-SHwrJ i . .0 J.A sr ' . ittiiruvii tt uvu.' k j i" vn -. jni rriur - - " i f x. -Jt-vv i w i' .-..-.. i ft'V J- .'V. "' 'f v" lJ '' r rfhrSTA 'J'.v . BJKft :) i1 ,'iV .J.i" V 000-00OiUU.2 "PoPalLSAR PAPER oF AX9PERM -TIMES " Vol, .G No OO LINCOLN. NUHMASKA, SATUKUAV, JULY G. 180C Pwicn Ftvic Oicnts m$szzmm$wA r.wtr x. stv fsassss , rs-injjASi3Bwoji3-ii BYE THE WYE. OTHtho lLfcM. mul (JkT I railroads nru gcncraus with 1 passes, whloh accounts fur the, ftict Unit most I Lincoln people innkn their summer trlw westward, There 'must bo :euany,ihowcvrr, who have to pay railroad fait, mid itlio wonder Is that more -of them lo not visit lake truserts, Mest of (Ih-m) are at a consider able distunue mul lucon vvtiieiitof ,(ift.s, butt hole isonci right nb the door of NeU-uska tlmt naturally might to attract 11 big patronage from thin ttate. I rWur ta spirit I.nko, Iowa. It has no many Ix'nuUofiaixI nt trat'tlons for ji Kiinuncr vacation tlmtanyonu who linn viniVil it Is qalto nuns to Intromit en thiihlastic ovir Its morlU. IVI1U0 ntdiiyNc- hraskatiM miky Imvu hi-unl of tin; vo I IiiwikIiiu niOKt-qf tlii'in think Itnildiiuanvfiis Jent point to ittach. I know from i;Miorirs nuiilu by Linutiln pvoplo that rrnj owliimv how to no there. And yet it lx one f thy cuxk'st triiM iiuajcinahle in the Miinmur tiiiui.il The Northwi-sUxn railroad ttysh'in ruin a leeior hetweea lOtnaha and Hjilrit lake wlUiout change, i.011 get Into tlm carat Onmlm after Mipiter, and when you awako in the uioruiiiK you are iJdetrneked ut the Uloj within a few fivt ot Uiu ilotel OrJoa;). HeturjiinK 'n leave the hotel late in the evellltiK after the hop, iind luvakfast in Oiim lia. J'liHKiigi'rH from Lincoln can take the afternoon train on the KlkXiorn and catch the hIm'Iht ut Hlnlr, and 11m iciuru liythoMimu route. 'o doubt George, Koreeuuin and his DMlMimt at the Klkhoru oJllro me loiuled with exact infot mution and anxiotii to give it out. You can see very rudily that with the uervk'e the Northwenteru nyntcni otrers Spirit Iiku Ih eny of ncccw, and very little tiuio Ih loHt getting to and from it. That is ijultu an item for busy jieople. The Lincoln people who went up last yenr wero delighted with the place, and a lurger number will visit It this year. There is a chain of lakes, you know, lined with caiupn, cottagcH, lodge, hotels and groves You can get all ort of accommodations from the hunter's lodge to tho mammoth ami magnlllcent Hotel Orlenus. IhU is man aged by one of the famous Leland family, and compares with tho best summer hotels In the country. You can have linn ilshing, good hunting and pleutlng of Milling. There are hundreds of hummer sojourners about the lakes and a number of titeamers constant ly running, so that it is not u lonesome place. There aro many forms of amusement: yucht iug, boating, bathing, baso ball, tennis, Ilsh ing nud gunning. Numerous gatherings give variety to life. Ilegatta week is one of tho events of the season. The Iowa om-f men w 111 meet this year on July ir and 1(1, and n number of Lincolnitcs aro already planning for It. Up In Omaha tho republicans are having a family row over u candidate from that city for tho gubernatorial nomination. Ex-Mayor Ilroatch and Dr. .Mercer aro tho rivals. To a man outside the town that looks like fool play. Omaha has a United Htates Renn tor and a congrtRHuau, and it Is not likely ishu will bo allowed to lmvo tho governorship also. There is 11 bitter feeling throughout Nebraska against a city which Is hoggish In moro ways than one, and it Isotily now and then that Omaha can bring forth u mini who can command tho good will of tho rest of the state In matters of tolitlcx. If Omaha wants 11 man on the Republican ticket she should turn In and work for IMchard Berlin for the lieutenant governorship. Our Dick became a great favorite while in tho last legislature, and has friends all over the state who will work for him. With Douglas county at his bock he will very likely have 11 walk over in tho convention, pick ought to stay In the field, at any rate. After the convention has sat down on Omaha's