mv Z& ihlfm-fm-5.v!ri. ,-. . I CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, MAY t7, 1890 r t Roberts & Co, 212 North nth Street, Undertakers andEuibalmers. KimWHLJULlJLM Telephones. OMcc 145. Residence 1 56 Open Day nml Night. E. T. ROBERTS, Managor, WESTERFIELDS Palace Bath Shaving PARLORS. Ladles - and Children's Hair - Gutting A SPECIALTY. COR ia & 0 STS., NKW HU11R IlL'K BERT E. BETTS, 4M STENOGRAPHER JjH . and TYPEWRITER r Iluslncs Correspondence n Hpoclnlty, 1134 N 8t. T.I. 303 a: J. S. EATON, Physician and Surgeon Oflkci 116 S. Eleventh St. Telephone! Ollkc 685, Residence 561, LINCOLN, NEU. Socialist, l'rnollco Limited to Disease oftlio Neryous System, Heart and Blood UKFKUKNOKSi Hon. Win. loosc, Attorney flnuornl. Ilon.T. I Norvnl. Asxnclnto Justice. Jones' National Hank, Howard. Cltlicnn' Nntlonnl llntik, Ulysses. OrxiUKt 1223 O Street, LINCOLN, Mill. BUG ON SALE TO w-HjILi Principal . Points EAST, WEST, NORTH AND SOUTH -AT 1044 O STREET. E. B. SLOSSON, City Passenger Agent Grand Drawing- or TltK LftUrla de la Beneflcencla Publlca I OP THIS State of Zacatecas, Mexico. Atyndlcnto of capitalists lmvo secure J tho concession tor operating this LOTTBET and will extend Iti business throughout tho UultcU Htutc und llrltlsh Columbia. Below will be found it list of the prises which wilt bo drawn on May 27, 1890, AT ZACATECAS, MEXICO, and contiuuo monthly thereafter. CAPITAL PRIZE, $150,000.00 100,000 Ticket at lO.OO. Halve, O.OO. Tentln, tfl.OO. American Currency. LIST OF PHIZES: 1 1MUZK OK fl.V),n0O U $150000 Aooo 10.UJO 10.1ft) KPuivtSRw Mwiuro AX .,...v.r.vLHr ip nre,. .M lll.l V L'.i ru i.vwurc IU.UUU (00 aro 10.1m) 2U0iMtl.F.BOF.. , ROOI'lllZKrtOK.. ... WOl'MZF.SOF...... avt m -W..1C. ,..,., IMnro 100 are 40,000 4VCM0 80.003 Al'MIOXlMATICN 1MUZEH. 160 1'IUZKH OF ti&o nro rSfiO in vmt RS S? "w .... Wow 160 I'Hl.KS OF fio are 7 no Terminal FrlMsor M nn;: ". 49$0 m Ml.ftM CI.UB RATES) O Tickets for 50.00. 8PE0IAL RATES ABB-HOED WITH AQESIB. AGENTS WANTED Mr:& elty In United States and HrliUU America. Tuo payment of IPrUeaU guaranteed by a special depositor flvo hundred thousand dol lars 500,000, with the State Government and approved by Jesus Arechlgn, Governor Drawing under the icronul supervision of LIc.llermlnloArteaga, who is appointed by the Government as lutcrventor. ''iCKVsimr that with tho Btnto Treasurer all iieccessary gunrnntcesuro deposited assur ing full payment of nit prlzcsof this drawing, IIkhuinio Artxaqa, Interveutor. .MIOKTANT. Remittance must bo clthor by New York Draft Kxpreas or Registered letter, Atnerlcnu woney. Collect Ions can bo made by KxprcM Companies or Hunks. Ticket sent direct to management will bo paid by druflson New York, Montreal, Ht. Paul, Chicago, Han Fruu Ism or City of Mexico, For further lufor cnatlon address. .; JUAN riKDAl), Manager, Z-catecas; Mexico. A parlade 48. Tickets fllnte 3. vj . r - r r v ,1 , T T 5, eJ- cut- .f T X njj) " -e I,' k r- -J - "N "7 vf A l ' vronn.siows.ti, I.I 11 ....... .. 