m ltd mii WaaZTrt m ttmuMmtttrnm, .cm J a ki-SAJLJL. .A-i-LU-lVlX. iV . ...,1.,0U.UUVJjmvj, l H.l.l ,.K ! jl i3n nJMi.lMT.ff IliS aM X- 1 atfi -art iMH mWmwliWi h,, ,iwt m ,fa. . , - . -nrtirtu i -t- -in- ii. .1-1 ". ., , .,.,.. w rt-w J.lllJfSBfi ir" - CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, AUGUST 9, 1890 JL A:m I S a ' ? Ki ' rj: ?i w H M "MONARCH" Gasoline Stoves. "SIBERIA Refrigerators. White Mountain ' Freezers. Screen Doors, Screen Windows, Screen Wire Frank E. Lachr, 936QP Street. North Side Postollice Square Cushman Park AraOMOEMEMS JACK RABBITS GREYHOUNDS On tho now coursing track laid out for this express purpose, AH dog entered free Tor the race. Race begin nt 4:90. Prizes, $500 Ktrat appcarnnoo of South Lincoln Hand, Full orchestra for nil day freo. Train leave atU;) p. m.nnit h'X p. in. Re turn after tho races or before 8 p. in. Admission to rnces nml nil cntortalnuienta 23 cents per person, children lOeentM. Sunday, Aug. 10. King Holoman'a favorlts iporl, tho great Jack Itabblt ltacc. The Military JJnud. Train ul 10:3) a. in., 2 p. in., ;l:30 p. m. ami 5:!p. in. llotnriu at 3 p. in., a p. in., a p. ro.nntSp. in. Wednesday Aug. 13, Grocers' Outing Train at 10:30 a. in., 2 p. in., t:2J p. in., anil 7 p. in. lleturna nt S p. m., 7:30 p.m. ami II p. nr NOW IN NEW QUARTERS ! Lincoln Trunk Factory 1133 O ST O ST. Where we will be glad to see all old friends and customer and as many new ones as can get Into the store. WIRICK 8c HOPPER. LWCOLN wpr avd Msrrnn or rumsiiur. Sbortbsvi!, anil Typewriting. U the brt and Itrvrat Culltge In Um Wnt. ) Htudents In altemUiu lui year. Ssujtnts prepared tor butlucw In from J lot snoots. Kiprrlonced faculty. lrroaallnlnicllon, HMawul Miitmtt cataloiie. oollrce JournaU, and apoliMsa;f pcamatublp, sonl tn by adamulnc PLUHUIX1E ROOSK, Uaooln, Nab. T-JStmJUmJI bsSbkssmsbw Ws' ' 5y Fs,'!itf'IUBjdKB H fjfrf? ( Js MM Qwimywt l Munim' liiter of .Vixfrni Timts. Huimciitnio.M Ono Year by Mall or Curried fid); Hlx Months, fl.00Tlirco Month", Mc. Ono inontli 80 Cents Invnrably In Advance, AovcnTiRKMKKTm Itntc I iirnMied on application At the office. Hieelal rate on Time Contracts. OoNTninuTloNm Bhort spicy skelclio, povm ami atorie solicited. Personal nnd Hoclal note am especially desirable, PniMTito: We tunkn a specialty of Kino Printing In nil II branches. Hoelety work a specialty. Published Suturdny Addre nil eoiiiiiiiitucalluns direct to the olllce. WlCHNlCL, PKINTINQ Co., 1-UIII.IHllKHH. Courier Building, ll.TJ N Htrect. T ki.kphomc iVi Ii. Wkhmkl, Jit., Editor nnd 8olo Piuprletor. FllKt) llKMZIKOKtl, .tMOClnto Killtor, POPULATION OF LINCOLN, 65,000. Oil, Lincoln I Retting there I Tho Ilopiili Ik'Mi ntnto committee has decided tolocnto IU hcndipinrtcrH here, ami Oiimlin mourn ltd lo. Thl In tho proper thing to do, for Lin coln I tlni imlltlcnl center of tho Btnto. TllK drought In tho went linn been of great dnmngo to tho fnrmcr, lint tnnny "peculator linvo ninde money out of It. Ono Lincoln young nmn him rnkod In 300 during tho past week, operating througli two local firm. Joint debute are tho fnshfounblo tiling In political clrcloi thl year. A. O. Wolfeubar