Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, July 05, 1890, Page 4, Image 4

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IP ! 1f?
Gasoline Stoves.
White Mountain "
1 reezcrs.
Screen Doors,
Screen Windows,
Screen Wire
Frank E. Lahr,
930 r street.
North Side Postollice Square
1 v C'
A Fine Crayon
JF fv E3 E3
.,1124 OST. .
Every customer gets si head
and shoulder Crayon Picture
Free from any and all cost.
This" work is made direct from
nny photo you may want
copied. Call and look into
this matter. '
Sprague & Wickersham
Hot Air Furnace Work a Specialty
Hot Air Furnace.
1210 o Stroot,
Kino Hunt Cnblneta W per dozen. Bpeclal
roles to student. Cnll and seo our work.
Studio, 1214 O Street.
0ien from 10 n. in to 4 j. in. Kuudnys.
to ixstitctc cr rexxiNimr,
Shorthand, ami Tyretrrlllnir. U the best anil larvwt
dtlltga III I be wVl. UU Stu.lf nl In sue mlatic latt
jrer. mulrnu prepared tor bmlncw In frum 3 tut)
mmsUm.- Kiiwrlencrtl faculty, rrnoual Inatructkm,
'' Beautiful llluamtrd catalogue, rolltya Journals, ana
tpselmrns of pvanwotnlp. MiU f re by udilrnulntf
pUJBtllDaE ROOSE, Lincoln, Neb.
lr LI jB jr fC tTJi 1 mm
I JE?i "" 1HI
Mi r& fi pil"i:'jF-'1 11
"h ml Tlfl3&fl
If- tfliLli,:&.i' -9TT"g't'' iifpS
A ;ni(ir 7i;rr o Mottrrn Timtn Ono Year by Mull or Carried
liOOJ Hlx Monlha,t.00 Three Months, NV.;
Ono month SO Cents Inrarnhly In Alliance.
AtiVriiTlsmitNTsi llntes fiirnMicd mi application
nt thn ofllce, Cpwlftl rates nn Time Contracts.
CotrrninntoNst Hliort spicy sketches, ikk'ihk mid
stories solicited. Personal nnd Hovlnt notes nre
especially desirable.
I'nnoixni Wo innkn a specialty of Finn Printing
In All It branches. Hoclrty work a seclnlty.
Fubllwhod Siutirclny
Address nil cotiutiiiiiicntiuii direct to the ofllt'o.
WiCNMiut. Printing Co ,
Courier llultdliiir, I inj N Hln el.'iionk VI
. M'khhkl, Jn., Editor nml Hole 1'ioprlotor.
FiiKii llKN.tNOKii. AmocIiiIo Kdltor
TllK unexpected has ioiiio to mil again
Tito prohibitionists have secured tin organ In
Omalin. Tim HepuhUenn, which announced
Itself against iroltlliltloti n few mouths ngo,
hm turned squarely nliout,
TilK ntnto ImnkliiK IkhuiI reHirt oil) lmnk
In Nebrnidm. Tlioy hnvu oxaiiiIiiimI 4S7 itntl
collected 20 front ench of 4.VI. Tlioy Imvo
ncclviil "J1HXK) In foei, nml their vilnriot nttil
ixienwH Imvo ttKil tip nil but f 7.1.
TilK Uepubllenn county coii.tnlttfo lini
inked tho county courts to nxcertulti If Lun
Cnitler county linn 70,000 poptilntlon. Tlih
l the llrut atop townrdi IiiivIiik llvn county
coiuinUilonera, or In other word milking
tuoro ofllceii for tho politician.
ItN uiiforttitmto that 11. II. Oakley, IiuvIiik'
ilecldeil to try for tho lioutu Inntend of tho
aettntc, In In tho Mima ward with Ch til )-i L
Hnll. Doing from the Haute wnrd It nrnkcM n
contest Iwtwoen tho two Rcntlemcti, nml ono
of two good men w III he defeated.
TllK city council linn npptoved tho plnng of
tho city engineer for a viaduct ncrosa the
rnllroniU nt Twelfth tieeti. Tho city nt
tontoy linn been tllrected to condemn tho
tiecensnry laud to ox'tt Twelfth street from
tho Miwourl I'liclllc rnllwny to Y street.
TiiKlorg contemplnted chnitgo.ln tho olllco
of tho fccrvtnry of htito luif taken nlaee.
David llitutngArtluor, having been promoted
to the McCook land otllce, has gone to take
his now ilnc, nml Iew Kinyer of Clay coun
ty holds down tho sit in tho secretary ofllce.
