Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, May 17, 1890, Page 8, Image 10

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"flfH 'S'''
-MV-r ""ulrtM. W'M""K "
rt, r
--ssr. ajurvjit,"
Saturday Evening, May 17, '90
The C(inrlT":rr flnln In Omaha.
Giple mny Iki found nt Keith' newsstand,
010 South Fifteenth strict, Boyd' opera houso
Corner I Oth and P Streets.
Wash Fabrics
Imported Ginglmms and All
Wool Challics in n large
assortment of Styles
and Colorings.
Carpets and Draperies on Second Floor
Tho CouniKU will not Ikj responsible for
any debt nimlo by nny ouo lit It nnino, tut
cm n written onlor nccoinpanle tho rmiio,
properly signed.
L. Wkhskl, Jr., l'rop'r.
The Courier Can tie Jfound At
"Windsor Hotel Now Htnnd.
Capital llotol New Hlaml.
Exposition Dining Unit News Htntul.
Tho ttollinm Now Htmul. 118 Houtli Utli Bt.
Bert Uuinicr. Ill North 11th Btroot
Kd. Young, 1020 O Htreot.
Flotoher A Co., 1120 O Street.
Little Bport Clear Btoro, 113 North 12th Bt.
IVAn extra supply of pnpor U always loft
at tho Gotham, In coso other Nowsdcalor
uppllei run short
1137 O STREET.
thecal and Personal.
vVhltebreast Coal and Llmo Company.
Lincoln Ico Co., 10(0 O St. Tolcphono 118.
Take Turkish at 1010 O street
Telephone at the Couhikh oflloe Is SKI,
Mineral water used for bathing, 1010 O st
Don Cameron serve tho finest coffee in the
Gaum City Coal agaiu at tho Whltebreast
Coal and Lima Co.
Improved shower for Turkish baths at 1010
O street, basement Union block.
Only place in Lincoln that usee mineral
water in hatha la at 1010 O street
Prompt service, pure and wholesome food
and tho belt of everything is always found at
Don Cameron's.
China firing at tho studio every Monday,
Edith Russell, room 10, The Bond, corner
Twelfth and Q streets. tf
Dr. C. B. Manning, office rooms 00 07-flg
Burr block. Telopbone 830. Residence Cor.
90th and F. Telephone 830.
Ladles will find a complete line of fine shoes
and-all the latest styles at the proper prices nt
Bherwlu'a Boston Bhoe Store.
Instructions given and orders received in
china and oil painting, pastel and water col
ors. Minnie Kramer, 831 J street
Buy your coal of the Whltebreast Coal and
Lime Co, , and it will always be well screaked,
full weight, beat quality and at right price.
Try adinner at Cameron's Lunch and 8boit
Order house. Served dally from 11:30 a. in.
till 2 p. m. Everything lino and Juicy and
cooked in a homo-like manner,
Fartics desiring storago or store room with
front office on first floor In excellent business
location can bo accommodated ataronsonablo
rental. Address, stating business, etc. ,n I d
lord, core tblsofllco.
There arc so many go stovoaon the market
nowadays that It is hard, to toll who has tho
best one. If you are thinking of buying one
go to Hooker & Orr, 240 Eouth Eleventh
street, and let them show you thelrgas store.
It is the finest made and stanls unexcelled.
Mrs. Markeir new line of spring millinery
embraces all tho newest novelties, as well as
the prettiest and most stylish shapes for both
old and young. Ladles interested should not
fall to call at Mrs. Markell's new place, 1225
O street, and tee the elegant variety and noto
the low prices.
The Qas Stove has commenced to replace
the hot kitchen stoe for cooking purposes.
The Qllt Edge gas stove which is tho latest in
vention has just boon introduced by Messrs.
F. A. Korsnieyer & Co., and a careful ex
amination of Its morlta will convince any one
that it is cheaper and much superior in every
way to tho old style btovo.
