do tier lines count Do applleil to him than thoso which he lavished on tho man whoso funcrnl oration ho uttered: Tlioso heroes who eoiild Krnndly do As tlicy could greatly dare, A xeMuti xery ulnrltius Their Ktilnliift Kplrit wenr. Of nubia tlt-cil, OimI rIo ns Kmce That wo may himj them fneo In (acs In thu Brent day that comet iiico. Tho homo lifo of Rohert Collyer bhick rtmtth, preacher, reformer Is In perfect consonance with tho .simple character of tho man. When I HtiKKcstcd to lihn that I would llko to gather together Mime Items of his dome.stlo hours ho wiote, "Coino biiino forenoon to Room 1'.', Holland htiilil Iiik. Fortieth street ami Uroiidwny, early In tho week and let's talk It over." Hero, I hen, In Itoom l'J Is Hobert Collyer's library mid study. Hero he writes his sermons and his honksnntl iitteuilstohis correspon dence. Ho ho ever mi busy a cheery "Como I In" will answer your knock at tho door. liiuiinjui ii iitll- film unri'rilll, llll! Willi liellif,' lined with well filled bookshelves, uImivu which hangs an occasional portrait or other picture. The furniture is com fortable and substantial, but plain. Seated In an armchair at his largo writing tublo -ll t- rV&r -i . .- 1M 'OTi? '". ?' A VIKW OK TIIK COI.LYKIt HOME. Is the owner of the voice which uttered tho cheerful greeting. Tho casual visitor will llnd him friendly anil courteous, but not effusive. Tho strong humanity pervading tho man puts ono at his ease at once, whllo with old friends ho is genial and hearty and an alto gether delightful companion. He has a keen relish for fun and n hearty laugh that 19 irresistibly contagious. Thero are evidences about the room of frequent vis Its to Kngland and his early Yorkshire home, where as a blacksmith's apprentice, with a Iniok in ono hand and a hammer in tho other, ho was working out his destiny, whllo In a cottago not very far away tho bisters Hroute, all unknown to him, wero In their sad and beautiful way weaving tho fateful thread that binds them to tho world. Although IW years old Hobert Collyer does not show any sign of decadence. His splen did physique, dcveloicd by tho rugged life of tho Kugllsh smith and tho American hammer maker, has stood him In good stead. Tho mark of time makes Itself known in tho silvery whiteness of his hair, but has laid no sign of weakness on tho strong and massive face. "This Is my workshop," said ho to mo, "For about three years I have followed tho present arrangement. My homo lifo Is spent in our apartments at tho Strath more, while In this study I do my work." Here, then, is spent a largo portion of what may properly Imj termed Hobort Cpll- 'I' ? MrL ' 1IIK I'ltKACIlCIt IX HIS STUIV. yer's hiiiue life. In the afternoon ami evening lie is to ho found In tho pleasant series of rooms on the eighth floor of thu Stiathmoie, tho hanilsouio apartment house that stands on Hroailway at Fifty second street, where ho lives with his wife and sister. Mrs. Collyer is too delicate for housekeeping cares, and finds tho present nwdo of living preferable to tho anxiety of kwping up a hotifio of bur own, In theso esC r ' n. ; . --r-ih &;v rail I m vAS Xi rH' ml K1Ui t-K - ZJLJ) -" l tastefully furnished room ITobprt Collyer entertains his friends and Intimates, An excellent and lifelike portrait of himself In crayon adorns tho walls, amid picture of graceful scenes In this country and F.u rope. The btic-a-braonnd articles of ertu scattered hero and thero give Indication of those frequent trips abroad of which tho pastor of the Church of tho Messiah Is so fond. Kugllsh scenes, amid which ho