4 c V V N ' A . S I , u... lv v -r ) r CUIVHIUIUKU. ALL KIUIIIS iKlt,Khl. !! A-s-f I FoIIowIiir worotho jmrtlclimnta In the May fcstlvnli Hololsts Miss Ucnovrn Johnston, Chicago, Mm. F. C. Hapjr, New York; Mr. Whitney Mockrldgo. Chicago; Dr. Carl K. Mnrtln, ChlcnKO, OrRnnlst Mm. 1. V. M. Raymond; conductor Mr. L. A. Torrcns. Orchestra Mr. August Hngouow, first violin; Mr. Charles Hngcnow, second violin; Mr. J. O. Bayer, vloln; Dr. G. K. Androws, 'colp; Mr. R. 8. Hrowne, bass; Mr. A. J. Gatehouse, llute; Mr. G. II. Aschmnnn, clarionet; Mr. William O'Sliea, coruot. Chorus. Bo prnii(w Mls Dakor, Miss Uarbor, MIks Hlerworth, Miss Uonfoy, Miss Coleman, Mrs. Crliuey, Mrs. Dobson, Mrs Enlow. Miss Gould, Mrs. Greenlee, Miss Gregory, Miss Howe, Mrs, Kllroy, Miss Mnnnt, Miss Mitt tliuws.Mlw. Morrill, Miss Munshnjv,Mlss North, Miss radolfonl, Mm. Bcott, Mum Bmlth, Mm. Htcnrns, Miss Btlro, Mlsa Hwlf t. Altos Mm. Hell, MIm Churchill, M(a Floyd, Mrs. Guile, Mm. King, Miss Newton, MliwHoseinnn.Mlw Thomson. Tcnom Meiisra. Bonn, Uutler, Crlssoy, Cromwell, Dullug, Greenleo, Grldln, King, Mamlnud, North, Bcott, Beamnrk. llosses Messrs. Daruaby, Uarnes, Chaplu, Chntloy, Folsom, Ilnnrnhnu, Lnwlor, Markell, Nichols, Belf, Btonms, West, Tho mnrrlngo of Mr. John 1). Wright oc curred on Wednesday oven lug at 31111 Yn bash avenue, .Chicago, The brldo Is Miss Joslo E. Robinson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. M, Robinson. Bhe Is known to many Llns coin pwpio, having visited Mrs. C. E Yates. Mr, mid Mm. Wright wllltnkon long Journey to tho l'ndflo coast nml will bo at homo to friends at 1500 K street after August 1st, Tho groom has n largo circle of warm friends In Lincoln, who will give his brldo n cordial welcome. Tho Old Settlors lmvo elected tho following ofllcem: Levi Bnell, president; C. J. Ernst, secretary; John Troy, trensuror; Sheriff Mo Clay, marshal; onovlco president from each ward and precinct. Executive committee, M. G. Dohanan. J. V. Wolfo nudU J. llycrs. The next plcnlo will bo hold Juno 18. Hussoll Brydon has como In from a tour for M. Aekcrmau, and reports the most satisfac tory trip ho has had The Lincoln lacross club has done but llttlo work thus far, but llrydon may Inspire mora enthusiasm. Georgo Covert was seriously Injured by be ing struck In the eyo by a tennis ball, Tho Mow caused an Internal hcniorrhngo that threatened serious results, und has interfered sadly with Mr. Covert's work. Among Lincoln's newcomers is Dr. J. 8. Leonhardt, who Is making a specialty of dis eases of tho nervous system, heart and bood. Tho doctor is greatly pleased with Lincoln. S. D. Lelnnd of the Arm of Tyschsen & In land has estub Uhctl a wholesale cigar houso at 608 P Btrvtt. Ho willtnko tothoroad him self and W. M, Cat thorn will keep sho. C. J. Daubach, 0110 of tho main spit its in the state pharmaceutical association, took a leidlnz port in the annual convention at this week. Ku:i Blnford and Frod Hallott were among tho guests nt tho big reception tendered tho tiaveliug men by tho llotol Bostwick of Hastings. Mr. F. B. Barber and Miss Mary Carr of University Place wero marriod Saturday, Rev, John Miller officiating. B. A. Gibson and