Tho photographs of prominent actors and
aetre&tea flown and for sale at the Couhikii
counting rooms aro the flnost productions of
the art. The work k that of Falk, the cele
brated Union Bquaro artist of New York,
and the collection includes such subjects as
LUlUa Russell, Edwin Booth, Lawrence
Barrett, Helena Modjeska, Marie Jansen,
Lfcto Laagtry, James Brown rotter, Joseph
JalfarsoH, W. J, Florence, and over a hun
dred others, either in stage costume or street
n JssBBBBBkHssBBM&9Ks9E? Iltl
Mr. and Mrs, W. R. Dennis aro settled In
their elegnnt now homo nt Klovonth nnd II
street and on Wednesday evening thoy
throw open it welcoming ortnU for tho re
ception of a largo compnny of friends. Tho
spacious parlors were decked with cut flow
ers, but tholr perfumo was no sweotcr than
tho cordial hospitality which pervaded tho
evening, 1'rogrosslvo high llvo was tho feat
uro of thoentertnlntnont, and vnlunblo favors
worn awarded to Ml Ollva Lntta and Mr,
Carl Fiinku for having tho highest scores.
An ngrcoablo Innovation was Introduced at
tor tho refreshments, lloforo reauiulng their
piny tho gcntloineu woro permitted to retire
for n clgnr, while tho ladio enjoyed tho visit
denied them during tho gaino, A chnrtnlng
hostess, n host full of tho spirit of good fel
lowship and n congenial company made a do
llghtful ovotilng. Tho company comprised
Moscrs. and Mcwlaincs Buckstaff, llecson,
Leonard, W, II, Hnrgreavos, Sheldon, Fou
ler, Hohlnondor, l'erry, Hnyden nnd Cnrl
Funky, Mr. John Zehrung, IIolTmnn, Lip.
oiicott nnd Davis; Messrs. Magoon, Rcovo,
Montgomery .(Jrlllltli, Rlchtor, Charles Clark,
II, J, Hall, Fiinko, Lambortson, Zohrung,
Forosiunn nnd Robert J, Quthrlo of Denver;
Mlsse Latta, Ollvo Latta, 1'rlco, Onkloy,
Hathaway, llurr, Bonnoll mid Walsh, Mr,
nnd Mrs, Dcunli woro nt homo ugaln
Inst evening nnd tho Invited guost woro
Messrs. anil Miwdamcs Cnrlo Funko, Voster,
Rlghter, O. W. Lyman, It L. Rohluetidor,
Georgo Cook, Moshor. Nlshltt, W. U. Mo
Arthur, Mntisflold, Mrs. Hnggof Chlcngo,
Applegot, Ilnlloy, F. W. Baldwin, L. O.
Ilnrr, Crlloy, HulTnmti, W. W. Holmes,
Dayton, Montroso and Wolcott; Messrs.
Walsh, H. J. Hall, Frank Burr, Rlchtor,
Clms. llurr, Zohrung, MoMurtry, Uuthrlo of
Donvor,Wm. HtuUnndForoMuan: Mcsdnmca
O'Brien of Chlcngo, IIolTmnn, John Zeh
rung, Georgo Clnrk nnd l'utnnm; Misses
Lnttn, Olivo Latta, Bnunders, Morrlhow,
Joslo Blair, Hawkins, Florence Brown nnd
Anna Funko,
Miss Knto, dnughter of Major and Mr. II,
C. MoArtliur, colobrntcd her birthday mini
vernnry Inst Monday by entertaining a com
ny of boy and girl friends, from C to I)
o'clock, Dancing, gnmoa nud a dainty sup
)er inado n Jolly alTalr for tho happy young
folk. Tho guost woro Mlssos Roso Foster,
Oeorglo Camp, l'oarl Agoy, Luoy arllllth,
Florence Putnam, Jesslo Loland, OualmhoIT,
llnttlo ImholT, Dora Harloy, Blaticho Garten,
Edith Jouofl, Marglo Winger, Florence
Holme, Burnlo Beckor, Chrlstlno Norton,
Alllo Whlto, Vcrglo White, Btolln Elliott,
Allco Matoland, l'earl Bonnoll, Clarn Loose,
Adel Simmons, llosslo Slier, Clnra Fowler,
Marettn Cook, Badlo Burnham. Emma Out-
calt, Anna Law, Jcunlo Boll, Lnurn Route
and Grace- Ollwplo. Messrs. Fred White,
Colonel Burr, Alllo Harlwr, Vorgal Barber,
Kddio Slror, Modo arllllth, Wils Winger,
Ted Winger, Mark Buford, Earl McCreary 1I1.xa4m(m1 U..iV.l 1T III T
Craudall, Eddlo Fowlor.Fred Cook, Raymond
Halo, AVymoro Murry, Claro Hobbard, Frank
Murphy, John Fitzgerald, Faul Fitzgerald
and Henry Bocumor. , t
On Monday afternoon Mr. Fred Baldwin
gavo an nt homo at tho Windsor hotel and
entertained her lady friends very pleasantly.