was Isirn and reared, havo evidently a strong hold on his affections. Tho man or woman who, seated among those pleasant surroundings, can get Hob ert Collyer to talk of himself will find that ho or she has opened a rich vein of deep Interest Ills has not been tho couwii tlonal lifo of the clergyman. ills grandfather was n Kugllsh sailor, who In oliedlonco to Nelson's signal that "Kngland expects every man to do his duty," laid down his life at tho battle of Trafalgar Iloliert Coll) or does not trouble, himself to trace his llucngo further back than that hero. Ills father was a Yorkshire blacksmith, and n good one. Whatever could be done With Iron In those days ho could do. lie was a kindly man and earned eighteen shillings a week. Holiert always refers to his father Ilia touo of affectionate regard. "Ho never thrashed mo but once," said he "for striking my sister and then cried because I Mould not oil, begged my par ilou, gave me sixpence and took mo to a grand 'tuck out' at a club dinner, which was so good that 1 would havo taken an other thrashing for tho llko." Them was a klndhearled blacksmith for a father! Tho rider Coll) or was an athletlo man, fond of his pipe, his beer and his children. In 1814 ho dropped dead at his anvil, Mrs, Collyer, Hubert's mother, I find thus deserlls'il by Moncuro Conway, who lsltoil her near IatiIs In 187b "Sho Is a blonde, beautiful old lady of about 77, with a gentle blue eye and a certain play of hu mor about eye and mouth which left mo at no loss to know whero her son got Ids love of fun. Her voice was clear and kind and her manner In receiving an old friend of her son most cordial." From this sturdy father and gentle mother Hobert Collyer Inherited thoso sterling qualities which havo Iwen of great service to him in his long and useful career. From his parents ho received good princi ples and a flue ph)s!quo; his education he ' r wiicitt: tin: nor iii.ACKHMini i.ivkii. gavo himself. Ills father's library consist ed of four hooks only the Hlble, Hun van's "Pilgrim's Progiess," the "Young Man's Companion" and "Hoblusoii Cru soe." From thissmall nucleus he acquired n ) earning for knowledge and a strong love of literature. From his Hroailway homo overlooking tills vast city, three-quarters of a mile from his handsome church, sur rounded by hookp and evidences of refine ment ami culture, his thoughts, he says, frequently span the vast Atlantic and cen ter on the spot whero stood that humble Yorkshire home where ho eagerly de voured tho contents of thoso four hooks, and afterward went to school four years In all to it man nt Fowston, named Willie Hanlie, whoso principal claim to scholar ship lay in tho fact that ho had lost tho use of his legs. In those tlays Hubert's favor ite Isjoks wero tho Hlblo and "Hoblnsou Crusoe." It Is possible that they tiro so to day. Of a strongly religious temiierament, thu young blacksmith took to preaching. Iu those days his mother had never heard him preach, as sho did not reside at Ilk'ley, where Hobort was apprenticed to tho old emplo)erof his father. That he was dlfll dent andsensltlvoat that time Is evidenced by the fact that he used to say that if his mother should como In whllo ho was preaching ho was sure ho should stop short. Then, tho day after his marriage, came tho emigration to America, which meant a month of discomfort on tho water, during which time ho frequently preached to his fellow voyagers; his arrival hero and find ing work iu Pennsylvania as a hammer maker; his preaching and working ami friendship for Lucretia Mott and her school of thinkers. Then