-y y, Mifv !?fl. pr w """" " "wrascty Wbkrw ;i. - "tit1--'r,!e"T:fyyc V1 " CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, JUNE 28, ,890 S ii MONARCH" Gasoline Stoves. "SIBERIA" Refrigerators. " Whito Mountain " Krcczers. Screen Doors, Screen Windows, Screen Wife Frank E. Lahr, 936 P Street. North Side Postollice Square t lintlii' liiri' 0 Motif rn Tlmt .SUii'i'iiir-rio.Vt One Year ly Mull nr Curried 200 Hlx Mouths, ILOOlTlllvc Mouths), Ath.; Olio moiitli W Ci'ittN Inrnrrttily In Advance AnVEKTIsKMXKTtl Kale furnMit'il on niilcnliiu at the onice. 8ecll rates on Tlnu control'. roNTitUUTloNtlBliort spicy sketches, (hiviih niul stories solicited. lYrsoiislnuil Hoelul inlf nr especially desirable, I'ni.vmn: Wn liinkonsieclftltyf Kim' Printing In rut itrt branches, Hoclety work n scilAlt) . PtibHsliucI Snturilny. Address nil cotiuminiciiiluii direct to Hie oirlctt. WitHHiiu Pkintino Co, I'UIIMnllKIIN. Courier tlulliiinit, li:u N (street. TKt.nlMIDNKiVI L. Wkkhki., .In., I&tltor nnd Sole Piopiletor. FltKII 1IKN7.INOKU. Asioclnlo Editor TIMELY.TOPIC9. Do 3 mi rlixli every ljr Do you know how to lir.tlcf A swell doctor nyn that It Is tho most wonderful aid to rfcct henlth 'I innstlente my food very thoroughly nt dinner." ho nil's, "mill ttinLn ftltrn ti lin.i mi family or friend, entertain mo with bright I 1 "'i ,.P01,".;.1 ?.V?Mle.m,rt "nu.Un tnlkmi.1 Monty of fun. After dinner It In , Kl urWood nr, , niir rT""""'. "T"' umlei stood thnt I mil going lo rlwlo. How , 5 " K .,"."" ".r, ttnt c,nM "",l ,rlct's IB Kinds r Cheese at King's, No place Iii tlio country tarries n liner or Inrger lino of Ainerlcnu mid Imported cheese tlianO. J. King, lll 0 street. Tlio Mock comprise tlio following goodsi Hoquefort, Snpsnco.OlilEtiallshDInrv. PlnAiml.. i.m... Swiss, loth lmKrted mid domestic, Fronmgo do Uric, Froning? i'o Cnineinlert, Chnutnumin rr; v A Fine Crayon LIFE SIZE FREE POPULATION OF LINCOLN, 05,000. What'h tlio nmtter with Lincoln as a health lesortf The .ourimhat star.tod n move to hnvo tho big hotel put In it hath homo mid use tin snlt water from tho nrteilnn well In government square. Wiikn tho ollleials of tho Hock Island cmno forwnrd mid made n ilellulto statement of what they proposed to do for thnt tftO.UOU, tho city met them hnlf wny Tinlm will ho i tinning by Jiiiiunry. AT s HER WIN'S 1124 0 ST. TlIK Villi llllS llllt III! II IllllnUiillln nu- ilna. of tyx mid conio out (or prohlhltlon. Tho Cull head tho lint of papers on tlmt side of tho light. Tho Nobrnska dallies favoring prohlhltlon mofow mid fnr between, TlIK people down In Washington hnvo conio to appreciate tho snlendld woik of Judge GrolT nt commissioner of the Innd de pnrtinent. An Increase of salary from ?:,ftOO to WO 1 11 tulistnutlnl endortenieiit. Every customer gets a head and. shoulder Crayon Picture Free from any and all cost. This-work is made direct from any 'photo you may want copied. Call and look into this maitcr. TiiKcenmit returimmi in for tho lnrger cltliw of Ncbumkn, mid Hupi'ivUor Tom Ccok Rivet tho followhm npproxlinato: Omiilm l!W,W, Mncolii W,00(, Uontrlco IS.JMKI, Ne lirimka City lO.fttX). Lincoln hns piuwed I)e Moluet mid Diibiniue. which nro renoitnl nt M,(HX) niul -I0,()0(). Thk polltlcnl jHit bvglnt to boll rlht iner illy. Tito cnmllilntis for Henntorlnl honort from the city nrt I. M. Hnymoud, It. E. Mooro nnd H. II. Onkley. Aiiioiir tho num. erout irentleiuen who would like tontt In tho homo nre Mevrt. McDrlile. Hull. Lliultev. Coriili.li, Dlckliinoii. Bcliniuji, Soverln, EgRlc. ton mid Llttlollcld. tlo I lie) 1 1 f t r.itlt'11 tn inv mill, fin.l l..lt.r ... ......, .F "'J vi ..., in, , li'K dnrkeiied the room I IlKlit n clgnr, tit down mid perform thooperntlou How to ilctcrlbu It I don't know, but it itncondltlouiit