candidate for governor, it will lie likely to turn In and nominate Dick on his own account. The voting of .10,000 to secure the Hock Island railway may have a good effect hard ly anticipated. A Union Pacific ofllclal tells Ityc-the-Hye it may result In Lincoln's get ting the main lino of that road. It will ho recalled that an airangement was made whereby the Union 1'aclllc is to huvo the use of tho Hock Iilaud's lino between Omaha and Lincoln, lty building a few miles westward from Lincoln the Union l'aclfla can strike its Kt. Joe and Grand Island line and reach tho main lino at or near Grand Island. Several big advantages are claimed for this route. A glance at the map will show that the Union I'aciflc makes a long sweep to the north in following the bend of tho l'latte river be tween Omaha and Grand Island. Tho official in iiuestion says the route by way of Lincoln can 1 made thirty inlhw shorter than the present line. There are also points 011 tho old route subject to washouts, causing much deluy, it being necessaiy some times to run Union I'Hcillc trains over tho II, &M. At present tho Union I'aclllc is haiidicaped in getting business from Lincoln, the second largest city on Its line west of the Missouri. The iucrtat ed business it would get from Lin coln would alone Justify a heavy outlay in making the suggested change. Tho olllclal already quoted says this ichemo has lieeu un der consideration in Union I'aciflc circles, and ho thinks it will be carried nut ultimately. If so the coutpuuy will not iiImiiuIoii tho old line but run a split train, biiiiglng the two parts together at tho junction points. The more you think of this scheme the more profitable It looks for the Union I'aclllc, and it certainly will do Lincoln no harm to agi tato it. Mrs. Mary Holland Little, a lady whose work with the jieu Jlyivthrjilyo has already w1 .- I . II ? 1 ll 'I I I l iL-c commended, Is at Crete reportinc tho Chau tauqua assembly for her aor, the Omnha Worhl-llrrttlil. She Is giving quite tho liest retort sent out. and Is sprinkling It with many artistic touched of humor and descrli tlon, Hero ,1k n touch of Chautauqua life that will Imj better amircclittiHl bv tluwui ulm I have "been there," and as u blt'Of newspaper wining im cioverness can lie enjoyed liy all: It ln very pleasant thing when one gow to n ChnutAiiqtM'iiwcinhly t find au old acquaint ance already waiting to welcome one. After tho baggaguinan has UeKslUd u trunk and n satchel in. the middle of a tent nud nu oblig ing young man has wheelbarrow ed a wire cot.n fquaro table and 11 yellow chair to the grassy space near tho entrance, there is al ways amauvnls quutre heuro when the so journer, who has decided lo try to Uvo near nature's heal t for n week or two, feels as If he would like to llee from the place where there are tongues J11 trees and liooks In tho running brooks. At this time, just as tho Chautauqiian Is wondering what to do first, tho obliging young man comes hack with his old.rofo wheelbarrow and ays he Is sorry Just ns sorry as a youug man with tho desire for thecomfort of his fellow beings weighing heavy on his heart could isisslhly lie ho is sorry, but the pillows uro "all out" again, Hy this remark he liuplhw that a pillow f lim ine. ls.0110 of the regular Incidents of a session and tho dubious Chautauquaii would ho im mediately plunged Into a state of dciqioinl cnuy.lf.the obliging .young man did not point to waul tho wheelbarrow and say: "So I brought you some extru quilts. You can make 11 pillow out of one of them." It is at this moment that the Chautuuquiin raises his eyes and discovers his old friend the girl with scant yellow draperies who is riding n black and yellow butterfly all over tho red quilts. There she is, looking just as theerlul and uiitrammeleu by her petticouts as she was a year ago. All the normal classes and Woman'H Christian Temperance union meet ings have failed to make her arrange an over skirt that will conceal her knees. Hho still refuses to do anything but come olf which she does most conscientiously every time it ruins. Hut ft