An Engllshmnii who tins been traveling In
the wet say thnt the word "Mlstlfslppl" nl-
wnys nITects him to laughter, because It looki
so droll with Its l's and h'a ami p's trending
on eiicii other's heels. Alajlw It does look
a llttlo funny, remnrku tho Now York Trlb'
tote, but It isn't hnlt as ridiculous at
"Hogellycllmsvnnk', nml similar names eonr
uioti In Kiiglnnd.
TllK Kebraikn UhautntKpiii avwmbly of
Crete hns arranged for a Joint debate uoii
Its grounds July 8th, nt 'J o'clock p. in., upon
tho following proposition: "Tho present
railroad rati, lioth Inter-state and local are
fair for both producer and carrier." Tho
nlllrmntlvo will be mip'orted by Hon. T. M
Maniuotto, general attoi ney of the 11. & M.
railroad company, and tho negntlvo by Hon
O. II. Van Wyek.
Lincoln is not enjoying a boom. Bhe i
simply jogging along nt her own ecullnr
gait, and the real estate trnusfeiii for tho Hot
six months of 1610 foot up 4,500,000. This is
In keeping with her population, which in
creased over 800 per cent, in ten year. In
tho great empire that lies between Chlrugo
and St, Louis on tho east and Ban Francisco
and Portland on the west Lincoln stands
number lx among her cities.
It is now twenty years since tho Japanese
began to reform their Institutions, and dur
ing that time nothing has more clearly shown
their adaptability and Intelligence than the
progress which they have made In education.
Out of 0.740.WO children ofK-hool ago In the
empire, a,6O0,0U0 nro enrolled in tho ubllo
schools ,w Idle unl venltir s.coiiimerclal ckools.
schools of Hue art and of music, mIiooU for
the deaf, dumb and blind, law course In
German, French and English, libraries ami
imifeums, nil form part of n thorough and
progreslvo system. -
One of thonobletactsof the lost legi&lature
was tho law empowering the governor to
pardon each Fourth of July two convicts
who have been In the penitentiary over ten
year. -Gov, Thayer has just released two
men w ho wei "sentenced for murder. Both
crime were commuted under peculiar cir
cumstances. The convicts are not hardened
men are not likely to be n menace to society
now that they are at liberty. They have
been imprisoned fourteen and ilfteen years,
and no good purjioso would bo served by
keeping them longer. Tlioy havo behaved
themrclves and aro likely to be law abid
ing men. Tho law which tempers justice
with such mercy is n noblo one.
Arnoi-os of the recent gerrymander and
talk of gerrymanders iu congressional dis
tricts in severnl states, Mr. Walter C. Hnnim
e mtributes an ai tide to the J'onim for July
in which he luview the most striking in
stances of gerrymandei lug mado by each of
the political parties. lie explains In detail
how a minority in a htate Is in iiieny caw
practically deprived of representation in
congress in coutequenco of tlio manipulation
of tke districts. Drawing the balance sheet
of the sins of tho two iwrtles In this practice,
Mr. Iiaium finds that, In spite of tho tortured
(ilstrd.u In tome of the republican states, the
marvelous gerrymander; Iu tho deniocratlo
statoa give the democratic rty the unen
viable pre-eminence in this practice. The
nrtlcle contain a political map of South
And Other l.iihn Niiperlur Point n.
Tho traveling public may not bo awni'e
thnt tho II. itJI, iiinkcsthcrtin hetnccti Lin
coln mid kjIiiU on Like Superior several
hiAirs quicker thnti any other line, our nib
nro tho lowest ni.d the services the best.
Mnku Inquiry at Union depot ur city ofllce,
cottier O and Tenth streets, before deciding
on your route. It's to your Interest to do so,
A. O. Zlinifr, O. I & T. A.
Kxciirsliiii Itittes to Kmtrrn Itesorts.
Tho iittnitlon of tho traveling public Is
called to tho ndvnntngfs of tlnUlilcfc MIh.U
slppl Hull Any nsnioutotoNew York, I'lilln
ilelphln, Wnslilngtoii, I) O , llnltlinore, Cln
clnnatl and Ixrulsvllle, as ucll as to the niiin
erous lirnlth and nleiiitiii rwortn of tho
lloth mot ulng nml Kveulug lines of I'til'tnnn
Vrstlbttlo Iluiret Sleepers nro inn from St.
Imis to Now Yoik vln tho above nniueil
cities over the lli.ltltnoro it Ohio rout Deer
I'nrk and Oakland tint twin mountain re
sorts of tho Alkvrl'pnfes, nro on tho dltect
route or Iheso through sleepers to the East.
For Like (Jhniitiuqtin and Niagara Falli
our train connoits In Cincinnati with trains
of tho Erlo llonte which run? through
to Now York via Likowood on th southern
boarder of liko Chiiutiiuqiin; being tho only
lino from the west running n sleeer or a
ifxicli of nny kind to nny olnts on Like
For hlto Hulphtir and other healing
springs of tho Vligliilnsj Hlchmond, Old
l'olnt Couifoit, Washington, Dnltlinore.