n curly like tlcep nt sloop n Ilka dentil. It contlttH In doliiR nbsolutely notliliu;. I cloo my eye niul try to stop nil notion of tho brnln. I think of nothing, It only tnket n llttln prnc tlco to bo itblu to nlnnliiti'ly stlllo tho brnln. In tlmtilellKhtfiil comlltloii I remnlii at lecMt leu minutes, Mimetlnut twenty. Tlmt It tho condition most henlthful toilliffstlon, mid it Is thnt which nccountt for tho hnblt nulmnlt Imvo of sleeping nftor entliiB. I would rnther inlstn fnt fee thnti thnt ten minutes' rlwsli every ilny." Clinoso your tweethenrt carefully, wisely mid tenderly, my dour jjlrlt. Itcnu-iiilwr In li to be oeii nmro tlmn thlt to you koiiio tiny ho It to bo your hushnnil, for turely you nn not one of the (ililtwho Imvo a sweethenrt hern mid onotheie, nnd elves n llttlolovo to thlt 01m nnd 11 llttlo to tlmt one, until when tin renl ono iiimenrt tho iierfevt liliwim u Kono from tho pencil, nnd tho cannot give him whnt In oilers her. You RlrN know very tpilcklj? when a mini iiiemit nioru tlinti fi leniMilp for you. You hnvo mi Instinct thnt toll von tlmt IliU Mf i..wwUI,wbl.. r..i low hns conio hwietliinrtliip, mid thnt It tho 111110 tor j ou to stmiy mm n tilt Think out If his tenier mid yours nro certnln to nRiee well toRcthci'. Think out If his tnstet mid vourt nro nllke, or If they ran riow to bo so, for you know, little woninn, If you wnnt to bo liniiiiy In our ninrriiil life, vim mn.i lenrn tho Rrent mid wonderful virtue of ndiip'nblllty. You mutt ihooso your Hweet htnrt ns jou tin n new rowii, w thnt ho will wear well; but you wnnt him for longer tlmn a winter; ho must Inst through tho long sum inertlnys nnd through tho winter onet, mid befoii jou put your hnnd In his mid tll him you nro willing to flcht out the bnttlo of life together, think It all over well, nnd remen ler thnt you nro choosing your Hweethenit not for n tiny nor u jenr, but for nil through lifo. dIjuTthyfTed Ami Oilier I.itko sni,rlor Point. The traveling public may not be aworo that tho II. fci. makes the run lntu..mi Tin. coin mid ixilntj ou Lnko Surorlnr severnl hours ipilcker tlinn nny other Hue, ourrntts nie tho lowest ai.il tho services tho host. .Mako Impilry nt Union depot or city olllci. comer O nnd Tenth streett, boforo deciding on your route. It's to your Interest to do fo. A. U. Kleiner, C. I'.fcT. A. Tho honor and Integrity of tho inannRe iiient of tho IjOuIkIiiiiii Htato lottery com pany aro now lully established nil over tho country. All who know anything about It know thnt tho ilrnwlngt of the company are held with tho utmost fnlrnest mid nil prizes paid fully nnd piomptly. Thousands me nnily of their own knowledgo to testify to thlt. Tin cotnpnny'M present chnrter hns nliout llvo years to run. Tho only iiiestlon now miller contlilurntiou Is hull thopresiiit chnrter expire hi IMtt by llinltntlmi or shnll It Ik oxtendtsl fornnother term of 2.1 years! June Clearing up Sale AT n. BLOCH'S, . The Most Beautiful Line of FLOUNCINGS ever shown at One-Half their Actual Value. Hall Dress Form CO Rsex The Best Fitting and Cushman Park AM0M0EMENTS !"ost infect corset ifKifeki !?' AikT & t r j JclTWMCJLjLrT"2L U ItBrTLkiliHJJBlJ a"" TTk "W.'.Ts?itj ever made. m W i tT.ttttlhli .)