came his change of views and final severance from tho Methodist church. Having taken up tho anti-slavery cause with earnest enthusiasm, ho fought for It with his fellow workers to thu end. Ho was active In tho political campaigns, to tho end that slavery should lie nbollshed. In ISM he united with the Unitarian church, and going to Chicago became u missionary of thu church In that city, where, In 18W, ho became the minis tor of Unity church, which, lieginning with seven- members, gradually grow Into a powerful congregation under his earnest preaching. Iu IN11 this active man wits camp inspec tor for tho sanitary commission. Hy this tiino his reputo as a Uacher and speaker had extended over the country. In Sep temlier, lb7l, ho became pastor of the Church of tho Messiah, New York, and at once became widely popular. As we sit Iu his pleasant room Hobort Collyer touches lightly on thoso things which relate to himself and hlsworks. He is, however, fond of relating iucidonts of his trips abroad. Ho hits revisited Kngland five times since ISM, each time with In creasing Interest, and has traveled In other parts ot Kurow. When.nftoranhour'seonversatlon.Itnke my leave and find myself standing in tip per Hroailway awaiting a car, tho Impres sion i strong upon mo that I havo Just left the preseneo of a rugged, manly char actor and a remarkable man. F. O. I)E FO.VTAIXB. A collection of glass flowers, mado by a secret process by a Dresden firm, anil rep resenting all thu families of plants In Noith America, will soon adorn tho hotanl tal shelves of Harvard university. Nearly 400 specimens have already la-en received, and they aio said to bo very beautiful. Tho full uaino of Lord Dunln, who failed to get a divorce from his wife, Hello Hilton, thocomvrt hall singer, is William Fred crick lo Poor Trench. Tho nrlnclnal dntv of tho rnlWn nr.l. dent In these days, says Hov. Dr. Storrs, is to get money for tho college. No. ilOl, NiliniTlrul lliilutnit. My w hole Is a proverb of :) letters. My t, n, 13, 17 is a hard tumor. My I, II, 7, !il, li, !J0ls to shako. My 10,!!, (1, 18, t Is to Impel. My'.'l, HI, 10 Is to cut. . . My'JH, l !) Is to decay. ' '-' My n, Hi, IM, aa Is a tumult. . , n My !, 8, !7, 1 1 aro bullet. My 2,1 U a vo'vel, e mvv" ir -.. A'o, yO'J. A IMt-tliHi. To whfilo or Irtut -Hint ciiumsl the utrlfo Hotnts-n .tiihn llimmnn ami his wife; For John, a s-aisahlo hit-iid Inner, Had hrotiifht a chicken homo for dinner, And lillo In tho kitchen looking, !'.iniwotl hU prrfrretiro for tho cooking "You must m linli! It," Mid John lion-man. "I III Inst It," said thn unman, "I III not iiit It if you Inst It, Hut thniiiKh tint window I rant It," Hnld tho lumhaiiil In loud olce. UaldMnt. Il.i "I'll hao my choice, And 1 "mild sooner talto a llt-kln' TIhiii ntyonr lilililln wholo tho chicken." HrtVnld no mon' Him Knltusl tho day, Which priires the ndnip, I should say, That women alivajn haro their wny, Tho Inforetico ho may further draw Tlint every woman's lll U law. No. UO.-I, lliu hi Author. 1. Thorn havo been vandals who wero willing to rob urns of their sacred ashes. !!. This Is his cottago who wrote tho "Lady of the Lake." !l. Wo brought from Aleppo pears and pistachio nuts. No. SOJ. llli.Miit'd Wo ill Nullum. My Hot means toselnor In hold with thn hand) To tako forced xisstsloii of chattels or land. My second's n term In arithmetic usl, And oil with prtiKirtliin Its meanliiK's ronfnied. My thlnl Is lo expiate, makn an amend; To make reuiration to fun or to friend, My fourth Is a trigonometrical won). And often tilth corlness 'lis coupled and heard. My fifth Is it Klfl tlilch few -raoii imissi-ss No moro h III I tell you, hut lea o you to Kuess. No. !l.1, lltdiiis for I, Ittlo 1'olks. "ever waste No. aim. A Letter lule. