Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, August 02, 1890, Image 1

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    " PoPd lR PAPER on A9PERN 'TIMES
i "" i- r - v' tM-- i-
Voiv. 6 No 34
Lincoln, Niihkaska, Saturday, August 2, idOO.
NI) now for u fow
words nlmut Athint
lo City, tho city by
tlio son, tho favorite
resort for I'lillndeN
phlnus, l)altlmor
onus, Hostoulnns nnd
the hundred nnd ono
' sninller tow ns for
hundreds of miles
around, ulin .rim..
hero with their fnmllles, novor ilrennilng
of leaving "Puggy" nt home. Just now this
grent resort is nt tho very helghth of its
populnrity nnd the soiiroii Ims fully ojienod.
Tho hotels nro nil full niul ninny u night tho
city merchant comes down to llud thnt nil
tho hotels nro crowded nnd u Moor bunk Is
well relished. And thero nro lots of hotels
hero too, hundreds of them, but tho crowds
nro so Immense thnt notwithstanding tho
enormous nccommodntlons, they nro Inndo
qunte. Thero Is n clnss of eolo that do not
go to a hotel, but come to tho bench for the
dny only nnd return In tho ovenlng, for tho
rldo Is only n short one from tho Qunker City,
consuming soventy-flvomlnutes, nnd tho fnro
In tho wnter nnd pans it way an hour or so
lintliliig, llontlnx nnd swimming. Hut of
course of tho latter there Is eryllttlodono as
tho under current Isirulto strong nnd It it
quires an extraordinarily good swimmer to
iniikonny headway In safety. It Is n grent
sight to sit on tho shndtd plomind wntch tho
bnthers.nud InmdredH that visit tho shore sel
dom go In themselves but prefer wntchlng
tho 1I1IISHO? SS tlll'V tllllllLNI lulu tlin lii-unl-..,-..
and tho general frolic of tho ciowd. After n
fow moments In the wnter many of the bath
ers enjoy lounging on tho wnrni sands, es
poelnlly when tho water Ihii lltth-cool. When
III n IHirtV It Is It nlcnsjint iinst-tlnm fnr nun
of them to lie on tho wind to le covered en
urviy uy urn nninncu or tno jmrty, who dig
the sand up with their hnnds. A close scru
tiny of tho picture In tho upper left hand
corner will show u pnrty doing this
It Is Interesting to natch tho bathers
ns they comu In. You can nlwiiysdlstlngulsh
an old bather from a now one, especially ho
among tho Indies. Tho hitter, as might be ox
I cctod, always enter tho water very ( autlous
ly und watch every direction for fenr some
ono will push or pull them In. As soon ns
the water Is reached, which usually coins
very cold, they never fnll to give a shriek.
This of course draws tho attention of all the
batheisnenr by nnd soon the fair damsel is
w otched by everyone. If sho Is n good looker,
win be hail and nil the benellt of oetan ulr
can best bo enjojid It exti nils out several
hundred feet Into tho water nnd wry ottin
nt night tlm oung folks oil Joy tho innry
movementsof the waltz thero. It Is always
C(K)1 at Atlantic City at night nnd geiiciully
very lold, so much ho thnt owieoatt! and
heavy w i aps nro necesnry for comfoi t .
After dinner some of the bather enjoy a
short imp in older to lie fully prepared to en-
Joy tho hop at night. Otheis l'o out for n
Mill or a row on tho Inlet which isat the north
of tho city (Just around the point nliciollio
pier Is shown), nnd iimkis a delightful place
for nil iifteiuoou outing. Jtnnv g to the
crabbing grounds, at tho other end ofthe
city. This Is groit sport. Have ou ever
lieen oinbblngf Well If you haven't you
should embrace tho first ohi tunlty and try
It. It Is simple work, but, like ilshlng, Is
sometimes tedious, ami J on miiit be loaded
with that necessity culled patience Our
party, coiupi (slug two couples, were out for
a little over an hour and weie loivmdcd with
a haul of thirty-uino of the niimcioudy limb
od reptiUs. Tho modify apntinili of this
grent accomplishment is very simple. How
boats are always ready for hire nnd after seat
ing yourself the "di Ivor'' ptillsout nnd within
five minutes you nro nt tho scene of action.