is 11 comfort to see the butterfly girl's familiar face. The Chautauquaii feels quite cheered up mid stralghtwuy goes over to see tho obliging young man who cheerfully rents him a 4x0 mirror, which makes him look gieeu and wriukley and homesick. Hut when the tent is in order, tho Clmutauquaii is glad ho came. Wlmt Ones It Mean? "100 Doses One Dollar" menus simply that Hood's Haruxirilla is the most economical medicine to buy, because it gives more for tho money than any other preparation, Each bottle contains 10(1 doses nud will nveingoto last a month, while other preparations taken according to directions, are gone in 11 week. Therefore bo sure to get Hood's Harsaparillti, the lest blood puriller. Telephone at tho CouiilKit oillcc is VJ, HAYDN AND THE TEMPEST. The CouuiKit's chief Illustration today Is a copy of tho famous picture by K. Hniniiinn entitled "Haydn Crossing the Kngllsh Chan nel." Tlm ship that bore Haydn on his way to Kugliind was iisHiilhsl by a furious storm, It Is narrated that tho great composer sat on the deck during tho progies ol the gale, mid that this occasion furnished him the theme of one of his grandest oratorios, it Is tills episode that tho artist has placed -before our eyes with tho pencil of a Gustavo Doro. He transforms nil nature into suieruatura fnro es In keeping with the weird scenery Invoked by his fertile Imagination. In his own Held for poworf conception, ho has few equals, He grasps tho formative Ide.i, and shapes his creation to express tho animating feeling, It Is organic spirit oven moro than nature that we see In his pictures, TIiosb who ad mire strength of delineation an I 1 calls! Ic no tion, will lliwl their ideal in tho works of this artist SUMMER TOUR. Important 1'olnts uim HUBgfstlons. I am now supplied with a full line of finely illustrated pumphlcts decrlptlvo of tho lead ing summer lesorts of our country ami ran oiler manner valuable Migigcstioim tothoe contemplating n trip dm lug tho heated sptll. Special attention Is calltd to the celebrated Ilshing renorts of northern Michigan and the HADYN AND upper lake region, the thurming und diversi fied scenery of the Alleghenies and the b du tiful Lehigh valley, tho Thoutaiul islands of the Ht. Ijjwreuce, the quiet haunts of the Adironducks the surf lathing of the Jersey coast, tho health giving resorts of tho gruml out "Jtockles," tl.o Hot Springs of Dakota, with their attendant stage rides over sueib mountain roads und amid scenes of indescrili able grandeur, the boating und llshlug of Spirit hike und Mlunetonka, audtoSaintoga, the queen of the fashionable resorts. Inquiries concerning the above, either er souiil or by letter, will lecelve prompt and courteous attention. A. C. Zleiuer, C. P & T. A. Tho leading question now is. "Aro you piovlded with a tmttloof hmubei Iain's colic, cholei a tiu.l dlarrluea remedy, as u safe-guard against tin attack or bowel complaint during the summer months!" No family can alford torisklielng without this Invaluable medi cine during the hot weather. It is almost certain to bo needed, and is a fi lend Indeed when icqulrcd, as it never falls and is pleas ant and safe to take. 'S"i and M) cent Unties for sale by A. L. Slmder. Remember that the Great Ten Cent Store keeps one of the finest and U'st lines of ham mocks in tho city and buying them lu large quantities to toll at popular prices, can olfer Letter Inducements thuii any other houe in the city. Hammocks as low as 'M cents. Call mid see them, US South Twelth Street PEN, PAPER AND INK. "Ihii List Wave-ship" is the lomautlo hut,, finitely trim narrative In the July Seiilntrr on 11 voyage n i slaver from New Ol leans to the Congo and hack to the West Indies In 18.VI. Tho author, Geoi go Howe, M 1)., had just Ih-oii graduated (it a medical school, nud accepted 1111 opportunity to go with soiuo freeilmen N Liberia. That pint of the voy age Mocompllslicdf all disguise were aban doned and ho vessel sailed to the Congo for twelve hundred slaves. Dr. Howe's descrl Hon of the vojnge Is frank, picturesque, and exciting. It will undoubtedly ho wllely