gcrof till city nml A. C. Heed of Omaha will havo n wrestle of word ovor prohibition at Boyd' opera liouw In Omaha August 31st. Tiik CouiiiKH'ri mention of a chumo to turn tho unit basin into n lake ha Mtirred up n lively Intercut In tho matter, nud tho dnllle of the past week havo hnd many article on the subject. Lending citizen nro quoted a fnvorlng tho scheme, nml it really ought to lo n go. Ah tho hanks of u city nro mi index to tho volume of it business It i right to the oiut to note that two new banking concern nro Mug organized in Lincoln. The Lombard Investment company Is back of one, and it will occupy the rcom recently vacated by Poehltr, the baker. Tiik school building of the city nre a pret ty good Index of tho growth mid prosperity of tho place. Lincoln is not afraid to coin pnro licra with those of nny city of its lzo, nml It la Blgnllknnt that the bonnl of educa tion contemplate erecting two more build ing, ono nt Kintt nud K street and the other nt Tenth nml Z. The Omahn lire ha iimde a cnuvns of tho ftnto and 11 ml that last year there were 850, licensed liquor establishments: saloons, brew eries and distilleries. The state derived n revenue of $750,818 from them. The report caiuo from 231 Incorporated town nud cities (there nro but 2X1 in tho state) nud soveuty elght of them nlout ono In every threore ort no saloon. The Joiimnf has an Omaha correspondent with a lively imaginative. Every few day ho has n new guess about the Omaha lleimbli- can. The latest U that W. Morton Smith will start n new prohibition daily on the re mains, but that gentleman has no such inten tions. The old i ; ii W (Villi plant is plastered with mortgage and attachments beyond resurrection. A veiiy unusual demand has been mado on the city, tho Lincoln Knitting Mill company having put in a claim for $40,000 damages on account of the recent burning of its property. The company charges that the lira depart ment were an hour and three-quarters In re sponding to tho call, and claims that if they had turned out promptly with the steamer they could havo saved the main building. The city council has appointed a committee to investigate the charge against Chief New berry. The "wild west" business has received a knock dowu blow from tho government. The Indian commissioner at Wusnlugtoii has de cided that no more permits will be issued for Indiana to leave their reservations to join such troup. The Ogallalla Sioux who wen to Europe with Dr. Carver have been malt treated, and there is some complaint from llulTalo Bill's camp. It is said some of then) poor devils have been halt starved as well as cruelly treated. They have also been allow ed to consort with the lowest classes of Kuropcnnd become diseased. The execution of Kemuiler by electricity is likely o Hood th uonspapers with discus slon about tho pulnfulneas and the pain lessness of the operation. To make an inter esting account of the execution the press re porters used their lively imaginations, and the so-called horror of the affair, probably, was largely in their mind's eye. Uut why Insist ou legal murder as au expiation for crime Would not all purpose be served fully as well