Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, August 09, 1890, Page 2, Image 2

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k JUi-O. i- .ViA ju.iv.w.uivi jua ..i7jrvju.uLtvjJxuir.
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iaas jegjuwjirti:iirti JUWftiH
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l 1
Life Made Easy
More Comfortable
Ever olil In Lincoln. To try them on I
to buy. These good to Ite found only nt
Webster & Roger's
1 o.j 3 O Street.
Kino Hunt I'lihttii't W per down. Hpoclnl
into to student. Unit mul unr work.
Studio, :ai4 O Street.
Open from 10 11. in. to 4 p. in. Huiiilay.
Physician and Surgeon
Ollkcs itfiS. Eleventh St.
Telephone t Olllcc 085. Kcthlcncc 561.
C SftcMht.
Practice Limited to Dltcase oftlio
Nervous System, Heart and Blood
Hon, Win. I.eee. Attorney Omioral.
Hon. T. I j. Nerval, AmocIaIo Juctlco.
Jones' National lliiult, Howard.
CltUcua' Nutlonnl Hunk, UlyiwcH,
Principal Points
1044 O STREET.
Git)' Passenger Agent
Grand Drawing
or TI1K
Loterla de la BeneQcencIa Publlca !
State of Zacatecas, Mexico.
Aayndlrnto of onpltnlliit Imvo secured the
coiu'culon tor operating tills
and will extend It buMnos tliroiiKliont tlic
United Mtutc una JlrltllU Columbia.
ltclow win bu found n llt oftlio nrlxc which
will bo ilrnwn os
July 23, 1890,
and continue, monthly thereafter.
C,L $150,000.00
lOO.OOO Ticket lit BIO, OO. Unite,
J.OII. Tenths, ftt.OO. American
I JMU.K OK fiO,OUI.. rmi0
11MUKOK avu stow
3l'I.KSOK li,tX)oro 30,(XO
St'UIZKSOK 2,UMaro lu.rtM
lOl'UIZKHOK l.ouoaro io,(wo
JO I'll 1 7. K- OK ouaro IO.UO
awi'iiiKHnp swore w
ESKW.ifJftSK iwnro. ... I. siW
UOVM7.t:aov,x.. toonro , oo.wo
ISO l'UIZKH OK I50 are riVW
150 lltl.KH OK IlOare ' lft.twj
IW MHZKaOK, .... fiunre 7.5i
1WO Terminal I'rlicsof 60 are -tsi.ttV)
8i wu,wa
city tn United States and llrliluli America.
Thupuymentof I'rUel Kiurauteed bv
special tliiiolt of five hundred tlioiuand dol
lar (M,iM)), with the Htutu novcrumeut,
and approved by Jcsu Areclilgn, Governor
Drawing under tlio iorouul supervision of
Lie. Horinlnlo Artensii, who lit appointed by
thuQoverninenl it lutorveiitor.
"I Okhtify that with the. Htnto Traiiurei
all neccowiarv Kunrantcciirodepolted asur
Ins full paynrtiuiofall prize of litis drawing.
HeiiMiNioAHTKAOA, Interveutor.
lleinlttancc minst be olthor hy Now York
Draft Kxprexsnr licKUtcred U'tttr. Ainorlcnn
money. Collection can bo made by Kxpreri
;ompunlei or limik. Ticket Kent dlroot to
munuKemi'tit will H paid hy ilraltinu Now
York, Montreal, Ht, l'aul, Chlcauo, Han Krnic
eteoorUlty of Mexlro. For further Infor
aintloiiaildrcks. IUAN 1IKIAI, Wauncer,
Zacaterit. Mexico.
Aporlado 43,
Tim Arlon Kleo cluh had nn honorahlo rf u
onl In ltlity, nud n.-mlnlu'eiiccn of It trial
mill triumph were ruvlvnl Mniulny ovenhi(
nt n reunion of It meuiW, which vn lielil
nt tho homo of Mr. mill Mi. M. T. Manner.
AumiiK tliont) preneut nore I'rnf, mid Mr.
Orinin, Mr, anil Mr. J. II. llnrnnhy, Mr. and
Mr. W. W. V. Jonee, .Mr. nml Mr, J. T.
iIoiiph, Mr, mid Mi. J. M, Cmup, Mr. ami
Mrn. V. B, thuulilll, Mr. mul Mr. 0. V.
llett, Mr, mul Mi, (lenrxo Camp, Mr, mid
Mr. C. M. Kcvfcr, mid Mr. mul Mr. J, V.
