Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, August 02, 1890, Page 4, Image 4

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    -U '.' gi-Uri-LL hVil&JLkt r.QSX.Ul&jj.gju. juzuj. a-:.
f I frpwiiw
sssr --srsa-ati WA-aratw
ii i iHMimiiuMKUW
&! mm tnmmtmntwt
Gasoline Stoves.
(( TiTUi'sVn TUTm-inf n-?r
Screen Doors,
Screen Windows,
Screen Wire
Frank E. Lain;
93601 Street.
North Side Postollice Sqtinre
Cushman Park
Sunday, Aug. 3.
Best Program of the Season I
Rip Yan Winkle
Snnrlaw I
I uuuuuj 1
Tho Military llaiul In Attendance
sharp for Pnncrum,
Trains at 10:30 a. in., 2
. ! II. in..
11:30 p. in. ami
6iS) p. 111. Itoturus at -::) p. in., ft n,
m. ami S , in
in., o p.
Wednesday, Aug. 5.
Knights of Pythias Grand
Outing !
Trains at 10:30 a. in , 2 p. m., 4:'JU p. m., nnd
7p.m. lloturnsat.lp, m., 7::io p.m. anil n
p. in
Admission hy train and gate, 10c enelt per
son. Ily order of Committee,
Saturday and Sunday Aug. 9 and 10.
Tho most exciting show
over presented to
uiviuiou peopio.
National Driving Association of
on, Kansas. iMJauk ltiibliltM and 'JOof tlm
fastest (Iroylinunds on oarth. Ono-half mllo
of canvas on eaoh sldo of the eourso. Will
beat Wild West nnd Harnum'snU to thunder.
Competition open to all grey hounds In tho
mine. ou ruwiini ninny native noil tlinl van
pick up a Kansas Jack.
All produced at our
xponsa 01 f i,ww u tiny.
A Fine Crayon
1124 0 ST.
Every customer gets a head
and shoulder Crayon Picture
Free from any and all cost.
This work is made direct from
any photo you may want
copied. Call and look into
this matter. .
Lincoln Truirtctory
Where wc will be glad to see all old
friends and customers and as many new
ones as can get Into the store.
aid isstitotk or rtnuxsmr,
l t to Wm s. tu Student In Mleailaurafut
LnxiwiDOB Roou, Lincoln, Neb.
A lytular lipcv 0 Moilrm Ttmrt
HtiiiNCiitiTioNi Onu Your I))' Mull or Carried
i(X1j Mix Months, II (u;Thrro Montlm, AOc.;
Ono month iW Cents Invaralily In Adrnnce.
AnvKnTiKKMRfTMS Union furnished 011 application
at (lie onico. HHolnl rates on Time Contractu,
('osrriunirnnioi! Bliort spicy sketches, -ms nnd
stories solicited, l'ersonnl nnd Hoclnl notes me
especially desirable,
I'mntiwi! Wo make a socially of Fine Printing
In nil IN branches, Hoclety nork n specialty.
PubllHliod Saturday.
Address nil comimmiuitlim direct 10 the ofllce.
Courier HtilMliiK. IMi N Street.
Wknhki., Jit., Editor nml Solo li oprletor.
KitKD IlKNr.iNdKH, Associate IMItor,
Tiik Democrats of this county elected dele
gates Inst Saturday who favored W. J.
llryau for congress and lv. !C Hnydeu for
state trvniturer. They aro worthy the hearty
supjiortof tho Democrats of Lnncastorrounty.
Lincoln Is not only keeping up her gnlt,
nut she Is getting thuron little faster, Tho
stono wnlli of tho new hotel at Ninth nnd 1
took, so hnudsouio and luqioslug that tho
stockholders havo decided to Increase tho
hclghth to seven stories.
Tiik seech of W. U Cundlff of this city
nominating W. J. Ilryan at tho Democratic
congressional convention was tho neatest,
mont iui'lslui and most eloiuent of tho many
nominating speeches inndo In Lincoln this
year. It w as a model for Its kind.