by Imprisonment for life? Tho world Is beomlng more humane in every thing but Its punishment of murderers. Why retain that blot In our civilization! At the City Council meeting Tuesday, Frank Caldwell, paving lniector, was re lieved from duty. It was charged that he hired other mentodohls work and divided the salary with them. The various commit tees were instrui ted to mnko up n lilt of sup plies netdod for the ensuing year, and here after they will bo furnished by tho lowest bidder, The long contest over avlng was ended. The brick paving was awarded to Fitzgerald, Lanunm & McClay; tho block paving to Mas3n and McDonald, nud tho' curbing to J, A. HuckstafT. Lincoln will now resume Its old gait on public improvements. UNCOLN'8 ABSENTEES. A I.lt of I.tneolulte Abriuiil unit Wlmrn They are .SiimmerliiK. Tho CouiiiKit will uteem It n fnvnr it It friend will n"lt In keeping the following list of Rummer nbontee full nud correct. Wo will bo Kind to mid iiiitue to tho list, but iiIkivh nil let u know when theso tourist re turn. Sidney Mis Alta Lantz. Knvcnnn Mr. Duke Heall. England Mm, K. A. Illun. Montreal, Can. H. (loodrlch, Topeka-MN Lillian Hterllni;. Lovelaud, Oil. George Smith. Momenco, III. I'liif, (llliemilt, Atchison Mis Fanny lllniord. Whitehall, III. Ii-. O. V. Ln.ld. Whlto Jlotmtaln-i:, II. Well. Orecloy, Col.-Mr. A. L. (Julie. Elmwnod, III. Ml Maria lloio. Pittsburg-Lieut T. W. (Irllllth. rhllnihlihla-MrH, L. W. Ames. Dorchester, Mush. S, II. Ilrown. (Irntid Island Mi Nellie White. Mndlwii, Neb. Mr, J. I). Hood. Hcrniitoii,l'u. Mi. S. T. Daykiu. Iluiralo, N. Y.-MIs Julia Smith. Sltkn, Alnskn Illchnnl D. Miller. Do Moines Mis Margaret Halnl. Marsoillo, III. Mis Llzzlo Ilond. City of Mexico Anion HuckstnlL Sandwich, III Mr. C. S. Hopper. (Irnham, W. a. Ml Ida Young. Ilrok'Mi How Mis Almeua Parker, lloehestvr, N. Y. Mi Cora Hardy. Urlmim, Ohio Mis Alice Mnltlund. Omalia Mr. E. Motz and children. Nnnanlmo, Wnh, H. F. Southwell. Cnstllo, N. Y. MIh Mary A. Smith. Portland, Mo. 11. E. Iiowl and non. Cleveland, O. Ml Lulu (Irunlnger. IikeOoorge, N. Y, MNs Alice Orr. Marietta, O. Mr. Dr. Charles Hart. Jametown, N. I), Miss Lolllo Smith, Pnlmer Lake, Col. Mr. A. M. Hnhil. Idaho John rC. Stout, John Fairfield. Pike, N. Y.,-Freil Willinm and wife. Osage, Iown Mr. P. V, M. Hayinond. Nantucket, It. I. E. Hnllett nud wife. Aiincoudn, Montana Mrs. M. Harris. Milwaukee Carl C. Iantr. and family. Davenport, IouMIm Minnie Mnteer. Minnesota A. E. Kennard nud wife. Olenwood Spring, Col. John Zehnmg, Onlcsburg, III. Mis Eleanor William, lllalne, Knn. W. 11. Taylor and family. Philadelphia Sam Herschlernuil family. Evnnsvllle, Iml. K. 11. Nlilictt nml wife. Allmny, N. Y. Mis Sarah Wool Moore. Lyons, N. Y. Mr. H. M. Lyon nud niece. Swinging round tho circle C. H. Hlchter. Hrooklyn, N. Y. H II. JiolTntt and wife. MawnclniMJtt 11. S. Gordon and wife. Janesvllle, Wl. Mm. A. J. Hlnghaiu and sou. Chicago Mikh Edith Hussell, John C. Hon null. Camping on Like Ctmmpluln Lew Mar shall. With hunting pnrty in Wyoming L. C. Hurr. Hnmiltou, Canadn Jack Stoblm nud sister Maud. Halifax, Nova Scotia J. II. Hurley nud family. Huttlo Creek, Mich. Mrs. II. Zehiuug and family. Iowa Mr. A. J. Caldwell, Mrs. I). P. Cropsey. Heardstcwu, Iowa Mrs. Frank Mayo nud mother. Geneva, N. Y. Mrs. H. M. Simon anil daughter. Olyiupln, Wnsh. Mr. L. C. Hurr nnd daughter. Freeport, III. Mrs. J. W. Meulove and daughter. New York Mrs. C. W. Pomfret nnd daughter. Lake Chautauqua, N. Y., Miss Mnud Hammond. Mineral Point, Wis O. M. LnmbertKon and family. Tomuhawk Lakes, Wis.