Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, May 10, 1890, Image 1

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Voii G. No. 22
socms to visit
ny friend Quiz rather
often. Here Is his latest
grlovanco: "I notlco
tlmttlio society editress
of the Call li lccturhiK
r the young men for not
taking tho girls to tho
theater tnoro than thoy
do,'' ho remarked. "Why
should thoy I Tho Indira
aro running to afternoon
parties that leave tho
men out entlroly. Dos
foro Lent It was recep
tions and luncheon nml
toa fights; now it Is progressive high five
What aro tho girls doing for tho fellows)
Nothing. Positively, they havo not given a
notablo social nfTalr for n month or two post.
Why should alt tho exjwnso of keeping bo
doty on tho inovo fall on the young men,
most of thom on wlarles none too lnrgol Tho
fathers of many of tho socloty girls aro
abundantly ablo to foot tho bill for an occa
standi entertainment for tho young fellows
who squander dollars and dollars for flow
ers, balls, Ruppers, picnics nnd theater tlckuts
for tho pleasuro of their daughters. Turn
about is fair play. Why shouldn't theso par
ents pay off somo of tho family's debts? Tho
girls aro not doing their sharo In a social way,
and tho boys aro not to blamo for not spend
lng their good elegant dust on them." But
Quiz is a bit blazo and spoiled.
That flfty thousand dollars' worth of city
lots should 1h) sold In a slnglo afternoon nt
nuction, ns was dono last Saturday, enrries
upon its faco such a cheering talo of activity
in Lincoln realty that it needs no olabornto
explanation. It required nervo to launch out
upon this auction, but E. II. Andrus has
plenty of that commodity and ho is reaping
the benefit of It.
Wo havo tho assuranco of tho St a te Journal,
supposedly tho olllcial mouthpiece of tho D.
&M., that that road stands ready to treat
with tho Rock Island for a union dejwt on nn
equltnblo basis. Tho B. & M. will unite with
Its competitor in a company to build n now
union depot or will glvo It tho Joint use of Its
present building. Tho pooplo of Lincoln nro
under many obligations to tho B. &M.,and
this renewed spirit of fairness calls for moro
gratitude. The city can better afford to glvo
a big bonus to havo all tho rail roads uso ono
depot and ono track through tho city than to
let now roads monopolize butiness struots
without a bonus. Tho Rock Island never
made a formal request for Eighth street,
though sovoral ofllcers intimated that it
might bo wanted. It is not unreasonable to
supposo that this intimation may have leen
thrown out with a viow to arousing the B. &
M. to tho necessity of making concessions to
iw rivai. i no u. x ai. can aironl to overlook
fl fllirmVfl llmttrn nt thnt lrlt.,1 littf !,.... nl-
afford to let tho Rock Island cut them off
..v.... AiiuuiUUIl UUIUI IB U10 llllllg
for all parties concerned.
W. J. Burns has boon sent from Omaha to
succeed Al. Ewan as its Lincoln correspond
.... ..U.......UI uvum Hiuiiiciurnovurai
years, nud for a long time hud charge of 1U
SOCietV denfirtniimt. Tf.WntHirA.tlift.lK'aa In,
ent, uurns nas won witii tlio 1 lee for sovoral
society department. ItwasByo-the-Bye'slot
to bo yoked with him on tho llec, and Mr.
Burns Is recommended most heartily as a
bright, companionable, gentlemanly scribe,
ono of thoso clover fellows who win friends
right and left by i hoor good nature.
At last it seems likely that Lincoln is to
havo a fine drivo. Tho enterprising property
owners east of tho city havo surveyed a boule
vard to University Place, and tho appraise
ment of tho property necessarily condemned
has already begun . A broad.well kept street
out to Wesleyan university would materially
enhance tho valuo of the real estate along the
Few people know that Nebratkn must be
gin within a few days, through It governor,
to make preparations for tho world's fair of
three years henco. Tho stato is entitled to
two commissioners (ono republican and ono
democratic) nnd two alternates. Gov. Thayer
must recommend tho gentlemen, who will be
nnnalnteri liv thn nrnadlnnt nnd f h.. mnnm-
--. I "" "-, WMW . nAfii,-
mendatlons must bo made by the 24th of this
mouth. Ex-Gov. Furnas naturally comes up
as tho republican nominee, but ic Is expected
ho will bo appointed ono of the eight commis
sioners at large. Mr. John C. Bonnell of this
city is a candldato for tho stato commission
ershlp. Ho was a valuable assistant in mak
ing n successful exhibit at New Orleans, and
his oxperienco would corao in good play in
1803. Hon. A. G. Scott of Kearney is also
an applicant. He has lived in tho stato
eloven years, owns soveral elevators and
farms about twelve hundred acres. Ho is
highly spoken of by Kearnoy people. A Mr.
