f I CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, MAY 3, 1890 - m it o i p c I pnppra Sow Grass Seed Now Blue Grass NI White Clover Seed. Landroth's Reliable Garden Seeds Frank E. Lahr, 936 P Stroel, North Side Postollice Square A Fine Crayon LIFE SIZE FREE AT S HER WIN'S 1124 0 ST. .Every customer gets a head and shoulder Crayon Picture Free from any and all cost. This work is made direct from any photo you may want copied. Call and look into this matter. COMFORT FOR TUB FEET! Life Made Easy IJY HUYING S3 MS J.-' r IS FINEST AND More Comfortable SHOES Kvcr sold In Lincoln. To try tlicm on It. to buy. These goods to be (omul only nt Webster & Roger's io.3 O Street. -IVOR- Rubber Hose, Hose Fittings, -AND-- Lawn Sprinklers GO TO DEAN & HORTON, 1450 O Street, WHERE YOU WILL GET Wholesale Prices In any quantity you want to purchase. NOW'S THE TIME TO PLACE YOUR ORDER FOR House Decorations! Where they will receive prompt attention and skillful workmanship. Call on S. E. MOORE, and see his line o( Fine Paper Hangings. 1134 O STREET. Sole Agency (or The StierwlB-Willlams Co.'s Paint. A ltmUr lwr nf loilrm YVinri MuiiM'iiirrlov: One Your by Mull or I'nrrlcil fJ00 Hlx Months, l M; Three Months, MV ; Olio iiioiitliWHVntslnvnrnhly In Ailvntice Aiiykiitirkmicntn: Itntes fiiniMiril on application nt llioolllco. Hx'olnl rnli"t on Tlitio tinirm,i. ('oKTiilliUTloMt! Hhnrt spicy ki'tclics, mm-iih nnd stories sollcllcil, l'crwiiinl mid Hoelal nnlcs nro especially tlcslrnhle. I'rintinoi Wo hMko n niwlnlty nf I'liin 1'rtnttiiK In nil Us branches. Hocletv work n ieilnlty. PubllHtiucI SiitunUiy. Aililrewi nil t'liiiiiniinientloiiM direct to 1 1 1 - iillloo. WlCHNltl, I KIN'riNO Co. I'lTIIMHIIHUM. Courier llitllilltnt, II.1J N Htreet. Tki.ki'HonkVI Ii. 'i:hhki,, .III., KilltorundHolo Pioprlotor. 1'llKI) llK.N.INOKIl, Aswolllto Kdltor POPULATION OF LINCOLN, 65,000. Tiik World-llrriild of Kiinilny gave a list of Oinnliii hotels and rcHttiiiinntH using olco mnrgniluo. Tho I'ntloii Ik put down for fiTI pounds In 0110 inoiitli. Tiik polltli Inns nrulalklngup R. II. Oakley for tlio statu Noiuito. Sir. Oakley Is not n can. illduto, but lio is 11 good mini toiopicsoiit Lincoln, mill It is nut likely ho would refuse the lrpuhllruu tioiulimtlnii. (lov. TiuVKU him wilttcn n loiter to Hetm tor I'ndiloek usscitiug Hint huudleiNof thous ntuls of iIoIIhih Intil noon lost to NohruHkn tlumigh tho fnlsn guiding of corn. I luniks tho nctiutnr to urge h-glidutlnu by tlio govern ment to prevent this robbery. Tiik joint committee from tho oily council, Ixmnl of truth) mid renl estate exchange hnvo decided to ak tho oltlcliiU or tho II. Si St., tho IT. 1', tho Northwestern mid tho Hock-Island to int'ot with them on Sluy lf mid discuss plntiH for 11 grand union depat. That looks like limbless. TllK world's fulr bill ns passed nud improv ed Ims gone to tho printer, mid u circulur is being prcpnicd nt tlio stilt-) department to Is) sent to tho governor of each of tho Mutes calling their attention to tho provision ii ipili lug the npM)iiitiuent of coiuiuixsiouers to meet in Washington within thirty dnjs after tho llniil pnsnugo of tho net, which menus be fore Slay W. A copy of tho law will been-clo-ed w 1th each of these circulars. No nteps have yet been taken towards tho appoint ment of tho commNdoiicrs-ut-lnrgc. Captain Joski'iiTkktkhh nf this city was In WiijihliiKton this week with a view to tisooi tabling his status in tlio light for tlio Lincoln laud olllco. Ciiptalu Teeters was leeomnioiulod for tho position souto tlino ago, but the iccimtmciidutlon has htvu held up by tho delegation tiK)ti tho lufoimation that tho captain's rcputilicuiilm wns not vouched for sulllcicntly by tho people of Lincoln. Captain Tit1 1 era win advised by tho delegation to re turn homo mid straighten himself out In tho eyes of the principal republicans of Lincoln, during which the f ounce iccommcndutioii would probably stnud. Alien iikaoo.v KaiiiiauIiiisIii tlio Slay num ber of The Forum un article to show tlmt criticism has more often muilo mistakes thnii It has foretold tho Judgment of posterity. IIo collects u long list of facts U prove that nearly every Important original