E, II. Wooloy, attorneys, have moved from Weeplnt Water and opetied an olllce In Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Yatos left Monday for Chicago to attend tho wedding of John U. Wright. Judgo Samuel M. Chapman of Plattsmautb. has beeu secured for tho orator of Decoration Day. Fied Gadd has gone to Denver and will en gage In tho hardware business. Mm. J. W. Dyers and Mrs. Charles D. Horn are visiting at Balida, CaL Goo. T, and II. 8." Pompelly went to Bloom ington, III., last Monday. Mm. J. II. Hurley aud Mm. John DooliHlo left Monday for Chicago. Mrs. P. W. Plank U visiting at Cherokee, Iowa. I Other Social News on Pago 8. E, W, Potter, tho post masterat Elm Creek, Neb,, says he has persounl knowledge of sev eral ca&oi of rheumatism, in that vicinity, that have been iermaneutly cured by Cham lierlaln's Pain Halm, after othor remedlos wero used without ImjiioIU. He has Bold it at his drug store there for flvo yearn and says he never knew it to fall, that "any customer who once used Chamberlain's Pain Balm will have nothing else instead." For wlo by A. L, Shrader, druggUt, SHORTHAND IN TEN LESSONS. Till: COimiKH'H Hl'lJCIAI, CLASS. ...vw .. uw SHORT-HAND IN TEN LESSON" HI. If you meet with nny difficulty, or If you do not find short-hand clear nml easy nt tho Binrt, do not for that reason throw down your pen. You can nlTortl to bo pntlent. Do not Iw ovorly anxious nbout the noxt lornon. K will como soon enough. Meanwhile learn this 0110 still better. Study, wrlto, read, practice, workaway. Tho of toner you copy tho chnrnctem, tho better you will under stand tho principles. Obstacles molt nwny boforo earnest workers. Leavo no lesson un til you nro certain that you havo mastered It, and can sny "yes" to tho questions: Do you understand tho principles! Can you wrlto tho exorcise correctly! Can you wrlto It In tho required, tlmof Can you read It nftcr wards! Havo you written it at dictation! Speed 111 short-hand Is of no consequence unless what Is written can bo road afterwards. Legibility, or readability, depends In part up on tho acuraU) forming of tho characters. To do this It Is not necessary to wrlto them alow, ly, on tho contrnry experloncod stenograph ers produce tho most Hrfect outlines with a somewhat rapid movement, Just as an ex perienced penman executes tho most graceful curves by n quick stroke, rather than by slowly drawing It. Tho student should learn nt the cutset to wrlto tho characters, rather than draw them. Nevertheless, tho beginner needs tlmo nt first, and ought to form each character it number of times with enro and deliberation until tho outliun is firmly Im pressed upon his mind boforo attempting to wrlto it quickly. Afterwnrds, writo It rapid ly, nml contlnuo doing no until it enn bo done both accurately aud quickly. All beginners form the characters tw largo, and nro opt to plnco them too far apart. A great saving of tlmo, and a consequent gain In speed will be the result In n long run, If tho words nro written small and closoly to gether. Tho learner should begin acquiring this habit now. I ho lottera should bo written thin, nnd