CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, AUGUST 9, 1890. - IJVEISS Alice Isaacs OMAHA, LATE WITH STERN BROS., NEW YORK LATEST NOVELTIES IN. MILLINERY Very Low:st Prices. (In the Hloro of llcynmn A. Dutches, 1518-20 Famam Street OMAHA. EVERY EXPERT That hiiH ever used the Yost Writing Machine Gives It I ho distinction of IsMng, tlio Peer among Typewriters. WESSEL PRINTING CO., Agts. lwi-ai N St. Courier lliillilliig WEBSTER The so-called 'Webstor's Un abridged Dictionary" 'which is belntfbuwked about tbo country und oNitlmI for snlo in Dry Goods Stores at 11 low price, and also offered jih a premium in a low oases, for subscriptions to pa pers, is substantially tlu; book of OVER FORTY YEARS AGO The body of tho work, from A to Z, is a cheap reprint, page for page, of the odition of 1847, reproduced, broken type, errors and all, by phototype process. DO NOT BE DECEIVED!! Get the Best! w,,.!.rfnt. ","" fwasr&rZs 'WABM0CedflS,2AWi JOIOTIONAayf ITSELF i Helile m:nyotliennlimUo feature, ltconirle A Dictionary of the Language containing 118,000 words nml.Tnoo i:ti;nivliiK, A Dictionary of Biography giving filets nloiit nrnily 10,0m) Noted rcrpuiin, A Dictionary of Geography looming nml briefly do'crlblm; VtjuM I'Jacee, A Dictionary of Fiction fotiml only In WiOihier rnatriilged, All in One Book. The New York Tribuno.iy itmreeoi?nimi m tlio inort ileui cltlti; "wnnl-ltook" of tlio Kngllh laiijituK nil over tlio vtnrM. Sold liy nil Ilonkfollor. Pamphlet free C. A C. MERRIAM & CO., Iiil'r,Pirin6nclil, Mms. aVjaHaaHhiBBW SUMMER VACATIONS DR. TALMAGE PREACHES ON THE WATERING PLACES. With Mimtir lliintl IlnlMctiirc tin-Hnurci nun Pitfalls Tluit i:ntlr Unwary IVet DurliiK tin- Period Thnt Should tin llo yntctl Iti-nt. HitooKLYN, Aug. a. Como yo yourselves port Into a desert plnco, nnd rest awhile. Mark vl, ni Ilrro Christ advises his apostles to tnko ft vncntloii. They hnvo Ix-on living nn ex clteil an well ris a liHcful lift, nml ho ml vises thnt they get otit Into tho country. I am glad that for longer or shorter tlmo multitudes of our pooplo will linvu sum incr vacation. Tho rullwny trains nro be ing Inden with passenger and luggage on their wny to tlio inotttitnlns ami tho sea shore. Multitudes of our citizens nro pack ing their trunks for a restorative nbscnco. Tlio city hviiU nro pursuing tho pooplo with torcli und fear of sunstroke. Tho long silent hulls of sumptuous hotel nro nil nbuzr. with excited arrivals. Tho crystal line surface of Wluuiplscogco Is shattered with tho stroke of steamer, laden with ex cursionists, Tho antlers of Adlroiidnck deer rattle under tho shot of eltysports nicn. Tho trout make fatal snaps at tho hook of ndrolt sporUtmon and toss their slotted hrilllnuco into tho gnmu luuskut. Already tho baton of tho orchestral leader taps tho music Htand on tho hotel green and American llfo puts on festal array, and tho rumbling of tho teuplu alley, ami tho crack of tho ivory balls on tho green buizo billiard tables, and tho jolting of tho bar room goblets, and tho cxploslvo uncorking of champagne bottles, nml tho whirl and tho rustle, of tho ball room danco and thoclnttcrlug hoofs of the race courses nttest thnt tho season for tho great American watering places is fairly inaug urated. Music lluto nml drum nml cor-net-n-piston nml clapping cymbals will wako tho echoes of the mountains. VACATIONS ARE GOOD, HUT llEWAltEl Glnd I am that fagged out American llfo for tho most part will liuva nn opportunity to rest, and that nerves racked nml de stroyed will find n Hethesda. I belluvo In watering places. Let not tho commerchil llrm begrudge tho clerk, or tho employer tho Journeymnn, or the patient the phys ician, or the church its pastor a scuhoii of Inoccupation. Luther used to sport with his children; Edmund Hurko used to caress his favorite horse; Thomas Chalmers, in tho dark hours of tho church's disruption, played klto for recreation as I was told by his own daughter and tho busy Christ said to tho busy npostles, "Como yo yourselves npnrt into a desert place, and rest awhile." And I liavo observed that they who do not know how to rest do not know how to work. But I Imvo to declare this truth todny, thnt some of our fashionable, watering places nro tho temporal and eternal de struction of "a multitude that no man can number," nml ntnld