Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, April 26, 1890, Page 8, Image 8

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Saturday Evening, April 2600
"Tim Courier'' Jl'or Hnl In Omaha.
Cople mny lx ftniiiil nt Keith's nowsstniid,
319 Houlh Fifteenth street, Boyd's osm houso
Cornor I Oth and P 8troota.
Dry Goods
Tlio CotmtKU will nut 1k responsible for
nny debt made liy miy nno In Ha unino, un
cus n written order necoiuimnleH tlio smno,
properly signed.
U Wkhhki., Jr., Prop'r.
Tlio Courier Oiin lin Found At
Windsor Holol News Htnnd.
Capital Hotol News Htnml.
Exposition DIiiIiik Hull News Htnml.
Tho Gotham News Htnml, tlH Houtli lltli Ht.
Bert Itumior, 111 North lltli Street,
Kil. Young, 1WO O Htrccit.
Llttlo Hnort Ulnar More, 113 North IStli Ht.
KfT"An oxtrn supply of paper Ih always loft
at tlio (lotluim, in ciuo other Nowsdciilor
supplies run short.
1137 O STREET.
l.nciil anil Personal.
Whltebrenst Conl owl Lima Company.
Lincoln loo Co., 101(1 O Ht. Telephone 118.
Terry & Harris, jeweler.
Tako Turkish nt 1010 O street.
Telophono at tho CouillKU ollleo is 253,
J, '., Brisooo, tho shoo nmn, 1329 O street
Mineral water used for luithing, 1010 O st,
Olvo Bott & Weaver, tho now cool llrm, n
Don Cameron serve tho finest colTeo In the
Flno watch repairing nt Perry & Harris,
1231 O street.
Call up telephone No. 57D and give tho now
n i) miry a trial.
Canon City Cool again at tho Whltebrrast
Coal anil Lime Co.
Superior quality Anthracite coal nt Botta
& Weaver', Call up 440.
Join the Porry & Harrla watch chili. Got
a watch at a dollar a week.
Improved shower for TurkUh lvatlu at 1010
O street, basement Union block.
Only placo In Lincoln that usee mineral
water In laths Is at 1010 O street.
Ruth M. Wood,!!. D.,Conserv.Uory Plac,
Thirteenth stroet.threodoore south of L street.
Canon City, Mondota. Ohio Block and Col
orado Coal, at Iletts & Weaver's, pjiono 440.
A lino of genuine tortoise shell hnlr orna
ments haa Just been received at Mis John
Ladles desiring nrtlstlo dressmaking at
reasonable prices should ongngo Mrs. Tyrrell,
1233 O street. -M2t3
Prompt service, puro and wholesome food
and the belt of everything is always found at
lion uumerou s.
China firing at tho studio every Monday.
Edith Russell, room 10, Tho Bond, comer
Twelfth and Q streets. tf
Dr. O. B. Manning, office rooms COVT-Og
Burr block. Telephone 330. Hestdcnco Cor.
30th and F. Telephono 330.
Ladies will 11ml a complete lino of lino shoes
and all the latest styles at the proper prices nt
Sberwin's Boston Shoo Store.
Shirts, collate and culfs dono up equal to
tho finest in tho land, nt Houck & Wallace's
new laundry, 1117 Pstreet. Callupphono5TO,
Buy your coal of tho Whltebreast Coal and
Lime Co., and it will always be well screai.ed,
full weight, best quality and at right prices.
Wo make a specialty of tine work, such ns
flno woolen goods, Uannols and silk shlrU,etc.
Qlvo us a trial. Houck & Wallace's new
laundry, 1117 P street.
Try a dinnor at Cameron's Lunch and Shoi t
Order houso. Borvod dally from 11:30 a. m.
till 2 p. in. Everything flue and juicy and
cooked in a homo-liko manner.