very llttlo shading will bo found sufficient to distinguish tho heavy strokes. Remember that Mr. Bert E. Botts of tho Couuiku offico Is ready to answer all ques tions and givo all needed aid. I. 8. Doten, justice of tho enco and mer chant of Bristol, III., says ho can recommend St, Patrick's Pills. "I havo unxl them," ho says, "nnd know whereof I speak." Anyono troubled with constipation or biliousness will find them a friend. Thoy aro prompt and certain in their action nnd produce a pleasant catuartlo effect. For wtlo by A. L Bhrader, druggist. Tho new lino of card cases just received at tho Couuiku offico nro worthy tho Inspection of the most fashionable callers. Tho lluo cm braces genuino so.-il, 0010 calf, Russia leather und numerous others, Including a num ber of beautiful imported novelties. Wo have them for both ladles and gentlemen. II. P. Shorn in, 1124 O street, has a present for every 0110 of his customers that cannot fail to be appreciated. Ho will givo to every customer a flno crnvon picture made from any photo that Is desired and It will not cost you a cent. Call In at bis drug and shoo store and sco how It Is dono. 1124 O street. Havo you seen It! What! Why that uaunsome now louutntn nt t'yle's drug store. It's a daisy and of tho latest style and Im provements. Take your best girl down for a drink of delicious soda. You will find the yrups sweot nnd pure nnd the draught delic ious and healthful. Furniture, enrpets nnd general merchan dise Fold on easy weekly or monthly pay ments. Address R. Goldsmith, care drawer 03, City. Don't buy a refrigerator until you havo seen tho Alaska Itof rigerators at 8. 0. Elliott's. Thoy aro tho best made, consume less ico than nny othor and reasonable in price. You can't afford to keep houso without an Alaska. Kye, l.'ur, Nose nnd Throat Spselall st. Dr. Charles E. Spuhr, No. 1215 O it. Con sultations in English und Gorman, Teeth Treated and Filled, Dr. R. C. Trogden, Dentist, 223 South 11th street, oyer Elite Studio. Telephone 433. Ai polntments made by telephone. 4 If. 1. Engine fur 8ate. In good condition. Only use.1 a short time. For sale cheap. Apply at Couuiku office, Lowest Itute an Earth. By the "Burlington." Tickets may bo ob. talned at Union donot or eltv nfli mr n and 10th streets. A Chance for 11 Fortune Without Work. Orent curiosity was shown as to who was favored by Fortune in tho Grand Monthly Drawing of the Louisiana State Lottery at NewOrleanes on Tuesday, (always Tuesday), Alirll IS. Geil'ls. G. T. Ilpntltni'nnl nt In oii.l Julwl A. Early of Vn, as usual gave their personal attention to tho entire distribution. Ticket No. 21,303 drew tho First Capital Prize Of KiOO.000. ItWIlSRold IlltuentlnlliH nt fit Oil eaeh; One was hold by Mrs. M. Tandy, Nyack . j,, nun ,1110. o. jxjwiH, flicinifii, uonn 5 ono collected through First Nntlonnl Hank, uurisuY iiiv. n. .i.innn iiom iiv . m. Auii.rir. Chicago, III., ono by Boll & Eysters Bank, i.r.sso.N in, KET TO I'LATn n. Heurcs 1 and 0 how iltrretton of letters, tho rule bclnir touanl Ht anirt. Fig. a shows their altltwti and rth aUtt linyth, 8 Hco tci, cy rco oko peak peep deep. 4 Joy to- coy Hojril bough cliow out outcti. B Days goes mjn oso cIiofo gnzO buys Joys. 0 SIdo scat Pnnp slego sngo sonk tnlo cntc. 7 flplco spneo feeds snkes sMcn spokes s Ikes noSoto. 