tho congratulations of this season and tlio prospect of tho depart ure of many of you for the country I must utter n note of warning plain, earnest and unmistakable. Tho first temptation that is apt to hover in this direction is to leave your piety all at home. You will fend tlio dog and cat and canary bird to 1h well cared for some whero else, but tho temptation will bo to leave your religion in tho room with tho blinds down and tho door bolted, ami then you will como back in tho nutumu to Hud that it is starved and suffocated, lying stretched on tho rug stnrk dead. There is no surplus of piety at tho watering places. I nover knew any one to grow very rapidly in grace at tlio fashionable summer resort. It is generally tho case that tlio Sabbath is moro of a carousal than any other day, and there nro Sunday walks and Sunday rides ami Sunday excursions. THE DELINQUENCIES OF PROFESSED CHRIS TIANS. Elders and deacons and ministers of re ligion who nro entirely consistent at homo sometimes when tho Sabbath dawns on them at Niagara Falls or tho Whito moun tains tako tho day to themselves. If they go to tho church, it is apt to bo a snered pnrnde, nml tho discourse, instead of lielug a plain talk about tho soul, is npt to lo what is called n crack sermon that is, sonio discourse picked out of tho effusions of tho year as tho ono most adapted to ex cite admiration; and in those churches, from the way the ladies hold their fans, you know that they uru not so much im pressed with tho heat ns with tho plctur csqueiiess of half disclosed features, Four puny souls stand in tlio organ loft nml squall a tuno that nobody knows, anil wor shipers, with two thousands dollars' worth of diamonds on tho right hand, drop n cent into the poor box, nml then tho bene diction is pronounced and tho farco is ended. Tlio air is iKiwitched with "tho world, tho llesh and tho devil." There aro Chris tinas who in three or four week in such a place have had such terrible rents made In their Christian robe that they had to keep darning it until Christmas to get it mend ed I Tlio health of a great many people makes an annual visit to some mineral spring an absolute necessity; but tnko your Hlhlo along with you nml tnko an hour for secret prayer every day, though you bo surrounded by guffaw and satur nalia, Keep holy tho Sabbath, though they denounce, you as a bigoted Puritan. Stand oil from these Institutions which propose to imitate on this side the water tho iniquities of olden time, linden-Baden. Let your moral and your immortal health keep pneo with your physical recuperation, and remember that all tho waters of Ha thorno nudsulphur ami chalybeate springs cannot do you so much good as tho min eral, healing, perennial Hood that breaks forth from tho "Hock of Ages." This may bo your last summer. If so, make it a lit vestibule of heaven. THE TEMPTATIONS OK THE HOUSE HALE. Another temptation around nearly all our watering places Is tho horse racing business. Wo all admire tho horse. There needs to lie u redistribution of coronets among the brute creation. For ages the lion has been called tho king of beasts. I knock oir its coronet ami put the crown upon tlio linrso, in every way nobler, whether In shape or spirit or sagacity or intelligence or direction or usefulness. Ho is semi-human, and knows how to reason on u small scale. Tlio centaur of olden times, putt horse and part man, seems to bo u suggestion of the fact that tho hnrso is something more than a beast. Job sets forth his strength, his beauty, his majesty, thopinitlugof his nostrils, tho pawing of Ids hoof, ami his enthusiasm for tho battle. What Itosn iionheur did for tlio cattle, ami what Lundscor did for thu dog, Job, with mightier pencil, does for tho horse. Eighty-eight times does the lllblo speak of him. He comes Into every kingly procession, nml into every grent occasion, and into every triumph. It is very evident that Job and David and Isaiah and Ezuklcl and Jeremiah ami John were very fond of tlio horso. Ho rutuo into much of their imagery. A red horse thnt meant war; a black horse that meayt famine; a pale horse that mount death; a white horse thnt meant victory. An tho lllblo uinkes u favorite of the horse, tho patriarch, ami tho prophet, nml tho evangelist, nml tlio apostle stroking Ids sleek hide, ami patting