CoxaiiKHHMAN Lawh wfll not Hiiecocd him
self at Washington, Ho declined to leave
his duties to come homo and work for h re
nomlnatlon. Apparently hu notified his
f i lends thnt ho did not want thu olllco longer,
for his name was not mentioned (n the con
vention, although ho had warm champions.
N. V. Harlan of York was nominated hy tho
Republicans for his seat.
Oov.TiiaykhIms Imued three proclama
tions giving notice that several amendments
to tho state constitution will tie voted on at
the fall election. Ono refers to the prohibi
tion nnd high-license amendments. Another
provides for Increasing tho number of su
preme court Judges from three to IJvo nnd
making their term of olllco tlvo years. The
third provides for Increasing tho mlnrlos of
the supreme and district court judges from
A NOTAULK thing at the Demoo.-atlo con
gressional convention was tho largo vote
given by tho Omaha do'egatlou to tho Lin
coln candidate, W. J. Ilryan. It wss expect
oil that tho ,oto for Mr. llryau would bo
unanimous, but Omaha's clown, Editor
Vaughn, sprung nn Omaha candidate on the
delegation after their arrival In Lincoln. Ho
succeeded in getting twenty-one votes for his
man. Omaha wants tho nominee for gov
ernor, which explains hersecmlng generosity.
Ahk w o n frivolous people! That Is a ques
tion Robert J, Burdott asks, nnd Mien ho
writes a long magazine article to prove that
we aro altogether too solemn. Ho says the
"funny man" is scarce, and that his hold on
the publio Is much weaker than wo think.
He asserts that it will not do for a humorous
lecturer to appear In a town two successive
nights, for the second night is almost sure to
bo a failure. He suggests that his readers
take a list of 850 American humorists who
have lived and written during tho past 200
jears and note how few of them ho ever
heard of.
It Is becoming more and mora the policy
of managers of state fairs to supplement the
exhibit of machinery, stock and farm pro
duce with "features" calculated to amuse and
entertain the visitor. Dy this statement it is
not meant to imply that these "features" are
secured at tho expense of tho legitimate dis
play of a fair, They aro additional to tho
old tima fair, give the spectator more for his
money and probably attract enough extra
visitors to pay for themselves. This new
movement is in lino with the spirit of our
people, and its wisdom has already been
proved. For this year the Nebraska state
fair has secured Coup's educated horses and
Freyer's trained dogs. The latest attraction
announced Is u specimen of the American
moose, an animal now nearly extinct. Tills
particular moose has been broken to harness
nnd trained to race against time. Ills per
formance will be a daily feature of the races.
The Democrats of this congressional dis.
tricthavo nominated William Jennings Ilryan
of this city as their candidate for congress.
This will meet with general satisfaction
among people who know Mr. Dryan,and It is
freely predicted, that ho will run far ahead of
hln ticket. Senator Van Wyck has been
nominated by the independents, and may
draw enough votes from the Republican can
didate to give Lincoln t congressman. Mr.
Ilryan's manner Is singularly genial, and his
eloquence on tho platform wins him admirers
wherever he speaks. Ho has tho raro gift
of making friends on sight, as it weie, and
will be an exceedingly strong candidate.
Mr. Bryan was born at Salem, Illinois, In
1600, but most of his boyhood was spent on a
farm. At fifteen he entered an academy at
Jacksonville and two years later went to Illi
nois college for a classical eourso. He gradu
ated with honors In 18S1. He was class-orator
and took second prize In an interstate
college oratorical contest. He studied luw at
Union college in Chicago, was admitted in
1BS3 und begun practice at Jacksonville. In
1837 he visited Lincoln on business, fell in
love with the city and removed hither, form
ing a partnership with A. R. Talbot. Mr,
Ilryan was married in 183 to MLss Mary E.
Bayard of Perry, Ind,
A I.lst of Miit-oliilti-s Aliroml mid Wlirro
They urn Hiiiiiiiierluir.