J, Z. Briscoo, the shoo man, Is preparing to
movo Into the now Exiwsltlan building mid
expects to bo at homo tlioro to all friends, pa
trons, and the public about Easter time
Miss Johnston has just received a very use
ful little contrivance that will be of great
convenience to ladles. It is a small alcohol
heating stovo that Is used to heat curling
Irons and can bo put together and carried in
a small satchel. They are a uniquo arrange
meat and sell for 75 cents.
Mr. mid Mr, flimlc I). Pitcher gave nn
elegant dnnn.iig party Tuesday evening In
honor of Mr. and .Mrs. O. JatiRcn (.'oilman of
Omaha, who had recent I) returned from a
visit with Mrs. ('oilman's parents, Senator
nml Mm. Pnddock nt Washington. Tho
guest worn welcomed In tho rccxptlnu room,
In which pleasant ceremony Mr mid Mrs. J.
1C. Ulggs, Mr. nml Mrs, A. E. Kcnunrd mid
llon.Thomas P. Kcnunrd assisted, The house
was prettily decorated with roses, smilnx mid
pinntn, Tho grates went hanked with loses
against n background of green, nml the ctir
tfiliiN worn ornamented with roses. Tlio
iiiuxki was stationed In an alcove of the din
ing room, The Pitcher home Is Kplemlldly
adapted for dancing, tho four largo rooms
on tho Hint lliHir opening lutncnch other w ith
iloulilo doors, Tlio fill nit tir had been 10
moved nml tho Moor ennvnsmsl. Ily going
through tho wide hall the dancoisiwero en
nblcd to make n circuit of tho room without
thc usual Jostling In small apartments, A
program of sixteen dunces, inostl) round, lent
wings to tho hours. Ices were served In tho
Intervals, and a delicious accompaniment
was tho Apollumis Icmimnilo served by a col
li ml attendant from a huge, wcll-llllcd punch
bou I Tho billiard room on tho second lloor
wns nn iv dining room, unci a dainty
luncheon wns spread, of which tho guests par
took at their convenience and iltlre. A cen
ter pi i') of roses was a feature of the table
decoration The other rooms were tin own
oM'ii for promenading, cards, etc. Tho com
pany was ono madu congenial by long mid
Intimate acquaintance, tho hopltallty of thu
hosts was of the most cordial ami gracloiH
hind, tho appointments were coiuplelo and
elegant and tho guests had an evening of rare
enjoyment. Tho Invited guests were Messrs.
ami MewliuncH (', 1). Llpplncott, McArthur,
Footer, lluckstatr, Ogden, Dennis, lleeooii, W.
('. Davis, ('. A. Keith, Rlgirs, llayden (iml
A. K. Iveunard, .MIkm's I.llllhrldgo, Newman,
lltirgesH, Walsh, McC'llnlock of Omiilm,
Ilawkoof Nebraska City, lnttn, Olivo Trfitta,
l''rlti llarnard of Omaha, Anna Hawkins,
l.una Dundy of Omaha, Clara Fiiuke, Ixxiuils,
llarr, llanly, Huddlth, Oakley, llalrd, Sterl
ing, Davis, Anna Fimko, mid Eva ICenuard
of Omaha: Messrs. J. I). Wright, Mohren
htecher, II. J. Hall, I'olk, lluckstall', Oillllth,
Hardy, Hlchter, W. E. Clark, Cooper, O. 11.
Clark, Nisiley, litult, It II, Newman of
N"w York, Oscar Funke, Zchrung, Magisiu,
A. II. Hmlth of Omaha, Uiw, David Ilaiim of
Omaha, Frank Hmlth of Alliance, II. C. Nutt
of Alliance, ami T, P ICenuanl.
Miss Ella Smith, tho mulablo registrar at
tho State University, Invited tho seniors to a
Jack wax sociable at her home (Font teeuth
and V stirets) Inst Monday evening. The
novelty of tho entertainment and the excel
lent candy made It a most enjoyable occa
sion. The following were present; Misses
Gertrude Ijius, Anna Chllde, Edith Mocket,
Jessie Wolfe, Delia I-ooiiiIh, Rachel Manley,
Nelllo Scott, Nellie Cochrane, Ethel Mars
laud, Mrs. Merst and Misses Brace and Col
lins; Messrs. E. E. Gillespie, L. 8. Storrs, T.