Cole of Beatrice Is said to bo another appli
cant. Gov. Thayer has not yet indicated his
Talk about money being scarce I Out at
tho fair ground Tuosduy sixty odd blooded
horses wero sold. About sovonty-flvo men
wero present, probably not moro than a
fourth of them buyers, but they hod over
10,000 to put Into horw flesh within tho
spaco of n fow hours.
It costs money to run tho state of Nebraska,
and hero Is ono of tho ways it Is done: Tho
sheriff of Dawes county was In the city tho
othor dny aud gavo an instance. Ho had
been out to Kearney, having n charge a boy
sent from Chadron to tho reform school. The
sheriff gets a mileage fco of ten cents n mile.
Tho round trip wasaboutllOOmlles, bringing
tho sheriff tho snug sum of $110 for n three
or four day Job. Tho boy's faro nnd other
Items brought tho expenses nearly up to $lft0,
. $f y
1 1
It is rathor a roctly thing to land a boy in tho
reform school somo times. To a man on
tlllrft ftnlln,- n t.tntltt If l.s.1rn Ma l.n.,.l. ft...
.......j '"no utlHl IV iwnD IU IIIUU),U IIIU
m"8 ""K"t o revised ana mo roen or sheriffs
i Tiriinmi n ,i.
Thero will bo general satisfaction that tho
lessees of tho Exhibition havo moved In and
opened up for btislnes, and to tho business
firms already on N stroot it Is specially grati
fying. J. J. Imhoff and Uorpolsheiincr &
Co. havo had differences alwut tho rent to bo
paid on account of many additions to Un
building not contemplated lu tho first plnco,
but Hcrpolshclmer and tho other business
houses are In tho building and that Is tho
mnln thing so far as tho public are con
cerned. V
Pew Lincoln peoplo realize what a political
center tho Capital hotel lobby Is. Ono night
tills week, for example, tho following polltl
clans could havo boon socn thero: Senator
Church Howe. oxGov. Dawes, Pish Com
mlssloner May, Representative Meeker,
Coiibus Superintendent Tom Cook, Attorney
General Lccso, Supt. Mallallou of tho Kearn
ey reform school, Judgo Uarlau, State
Treasurer Hill, Register John D. Knight,
Representative Caldwell, W. P. Richardson
of David City, Auditor Denton, Sonator
Roche. Sunremn Court fMnrtr rnn ftuiminn.
Cowdry and soyeral others who cannot bo re-
Tho Nebraska City AVtcispeaklng or ono of
our most popular hotels says: The Ojwlt
llOUSC. at Lincoln. Ill nhnrrrn nt flint ........
j ... ..... fw .iv UIVI
jwpular landlord, Joseph Opelt, is doing a
ui(j uimuiuns unu is one oi mo most popular
""I'l'H'K piaces in mo state wiiiiuio traveling
In vlow of tho promised Blcolow opera
houso thero Is a deal of speculation nbout
wiiut will become of Funko's. There are
reasons for thlnklntr thnt Mr VimL-,. .,i..,
plated making an ofllco building of it in tho
.tl'nt.f lt n lultt.l- (llAntna 1. ...... ... I I A
v.,v..u u 'v mraici UUIUK UICUeU, UUt
Crawford & McRoynolds aro said to havo se
cured another lease, and thoy nre not easily
frightened. If thoy get flrst-clussuttractions
jwoplo will go to their house to seo them.
And they havo something of a pull on tho
theatrical business. Look at Omaha for ex
amplo. Thero Is ono thing that Tom Cook Is par
ticular about. Ho will Insist on having cen
sus bpollod with a c and situation with an s.
8ovoral gentlemen who havo applied for a Job
forgot to observe this rule.
Tho CouniKH gracefully acknowledges tho
following compliment taken from tho Ne
braska City A'cicsof last Monday: ThoCAi'i
tal, City Coimiun, which is owned by L.
Wesscl, Jr., Is ono of tho brightest papers in
tho stato and Mr. Weasel has fitted up ono of
tho finest olllces in Lincoln, from which tho
paper Is now issued. ThoJVeics and tho poo
plo of Nebraska Cltv will lw ulniuwil tn 1.nm
of Lou's buccms, for ho began his career in
this city as a newspaper man.
Richard W. Johnson was in tho cjty Mon
day and loft Tuesday for Salt Lako to take
the management of tho Union Pacific hotel nt
Garfield Beach. His appointment camo un
Buuumi, mu union xaciuo lias soventeeu
other hotels, and Dick will probably havo a
nlnAu In nnn nt l.n. ..... ...I.... mi.-
solicited llio Union Pacific has soveiitnpn
place in ono of them next winter. Tim a
son at tho beach will lost about flvo months.
