CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, JULY 12, 1890, . r WITIl SILVER SPOONS. 1 SOME CALIFORNIA BEAUTIES LUCKY ENOUGH TO BE RICH ALSO. ,3tafty llclrcmcn to Mirny Million fretty ' Orneo Mcllonottcli Ml CurroUti Kiln (luntl AcciiniplUhril Jonlilo Dumpily. l'tnlly linear nml Ml 1llitl. Copyright by Anvrlcnti I'rcM AMoclAtlon. ouacf. m'doxouuii. "What Is tho reason," exclaimed a do spomlcut young man, "that tho more money a girl has tho uglier she is?" This seems to bo a common impression, i but in sail Francisco tho facts do not hear it out. Even tho rich girls aro pretty there, and as for tho penniless lovers they aro simply distracting, but that is a way tho penniless lovers have tho world over, much to tho disgust of mercenary and match making mammas. Hero Is a group of beauties, however, of which each and every one was born with a solid silver spoon in her rosy mouth. This stately girl with tho willowy figure and haughty carrlago is Miss Graco Mc Donough and is the heiress toi cool three millions. Sho is tho daughter of Mrs. Kate McDonough, who built the California tho- MISS CAItltOLAN. ntre, ami a cousin of Mrs. Fred Muy and Mrs. Henry Moss, who are so well known In New York. Sho has an exceptionally sweet face and is attractive enough to play tho rolo of Cophctua with signal success if sho needed. Tills dainty little creature, a regular Queen Mab of girls, Is Miss Carrolao. Sho Is round and dimpled and sunny haired aud has a complexion like a Dresden shep herdess. Sho is as good as silo is pretty and spends no end of money in charity. Sho Is immensely rich, aud life is full of zest and enjoyment for her. Sho Is tho very Hfo of charades and no new "fad" is started without her npprovul. Miss Ella Good is ten times prettier than a picture. Sho is one of a trio of lovely girls, daughters of V. F. Good, tho rich banker. She and her sisters aro ex tremely beautiful and impassably ex clusive Miss Good's stylo Is very classic. MIS3 KI.I.A (!(K)l). She has waving musses of bronze hair, which foils owoy from her low forehead In crinkling strands; a complexion like ala baster or, rather, like tho puro dead white of a magnolia. Her eyes aro of that pe culiar, clear, steel gray, with dilating pupils which give a brilliancy never to bo ac quired by belladonna or even by that modern uecromaucer, tho beauty doctor, charm she never so wixcly. Tho Good residence at 'Washington and Hough btreets is a magnificent structure, It took about UOO.OOU of Papa Good's dollars to build it. He expended muny thousands mo.e in the purchase of furni ture, pictures, statuary, etc,, and has made Ills house a palace. Miss Good inherits her father's amlablllt). They are south erners, Ansa .Jennie Dumphy It hrowu haired and ftoft eyed. Her elder sister married an actor, much to the amazement and horror of her family. It was a genuine love match, and there is a touch of rvmaiicii about it that appeals to every Imagination. She was deeply attached to her handsome bohetnlau huhband and was very happy with him, but nlio only 1 1 veil n short tttno after her marriage. Her husband wan com pletely prostrated by her midden death, and in two weeks ho followed her to t ho grave. IIo wiw Htrong and In tliti very prime of life, and the doctor could llnd no urtma for the malady which killed him. Old faihlotied people nay it was u broken heart that killed ldm. Her Muter' death left Miss Dllmpliy the polo hclren.i to over $3,000,000. Shu 'Is a charming brunette, with npnrkliiig eyea and perfectly molded and bust. Ml Dumphy'H father la among the limit extensive land owner. In California. In I Nevada he hits 100,000 acres which are tle i voteil to cattle raising, as It another enor I mous tract In Tesas. Near Soledad, Oil., ho owns u farm of 15,000 acres, a magulll ceut property and one of the llnest In the ; Htato. At the topof tho WashltiKtou street hill, tho highest point in Sin KriincNeo, is tho homo of tlio Dumphys. It commands a vluw of tho wholu city and tho bay, and 1 Is surrounded by a splendid deer park. Mr, Dumphy was born In Ireland, while his wife Is a native of Miuny Spain. This perhaps accounts In a measure for Miss j Dumphy's dark rich beauty and for her I wonderful musical taste. Sho lias a splcu- did soprano voice, and Is an expert pcr ; former on the piano, giitur and mandolin. I Among her many other accomplishments may bo noted a thorough knowledge