M 01 ley.
Henry Wllllnin, nyounj; man well known
mid liked In Lincoln, died In MeMluvillu,
Tenii., lnt Hat unlay of cotiNiiniptloii. Hi
family moved with I1I111 to Teiim-weti wlthtliu
I10110 tlint tlio cliiiligo of clltiintti mlnlit tired
u euro but the ilrend dUenw hail wni cl too
ilnn n hold upon him mid after a Ungei'liitf
lllnetM he ipiletly m-il nwny nurroundisl hy
hi loxed one. The new of hi death
brought Milne to many hemt In Lincoln
where tho ileeeuied wn known na a bright,
Itiduitrlou mid uprlnlit yotuiK man.
B Hnllott mid wife left WiNlneiwIny fornn
extended trip east, during which tlmo liu will
Villi, V..U' Vfirl ll.l.t..,. nil. I il...
. .... v..., ..o , ..v....... I.II1.UIIIU
cities of Now England. Mr. Hnllett will nlo
vnu ai mo om nonio in nnntucket which
he left thirty year mio mid hn not lnce
vltltcil. It will undoubtedly lie a happy
iiHetliig of old tune fi lend mid relatives.
(lovernor nml Mi. Thayer pent hint Biui
day in lMntUihouth n the guet of Captain
mid Mr. H. B. l'ahner. Monday they tnrt
M for Hoton to attend the (1. A. II, reunion.
After the reunion they will vllt nuvvrnl ennt
ern cities mid watering place.
Dr. T. J. Cnldw-ll of Aih-I, Iowa, In Ih-oii
In the city for several daj a tho gueit of U
V. Uaioutle. Dr. Cnldwell 1 0110 of the
bent known phytlelau in Ion 11 mid hnrei'
reeutcd hi district In tho Iowa noimto ev
ernl nucccwlvotlinw.
L. O. Uurr vicnt to Omaha lait Bundny to
Joined Judge Dundy, Dr. Clnlbrnlth nnd
Henry Homnii, of tlmtclty, and on Monday
tho tmrty tnrtel for Colorado and Wyetnlng
to hunt Itenr. The party will bo gone sev
eral week.
Alex Veoll of Wewcl & Vvcl, men'
furulher, Oinnhn, wa 11 gtiet of Mr. and
Mr. AYvmoI ravernl day thU week. Ho
left Tues ay for n thrw week winter va
cat Ion to Im) pent at tho DAkotn HotBprlng.
Mln Mnttlo Mnnthnll, oerntor for tho
l'ostnl Telegraph olllce, left Baturdny for n
vUlt of 11 fow ilnvH at her homo In Fremont.
She goes tlietiea to Victoria, Vancouver'
Iilnud, to taken ponltkm.
Frank T. Wnltou of tho Qermnn Nntlonnl
tinnk left Tuesday for a cojouru In Colorado
of several week. Ho goea far loutlt a
Trinidad, and may run down to tee tho
curlosllle ot BautnFe,
l'rot. VlghtmnnortlioWleymiuniverHlty
occupied the pulpit nt tho Flrt llnptlit
church lnt Bundny, Hu preached two plei -did
iierinon to largo nnd appreciative mid
Mis Venice Illgelow won tho Dentorest
mednl contit. The other contestnut w,ero
MImoi Myrtle KumoII, Gertrude Summer,
Hnttlo Ulako mul MluBtccktou.
BheillTMcClny, W. V. Ilnlu of tho AYir
ami 8, I'olwnsky were mnong the Llncolnlte
who nttetided tho I. O. O. F. eonclnvo in
Chicago thU week.
Mr. nml Mr. W. Ulch have moved to
Phoenix, Arizona, where Mr. Klch will have
charge of a Urge Indian training nchool.
MIm Annlo Chrlntlno Clilldowlll bo mar
ried nt the fnmlly residence thin evening to
Mr. Clnrk Fisher Ansley of Alwlo, III.
J. L. Cnldwell mul on took n trip over
land to Clmdron last week, mul Mrs. Cnld
well Joined them by rail nt thnt olnt.
J. F. Morris mid family !oft Monday for
Bait Lako City and Helena. They expect to
return about Septomber tint.
Worthy Btenril nnd wife left thb city last
Bnturday for n ten day' sojourn among tho
mountains ot Colorado.
