Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, July 12, 1890, Page 7, Image 7

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We are Showing
" sLte
Furnishing Goods
At Low Prices.
1017-1019 O St., LINCOLN, NEB.
Beatrice, Neb.
Falls City, Neb.
Weeping Water, Neb.
Wilber, Neb.
Herman Bros.
Spring Carpets
And Draperies
1112 0 St. Telephone 219.
100 Engraved
And Copper Plate, for $2.50.
If you have a Plate, we
Courier Office.
Tolophono 253.
a Complete Line
Hats, Caps,
1040 0 ST. PHONE 118.
Prompt Delivery.
i '
Callng Cards
will furnish lOOjCards from
at $1.50.
1134 N Stroot
Out Anil Description of Tim Chlrnnu Hrr
Itlil'l I'roinil lliiliin.
tin: ritui'()Hi.i iikuai.d hi ii.dimi
Tilt) mania for now newspaper IiiiIIiIIiiuh
ban struck Chicago, ami Tin Herald is a
victim. Tim work of tearing down (ilil
structures 011 Washington street, between
Fifth nveiuto and Ij-i Sillo street, will bo
followed by tho erection of onuof thu llnest
newspaper buildings in tlio west. Thu
stylo of arelilti'cttiN) will Ihj i i'iiiiIhsiiiico
of tliu end of Hid Fifteenth century sllght
ly Gothic. Thu building will bo (11 feet
wido, 170 fret deep and 120 foot high. Tho
front will bo highly and artistically orna
mented, it sUituo of u mctlliiiviil herald
blowing his official trumpet forming one
of thu chtuf decorations, ulillo at night
many electric light w 111 maku tho struct
ure stand out in bol 1 relief Especial re
gard will Ik) given to those small things
which nru so often neglected H.ithrooms,
barber shops and lunch rooms will lx fur
nished for tho use of members of thu dif
ferent forces, ami everything will be done
to assure tho coinfoit of employee and fa
cilitate their work.
I)i'l;im on the Coin.
Thero has Ijecn some talk about the
advisability of changing thu designs on
United States coin on thu ground that thu
present 'symbols aro not appropriate nor
artistic. Director Leech lit credited with
favoring such u scheme, but it is meeting
with opposition In some iiuurters. There
is a bill in congress authorizing thu steps
that would Ih) preliminary to such a move,
but there is considerable t.Uk that it will
not bo passed, at least not prior to the
summer vacation.
Col. Hosbysliell, of tho Philadelphia
mint, where any changes that wore au
thorized would have to I hi madu, has had
no olllclal intimation of such a thliiK. lie
hesitates almut giving his opinion on the
advisability of doiug such a thing, but it
is unite evident that ho does not look on it
with favor. He sajs tho experience of
other countries is that any such changes
are dangerous, and If made should only Imj
done after giving tho matter tho gravest
A .lupillll' VlSCOtlllt's limit! roitiuii'.
Tills summer the graduating class of thu
law school of thu I'niverslty of Michigan
contained nine .Japanese joung men, who
ended their studies with credit alike to
themselves mid to
their preceptors.
In tho winter they
expect to return
homo nnd be.Uow
thu advantages of
tin American
training upon
their countrymen.
At thu head of
tho party is Vis
count 'faro Miosh,
whoso father Is n
general in tho
army of tho island
kingdom. Tho vis-
count has been n resident or tho United
States for flvo years, nnd has proved him
self not only n good scholar but also a lucky
suitor. A year ago ho met, wooed and won
n bright young woman of Ann Arbor, and
consequently will tako back to his natUo
land both an American education and an
American wife.
Nevada' Tr.-iullii; Stones.
Austrr.lia'ncurious traveling stones have
been paralleled iu Nevada. Tho ones re
cently found Iu tho Silver Statu are de
scrlheil as being perfectly round, about as
largo as a walnut nnd of nn Ivory nature.