--Allwrt Wntkins nnd family. Wyoming, camping Mrs. C. 8. Clason and family. Long Pine Chautauqua Miss L. M. Todd, Mrs. 8. Krull. Canada Ho v. Gregory nnd aunt, Mrs. Buck Ingham, Portland, Oregon A. Mnnger, H. A. Hab- cock nnd wife. Nantasket Hoach Capt and Mrs. Hillings ley, J. M. Knox. Georgetown. Col. Mrs. C.G. Dawes, Rev. and Mrs. Curtis. Coldwater, Mich. Misses Louise Smith and Alice Hlghter. "louring Europe A. E. Hargreaves,W.W. Wilson, T. Ewlug. Nantasket Beach Mrs. H. W. Hrown and daughter Florence , Asbury Park, N. Y. Mrs. E. K. Crlley and family, H. 11. Krug. Helena. Mont. M. D. Thurston, A. H. Bar ber, J, F. Morris and family. Wisconsin Mrs. T. J. Curtis and daught er, Eil. Walton, M. F. Van Home. JJayton, Ohio Mitres Jennto and Mary Underwood, Mrs. A. G. Hlllmeyer. Ashland, Wis. Fred Baldwin and family, Mis, W. F. Huffman and children. In British North America, bunting bear Dr. O. F. Lambcrtson, Mark Woods. In tho Rockies John P. Sutton, Jos. J, Condon, Wm. O'Shen, jr., Thomns Meagher. Touring tho northwest Frank M. Hall and wife, Prof. F. F. Rooso nnd wife, Mis Gert rude Marquett Colorndo Geo. R. Tavlor, Mr. nnd Mrs. Worthy Sterns, Frank T. Walton, Mrs. R.A. Hnwley, Mrs. L. E. Stewart. Mllfnrd, Neb., (In camp) J. T. and 8.T. Cochran nnd families, F. Parks nud wife, C. H. Rudgo nnd wife, Miss M, A. Parker, Misses Alden. Estes Park, Col. Carl Funke and v. Ife, L. G. M, Baldwin and fmuily, Supt. Geo. B. Lano and family, Mrs. H. P. Foster and children, Mrs. Espey. St Foul, Minn. Mrs. J. E. EdwanU. A. P. Fair and wife, J. R. Conklin and chlleren, Mrs. John Schmlttel, Mrs. John Fitzgerald and children, Ed. Cagney. Old Point Comfort, Vn. Mrs. A. S. Ray. innnd nnd children, Miss Blanche Hargreaves, Mrs. R. C. Outcnlt and children, Mrs. C. O. Wheedon and children, Mrs. Prof. Little. Boston Mrs. Adolf Weber, Prof Bognall, Fred C. Howe, Gov. and Mr. Thayer, Mrs, Mary Belt, Mrs. II. M, Ersklne and family, Capt, Teeters, Mrs. II. W. KelUy, and Miss Flora Moore. Spirit Lake Miss Maggie English, Miss Claia Carinody, II, P. Liu and family, I, M Raymond nnd family, Mrs. George Ilossol nmn, 8. M. Melick nnd wife, Ell Plumuier and family. Colorndo Spring I Run Brown, Mr. M. C, Coleman, Ml Clnlr Link, J. II. Horton, Mih.J. H, McMurtry nnd dnughter, Mis Tote, T.J. Mlltonlx-rger nnd family, J. M. Eilmlnston nnd wife, Denver Mi. II. C. Youmnii, Mi. M. E. Cnnfleld, Mi. Freil Fiinkn nml dnughter, Mnrtlm, Mr I. M. Bond. Mi. W. W. Wirt, Mi. Hook. .Mr. Ilo,MIIUiitn Alexander, Mr. nud Mr. W. P. Stern. Mnnttou Mr. L. B. Treeinnn and daught er, Mr. T. P. FoNotu, Mrs, Mnry Givgg nud dnughter, Mr. C. A. Wlr-kershnm, Maou Gregg and family, Mr. O. E. Yates, .Mr. C. Thompson, Mis. John B, Wright. Hot Springs, S. D. R. M. Turner nnd