8 Dow stow cows bno chno scow honk cope. 0 IlcAcli clierk keep keyed cowed gnttgo coko 1Mow. 10 Cngcs betake beseech Lcilcgo bciIJo dccldo outsldo decays. 11 WordSlgnt Common ccco cJto tcccthcr T7hlch nd Vatilftgu Is hit as m, 13 1 high how tho a nil two (or tr 0) already boforo ought who. TrnmliUo Ls 1.1, H, and 15. EXr-AXATIO. Vowels nro written at lo Ugnnng, rnXMU, and tnd of tho stems, In whnt nro called tho frit, itcontt, and Mini ta(tt. Tho sound of n dot ordnth depends on ihoptaa It occupies. Arilril;)(irvowcl,orcttrlngbctwccn twoatcms, Is put by tho second, as oto Iti count, h 0. Thoro nre, llko wise, thrco consonant osltlonit lot, alow, Cud, vpon, and 3rd, through, or beneath tho lino. Tlioclrclos should bo nmdo rmnll as poslblo, and nl trnya bo placed on cither tho upper or rlght-lmud sMo of tho stem. If 1 begins n word, It ls pronounced first, nltho n vowotmaybonttholcftof It. Beo tlJe, 1, 0. Many of tho commonest words nro expressed by nbbrovlntlous, called vaxiX signs. See Ls It and IS. Thcso should bo copied a Groat many times, nml committed well to memory. Flrtt Copy Plato 3 ten llmos. Compnro and correct. Second-AVrlto l.s a to 10 as tho words aro read to you from tho Key. Cnrofully compnro your writing with tho P ato, correct and contluuo writing until mistakes ccaso to bo found. 77i'n'-rrnctlco on icor(-'(n until you can wrlto tho M cnslly, forwards or backwards, as It Is rend to you. .w.w uuiii;uui;hu 1U IIU ,(1U IWO minUlCti 0 UJIIKII.I...... .L XIOII 1 11 JlLHnRMLI). J Duluth, Minn.; ono by Otis Edwards, Boston, Mtf s. ; ono by it Correspondent, Vordl,Novada ; ono by Phillip Reich weln, Indianapolis, Ind.j 0.1 by Felsenthnl, Gross & Miller, Chicago, III.; ono by Thos. L. Wntklns, West End, Central 8. C. ; ono by J. C. Hlggs, Conway, Ark., etc. Ticket No. 27,tK.M lrow tho Se-onJ Capital Prize of 8100.000. also sold In twent otliH. Ono to Mrs. Bcrnnnl Manning, 1014 Walnut St. St. Louis, Mo.; ono to James Forrest, Philadelphia, Pa.; one to Mctrojioli tton National Bank, Chicago, 111.; ono to Rlchnrd Fitzpntrlck, U1S Applo St. Peoria. III.; one to H. A. Vlnllo, Boston, Mns.4.: one to F. D. Osgood, Boston, Mas.; ono to C. II. Thul, Chicugo, 111.; one to Finnklln Bank, St, Louis, Mo.; ono to Thos. Curty, Cortland, N. Y. ; oto. Ticket No. 41,009 drew tho Third Capital Prlzo of 50,000 sold lit twentieth', ono to W. II. Durhnm,224 So. Front St. Phil ndolphla, Pit.;onoto Auglo-Cnllforolnn'Bnnk San Francisco, Cal. ; ono to G. Montgomery, 3:1 Bunker Building, Kansas City, Mo. ; ono to L L. Saah, Chicago, 111. ;onotoM.F. Tnbler Norborno, Mo.;onoto Alexander Co, Nation al Bank, Cairo, 111. ; one to R. B. Warden, 870 Dauphino St., Now Orleans, La., etc. Ticket No. 71,083 drew tho Fourth Capital Prlzo or (25,000. It was sold In twentieths also, ono to it Correspondent through Wells, Furgo & Co."s Bank, San FrnucUco, Cal. ; ono to