The CouniKit will esteem It n fnvur If Its
friends will nsulst In keeping tho following
list of suuimer absentees full nnd correct.
Wo will be glad to add names to tho list, but
nliovo till ht us know when theso tourists re
turn. Hldney Miss Altn LiuiU
Hnvciiiin Mrs. Duke lleall,
KiiKland Mrs. H. A. lllnns.
Kiiglatul Mrs. i:. A. lllnns.
Now York J, H. Maurltlui.
Montreal, Can. K. Goodrich.
Topeka-.MNs Lllllnu Hterllii.
Momence, III. Pi of. Glheniilt
Whitehall, 111. Dr. C V. Lu.ld.
White Mountalns-i:. II. Wells.
Orecloy, Col. Mrs. A. L. Guile.
I'lttsburg-Lleut. T. W. Grlllith.
Cheyenne K. T. Ondd nnd wife.
Dorchester, Mass. 8. II. Ilrown.
Grand Islnnd-Mlss Nellie White.
Madison, Neb. Mrs. J. I). Hood.
Hcranton.Pa. Mrs. 8. T. Dayklu.
Buffalo, N. Y. Mlts Julia Smith.
8ltkn, Alaskn Hluhard I). Miller.
Des Moines Miss Mnrgnret llalrd.
Marseilles, III. Miss Llrle Bond.
City of Mexico Anrou Buckstnff.
Hplrlt Itke, Iowa Charles Clark.
Sandwich, Ill-Mrs. C. 8. Hopper.
Graham, W. n, Miss Ida Young,
Rochester, N. Y. Miss Cora Hardy.
Urhann, Ohio Miss Allco Malth.nd.
Omaha Mrs. K, Mot and children.
Castile, N. Y.-MUs Mary A. Smith.
Portland, Me. II. K. I,owls and son.
Cleveland, O. Miss Lulu Griinlnger.
Richmond, Vt. Mrs. C. A. Williams.
Marietta, O. Mrs, Dr. Charles Hart.
Ht Paul, Minn. Mrs. J. K. Klwnrds.
Jamestown, N. I). Miss Lolllo Smith
Palmer Lake, Col. Mrs. A. M. llalrd.
Idaho John K. Stout, John Fairfield.
Pike, N. Y.,-Fred Williams and wife.
Osage, Iowa -Mrs. P. V. M. Raymond.
Milwaukee Carl C. imntr. and family.
Glenn ood Springs, Col, John Zehrung.
Udii.non, Pn. U. P. Ew Ing nnd family,
aalesburg, III. Miss Eleanor W llllams.
Philadelphia Sam Herschler mid family.
Albnuy, N. Y. Miss Sarah Wool Moore,
Lyons, N. Y. Mrs. R. M. Lyons nnd niece.
Swinging round tho circle C. It. Rlchter.
Brooklyn, N. Y. It H. Moffntt nnd wife.
Massneluuetts H. 8. O on I on nnd wife.
Jnnesvllle, Wis. Mrs. A. J. Illiighnm and
Chicago Miss Edith Russell, John C. Ron
noil. With hunting party In Colorado L. C.
Hamilton, Canada Jock Stobbs and sister
Halifax, Nova Scotia J. II. Harley and
Battle Creek, Mich. Mrs. II. Zehrung nnd
Iowa Mrs. A. J. Caldwell, Mrs. I), p.
Deardstcwn, Iowa Mrs Frank Mayo and
Colorado Judge W.J. Houston. Geo. R.
Geneva, N. Y. Mrs. R. M. Simons and
Madison, Wis. Mrs. Albert Wntklus and
Minneapolis Mrs. M. W, Mtigoon, Rev. O.
E. Baker.
Olympla, Wash. Mrs. L. C, Burr and
Frecxrt, III. Mrs. J. W. Menlove and
Now York Mrs. C. AV. Pomfret and
Lake Chautauqua, N. Y., Miss Maud
Mineral Point, Wis G. M. Lamberthon
and family.