When distributed about on tho lloor, table
or any other lovel surface within two or
three feet of each other they immediately
lx.'gln traveling toward each other until
they meet at a common center, and thero
liu huddled up In a bunch liko eggs in a
nest. A slnglo stono removed to a dl.stauce
of four feet upon being released returns
to tho heap, but If tkon away five feet re
mains motionless. It is needless to say
that they aro largely composed of magnetic
Iron ore.
Chlnme Metllcln.
Chinese medicine is oven more empirical
than American. Nevertheless tho nlmond
eyed physicians aro so successful with
rheumatism, sciatica, lumbago, neuralgia
and similar complaints that they have
built up a vast practice among their
Cauca? inn neighbors who suffer from those
ills. Tho Mongolian M. D. fills his own
prescription, and charges tho cost under
liis own fee, which is usually J, Thero
nro only llvo medical sons of Confucius In
New York, nud all aro doing a good
business. At least one-half of their clients
are Americans.
An Ancient lluln.
Near Somerset, In Perry county, O., is
nu ancient ruin whoso walls, imposing
forty acres, were built of undressed stones,
now lying In confusion. They have lieen es
timated suftlcient to build a wall 7 feet
high anil 0 feet broad around tho whole
forty ncro inclosure. Ono gateway between
two largo rocks opened Into tho country
nnd was do 'ended by a huge Itowltlcr. Tho
luclosuro contained n largo stouu mound.
No skeletons have been found, and tho lu
closuro wns certainly used for other pur
goseMhnn habitation or sacrifice.
L 5
A Ciiiiitiltintliiu llrltlgn nnclTutinrl Hclirmr.
Hlilnli Muy Hiirrrnl.
A most unique- Idea U tho one. that has
emanated from tho busy brain of M 1
lliiueau Varilla, nud which seems likely to
sol e the problem of rapid transit across
the English channel. To devise a method
to escape the turbulent passage, by boat of
that tempest swept patch of wntcr, niitl
bring the tight little Island Into closer
communion from tho standpoint of hours
nnd minutes with tho continent, bus long
been the dream and ambition of commer
cial England And either the method
of bridge or tunnel would long ago have
h.on adopted but for tho fear Hint the cov
eted road to France would, In tho event of
war with that country, prove tho road to
England's ruin by affording tho enemy a
menus of speedily Implanting an army on
her snores
Hut the Ingenious Frenchman's scheme
dissipates all that, and hero Is how he pro
poses to do It, by what ho calls a "mixed
solution," "bridge tunnul" method, lie
would build a great bridge out from tho
shorn on either side Into the sea for as long
n distance n was advisable or necessary,
each bridge totally Independent of tho
other Then at the sea end of each bridge
ho wottld construct shafts, either In
clined or ertleal, which would contain
elevators suillclently largo to lower or
ralsu at ono time as many trains of cars as
nbsnluto safety mlghtdlctnto. Thesoshafts
would bisunk to a sulllclent depth below
the bed of the liver to allow a tunnel to ho
constructed connecting tho two shafts and
t litis tlio bridges. You would leave I)oer
In a comfortiiblo railway carriage, the
train would speed across the English end
of the bridge to tho elevator, down jou
would go to the bottom of the mm and into
the tunnel, run across that distance, como
Up by the elevator on the French bridge
and speed on to Calais, which you would
reach in an hour from starting
?22V!JZL" "'A
- V '? "" " -
tiii: nti:NTiiMAN'fl plan.
And suppose there should spring up a
war' Well, n couplo of well direct ed heavy
shot would knock the elevators and the
connections Into tho channel and all fears
of au invasion by that route would vanish
Into thin air Tho scheme is perfectly
practicable ami has excited favorable com
ments from tho sclent llle men of both
France and England Its materialization
Is among the possibilities of tho near
future. It could lo completed in six years,
at a cost of about MHXI.OOO.
Tin- llluti lln-il KiikIIiiIi Wiiiiiuu.
Thu high bred English woman li mining
tlio finest products of civilization. Her
voice is music, exquisitely modulated, with
every syllable clear and distinct; to hear It
makes credible the story of the orator who
could pronounce the word mcsnpotamln In
a manner to move nn audience to tears,
Her carriage Is thu rcutilt of as careful
training as that of a race horse, ami her
manners In her own circle are simply per
fect. She Is alwiys well educated, speaks
French and German fluently, plays nnd
sings "all English pipe a little," to quotu
an Englishman, "and join in choruses
whether they have any voice or not."