of German, Spanish and French, 'icrfect free dom in tho water and a firm seat on horse ' hack It is even said in the latter connec tion that she went with her father to one of the cattle round ups at Soledad, and that she distinguished herself there both as a horsewoman and a thrower of the i lariat. i Miss Kmlly llagar Is the daughter of the Into Senator llagar, of California. Her mother was a fatuous St. Imis belle in antu-lclluni days, and Miss Hagar inherits her glorious Issauty and exqulMto grace of manner, Her eyes are dark ami melting, anil her luxuriant hair is of a rich brown. She Is full of esprit ami a daring wit. .ii:xnik iii'Mriir. "Kmlly llagar can sa the most auda cious thlnu's in the most gutless way I ever saw," said a gilded youth, who was be wildered by a sharp retort, delivered ill the soft voice and sweet maimer peculiar to MIkh Hngar, Miss llagar is also a highly accomplished young woman. She is a thorough mind clan, an expert equestrienne, an amateur artist of ability and speaks several lan guages. She Is said to bo the host dancer in San Francisco. KMILY II.UIAlt. Miss Hlsscll is a vivacious, light hearted, merry eyed girl, with red gold hair, a rose leaf skin, a pair of megnltlcent shoulders and a glance that works untold havoc in tho hearts of susceptible youths. Shu is young and graceful and gracious. Sho Is a Midas in petticoats as fur as money goes, and she enjoys life immensely. Sho says sho has such a good time that sho cannot make up her mind to give up single blessed ness, and sho horrifies her friends by in istlng that it is her fixed determination to die an old maid, The melancholy swains who are always In her train look desperate at this announcement, but sho only smiles r-'c775 MISS j. IlISSKLL. at their discomfiture and goes on laughing her way through the world. All these girls are native born Callforiilans, and de votedly attached to the land of sunshine which gave them birth. Annik Laukik. Tho Kmporor William Is about to send the sultan a magnificent Saracen sword of j on or which has lieru made at Uerliu. The blade, which Is of the lluest steel. Is heavily Inlaid with gold, and the handle is a lion's head, with gold oririmontatlau, tho eyes lietng made of rubies. Tho hilt bears tho monograms of tho emperor and tho sultan. mm KlnwKm, Vi t- MEmm i -C5,' - c3 .- Mr frfr Y A UlntuLo bouitinlirrn. Tho myr.teriti of time and npncit mp hard for llttlo minds to grasp, and tho questions of children on these subjects are natural, although they often sound odd enough. Llttlo Hote, whoso fourth birth day came around not long ago, rottld not get her small mind clear alsmt the extent to which that anniversary extended. "Mamma," sho said, "this Is truly mv birthday, isn't ltr" "Yes, dear." "Hut Is it my birthday all over tho world V "Yes." "Then does everybody in tho whole world know that It Is my blrlhdayr" "Why, no; I am afraid, my dear, that there aro very few people who know It." "Then," Hose said, with an air of con viction, "you may think, mamma, that it is my birthday all over tho world, but you must Ins mistaken, or folks would have to know It." Hostou Courier. A Ili'fci'tl'i' Ui'pnrl. Managing Kdltor- Look here, this report of tho railroad accident Is very defective, and 1 am surprised that an experienced man like you should have written it. lteporter Why, what's the matter with ltf Doesn't it give all the facts? "Oh, yes, the facts are all straight. Hut In describing tho burning of tho mall car you don't say anything about a 'holocaust. ' You neglect to say that tho day coaches were broken into 'kindling wood,' and you never once referred to tho 'miraculous es cape' of tho pussongo-s who survived. No account of a railroad accident Is complete without theso features." New York Trl buno. Tln-y t'uy for the Lurk of Hiiinxi. "I'm after gittlng titer house Insure fur 1B0, Hridgct." "Arrahl an whero'a thcr money, 1'atr" "False, they won't pay that till ther house Is burnt down." "Och, yer fule, ef they won't give It to ye, now, dlvll a cent will they glv whin there's" Harper's Weekly I'lrcp by IVcci.. There Is a member of Congress who, though always erudite In his remarks, has a good deal of fondness for long words. "Ho wems to weigh every word ho uses," said an admiring constituent In speaking of him. "If he does," wus the response, "ho takes them in sections." Washington Host. Only llcuHonulitt'. Citizen