his rounded neck, and tenderly llfttng his exquisitely formed hoof, ami listening with a thrill to tho champ of his bit, so all great natures lu all ages have spoken of him In oneoinl astlo terms. Virgil in his (Jeorgles al most seems to plagiarize from tho descrip tion of Job. Tho Duko of Wellington would not nllow nny one Irreverently to touch his old war homo Copenhagen, on whom 1m had ridden fifteen hours without, dismounting at Waterloo, nml when old Copenhagen died his muster ordered a mil itary salute llred over his grave. John Howard showed that ho did not. exhaust till Ids sympathies lu pitying tlio human race, for when sick ho write home, "Has my old chulso horso lieconio sick or spoilodr YOU CANNOT III! A CHRISTIAN TURFMAN. Hut wo do not think that tho speed of tlio horsa should bo cultured at tho e:: (hmiso of human degradation, Horse races in olden times were under tho ban of Christian people, and In our day tho siiino Institution lias come up under fictitious names, and it Is culled a "summer meet ing," nlutost suggestive of positive relig ious exorcises. And it is called un "ugri culturnl fair," suggestive of everything that Is Improving In tho art of farming. Hut under these deceptive titles aro tho samo cheating and the same betting, tlio sninu drunkenness and tho samo vagabond age, and the same ubomlnat ions that were to Is found under tho old horso racing sys tem. I never knew it man yet who could give himself to thu pleasures of thu turf for a long reach of time and not lx) battered lu morals. They hook up their spanking team, and put on their sporting cap, anil light their cigar, and tnko tho reins, and dash down tho road to perdition. The great day at S.iratoun ami Iiug brunch ami Capo May, ami nearly all tho other water ing places, Is tho day of tlio races. Tho hotels aro thronged, nearly ever" kind of equipage Is taken up at an almost fabulous price, ami there aro many respectable poo plo mingling with Jockeys ami gamblers and libertines mid foul mouthed men ami llashy women. Tho bartender sUrs up tho brandy smash. Tlio liets run fjigh. The greenhorns, supposing all Is fair, put lu their money soon enough to lose it. Three weeks K-foro thu race takes place tho strug glo Is decided, ami tlio men in the secret know on which steed to let their money. Thu two men on tho horses riding around long before arranged who shall beat. leaning from the stand or from tho car riage are men and women so absorbed in tho struggle of bono and intisclo and met tie that they mako a grand harvest for tho pickiKJckets, who curry oir tho pocketbooks ami portmnuuaios. Men looking on see only two horses with two rldors Hying around thu ring, but there is many a man on that stand whoso honor and domestic happiness and fortune wlilto inane, white foot, white Hank aro in the ring, racing with Inebriety, anil with fraud, and with profanity, and with ruin black neck, black foot, block Hank. Neck and neck they go in that moral Epsom. KEEP AWAY FROM irl Ah, my friends, hava nothing to do with horso racing dissipations this summer. Long ugo tho English government got through looking to thu turf for tho dragoon and light cavalry horse. They found tho turf depreciates tho stock, and It is yet worse for men. Thomas Hughes, thu mom br of parliament ami tho author, known all thu world over, heirlng that a now turf enterprise was being started in this coun try, wroto a letter In which ho suld: "Heaven help you, then; for of nil thu cankers of our old civilization there Is nothing in this country npnrouchluu in unblushing meiune.s.s, in rascality holding its he-id high, to this belauded Institution of tho Urltish turf." Another famous sportsman writes: "How many fine donuins luvu been shared among these hosts of rapacious sharks dur ing tho last two hundred years; and unless tho system bo filtered, how many more are doomed to full into tho same gulfl" Tho Duko of Hamilton, through his horso rac ing proclivities, in three years got through Ills entire fortune of $:0,000, and I will say that some of you aro lulug undermined by it. With tho bull lights of Spain nml tho bear baitings of tho pit nny tho Lord God uuuililluto tho Infamous and ucourscd horso racing of England ami America! I go further and speak of another temp tation thathoversover the watering places, ami this