Greek In Now Ytirli.
Tim (Jreek inco is sending quite a con
ting"iit across the ocean to the New World.
One class consists of thosu who come fiom
thu lljtlu kingdom and from Smyrna anil
the other largo Turkish cities They urn
intelligent and educated, and usually go
Into mercautilo life as soon ns they arrive
in Now York Tlio second class comes
from tho villages and Holds of Turkey in
Europu and Turkey in Asia, and are lilit
eratu and superstitious. They follow In
the footsteps of the Sicilians mi I becomo
bootblacks, peanut roasters, candy peddlers
and the liko.
.Inpaix'so u Chliinuii-ii.
Judging from tho press and tho public
utterances of prominont men It Is not
known that the Chinese and Japanese be
long to the snmo race, speak similar lan
guages and use tho snino characters Iu
reading nnd writing. Tho result of the
error Is that hundreds of Chinese nro com
ing to tho United States under the guise of
Jnpnnosa, nud are welcomed, when If their
nationality were known they would bu
shut out from "tho land of the freoand the
homo of tho bravo."
Miilnjs Iu the Metropolis.
Thero Is n Malay population iu New York
city which varies from SOU to 1,800. Despite
tho statement found in school books that
they uru cruel, ferocious and sanguinary,
only three of their raco have been arreste.l
iu tweiity-JIo yenrs, and thosu only for
xiolntlng city ordinances. As n matter of
fact they are quiet, orderly and very polite.
A majority of them speak a very good
Spanish, hut only a few have any know 1
edge of tho English language.
The National IMItorlul Amoclutloii.
From all accounts It would seem thnt
tho recent session of tho National Editorial
association at Hoston succeeded in com
bining business with
nn up-nud-up good
time In a truly mas
tvrful way
TIM dinner which
wound up tho ses
slou was of course '4
one of tho bright- w p. ii. JifXTElt
est snots in that very brilliant week. The
menu itself was a stroke of genius. It was n
corrected proof sheet, and a very "dirty"
proof Bluet, too. Those who have lieen
I e hind tho scenes in a printing office will
l.npw that no disrespect Is meant by tho
Everyliody toasted everybody else, and
they topped tho affair nil by drinking earn
estly to the healths of "Our Wives' Hus
bunts." That thu tdltors knew what they were
alwut when they elected their officers for
tho ensuing year Is shown by the fact that
Mr. E. W, Stephens, of Missouri, tho new
president, nud Dr. W. 1). H. Hunter, of In
dlaua, the new first vice president, were
among the most brightly shining HghU of
tho evening.
W 7 v
1)1(1 bUt OlMlll.
"Tlio most wvtr rulntko I over got
from tlio K'liiii," Mr. Choato tolls, "wan
from ono of tlioiu typical western Judges
who had (lcturmlnotl that It was tlino to
Introduce, a llttlo moro of tlio formality
of tlm cast In his court than lm bad for
inerly Insisted on. It wan my llrwt cam)
In court, any way, I had gmio out thero
about its green us they innku tlioiu, nud
hud purelmsod u half Interest in tint
praiilcii of a sharp lawyer, who imme
diately retired from practice Iu that
town pud jiiikIu mo a present of the re
mainder of his business when ho felt my
money wife Iu his jsKitet, So 1 was
thrown on my own resotircct, mm was
soou llounderiug ho deep iu legal quag
ndres that tlio judge folt called on to
nteipdiso. A few months lieforo ho
would probably have i mured out seine
choice alnise on my head, and vouhS
have olfered to light me If I did not like
it. Hut now lie was standing on for
mallty. 'Young mail,' ho said impres
sively, 'the best thing you can do for
yourself and your client will betohlie
a lawyer.' I did so." Once a Week.
Ambling l'i'l,'p I:iiiim.
i jl U.J
"Hub yo' got any iiiedlcine dat will
purify the blood?"
