. V- CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, JUNE ji, 1890 I1YK Til K HYK. 4f Warm Weather Clothing Wc nrc Showing n verj Large I-tnc of Nov Stvlc in Alpaca Coats and Vests, Fancy Mohair Coats am! Vests, Silk Lustre Coats and Vests Drab De'ete Coats and Vests Fey Flannel Coats and Vests Serge Coats and Vests, Pongee Coats and Vests, Upon which we arc making Very Low Prices OIR SELECTIONS IN White and Fancy Marseilles and Pique Vests Both single and double breasted. Comprise some very new and nobby styles. Silk and Flannel Shirts So Comfortable for warm weather wear, we have an entirely new and beautiful stock of. On all these goods you cannot be .better pleased than at the GLOBE CLOTHING HOUSE ED. (Sr. YATES 1 129 O STREET. Wirrick & Hopper MANUFACTURERS OF TRUNKS 208 South Eleventh Street. SPRING 1S90 Knox Mock KnolMt llloch. JAiVIES C. KIEK, jt'Sole Agency for KNOX World Renowned Hats. Cor. O and 11th Street. BUCKSTRFF jmm DOES THE NEWMARK & IIERSCHLER, Proprietors, Cor. O unci Tenth Sts. TRY WY S322SHOE No Better Shoe Made for that Money. -. -wttv SfZfK. "X!V5)7 fK. i'.V TTSTV tfPV w HEN K00 WANT FINE JOB PRINTING See the WESSEL PRINTING CO. Continued from irtR" U. crow nl Meiwm Frniicl and Zli'inerV plain wllh micccm, nml Uipto win 11 Kuni'rnl rejtitt Clint hi could nut bo with tho party throughout tho trip Of nil thufpeechc iiimlu only ono was cap tured verbatim. That w an mnilont Crawford liy Mr. Mtcadmau, for yearn tho editor of tho Council llluir Xonjiiuril. In ri'ipono ton toat Mr. Btcmlmnu mild: Mr Chilli mini, I don't know Unit I Imvo over Int'ii called upon to exprent my uintlll- out Ion or tho Kintilleatlonof Hums with whom I Imvo boon iifMM'Intiil In liny mutter of pli-aie ur where I took Rrenterfittiufnctlnu in undo ing thnn on Mil oecaMon Haturdny morning last twenty-four repre Ronttitlxes of the most prominent nownpiipern In Nebraska, Kiiiihhh, Mltmurl nnd lown, led by tho representatives of tho sturdy pioneer of rivlllrntloti, the II & M inllionil In Ne braska, started on one of the most delight fill tour of 1,1100 mill Hint nny pmty ever com passed In the wime length of time. Two hum died of thoo 1,!HX inlloihavolicon tniido mor territory tlmt one J eiif ago was trod liy the savage, the hurTiitnnuil thuunteloH. Todny, on every lmnd, In wltiiosfed the march of civilization. Yoiiiik cities nre gi o hig as If toii"hed by the limbic wind tlmt lins ImUt the empire of the west. In nil the dlstnnco wo Imvn gone, wherever wo lmo given op IKirtunlty, wo have been lecolved nswonrn received hero tonight, with uniform kinilncs iiudhoKpitnllty. Weino Inclined sometime to criticise the grrcil of rnllrond corporations. Politician and demagogues, for personal reasons neck to rttlr up opoMtlon nnd to crento utijUMt legis lation against them, There Is n right nnd n wrongsldoto every question, nnd I Miy to you heie tonight thnt them Is ns much jtostib lullty thnt wo limy deal unjustly bv rullrond corornt Ions ns thnt theynmy denl unfairly by the people. TI10 railroails Imvo U-en the pioneers of our mighty west. They liuvu Hnotratod the mouutiilu fnntnesM-H nnd opened to the iniuk- ets of thuwoild the untold wealth of thoso eterunl hills. In their wnko Imvo followed the college nnd the church ho tlmt education and religion has kept pneo with commerce In tho development of our western emplio. lo dny my frioiuW of this benutiful city you en joy tho fruit of well uxpcnilld energy anil capital