Tomahawk Lakes, Wis. Albert Wntklns
nnd family.
Wyoming, cumplng Mrs. C, 8. Clason
and family.
Lake Mlnnotonka Mrs. W. 8. Huffman
nnd children.
Canada Rev. Gregory and aunt, Mrs.
Portland, Oregon A. Manger, H. A. Bab
cock and wife.
Georgetown, Col. Mrs. C.G. Dawes, Rev.
and Mrs. Curtis.
Coldwater, Mich. Misses Loulso Smith
and Alice Righter.
Touring Europe A. E. Hargreaves.W.W.
Wilson, T. Ewing,
Nantosket Beach Mrs. H. W. Brown and
daughter Florence.
Wisconsin Ilor. F. 8. Stein, Mrs. T. J.
Curtis and daughter.
Asbury Park, N. Y. Mrs. E. K. Criley
and family, H, R. Krug.
Dayton, Ohio Misses Jennie and Mary
Underwood, Mrs. A. G. Blllmeyer.
Ashland, Wis. Fred Baldwin and family,
Mis. W. F. Huffman and children.
In British North America, hunting bear
Dr. O. F. Lambertson, Mark Woods.
Helena. Mont. M. D. Thurston, A.H.Bar
ber, Mrs. L. C, Pace and daughter Clarkie.
Boston O. W. Webster and family, Mrs.
Adolf Weber, Prof. Bagnall, Fred C. Howe,
Touring tho northwest Frank M. Hall and
wife, Prof. F. F. Roose and wife, Miss Gert
rude Marquett,
Denver Mrs.' B. C. Youmans, Mrs. M. E.
Canlleld, Mrs. Fred Funke and daughter,
Martha, Mrs I. M, Bond.
Manltou Miss Laura Haggard, Mrs. L. B.
Treeman and daughter, Mrs. T. P. Folsom,
Mrs. Mary Gregg and daughter, Mrs. Ada
Espy, Mrs. C. A. Wlckersham.
Old Point Comfort, Va. Mrs. A. S. Ray
mond and children, Miss Blanche Horgreaves,
Mrs. It. C. Outcaltaudchildien, Mrs. CO.
Wheedou and children, Mrs. Prof. Little.
Colorado Spring Le Rue Brown, Mrs. M.
C. Coleman, Miss Clair Link, J. It. Hortou,
Mrs. J. H. McMurtry and daughter, Miss
Tote, T. J, Mlltonberger and family, J. M.
Edmiuston and wife.
Touring the east J. A. Huddlesou and
wife, Rev. O. A. Williams, Frank and Oscar
Easterday, M. I. Aitkin, Mrs. Hard, Miss
Gertrude Aitkin, F. W. Helwlg, Miss Mollle
Helwlg, Mrs, J. J Imhoff,
Estes Park, Col. Carl Funke and wife, W.
M. Leonard and wife, W, B. Hargreaves and
wife, A. C. Zlemer and wife, Fred Smyser,
Mason Gregg and family, L. G. M. Baldwin
nnd family, J. F. iJtnslng and sous, Fiank
Burr, Mlts Grace Burr, Supt. Geo. B. I,ane
and family, H. P. Foster and family.
Hot Springs, B. D.-Mrs. M. E. Wheeler,
Samuel Gouens and wife, It. M. Turner and
wife, Mrs. Austin Humphrey, Mrs. Noriis
Humphrey, Dr. W. L. Dayton, Mrs. Paul
Holm, Mrs. Morris Turner, A. C. White, J.
B. Strode, Mrs. S. M. Mellck, J. Farmer and
wife, Capt, llax and family, John Steen nnd
Halt Lake Geo. Spencer and family, J. M,
Mlllspnugli nnd family, Jas, Spencer and
wife, Frank Gregg and wife, Ed. Church,
Mrs. J. D, Parish and daughter. It. T. Hyl.
vnnus and family, Mis. Jee I). Mooie, Mis
wiun tinier, miss 1.01111 Ulllesple, Mrs. D. O
lounnoy, Miss Irene Wntklns, Henry
kin, Mrs. N, C. Brock and daughter.