"Yes, we keep this narsnpnrllln at one
dollar u bottle. It purities thohlootl mid
clears the complexion,"
"Well, bosH, hasn't yo' got suinlln' fo'
about fifty cents jess fo' de blood? I
don't keer about tie complexion." Life.
To Support the I'iiiiiII).
A Iwiy of cHinbetl up on the pillow
beside his mother, who was bitterly
weeping over the death of her father.
After mnootliiug her hair nud caressing
her, he said: "JJon'tory, mamma, I'll be
a fodder to you."
The boy grew in years and iu worldly
wisdom, and came to twice the age when
he hud offered to act the pin t of a father.
Seeing his mother weary with work, for
she supported her three children, he said:
"I tell you what, lnuinma, you shan't
work when I grow up."
"Well, what will you do for me, nonV"
"I'll marry a rich wife." HarisTb
Departeil on tho Dot.
Old Moneybags Mr. Do Htoolo, you
must be more punctual. I notice that
you aro late iu getting to tho ollice nearly
ovcry morning.
Mr. Do Stoolo Yes, but Mr. Money
bags, did you over notice how punctual
I am in going away from the ofllco every
night? Somervillo Journal.
Dux IViiilna.
Ethel Heddy Mamma, won't you
please ask Dr. Doco to look at my little
sick ducklings?
Mrs. Reddy No, no; run uwayl Dr.
Doco isn't a bird doctor.
Ethel Reddy Well, papa said last
night ho was a quack doctor. Puck
Working lor Illiiim-ir.
Jimpson Why, how early you get
around nowadays! You never used to
show up leforo 8 o'clock.
Squaker I know it. You see, I was
working for old Feeks then, but I'vo be
come his pnrtner now. Lawrenco Ameri
can. Mm. htrnrkulii'a Itcpiirlee.
"I called on those snobs tho Tittletons
this afternoon and they insulted mo,"
said Mrs. Struckoylo, with marked in
dignation. "They said they'd return
my call next week. 1 told 'em not to
trouble themselves I didn't want it
back." Hnrper'n Bazar.
Tin. Tt'iuiU 1'urty.
Alfred (a stutterer) M-my d-leart I
Move you! Will y-you ma-ma-mnrry
Alice--Marry you? Indeed, uo! I
don't care to lw proposed to on tho in
stallment plan, if yon please. Pittsburg
"Time will prove myclient innocent!"
cried Squlljig.
"Your argument carries some wait
with it," observed the court. And Squll
jig laughed so heartily that ho won tho
cas Harper's Bazar.
Not Uulto lU't-nrrt'il.
Bagley Have you recovered from
your recent sickness, Bailey? Bailey
No, not fully. Bagley Why, you look
as well as ever. Bailey Yes, but I owe
tho doctor $l yet. Now York Ledger.
A Mtfn of Pocrty.
"The Parsons don't keen a dog, do
"Yes; three of them."
"Are they as iwor as that?" Ynnkeo
wa Jm.mhj'imfimz
.-. w?u'liitaiA2S 'iiflfnhJ&MkmA
li - 1 b
House Decorations,!
Wheie they will icctive piompt attention
and "klllful woikimuihhlp. C'nll on
nntl ee bis Hue ol Flue Paper Hangings,
11(34 o stiisisIt
Sole Agenc) for-'-
The Sliorwln-Wllllams Co.'s Paint.
Roberts & Co.
212 North nth Street,
Undertakers anMmbalmers.
Telephones -Ollkciis Rcnldcucc i 56
Open l)n nnd Night.
E. T. ROBERTS, Manager,
Palace Bath Shaving
Ladles and - Children's Hair Cutting
cor 12 ko sts new i1urr hl'k
TTl)r(icedcnted Attraction!
liicorpornleil bv tho 1-enliilaturo for Kilu
catlotiid 1 1 it Charitable purpose, Its
rranchlno iiuiile n part of thu present itnto
ciiiiHtltiitlou InlHTU !y au ourrtioliiiliiK lI
uliir votu. 11111I
To continue until January 1st, 1895.
place Semi Annually (June and Decent
bcrj, nnd Its Grand Single Number Draw
ings tnkcnlncc In each of the other ten
months of the car, and are all itrnwn In
public, at the Academy of Mutdc, New
Orleans, La.
