CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, MAY 31, 1890 5t - t r K FULL- LINE OF EVERYTHING NEW AND STYLISH IN Traveling Wraps JUST RECEIVED AT J. H. MAURITIUS & CO. The Ladies' Purrish.ers 131 S. Eleventh St. M. BLOCH, WILL OFFER SOME Extra Bargains Next Week in Table Linens, Towels, Napkins and White Goods, all the Latest Novelties. We have just received a New Line of Silk Grenadines Iron Frame Goods in Plain and Striped. Bea.u.tifu.1 Clrjingi Silks 25 inches wide and in all colors. Sec our attractive line of Evening Shades in Cashmere and Mohairs. 1 141 and r 143 O St. Successor to Ashby & Millspaugh THE -BOND BTJEOEBA1T. jX o wop e n Table Service Unsurpassed in the City. Apartments Single or En Suite with or without Board. Passenger Elevators. M. ISABEL BOND. Cor. mill i nd J Streets Telephone No, IHK. SPRING 1590 Knox Uloek EnolUh BUkH JAMES C. KIER, J3pSole Agency for KNOX World Renowned Hats. Cor. O and 11th Street. In Elegant New Quarters! SECOND -:- FLOOR EXPOSITION BUILDING, Cor. 12th&NSts. LINCOLN CARPET CO. E3TTAKE ELEVATOR We are now Showing a Magnificent Line of the Finest Novelties in CARPETS and DRAPERIES And we, respcctfuly solicit a call from all friends, patrons 4 "' '"' and -the public in general. PEN, PAPER AND INK. Outfit); for Juno rIvm timely prominence to tlio soclnl functions which Lnwn Tennis I fulllllliiR; It In becoming nil lliixrtnnt or tlon of tho life of Amoricn's son and daught er. An tlio lnw ti TciiiiIm editor rightly says, "It If ooclnlly tlio ladles' game, nml I to tournament tiring nut tlio hnpphM nml plcnwtnt tide of liutimn nature." Outtuu fooiuh determined to innko ltd thor oughly fmultlnr with tho scones nnil Incident of England's cyclo of fnshloimblo sport. In the Juno number "tlio historic home of llrlt lull sjiortV' nro continued by "Merlin," whoso wnysldo sketches of "The Derby," nml "Tlio Cup," under tlio title of Kwom nnd Ascot, ntdcdns thoy are by tlio Illustrations of Tent tile brother nud Q. Chlldo HutKam, ndd an other, nnd a graphic chapter, to tlio ihi mn nont souvenir of England which tlio complet ed series will make. Tlio Juno Mtujmine oAmtrtcttn fsforj lsnununlr.cli with Interest. In tlio open ing nrtlcle, "Boino Old New Yorkers," tlio Hon. Chnrles Iv. Ttiekenunn presents u niOBt entvrtnlnlng vnrloty of jienonnl renilnlscetice, ntiecdoto, nnd pen portraiture of well known citizen, nenrly nil of whom wero of national reputation, with somocholco Illustrations, tlio ircntisplcco of the number being n icninrk ably lino tortrnlt cf tlio distinguished Dlshop Unlnwrlght, of tho K?riod tinder tevlow. Tlio second nrtlclo In nil Illustrated sketch of tho famous Bluiou Kenton of early Kentucky by Miss Annlo E. Wilson, entltleit "A Plo ncernnd his Corn-Patch." Then follos n strong, carefully prepared hlstorlo essay on Canadian, nirnlr by Dr. l'ros)er llendor, Hlgnlllcnntly styled "Our Northern Neigh bor, Dlilleultlcs to Union, llnco nnd Cretl TroubleH, Uncertain Future." Mrs. Inmb furnishes nn ngrecnblo plcturo of social nnd other nutiquo matters as seen through corres iwndenco a century old, called "American Belles and Brides In England." Tho wind of Thursday night blow In tho Inrgo windows In Louie Meyer's storefront but with that gentleman's customary enter prise tho damage was repaired le(oro noon Vestenlnv nnd nn nun Hint nntv luiuipa nmiM dlfcceni that tho storm bad played nnd havoc wiin me premises. Stuart Hobson has accepted a play from I'rof. Corbott, entitled "Is Mnrrlago n Fail ure 1" If you have a tooth for delicacies yeur every want may bo supplied at King's Grocery, 1120 N street. Call up 01. i:i.00 Round Trip to Choycnno noxt Wednesday on tho Interior Land and Immi gration Co's. excursion. Tickets good go ing or returning on any lino. Call on K. T. Gndd, mannger depattmont "D," room 0 Richard's block, for further particulars. Tho now Wednesday evening trnln for Cushmnn iark will bo an attractlvo feature. Picnickers ennco out on tho -1:20 n. m. train nnd return nt 7 or 0:30 p. in., spending tho evening in tho woods nil for 15 cents. Tho regulnr train this evening will lenvo nt 11:30. Trains leave tho park nt 7 and 0:30 p. m. Second grand excursion to Cheyenne next Wednesday. Round trln ftl.'l on with nlmlr. of roads in cither direction. The Kngllsh Doctors. Who nro lecetnl nt 228 North T7iith iinwi liavo extended the time of freo medical norv ices for ono week. All Who Visit tlieill luifnri. tlm