is tho temptation to sacrifice phys ical strength. Tho modern Hathesda was meant to recuperate tlio physical health, und yet how many como from tho water ing places, their health absolutely de stroyed! New York and Hrooklyn Idiots boasting of having imbibed twenty glosses of congress water before breakfast. Fam ilies accustomed to going to bed at 10 o'clock at night gossiping until 1 or -o'clock in tho morning. Dyspeptics, usu ally vivy cautious about their health, mingling I eo creams and lemons ami lob ster salads ami cocouuuts until thu gastric Juices lift ui all their voices of lamenta tion ami protest Delicate women and brainless young men chassuin them selves into vertigo and catalepsy. Thou sands of men and women coming buck from our watering places in the autumn with thu foundations laid for ailments that will lost them all their life long. You know ns well ns I do that this is tho simple truth. A POOR IIUI.K THAT WILE NOP VORK IMIlll WAYS. In the summer you say to your good henlthi "Good-by; I am going to have it good time for u little while. I will bo very glad to seo you again iu tho autumn." Then in tho autumn, when you are hard at work iu your ollico or shop or counting room, Good Health will come and say, "Good-by; 1 am going." You say, "Where aro you going)1" "Oh," says Good Health "I am going to tako a vacation"' It Is a poor rule that will not work both ways, and your good health will leave you choleric! mid splenetic und exhausted You coquetted with your good health in tho summer time, nml your good health is coquetting with you iu tho wintertime. A fragment of Paul's charge to the jailer would Imi an appropriate inscription for the hotel register iu every watering place, "Do thyself no harm." Another temptation hovering around the watering place is to the formation of hasty and lifelong ulliiinces. The water ing places are responsible for more of the domestic infelicities of this country thou all thu other things combined. Society is eo artificial there that no sum judgment of churuiter can !. formed. Those who form ('ompanionslilpi amid such eliciim stauces go Into a lottery where there are twenty blanks to ono prize. In the'severo tug of life you want moro than glitter and splash. Life Is not a ballroom where the music decides the stup, and Isiwaml prance ami graceful swing of long trail run make up for strong c iiumon sense. You may us will go among tho g tyly painted j adits uf iv Rimmcr regatta to Hud war vessels us t go among tho light spray of the summer watering placo to Hud character that can stand the test of tho great struggle of hu man life Ah, iu tho battle of life you watitastiouger weapon than a hue fan or a croquet mallet t Tho loud of life Is so heavy that In order to draw It you want a team stronger than one made up of a mas culine grasshopper and a feminine butter- iiy. THE PERFUMED FOP. If there is auy man In tho community that excites my contempt, and that ex cites tho contempt of every man and wo man, It Is tho soft handed, soft headed fop who, perfumed until the air is actually sick, spends his summer In taking killing attitudes and waving sentimental adieus nml talking Infinitesimal nothings, and finding his heaven III the set of a lavender kid glove Hoots as tight as an Inquisi tion, two hours of consummate skill ox hlblted lu tho He of a llainlng cravat, his conversation made up of "All's" and "Oh's" and "He-heo's," It would tako five hundred of them stewed down to mako a teaspoonful of calves' foot Jelly. There Is only one counterpart to such a man us that, ami that Is the frothy young woman at tlio watering place, her ceiiversutlou made up of French moonshine; what she bus on her head only equaled by whit she has on her back; useless over since she was Imrn, und to lie useless until she Is dead; and what they will do with her lu the next world I do not know, except to set her upon the banks of thu ltlver of Llfo for all eternity to look sweet I God Intends us to admire music ami fair faces nml graceful step, but amid tho heartlessiiess and the Inflation ami thu fantastic Influences of our modern watering plniw lsiwaro how you mako life long covenants! Another temptation that will hover over tho watering place 1st hut of baneful litera ture. Almost every ono starting oir for tho summer takes sumo ivadlng