Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, July 05, 1890, Page 8, Image 8

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    Ui -
Saturday Evening, July 5, 'DO
Corner I Oth and P Streets.
' ' -iikalp.hh in-
Amcrican, French, British
and German,
Dry Goods
' Tim Courier" Tor Hitlo In Oiiinliii.
Copies nmy lie found nt KottliV now Mniul,
210 South Fifteenth street, Boyd's oiern house
Herpolsheimer & Go.
Exposition Building,
Thn Courier Can lit) Pound At
Windsor Hotel News Htnud.
Cnpltul Hotel News Hlnii.l.
Exposition Dlulnif Hull News Htmul.
Tim (lothnm Nown Htnud. 118 Hotltll lltli Ht.
llrt Humicr, III North 11th Street.
Kd. Young, HKOO Htreet.
Klotoher A Co., 11SO O Htreet.
Llttlo Hport Clunr Htoro, 1KI North I'.Mh Ht,
prAn oxtrn supply of paper la nlwny loft
at tho Clothnm, In rno other Nowsdenlors
supplies run short.
1137 O STREET.
AVimt" Ad fur till" Journal,
In onlcr to servo tho convenience of lt
patrons who may wish to uso tho "want" col
umiiM of tho Journal tho CouuiKH olllco will
receive such advertisements nt the regular
rates mul transmit them to the Journal.
Local nutl l'cmouul.
Whltehrenst CoiU and Llmo Coiupnny,
Lincoln Ice Co., 1010 O Bt. Telephono 118.
Take Turkish nt 1010 O street.
Mineral water used for bathing, 1010 O st.
Don Cameron serves tho Uncut coffee In the
Belts & Weaver, coal anil wood, 1015 O
street. Phono 440. tf
Canon City Coal at tho Whltebreast
Coal and Llmo Co,
For fine watch repairing goto J,M. Mnrkell
t Son' 1225 O street.
Doctors Bailey : CJoodell, olllco 11H7 L
street. Telephone, 017.
Improved ihower for Turklih baths at 1010
O street, baaement Union block.
Only place in Lincoln that uses mineral
water in baths is at 1010 O street.
Dr. R. L. Moore, ottlco l-o3 Utta block.
Residence 1031 Washington st, Telephono 380.
A second-hand Remington tytwwriter In
good condition for sale cheap at tho Counicn
-All tho best Batteens worth U0, S3 and 40
cents at ,10 cents at Herpolsheimer & CoV.
Exposition Department Store.
Prompt service, pure and wholesome food
and the bait of everything is always found nt
Don Cameron's.
Ladles, misses and children's hats bleached,
dyed and reshaped in all latest styles.
6-14-St 133 South Thirteenth street.
China tiring at tho studio every Monday.
Edith Russell, room 10, The Bond, comer
Twelfth and Q streets. tf
Dr. C. D. Manning, olllco rooms 00 07-0$
Burr block. Telephone SSrt. Residence Cor.
20th and V. Telephone 330.
Ladles will find a complete line of tine shoes
and all the latest styles at the proper prices at
Bherwin's Boston Shoe Store.
All the best Satteeus worth SO, 33 and 40
cents at 10 cents at Herpolsheimer & Co',
Exposition Department Store.
Instructions given and orders received In
china and oil painting, pastel and water col
ors. Minnie Kramer, 831 J street.
Furniture, carpets ami general merchan
dise sold on eay weekly or monthly pay
ments. Address R. Goldsmith, care drawer
03, City.
Scott Bros., make a specialty of prescrlp
tion work, and having one of the most compe
tent prescription clerks, with fifteen years
experience, can assure all patrons accuracy
and prompt filling of all orders. We use none
but the purest drugs and make charges rea
sonable. When you use engraved cards or invita
tions, you have the finest work of the kind
that can be produced, Kvon her royal high
net. Queen Victoria, uses just such engraved
cards as are sold at the Couhuch office, but
Instead of Llncolultes paying 13.50 to fS.OO
per hundred for them, which is the price in
Lopdon, New York and Chicago, they pay
but 12.50 per hundred, And this price does
uot change the quality of material or work
manship, for in the Urge cities you pay for
style, while in Liwjete in order to create a de
sutad we twist get down close to cost prices.