It Is a profitable Institution. Ono day last
year 2800 bathing suits were let at a quarter
Sovoral moro persons can 1 accotnmodnted
with Instruction In tho Couihkh's Classu In
Short-hand. Back numbers of tho pajer
COntalnillir thn first. Imuinn mn )w. u....1l.l
and tho beginner can oaslly catch up with
mu tiusa. dcihi j to r. uert !;. Uctts, caro
COUUIER. Which Will lllcllllln n tlirnn tnrtl.u
subscription and Mr. Botts' personal suikt-
vislon. Do not dolay.
- -w.v.,v.. . ivttvi Hum
KJnp Hoi. who reigns at Now Orleans at
Mfinll flr.iB .nHA..n..l. il...i I... 1 .1
uvaa Jia Llliic. aililUUIlL'lIlLr LIIIIL in nnu ur
up a western kingdom nt Og'ajn, Utah, with
Rox II on tho throne. King Rex II sends
forth a proclamation announclnir n rnrnliml
ntuguen uune iwin to July otn. This sug
guests a query. Wliat has bocomo of King
W. M. Millar, son of J. E. R. Millar, has
returned from a long trip In foreign lands.
Ho visited South America while absent and
comes from Europe. Whllo in England he
received a copy of the Christmas Couiiiku
and ho says tho people ovor there wero great
ly astonished to soo sahnnilsnmnn Tmhllnufln..
from tho Interior of America.
Before D. E. Thompson left for his foreign
trill Mrs. W. O Itall nnWful him in ...! I,-
some flowers from the Holy Land for her al-
num. un Wednesday of tills week Mrs.
Boll received u llttlo packugo postmarked
Joppa. It contained a ,lm leaf, soveral
flowers and a nolo with Mr. 'i'.
characteristic brevity saying: "Flowers
from Palestine."
Falk. tho ci'Inlirntml Nnw Vni-b ,ni
rapher, has sent tho Couhikh a numbor of
photos of Mile Rhea, showing that distin
guished iirtisto in a number of costumos, each
of which appears In her new play. Thoy aro
now on sale at this olllce.
J. R. Dodds, editor of tho dally and weekly
Arbor State, of Wymore, Nob., says: "I
havo seen tho mnglo effect of Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy In cases of croup and colds
nmongmy grand-children. Wo would not
think of going to bed nt night without n bot
tle of this remedy In tho house. Chamber
n Ill's medicines are ltowIiil' morn ivnimln..
hero every day." For salo bv A. L. Hhnuii.r
Lincoln, Nkdhaska,
llrdrlilden by Ilnlluolnntlon.
W. 11. Lilly, ouo of tho earliest settlers of
Livingston county, Mo,, has for twouty-flvo
yoam Ueu tho victim of a quoor halluclna
tlin that lion kept him confined to his Ik1.
In 1803, during n slight Illness, ho was seized
with a fear that ho would dlo of hetirt 11mvini
If ho attempted to stand up or raUo Ids head
nbovo u certain lovoL Every ixmilblo means
was resorted to by his family to drlvo tho
Idea from his mind, but without success. Ho
stubbornly stuck to his couch nud refused to
bo coaxed or frightened out of It.
On ouo occasion his wife had n lot of straw
piled near the houso and then sot on fire. The
wind blow the smoko to wart Is the. house, and
tho family began shouting lire and carrying
out tho furnituro. Lilly was told to run for
his life, but ho uovcr stirred out of bed. At
another time, his favorite daughter, Minuio,
was sent u ay, and Lilly was told that sho
had been hurt and was dyfug at u neighbor's
houso, aud that tho begged him to come, to
ber. Tears welled from the allllcted man's
oyes and his lips twitched with emotion, but
ho did not moro.
After tills signal failure no further at
tempts wore mndo to arouse him, aud it was
thought ho would never leave hU bod except
for tho grave. Ono ilay, however, tho dor
mant energies of Lilly reasserted themselves
as suddenly mid myst.Hously ns they had do
parted, and ho raised hU head avovo tho sup
posed danger lino. Dumfouuded at finding
no serious results, ho raised It ".till higher aud
finally sat bolt upright. He has now ap
parently fully recovered nud Is kupurintend
lng somo Improvements on his farm. During
his wife's administration of affairs ti.u farm
has trebled In valuo, and Lilly is today $10,
000 butter off than ho was when he took to his
bed twuuty-Qvo years ago. New York
llrrpolalu-liiirr'n In (lie. Kxpanltlnn,
Herpohheimer it Company finished moving
in their nctaus now quarters yesterday nnd
will hereafter bo at homo to their trade in tho
beautiful new Exposition, today being tho
first saleti day. Nearly everything Is In ship
shape and the largo number of salesmen nnd
salesladies will lw on hand to administer to
tho wants of all callers. Tho firm has shown
commendable enterprise in opening such a
magnificent trade palace and It now remains
for tho citizens of Lincoln and vicinity to
show tho appreciation that Is due such efforts.