wife, Mrs. Nonl Humphrey, Mr. Paul Holm, Mrs. Morris Tinner, A. C. White, J. Farmer and wife, Capt. Bnx mid fninlly, John Steen and wife. Touring the ent J. A. Htnldlesoii nnd wife, Rev. O. A. Wllllnms, Frank unit Oscnr Eastenlay, M. I. Aitkin, Mr. Hard, Ml Gertrude Aitkin, F. W. Helwlg, Mls Molllo Ilelwlg, Mr. J. J ImhofT, T. It. Oadd, J. J. Butler, E. Hallett nud family. Snlt Ijike Geo. Spencer nud family, J. M. Millspnugh and family, .Ins. Spencer mid wife, FrniK Giegg mid wife, Ed. Church, Mrs. J. I). Parish mid daughter. R. T. SyN vniius nnd family, Mr. Jcuo I). Moore, Mrs. Anna Miller, Ml Lonn Gillespie, Mrs. I). G. Courtney, Miss Irenu Wntkln, Henry Ait kin, Mis. N. C. Brock mid daughter. Visiting In vnrioti ))art of state. Many tieoplo linvo dllllculty liifliiillugshoe narrow enough to lit their feet snugly. To nil such It may lw or interest to know thnt Briscoe tho Shoo Mun lu the Kxoiltlon store mnkes a sH3clalty of carrying n full line of narrow width. The attention of Indies Is Invited to tho large and varied niortuicntof shoe mnile by Orny Bros. These manufact urers have au established reputation for mak ing a superior nrticle. Briscoe ha their shoe on common sense, opera nnd medium 0ern Inst. Ho hn welt nnd turned s' oe. In width he cntrle from AA to E. Lndlcs wanting flue nnd durable goods should not fall to call ou Brlicoo. The Lincoln Steam Laundry having re cently chniigeil hands nud undergone many Improvement I now better than ever pre (Mired to execute work lu the very host man ner, promptly mid nt popular price. Mr. A. W. Day tho now proprietor ha adopted n new nud iiupiovcd process for wuihingmid handling garments, by which no blench'ug or Injurious inatf rials nre used: the llueit fabrics such a silks, laces, flounces, llauuel or cotton goods nre lattudrleil in first das manner, without the least damage. One trial will convince the most skeptical that the Lin coln Steam Laundry does thu finest work lu the city. All good called for and delivered. Telephone 1W. On To lloston. On account of the G. A. H. encampment to lie held August IS to 10, tl.o Chicago & At lantic will hell excursion tickets to Boston mid return. Routes Passenger are given their choice of either the following: 1. Vln Chlengo & Attnntlc, I). & H. C. nnd Fitch burg Rys., through the Western Reserve, nlongChnutnuqun hike, througli tho oil nnd coal regions of Pennsylvania and New Yoik, the great Uooac Tunnel, tho cities of Akron, O., Klnilrn, Albany, N. Y., etc. S. Via C. & A., Erie and N. Y. & N. E. Ry., i-amu a route ono to Hlnghnmtnu, N. Y. Beyond these croslngs tho Hudson river at Nowburg, and traversing the stnte of onnectlctit and Rhode Island by daylight pasting through the cities of Hartford, Dan bury and Waterbury, Conn., reaching Boston in tlmo for supper. U. Via Chicago mid Atlantic to New York City, thence via either of the rail line to Boston or (4) via New York and Sound line steamers. Tickets will bo sold Aug. 8, 0 nud 10, good going three days from date of sale and to re turn at any time up to Sept. SO. Tho rate for the round trip from Ohlcngo being $10.00 for the first two routes, fSI.IM) for the third, and