High llvo was tho feature of tho afternoon,
and Mrs. Turner and Miss Oakley won first
and second prize respectively. Tho guest
woro Mcedames R. H. Oakloy, Jansen, Hoff
man, Varooy, Dayton, Wolcott, O. Thomp
son, Maxwell, B. Bailey, E. E. Brown, W.W.
Holmes, Swan, Hammond, C. J. Jones, P. A.
Payne, Hurlbut, Crlloy, S. O. Wilson, Ewing,
M. Turner, Blllmoyer, High tor, J, Zehrung,
Shelton, O. M, Thompson, Montroso, O'Brien
or Chicago, Helakoll, Goo. Clark and Burk
ott; Misses Oakloy, Maud Burr, Montroso nnd
Mrs. J, E, Montrose entertained a company
of ladle Saturday afternoon In honor of her
visitor, Mrs. O'Brien of Chicago. The guests
enjoyed an exciting round of high llvo, tho
favors in which fell to Mrs. Hall nnd Mr.
Klemor. Tho company comprized Mosdames
Leonard, Crlloy, Fred Baldwin, Huffman,
Hulburt, Zlemer, Hall, O. M. Thompson,
Furry, F. A. Brown, Mnulo, Dr. Houtz, 0(111
Ian, Zobrung, Swan, Dennis, Dr. Bolloy,
Weaver, Bonus, Dr. Manning, BlUmeyor,
Wolcott. Varnoy, Dr. Dayton, C. S. Lippln
cott, Dr. Rlghter, Geo. Clarke, Applegot,
Foster und Shelton; Misses Olllo Lnttn, Gertlo
Marquette, Carrlo Deuuis, Furst and Prico.
Whon you use engraved cards or invita
tions, you have tho finest work of tho kind
that can bo produced. Even her royal high
ness, Queen Victoria, uses just such engraved
card as are sold at the Coumkk office, but
instead ot lilncolnltos paying W3M to 5.00
per hundred for thorn, which la tho prico in
London, Now York nnd Chicago, thoy pay
but $3.60 per hundred. And this price does
not chango the quality of material or work
manship, for in tho large citlos you pay for
style, whllo In Lincoln In onlor to create a de
mand wo must get down close to cost prices.
Call and seo our work.
Charles S. Dawson was in tho city Wednes
day. Howasonoof tho original discoverers
of Lincoln, and spent flvo years in England
and Europe as missionary In behalf of the B.
& M. delivering lecture on tho beauties of
Lincoln all over England. Later bo was
storokeoier for tho Burlington at Flatts
mouth and occupies tho saruo position for
Ueo. M. muman at I'ullman.
Tho York club will havo n picnic at Cush-
man park next Wednesday and aro making
preparations lor an airalr of unusual Inters
est. Among other features will bo an Italian
strolling band. Tho party will go out on tho
B. & M. at 4:30 nnd return about 0:30. The
faro will bo fifteen cent for tho round trip.
The county bar association has reelected
the following officers: President, H. II. Wil
son; vice presidents, Allen W. Field and A.