Mls Alaieua Parker left Tuewlny for
Drokeii Bow to glvo instruction In elocution
nt a teacher' institute
Lew MnrMinll left Tuesday for his trip eait,
whloh will end with a period of camplnj out
on Lake Champlalu.
D. L. Biaco left Sunday forSt.Paul.Mlnn.,
and it may bo taken for granted thnt he had
hU eye on business.
Miss Gertrude Laws, daughter of Congress
man Law, wa a Lincoln visitor during tho
pnst weok.
E, K. Crlley has been enjoying a visit from
hi brother, Rev. Dr. W. W. qrlley of Find
hy, Ohio.
T. J. Uher mid wife nro tho proud owners
of a healthy bsby boy, who is one week old
Mi Ellen Smith, librarian at the state
university, has returned from a visit In Ohio.
Dr. nnd Mr, Holyokelmre been visiting at
Grinnell, lown, the doctor's old home.
Dr. Da) ton mid family returned bnturday
from Hot Springs, South Dakota.
J. 11, Coukllu and family nro visiting
friends and relatives In St. Paul.
Mlbslda Dlerwlth went to Onl to conduct a
musical given last night.
MU L. M, Todd attended the Long Pine
Chautauqua this wtck.
A. J. Cooper took a buslnws trip to CliN
cago during the week.
Mlw Clara Carmody left Monday for a
vUlt to Spirit Lake.
E. P. E wing ami family returned Saturday
from Pennsylvania.
Mr. Duke Hen II ha returned from her
visit at Ilavenna.
Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Travis were in Chicago
during tho week.
J. T. Hlukley went east last Sunday on a
business trip
Mli Maggie English Is visiting nt Spirit
Additional Social mul Personal on pagoS.
Last June, after the great flood, I received
u bottle of Chamberlain' colic, cholera nnd
diarrhoea rmnedy from my pastor, at n time
when I was very much run down with diar
rhoea, and had tried two doctor without
(hiding any relief. This remedy relieved me
nt once, and cured mo entirely in a short
time I got several bottle and gave It
around unions niy acquaintance who were
mulcted in the same way. I think I gave it
to a dozen people, and it relieve.! and cured,
so far a I know, In alt cases, It Is the best
medicine for tho dixiaw I haveever known,
Mr. K. L.'-Henr!e, Johnstown, Pa.
And Other I.nkn Muprrlor l'lilnli.,
Tim traveling public tuny not bo nwaro
thnt the II, &M, make the run between Lin
coln nud oluU oil Lake BiiHrlnr overnl
hour quicker than any other line, our rate
nro the lowest nnd tho service the bet.
Make Inquiry at Union depot or city olllce,
corner O and Tenth street, before deciding
on your route. It' to your Interest to do so.
A. O. Zlcmer, O. P, & T. A.
The Lincoln Strain Lntindry having re
cently changed hand mid undergone many
Improvement I now better than over pre-,
pared to execute work In tho very Inut innn.
tier, promptly mid nt opulnr price. Mr.
A. V. Day the new proprietor ha adopted n
new mid Improved proem for washing mid
handling garment, by which 110 blench'ng
or Injurious material nro used; the tlnest
fabric uch m silks, luce, llouuco, llnutiel
or cotton goods nro lautidrleil lit first class
manner, without the least damage. One trial
will convince tho uwst skeptical thnt the Lin
coln Htemu Ltuudry doe tho lluest work In
the city All good called for nml deliverec.
Telephone (W.
HellliiK llnoks by .Siibsrrlptlun.
Tho metlKMl of selling book by huliscrlpllon
hn tunny ii-lvnutnge over nny other, nnd I
dally growing In lmHrtanco mul pojiultrlty.
Ily this methoil thenttentlon of tho purchaser
I called to vnlunhlo look of which ho might
remain In entire Ignorance if they were sold
In any other way. Itts the most direct nnd
altogether tho in-Nt rciiwmifnif way to buy
Inxik. Hook putx'hased at n retail Iwok
store Imvo generally passed through the
baud ot from t wo In four middlemen, each
of whom mtisf have a prollt.
The lllrersldr fuMUhlttii Co., SI Louts,
Mo., olfei prollt ihle einployinetit to all who
wish to eiigiigo In tho biisinoH. Experience
Is not necessary, but nny lady or gentleman
with Intelligence nnd Industry can make n
siicccs of tlio worth.