Chut rout In New Quartern.
During tho past week thoChovrot Restaur
ant formerly located on O street has been re
moved nnd elegantly fitted up in now quar
tern nt 12!) South Twelfth street, where tho
business will lw carried on. In the now
place Mr. Ctievront will bo better prepaied
than heretofore to cater to the Indies and tho
better clement of restaurant trado. Ho has
tho place neatly and tastefully decorated and
tho arrangement of tho tables In bucIi n man
ner as to lw pleasing to all, whllo tho faro
offered will bo tho very best that tho market
affords. It will bo a handy resort to visit
after tho play at tho opera house, being Just
at the rear of tho Twelfth streot stage en
trance. Mr. Mnhler's dnnrlntr urOiruil nt Mnmnln
Templo Is now open, nnd as usual Is patronized
uf mui-uiu a rt'iirehvuuuivo citizens. Ull Air.
Mahler's books nro found the mimes of
Messrs. I. M. Raymond, A. S. Raymond, W.
J. Mnrshall, A. Hurlbut, J. W. Winger, C.T.
Itaggs, E. K. Crlloy, G. W. Bonnell, P. W.
Redferd. W. L. Murphy, II. D. Hnthnway,
W. W. Holmes, J. P. Lansing, Mrs. Putnnm,
Geo. Cook, C. C. Burr, Mrs. P. Funke, O. B.
Howell. M. W. Travis nnd ntlinni Tl,oln,ll0i
nnd misses' cluss mets Saturday mornings ut
'wi "'so Jiouuays anil inursaays nt-hUO p.
in. A ladies nnd ucntli'men's clnvu win r.,,.,.
Tuesday, May 13th, 8 p.m. Pupils may enter
at any time. Mr. Mahler may lw found at tho
Wlnsdor Hotel.
Gullck's celebrated bread Is iIpIIvitiwI lnlW
to private residences In nil nnrtu nt tl... nlti.
Glvo vour order for a trlnl nt !,! f,,,, ,.,,.,
staff of llfo over telephone 103.
Richard L. Rowo. ulm lm iui .iifi..r
paper at Greely Center for somo tlme.wus In
in mi mis weeit.
The homo of W. J. Tnm,.r i.i..i
uvi.mj IUKUVU1 Rom WB
bracelets nnd other Jewelrv
. - J
Tuesday night of n gold watch, two pairs of
A Contlemail bv tho minin nt v II Ul,,,l,
Is at present in the city decorating gas fixt
ures, chandeliers and frames, with tarleton
and such other materials us may bo desired,
thus giving them a neat outsldo uppenranco,
nt tho same time preserving them from dust,
files, etc. Ho does tho work nt a very renson
nblo price, nnd muy be consulted either in
IHjrsou or by mail at 1825 Cherry street,
Gullck's celebrated bread Is now used ex
clusively on tho dining cars of the Burlington
O. II. Rothacker, the once brilliant news
paper man. Is lvlllcr nt flu. rmlnf nt ,l,..l. I..
an Omaha hospital.
Romomber that tho Great Ten Cent Store
keeps ono of the finest and best lines of ham
mocks In the cltv ami linvlmr ti,.., i i-
quantities to sell at popular prices, can offer
umvcv uiiiui-eniejiis man nny other house In
tho city. Hammocks a low n iw .... tu i-,.ii
nnd seo them 118 South Twelfth street. '
Gullck's celebrated bread ran u, fnim.l m
nearly every grocory storo and restaurant In
Twice as much of GullrkV l,r..n.i iw uc.i in
Lincoln as all other products combined.
J. II, O'Neill, flue plumbing, hot water and
steam heating, lino gas fixtures nnd globes.
You can buy all grades of garden hose very
Saturday and Monday wu shall offer somo
great attractions to thoso who appreciate low
prices in Dry Goods. Ainmu- tlim u-ni lu.
nil tho French Challls e havo In ktnek nt
mi cents per yard. One case of good Do
mestic Challls at 4 cents per yard. About 20
dozen corsets ut 21) cents each. Dim cnu. t..
quarter w hlte bed spreads W cents euch.
cry uespecuuiiy,
-miier ec mine.