- Sfc IB'' i I' ft i fiSJ iff! o I HI VxM0 Ladies' Summer Cor set the shown at irifi J-dof o11-"1"1 ever SO CTS. Worth $i.oo. Try one and be convinced. Sunday, June 29 Olorlous musical event of tlio season uinlor tho muiiiiL'oiut'iit or Miss Kriiiinii n. i-.u.i.r... of the Htnto University, iiNltcil by eiiilnout iiiunin, iMcsciHiiiK nie inmoiis rrlina Donun, MISS ELSIE LINCOLN, of tlw Denver University. Prof. U. C. Menenilorf. musical illreetor. will present new unit attractive music liv Hie University Orchestra. Vocal Concert opens at I p. m. and dp, in. ' Tho Weber Kraliil I'lano used In this or cliestrn Is fnim tlio music house of Curtice A Trnlns lenvo at 10i30 a. m. so you enn rii out mid get cooled otr, 2 p. in. nml :: n. m" llo turn at I p. in., (1 p. in. and 8 p. in. Itoiind Trip Tlckett with ailmlFslon to l'aik 23 cents. The Celebrated Dragon Block Plaid Organdies Just Received and Guaranteed not to Fade. A. BE(SF5, e 1 141 and r i.3 O St. Bond Wc , manufacture our own Trunks nnd guarantee them, nnd tell nt prlccH much lower thnu dealer can nffonl to. We nlso repair trunk or take them In trade Full itock ol Traveling Hag and Extension enses. Or. tier for Sample Caset, etc, exe cuted. Dealers should send for our Illustrated wholesale circular. Wirlck & Hopper, Trunk Factory, 8U'Bootn, 208 B. 11th 8t. Tolopboxvs 003, PHOTOGRAPHER! Kino Dust L'nbtnelt 3 mr iloxen. Hneclnl rates to stiniontt. Cnll niul eo our work. Studio, 1214 O Street. Open from 10 a. in. to i p. in. Huiidnyt. 5t.-iTccor.ttf : 2" . -..- Iw..',1 i?:v'Vy AD lasTITVTK Of I'UIMXMIIlr, Bboniut, ami Tyrewrlfiiff. b the bott an.l ln?ri '.".. "nU '"' ."("Jenls In tltfiuUmvliut .uirevinin. hii.1 ,,.. M. h.imi m i ..... i , . ----'---' ..-.. . . ...uM.-i.a ,11 niirii.iaiu'r iiut 1? f:.t,,,i:,',u lrP"rl .of binlnwt In fMin .lloW 7w.iir.V rni!!e'.k'!?c'r' ,ftc""y '" !?l"" Irslnicikm, lleauurir llhuirttiitc laloKtir.iiilliv Jmimaii. and neelmen of prniianthl'i, k-iiI rnv by n.l.lr. wins ULUllIUmiK ROOSt Lincoltx, Neb. Thk Demounts nre tnlklng viry strongly of iiciuliintiiig W. J. llrynn of this city for congress. Lincoln people ndtnlrti Mr. Hrynii for hit ability mid nersonnl wnrlh. .in, I 1... undoubteilly can have tho Lancaster delega tion, ue it ipioieu, However, 11 unylng thnt ho will not go Into n cuitiible with older politicians for tho nomination. Lincoln ih entitled to the nnmo Conven tion City. Take edneilny, for example. We hndn meeting of the Otruimi tuiueis,it state gathering of the old soldiers, n stnte convention of the Inborlng men, n meeting of tho tnto't personol right league mid nil In tltuto for tho tencheu. And Sells' circus caught the people who did not attend the convention. iKu ny NebituUii exinctt n toft teat n VVnshlngton under Mr. Valentine, tho new irgeantMttaiiii of the icnate, he will lm cruelly dUnppointed. Perry 8. Heath wires the lift thnt there Is not ono clinnco in 10,000 for another Nebraskan. This ttnto n I ready hat two imtsengert and n clerk on tlm ..r. geant-nt-nrnit roll nnd tnoclerksof commit tees and a clerk on tho roll of the secretary of the sennte. Tilts has been a crent week t,r Tl. ,,.,!., Tho census gives us W.000 eople, not Includ- nig univenniy rince, est Lincoln, Ilelmont o.- College View. Tho jump from 13,000 In IbW) shows n gain of over 1500 ior cent., n re msrkable growth, nnd Lincoln will tnv-n iw... jilace among tho notnblo cities of the country. Work hns begun on the now 11, & M. shop. which mono will add 5.000 to iii.nuii in i... next enumeration, and tho city will have grown so largely by 1000 thnt Havelock mid the Mioim will Iw swnltowtsl tin. Tb i-ntinn. of fW.lXX) to tho Rock Ishvul brings another sivni rnuronu system Into our midst, mid we tn unve 1110 iiiniu lino between Chlengo mid Denver. The voting of I1X),000 for iwvlng mil sewers menus thnt Uiom public Improve liuilU will keen iinco with th irrnwti. r i. city. In the lleht of events iu..r n.,.l .,....,... It Is not n wild prophecy to predict 100,000 pwple for Lincoln In 1W0. eiw AcronniNo to the Journal Coiigressmau Kiwh has tlecMetl not to come back homo this Miinmer to make mi unseemly scramble for a renomlnntlon. And the Onmha H'orl.l Her ald of Wednesday has n special from Wash ington telling thlt rjueer yarn: It is stated tonUht In Nebraska