Call and see our wsrk.
AIIm Hnttlo J. Imhoir gnvo n very pleasant
party Wednesday evening and entertained
tho following friends: Row Foster, lludn
Kimko, Anna Hnminond, Sidney Atkinson,
Nancy Lninhcrtou, Stephen llrock, Jennie
Mncfarland, Isaac Haymond, Jesslo Maefur
land, llcrliertStcin, Kmlly Bowers, Charles
I'hapln, Edna Klrkpntrlck, Rlclmrd Curtis,
Toxin Tonnloy, (Icorgn Holme, Ilessla Cur
tis, W'llln Woodnnrd, Daisy Hnrgrcnviu,
Wlllard Yates, Edna Hnriuy, Fritx Kiinko,
Louisa MoWlilunie, James Hayden, Mntwl
Parish, Walter Lnsch, Ruth Mncfnrland,
Burr Lnsch, Agnes Cnselieer, Ralph Furls,
Uladys Ilargreaves, Frank Haincr, Hcstlo
Hayden, Joe Mcgiihnu, Mary Haincr, Ham
Foster, Edith Foster, Carl Stein, Will Stein,
llartim (Ireen, ElHa Chapln, Rlchnnl Imhoir,
Elsa Fnwell, Nelson Dennis, Mnrjorlo Noble,
Imlo Atkinson, Mnrjorlo Winger, (leorgo
Easloy, Mnrjorlo l.oinbortson, Kd. MoWhln
Hey, Alneo Nenhlt,Oweu Oakley, JchsIu Lnns
lug, Ivnrl MoCreery, Florence I'utmnn, John
On Ills bciicllt day lusl Week Treasurer
Duncan of tho Muxeo was presented by his
friends with a hnndsomo big silver cup anil
saucer. It Is announced that ho Is to lomaln
w ith tho now company who nro nlout to tnko
hold of tho Musco. Air. Duncan has been tho
mainstay in tho working force of that house
during tho past year. Ho has given n close
attention to nil tho details and hli executive
force has been felt In all departments. Ho
has liven a most elllclent all around man, and
his friends will bo glad to know Hint Mr. ami
Mrs. Will Duncan nro to remain In Lincoln.
Miss (Irnce Burr entertained u company
Tuesday evening In honor of her friend, MM
Bndlo llnum or Omaha, Progressive high
live anil dancing sed the hours right merrily.
Tho favors fell to Mix Damn and Mr. Mc
Bride, Tho guest were Ray lcoso, George
Gadd, Jo!. n Mcllrlde, Charles Morgan of
Urhana, Ohio, Matt Baldwin, Hugh Baker,
Fred Sumter, Ollio Lnnxlug and Ross Curtis,
Misses Mny Mooro, Grace Oakley, Tllllo
Franklin, Maud Oakley, Stella Cutths and
Gcorglo Camp.
Tho following ladies and gentlemen planned
n Fourth of July trip to Crete : Misses Min
nie DePuo, Clara Canuody, Bertha Avery,
Maude Scott, Maggie English, Mary Stelner,
Miss Column, Anna Howlnudot Bernard, Ella
Brludley nud Elllo Lcoso, and Messrs. Wing,
Howie, Scott, Crnuccr, Mullen, Wubh, Mar
iner, MoVnuu of Omaha, Painter and Roho
Lincoln lodge, I. O. O. F., has Installed th
following oflleors! N. (., R. O. llnxlett; V.
., E. II. Hyiloj 11. S. N. G., T. F. Lnsch; L.
8. N. O., Charles Meimlng; W F. W. Bnrt
ruir; O., J. II. Corrlck; I. ., W. Short; O.
O., Peter Gross; R. B. B A. M. Thomas; L.
B. 8., Lewis Smith; It. 8. V. (., II. J, Whlt
moro; L. 8. V. 0 O. P. Dingo.
A very pleasant picnic unrty wus given ut
Cushiunu park Wednesday uveulng In honor
of Miss Wells, slitter of Mrs. O. B. Llpplucott.