Satuhday, May lo, 1800.
win not satisfied
with "III uo
liunnl Jr.,"
but thou those
bodies may
have expected
too much, We
read for weeks
and weeks In
tho Chicago
nud the dra
nmtlo paiers
glowing no
counts of its
gorgeous elab
orateness, but
wu got only u
worth of gop
goutiness I n
t h o Lincoln
The affair
had fifty-four
drops nnd
only twelve
could be used
pii tho stage of Funko's. A whole carload of
scenery remained untouched nnd was sent on
tq Omaha. Several of tho )oclacular effects
wcro cut out of the piny. The house orches
tra had to help out the couaiiy's piano
iwuuder with u single rehearsal. Ami yet,
despite those drawbacks, It was a pretty good
show if you look at It in the right. Somo
coplocxwcted nu ojiera and of course they
Wcro not satisfied with nn oxtrnvngnnza. Tho
singers could not sing, but they were clever
lmrlcfcquorH, nud thero was enough tuneful
nt si in the songs to make thorn go. Edwin
Poy's comedy wus finished goods, nud Miss
jum icuvetf, ii jtju 1,-ouiu get over mo disa
greeable sense of deformity in hor "Ayosho,"
presented an elaborate, consistent burlesqiuf,
Joseph Ott as Dluobourd's valet was snlckyr
lugly good, Iuura Burt gavo us glrlisli naiiio
inlinlu excellence; and, viewed as nu extnvn
gmuza rather than a scctnclt!, "Bluelyurd
Jr.," wasa piotty good sort of a b1iow
Mile. Rhea is a favorite with Lincoln the
ater goers, and they aro greatly pleased with
tho announcement that she will bo at Funko's
Monday evening In hori.ew play, "Josephine,
Empress of tho French." Rhea's merits uro
too well known to neod elaborate mention
hero, but some account of Josephine nnd her
relations with Napoleon will lw of timely
Mario Josephine Tascher, do la Pagerle,
wns born in 1703. In tho Island of Martinique,
In tho West Indies. Sho camo to Franco In
1770, and was married that year to tho Vis-
count Alexander do Beauhamals. Sho had
count Alexander do Benuharnals. Sho had
two children. Eueenu nnd Hnrtnimn tlm Int-
ter married Iiouiso Bonaparte, brother of
Nnpoloon, nnd so bocumo Queen of Holland.
Josephine nnd her husband bolngsusocted of
"noblo blood," wero cast Into different pris
ons in Paris by tho Revolutionary Tribunal
In 1701. By the execution of !enuliarnnls,
She beCUIUO a Widow. Sllll lliv III tlm tirlunn
of tho Carmelites' Convent for months. Her
release was brought nlwut by tho fall of
Robespierre. Sho married Nnnoleon Jlnnn.
parte in 1700, Sho was crowned Empress of
luo r rencli In the church of Notre Damo in
Paris in 1801. Him wiw illvnrivul In icki
Josephine died at Malmnison, near Paris, in
Nanoleon hml ilrmlv n.hnlvp.l tn mnLn liU
nephew, tho prince of Holland, heir to tho
Empire. The prince was the son of Napol
eon's brother, Louis Bonaparte, king of Hol
land, and of Queen Hoi-tanm,. ilnimlifi.r nt
Josephine. His untimely death, howover,
prevented tho fulfillment of this plan, and
foreseeing in tho event of his own death the
dissolution of tho omplro ho had gained, au
imminent peril U Prance, ho decided to an
nul his marriage with Josephine, and wed
some princess of a reigning family in Europe.
Ho decided on Mario Loulso, and hoped to
find in Austria an ally which should be tho
menus of brcnkiinr thn ivuilltlniw nt Mia n,nn.
nrchles of Eurow, always arrayed against
r iuii-u, unu securing a lasting peace, ilie
powers made treutlus with NnmUn nnlv tn
break them, nnd Austria provod tho most
treacherous of all. Of his marriage with
Marie Loulso was liorn n mn. win, at til
birth received tho tltlo of king of Rome. Tho
son who wns Imrn In thn miui rvl.ln.i.. ...uvni.
of tho Emplro, among the blessings of France,
died ill Austria at the nun nf twonf vnn (..
the CnMle of Schoenbruun, whero ho had
lived all these years under tho titlo of Due do
All outline of thn nlnt nf thn nlv I.IM. lu
founded on these historical events will lw of
Interest. At the ojwnlng of tho play n ball
room scene in tho Tullarlos vague rumors
reach tho ear concerning the question of a
royal divorce. Tho Empress Josephine has
urn oi me pioi auvociiteil Uy ttiu Krench
diplomats, but sho cannot believe in Its ful
fillment. The Prince of Holland, tho son of
Napoleon's brother Loud. lm lww,i ilAnli.r.1
heir to tho throne and sho can afford to de
spise the rumors of any separation between
herself and tho EmiMiror. Thn vnrlv .l..n,
of tho young prince, however, changos all
tins, and Josephine learns that It Is tho plan
of Napoleon to dlvorco hor and contract a
new und royal alliance.