Mir. Col. Gioysou Tyler, Bucklnnd, Va.; one to Third Nntlonnl Bank, Louisville, Ky.; ono to Robt, H.Dorsey.Btntlon F. Cincinnati, Ohio, etc. All Information desired enn bo had on application to M. A. Dauphin, Now Orleans, La Notice to Creditors. In county court, within und for Lancaster county Nebraska, May term, m, In the mut ter of tho estate of Isano Charles Wlxo, de ceased. To tho creditors of snld estates You nro hereby notllled, That I will sit nt tho County Court ltooiu In Lincoln, in said coun ty, on the 20th day of August, A. I)., IbDO, nnd ngulu on tholfflth day of Novoinbcr, A.D rocelvo nnd examine all olalms ngulm.t xnlcl pstnto, with n view to their mllustmoiit nnd al lowance Tho time limited for tho presenta tion of claims against suld estate Is six (H months from the loth day of .May, A. 1)., J8W, and the time limited for imymont of debts U ono year and six months from said 10th day of May, I81W. Notice or this proceeding lsonler ed published rour weeks consecutively In the Capita i, city Couuiku. Witness my hand nnd tho seal of said count) vwmfc una 11111 uii 111 iuuv. ini'u. (HKAI..J 6-17-41 W. K. BrKWAIlT, County Judge. Notice to Non-Ilesldent. I). H. Young of Ctimlierlnnd county, Mnlno, Dorendnnt, will tuko notleb tliaton the 10th day or May, 18W). tho plalntlllM, Wni.W, l'hlll. Ins nnd llnrry Phillips herein (lied their pe tition In tho District Court or Lancaster coun- t Nnlirnulrfi- nirnltiat ,f.1il .t.A..i.. Ject nnd prayer or which Is to roroclox'o n cer taln inortgitKe oxecuted bv t tin ilerumlmit Anna J. Uuthrlo. to tho plalntltrs, upon tho following doserlbod premises, to-wit: Lot ono (I), two (2) and threo (:i), block hovoii (7), llowmiin's second nddlllou to town of Hny mnnd, Lnucnster county, Nobrakn, to secure the payment or n certain note dated April Oth, vj, .... ..... D.(... v. iuui itiiiuiivii mill VIKO.J ono and for.y-rtvc onc-hundicilths dollnrs tun uiiu 111 mu 3 cum ituiu inu nine inercoi: that tlmro Is now duo on said note nnd mort gage the sum or five hundred nnd lirty-two and fifty-two ono-hundredths dollnrs for which Hum with Interest from this date, plaintiffs pruy for ndeoreo that tho defondnnt bo required to pay tho same, or thnt tho promise mny be nold to sntlsfy tho amount round due. You aro required to nnswer sold potltlon on or boforo tho ad day of June, tbW, Dated May tho lUth, 1890. William 1'iiiLi.irs nnd Uaiihy I'uii.i.irs. . ,. ,. Hy JNO. II. CUMNOIIAM. 5-17-41 Attorney for I'lalntlir. Notice to Non-ltesldent Defendant, nnllou Stato Banking Co. dofondnnt. will !ftL. 'JUc.0. t,ml " u,o 17th day of April, IStO, David llarckloy Weloh. of Cadiz Ohio, plalntlir heroin, files his petition in the. District Court of Lancaster County, Nebraska, ngalnst Charles 11. Fox worthy. Hello J-oxworthy nnd J. a MaUrldonnd suld ..W. ,....,. U..UUIS UUI UNn,U tj, iU UU Jectunil prayer of which nro to toroloso a cer- worthy nnd ISeUo Foxworthrtothodefondutit j, v.. .iiuuiiuu iiiuii mo iiiiiuwiiiK nescnueii promises, tp-witi West bO feot o? Lot 8.1, In Jloggs & Holmes' addition to City of Lincoln, Ijiueaster County, Nebraska, to securo tho naymont of ono certain promlHsory note with Interest notes attached dntd Juuo 21, 18J. I.lii.1, Prlnclpnl noto being In tho sum of nnd pnynblo In threo years from dnte thereof; flint ! ...... .I.ia ...n.. . . . . 