II. Marsland, Hugh I-nmnstor, II. JC, Ilcllle
man, F. F. Almy.C. H. Ansley, F. O. Taylor,
WIllMarst, H. C. Lnngworthy, G.H. Flnker,
F. II. Woods, II. B. Duncanson, Geo. O.
Hear u, A. J. McClntchel.
Mr. Pliny 8. Chapman and Miss Julia
Fuller Wilton wero married nt ten o'clock
Tuesday morning. The ceremony was per
formed by Rev. John Hewitt, assisted by
Rev, O. A. Willlmus, nt tho horn of tho
bride's parents, Tho groom Is an employee
of tho First national lunik, and hlscolleagues
in that institution evldenctd tliefr esteem by
presenting n hnmUomu dining room set of
furniture. Tho uowly married couple took
tho noon train to visit Mr. Chnptunn's parents
nt Gibbon, Neb. They will bo nt home after
May 1 In a cony homo at Twenty-ninth and
Stnrr streets. The friends of tsith bride and
groom unite In wishing them every happi
ness. Tho photographs of prominent actors mid
nctressoa rhown and for sale nt tho Couiukr
counting rooms nro the finest productions of
tho art. Tho work is that of Falk, tho cele
brated Union Square artist of Now York,
and tho collection includes such subjects ns
Lillian Russell, Edwin Booth, Inwrence
Barrett, Helenn Modjeska, Mario Jniisen,
Lily Langtry, James Brown Potter, Joseph
JelTerson, W. J. Florence, and over a hun
dred others, either In stage costume or street
Dr. J. M. Lucas and Miss Lura Rich were
quietly married at ten o'clock last Sunday
morning. Tho ceremony wns performed at
the Presbyterian church by tho pastor, Rev.
Dr. Curtis. Half nn hour Inter tho newly
married couple took tho Missouri Pnclflcfor
St. Louis, nml their wedding journey will
enrry them to Chlcngo. They will bo nt
homo after May 1 at 10'JO P street. Dr. nml
Mrs. Lucas have many friends, who unite In
wishing them nil joys and blessings possible.
Tho young friends of Mnster Guy Guth
ridgo attended a surprise mrty Thursday at
his home, 1XVI7 K street, and helped him cole
brato his fourteenth yt-nr. The participants
woro .Misses Grace and Gortio Romgarduer,
Winnie Fowlor, Bertha DuTell, Alllo LeOros,
Myrtle ilowe, Hattlo J. Bomgarduer, Josie
Hoyt, Masters Francis and Henry Burleigh,
Charley Hoyt, Harry and Frank Dean, John
Marquett, Heury Tuckor, Fred Phillips, Mor
ris Fox and Oscar IeGros.
Tho annual mectl ng of tho old scttUrs' as
sociation will bo held Mny 10, nt Bohaunn's
hall. It will elect officers and fix a time and
placo for tho next picnic. Tho association haa
ntKMlt 1600 IIlemtuTM lint t wnlitu nil It ran
. ...j ... ,T .... ..
get. Any ouo who has lived In Ijincn-ter
nniinlw fn.lrfnn.i ...nK la nll.ll.t.. O. ........
may bo left with Major liolmiinn, who will
seo that tln.y aro proHrly presented and
voted on,
Mrs. H, H. Biirnhnm entertained a company
of friends very pleasantly Wednesday even
ing, with high five to while away the hours
and provoke Jchnt nncl chafT. Tho company
compriseil Mossrs. nnd Mesilamea I. M. Ray
mond, C. C. Burr, A. D. Burr, R. C. Outcult,
A. C. ZIomor, CsrlFunko, W, B. Hargreaves,
8. W. Burnham, Appelgot, A. Wntklns, J.
Swan, E. P. Holmes, L. Heiskell nnd J. Doo
little. An Informal tennis company have laid out
n court nt tho residence of tho Misses Smith.