Ill tho second act the formal dlvorco pro
ceedings are presented, and hero for tho first
time the lofty patriotism of tho wronged Em
pre Is seen. She signs the decreo, sacrific
ing hor rights for the sake of France, and in
dranmtlo climax full of jwwor bids her friend,
the bravo Murat, take back the swoid which
ho has thrown away and wear it nobly for
the snko of France,
Again tho scene changesjthero Is n jxitlmtlo
midnight fun well between Jowphiuu and
Niuxileon. the husbund und wir.v It U i,.n.l..r
and sviiipathetlo on lioth kliliM. nml nt tlm
close of tho act the sKctutor Is at, a loss to
kllOW WllO tO IlltV the mom. tlm wlfl. uiorlll,..
I lng herself for w hat tho deems her country's
good, or the htishaud shutting his heart
ngnlnst lovo through nnibltlon.
Thou Josephine retire to Miilmalsoii, where
woseo her decorating her houso with llowers
to celebrate tho birth of tho heir to France,
the young king of Rome, tho son of her rival,
Mnrlo 1iulso. In tho fifth act Nnjwlwm,
having nhdlcntad, starts for Elba, aud the
former Emprrni meoU her successor, who has
desorUd Napoleon nfter his inlsfortuiira nnd
Is nbout to return to hor family In Vienna,
nud reproaches her for hor faithlessness In de
serting the Empress, Tho meeting between
tho two queens Is twwerfully drawn and
serves again to bring out the noblo nature of
Josephine In contrast with that of tho Aust
rian princess. Tho sixth and Inst net Is de
voted to tho death of the Empress nud tho
nnnounceiiient of Nucleoli's return from
Archibald Gordon, writing from NowYork
last i Saturday, saysi Uper Broadway Is al
ready crowded with actors whoso splendid
raiment not merely puts tlio llorlsts' lilies to
tho blush, but, ns well, gives no sign of tho
epldomloor Insolvency of which tho profession
Is nguin tho victim. Few of thu early comers
hnvo lost their deft touch, nud the preferred
free lunch counters uro thronged day nnd
night. Through this Snrgnssa wa of flotsam
and Jutsain, the big fellows, with money In
their jwekets suHirclllously plow their way
llku so many ocean steamers. As for tho
business innnngors nud ndvnnco ngonts, thoy
nro us thick nroiind tho Colemnn House as If
n iiiinurupt salo or Job Iota wero going on in
tho neighborhood. The only real novelty of
tho week was "Tho Bluo Olllcer," produced
on Monday night nt the Madison Square
Theater. This Is tho experimental season,
which may partly aco nut for tho presenta
tion of such au utterly uninteresting nffilr as
this so-called drama proved to lw, '"Ary
Ex-law" was named ns the nuthor, ami thorn
was nu attempt to veneer tho piny with a
faint coat of curiosity by tho statement that
It had be-on "Interdicted" in Paris. It will
probably lw "interdicted" in this city, but
tho prohibition will lw due to "Tho Illuo Olll
cer's" dramatic, rather than Its jwlltlcnl, un
worthlness. The scenes wero laid lu Russia,
and tho story, trite nud tediously told, dealt
with tho vongennco of , scheming countess,
who. to trot even with (In. I,,nr,,1 m.....
. ..- ----- -.... ...u ..v.,t,.ua 4UIUV.
Jassy, stole state documents aud caused them
io uo secrewH in Hint lady's private npurfy
W. S. Clovelnnd Is In New York nfter his
prosiwrous sonson, during which ho has takon
in more than half n nillllnn iiniinr. in.
preparations for next Beason aro on a gigantic
W.UIU. lb includes till) nrL'HIllrlurr nf fnnr
companies: the W. 8. Cleveland Consolidated
Minstrels, which nrn tn ntu.n .Tnlv i i... w
S. aud C. E. Cleveland Minstrel Magnlllcs to
uiwu uuiy i mo w. B. and O. E. Cleveland
Colossal Colnrivl Purnlviil Ml.,.t..i. ...
July 23, and tho W. S. ClovelaniMIavcrly
fltial' il..i ... A -- . . .. -
w,M un, mm, ojwn iiugusn, in all employ
ing moro man three hundred pooiilo. Mr,
Cleveland seoins to havo a corner on tho best
Vi i ti" i ' tor ,lu '"", t,lr wlKnK
- .' IIVU1MU. Ull .
Hugh Dougherty, Billy Rice, Billy Emerson,
Schoolcraft, Melds and Huiison, Howo and
Mali, itiiynioml Shaw, Walter Hawkins,
Eddy box. Grliruniinil Murky hi,, n. i
thoolght Craggu, Otis Herwig, J. M. Doylo!
lwsldes twenty Jum and thirty singers of re
pute, Mr. Cleveland is tlm i.ri,tnUt ,.,i.,...i
manager at present In tho world.