f.ii.00 for the fourth, i Stop-overs will be allowed at certain prominent points enroute. Both Pullman Palaco nnd Pullman Tourist cms will be run through to Boston without change. For further Information uddrca F. C. Don ald, G. P. A. Chicago & Atlantic, Chleago.Ill. Notice of Hutu Under Chatlle Mortguge Notleo Is hereby given that by virtue of a chattlu mortKiiKO dated on the 3d day of Au gust, ISA, and duly tiled and recorded lu the ottlec of tho county clerk of Lancaster county. Nebraska, on th Utli day of August, lHvl, and executed by I'latt llaylcss to William Deerlng it Co. to secure tho payment of the sum of fR.fiO nnd upon which there Is now due the sum ofJ7.so and 8 I1- cont- from August :td, lSWH. Ilol'ault having been made lu tho pay ment of said sum, nnd no suit or other pro ceeding nt law having boon Instituted to re cover satd debt or any part thereof, therefore I wilt sell tho property therein descrllied viz: ouo six-foot UeeriugUlnnt mower, at public auction nt the ware house of Wnlllugrord A Ulianip, corner of Eighth nnd N streets, In the city of Lincoln, In Lancaster County, on tho 2tlh day of August, 18U0, at 2 o'clock p. in., of said day. William Dkkrimo A Co.. ' Mortgagee. Dated August 7th. 1890. 8-'J-3t Sclleck A Lane, Attorneys. A Fine Crayon LIFE SIZE F RBB AT Sherwiws 1124 0 ST. Erery customer gets a head and shoulder Crayon Picture Free from any and all cost. This work is made direct from any photo you may want copied. Call and look into this matter. JUST RECEIVE A Beautiful Writing IN Tablet Form Envelopes to Match. Wessel Print. Co. COURIER OFFICE, THE STANDARD BRED LINCOLN HORSES--I890. MoCONNIFF 11773 Way. '6 hands, 1200 weight, 3 years old. By Clielton by the great PR1NCEPS by WOODFORD ISfAMBRINO :2itf. Flsrt dam Flush by Mr. Manner's Kutbonrnt trial 2:26, own full brother to AVuwi j:iS( nnd out of the dam of Mr. Uonurr's Maud S, a;oSi( best on record to date. McConnlff unites the blood of seven of the gieaicst mares ol the greatest families nnd every animal In , three generations Iniack of him is STANDARD. Bred nnd reni lcauow farm, New York. He Is one of the Grandest 1 oung uorscs in me wnoie iount .u,. .,. uiwi maiuun iuim,uuioi cruurc oy iiaroiu tne sire ot Mr. Bonner's Mnud S, 2:08 J, best on record. COL. GORE 10112 Chestnut, 16 hands, 1200 weight, 4 years old of extra bone and sutlstancc and great power. By the Great Camainer, liobt. Mc Gregor t:nyt the sire of Bonnie McGregor 2:1314 and about 14 other in the 2:30 list. His SONS are producing nnd his GRAND SONS arc performing. He Is the greatest Grand Sire living today, opportunities considered. He has been in the Mud in Kentucky but 5 years. Hi oldest get there now coming 4 years, and Ills get of two seasons In Rock Island, Illinois, alrhady stamp him a Second George ll'ilhes; ills family is already established and recognized as one of the greatest of the present day. Ills fee In Kentucky U $500, and he himself was recently sold for $50,000. 1st dam lied Rose by the great Sire Red Wilkes the sire of the great Campaigner Princes Wilkes 2:14. She was fast at 2 years old doing a mile in 2:2 and at 3 years old a half In 1 :i 1 U . Mr.... n, Cl-nni rn.tni.. I.