matter. It is a book out of tho library or off tlio hook stamU or Isiught of tho boy hawking books through tho cars. I really bellovo there Is more pestiferous trash read aiming the intelligent classes Iu July and August than lu nil tho other ton months of tho year. Men ami women who at homo would not Is) satisfied with a book that was not really sensible I found sitting on hotel pt or under tho trees reading books the index of which would mako them blush If they know that you knew what tho book was. "Oh," thuy svy, "you must hovo Intel lectual recreation!" Yes. There is no need that you tako along into a watering place "Hamilton's Metaphysics" or some thunderous discourse on tho eternal de crees, or "Farudoy'n Philosophy." There are many easy bisiks that aro good. You might as well say, "I propose now to give a little rest to my digestive organs, ami in stead of eating heavy meat and vegetables I will for a little while take lighter food a little strychnine and a few grains of rats bane." Literary poison lu August Is as bad as literary poison iu Decemlier. Murk that. Do not let thu frogs and the lice of a corrupt printing press jump and crawl Into your Saratoga trunk or White moun tain valise. WHAT IF LUJHTNINCJ SHOULD STRIKE YOU? Would it not be an awful thing for you to lx) struck with light uiiigsomu day when you hud lu your hand one of these paper covered romances tho hero a Parisian roue, the heroine an unprincipled lllrt chapters in tho Isiok that you would not read to your children at the rate of 100 a line! Throw out that stuff from your sum mer baggage. Aro there not good books that nro easy to read Isioks of congenial history, books of pure fun, books of poetry ringing with merry canto, books of fine engravings, lmoks that will rest thu mind ns well us purify tho heart und elevate tho .vholo llfuf My hearers, thero will not lsi an hour ls'tween this and tho day of your death when you can afford to read a Imok lucking lu moral principle. Another temptation hovering all around our watering places is tho Intoxicating lssverage. I am told that it is bccoiuliiK moro mid more fashionable, for women to drink. I cure not how well a woman limy dress, if she bus taken enough of wine to Hush her cheek und put glossiness on her eyes she Is intoxicated. Hho may bo handed into n &!,;oo carriage and have diamonds enough to confound the TllTanys sho Is intoxicated. She may Ihj a grudiiutu of u great institute and thu daughter of somu innn in danger of lsdng nominated for the presidency sho is drunk. You may imvo a larger vocabulary than I have, and you may say iu regard to her that sho is "con vivial," or sho Is "merry," or she Is "festive," or she is "exhilarated," but you cannot with all your garlands of verbiage cover up the plain fact that it is un old fashioned case of drunk. Now, tho watering places aro full of temptations to men und women to tipple. At the closo of the teuplu or billiard game they tipple. At tho closo of the cotillon they tipple. Seatcsl on the phua cooling themselves off they tipple. The t!n'cd glasses como around with bright straws, and they tipple. First they tnko "light wines," us they call them; but "light wines" are heavy enough to debase the ap petite There Is not a very long rouil Im1 tween champagne at five dollars per Imt tlo nml whisky at llvu cents a gloss. SATAN'S DIVERSIFIED OHAPES. Satan has three or four grndes down which he takes men to destruction. Ono man ho takes up, and through one spree pitches him into eternal darkness. That is u ruro case. Very seldom, Indeed, can you find a man who will 1m- such a fool ns that. When a man goes down to destruction Satan brings him to a plane. It is almost a level. The depression Is so slight that you can hardly seo it. Tho man does not actually know that ho is on tho down grade, and it tips only a little toward darkness Just a little. And tho first mile it Is claret, und thu second inilolt is sherry, and the third uitlu it is punch, and tho fourth mile it is ale, and thu fifth mile it is porter, ami the sixth mile it is brandy, and then it gets steeper and steeper, and thu man gets frightened and says, "Oh, let mo get off!" "No," says tho conductor, "this is an express train, ami It does not stop until It gets to tho Grand Central depot of Siniisliupton." Ah. "look not thou