I'liilnilelpliln nml New York, our trains innltn
direct connection In Union depot. Cincinnati
wlthllie"F. F. V. Limited1' of tho Cheia
Hake & Ohio llonte.
Our rates to New York and other eastern
lolnt nro lower than nny ot'ier through car
r.itito from Ht. Louis, while our accommoda
tions nro tiUHtirpnMcd,
To thoio who coiitoinpliito n trip eait this
summer wo will bo glad to furnish ilo-wrlpt
Ivo pamphlets of tho dlirerent resorts, reserve
sleeping cur berth nml furnish nny addition
nl Information ni to rates, time and routes.
Summer Excursion tickets to all tho east
ern resorts nre now on sale In our ofllce nt re
duced rate).
Call on or nddrow A. J. Lytlo, General
Western Passenger Agent, O, & M. Ity., Ktf
N. llronilwny, St.Ioitls, Mo.
(Iriiuil Kxriirslmi to Yellowstone Natloiml
I'nrk and Oltinr tVontern Itrsnrts.
Tho Union I'ncllle, "Tho Overland llonte,"
proposes to run on July Stlth, n grand excurs
ion from Omaha to Yellowstone National
Park, Groat Hhoshono Falls, Idaho, Ogdcn,
Walt Ijike City, Garlleld Hench, Denver.Clenr
Creek Canon, the famous Loop, and other
points of Interest. The Union Pacific will
furnish kIx horsoCoiicordco-iches. which will
carry tho jwirty from Braver Cation, Idaho,
lonnu uirougii i iiotvstone isatlonal Patk.
These conches will also bo taken to Shoshone
Sfatlon, and used for tho rldo to Great Sho
shone Falls. At each stopping place, such ns
Ogdcn, Salt Like City, Cheyenne and Den
ver, the conches will be unloaded, and tho
touilits conveyed from the dejwjt to the
hotels. Afterward n rldo to nil points of In
terest in each city will bo taken.
From Hearer Canon to Yellowstone Nation
al Park, tho trip will occupy three days going,
three days i eturning, and eight days will bo
spent in tho Park, Excellent tents and good
tqulpnient for camping nut will lw furnlshid
by tho Union Pnclltc, curoutH from Hener
Canon to the Park, and whlloln the Park the
tourists will bo quilt tervd nt tho rarlous
The rery low rnto of $'J25,00 per iwateligtr
hns been inailo fiom O.nalm, This rate In
cliidts Hnllroad, Piilliiinu ami Stage faro,
Meals and Hotel bllU from the time of fray
ing Omaha until the return of the excursion,
In nil :t0 days.
Only thirty pntsenger can be accommo
dated, mid as accommodations are limited
early application for saine should be made,
no one being accepted after July 20th. Un
less (SO) tickets aro sold by July SOth, the ex
cursion will be abandoned, and pun base
money refunded Immediately.
In ordering ticket send money for name by
express, to Harry P. Deuel, City Ticket Agt.,
U. P. Hy., JJttW Fitrnam street, Omaha, Ne
brask. While children w til bo allowed on this trip,
still It Is advisable not. to take them. For
further Information relative to this excur
sion and itinerary, apply to
E. U Lom vx, G. P. A.,
Omaha, Neb
Tliot'lilruirit&Atliiiitle Itnllwuy's Limited
Travel on tho Chicago: Atlantic has great
ly Increased of late and the merits of this great
lino have been so well appreciated by thiough
travel between Chicago and the east that it
has been found necessary to restrict p.if sin
gers of second class travel from using the
Limited Vestibule train and hereafter none
but llrst class tickets will U good on that
train. See the company's now advertisement
on page six of this issue.
Of Oenernl Interest.
It is Important to laundry patrons to see
that their soiled linen Is sent to the Evans
Inuudry Company. We have tho very latest
machinery for doing tho work. Our process
fsoilglunlaud that we keep abi east with the
linns goes without question. Yourgoodsare
handled with the greatest enre possible. Or
dlnary repairs ami buttons sewed on under
wear ici'Moiif ra-fiii charge. We hare the
best facilities and can serve our patrons to
best advantage.
In lioint of color and llnlsh our goods nre
tuiequaled. We have ono of the best equipped
and tlttest Laundry plants iu the west and
that our enterprise Is appreciated our many
friends w III attest. o have also secial ma
chinery for doing up household linen. Hav
ing tieen In this business Ilfteen years the
work Is no experiment with us. Seo that
your goods nro given to our wagons, and we
guarantee satisfaction In every particular
Respectfully Your,
Telephone llW Evan Laundry.