R. Talbot; treasurer, N. Z. Swell; recording
secretary, 8. L. Gelsthardt; corresponding
Bocrotary, 1L J. Whitmoro; executlvo com
mittee, S. A, Chapman and E. P. Holmes.
Miss Prico, the guost of Mrs. W, M. Leon
ard left Thursday to join her family at Rapid
City, South Dakota. Mrs. Leonard has not
been without ono or more guests since last
Uctober uutll now and has done much for so
ciety during the past season. Mbss Price
leave many friends in Lincoln ,
A, H. Weir & Co., tho lumber dcalon.have
shown their enterprise by issuing a vory
Handsome paper weight to mends and pat
rons. They aro oblong tablets of glass with
ilutod edges, Bunk in tho face b a mirror in
bcribod with tho name of the linn, buiinchs,
Mrs. Bagg, whose singing as ono of tho
soloists of tho May festival pleased Lincoln
people so highly, will slug at the Holy Trinity
church tomorrow morning. Tho lady, by
the way, Is a sister of Mr. Georgo N. Fores
man. MIstes Kitty and Allco Cowdrey left Tue.
day evening for a trip of several week In the
south and a visit among friends In Tennessee,
On their return they may be accompanied by
a pretty young southern lady.
Mr. E. T. Smith and Mr.Nolllo Hogo wcro
married Wednesday evening at tho church of
I ho Holy Comforter by Rev, J. D. Krum,
Thoy will ho "at homo'1 nftor Juno 1 at 013
North Fourteenth street
Mrs. Paul Clark, Mr. I. II. Btrawbrldgo,
Mr. It L, Hyde and othor delegate went to
IiOiiIsvlllo Wedumday to represent urnco M.
E. church In tho district convention of AV. F.
M. S,, Lincoln district,
Mr. nud Mr. Frnnk L. Sheldon hnvogono
to California to remain novcrnl months, per
hnH, whllo Mr. S. nttund to bualues nlTnlr
on tho coast Thoy nro accompanied by Mis
Bertla Burr.
John R, Hnguo, secretary of tho Interna
tional Y, M, (J. A. committee, has coma on
from tho Nnshvlllo convention and will hMp
ralmi funds to complete tho Y. M, C. A. build
lift. Hllas W, Nile, ono of tho editorial staff of
tho Omaha lice, wnln tho city Wednesday
with wlfa and liable, who ucro on tholr way
to visit Rov. Henry Nile at Nelson.
Dr. and Mr. Cnrter loft Thursday for
Nnshvlllo, Teiin,, to nttend tho Ainoilcnn
Medical association convention. Tho doctor
Is a dclcguto,
Bert E. llctl has tccn In Oiunlia most of
tho week making a short-hnnd report of tho
proceeding of tho stnto pharmaceutical
J. C. Andcrton of tho Pomoroy Conl com
pnny will lcavo next week to tako n position
with tho Northern l'aclllo at Tacoma.
Mlwi Bella Sahlu and Ella Cloinmor, tho
guest of Mm. Geo. Clarke, returned to their
homo at Bcatrlco last Saturday,
Mis Nelllo Smith nnd Mrs, Uoorgo L.
Smith of Omaha aro miest of tho family of
W. Henry Smith and family.
Mrs. J, A. Kllroy li visiting hor brother,
E. Hniirahnu, who left Tlmmlay for his
homo at Windsor, Canada.
II. II. Dean has bought n lot and will soon
begin n haiidiomo rosldvnco nt South street
and Fltrgorald tn'cnuo.
Rohnrt J. Gtithrlo, nn old tlmo friend of
Harry J. Hall, ran in from Denver Wednes
day for n short visit.
John It Shelton nnd family havo removed
from 1023 11 street to a new homo nt 315
south Eighteenth.
Charles J, Dnuhnch lias very properly
been chosen prwldent of tho druggist stnto
Mis Suddlth, tho guest of Mrs. J. D. Mc
Fnrlnnd, left Tuesday for her homo nt Wnu
seca, Minn.