-..-... 2nd dam Bet fivj-ceby Corbean9S by Black Full own sister to Hilly on record to date in a race. ting 2:29 and dam of Corbean Medium by Happy Medium. 3d dam McGinnis Mare Sally by Tom Hale bv Rraxton. dam of Billy Boyce 2:19 Saddle '2: 14;. " " Rose Standlsh 2:29. " " Lady Gregory the dam of. ' " lercmlah 2:221 " " Konautz 2:29 " ' Sanforth Keith 2:32, and also dam of Martha who is the dam of Charley P. trotting 2:25 Charley P. pacing 2:17. Lady Gregory Is full sister to Blll'y Boyce 2:19 saddle 2:14' and also to Rose Standlsh trotting 2:29 The McGinnis Marc Sallv and lier daughter Lady Gregory are both now In Wallaces "GREAT UROOD MARE LIST" the most exclusive of all lists Martha also takes high rank as a brood mare. 4th dam Daughter of Harlan's Eclipse by Potomac. 5U1 dam Daughter of Mountain Leader. Major Edsall 211, record 2:29, winner of 15 Races outof 31 starts all on half mile track. Grand Sire of Major Wonder 2:19'$, Grand Sire of abous 15 In 2:30 list. Sire of Clavton Edsall the sire of Jewel 2:2914. S re of Robt. McGregor 2:17. Major Edsall was Campaigned all his in tss, otuui CORBEAN 98, by Black Corbean. Sire of Bill v S, 2:14;. Sire of Billy Boyce, 2:19. Sire of Billy Boyce Saddle 2:14, nd of 3 or 4 others In 2:30 list. Also Sire of Lady Shcllbark the dam of Bonnie Boy, 2:29X1. J. K. 2:2214-. Sire of the Dams of Valkyr 2:19, and of 8 othcrsMn 2:30 list. Grand Sire of Frolic the dam of Gensc. 2:26V. Great Grand Sire of Llbby S, 2:191. wiitin.n,,iTw? Sn) wm'.01 4 n 2!3 :Ut- One Son Sire of Rosa Ilklnson the dam of Wilkin, 2:27. LADY SIIELLBARK dam of Two Pacers In the 2:30 list Is also one of the "Great iSrooil Mares, COL. GORE unites tw-o of the 1 greatest of Modern trotting families, and Robt. Mo l.regor and Red Wilkes are recognized as two of the coming "Greatest Sires of the day. Col. Gore through his frcxlucing dams, the wonderful and extreme seed ollhe Corbean family, (the Pilot Junior of his day) well backed up by throughbred nnd old Kentucky saddle stock Is one of the strongest and most fashlohably bred Colts In the entire state-bar none. He Is a lilghprlced and very valuable young horse. Is now in training and quite speedy. Ills fee, and also McConnlff's, for 1801. w probably be advanced of which due notice will be glvcn-both horses however, after training will make a FALL SEASON this year at present terms. COL. GORE Is the sire of 2 foals owned by Geo. A Slneerlv Editor PhlladMnhi, "Rccordand a crop of youngsters In KentuckyMSyfar ml 3 of wffil, after inspection are pronounced really first class In every particular! Soour advices state balance not vet heard from. Both colts the nrrm.rt f James E. Smith Lincoln ebraska are located SFMrGiSunJ.XtrSlIni vlstors whether Interested or not will be cheerfully shown the horse av$ixiGs2rm """" r -& ss 6th August, 1890, Line of Fine ' J j' a;1 Papers 1 136 N STREET. iigrct for raised at Bred rv. McLJonnlfl is tho sin- nf 1,-iv filK- ... 2 If I ... .... . ..- Corhcan. Boyce the great pacer 2:19 Saddle 2:141 best Also - full own sister to Rose Standlsh imt CHAS. SCULLY, Trainer ift Agent, "All ii ass i a i Mi mv jtMjjij