Seventeenth and B streets, nnd nro enjoying
me sport almost ually. In addition to tho
Misses Smith tho company Includes Misses
Gertrudo nnd Carola Hill, Miss Maud Smith,
Messrs. J. E. Ferris, E. N. Lowe, Frits
Westerman, James Pollock and Mr. Howie.
11. It. Perslnger, editor of tho Dea Moines
MnU and Timt, wns In the city Monday on
his way to visit u banker brother nt Central
City. Mr. Perslnger is tho fouuder of society
journalism in tho west and is ono of tho tiest
known men in Iown. His papernnd his work
nave been models for a great many imitators.
Miss Bertha Avery entertained a few
friends Tuesday evening informally but
pleasantly. High five and other games wero
tho features. Tho guests wero Messrs. Mark
Woods, Fred Gadd, Floyd Seybolt, Graham.
Misses Cora Weaver, Maud Scott, Jennie
Morgan and Ella Brindley.
Miss Maud Burr entertained a few friends
informally Tuesday evening! Messrs. Baker,
Bradley, Lnngworthy, Hammond, Graham,
Wheeler, llathawn.v. mid Mulr; Misses Nellie
Damn of Omaha, Fanny Wilcox of Nebraska
City, Hathaway, Burr, Wilson, Alien and
Kittle I'owdry.
Dr. Leonard, a gentleman well versed In
medical H'lcnci', has decided fo locate In Lin
coln. Hibilugs with him unquestionable
icfcrciiccs mid has os'iied an olllie at li.H."J O
street for treatment of dlseasesof thetiervous
system, the heait, blood, etc.
Mls IMItli ICvnns of Malvern, In., visited
In the city the past week and attended tho
Missionary meetings in sesnlon at the Presby
terian church. Miss ICvmis was a guest of
MNs Kato Stoddard, they being school friends
at Oxford, Ohio.
William II. (lowcnlock of Kansas City,
western iuissi tiger ngciit of the Chicago, St .
Paul . Kansas City lailway, was In tlio city
Wfiliiesdiiy and snpNsl leinlnlscences of
scIkmiI dnys with the Cm iilKli scribbler.
MewlnmesT. II. .Marsland, Milton Scott,
Flank Hall and Thos II McflnheynrosiKiken
of as skcIiiIIv worthy of mention for their
imllrlng elforts in connection with tho mis
sionary convention this week.
Mcsdmucs Yates, Lymatiu and Hlgglus,
assisted by Miss Small Wool Mooro ami oth
ers, had charge of the decoration of tho First
Presbyterian chinch for the missionary con
vention this week.
About sixty members of the (I. A. It. mid
W. It. ('. made up a pleasant suiprlso party
Monday evening for Mr. ami Mrs. David
Cook, in honor of their llfteenth wedding an
nlversary. V are In receipt of cards announcing the
marriage of Miss Kmma Itlegelmmi mid Mr
M. Hlieiieruimi, at Des Moines, la. Tint
Coi'HIKlt extends best wishes.
The Lincoln bankers lost the ball gmnoat
Wohooou Arbor Day by a score of lft tn II.
The two clubs will again meet III this city on
Decoration Day.
Cards liiivu lieen received In Lincoln an
nouncing the marriage of .Miss Edith Loweu
steln, sister of Mrs. Isaac Wise, wlch occurred
at Cincinnati.
J. II. Howe, who moved from Lincoln to
Falls City about three years ago, has decided
to tetliru, and was In town this week looking
for a house.
The singing of .Mis. ,T. E. Wadsworth and
the playing of Mls Julln Smith wero features
of the Presbyterian missionary convention
this week.
Co. I), choso tlio follow Ingolllcers Monday:
Captain, W. C. Bolides; first lieutenant, Nel
son Anderson; second lieutenant, Edward G.