Visiting In various parts of state.
You Take No Itlsk,
In buying Hood's Sarsapsrllla.for It Isovery
where recognized ns the standard building-up
medicine nnd blood purifier. It has won It
way to the front by Its own Intrinsic merit.
nnd has tho largest snloof any preparation of
Its kind Any honest druggist will conllim
this statement. If you decide to take Hood's
Sarsnparllla do not bo Induced to buy any
thing efro lintend. Bo sure to get Hood's-
Fatheis nnd mothers icnllo fully thnt the
proper clothing of children is quite a fliimi
clnl burden. In making their selections of
articles cf wear It becomes economical jieo
pie to look to tho quality of tne goods as w ell
ns tlm pi Ico. Now In tho lino of shoes for In-
lants ami children no manufacturer hns n
lietter reputation for good wenres than .leg
Inr Bros , and their goods are cm rled In Lin
coln by Brltcoo tho Shoo Man at tho Exposi
tion. In infnnU shoes ho carries all sizes
from ono to five and all widths from A A m
E. In children's shoes the sizes 11111 from
live nnd n hnlf to seven nnd n half and from
tight to ten nnd n hnlf. Theso hno spring
heels mid nro In all widths from A A to E
Incldentlady It may bo added thnt if you
want anything In tho lino of footwear Brli
coo Is tho house to bo seen first.
Henry Lomb of Rochester, N. Y., strives
to benefit hts nice by offering prizes for essajs
calculated to show man how to Improve his
state, Tho Intest of thest prize essays is
1 radical Sanitary and Economic Cooking
Adapted to Persons of Moderate nnd Small
.Means," nnd the writer, Mrs. Mary Hlnmnii
Atiel, was awarded tho 6500 prize over sev
enty competitors. This work is something
moro than n bundle of receipts. It explains
tho science of cookery In simple language.
It tells what elements are most needed in
food to sustain health and explains how to
combine nnd cook them w It It tho bet results.
Tho book deals with tho food question in ii
practical, Intelligible way, and Is without
doubt n valuable manual for any kitchen. It
Is sold at the nominal price of forty cents.
No such ice cream and Ices ns those found
ut Poehlers nro to be found elsewhere In
the city. His now parlors In tho McBrldo
iiiock nro tne finest in the city.
(. A. It. at llostnn.
For tho G. A. It. EncamtuiiHfit uhini.
meets in Boston, Mass., August 10th to 10th
the Union Pacific has made 11 rate of one
nrsi class raro for tho round trip. Tickets
will be on sale from August Oth to 10th in
clusive, good for going passage from August
Oth to 13th Inclusive, and for return passage
on trains leaving Boston August 12th to 20th
inclusive, allowing to August 25th for return
to destination.
For those who do not care to return as
soon as August 25th, a joint agency for the
extension cf tickets lias lieon established in
Boston, nnd tlioso npplylng to this joint
agent may have their tickets extended until
September iiOth, 1890.
The Unio.v Paoikio Is in every way tho
most desirable route for comrades to take
who are going to tho Encampment. It not
only operates the finest vestibulod trains,
consisting of mugnlllcent Pullman Palace
Sleepers, Free Reclining Chair Car, Pullman
Palace Dining Car and Pullman Colonist
Sleepers, hut runs on fast time and makes
close connections In Union Depots with all
eastern Hues.
Another feature to be considered Is the fact
that baggage cun lie checked through from
starting jnilnt to destination, thus avoiding
the annoyance of recliecklng at the Missouri
Agents of this company will upon applica
tion furnish moro detailed information rela
tive to rates, tickets, time of trains, etc.
E. L. Lomax, Gen'l Pass. Agent.
Omaha, Neb.