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 1 'J !l 1 .') (17 8 II 10 11 l'J III 11 15 Tho fifteen circles tepresent tho fifteen letters of the alphabet which can bo formed by straight lines. Tho words niiiko a sen tence referring to these letters. fi represents a personal pronoun. 10, -J, 0, II, 0, "to have an idea." 13, 2, a personal pronoun. 4, 1, ll,!!,a verb lu frequent use, denoting possession. 10, -4, 2, 8, a personal pronoun. 1, 7, 7, an adjective. !), B, 11, 1, 7, 7, 14, "at last." S, 11, !!. II, "level," "smooth," "equal." in, a prefix denoting "post." 15, Hutch word for "sea." No. SJ07, Half Hiiunre. 1. Took a winding course. !!. Effort, a. Charged on oath. 4. A plant with neither stamens nor pistils. 5. Ventured. (J. At any time. 7. A twig. 8. A stifllx. l. A letter. No. MOM. Central Acrostic. Tho wonls descrllied nro of uuequal length, but when rightly guessed tho Ini tial letters will all be tho same, and tho central letters will spell tho namo of an American poet. Crass words: 1. Thoso who carry. 2. Ho Heves. 3. A kind of parrot found in thu Philippine islands. 4. Troops that serve on horfchack. 5. Grows smaller. 0. A wading bird. 7. A division of a Ixxik. 8. A kind of pleasure carriage. 0, To sear with a hot Iron. Nti. aot). Inltlul CliuiiKea. Change thu initial of n deceiver, and make a place of entertainment; Of a suite, nnd make a kind of writ or action; Of to derogate, and make to recant; Of small con Is to fasten sails, and make small Isixes for jewels; Of a plank next to a ship's keel, and make a river fish. Of a reading, and mako thu act ot cut ting. No. a 10. IlelienillllK. Of letters five 1 am coinKsed, A food within mo is Inclosed; Hehead mo onto and I'll reveal What lazy eoplu hato to feel; Hehead ngalu and jou will know What oery day you havo to tlo; Again Is-head mo and you'll see A preposition I will ls. .Modern Vvralona. People no longer laugh they Indulge In merriment. They don't walk they prome nade; t hey never eat any food i e) par take of refreshment. Nolxxly has a tooth pulled out It is extracted. No ono has Ids feeliugs hurt they aro lacerated Young men tlo not go courting tho girls they pay tho young ladies great attention It is vulgar to visit any one you must only make a call. Of course you would not think of going to lied you would retire to rest or seek )oiir pillow. Nor would you build a house you would erect it. n njiw o Ls u 1(f) to the l'urtler. No. 105 -A Hhombold: P L A I I) T F. A H S T It E N T C II O It I) P O K T S No. UK). An HourHlass: Centrals, tilai'. tt.i.ie. Crosswords: 1, Struggles; 3, l Stir land. 3, Hland. 4, Ode; 0, : U. lte; 7, Stone. S Corners, 0, Expressly. N' 107 Transpositions 1, Calm, clam; 2, Salt, last, 3, Spot, tops; 4, m, awl, ft, Save. asf, ii, Fits, list, 7, Sneak, snake; 8, East, seat. '., Flesh, shelf. No W Double letter Enigma: Wax End No. 10". A Piuidlng Story: l.tssa, Ml- inn, Moon, Auburn, Hue, Amber, Hluek, Hod Wing, Organ. Orange, Coffey, Golden Horn, Asp-in-wall, Peking. No. Sou-Curtailment Poet, Poe, Po, P. NOWS' THE TIME TO I'l.ACK YOUK OHDUIt FOIl House Decorations! Where they will iccelvc prompt attention and skillful workmanship. Call on S. E. MOORE,, anil see bin line of Flue Paper Hangings, 1 104 O STREET Sole Agcnc.v for The Sherwin-Williams Co.'s Palnt.i Roberts & Co. 212 North 1 1 tli Street, Undertakers andEmbalmers. Telephones Office i f