read, as probably the list record of an eye witness of -the slave trolllo as cnniisl on m an American vessel. "The House of TomblnoU" In the July .fvcWW' Is one of I ho Hi si. funis of Hobert Louis Htevelisou's long voyaging among tho Islatxls of the I'aclllc. It isthoHoug celebrat ing his uirtlng from tho King of Aciiiniun, and is full of bin hut Ic Imagery. Tho Illus trations are from 01 Initial photographs of the king and his subjects. The disadvantage to tlie laUuvr of the present wage-system Is iIIm:iisms1 from n somewhat novel point of view by the Hov. Dr. Lynmu Abbott lu the July AViiiim. Neither as an employer nor as a lalsiir, hut purely as 11 Christian student of the Indust rial situation, Dr. Ablolt Wiiunn the wiige- fv THE TEMPEST wii tier's Indictment against the present syt teni, which ho thinks Is unjust and must yield ns fast us (he forces of society will iiei mlttn 11 more humane and generous system. A visit to Curtilage and Tunis, by J. H. Cowpet'thwult. fontjiln m iivi.i 1111,1 nriii-.. description of picturesque Tunis mid of tho interesting social life ot the Tunisians. This pajier fakes the readers of July Oiifiiq; to one of tho most attractive skU left to tho traveler who seeks romunce. It U ilehly lllustratisl by engravings, excelling any work ever dono lu Our iiq. This artlclii alone is worth the price of the magazine. Rev. Carlos Murtyn, I). ., contributes a brilHunt and kugRvhtivu uper ti the slrrmi for July 011 "Churchlunlty versus Christian ity," Which will doubtless occasion nmrli ooinineiitliiid criticism. The Mqwr Is render ed nil the moie Interesting when It is reuiein- neiwi mat Dr. Martyn IsunOithodox clergy uimi as well at a Kpular author. The ill nays interesting Mtwtutneuj .liinii ciin History oens Its twenty-fourth volume with a brilliant Julv IiiiuiIhm-. A tine not- trait of Hlr Willlun Hlackstono serves as froutisphH.'e, tti iH'rtiueuco apparent to who soever reads the leading article, "The Golden Age of Colonial New York." Mrs Lamb has given a wonderfully vivid picture of the lit tloiiietroH!Unf the piovlme under kingly rule in 1IW, conducting the cm loin, tlirough its strtvts, houses, public buildings and chuicl,e, to the cnuiuiei.cciueiit exercises ot Its college, to the founding of Its chandler of ooniuurcc, to tho king's legislative halls In Wall stieet with the governor, Hlr Henry Mooie, presiding, to the chamber of the city ooisratloii, mid to the court rooms, with graphic personal descilptlousof tho men who llgurod In those places-, while the nowspiiHr, social iiiralrs, amusements, shows, and quaint tires of the isiiplo me all painted with a master hand. The midsummer number of the eiiiii'xo Mlllrr ,Uii((iiii is one of unusual Interest. Tho Counteis Do Montalgu discusses In her mest fascinating milliner the "Ktlquctte of of Coriixpondence," and an article 011 "Kino (!ems,"hy Charlss Ulnno, Is Itself a produc tion which no lady who Is interested In Jewels should fall to read. Other Interesting contri butions aro"A Ulrl-Htuilont'sYearln l'aiis", "Motheihood," "The Corporal Punishment of Children," an Interesting story by Clara biulse Iluruliam.and a freshly interesting in Mnlhueiit of "The Philosopher of Driftwood," by Annie Jiniiess-Mlllr, "Voice Culture," Is Interesting mid Instructive, nud the Fashion Talk Is full of original mid artistic Ideas. A SOLID, SUCCESSFUL FIR.M. lu these days of numerous changes among business houses It Is noticeable that 0110 llrni appears to bo ns stable as the hills, and goes on serving tho puhllu lu the same ovon-hnud nl manner and In the same famllinr old stand that It has for years past. Reference is had to L. Msyer Si (Jo., whoso iiamejseems to Isj a synonym In Lincoln for permanency. Mimv a household lu the Capital City druws the liuU of its family supplies from this establish ment, which curries nu unusually variisl as sortment of goods and provides them at reasonable prices. Tho success of this firm Is not accidental. It can lietrunsl to the hand ling of good gissls at fair price and giving the public prompt, courteous treatment. If you want