circles In thlt city that Congrewmian Ln,V4 wm not (a a camlI(a,0 for reMslectlon. Tue bitter light nhvady le mg waged agaliwt Laws In his own district openod the eyes of some of his Menus. Sev oral days ago woitl was sent to certain re publicans In Nebraska to make a -lemona! Iiivestlgntlon of .iirnlrs in Mr. Laws' district. This commission was carried out. Three pi omlnent Nebraska republicans-one troni OiiiMm, one from Lincoln and the third from llustlngs-,wero detailed to make this investi gation. None knew that the other was em ployed In such a work, mid yesterday the re suit of their observations reached Washing ton. The gentleman from Halting held out sime hone, but admitted that they looked bad for Laws. Tho gentleman from Omaha mid Ihe one from Lincoln both reported in strong and forcible langusga that there was no hope lor Mr. Laws. All of these gentlemen are fi Hals of Mr. Laws. OrOeiierat Interest. It It linnortant to Inumli'V iinlrnni in u. that their soiled linen Is tent to the Evans Ijiundry Coniinny. Wo hnvo the very lattst Illlirllllll'lV for llllllll- tlm wnrlr Hni'imuv. . ... .......n .. .. v. , x,. iuvi. t original mid that we ktep nhtcist with the liuet gots without question. Yourgoods ni-e hniitllcil with the greatest enro posible. Oi- uiiinry ivpnirt mnl buttons sewed on under. www without extra vlmiyi'. We hnvo the best facilities nnd enn serve our mtroin to best ndvnntage. x In point of color mid flulh our goods nre UtieminleiL We hiiveononf thelHsti-uiltiii.il and tlnest ltuudry phots In the west mid Hint our enterprise Is appi-eclnteil our nmiJyi friends will nttHt W. Imm nl. ...,.!.. I '..J. cliluery for doing up liousi'lioldllueii. Hav ing been In this business tlfteen years the work Is no expel iinent with us. See that your goods nro given to our wagons, and we guarantee satisfaction In every particular Iless.'ctfully Your, Telephone IWI Kvans Laundry. The Clileuiro.V Atlantic Hull way's I. hull v( Travel on the Chicago & Atlantic lint grent ly lucreasetl of Into mid tho merits of this great lino havo been so well appreciated by through travel between Chicago and tho eiist that it has lieen found necessary to restrict patstM: gers of second class travel from using the Limited Vestibule train and hereafter none but first cl'ifH tickets will l gootl ou that train. 800 the company's new ndvi rllsement on page six of M1I1 hsue. Teeth Treuteil niul Fllleil, Dr. II. C. TlOStlen. Dentist. "L'S Rnntli Mil. stieet, over Elite Studio. Telephone 41. Ai- Kntments maile tiy telephone. "Tho Hlirrt nt Vi.rn Prnv tl... ou.,...... .!.... O" " -.... a , ..IV .,...,,lfl and pyrotechnic exhibition by IUehnrd Nt- ..III.. .1... X- -..- ... ., a. . ... . vino ui tnu i-ev nirK n tint! winch will he the summer attraction nt Mnuhnttnn Huicli this season, is now nearly ready fur premuta tion. It promises to bo tho most elaborate thing of tho kind yet given In this country. The whole of the Immense stage, 350 feot bug and over 100 feet deep, Is already set with scenery representing the city of Vera Cruz, the famous Castle of San Juan tie Ulloa, and tho forts Conception and Santiago. Ne.irly 1)00 ieople hace been engaged for the representation. The wnter spectacle, with moving ship and boats manned with armed men will be it novelty, A. L. Shinier the druggist, wishes to re mind his patrons that it is n dangerous policy to wait until taken Hick before buying a bot tle of Chamberlain's colic, cholera mid diar rl oea remedy. Every family should be pro vided with tome reliable remedy for bowel complaints, ready for immediate use, when ever required, during summer mouths, and this remedy Is unquestionably far suerlor to any other. It can always be del ended upon, and is pleasant mid bitfe to take. It Is put up III 35 and 50 cent bottles. 