Mr, nud Mrs. J, A. Dummctt returned
Wednesday from tho Y. M. C. A. meeting nt
II. J. Cosgrovo, Thomas Ewlug and Mrs.
Geo, Cook wero among Monday's pilgrims to
Mrs. J. E. It Millar loft for Cheyenne
Tuesday for a visit with her daughter, Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus P. Flick havo removed
to Cleveland, Ohio, on account of tho lattor's
Mr. It. B. Suter's guests, Mrs M. Rlloy
and mother, returned this week to Kuiibas
W. Morton Smith, managing editor of tho
Omaha Hejmbltctm, was in tho city Thurs
day. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mansfield, jr., returned
Tuesday from their wedding journey.
Manager Lawler of tho museo has presented
tho Clipper band with a trombone,
Rov. P, W. Howo wont to Friend Thursday
to perform a wedding ceremony.
Will S, Jay, now of tho South Sioux City
Sun, was in tho city Wednesday.
General Passenger Agent Francis of tho B,
Si M. was In tho city 'ihursday.
Mrs. D. P. Cropsy of Falrbury has been
visiting her )arcnts this week.
Prof.nud Mrs. MoKinuon returned Wednes
day from Hoc Springs, Ark.
Will Morrison of Bt Joseph was in tho
city Thursday on business,
Georgo Frankfurter and Jay Barrett will
do Europo this summer.
Miss Thoo Laws has gouo to McCook, her
futuro homo, for a visit
Col. W. W. Wilson loft Wodnosday for nn
extended foreign tour.
O.L. Miliaria visiting his sister, Mrs.
Rame , Choyonno.
T. J. Robinson and S. J. Mouck aro out in
tho mountains.
Tho Elks are talking of a high flvo party
for next week.
Mrs. R. Wnckcrhagcn left Monday for
Mendota, III.
Miss Emma Biggs left Monday for Bloom
ing ton, 111,
Miss Allco Gadd is visiting with Omaha
Hugh Baker has joined the Holy Trinity
Mrs. W. B. Ogden Is visiting at Newark,
Mis Clara Caldwell died Wednesday morn
ing. E. G. Yates left Monday for Grafton, W.
Mrs. E. O. Ort is visiting at Jackson, Mich.
Eugcno Lyon Is visiting at Bait Lako.
Other Social Now on Page 2.
Desk for Sale.
Wo havo a lint cloth top olllco desk with
compartment for book at the right and four
drawers on tho left. It is a double deck and
will be sold to the first applicant for (22.00,
original cost $3400. Call at Couhieu office.
More J'hotos From l'ulk,
Falk, the famous Now York photographer,
has scut us another lot of artistic photos, and
among them aro handsomo likeno&so of tho
junior nud bonlor Balvinl, Pattl, Stuart Rob
son, AVllllam Crane, James O'Neill as the
"Monto Cristo," in tho various costumes,
Agnes Bsoth in her latest Madison Square
success, "Aunt Jack," W. J. Florence, Rich
ard Mansfield, Robert Mantellln "Monbani,"
Sara Juwett and others.
Notice of Application fur Letters of Ad
ministration. IN ItE-ETATK OK I
Arend it Arenas, Deceased, f
In County Court, Lancaster county, Ne
braska. To tho Creditors, Heirs, Legatees and others
Interested In tho estate of Arena It Arcnds
Take Notice, That T. Q.Carstcns has tiled In
tho County Court u petition lor letter of ad
ministration of estnto of Arend It. Aremls,
deceased, and It is ordered that tho saiuo
stand for hearing the 31st day of May, A.I).,
1800, before tho Court at tho hourof two o'clock
p. in., nt which tlmo nny person Interested
may appear and except to and contest the
same. And notice of this proceeding: Is
ordered published three weeks consecutively
In the CAl'ITAI. CITY Couuiku.