Residence 15ft Open l):t) and Nlglit E. T. ROBERTS, Manager. WESTERFIELDS Palace Bath Shaving PARLORS. Ladies - and - Children's - Hair - Cutting ASPSClAl.TY. COR 12 k () HTS., NEW HURIt IIL'K. Unprecedented Attraction I OVER A MILLION DIBTKIBUTED Louisic.na State Lottery Comn' Incoriioriltetl liV tlio Ieirlsliillirn for Villi- catlnual 1 ml Charitable puriioscs, ltn iiiuiuiiisu niiiut- 11 inri 01 mo iircMcui Htai coiiHtliutlou InlKTU by an ovurwfaolmlnir ikp ularvoto. uml To continue until January 1st, 1895. Its 3-Zaxx3.rn.ctli. Sravrlxtra tako Hlml-Aiiniiiilly, r.lunii anil Di-ceiniTiT), unit ItsOHAND 8IN0LU NUMDER URAWINQ8 Uka pliicolliencli or tint oilier ten months of tlio jciir, anil are all draw lu public, at tliu Acad emy or .Music, New Orleans, iM. i'ami:i ran twiintv vimus, tor Interlty of Iti DrawlnuH ami Prompt ruyment of 1'rlzcn, uttcsteil an follow : "Wo ilo lioreby certify that wo MiHrvlM ho arrauKumiiutN for all the Monthly ana He-nil Annual Dnmlnifi of Tho UmlNlunii Htiite lottery Couipiuiy. ana lu person niun iikk and control iho IlrawliiKH tliemHolvcH, nuil thin tho sniun are conducted with hon esty fiilrnt-sH, anil lu kimhI faith toward all imrtlt-H, mid we nut horlro tho Con.pany to um this certificate, with fac-HlmlllcsorouriilKna-uroH ntlachcU, In Its aavortUumontM." vLtajfipTiffH Commisglencni. We, tho uuilcralKiieit Hanks nnd Ilaiikorn will pay all prizeit drawn lu tho LouhUana Htato lxitturles, which limy bo presented, ut ourcQimtnrs. H. M.VaI.MSI.KY. I'roi. IxiiilHlaua Nnt Il'lc i'lKHKK I.ANAUX, l'res.Htatt) National H'k A. IIAI.DWIN, l'res. Now Orleans Natl Duulc OAHI. KOIIN, l'res. Union National lluuk Crand Monthly Drawing, At the Academy of Moilo, New Orleans, Tneiday, Anguit 12, 1800. CAPITAL PRIZE, $300,000 10O,(JOOTIckPtitnt ISO each: Halvci 110; Qunr trr 15; Truth l Twentieth 1. I.tHTOK 1-llIZKH. iiMti.Kopi.ino,iu)u imouu I IltIKOKtn,0lMI I0O.UJO 1 I'UI.K OK 6O.C00I 600U0 I l'lti.K ok sviuii laouo 8 1MU.KSOK lO.uuuaro at.ouo MMtlZKH OK 6,iMilnnt 2V(MJ 211lll.i:rtOK l.UK)nro 'iiiwo lOUPItl.KSOK flUOaro MllU '.) I'ltlKHOK Wnre IWUD WJl'HIZi:.SOK a) aro 1W0UO AI'I'ltOXIMATIO.V 1'KIZKS. 100 l'rlien of YJ0 are 130,000 IU) tlo. nmlare aO.Ouu IW) tlo. aw are a,ou) TKIIMIN.W. I-IIIZKM. tiOll lrlze if l at e WSXM WJ Prize of llrt) aro (V,tM) .'t.KII Prize lllllolllltlllK to Sl,034,flOO NoTL-TlcketNilrawlmr Capltnl Pilzes aro not entltlei' to terminal 1'rlzt. AGENTS -VJ'A.iTTttJD UfVw I'lub Kate or nny further Informa Hun ileMred, write leulbly to the uudurslif netl, clearly Htatluir joiir ri-Hlilimce, with State. County. Htreet nml Number. Moro rapid re turn mall delivery will lio assured by vnureu rloKliiK an Kiiv1oh bearlnif jour mil ad- IMPORTANT! Address M A.l)AlM'HIN, nrM.A.nAlM.HIN. Kpw 0". WashlliKtoii, I). C lly onllnary letter contaliilm; Mni.e r iler losiied by all Kpri'HS Coinpaules, Now ork i:i-lut 'in.-, Dralt 01 l'mtal Noto. Address Registered Letters containing Currency to NKW OHI.KANh NATIONAL HANK. New Oilcan, I.a. UKMKMIIKU Hint the pim-nt cliuiter ot 'Ibe 1-oiiUliiim tstnii- l.ollory CoioimoN.wliU'li the Sfl'ltl.Mi: i-OI'KT Ol-- Tlll l: k ha" ilicldfd to be a I'tJNTHACT wit i the Mate of Louisiana nml pnrt nr the Constitution of thu State. Iiollf NOT explro I'NTII. TIIK KlItKr OK JANl'AUY, W. The IA-Klslntiire of l.ouUlauii, which ail Jouriieil mi thelmli nf Inlv ol this ytur, has ordered nn AMKND.MKNT to the CtiiiMltu tlou of Iho State to be subuiitteil to the l'eoplu at an elt-ellon In WO. which will enrrvtho !:.l.'l,.r.,.,:r nf.'""' i.oiisiana stati: Lot. TKKN IllMltl 1) AND NINH'KKN