How Is it that you are charging such tremendous prices for lei? I under stand that there is plenty of it, after all. Ice Dealer Yes; hut bee how wo had to worry iilsjtit it all last winter, when wo thought there would be none. You don't suppose we can worry like that and not charge for itf Light. Ton Hovcro. Wife Wilbur, you haven't said a word alsmt tho biscuits. I them all my self. Husband You aru so forgetful, dear. Do you not remember that tho doctor cau tioned me to tall; of nothing at tho table, but things light aud plcasingf Yonkcrs Statesman. MlntuUi-it Irf'iilriiry. Magistrate Now, Scups, as tho gooso you have stolen happened to be mine, I will lie lenient for once and let you go unpunished, but mind you are not caught again com mitting the same oll'cuso! Stups Thanlis, your worship; I'll lw more careful next tiniel Gcrichrszcltung. Ti'lliptiltliin Id'sUti'il, f - First Hoy- Hi, Mickey, come here an git'r good smell o' roust beef. Second Hoy Not ter day, Sklnney; ills Is Friday.- Scrihnor's Magazine. I'lliuiirlully CrlppliMl. Tramp (plteously) IMeasi help a jioor cripple. Kind Old Gent (handing him some money) Mess me! why, of course. How are you crippled, my poor fellowf Tramp (pocketing the money) Finan cially crippled, sir. Tit Hits. IIn Cuinc rruiiiptly. "I wonder if Mr. Onodkatch will come this evening)'" said Suulo tb her father "I hope not," roplled her father. "Why, father, what ean you mean'" "I am not prepared to return that money I borrowed of him yet. I want a few days more." Yankee Blade. Joilt'iT UitvoiiKi'. Muggius Funniest thing happened the other day Jones was trying to make his mule drink out of a bucket, when the ani mal kicked him. Colli) All, then did Jones kick thomuluf Muggins No, he kicked tho bucket. Life. The Itlglit Trail;. "I always keep my Iwys on the right track." "How do you manage to do ltr" "Oh! by lots of Hwltchlng." Chicago Ledger. Oil tlm StUBf. Servant Madam, tho marquis is with out aud desires an audience. Star Actress (surveying a nearly empty house) So do I. America. Her I'referi-iiri., They stool on tlio Ih-ocIi by tlio hlllnwy m, And It neonusi tlmt the swift linui-M raciHl; Fur liu uug In luiu nnil no vm ln Anil Ills una ws-i nronml her tnlt Tilt')' UllU'llls) till' MlIN III till' IIIIMillllKllI kI.iw Ah tlio xlilM wriit sailing l) , Ami tilt)' Huttly t'onvi-Vsoil III t lil'itt low Ami lth man) a IcmlvrM.'li "Oil, how I uIkIi Hint unnwl u yacht," Hal I lit' In it Mlxtfiil 10 "Hotv happy wn'il bo, nl how hrluht our lot, As w n nnlUl o'er tli" oftt iilono!" It was time rilit tlit-ii, m It nouiuml to her. Hit pn'o-iviiCH to iit.if "For my uit " s.ild kli.-. "I think I d prvfi-r A ivre lilllu mimok jnt nou." SQiiifrttito Journal .Ai ill P- Slio Out 1'olntrr. Two men woro pluyliiK it gnmo of tuohro in it drawing room car on thoHrle road, and a llttlo woman who had u seat near by watched tho play with great In terost. Finally, us n certain play was liuido she askedt "Did he titko that trick with tho king of IteurtsV" "Yoh'iii." "IIo took your (jueeu with his klugV" "Just so, ina'uiii." "Hut a queen la higher than a king." "Oh, no. nm'ain, tho queen ranks one below the king." "Is that so every whert'V" "Yi's'm." "Can't lie no iiilstakeV" "Not the slightest. Don't you play?" "Not much. My husband set out to learn me, but 1 took all his kings with iiiyilue.Mis.audlioKxit mad, mid quarreled about It, and, and" "And you don't play any tnorer" "N no. sir, but I'll telegraph him within the next ten minutes that I was wrong, mid that all Is forgiven, and that I'll return and lot hlin even take tho bowers with ten spots If ho wants tot" Now York Hun. lllai'init'iirtiMt at Hi" I'nrk. 1 Brogin I'hwero'H tho gl-ialTy? Facetious Keeper Hight in front of you. Hrogin Doan' tell Kelly Oi seen it, Joanna. I laid him n live dolly bet lusht night they hod no wings. Puck. A lllliall'll lltlllllllll'f. "Miss Clara," began tho young man, "it becomes necessary for mo to speak to you upon u subject which deeply con cerns us both. I will tlrst ask you to re call to mind tho last evening I was here. Wo parted, If you will rememlier, upon tho stops. Ah I proceeded slowly across the lawn the full moon camo from be hind it cloud, and envelops! me In n flood of mellow glory. Suddenly, Miss Clara, it sveuusl to mo without u note of warning, I was overwhelmed" "Ono moment, Mr. Smlthem," inter rupted the lieautiful