Thomrtlclnux were Messrs. Reeves, I jidd,
Hardy, Bt. John and Foresmnn, Misxes Wells,
Inez Don Is, Lily Hathnwny, Mlnnlo and
Ollvo Itttn, with Mr. and Mrs. Llppincott as
Mrs. M, O. Coleman, who resigned her o
sitlon w Ith HerM)lshelmer & Co, to accept a
more lucrative eugngoment, has concluded
negotiations with u St. Louis publishing
house. She has gone to Colorado Springs,
wheru she Is likely to Ihi eugagod for two
J. W. Outright, now tho Omaha corres
londcnt of tho Journal, Is to return to Lin
coln, and It Is said ho will bo tho city editor
of that jmier. Mr. C. Is a hard worker with
a now spapor Instinct llnely dovelojied, mak
ing him an iualuahlo man.
Charles W. Wcckhach, F. G. Piummer, W.
C. Bigger, J. Ilannn, AVII1 Rlsloy, Will John
son, Bert Hovey, J. 11. Bigger and Ernest
Comstock planned n trip to lloatrico for tho
Ed. Lnwler, Into manager of tho Mutuc,
was presented a flue silver-handled umbrella
on his bunellt day. He Iiiih gone to Luke
Mlnnotonka for n rest ut his sister's cottage.
Dr. Lord, tho veterinury, wns called to
Omaha lust week to treat a horse valued at
J,000. This spaks well for tho handsome
young Lincoln pmctltoner.
Miss Anna Tibbets, clerk of tho money dt
partment nt tho postollk-e, has been succeeded
by Mrs. F. W. Hcdrord, wife or the deputy
Miss Maud Hammond left Wednesday fora
summer outing at Lake Chautauqua, New
York. Her father went as far as Chicago.
Miss Alice Maltlaud has gonu cast to her
old home In Ohio. She will visit Urbana,
Bprlngfleld and Dayton before returning.
Russell J. Brydon, manager of the Lincoln
lacrosse club, loft last night for Chicago on a
trip combining business and pleasure,
Richard Kitchen, formerly one of the own
ers of the Capital hotel, died at the Paxtnn
In Omaha Monday morning,
Mrs. W. K. McCreery has been enjoying a
visit front her parents, Judge and -Mrs. A.
W. Morgan of Topeka.
John K. Stout left the other day for Idaho
to look alter mining Interests, John Fair
field went with him.
Mrs. Dr. Applegate has returned from a
five-months visit to Upper Sandusky and
Columbus, Ohio.
Alex. Bchlegel of the land commissioner's
olllce has gone to see his boys on the ranch
up north.
Mrs. C. F. Link is visiting Mr. and Mrs.
Harnett at the Antlers hotel, Colorado
Mrs. C. W, Pomfret and daughter, Jennie,
have gone to New York and Boston for the
Mrs. John Miller, the guest of J. H. Mau
ritius and family, left Thursday for Leaven
worth. Lieut R. II, Townley has been reappoint
cd city engineer for the remainder of the
Mrs. W, B. Huffman and' daughter have
gone to Lake Superior for a summer vaca
Prof. J. O. Miller has cone to Detroit to
attend the national mualo teacher's assoclu''
F. 8. Kelly has been appointed assistant to
E. B. Slotison, ticket agent for the Union Pa
cific. B. D, Leland has been enjoying a visit from
his brother, E. W. Leland of Little Rock
W, Q. Bell has been entertalne her
Mrs. W, II. Sexton of Monmouth,
MUs Ifellle Young, for two years nt Boston
studying music, has returned to remain.
Mr. nud Mrs. Frank C'hsson entertained
tho Carpt'illein society Monday evening,
The MIsk-h Cowdery returned Thursday,
nccompauM by their aunt and cousin.
Tho CouillKll's wandering editor leaves
Philadelphia today for Lincoln,
Mrs. J, P. Mnulo and daughter nro visiting
nt Eldorado, Kansas.
Miss I'eso has been entertaining Miss Annlo
Rowland of Howard.
Mr, nud Mrs. A, R. Talbot nro homo from
their Illinois visit.
Miss Murphy of
Miss Nellie White.
Grand Island Is visiting
.Miss Harah Wool Mooro left Monday for
Albany, N. Y.
Julius Wessel of Norfolk wns In town for
the Fourth.