K. 1. KnciiiuiHiieiit.
For the Hlennlal Conclave, Supreme Lodge
and National Encampment, Uniform Hank
Knights of Pythias to be held at Milwaukee
commencing July 6th, the Union I'ncllle
"The Overland Route" w 111 bell tickets at
one fare for tho round trip, from points iu
Nebraska mid Kansas July 4th to 7th Inclus
ive, good for let urn passage until July Slst
Parties attending the conclave, should ar
rive In Milwaukee not later than midnight of
July IHh, as tickets will not be honored on
trains arriving nt Milwaukee after that time.
Tho Union Puclllo presents to the Knights
of Pythias nnd their fi lends, Inducements In
thohaH)of titisurpaiFhed train service, fast
time, union depots and cloo connections.
Haggago can nlfo be checked through to des
tination, no lo-checklng being necessary at
tho MIroiiiI River. Tills fact alone saves a
vast amount of annoyance and Inconven
ience. Every attention will bo given en
route to those attending, In order that tho
trip may be miulo as enjoyable as po&slble,
For any ifurther infounutlon relative to
rates, ticket time of truing, etc, apply to
E. II. Boston
or E. L. Lomax,
Oen'l. Pass. Agt.
in Kinds ofCheesoiit KIiik'h.
No phco In tho country carries a liner or
larger lino of American and Imported cheese
tliotiO, J. King, HSrt O street. Tho stock
comprises the following goodst Roquefort,
Snpsago.Old English Dlnry.I'lneApple.Edaiii,
Swiss, both Imjiorteil and domestic, Fiomnge
do Orle, Fromnge i'e Cnmcnitiert, Chautauqua
county (N. Y.) Full Cream cheesoand others.
King's gooih nre always llrst clnss nml prices
right, Telephone No. 01.
Uniquet Netsnt II llnrgiilii,
Tho Great Ten Cent Storo hns a largo va
riety of Croquet sets that tlioy aro closing
out nt bnrgalu prices. All now est styles
ranging from 7ft cents upward. Call and see
thi'in. 118 South Twelfth street.
Wc manufacture o it r o w n
Trunks nnd guarantee tlictn, nnd
sell nt prices much lower than
(tenters can nfford to. We ntso
repair trunk or take tlicm In
trade Full stock of Traveling
Hags nnd Extension cites. Or
ders for Sample Cases, etc , exe
cuted. DcnlcrH should send for
our Illustrated wholesale circular.
YlriciU Hopper, Trunk Factory,
81 Rooms, 208 8. 11th 8t.
Tolplsri. COS.
Cushman Park
Sunday, July 6.
Tho colored people will
Outing nnd Celebration
hae u Grand
Wednesday, July 9.
Sunday School Picnic!
Tho Episcopalian and Conjjroiratloiinl
Hchools will Join In n great all-day Picnic.
Tho train will leave tho dopot at 10 A. M.
For further details seo dally papers.
A : Favorite : Ladies' : Carriage
See Them on Our Streets.
..H1 ... fHiHBwww
Nh. I jSm -PSBKjwFjfTtajfcrTrpii X 1 Fur II
jafMaw.aMaJraMMMajiiawaMaaaasssaiaaaaalasaMli i ( v . l x
Lewis Hardware and Implement Co.
SOLE AGENTS, 235 to 245 North Tenth Street, LINCOLN, NEB.
Andrews' Gem Koldins Bed!
1 Hn
aafaaaKafiaBGiHHBaHiaaLaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan ffiaHal
Best Folding Bed now in the Market. Can be Cleaned and Ventilated Without Takiiv
Apart or Moving. Call and inspect the working of this new Bed.
June Clearing up Sale
Most Beautiful Line of FL-OLJNOI ISGS
ever shown at One-Half their Actual Value.
Hall Dress Form
The Best Fitting and
most Perfect Corset
ever made.
The Celebrated Dragon Black Plaid Organdies
Just Received and Guaranteed not to Fade.
1 141 and 1
Table Service Unsurpassed in the City.
Apartments Single or En Suite with or without Board.
Passenger Elevators.
Cor. lttth mul U Street.
Teli-iliiiiie No. .H.
Laclfes'Stimmer Cor
set the
shown at
Worth $1.00. Try
one and be convinced.
e $
143 O St.
This is our Famous
Norfolk Phaeton.
We have n new line of these as well
ns other Fine Phaetons nnd n full line
of the
World Renowned
Henney Buggy
In nil styles Including the Latest Nov
elties. Fully Guaranteed
As represented or monej cheerfully
refunded. Wc will keep all Henney
work hi repair for one year free o'f
charge If caused hy any defect.
. I
V ,l
A ?