Poehler makes a specialty of serving ice
cream and Ices for picnics, parties, weddings,
etc. Orders taken by telephone -157 or at the
olllce In the MoBrlde block,12th and Pstrce 8.
On To llnston.
On account of the G. A. R. encampment to
be held August 12 to 10, tho Chicago & At
lantlo will sell excursion tickets to Boston and
Routes Passengers are given their choice
of either the following:
1. Via Chicago fe Atlantic, D. & H. C.
and Fitchburg Rys., through the Western
Reserve, along Chautauqua lake, through the
oil and coal regions of Pennsylvania and
Now York, tho great Uoosuc Tunnel, tho
cities of Akron, O., Elmlra, Albany, N. Y.,
2. Via C. & A., Erie nnd N. Y. & N. E.
Rys., same as route ono to Blnghamton, N.
Y. Beyond these crossings the Hudson river
at Newburg, and traversing the states of
onnectlcut and Rhode Island by daylight
passing through the cities of Hartford, Dan
bury and Waterbury, Conn., reaching Boston
In time for supper.
3. Via Chicago and Atlantic to New York
City, thence via either of the rull lines to
Boston or (4) via New York and Sound line
Tickets will bo sold Aug. 8, 0 nnd 10, good
going three days from date of salo und to re
turn at any time up to Sept. 80. The rate
for tho round trip from Chicago being $10.00
for the first two routes, 23.00 for the third,
and 22.00 for the fourth.
Stop-overs will be allowed at certain
prominent points enroute. Both Pullman
Palaco and Pullman Tourist cms will be run
through to Boston without change.
For further information address F. C. Don
ald, O. P. A. Chicago & Atlantic, Chlcngo.IU.
Iiuportiuit l'oliits and HiicBustloim.
I am now supplied with a full line of finely
illustrated amphIeUdescripthoof the lead
ing summer resorts of our country mid can
offer manner vnluablo suggestions to those
contemplating n trip during the heated spell
Special attention Is culled to the celebrated
fishing resorts of northern Michigan and tho
upier lake region, the charming and diversi
fied scenery of tho Alleghenles nnd the beau
tiful Lehigh valley, the Thousand islands of
the St. Lawrence, the quiet haunts of the
Adlrondacks the surf bathing of the Jersey
coast, the health giving resorts of the giand
old "Rockies," the Hot Springs of Dakota,
with their attendant stage rides over sujierb
mountain roads und amid scenes of Indoscrlb
able grandeur, the boating and llshlng of
Spirit lake and Minaetonka, and to Saratoga,
the queen of the fashionable resorts.
Inquiries concerning thu above, either per
sonal or by letter, will receive prompt ami
courteous attention.
A. C. Zlemer, 0. P. & T. A.
John C. Bonuell, wh we real estate business
has kept him In Chicago much of the time of
late, was borne this week.
A Beautiful
Tablet Form
Envelopes to Match.
Wessel Print. Co.
You Never Saw Such an Assortment
Fans, Dress Trimmings,
Infants Caps and Lace Scarfs
TANS .le TO S20.00. , u SOUTir nth 8T.
Mr. M. O. S. Quito sends in his bill
With a very fine point at the tip,
The whetstone and oilcan are just what he needs
Before he commences his bloodthirsty deeds,
Ue makes no leturn to the victim he bleeds,
And never telaxcs his grip.
This luxurious gentleman and our customers resemble each other to the extent
that both get the best of the bargain. We are prepared to make more than the pro
portionate return for nil Investments made with us, as a glance at our large stock of
Furniture and the prices at which they are offered will demonstrate.
A. T. Gruetter & Co.'s Furniture House,
100 Engrayed
Arid Copper Plate, for $2.50.
If you have a Plate, we
same, at
Courier Offioo.
Telephone 253.
Line of Fine
1136 N STREET.
Callng Cards
will furnish 100;Cards from
1134 N Street
-Xs..,.... t , ..vf. ,(.t j,,,