Hero you will find the water shallow, only
fro'r. four to light fed ecp, and on n clear
It Is cause for geneinl legiet that Lincoln
Ims no lake or considerable stieiim within or
near Its conllues Why shouldn't it haw
Ktrangei moiouullkely things than oeii this
haw come to pass. Why cannot Jho salt
basin west of the city lie eonwrted Into a
hiket" C C Hurrhiisthoughtorlt and talked
of It prolwiblv Otheis. too. Homo time niru
the matter was suggested to an eastern man,
He took to tho Idea w It hiippaieut enthusiasm,
nnd nutliorlod 1'iitnk Ilmr to go to the ox
penseof looking up cei tain lufoi inatlou, sui h
as the own-ishlp of the laud.
It Is asset tisl that by building u dam ucmms
one end of thebnshi tho enclosure would hold
nconsldeinblo lake. The land Is owned by
tho stuttyuid it Is thought it can lie leased for
u noiiilual sum. One or two cieeks inn near
by and could bo turned Into tho basin at no
gieat expense. Hyethe-Ho has heaid no
estimate of the cost of this linprowiuont, but,
ii leasiiiie, one can easily Imagine many de
lightful lesults of a lake so near the city
Ono of tho most delightful milts of n lilti
tlioohtVNto Hoston Is thnt beautiful poitlon
unconscious of any unusual attention that
she nmy bo tho center of.
Which reminds me of n newly designed
ildlng hnblt recommended by tho Kartoilal
At I Journal, which Isdevotcd to matters of
diess. It isilenlgned for ildlng astride, mid
tlm only novelty U In tho skltt Tho bodice
trousers and other fentuies or an ordinary
habit may lie used. Tho change is lu the cut
of the skirt. This Is nil old fashioned bahlt
klit that Is, It Is cut straight, without any
Indication of tho knee, one side exactly like
the other The skill is mil low mid only
leaches tho ground when the wearer stands.
The center of the front and back nro divided,
tho fiont fastened with a low of buttons,
anil the two pieces at tho back lapping over
sonstoiiiake the division Invisible. When
tho weaier mounts her house she Ims only to
undo tho skli t as far as uocusxary to sit easily
on the saddle, nnd tho two sides full down
naturally on either side like a habit. Tho
sklit Is kept from Hying about by elastic
bauds fastened nt tho wines of tho two parts
and (Missing about tho limbs, It Issoiuo such
bifurcated sklitns this that Lincoln's young
leformer Is wearing. Her appearance, as
well ns tho lllustmtlnnslu the Ait Journal,
Indicate that there is nothing Iminodcstnbout
this skirt or the rider In using It. Hut It Is
Won Colo, editor of the Urnud Island Imle
liaulm , was In the city Inst week, und tells
his renders what ho thinks of Lincoln, Mr.
Colo is a close observer, nnd In his rcmnrkii
wo can see ourselves ns others see us, Ho
wiltesns follows
"Tho capital of tho state-.LliienhiI
or tho wonders of tho nineteenth century.
1 hero Is not n city lietw een Chicago nnd Den
ver thnt Ims so pheuotuennlly grown during
i 'i'ii inn jenrs. nmv niuJo-tops nro to
lie seen on owiy hand. Tho buildings, too,
mo not of tlm seven by nluo order, but nro
being erected in a stylo that gives tone nnd
solidity Lincoln and Dos Moines nre rlvnls
so fnr us lino homes nro concerned, but In tho
business portion und wide streets, no city
outside of Denver can trot In tho snnio hent
with Lincoln. Two large njxl'masslvo now
hotels mo being erected, nrfd when completed
Itlssnldthey will lie ns lino us money enn
make them. The only thing that Lincoln
lacks It new Improved streot rnllwny con
venlencies. (Iruiid Islnnd don't protend to
cope with tho capital city In sire, but wo do
claim, nnd truthfully too, thnt our street car
service Is fnr better than Is thnt of Lincoln.