Frod Howo returned Wednesday from
Miss Ida Young hns gone to Ornhnui, West
Thomas Bewell Is otT for a tour of tho great
F. O. Dorgau is visiting
nt Now Hampton,
M. A. Newmark ran down to Ht. Louis this
week. ,
Mrs. R. L GIITeu Is visiting at Rockford,
A. M. Gardner Is visiting at Oil City, I'u.
I. W. Inslng orated at Weeping Water.
Miss Mluuio Jay Is nt Indianapolis.
Other Hoclal Nows on Page 8.
Lincoln coplo have reason to Ihi grateful
nt having so cool and beautiful u plncu ut,
Cushmnn park so near at hand. Tho numer
ous picnics, celebrations nud gatherings with
in Its rhndes thus far this season have proven
It n very valuable adjunct of tho City Benuti
lul. What would we do without It f
Tho colored peoplo will tnko Kssessl(iu of
tho park tomorrow and are preparing for a
big time. On Wednesday uoxtthoEplscoiml
inn and Congregntlonnl Sunday schools will
unite In a grand all-day picnic. Tho train
will leave tho depot at 10 a. in. Preparations
are being made to glvo tho picnickers n hearty
recoptlou nud a day full of enjoyment. The
management of Cushmnn Is exceedingly lib
eral ns well us attentive, and organizations
desiring to have outings should ninko dates
for tho ark in ndvnnce,
A Htrritk of Fortune,
Mrs. W. Keller, of this city, had tho good
fortune on tho 10th day of April to lie uotllled
that she wni tho holder or a twentieth or lick'
et number 21,303 or tho Louisiana Statu lot
tery which druw the capital prize of 300,000
and last week sho received a snek of twenty
dollar gold plecen from tho Lottery couimuy,
amounting to $lfS,000,vlilcli sho has dcpoItcd
In tho First National Bank for tho present.
Ban Luis Ouihik), (Cal.,) Republic, May 10.
For tho National Educational Association
meeting, to Ih held In Bt. Paul, Minn., July
8th to 11th, tho Union Pacllla "The Overland
Route" Invito your attention to the fact thut
n rate of ouu fare for tho round trip, plus
(2.00 memliorshlp fee, has been mude (or this
meeting. Tickets will lx on sale July 1st to
"tli inclusive, good to return on trains leav
ing St. Paul July llth to 14th Inclusive, with
llual limit to original starting point, of July,
For those who do not wish to return from
St. Paul pi lor to July 15th, an agency has
been established at Bt. Paul for tho extonttou
of tickets, which will bo open rrom July, 7th
to 15th inclusive. Those so desiring, can
have tho time extended on their tickets until
September 30th, 1800.
Tho Union Paclllc offers Inducements to
teachers attending this meeting in tho slmiie
or rust time, close connections, unsurpassed
service. Baggage checked through rrom
starting point to Ht. Paul,
Attend this meeting, and In doing so, seo
that your ticket reads vln tho Union Pa
clllc. For further Information relative to rotes,
time of trains, extension of tickets, etc., call
upon your nearest Union Pacific, agent, who
will fullv inform you on tho subject
E, L. Iiomnx.Gcn'l, Pass. Agt,
Teeth Treated and Filled,
Dr. R. C. Trogden, Dentist, 228 South llth
street, over Elite Studio. Telephone 433. Ai
iMilntnu'iitH made by telephone.
I'rnlse From Mr llulirrt.
A more agreeable Journey through diversi
fied and attractive scenery than that w htcli
can lie made by one of the two dally voHU
buled fast trains of the Baltimore & Ohio
railroad lietween Chicago and Washington,
Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York
would be hard to find. The Baltimore &
Ohio railroad of today is a vastly different
institution from that which it was u few
years ago. The antiquated locomotives and
cars which thou constituted its equipment
hnvo given place to rolling stock of the latest
and bewt patterns and the through trains,
vestfbulcd from engine to rear sleeper and
including dining cars and Pullman cars of
the most modem and luxurious character,
compare favorably with those "oT any in the
worldt Tho sleeping cars especially built for
these trains a row months ago have some ad
m I r able improvements. The elegant sim
pliclty or tho interior decorations is In mark'