on tho part of tlmt mnguillceiit pioneer of western enterprise w hoso guest wo nro, and now without continuing these lelleo tlons, riflng In your place, Join with me In drinking to the health, tho hospitality, tho enterprise, of Crawford, tho beauty of Its In dies nnd tho vigor of Its lire." Mi. Htcndumn also mnde tho address In pre senting the souvenir. His remarks nnd the iesonses of Mr.Fmnclsnnd Sir Zlemer were models of their kind and made a llttingcllmnx to the trip. MUSIC AND THE DRAMA. During the pist week the Museo 1ms Ihh'H tho only theatlical house open to the public, and it has done a good Ittnltiem. Tho biggest fenturoof In program wns tho perfornmnee by trained hogs and monkujs. Next week oiroraHtrong program Theoilgiunl Itoston Mammoth Uncle Tom's Cabin company will give the standard piny with new scenery, a ho.o jrchestru and new stylo orTeot. Cowboy Tex and Annie will appear in om lo hull, tell of cowboy life In Texas, show- their marks innnsliip and exhibit relics of tho round-up. The Emerson & Callmtie company will hold foi th on the stngo upstairs. The next attraction at Kuuku's is "i'aul Knvaur,"eaily in July. AT TIIK I'AllK. Malinger Andrew cuutiuueit to provide at tractions that aro likely to draw crowds to Ciislmmn park Tho piohlbltlnu campaign has fairly opened in Lincoln, and Col. V. H. Elliworth will give another address at the park tomorrow afternoon Ho will arguu ngalnnt prohibition from a biblical stand M)lut. The milltaiy ba I will bo present, nnd ItHiiiusicalnuo will be an enjoyable enter t'llumeut On Wednesday the turner In at teudnucont the State tumfest will go out to tho pnrk an i a big time is expected. These geutlmen will come from nil parts of the state and .nte a Jolly ciowd. Next Thtirtdny wli; Ih Odd Fellows day at tho pnrk, and ti nins will bo run every two houm. Excur sions nro expected from Omnhn nnd Iowa points, trom Atchison anil Kansas points and from Kansas City and Missouri points. A week from tomorrow a grand concert will Imj given with Mlfs hlsle a tho star. I'lepara- tlons uro U'lng made for a big Fourth of July celebration, and It is said f I.IXNI will be spent on tho program . TAI.KOKTIIK HTAIIK. In tho New York W'uiIiVh play contest, Miss Illanche Marwlen's piny, "Onbrlello tier iirde," Is mentioned as next In excellency to "Wlllo' the Wisp," which was th light tho best of tho JtiS plays received. Hiijk the II'iiWi; " 'GabrielloOeranl,' wns written by the daughter of Fred Mnixleu, the plny right, wlicso 'Kerry Oow' is known all over. Thohtoryof Miss Mainlen's play Is l he lather ancient one of tho nihenturess who enteis tho family circle to alienate the ntfectlons of the husband, In this case the adventures Is the d I voiced wife of the hus band of the story The chaiacter is strong nnd interesting, although not abwijs an , agreeable one The scenes 1110 cleverly dl- viilisl, anil In some places the incidents are devoloied in a very skillful fashion, and dis close a hiiud that later on should do very ef fective work. As it is now, 'Onbriello Ger ard,' properly staged, ought to furiiiih a very satisfactory evenlug's entertainment," Miss JIiumIcii, it will Ih) rememliered, wns a few years ago forced to leave her iusnue father's houso, by the wicked manipulations of a heartlots mother, nnd left to shift foi herself Forced by circumstance to accvpt an en gagement at Koster & Dial's, where she at once made a hit, she soon afterwauls went to the Casino for