Tho facts In thn Ilnm-rav U' ..
,.. , ", - "J tniu iiuu lire
said to lw theso; Helen Dauvrav's
schemes have Ik-pii hitherto bucked by tho
...w.iuj ui nur sisier, jirs. Helen. Mrs. Helen
married Tlm Keefe. Tlm Keefe looked for u
wlillo with disfavor on his wife's "giving up"
any moro of her Inherited cash. Ward re
sented Keefe's interference. Trouble begun
nil around the family, and now tho K.cfe
Jlelen boodle will back Helen onco more, with
the understanding that John Montgomery is
to lw frozen out. Accordingly. Jni... t...
gomery occupies a retired iwsltion in tho re
frigerator. The annual May festival will begin next
Monday evening at tho First Congregational
church. Tho chorus will glvo Spobr's "Last
Judgment" nml fliin.i., ,.f ... . o,
n., -r. r ..... -uwwooienneue."
ii i i . ovonlnK tho oratorio "Elijah"
..... .B.,c, uii.i on tveuneiiday evening a
Miscellaneous concert will 1m. i ... I,...
opera housn. Tim f.iii...i..,. ,
soloists wlllinketmrt: Miss Genevra Johnston, soprano; .Mrs. Bagg of Chicago,
contralto; Dr. Carl Martin of New York
baritone; Dr. Mockridgo of Chicago, tenor.
I rof. L. A. Torrens of Toledo, will bo tho
Joe Jefferson and Billy Florence closed
their season lut Saturday at Brooklyn.
Their proflu aro estimated ut 22.V000. Thoy
will begin another season In October. Booth
and Modjosko end their tour at Buffalo to
night, and Mario Walnrk-lit lno.w fn.,i,.i. ...
Chicnuo Itnlvrt Mfi,it..n ...l...i .... ...,. .
, , .-.,... llH Ul uiuigut
... .,..aijii nnu win pronauiy go oyer to
Europe for tho summer. Fannie Daveniwrt
Closes this Wnknt llnatnn Ml,,..-. Ill
"Tlio Hourlotta" are In New York but win
rest after this nwli. TI,.. ..,,. . , .
" . -"'v.. ' ku ui ins
summer homo at Cohasset, Muss.
"Tho City Directory," which had one of its
Irst iwrformances early in tlio Lincoln season,
im r?Cv-'a lil ,w "rwltli night at the
BIJou In Now York. In Juno tho comixiny
will start for a summer tour of tho Pacific
coast and play back as far as Omaha. John
ivu-i. mm is comedians will havo a new
iniio comeuy next season entitled
Next season Lawrence Barrett will bo soon
i' ?n.i 'S-nn- ---torlcnl play culled "A
ecket" which depicts the stirring incidents
lu tlio lifoof tlio cmvit r..Mwn,. a.i.i.j i
1 ho new play is described as another "Rich
elieu," several of tho scenes llng us strong
as the fourth not nf 1 1, t ..?.,.... .."
Barrett will, of course, act tho tltlo part. r'
A Now York iiiiiniii'or ! .. ..i
ingn novelty In the way of scenery. It Uu
snow storm, to lw used conjunction with
tho exciting tank of real water In "A Dark
becrel :. The snow falls In heavy flake-, nnd
m It strikes the water merges into a solid
cake of 01l ,,,,,, tcn1 0, , J
with a merry sleighing iwrty.
Tho now play for Hoi Smith Russell will I hi
presented at Daly's In New York, August 18.
It Is nn Idyl of tho streets of Now York. A
tailor Is tho hero, ono of those quiet, uncon
scious heroes of tho Tom Pinch typo, but n
hero nevertheless, nnd wlillo thero Is nothing
ridiculous nlwut him, ho Is very comlo mid
Mary Anderson has written to frlonds that
sho will never again npM-nr on tho stage, and
If she does retlro nud marries Mr, Navarro,
Mr. Henry E, Ablwy snys ho will bring no
action ngalust her.
The old Mormon Thenter lu Halt I.nko City
built years ngo by Brlgham Young, Isalmut
to bo torn down and replaced by a now ono
with nil tho modern improvements,
L. M. Crawford hns sold his loose of tho
tho Grand opera homo at Omaha to Milwau
kee parties. It Is supped ho Is figuring on
n now theater lu Omaha.
Tho Hirer which Hnrnh nP.l.l
with her during her lnst tour in this country
died at Jurdlii des Phintes, Pnris, recently of
la grlpjw.
Tho llydo ster seclnlty commny drown
smnll house, nnd tho iwrfonnnnco wns an
uverngo variety show.
J. IC. Emmet Is himself ngnlu, and will con
tinue his season as If nothing had happened.