Their publications are first das, Just such
book nsour young eoilemul our older eo
pie should rend; books thnt tend to make In
telligent men mid women, book thnt tench
IHHiplo thing that they ought to know; such
book as a splendid ttmll)i Hlhle, which Is In
Itself a jH-rfrct cyclopedia of biblical knowN
edge. IttdiHtUi's llinloru of the United
Sluten Is another plendld book ;n sale of over
!l(K),0(K) copies ieak loudly In favor of Its
great worth. The IVopte'ii Cyclo)eilla of
Unlrenttl Kuowtedue I another work that
ha carved It way to a wonderful succesi;
100,000 copkH of this uploiulhl cycloedla,
niado nml edlteil especially for tho masse,
have been fold, mul tho sale is still verj
They also handle tho ( tetter L10 of
the tlepublic Btnnley Exploration In Afrlci.
The Pioneer History of America; People'
Farm and Stock Cyclopedia; Tlio Physical
Life of lloth Hexes; Courtship, 1jvo and
Wedlock, and History of the Grand Army of
the Republic.
Another splendid book,nvcrngingnt fifteen
hundred set a month, Is Ithlimffla dcfoie
i(fn 0 Universal History, n book thnt I
IioiiikI to bo read by tens of tliotisniut of
scholar, and by those vt ho lay no claim to
scholarship, mid who yet love a clear,
stratghttorwiiril, uiideMondable record of
tho grent event of the world's history. The
IKipulnrlty of this book I something 'wonder
For further particulars, circular, term to
agent, etc., address,
The lllverslde Publishing Co., 70!i Olive
street, Bt. Louis, Mo. tl-IO-Am
Kxriintliiii Hiilcs to Kiistwrn llt-mirls.
The nttnitlon or tho trawling public Is
called to the advantages ot tlioOhtc& Missis
sippi Hall ny as a touto to Now York, Phila
delphia, Washington, D. C, ltnltlmore, Cin
cinnati mid Louisville, a well as to the num
erous health and pleasuie resort or tho
Uoth morning mul evening line of PuPnian
Vestibule Ilulfet Sleepers are run from St.
Lou! to New Yoik via the above named
cltle over tho Htiltlmore & Ohio route. Deer
Park and Oakland 'the twin mountain re
sort of tho Allegbeiile, nro on tho direct
route of these through sleepers to the Ent.
For Lake Chautauqua and Niagara Falls
our train corniest In Cincinnati with trains
of tho Erie Houte which runs through
to New York via Lnkowood on the routhern
boarder of Lako Chautauqua; being the only
line from tho west running a sleeper or a
coach of any kind to any oints on Lako
For White Sulphur nnd other healing
spring of the Virginias; Richmond, Old
Point Comfort, Washington, Baltimore,
Philadelphia and New York, ourtrnius make
direct connection In Union depot, Cincinnati
with the "F. F. V. Limited" of tho Chesa
eake & Jhlo Route.
Our rates to New York and other eastern
Hilnts nro lower thnn any ot'jer through car
mute from St. Louis, while our accommoda
tions are unsurpassed.
To those who contemplate a trip east this
summer we will lie glad to f uralsli descript
ive pamphlet of tho different resorts, iterve
leplng car berths mid furnish nny addition
hI Information as to rates, time and routes.
Bummer Excursion ticket to nil tho east
ern resort are now on snlo tu our olllce nt re
duced rntoj.
Call 011 or nddress A. J. Lytle, Genoral
Western Passenger Agent. O. & M. Hy., 105
N. I roadway, Bt. Louis, Mo.
Take Notice
Rtmcmber that the presont charter of tho
Louisiana Btate Lottery Company, which the
Supremo Court of the United 8tates has de
cided to be a Contract with the State of
Louisiana and part ot the constitution of tho
stato does not expire until the first ot Janu
ary, 1805. The legislature of Louisiana,
which adjourned 011 the 1 0th of July of this
year, has ordered nn amendment to tho con
stitution ot tho state to In) submitted to the
people at an election In IS9J, which will enrry
tre charter of the Louisiana State Lottery
ComiMiny up to the year nineteen hundred
nnd nineteen. 7.2td.
Furniture, carpets and general merchan
dise sold on easy weekly or monthly pay
ments. Address II. Goldsmith, care drawer
03, City.