ed contrast to the louder ornamentation
which not long ago was considered the height
or nit In such places. The wood Is or mahog
any with little carved or raised work, but
brought down to tho highest finish, carefully
selwtetl for fine grain and toxture and show
ing highly artistic ct bl net work which tho
eye does not tire of admiring. The improve
ment In the locomotive equipment is equally
remarkable. In order to climb tho Allegheu
les, from whose heights the 'passonger enjoys
views of sublimity and beauty which ho never
forgets, hetvy grads nud numerous curves
were necessary In constructing tho road and
until recently It required the help of extra
engines to get a train to the summit. Now
when the foot of the mountain U reached,
Instead of two or more euglnes being called
Into sorvico there is attached to' the train a
six coupled drivers and cyllnders2!x2!iuches
In size, ami this powerful machine takes the
heavy train up the long stretches or grades,
reaching as high as lit) feet to the mile, at a
lively pace. The daylight ride over the
mountains, especially In the time or verdure,
shows a wonderfully attractive panorama in
which gratuleur and beauty are constantly
mingled, and Indeed the entire journey be
tween Washington and Chicago proves the
propriety of calling this road "Picturesque
B. & O." ifoHieoi Aye.
IIer)olsheImer & Co's. Ex)osltlon Depart
ment Store offer n line of Black Surah Silks
at much less than regular price. Inspect
their Hue or novelties, outing cloths, wath
silks, French glngliams the heat line they
have ever shown. Silk mlta and parasols, in
great variety. Call and see Herpolsheimer
& Co's. beautiful store. Ladles' parlor up
I stairs.
Makes man lives mliertble, and often leads to
self destruction. Distress after eating, tick head
actio, heartburn, tour stomach, mental depres
sion, etc., aro csaicd bjr tlilt very common and
Increasing illicaio, Hood's Ransparlltfi tones tho
stomach, creates nn appetite, promotes healthjr
digestion, rollovcs sick headache, clears tho
mind, and cures tho most obitlnato cases of dys
pepsia. Head the followlngi
" t haro been troubled with djspepila. 1 had
but llttlo appotlto.nnd what I did eat distressed
mo, or did mo little good. In sn hour alter eating
1 would experlenco a raininess or tired, slt-gono
feeling, as though I had not eaten anything.
Hood's Sartaparllla did mo pa Immense amount
nt good. It garo mo nil nppotllo, and my food
relished and satisfied tho crarlng I had previously
experienced. It rolloved mo of that faint, tired,
sll-gono feollnr. I liavo felt so much bettor slum
I took Hood's Sarsaparllla, that I nm happy to
recommoud It." 0. A. Paob, Watertown, Man.
N. II. He sure to got only
Hood's Sarsaparllla
Aoldbyalldruggltts. flalxfnr5. rreparedonty
by C. I. HOOD A CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mais.
IOO Doses One Dollar
The Yost
'I l 'SBHSiBBi i IT Tl
lfc-,i ...i. "ilil''" WBL-'ij."at-SSSW Wml IB
ilwi'V Ij4ssSbsH llH
' "MTrtiirt. ilBWBslW IsibssssstI
,'iT JDHHUESnpflHsttiStfI lH
' assssssssssBl?BHK
mBmu -.,': tfy H ssslllllllllllllllH
- -"-, 1-.'. J't, " J I'Wi'
Now in the Exposition!
Wall Paper Emporium
m sMsssyBSBrffflir-' fHr? iff
i jll
m .. m
ftiiteg, Tfie Watt Paper Man.
Fine Crrigigcs, HLrriess sirdi Bicycles-
30 Inches
No. 55. Ladies' Three-Q,uarter Phaeton.
I ffxmxnfxxxxn nxnxn
1204 and 1206 0"
odibSi NcomsKft
Wesscl Prin tins' Co.
And In fact
1540 O STREET.
.rr i iixu.i.u'o.ij us 1 1 xij fft
Street, Burr Block
Machine '
No Ribbons
Perfect Alignment
Prints from Type
Unlimited Speed
Call . unci
Send for
It, or
1 1,6 N Street.
Will he found in the center isle, second floor, nt head
of the stairway. In hit. new quarters the stock will cm
brace the finest line of Wall Paper and Decorations
ever shown In the wen, including
Imported Embossed Papers,
Silk Decorations,
Artistic Ingrains, Etc.
nil the latest productions of the
Industry will be shown by
Wall Paper
Axles 3-4,
36 and 40 Inches