Witness my hand and the seal of tho county
court at Lincoln, Neb,, thlsltfth day of May,
6-17-St County Judge,
A Now Drr (londi Ktore,
For a week wst arrangements havo boon
going on for tho opening of it now dry goods
homo, which -event wilt trnnsplro on Mon
day noxt, wlion Messrs. Ryder & Hlnkloy
will mako their bow to tho Lincoln public nt
1320 O street, tho premise recently vacated
by Briscoe, tho thoo man. Them Roiiilcmeu
do not coino to Nebraska's capital city to
learn tho huslno, nor to seo what Lincoln
ha In storo for them, for thoy both havo had
years of experience nnd nro fully acquainted
with every dotall of tho dry good Industry.
Thoy nro not entho strangers In Lincoln and
thoreforo know that there I a good
opening here in tholr lino, fcellne confi
dent of success from tho start, which tho
COUIUKII hones thev will merit, nn both con -
tlomen nro enterprising and energetic, two
essential qualifications for success In Hicho
modern tunes.
As nn opening nttrnctlon, Ryder & Hink
ley will plnco on snlo Monday morning 0,000
bolts of ribbon, In all shades, colors and
qualities, including tho rolgnlug novoltio of
tho season. Thco good will lo sold nt
(icftuif bargain prices, vizi All CO cent rib
bons for 25 cents, all 25 cent ribbons for 121-2
cent in short, ovory kind nnd quality will
bo dealt out at Just one-half regulnr prices.
Tho new firm invites all tho ladle to call
nud seo their stock, being confident that a
call will Insure future business relations.
HulTninn & Rlchtcr nro again prewired to
do pleating for Indies.
Doctor Bnlloy & Goodoll, ofllco 1317 L
street Tolcphono, 017. '
wm&c szzrs&&WM SEivMJteiPK
1 wMmmrn
llMimBiimmmmwmJfti sm-2mWmmwWrME&m
1 lassM?llslW isBisiisisisVSiiBr9UsttiaV2AsV "HflaVaVaaMHsviv r
kr,&mmm.mmmMm5if J9SKAskirmW$k
MG&SmTmmmmmtr '3s1mttmmWTrvW immm
SMmlmmmmmmm&?J7mr&Mrffl asltK.I?l
riBiisr ots. L.iDnciTS
Fine Carriages Harness
1540 O STREET.
$4 to
Hardy S Pitcher,
131 S. Eleventh St.,
Ladies' Furnishers
Will Show a New
ap Pans
Gauze Fans
Sill Fans
Satin Fans
All New nnd nil the Latest Novelties In this line.
Cheap Fans. Medium Priced Fans. High Priced Fans.
; Fans for everybody. Give us n Call for Fans.
Ladies' Furnishers. 131 S. Eleventh St.
(OncWeekOniy) Commencing May 19th
&2T Remember Next Friday Ladies'
Plush Rockers
irt ' !!
nnd Handsome Line of
this week.
Pleasing Feature Yet Presented
- M AH Is tho only Chlncsn Dwarf on rcoord,
1UK11111 nun iiuuiiuiii. is wursiiiiijHHi nnu luoiizca uy
tho Chlucso, no matter hi which country ho may nn
BOM IjITTLU QDNTI.KMAN llll,l U Vn'rv Inlnlll.
ff!1,1;!11.'!! Vil.Yff.M0H ""ontly In aovornl laneungos.
by chance ho has need secured for Our Circuit, a ko
Is on lit way homo to rotlro, for Cho-Mnh is a
wealthy nohlomnn Ho ho will lo horo lint ONE
M LLK, commencing Monday, May lBlh, 1810.
Return and final engagement this season of
Zanfretta's Pantomime Co.
the family that first produced " Fantasma,"
"Voyage en Suisse," nnd other fntnoui Panto-
tnimes, and for years features of the Hnnlons Co.
.Mandolin and Guitar Solos, Songs, Dances, Rc-
uncu csoctety bkctcii Artists, lite.
Souvenir Day!
to jljljlu
iv '
BjBSHSsHMsiJt"-ssaWi jj H
wKmCImmWfmvSSKSm9wmW aftasiH
msmrri -mraasB'aa
twim m' j 1 iir,
-ijrsw il