Some years ago wo were very much sul
Ject to severe spells of cholera morbus; and
now when wo feel any of tho symptoms tlint
usually proceed that ailment, Mich us sick at
tho stomach, diarrhoea, etc., we become
senry. We hove found Chamberlain's rem
edy tho very thing to straighten one out in
such cases, nnd always keep It aliout. It Is
somewhat similar to the usual cholera cures,
but seems to contain Ingredients that render
It more pleasant to take, nud that do their
worU more quickly. Sherilf Devereux tells
us that he Is subject to cholera morbus, mid
recently felt n spell coming on, when he ob
tained n bottle of Chamberlain' colic, choU
era mid dlarrhva remedy, nnd two doios
made him nil right. Wo are u6t writing
this for n my testlmohWI, but to lot our read
er know what i a good thing to keep handy
In the house. Trey, (Kim,,) Vhirf, Forale
by A. 1 Bhndor.
turtn Hilly flrcrn's Interesting llenilnls
crnces of I'rrslilrmt IJnrntn.
Ill his old ago "Undo Hilly" Green, of
Tnllt.ln, III., Is known na tho "Sago of
Tulluln." Fifty yenrs ngo hi neighbor
called him "Sllcky lfllly" liecntiso of hi
preturnnttirnl shnrpnes nt 11 trade. It was
In tho enrly day of hi career that ho met
Abraham Lincoln, nnd now thnt lio hn
nearly closed thn eighth decado of nn nctlvo
life he loves to dwell upon Incident of 111
iihsoclntloti with the wnr president of tho
United Stntes. Not long ngo hoclinttcd
volubly upon thoMitbJvct with Col. I'lioclon
Howard, another
Illinois old timer.
Green, It seems,
was LI 11 en 1 11 '
pint tier In 11 moo
cry at Salem, and
at night, whuu
customer woro
few, ho hold tho
grammar whllu
Li 11 en 1 11 recited
hi lessons. To
h I m sympathetic
cur Lincoln told
the story of his
love forswect Ann
Itutlcdge. Ho saw
u.Nct.K nijAV mrr:N.
tho happy pnlrHtrolIing through tho woods
about old Snleni or boating on the river, or
lingering long over tho bucket of water
which Lincoln drew from the well for Ann,
Hooirered what comfort ho could to his
friend when poor Ann died, nnd Lincoln's
grunt heart nearly broke.
"After Aim died," say Uncle Hilly, "on
stormy night, when tho wind blew the
ruin ngnlnst tho roof, Abo would set thnr
In tho grocery, his elbows on bis hnech, his
face In his hands, nn' tho tear riinnlii'
through his linger. I hntcd to see him
feel so bnd, an' I'd say, 'Abe, don't cry:' nn'
he'd look up nn any, 'I can't help it, Hill,
tliu ruin's ii-fiillin' on her. "
Green saw his friend rlso In .reiitness
nud favor with tho people until ho was
elected president of tho nation. At Lin
coln's first Inaugural banquet Green sat nt
tho tnblo on the president's left, with tho
dignified secretary, Sewnrd.-on his right.
Lincoln presented tho two men to each
other, wiylng, "Secretory Sewnrd, this Is
Mr. Grcou, of Illinois." Sownrd bowed
stiffly, when Lincoln exclaimed: "Oh, get
up, Sownrd, nnd shako hands with Green.
Ilo'sthu limn that taught mo my grain
niiir." Undo Hilly delights to tell this story, nnd
adds: "Tho It'.ec of my teachln' Abo Lin
coln unythltiii. Why, let inn tell you that
when ho (jot through with that grnnimnr
h-i used to htiuly ho Icunwed more grammar
thnn tho man thnt wrote the book. This
was Abe's greatness that when ho know
u thing ho knew It better thnn nnyhody,
1111' ho could tell It to tho most Ignorant
ninn so he'd know nil nhottt It."
I.esx-iilni; Hahlo Island's Tertom.
Sable Island, which lies nbout 200 miles
to thu west of Halifax, Novn Scotia, Is
little known save to shipwrecked mari
ners. So ninny sailors have been cast
ushore there- that it has gained tho naino
r.f the 'ocean graveyard." Tho Island Is
t:..wl rs 11 lcncnn station on which the
Ciiiuidlnn government maintains two light
houses nnd stores of provisions to bo used
in of shipwrecks. As there Is no com
munication between Sable island and tho
nmln hind except by means of clianco ves
sels, It has often happened thnt Milp
wree'.cd seamen Imvo been kept on It for
11 long time without being nblo to make
their condition known. The Dominion
t.ovcriimont now proposes to overcome
this illlllculty by establishing a rc;iilnr
system of pigeon post between thu bland
nnd Halifax. A liomery Is to lm estab
lished at the latter place, and an occa
sional consignment of trained birds is to
ho despatched to tho former, which will lio
available as messengers in r.ny special
emergency. It Is stated that tho Cnuivllnn
government Is Importing tho carrlor pig
eons from Uelgiinn.