girl as she stuck in an extra hairpin and turned down tho gas threcjuuartcrrt of an Inch. Then drawing her chair still closer, hIio Indi cated by u wave of tho hand that ho could proceed. "I was about to observe, Miss Guru," continued tho young man, "that I was overwhelmed by tho onslaught of your father's dog Grip, who ato up threo weeks of my salary in half u minute, and unless your pa antes up for that wilt there Is going to bo war." "Say no more, Mr. Smithers," replied tho young lady, rising slowly and pain fully from tho Jeuuess Miller position that sho had assumed but a moment be fore, and pointing to the door, "Go. I will have pa send you a check for nino dollars by tho first mail." Clothier and Furnisher. Ills 1'lrnt KiiurlciiL'. There was a shooting party at Blank Hall, and among the guests was Sir X. 7i u very bumptious and overbearing' man. His next neighbor was a quiet, 1 inoffensive country pursou who had not reached oven to tho dignity of a living. Sir X. Z.'s manner to t': meek llttlo ' ciirato was about iw offensive as it could be without leading to u breach of the peace. The enrato Iwro it all with ox- ' cmplary patience, and showed no out ward expression of his intmo irritation. At tho dinner table at night Sir X. Z. and tho curate sat opjHisito to each other, and tho conversation turned on tho sizea of guns and lengths of barrels. Tho curato nhot with u hiiiiiII bore, and ex pressed his belief In them. Sir X. Z., who had lntni in India big game shoot ing, thought to crush his clerical oppo nent by Maying: "I you shoot with u really big bore'" "Not till to day," replied tho meek one. Tho laugh that went round tho table was balm to tho curate's soul. Churchman. I'rctiMit Aililri's Unknown. Visitor Can I see Mr. Couikjii? Clerk--! think not, sir. Visitor Isn't ho in? Clerk-No, sir. Visitor Out of town? Cleric I think bo, sir. Visitor Can you tell mo where Mr. Coupon is? Clerk No. sir, I cannot. Ho died last Monday. Munsey's Weekly. A IVrtliimit llxiiuirk. I Mr l.-.,,,,H.. Wl.'a .... .. ..,.... .. .,. t.wiiiiii'wi. nun ju ii rillllll I Gabe Hoobles' Gabe i whose suspuions have been arousedi I s'pose a cut can look at n king, lie? Judge. A tliinsliT. Smart--What do you think, Wooden, of a man that will beat a woman nearly it wee." ? Wooden Why, it'H horrible, simply horrible! Who hn& done it? Stuart George Francis Train. He has lieaton Nellie Hlyover nix duvs. Boston Times. 4 I .U!h J I J I' ' THE WOLD'S BEST The Grand Oil Stoves, Leonard Refrigerators, Garland Stoves, Builder's Hardware. RUDGE cSc MORRIS, 1 1 2 2 N Street. TEETH t EXTRACTED DR. H. K. KERMHN, SURGEON DENTIST. Who has the Exclusive Use of Steauna's Anesthetic No Chloroform! No Ether! No Gas! A Pull Set of Teeth on Rubber for $5,00. All Fillings at the Lowest Rates. Rooms 9.1-9596 Burr Block. LINCOLN, N1B. I.. MEYER, Notary Public and Real Estate Dealer in City and Farm Property ApKNT North German-Lloyd Steamship Co., Hamburg-American Packet Co., and Baltic Lines. Also Uollroail Aent for the Different Companies Kaht ami Wet. Southampton. Havre, Hamburg, SteMcn, London, Paris, Norwav, 1M; mouth, Ilremcn, Sweden, and any point in Kurope. i'oht Order, and Foreign Exchange L. MEYER, 108 liavliiK larK" rncllitleH eaitt with the IiIvrcM lliinkH mill HiivIiikn Iiihi It lit Ioiin. I am nro luiri'il to iimlUMill klnilH r UmiiNoii I'lrl llml IMiilu MiirtiiiiKex, city or I'lirni Property. Iroin 1 to fi yearn, at the liiwvm Interent. I iiImi ileal In Bcliool IIoiiiIn, Htatu, County unit City WarrinilM, nino In Htete. CoiiiilyiiiiU City CeilineilCliilinit, niitl will iiIwiijh tiny the lilitlieHt market price. Call mul lee meort'orrenixiiiil with me. -vitoi, ami iii:taii.i:ks or . SHIRTS, HOSIERY, UNDERWEAR, ETC. 1 M.I. AX) .Sii or It -- Superb Line of Flannel vShirts ! Outing-,, Cloth Shirt., Cashmere Shlrth, Silk SlilrU A full line of Lincoln Knitting Mill Co Goods at Special I-ilce. to the trade and coiiMiiiier Agent, for Lincoln Knitting Mill Co, Lincoln Sii-pemler Co., Uockford Soik and Carter' .Slipper. H. W. BROWN DRUGGS1T and BOOKSELLER The Choicest line of Perfumes. I). M Ferry's Finest Flower and Garden Seeds. 127 South Eleventh street. W HEN m WANT FINE JOB PRINTING See the WESSEL PRINTING CO. WITHOUT PAIN 33TT 1'OH Tin: v Urnied to all prominent point u Kurope. North Tenth Street. ROBINSON MERCANTILE CO. NEW LOCATION 206 South nth St , Montgomery Block,