1 .... ...v.v .a nun ti.iu illiuil BII1U UOIU nilll mortgago tho sum of (8o3l.74.) Ilvo hundred nnd ihlrty.four dollars and foventy-four cents with lntorest ut tho ratoof ton percont. from tho 21th dny.ot Juno.iso. I'lnluilir prays for u decree that said promises mny be sold to sntlsfy thenmountrnunddue, Ynll nr.. rnnillr.iil f f nn...n...l.l ha.I.I. -- "".-'i":,v:. iiii i-i uuu ikiiuvu on or before tho aJth tiny of Mny, 18U0, unicu April 11, 1MSJ. David Baucklky Welch, 11 . t . . . Plaintiff. Y .J.',n ' Cunningham, Attorney for Plalntlir. 4.20-W4 Notice l'robuto of Wilt. NOTICK 1'ROIIATK OF WlLL, Thomas Allely, Deceased.) In County Court, Umcnster county. Nob To the heirs und next of kin of tho said Thomas Allely, deceaseds Take Not leu, That upon nilng of 11 written n.trumciit purporting to bo the Inst will nnd testnment of Thomas Allely Tor probam uml Is onlcrinl thnt said mutter b sot for hearing the )th dny of Jlny. A. 1)., Iw.), beforo said Couiity Court, nt tho County Court room In tho Court Houso In Lincoln, Lancaster County, Ncbmskn.nt tho hour of Inn t'2 nVlrw.U ti m n ,l.l... .1 :...' - -, ...w-.. ,. , ..v ...iv. 1 iiuiu nny per son Interested mny appear nnd context tho I... ii'i i ;"",v" " '""'i"vvviiiiik miimureii luhllshed threo weeks successively In tho lAl'lTALClTYCoi'mKii.a weekly newspaper, published In this Ktnte. ' ' In Ti-tmoiiy Wliervor, I hnvo hcreuulo sot my hnnd and the coul of tho County Court nt Lincoln, Neb., thlsSIrd lay of April, A I) , 1W0j ,. , W. F t-ru'.viiT, IHBAU1 County J 11. Wo. 4-20-13 t the Front For the Spring of 1590, J" 861 SswBltijsrjjylBHsjjl s1iiisshI svr?sBltvs7i ! jiMt ttsl LtisiA ! KLQ!sli!PI LHI uy3Hv.iM'l BrL IKJPl PTj lltJtt-S y I vlr M r iSn?'M FTJWd' sH L ' yl ''' Hi ! iSftlxj" Hln " H1 'nrB lf ' f t H1 BILlr ssm. '" l)iK)l 'fl BCB Hj3tL 1 1 BP1PMM---lr ,. mr---------i '-! M iflB SBlfMWiH-a tlT7TTrTr"r.,'iB -I B(kl BHIlRHimSkM Wrlfl- f r'Tfc-4l' 1 in H HpHLisMji lci sPa' 1 fsvinlssviVnjvMiM i I v A l'tii ,1. tfisvJJuBgjKK' ESBi fl Over 10,000 now in use. Perfect Satisfaction Guaranteed. No wearing out of Carpets by turning around, by the use of the Old Reliable p ee o E nsr 1 :: 3h3id REMARKABLY LOW PRICES On Our Entire Line of Spring FURNITURE Call and Get Prices Before Buying. SHELTON& SMIT?Jr3, 234.23s South Eleventh St. Lincoln, Neb. Tennis That do Dot FIND THEM AT 1129 O Wigwam Slippers ARE CHEAP AND COOL. ED. (St. YA?E8 f$MwQ AWKJu But there's a charm Which bears the palm; For men will never roam, You must confess, If they possess A neatly furnished home, This can done quickly, comfortably, elegantly, and ecomically uy patronizing tne AUGUST THEOD. Shoes Draw the Feet. STREET. HAT happiness There is to bless A home where children are! Their faces bright Beam with delight, Which trouble cannot mar. V in niture House of GRUETTER & CO. "IW-WM iKyi ' lv X rr ia-! a ia.