upon tho wine when it is rod, when It glveth Its color iu tho cup, when it moveth Itself aright. At the last it blteth like a serpent and stiugeth like an adder." My friends, whether you tarry at homo which will lie quite as safe and perhaps quite at comfortable or go into thu coun try, arm ourselves against temptation. The gr ice of God Is the only safu shelter, whether in town or country. There are watering places accessible to all of us. You ca.iuot open a book of the Hlhlo with out ttuding out some such watering pluej Fount!. Ins oMH for sin ami iincleaullu.s; wells of salvation; streams from Lebanon; a Hood struck out of the nck by Moses; fountains in the wilderness discovered by llagar; water to drink and water to bathe in; the river of God, which is full of water: water of which if u man drink ho shall never thirst, wells of water lu tho Valley of liaco, living fountains of water; a pure , river uf water us clear us crystal from tin der thu throne of God. WATERINO PLACES ACC'Esstlll.K TO ALU These aro watering places accessible to all of us. Wo do not hnvoa laborious pack ing up Isiforo wo start only tho throwing away of our transgressions. No oxons!vo hotel bills to pay; it Is "without money ami wit) out price." No long ami dirty travel ! fore wo get tlierv), it is only one Htep awa;'. In California In five minutes I walked nnniud and saw ten fountains, all bubbling up, ami they were all different. And lu live minutes I can go through this lllblo parterre ami Hud von llfty bright, sparkling fountains bubbling up into eter nal life. A chemist will go to ono of these sum mer watering places and tako the water ami aualyzelt,nml tell you thutltcontnlns so much of Iron, nml so much of soda, nml so much of lime, nml so much of magnesia, I como In this Gospel well, this living fountain, ami aualyxo the water, nml I llnd that Its Ingredients ant pence, pardon, for giveness, hope, comfort, life, heaven, "Ho, every ono that thlrsteth, como yo" to this watering place! Crowd around this llethesda today I Oh, you sick, you lame, you troubled, you dy ing crowd around this Hethesdal Step lu It! Oh, step In III Tho angel of tho cov enant today stirs tho water Why do you not step lu Itf Homo of you are too weak to tako a step In that direction. Then we tako you up lu tho arms of our closing prayer nml plunge you clean under the wave, hoping that tho cure may Imi us sud den and as radical us with Cunt. Niiamau, who, blotched ami cnrbiincled, stepped into the Jordan, nml ufter tho seventh dive came up, his skin roseate complex loned its the llesh of a Utile child. ODDS AND ENDS. A. Hlnaldl, of Orlando, Flu,, has a twenty five cent coin of a Spanish denomination dated 1 77.1. It is reported from China that during storms iu tho Cheklang province hailstones of such enormous size fell as to destroy houses and animals. The Maori women lu New Zealand aro killing themselves In their efforts to wear corsets since they have seen them on tho missionary women. Few ladles consider that they curry some forty or fifty miles of liulrou their head; the fair hailed may even have to dress sev enty miles of threads of gold every morning. About 70 per cent, of tho students a'. Georgia's State university are pcsir boys, who are lu their places through rigid econ omy practised at home. As soon as thu horse earn from Calm to tho pyramids aro completed, and the work is nearly done, an elevator will Imi made to tho tops of the venerable piles, so that as cent may 1st made quickly nml comfortably to tho modern traveler. Among thu centennial commemorations of tho city of Odessa thero will lsj tho es tablishment of a medical department nt the Novorosslyskly university of that city, nml the erection of new buildings for the Judiciary departments, tho postal tele granh olllccs, tho hospitals and tlio lusnno asylum of tho place, nml nlso a now Jail. Tlio family of tho Into Daniel .Manning have given to the city of Albany the largo photograph of tho treasury building at Washington taken for the Into secretary by the supervising architect's bureau. Tho picture is 8 by 6J In size, ami is hand somely framed In curved Irish oak. Hythu English law heirlooms nroexeiupt from probate duty, so the duko nt Hamil ton paid nothing on the treasures of ids palace when ho came into possession In 1HiI. Hut when