woik In English literature has been dimmed by tho critics when It was llrst published, mid In tho mostamlnblo temper ho declares that he him self lint hardly toon during his long career is an author a literary criticism from which ho has gullied help. The article contains a largo group of Interesting literary reminiscences covering a long period. An ordinance, lias been intiodticcd In the city council by Sir. lluslinell giving tlio Rock Island tho right of way over Eighth street from S to L and regulating tho use of the street by tho company. Tho ordinance pro vides that there shall be only ono tuick and that tlicro shall bo no switches and no change of grade. Tho company shall leave tho pav ug In as good condition as it lluds it. The laying of tho track shall do done under the control and suervlsloii of tho city Trains of cars shall not bo permitted to obstruct travel at the crossings, and tho company shall keep 11 tlagiimii stationed nt tlio crossings at all times. In the event that tho woik is not commenced in six mouths, nil rights given by tho ordinance nro forfeited. The right granted to tho Rock Island is not mi exclus ive one, but tho company shall loaso Its tiack toother roads on the payment of certain sHcllltsl compensations. The ordinance was leferred to tho printing committee to have printed in the city papers, If the Rock Island would pay for tho printing, so that the jhjo plo might understand its pro Uions. Last year's icport of the tirnkemnn's brotherhood sliownl that ono in every eighty eight membeis of the organization Is killed yniily nml ono in every sixty sutfeis either death or total disability. The inter-state commerce commission reported that during last ear !fcM brakemen werokllhsl aiulU,&37 totally disabhd in coupling cam, and recom mends ihnt some action 1k taken to Induce or compel railway companies to adopt a safer moJo of coupling cars than tho ordinary link mid plu now generally used on freight cars. A bill has been Introduced In congress re quiring all railroads to use automatic cur couplers uxn all freight cars nnd authorizing the president to appoint a IkmihI of live com petent persons, three of whom shall hnvo practical knowledge of tie oKratiou of rail roads and two of w lioui shall have mechani cal knowledge of car const! uctlon, to make a careful Investigation of the couplers in use and to test nil designs submitted, with a view to nsiertnluliig and rcx)itiug to the inter state commission the tjpe or character of coupler found by them to bo best adapted for use and possessing the greatest safety for em ployes, When such a coupler Is adopted all railroads shall Ihi ri quired to use them upon new cars manufactured and upon nil old cars sent to tho shops for repairs, BKAINY BOSTON WOMEN. BRIGHT WRITERS WHO HELP TO MAKE THE HUD FAMOUS. All Wlrlil Vlmiriiin I'rns In Viirluus Flnlil. of l.ltrnitiitr, mill Are Htruillljr CIIiiiMiib tip I'lllnn's Hlrep Mill Tj-plrnl Motion rorlmlls (Copyright, IWW LOU1HK IMOOKN OUINKY. A brllllnut young Iloston woman la Louiso Imogen Oulnoy, the only child of Oen. Uul iloy, who dlisl soon nftor tho war from wounds received in his heroic service. This "sunny young Oreek," as sho has lieun well niiuusl, was born In Iloston in 1WI1 nud edu cated nt tho Convent of tho Hnoivd Heart, In rrovldeiice, R. I. While still In school she hegnn contributing verses to Tlio I'llot, over tho elgiiaturo of "1. O. L.," and was for a long time taken for somu prankish cnllego boy rather thnu n young girl. Hho won tmrdly 2.1 w hen she published her llrst vol ume of K)oins, "Songs nt tho Btart," which wns soon followed by "Tlio White Hall and Other Poems," "Uoosequill Papers," n vol ume of proso mid a little collection of stories called "llrownles mid lloglos," A great honor was conferred upon tho young girl in 18S5, when, nt tho memorial meeting for den. Grant, held in Tremout Temple, on Oct. 