Her cms nro old nnd worn out nnd the horses,
M)or things, mo only fit subjects for somo
thrifty glowing pusturu field. Hutwouiider
stand that n new system Is soon to Im Intro-
A CITY HY THE SEA Ilnthing Scene nt Atlantic City
for the round trip Is but one dollar and u
quarter. They tako u lunch with thorn or
dine at some restaurant. Huudi eds of busN
iiees men have their families nt the senshoro
for the season. Many of them run down
every ovenlng after business hours nnd re
turn to the city on tho morning trains, which
lenvo nt lntervnls of nuout every hour und on
various Hues; others como down two and
three times u week besides spending Hunilay
at the bench with the folks.
Fow people that have never itoen nt tho sea
shore can appreciate tho pleasures attending
such u sojourn, no mutter how hi lof. As the
boys say when they have been out for a time,
It is "one continual round of pleasure," mid
the fun keeps up from dawn till midnight.
In the morning after breakfast the city pa
pers are rend on tho plaz.a's which abound
everywhere and on the pltrs wheie the de
lightful bieezeH dally with your locks, for
thnt is the best means of communication
with the outside woi Id, After a short pi om
enade on tho Iwnrd walk, which sklits the
bench for several miles, you go in with tho
multitude for u dip in tho briny water That
Is about eleven o'clock anil w lieu you come
out you are generally as "hungry an a beni "
nnd ent as t) jugh you had not hadnmoiM'l
to mnstlcnto for it month. Tho bathing scene
presented on this page represents n daily pict
ure at Atlantic City. It Is then that tho fair
damsels and tho stonier sex mingle together
hiiutlKOiue in face and llguie, then tho news
paper llend with it Kodak catches her or tho
sketch ni tlst secures hor plctiire.und much to
her disgust she notices heiself illustrated in
the morrow'8 newspaper, and a Ion? article
describing her every move. This, however,
Is only pructiscd on the most piomlueiit so
ciety leaders nnd those that nro well known
both at tho bench und in tho city Some of
the dear creatures raise vlgurous protests
against this and apparently get very much
milled, but I am told that It Is all sham and
that those with a shapely llguie really like
to see It appear in print, etpcvially when they
have u novelty in the way of it buthluggowii
or something thnt is striking and pretty.
The beach is undoubtedly one of tho II nest
on tho entire coast, it is a clear white wind
without lough places or dangerous holes, a
fact which cannot truthfully bo said of Man
hattan beach, Iong Hiauch and others Tho
ladies, many of them, mo excellent hsi hu
mors, und it Is very funny to seosomoof them
showing their gentlemen it lends how to float,
as U the case with the party shown In tho
lower portloif of tho picture it little left of the
center. It might bo of Intel est to my readers to
Hliit out the spot where tho Couuikh man
was situated when this picture was taken, but
for piudcutlul roMKiiiH it Is considered luMt
to let you look for him mid see whether jou
can Und him. Tho pier shown In tho ilist
mice Is w heron beautiful view of the nolnt
day It Is an easy matter to see cinlm crawling
on tho Ixittom The f,all used U a piece ot
raw lieef, about tho sire of n (Nt; this, tied to
an ordinary tlsldng cord and lowered Into tho
wuter, is all that Is rtspilrtsi. boon the crab
"eatehen on" and very cautiously and slowly
ou pull in your line until within u few Inches
of the water's surface mid then a small net Is
low eted by tho driver, theciub drops Into it
und tho work Is done. Kccnt this us often as
iieceviary to sntlsfy your appetite
Atlantic City, unlike mot seaside icsoits,
Is u place of erumuent residence It hasa
Kipulntloii of about ttf.OOO inhabitants the en
tile year ami in mid-summer all tho way from
one hundred thousand to two hundred thous
and, counting the dally tiaiisleuts that do uot
stay over Might Tho streets are wide and
bountifully laid out, eltctiicity is used as an
Illumination and tlio latest Itupiowmcuts mo
at hand In street lailwujs They have the
oleoti lo and table lines us well as tho horse
cars. All the huge hotels have a hop nearly
oveiy night and many of them furnish daily
conceits in tho dining hulls at noon. Hum
mer opera Is an entire season's utti action, anil
every summer some great Hoctaculur on
tho oider of "Nero" is picsentcd. In fact ev
er thing that might enhance the pleasure of
tho pleasure-seeker Is provided. I)U. W.