For Integrity of Itr Drawings, and
Prompt Payment of Prizes,
Altuhteu ns follows:
"woilo hereby certify that wo supervlsu
thu nrnuiKi'iiieiiis for nil tlm Monthly aiut
Hunt Auniuil DruMliirf- or Thu lnil-lann
Htato txitterj Company, una In person man
iitii) ami eimtiol thu Uruwluus thumselveH,
ami that tliu salmi nru eoiiiluuleil with hon
esty fairness, ami In uool fitlth towunl ull
nnrtles, ami we ntithnrlru tho Cor,. puny to mm
this certlllcate, with ruc-slmlllus of our mIbiiu
"lies iitlncheil, In llsiiilvertlkunieiits."
We, tliu unilcralKiietl Hanks nnd Hunkers
will pay nil prUes drawn Iu tliu !oul-lauu
htutu Uitttrlux, which may bu presuutvil rt
our counters.
H. M. AI.MSl,i:V. I'res. Umlslnmi Nat irk
i'llUtHK I.ANAUX, Prus-Htuto National Il'lc
A. 1IAI.DWIN, I'res. Nuw Orleans Natl liunlc
CAIII.KOHN, Pics Union Notional Hank
Grand Monthly Drawing.
At the Academy of Mnilo, New Orlttni,
TneiJajr, July IS, 1890.
100,iiOTIcUeUat fJOeiieh: Halves I0: Quar
ter. Oi Tenth- U; TuntlelliM 1.
1 iMtlZKDKI.UO.liOOU .liD.uw
1 I'llIKOKlUO.uuills 10U,)
ll'ltl.KOK 6n,noi)U n),OD
i piii.k ov iit as'oijo
Jl'ltl'KSOK lU,W)aru 'JOMU
ft I'lti.KH ok r,im are -axm
UIMU.KSOK l,(J00uro iV.OU)
lUJI'lllr.SOK .VM are &),ujo
) rur.KM op .tooaro oouo
fjo I'IH.Ksok .ijUaru lW.eoo
100 I'rlnes of V) lire S0,tM)
liM ilo. 300 are 30,000
loo Uo. axjnro avxo
IH'J I'rliesof iKUnre w.tux)
ivi Prizes of lrt) aro w.sxo
a,i:u Prizes amoiiutliiK to Ht,, (too
Notk Tlekftnilrawlnir Capital I'Mze nro
noteutltlei! to terminal Prizes.
V'lt l1! Ilil IFtiti... rm ft. !... !.......
1 11)11 lll'MlI'l-tl. l rllit liti'lhlv tl ttl.t It II. I.. f I. r !...!
clearly statliiK your reslilenro, with statu,
Count, Hired utiil Number. More ruiilil re
turn mall delivery will beussured b oureu
elo.lnif mi Rfi.lniui ..iii run n.i
Address M A DAUPHIN,
OrM.A. DAPl'IUN, ' '
nsiiimston. n l
111 (11-illliU likl l4i iiitiitiiliilmi !.. .... tfh
iUt IhmiilM by all Kirta Uoinnuiilos. Now
Vni-L- lr.. tl .k I t.L .. I V....
linn i4vnniihV i'tiii'i iiniui 1UIU.
Address Registered Letters containing
Currency to
New Orleans, Lu,
ItKMKMllKH that thu pnymeut or the
Prizes Is Kuarauteed by Four National Hunks
of Nuw Orlean, and the tickets are s Ik tied by
the President ol nn Institution whose cli ar
te risi rlktlits ate reeouulzeil In tho highest
courts; then, fore, hew are of ulllmltutlous or
uuonyinoun sehemct.
OK THK UNITK1) l-il'ATKS hus decided
that the UuiMiuiu Htutu Lottery Co, lima
CONTlt.UT with the Stnto of Loulilami.
t AltY 1st, Isitt.
1 Tr vJTF r5flv?f l 1 f Vm