'J--, sho was Invited to write tho "odo" for this impressive occasion. Tho KLIZAIIKTII W 8TKIMIF.V. oration wns given by Henry Ward Ileeeher Her poetic gift is in tlio heroic vein. Hho Is nn excellent Latin scholar, nml has so much of the classic spirit that sho has suggested tho sobrlipiet of tho "sunny young Greek." Miss Oulnoy Is now lu London engaged in literary woik Klio is of medium height, slender nud supple ns a reed, with How lug hair, dark eyes and pale, clear complexion a fnco full of laughing animation and seldom caught in repose. Hho Is a famous jhmIos trlenno, making nothing of a ton mllo walk, and has nil insouciant grace thnt is Instantly cnptivntlng, A lovely young woman, who is a "coming" woman In literature, is Sirs. Kllznbotli Wil lisou Stephen, who, though not a llostouian by birth, belongs to Its llternry coU'rlo of brilliant young women by virtue of llturnry tastes and sympathies. A kxmii of hers on Louisa Alcott, published In The Iloston Trav eller soon nf ter Sliss Alcott's death, attracted much attention among tho friends mid ad mirers of this beloved nutlior, and ninny of her poems have been contributed to Tho ANNIE PAOU. Traveller since that wiitch so stirred nnd thrilled tho breasts of those who held Sliss Alcott near and dear. Sirs. Stephen Is tho wife of a Presbyterian clergymnn, and thoy hnvo .recontly been called to Vevny, Ind. Mrs. Stephen Is of milium height, slender nud fair, with a wealth of beautiful dark Imlr a:id expressive eyes. Sho Is Imrdly more than !!0, and ono of tho most responsive and lovely characters Imaginable. A very charming uimg Dos Ionian whom fate ordains to dwell afar from the gilded dome it Sliss Grace Ellery Chanuing, a daughter of Dr. W. F Chanuing and a grnndnlecoof tlio gt eat divine, William El lery Chanuing. Tho c'linuning live now at Pasadena, Cnl., wheio ihoy removed from Hostou several years ao. MUs Chanuing's specialty is in short stories, and she is con tributing to Tho New England Mngnzluo, Kato Field's Washington, Tiw Iloston Trav oiler nud others. Slit Chanuing, still In her early twenties, is very fair, with lovely hair of blonde cendro and beautiful blue gray ejo'. She Is n rather marvelous comxjin.d of delicacy and strength, with tho gentlest maimer Imaginable, bused on an iron will and wonderful tenacity of purpose. Clostly associated with her lu literary work l Charlotte Perkins Hl-jison, n granddnugh tr of Dr. Lyman IWjiiur, and tiu wife of a gifted young artist, Uiarles Walter Htetson. It Is an amusing sarciuU'. of heredity that tint descendants of William !?.iery Chanuing and Dr. Lyman Ileeeher should bo close friends nnd collaborators. The Ctianul'igt nud Hut- lm f'TlPlll te4V' V:, mmm scs llvo In n kind of arcudlnn fashion on n Nmtlful ustnto lu the Ban Gabriel vnlloy. A very charming, Intellectual young wo mtti of Iloston Is Miss Amilo Pne, a leading ineinln'r of tho Ijadies' Hatuniay Slorntug club, mid a woman whoso literary talent has found expression lu soino oxipilidto short stories. Sllss Pago is calloil n clusslo beauty. Her Nrtrnlt, painted by Mr. Dennis Hunker, was exhibited lu tho American Art gallei ies n fow j ears ago, lu a collection by American nrtUts. It has also been hung nt tho Ht, Itotolph Club galleries, In Iloston. Hho Is "a daughter of tho gods, divinely tall," nlmnler nml grnceful. In tho Greek piny of "Anti gone," recently produced by the Hnturdny Morning club, Sllss Pago no tod tho Queen Eiirydlko, and mnilo an oxtpilslto picture lu her classic whlto robes, The sculptor Ht, Gaudeus requested er mission to moitel her hand and arm, ami, with tho single exception of Maud llovvu Elliott, no Iloston mnideii of Into ears has lcou so much Milutsl mid modolud by artists as has Sliss Pago. Hho is n young lady of eosmoxll tan culture, ami Is almost us familiar in 1m Jon life as lu her tiativo city. A talented writer among tho younger wo men Is Sliss Ella Riihamah Hcldmore, who passed last summer lu Huston, but whoso tiiuo when in America Is sHnt principally lu Washington. Sliss Hcldmoro lias established lieuelf nt tho national capital as a press cor rrfrjKJiident of very exceptional power to xrtrny passing events. Tlio Ht. Iouls (llolxj bemocrut, Tlio Han Vrancisco Call and va rious other dally new spaHrs have mailo a leading attraction of her work, mid she is n contributor to Ht. Nicholns, HurK-r's llaznr nud Harper's Weekly, and Is tho author of a lxxk on Alnskn, which Is tho accepted stand aril of