ho sold them they ceased to Imj heirlooms, it appears, and thu Isiard of inland revenue has shocked hisgtuco with a sudden demand for 18,000, or it per cent, on thu fK)0,000 realized from thu Hamilton palace Mile. Tlio Idlest researches show that in Homo's most flourishing period sho had 1,300,000 inhabitants; iu UUA A. D. sho had 1100,000; in 11177, 17,000; under Io X, 40,000; in 1KI7, about !U1,000; iu 1871 It rose to UH.OOO, In 1881, 300,000; In I88'J, moro than -110,000. The Cravatesor Croatian soldiers (10)1) wore a baud of stuff round their throats to support an amulet they wore as a charm to protect them from sulier cuts. Thus, what Is'gnn iu superstition lu the Seventeenth century ended in the fashion, which still nl tnlns among thu gentlemen, mid bitterly among tho ladles of wearing a cravat, or rather a scarf or necktie. There is an Interesting schemu for estab lishing a floating hotel nt Hong Kong. Tlio vessel Is to have three decks, tho lower ls'lng arranged for dining, billiard, smok ing ami card rooms. Tho main deck will contnln a drawing nxim, twenty-ono lssl rooms, each with a full sized bath mid dressing room, while the upper, or spat deck, has Wen arranged as a promenade. On tho Isidy of a suicide found iu tlio street the other day was the usual letter of explanation, containing this unusual state incut, ofTcnsl apparently us a reason for rushing out of life: "I have found out that I liuvo had iv double nature for years. At times I may Ihj tho lcst mini in tho world: but lit others I um llublo to Injure my Is-st friend." An eminent physician of St. Petersburg was culled to a patient, a young lady ot goisl family, suffering with nervous pros tratlou. On examination ho found that tho young ludy hud taken pnrt in hypnotic seances and hud lx-on hypnotized severnl times. Ho reported tho facts to tlio mod leal council. A commission of three emi ueiit physicians examined the patient ami substantiated the fact thut her ailment was due to hypnotic practices A ItullriiHil O III re In Summer. A day or two after Chnuncey M. Depow willed for Europe a stranger sauntered Into the ollico of tho president of tho New York Central railroad mid uskul to seo Mr. Depew. "He lias gone to Europe," sold the colored sentinel at tho door. "Can I seo Mr. Du Vulr" said thu strati ger. "lie's gone to Enrols), too," was tho re ply. "Well, can I seo Mr. Cornullus Vander 1Ilt " was the next question. "He is iu Newport." "Can I sisi W. K. Vmiderblltr" "He is iu Newport ulno." "Where can I find Vice President darker "Hi) has gone to Albany." "Whero is Vice President Hiiydunr" "Ho is out of town " "And Vies President Webbf" "He Is in Europe." "Can I see Superintendent Touceyr "He is up thu road." "Well, where is General Passenger Agent Danielsr "He has gone to Capo May." "Well, who in thunder Is running this, ratirouitr e.xciuiuiea mo stranger lm patiently. "I guess It do be ruunln' itself." replied tho li:ipe'trlnblo sentinel Now York i AN ANCIENT WAR VETCrtAtf I'lirmitiriinl Mr. Coiitirml, Who U About tin Yours Old. On a farm about six miles from Manches ter, In,, lives Christian Coonrad, a nntlvo of CuntlHuluud county, l'u., who was born Hept 21), 1780. Desplto his great ago hit busies himself lu caring for his cat Ho and hogs, cutting wood, and raising com and potatoes. Hut It Is not. for his yours alono Hint Mr. Coonrad Is worthy of notice. He Is one of the very few sur viving vrtoruns of tho war of lHl'J. Ilu took part lu thu assault on Q u o o II s t o w n Heights, was In tho battle of Fort Erie, witness oil Ferry's great na val victory, ami received an honor- lllllll l1lnftli,lftru itf. CHR.ST.AN COONRAD, Sla,H Mr Coonrad uiiirrloil sixty years ago. Ills wife still lives, ami tho couple hovo eleven children, forty-two grandchildren, and thirty four great-graiidchlldreii. Tlio old gentleman lias used liquor and tobacco ivjl his iluys, believes In personal liberty, goes to bed at 3 a. m., gets tip nt 8 a. m, nml votes tho Democratlo ticket whenever thero Is an election. A PALACE MADE OF HAY. Tim Novel lliiiini to lln Provided for nn KxpiMltloii. Scattered throughout tho United States at different times there have risen Ico pal aces, crystal palaces, bliiegruss pnlneos. corn palaces, summer palaces and mineral induces, Now another ono Is building a iiay palace. Some