4 II, P. Engine for Sule. In good condition. Only used a short time. For tale cheup. Apply at Couiukk olllce. K, 1. KiicNiiiiiiient, For the Biennial Conclave, Supreme Lodge and National Encampment, Uniform Rank Knights of Pythias to be held at Milwaukee commencing July 8th, the Union l'ucltlo "The Oveilmid Houte" will sell tickets nt one fare for tho round tilp, fiom points In Nebrtukn and Kansas July 4th to 7th Inclus ive, good for return imssnge until July 'JUt Inclusive. 1'arties attending the concUve, should ni rlre in Milwaukee not later than midnight ot July 9th, as tickets will not be honored 011 trains arriving at Milwaukee nfter that tlm-. The Union Paeiilo presents to the Knights of Pythias and their friends, inducements in tuetnapeoi unsurjMMSfU Ham service, fast time, union depots and close connections. Hatftfage can nlso be checked through to det ttnation, no itvchecklng being necessary at tlio Mlsaouil IUver. This fact alone wiv.fia ut amount of uiinoynnce nnd inconven ience. Every attention will be given en- route lo thoso nttmiillnir In nnt..i thut !.. tilp may be made as enjoyable as Kj&sibe, For buy further infoimntlon relative to rotes, tltkets tlmetf tiaing, etc., apply to E. P. 8lion or E. L, Lomax, Ocn'l. Pass. Agt. The -Itli of July nt Cusliinan will be the big gest 4tli ou earth. Grand Sweepstakes Tournament ! for 40 Oiin Clubs. II .000 In Prizes. ITiidertbo Mnnnirniiicnt nr .T. It Hfli.n .i. ri Shot of America; ' '"" " "" MlI.I,K.!tO-K CELESTE, tho onlv living person that over walked from CMlf Mouse to --hi iuks 11 onn r rnncisco nnriior.wlll nor form on a 'light Itope liO feet nbnvi tlio water nt II o'clock A. M. mid 4 o'clock P. M. Ornnd Military Hand In nttciulnucc. KING TAUTAllllAX Willi his hosts will perforin. NKItO. the only Swimming and Diving Hear, will perform. Admission to Park 10 cents. Trains every hour. Houinl trip 15 cents. J The- NOW O PR X Table Service Unsurpassed in the City. Apartments Single or En Suite with or without Board. Passenger Elevators. Cor. I'4th mnl O Streets. Telephone No, -IH'4. M. ISABEL BOND Prop. A m ravonte : Ladies' : Carriage See Them on Our Streets. 'fc TvfflwsTSSStSSyjww 1 1 This U our Fnmous Norfolk Phaeton. e-r ." A ma We have n new line of these as well ns other Fine Plinctone nnd n full line of the World Renowned Henney Buggy In all styles including the Latest Nov elties. Fully Guaranteed As represented or mone cheerfully refunded. We will keep all Henney work In repair for one year free o'f charge if caused by any defect. Lewis Hardware and Implement Co. SOLE AGENTS, 235 to 245 North Tenth Street, LINCOLN, NEB. HARDY & PITCHER Andrews' Gem Folding Bed! Best bssssb bsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssVLsb sBI ""sH1!1'!- JL 1 I jJfck jsisssssBPI HssssssaiiiLHI Wdte'AA sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssHsssssssss T'lssssattttttttlsstsssssssB1 7s'Mtmfc) ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssBsssssssssssssssssssflBP Vii 4sH77 sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssltlsssssssssssssssssss i (? ssssssssssssssssssssclaiBsssssssssBssssssssssssssssr; kk,j "s-JK ' sslr sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssKlsssssssssssPsssF ' , VW lialalBlsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssTsssHiPvB'- ' 'N-Ty-i t i" Si I NsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssHPKtf ''n Tffriitfnrr " -.... ,. ij5iUiiu .. '. ,n,'. l!!li'iff'' .".-" ' i Folding Bed now in the Market. Can be Cleaned and Vontilnrn,i w:ti.t mv.i.- , .,.,,.,,,,11, ,, iinum x,tKlll,r Apart or Moving. Call and inspect the working of this new Bed. 211 S. ELEVENTH ST., LINCOLN, NOB. n i . M fiil o FSS1 2; -It -)',' ( ifm'ii vjtw.nicwHf p