works of travel in that region. Sllss Hcldmore has tho genius for travel, and she wns ouo of tho llrst to visit Alaska; sho has Ixhmi much In Kuroxj, to Japan nud China, nud knows all tho Paclllc as well as sho does Irfkfnyetto wpiaro In Washington or Fifth avenue In Now York. Hho Is a slender, stylish KI.1ZA IlUIIAUAll HCIDMOllE. woman, with dark hair and blue gray eyes, mid is ns gixxl n conversationalist ns sho is captivating a writer. Sllss Villa Seuilder, whoso homo is at New bury street, Iloston, is ouoof the, gifted young Boston women. Hho Is tho literary lecturer nt Vnssar cnllego and a contributor toTho An dover Review nud other mngnziiies. A )ii kt in dialogue form entitled "Iiilluunco and Independence," contributed by Sllss Bcuddor to Tho Aiulover Review for Febi nary last, lias attracted much attention. Hlio is a niece of Sirs. Horace Kcuilder, of Cambridge, whose literary work lu Tlio Atlantic SIngu duo nud elsewhere is well known. Sliss Hcudder has a frank, pleasant countenance, mi engaging manner and a very winning smile. Shu Is also a prominent member of tho Hnturdny Morning club, mid not Infre quently lectures before this gathering. Mis KATK VANNAII. Hcudder Is also a loading spirit lu that unique and loautlful philanthropy, tho"Uul verslty Hottlomeiit," at No. Itf Rivington street, Now York city, where seven college girls have set up a homo that they may bo neighbors mid friends to tho friendless and tho Ignorant. A brilliant young woman, who Is almost ns much at homo in Hostou nsat tier own resi dence In Gardiner, SIo., is ills Kato Van nnh, jKMit mid litterateur. Sliss Vannah graduated from Ht. Joseph's academy (near Gettysburg, Sid.) in 1ST I, taking tlio ilrst prize in music, mid English composition. Sho Is a favorlto contributor to Now York and Hostou Journals, ilixs much musical criticism, is a prolific writer of verso, and lias of lato won honors a-s a musical composer, Her waltz called "Hy tlio Son" has gono through four editions, nnd two souxs (both tho words and the inuslo by Sliss Vannah), called "When Love Is Told" nud "Furting," nro exceedingly jiopular. Sliss Vannah has tho great advuutngo of an exteuslvo ac quaintance with the very cremo do la cromo of musical talent of Now York city, and her "Parting" Is dedicated to Annie Louisa Carey. Sllss Vannah almost lived with Slmo. Carey-Raymond In Now York last winter. KATIIEUINE C, IILAIll. A volume of Sllss Vannah's poems was pub lished by tho Llppincott houw lu 1SS3, and nnothor is now iu press. Sirs. Katherlno C. Hlalr is a writer of charming short storlei. Her homo is noai Boston, and her work appears iu many oj tU Uuullnu naiuu-n. LILIAN WlIlTI.IO. at H. B LOCH'S 1 1. 1 1 and m.3 O Street, -Voir WH.l. FIND THE LARGEST I.IXE OF- Mohairs and Lustres, ix rim SPRING JACKETS, Embroidered Cashmere Shawls, New and Nobby Lace Curtains A' AU. rilli LATEST MAKES, Call and See Them. H. BLOCH, u.ji and r i.3 O St. NOW AXD Ready : for HERMAN BROTHERS' NEW CLOTHING HOHSE 1017-1019 O street. We are showing a line of goods that for make-up, lit, trimmings and style cannot be excelled anywhere and we ask you to call and inspect the stock and get our prices. Everything New, Neat and Complete, and not an old garment of ahy description in the house. In Children's Clothing, We show the largest and finest line in the city. Every lady should sec our boys nnd youths apparel. We have them in all qualities and si.cs. Every garment guaranteed as rep resented and all goods marked at lowest cash price. Call and see us. HERMAN BROS. Casli Clothiers, 1017-1019 O Street. SPRING 1590 'I I'i'K Knullth IUikU. JAMES C. KIER, JSlTSole Agency for KNOX World Renowned Hats. Cor. O and 11th Street. SOMETHING NEW FOR HOME DECORATION ! -- -We have just received n New Line of Falk's - Photos Showing America's Lending Actors and Actresses In fiom one to twenty views, both street and stage attire, of all the -gS MO ST POPULAR sSsf- Actors and Actresses Call and see them. Such Photographic work has never before been seen In Lincoln. Any Plioto desired furnished. WESSEL PRINTING CO. 1 134 N Street. cm: Successor to Ashby & Millspnugh OPEN : Business Courier Office. Li i i . i I T 1 T 1