tlmo ugo thu good people of Mo uicnco, Ills., looked out upon thu vast Kankakee mnrshes from which tho peopln of tho vlcliiugo derive their chief Income, and concluded that after hnrvesting and ,n ft a ui a b a i HK1 HOW THE IIAY PALACE WILL WOK. baling the wild grass thoy would use It to build n buy palace iu which to hold an In terstate exposition. Tlio atructiire. whoso walls are to Is) constructed of tho big bales, will hovo a length of '-IH feet and a width of 170. Tho display will Include collections of live na tive fish, geological, Isitaulcal, ornithologi cal and zoological exhibits, Indian and pre historic relics and representations of thu products of fnrins, factories, forests mid mines, Tho exposition will lie opened by Governors Flfer, of Illinois, mid Hovey, of Indiana, and one or more piohilnent speak ers will bo secunsl for each day of tho ex position. Tho list will include ex-Governor Palmer, Senators Allison, Voorhecs nnd Ciillom, Congressmen Pnyson, Cannon und probably Mason, ami Hob Hurdctto. X l'iviniiii Yiiclitainiui's Hudileii Dmitli. A prominent man lu yachting circles re cently deceased Is George U'o Schuyler, who passed away suddenly the other morn ing iu Ids stateroom on the Electru, thu lont nt tho tlmo being niiehored off New Ioudou, Conn. Mr. Schuyler was Isiru iu 181 1, mid i 18(1, with others, founded tho New York Yncht club, besides being tho oldest, inemlierof that Inn l,..n.-ii nlso the solo surviving owner of the fu- tnuus mil sciiooner yncht America, which won thu Hoyal Yacht Squadron cup now known as tho America's cup atthoCowes regatta of Aug. 23, 18.11, doVatlng eighteen eiurk Ilrltlsb rrnft. In ilinl. triun.1,. i'i... cup thus won Is-camu thu almoluto proper- ,.. ,,t I. ........... , .. l... .:... . i x vj ... . ,,- w ,. iiL-ia vt. biiu ni-iimjiiurn t ,, .1. C. Stevens, Hamilton Wilkes, Geoigo L. Schuyler, James Hamilton, J. II, Flnlay and Edwin A. Stevens. On July f, 18.17, they transferred it to thu New York Yacht club as a perpetual challenge cup, for which any organized yncht club of any na tion might compete. Iu December, 1883, thu cup was returned to Mr, Schuyler by thu club, who, iu lfs:i, returned it under new conditions In the olnli In 1KU7 ,. cup was uguiu returned to Mr, Schuyler, wiiu iiiikiu out. a unru. neeii oi gut, under which tho club now holds the cup. With in tho hist few months Itliuil lx.ti Min.....ui- ed that the run mIioiiIiI mini mnm lu, n,. turned to Mr. Schuyler so thut another ueisi oi gut migni is) drawn up, which would satisfy every one. His dentil ends this controversy, however, as thu English must now nice lor tlio cup under the exist ing conditions or not nt nil. A Thu I'liiKureil Wmiiler. A romurkublo young colored man Is ben jamin Franklin Dixon, of St. Ixmls. He bus but two fingers, yet with the ai( of mechanical armngeinents ho enn piny on eight musical Instruments at will thu harp, horn, harmonica, brass and snare drums, triangles, Isillsnud pipes. A brass und leather con trl v a ii o e around his neck holds the wind in struments, so that by stooping for wurd slightly he win reach them with bis mouth. An electric button under one foot councils with the snare drum ami ihiiis. i ne ii ass drum and the cymbals he plays i.i 11 1. DIXON. fastened to his elbows. liy means of u conl The other elbow operates the triangle. On his head is tusi oned a friinio with Isils lu it, and while arms, bend mid feet are busy he carries the air he is playing on a harp. Dixon lost the gienter part of his hands two jears ago. Ho nnd another negro were rivals for thu favor of the same girl. Dixon won, and the jealous suitor put a dynamite rocket In his IhsIi-ooiii. When it went off It took with ft eight of Benjamin's fingers. Tho crippled musician is accomplished iu other thiuuH than instrument playing. For example, ho can put his mouth over the rim of a Is-er glass mid toss off the con tents at one gulp. Speculations in Virginia real estate nro Mild tohavo mad- bertha von Hillorn rich. She is a German woman, not yet old, who trumped the tan bark iu walking mutches for several years that sho might earn tuouey to pn for a thorough couro of art itudy. Now sho is quite a clever painter. iVwi. k kLu"vrTi it&ti n?sl? (ffiiTii h fi fi n . THO i7f" " '1 uumjti m hi 3 i mm i --in ('I P" "i"""i - liiilUMimv