Impioud showei for Tuiklsh baths at ltlltl
U street, basement Union block.
that Is spent on the sound between New Yolk
luul the hub The palace .touimrs of the
Norwich lino mo partleulaily ai ranged for
this trip and tho i Idols certainly a beautiful
and thoi otiglily enjoyable one. The scenery
along tho wutar fiont is magnlllcent and
the ride especially, by moon-light, Is all that
the jMM't and songster pictures. When west
erners goto Hoston there Is no better way to
travel than via New York nnd Norwich lino
of steamers. Ijirgo nlry statei ooms wist but
l.(M and ?1 .V) and compared to a Is-rth lu a
l'lillmaii car which Is $2.00, tho former is
preferable u hundred to one. You get ex
cellent rest, puioalr, fieefroincludeni.siuoke
and dust That's the way to travel und no
Lincoln generally keep, pace with, the
woi Id, and one of the sights ol the town of a
pleasant ovenlng this summer Is u young gill
idling horseback astride mid wemluga divid
ed skill Comparative! few people ma
have noticed the lunovatlon.becauso the skli t
issouiadoutiddiupcd as nottoattiactinueh
attention. He the-Hye's notice was dlleetod
to tho Innovation by mi observing tailor, who
confessed that ho discovered It by noticing
the gill's di apeiles on both sides of the hoi so.
Thrre is no inoio exposure of the I Idol's llg
uie than In a regulation habit, and sho sits
the cross snddle 111 appai cut ease and comfort ,
not likely to como into general use Im
mediately. Quo Is otteii led lo think that
woman has unlimited courage lu the adop
tion of fads nuil novelties in dres, but when
It comes to tho bifurcation of her skirts sho
Apiojiostho subject, I notice ipilto n iium
ber of ladles' safety bicycles on the street,
but, singularly, most of thorn are being trim
died by young men Miss Ethel Marsland
enjoys the distinction of being the first lad
in Lincoln to own and lido a blccle regu
larly, and her i Idiug dates from last season
Who has lieen joined b Mbs Klla Sheldon,
who Is emploed at iA-ming's Issik store
There may lie other ladies owning wheels,
but it is probable that some of these male
bkers have lwught ladle's' wheels out of
chivalrous i egard for their sMers and other
fellows' sisters. The men can get all tho en
jo incut of thesK)tt on such umchlms, and
they have tho itddltlouil advantage of being
able to place their wheels nt the servlooof
their gill triehds. Thissoit ot chivalry has
the tine flavor of the nineteenth century. To
our way of thinking a kindly act of this soi t
cm rlei more giace lu tho sight of henv en than
splitting the head of another misguided knight
or i mining a lance through his vitals.
Telephone at the Couhikh oillce is 'Mi,
duced In which event the capital of tho state,
In which every Nebrasknn is justly proud,
will double up In population lu tho next
twenty enrs. It was quite not Iceublo that
there dwells In Lincoln u class of enterpris
lug people, and tho city's destination is ut
present beyond most imaginative mind. Tho
capital building looms up, it, glittering splen
dor from all jiortlousof the city, and by night
n crow n of electric lights udds additional
brilliancy to tho lofty tower. Thoarc lights
haw been taken from the main or business
stieits for business of economy so we are told.
This freak is lu decided bad taste. Wo up
picciute the necessity of cm tailing in all
business, but when a city once Introduces
conveniences, or lather luxuries of this kind,
sho should keep Viu up. Thousands of poo
pie who have udmiied Lincoln's licmitf fully
lighted streets in the jmst, will notice the
change much sooner than tho regular inhabi
tants They too will beiucnoopt toeonitnent
upon them, and all cities me ever delighted
to have rose bud leiumks till list UX)ii them
and are etpially prone to dlsfnvor thorns."
Notice the list of Llncolnltes abioail this
isue. If on have a friend that Is spending
tho summer abroad drop the CoruiKit it card
and the name will bo added.
Canon City
Coal mid Lime
at the Whitebrenst