Ilrlseon, tlio Kxpnull Inn Mine Man,
For mouths past occasional announcement
has been miido of tho prooscd removal of
Mr. Briscoe's stock to tho Exosltloii depart
ment stores, imi oncu succimsivo niiuounco
mont, owing to delays In finishing the struct
ure, mot with disappointment. Today, how
ever, tho CouniKH is delighted to chronicle
to Its readors the fnct that the oft told talo
will no moro lw printed. It Is not n matter
of "how soon will Brlscoo 1st In his now
place," but n certainty that tie l tioi at
homo In his luxurious nnd sjiaclous quarters
and w ill lw ready to sea his friends and pat
rons at any time hereafter.
Mr. Brlscoo has surrounded himself with a
corM of as clover and gentlemen) assistants
as Is to bo found any whero In tho country.
They nro thoroughly experienced, ns well ns
courteous nud well known, und with such
help the business of our lending footwear
dealer cannot help but prwjier. Whllo tho
tirmirlntni will tinvn nnniiMl tiiiTwif'trlftlnii nf
tho business, Mr. Frank Luyster, whom not to
Know argues oiiowir unkown, will havo tho
genoral managoment of tho storo; Mr, B.J.
Evans will attend to the ladles' department,
and Mr. P. E. Colo will tako charge of gen
tlemen's wear, whllo tho children's goods will
lw handled by Mr. Adolph Gebhart.
Tho Couiiiku Is glad to see Mr. Brlscoo
finally located lu the Exposition, and being of
a friendly nnd neighborly dlsosltlon oxtends
to Jilm lu hearty congratulations aud wishes
for '-Brlscoo, the Exjwsltion Shoo Man," tho
prosperity that enterprise and push deservo.
llewnrn of llngu HtHiiley litmus
Tho great demand for nn account of tho
thrilling ndventures nud explorations of
Henry M. Stnnley, has prompted unscrupu
lous publishers to flood the country with u
host of Iwgus Iwoks, claiming to bo "Stan
ley's Own," but to which Mr. Stanley has not
contributed a single lino.
Do not be tlicrtml by these worthiest!
iKwks. Tho only ono to which Mr. Stanley
has contributed n single line is tW(tVn by
hlmirlf, is entitled "In Darkest Africa," and
bears on tho tltlo nacn tlm nninn nf tlm mil..
llBhers: Chas. Scribner' Sons. Now Ynrk.
Their local auent In thin rtv u n.,v iw
Marino. Reserve your orders for him.
Falk, the great New York artist has sent
us a number of photos showing Mile Rhea in
a number of costumes nud positions, taken
from her new piny, "Josephine, Empretu of
tho French," which will lw produced Mon
day evening at Kunke's. Call In and seo them.
They are beautiful works of art.
Tho Couiiiku of this Issue wftl havo soveral
hundred new renders. A brief explanation
for their benefit. In order to bring its inerlto
thoroughly Iwforo tho peoplo of Lincoln the
Couiiiku Is sending out a largo complhienta
ry list. A big addition Is made to tho list this
fsuo, and others will bo modo from week to
week as fast as names and addresses cun lw
secured. Persons receiving Couimciw with
this notice marked will understand that they
are free sample copies, which will lw discon
tinued after the Hal trip unless the person
addressed otherwlso orders.
An addition linn lmi l,il,l mil u..., n it...
. ....... ...... v.. nn,u, vllu
city and called Manchester. One factory Is
located on It und others ore expected to fol
low. What's the uso of buying rubber how thut
is not durable and will soon wear out! Go to
Hooker & Orr 240 South Eleventh stroot, and
got tho best at lowest prices.
In all lines of goods Heriwlshelnier & Co.
iilre over-stocked und to reduce tho surplus
great cuts will be made all over tho houso
Just beforo their removal which takes place
within ten days. Seo their stock of dress
goods, challles, umbrellas, parasols, white
goods, linens und embroideries which will l
sold at a third less than value.
Huffman & Rlchter nrn niiilii ... ,-.! .
do pleating for ladles.
Glvo your lawns tirntur ntfiitlm n.,,i n.
will bo a thing of beauty and a Joy for ever
this summer. To do this vou should get ono
of Hooker & Orr's latest Iawii Sprinkler
and a hose reel. Their prices are rlL-ht.
Havo you seen thut beautiful now lino of
famous stage lieouties at tho Couiiiku offcef
If not drop in some time and see them.
Doctors Bailey A: Goodcll, ofllco 1317 L
streot. Telephone, 017.
Hetts .t Weaver now have exclusive sale of
tho celebrated "Jupiter" coal in this city.
Everyone that has tried this great fuel pro
nounce it the best for the money ever obtain
ed in Lincoln. Send In a trial order over
Phono -110.
Wood by the rick delivered nnd ready for
the Stove at Bet is A: WVnverV Pull t..t..
phono -1411,