Tlio New Treasury Assistants.
The assistant secretaries of the treasury
recently appointed by President Hariisou
are men comparatively well known
throughout the United States. Gen. Al
lured H. Nettleton is a unlive of Ohio nnd
Is (51 years old. He left Ohcrlln collepont
tho ngo of 22 to take part in tlio civil war
on thu sldo of the north, nml when tho con
test enmo to an end hnd attained tho rank
of brigadier general. Slnco 18M ho has de
voted his tlmo to newspaper nud railway
Interests. In ISSOhe removed to Mlnne
sotn and established Tho Minneapolis Pal
ly Tribune.
Gen. Oliver L. SpauliHiiK was born In
New Hampshire in 1833. Llko Gen. Nittlo
ton ho is a graduate ot Ohcrlln. After
leaving college he becamo a resident of
Michigan and regent of tho St.ito universi
ty. Ho entered tho Union army In 1SIB
and roso rapidly, being brovetod brigadier
general In for meritorious uorvlcis. lie
tins been secretnry of stato of Michigan for
two terms, special agent of tho treasury
department, member of eongvc und
chairman of the Sandwich Islands reci
procity treaty cnmniis.slnn.
Nebraska's Itcpubllcaii Nominee.
The Kcpubllcnii nominee for governor of
tho statu of Nebraska, Hon. Ltichis I).
Richards, is a native of Vermont, having
been liorn nt Charleston, Orleans county,
Nov. 20, 1S47. When less than 111 j can, of
ago ho enlisted In tho northern army 113 a
private, and car
ried a musket un
til thu end of thu
civil war. After
tho close of tho
contest heengnged
in civil engineer
ing. Hu located at
Fremont, Neb., lu
1675 nnd has lived
there ever since,
his present busl
ines being real es
Hi. Itim lu.,.ti imiv.
HiciiAitns. or 0, Ulu town for
twu terms and holds , commission as geu
eral of tho Nebrask militia. Ho Is mar
ried and tho father c two children.
lawyer Hummel, of New York, Is
credited with tho iiK-ertlon that money,
mntrlmouy and nlln ny make nearly nil
tbe.buslness for the r "tra qt Justice.
gS 'aJ'.vl
V'-'4SRW w WW
We are Showing
Clothing, flats, Caps,
Furnishing Goods
At Low
1017-1019 O St.,
Beatrice, Neb.
Falls City, Neb.
Weeping Water, Neb.
Wilber, Neb.
Herman Bros.
Spring Carpets
f And Draperies
1112 0 St. Telephone 219.
The Choicest line of Perfumes. D. M. Ferry's Finest
Flower and Garden Seeds.
127 South Eleventh street.
y2xu "Zz&s&ggSBr
ill beurtpersooJUupe'rufjIooofHORKCB L.. LELKND,
tss5sa?iF arjd mill b$ opcQ for t reeptlol) of $ucst6 Jui first I7 ea0
year, (ieltors will fii)d THE ORLEHNS is first oUes Iq all qf its appointments, belo) well
eupplld with 5, r;ot aid cold water batij6, eletfrlo bells nl H modro Improvements, steam
UUQdry, billiard Ijatl6. bowling alley, etc., and posltluly free fron annoyano by (nosulto8.
Round Trip Excursion Tickets will b$ placed 00 sal at ty c,ommei(emt of t
tourist 6ason by tlj Burllntoo. sjedar Rapids &. ortbcri) Railway and all connecting lines. t low
rates, to tyc following polijts In Iowa and Tllnnesota. Spirit lalje, Iowa; filbert lea, Uatervllle,
1 minneapolis. 8t. Paul, lake Tllnnctonija. Uhlte
Lak,c Jupcrlor points; Vellowstone parlf points and points In Colorado.
Urit for "A Midsummer Paradise," to t$o general Jloet aijd
fassener ftnt. Cedar IJaplds. Iowa, ap far$8$ fjates to H. L. LcutND.Spirlt lak,e, Iowa.
C.J.IUES,prt.aij4;iii63pt J.E. HHNNECHN,CnlMlaQ4Pa.psivl.
a Complete Line
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Dfar lake and Dulutb, miijnesoM; eicar Lake, lowat