anything lu their lino drop in at the store, I0! north Tenth street. , The game of lacrosse mhortlswl for last ' Wednesday evening was postponed 011 acs I ""' '" im-inn i-iiiiu-r nun 1110 aiwnce of some of the plnyeis The game was 10 bo 1 played under the Canadian AsMxintlou rules. ii win ne piiiyiii iiixnil the lytli of July Due notice or tho other games for tho cham pionship cup will Ihi given in tho piers The game last Friday was a ell played and tliOM who witnessed It weio well pleased mid applauded It. The game w us short mul sharp only lusting one hour and llfteen minutes. The Llucolns made the lli-st goal in twenty minutes, and the Independents took tho last lu forty live minutes, when dm kncs stopped the game, whlc 1 was declared a draw by tho re fens'. Try iiilinneratCaiueron's Lunch mul Hhoit Older house. Served dally from 1 1 :IW u. m. ill -'. p. 111. Everything lino mid juicy ami cooked in a home-like manner. NEW ItEDKEKN CITATIONS. Hpeclul CorrespondnncgofllieColiHlKii.) Nkw Yoiik, Juno ill), mis) One of tho most convenient and at the same time distin gue garments of the season Is mmm TIIK ltKIIKKIINHI.KKVKI.KHH .lACKKV which is adapted to such a val lety of ocean Ions when some slight protection for chest and shoillderN Is mssled, and yet when a coat with sleeves would Im) burdensome and over warm. The Jacket as pictured above may ho used as 11 tenuU blaior, ns 11 driving cent, or us a reefer mioard a yacht, ami lu either ca pacity will be lound comfortable and becom ing. The one here given is of wood-brown serge, finished around armholes, iKickots, lapels and edges with a heavy gold cord. Tho rolled land collar Is faced with brown and gold striped silk. A white linen shirt with stripes of torqiiolse blue Is worn bciionthlt. After so many siecialty costumes, If one may so term the dresses designed by Hod fern, for dlUVient sports and games, it Is quite refreshing to get back to tho milliner gown, "pur et simple." Hero it Is, upon 11 rather penslvo maldenof presumablyesthotio tastes, that Is, If one may Judge by her "over tho garden wall," suullower environ ment. . A IlKnCKUN HUMMKIt TOII.KT It Is a dark pniiu-coloreil grenadine, with a profusion of ribbon trimming This ribbon, which Is a two Inch gros grain, Is of light hellotroiM?, and is carried dlmzonallv across I the bodice from right to left, mid Is then made into n girdle, ending in long loos and lends above the right hip. Two straight j lunula are also set down the front of the skirt, j with n deep fall of fringe lietween them. The pulfs 011 the sleeves are also banded with rils- bon, and the pretty chip hat 1ms loops of it mixed with largo velvet imnsiesof tho deeper shade. A white lace Jabot is worn below the frill lu the nrck, and the parasol has a fall of luce coming from under lU turroted edge, If ever any lady Io en a bargain mid what woman does not f her desire may now lie gratified by visiting tho store of llrlscoe the Shoe Man at tho Exposition. He has just 0enod u Hue line of ladles' iougol.i shoes witli patent leather tips lu all width from A to E, mid they are tsslng olfered for .'I..VI. Considering the quality and stylo this Is a rare otrer, and the ladies will no doubt ap preciate It. Certain manufucturersestabllsh reputations for paitlculur lines of goods that ure a guarantee of superior excellence and so recognized among dealer. In Infants' mid children's footwear that distimtloii falls to Zlegler Hros., and Hrlscoo carries a full line of their goals in nil widths from A A to E E. A L. Shader the druggist, wishes tore iniiid his patrons that It is a dur.gerous policy to wult until taken sick before hii)iug a ImiW tie of Chamberlain's colic, cholei a and dlar 1 hii'ii remedy. Every family should be pro vided with some reliable remedy for Isiwel complaints, leady for immediate hm, when ever required, during summer months, and this remedy is unquestionably fur siqK'rior to any other. It can always lie depended upon, and is pleasant and safe to take. It Is put up ill 'St nud !U cent bottles. J. M. Markell Sou Jiwolorr,'-..,iO stieet. 'lift