one season, after which, feel ing heiself able to emu her living by her pen, she letll'ed, and has since then Ix-eii tho New Yoik coiiesK)udeut for out-of-town Nier During tho last vear she has written "Oa brleilo (ioiard," a society drama. "Wind falls," a comedy . an Irish drama as jet un named, and it novel called "Miss Merman's Cloak," which has been ready foi a publisher for some time, but winch shelelusetl to sell below Its value It is the opinion of the pro fesslou tlmt Miss Mat mIcii has inhtrlted htr fathei's talents, and that she will become quite as celebrated W. H. Cleveland, tho minstrel king, has con traded to pay tho Cniggs troupe ot eight ac lolmt ?.V;,(MX) for a fifty week's tour. 'I lie I'm ml ami Itesl Ai tides known to medical iclenceaie used In piepnring Hood's Kaiwqmiilla. Every mgrcd lent iscuicfull so'ei Ud, M'i'roimlly examined, and only tho hc-t letaiuid The medicine is prepaiet) under the supervision of thoioiighly conipetcut pliniiiiaclsts, audi ver step in the piocessot mauufautlire is caiefully wati'hed with a view lo seeming in Hood's Karta parllla the liett possible results ( POOR JONATHAN MAZURKA. I'rom MiUocKrr's Latest Comic Opera, arranged expressly for The American Press Association. ffej. . -s CH AS ZIMMERMAN. Ssfessirinsr-Jlr.i U- rr tn ' " " -- t r -:tf-;:-::-i -llj-t:- r-lp'--gv-c t...t.-; rc;i-i:- T-t-rj til- l : E-.lCi'ltr Izzu- -rm y. -h - l H S:ISfel ir: m mmdmmgwIfMmpmimmmmmk r& -H333: 17 5jsas?iigigrfsrgiss il I m -r r I 'ill T I I f 5'Ps3SgESKlP3GESgil :i - - m m .-m m m r-ryp71pc;l - -r rr-l-r-r r .) ?-fe:U:u.ts3lct big IS 5 - .wm- - - -m- -W "- r m tm im t n r-.v.p- rai- - -j c XZMZ ZSJTJC ..5Ti- iU rizjMiW JLzSzipzwzTwzzMzrzzumzzpzm-i y ' r t 1 ' ' -T f ' i i ' t r- 1 1 " "T r 1 .1 I 1 I 11 I J 1 M 1 r t t t lit S5 -p r-t-rr . t. f , -. st-y--J ' i km - m EAC MSfcfc Teittft and N. The IVIost Popular Attraction of the Season I The Original Company for Ten Years, THE BOSTON MAMMOTH Uncle Tom's Cabin Co. Magnificent IIii7nr Hand and Solo Orchcutrn Watch for the (irand Street I'arndc Daily nt Noon and levelling. The CJrcntcst I'nclc Tom. The Greatest Uva. I'hc Greatest Marks. New eircl Reeilistic Scenery ! Has been especially painted for this presentation nml Includes the "Knee on the Mississippi, between the Knbert K. Lee nnd tliu Nntclic, and the Terr I lie Explosion " Grand Solos, Chorus nnd Mutlcnl I'caturcs. COWBOY TEX AND ANNIE will appear in the Curio Hall, Tex will lecture on Texas Cowboys, Show Relics from the Round Up, Kxlilblt Marksmanship, Ktc. Emerson giiicl Oeillieine Specialty Co. Will hold forth In Theatre Number Two up Stairs. lOc. ADMITS TO KLL. lOc. KVEKY SATURDAY IS CHILDREN'S DAY. Take them today. They can in and take any clinlr, Friday Is Ladle' Souvenir Day. alt for to cents. Telephone 176 OFFIOE: 1024 0 Street JKMiAMKJjLHkMffU'VV1i3fiflL Moving Household Goods and Pianos ,a Specialty. ,riSStiii'il B If II ttWKrrnZZZZZrT j B r H MHI itIi TTFlill Mi tt 1 if BB r 1 wJHRuux1 DHsHft,ytvV i4Statej?55 Great Modern Convenience! "The Gilt Edge" Gas Stoves The World's Best! With tliU Stove, which the Latest Invention, less g.i is used than with anv othei toe ,ind pitxluce-. Par Iletter Cooking It linn already become the l'.n mite Eveivwheie and Its merit need but to ho explain ed to be appreciated l) even one. STOVES IN OPERATION nt our More and we Invite on to call and examine them and cc it woik. F. A, Korsmeyer & Co. :i5 South Eleventh Street.