nvunlnr. rst juiio mi, win receive services until Septem ber 7th free. The object In pursuing this couwo Is to becomo rapidly and jiersonnlly acquainted with tho sick and aflllcted. Tho doctors treat every vnrloty of dlsenso nnd do formlty, nnd will perform all surglcnl opera tions freo. Tlio amount of candor nnd honor manifest ed by these gentlemen toward tho nilllcted hns secured for them an unparalleled success. Ofllco hours il n. m. to 8 p. m. IHirllnKtoii Itoute Still Another New Fust Train. Tho B. & M., keenly ullvo to tho wants of tho travollng public, havo placed In service n new trnln whoso superior appointments nro sure to merit Immediate recognition. This train leaves Lincoln at 7:25 p. m arrives at Omaha at 0 o'clock and Chicago nt 1 p.m., tho time being but slightly in excess of thnt of our celebrated "Flyers." A through sleeper accompanies this train, and breakfast nnd dinner nro Berved in dining cars. Tlio local service between Lincoln nnd Omaha is now as nenr Hrfectlon as can bo desired, including, as it does, four dally trains in each direction, the running time being only eiguiy-uve 10 ninety minutes. As wo hnve frequently remarked hereto fore, do not waste your money in making ex jierlmentnl trips by other lines representod its being tqunlly ns good as tlio "Burlington." They are not. A. C. Zlemer, C. P. ondT. A. Two Young Clerks Who Won 810,000 In the Louisiana State Lottery. Henry Hudson nnd Horry Knotts, two young clerks In C. D. Kenny's ten store, 500 north Gay (.treet, a couplo of week's ago drew $15,000 in tho Loulslutiu Stnto lottery nnd hnve already received tho money. They hent one dollar and got one-twentieth ticket No. 8132 which won 100,000, of which thoy received $15,000, tho one-twentieth part. Baltimore, Mil., AVitvi, March 27. Cushman Park AMOTJICEMENTS WE'LL GARLAND THEIR GRAVES. DECORATION DAY HYMN. .vv t '? V"i". afc.isV ' .fl h - "austmik. . '. Ml f-l'f . rtl " - mi Published Ihrmitih Thn Antnfintti . .AKi'it;.!.! " if" - - - ..... r k.. .iroi1IHHUKl aa i .. I I- i Saturday, May 31. Freshmen day, High School. Sunday, June 1. The Seventh Day Advcntists Park U free to nil. Train nt 2:30 p in. and n$ p. in. Return nt d p. in and 8 p. in . Addict on Education by I'rofctbor Procott, President of Bnltlc Creek college nnd Rt. Rev. V. A. Faint, worth, on The Seventh Day AilvcntUt. Grand cniineng sildrchses. Words nnd Mualo by A. B. WOOLVERTONi " v n ivi Moderate TE.Von. tS2--r 1 mwmmmmmm p- 4: ) iU . 1. lllcHt An- gel of K-ncc, who cloth nnioli o'er tho dead, Ho with s to . ilny . wo lion - or tho .1ak-0B y tlUltXl f Ur ,ll,tt1, Wh M " t0 via . fry tho cwiii of tl.S mmwmwmm II. Let broth -or to broth - cr, in bonds that nro truo, U nllo for Iho peneo of our coun-try nnd IURS. 43? ,7ft I BE Tm"Wf' fS'd 1st lw mmsz zzr. JffElEbiIp Zfrrrrr. - I J "l"!"' W.1.10' 1w,1l?" !" l cnl1''1. fri0 I)' went fortli to die, That freo tlom and conn trv inlolit right: Win. holds in llis hand, strong and .night-y to ,, Tho loml Z oZ. w II PIi&iIilliiigll iinno; And hero at tho tomb of our com nulra nn dear, A- gain swell tlio song of their gdElp-p-j! feSEEf zbzz0z: 0 0- 1 flfe D fcr ciroitus. BOlMUNO ) 1 t RA nfrtl rn tmtttt '0 Ihu - rcls w bright. We'll garland tltclr gnireu fft, ros-cs tnd x n dy - ing fame. m TENOIl. i 4 rfFft !ija- Wo'li garland their graves 2: . . . S: T.ZZX7Z UJL33. $ Ee 3 4-rr t ggP ' flowers T ii Wo'li elng of their vol - iant dowla In Inst - ing son nnd tto - ry i iimil with ros-cs nnd flowers; Wo'li sing of their ral Iant deeds In last - ing song nnd sto - ry; mmm mmmmmm rnm -4 Wo'li crown them a - gain theso ho rocs of oura, SS ;t g SK g-Bg mmi Wo'li crown them a gain. thwo ho - roes of ours, mm .. t T S f- rW-q-a V7 i t time. far- Y 2d time. sm 13 Who gavotheir lives to save ft Nation's glo - ry. Who gave their Uvea to save a Nation's glo - ry. PPl I Who gave their lives to save n Nation's glo ry. Who gave I heir lives to save n Nation's glo ry. rTl V 1 V V I 1 p-r yiliiiillbli Great Modern Convenience! "The Gilt Edge" Gas Stoves The World's Best! With thl Stove, which is the I.atot Invention, less gas Is used than with any other btove and produce Fnr Better Cooking. It has already become the Favorite Everywhere and Its merit need hut to hS explain cJ to be appreciated by everyone. STOVES IN OPERATION at our hne and we Invite you to call and examine them and see It work. i5?r- F. A, Korsmeyer & Co. 215 South Eleventh Street. "fnijr WtiPP1