Mm. J. D. Calhoun has been entertaining
Mrs. Charles Walker of Surprise, n memlier
of the W. C. T. U. state executive commit
tee. Have you seen that beautiful new lino of
famous stage iteautlcs at the CouillKU oircel
If not drop in some time and see them.
John M. Cotton Is about to move Into his
new houso on north Twenty-eighth street.
Who says newspaper work doesn't pay.
W, A. Edwnrds nml wife of Minneapolis
are guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Kleron J
street. They arrived last Friday.
MlwKato Cook of Hillsdale, Mich., who
sKmt tho winter with her brother, F. M.
Cook, has returned to her home.
.Mrs. W. Q. Bell entertained Mrs. Mlrlnm
E w ing of Beatrice, w hilo intending the mis
sionary convention this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Rouert Mangier, guests of
Mr. nnd Mrs. Thos. Carr, left Tuesday for
their homo at Ht. Paul, Minn.
Tho senior clnsa nt the Unlvcislty wns
encrtnlued last Monday evening by Miss
Ellen Smith nt l'JOS U street.
Tho many friends of Miss Mary Mooro will
Ins pleased to hear that sho Is rapidly recov
ering from her long illness.
Mm. A. Halter Is visiting ninoug old time
friends in Canndn, She was accompanied by
her cousin, Miss SIntterly.
Mr. Malmrose, ono of tho society men of
Council Blutfs, wns in tho city Monday.
Purely business, however,
Daisy Stoddard, Nebraska's champion
orator, will gtvo nn entertainment at Wes
leynn university Mny 14.
The newspnHr lioys wero so handsomely
remembered by Mr. Ed. Ccrf that they nro
smoking several on him.
Mr. uml Mrs. O. Jnnsen Collmnn, tho guests
of Mr. mid Mrs. C. D. Pitcher, returned to
Omaha Thursday.
Col. Hurry HotchkUs was called to Deuul
son, Iown, Tuesday by tho dangerous illness
of his father.
S. M. Ashby mid family have gone to
Eureka Springs, Ark. Matt Baldwin will go
next week.
Mrs. Ed. M. Allen Is visiting with relatives
in Memphis, Mo., where sho will sjond thu
Miss Clara Cannody gave a very pleasant
high five party on Friday evening of last
Mrs. W. W. Henderson of Reedsburg, Wis.,
Is visiting her dnughter, Mrs. II. A. Hubbard.
Mm. Fred Baldwin and son Matt returned
Wednesday from n month's visit in Illinois.
Miss Cnrrie Reese, the guest of Miss Iaura
Blizzard, has returned to Broken Bow.
Mm. Georgo Soybolt has been entertaining
Mm. Pollock of Plnttsmoiith, this week.
W. G. Roberts nnd brido returned Sunday
nnd nro now nthomo nt 1405 G street.
Mm. L. F. M. Easterday entertained Miss
Hattlo Swobo of Omaha, this week.
C. H. Hyatt of Hutchlns & Hyatt is back
again after several weeks vacation.
Plenso do not ask Dr. Ladd how long it
takes Mr. Howie to wnlk a mile.
Mrs. C. Wiso of Cincinnati U visiting her
sou David Wise, 1528 K Street.
Mrs. Chas. H. Clark of Cedar Rnplds.Iowa
is visiting Mm. Chas. (. Jones.
Mannger McReynolds returned Tuesday
from n trip to tho Black Hills.
John Moulton, tho guest of F. S. Folsom,
has returned to Portland, Mo.
MrsJInrry Perrymnn, now of Sioux Fnlls,
Is visiting Mm. E. P. Ewlng.
John I. Undorwood loft Thurday on a busi
ness trip to Aberdeen, 8. D.
Miss Theo Laws has returned from her
visit In Washington, D. C.
T. R. Gadd of Cheyenno was In tho city
Tuesday on business.
Mr. mid Mm. Frank Hamlin left Wednes
day for Chicago.
Miss Grace Atken la visiting relatives In
Des Molnos.
Dr. B. L. Paluo is homo from his European
J. E. Houtz ran out to Salt Lake tho other
T. W. CrUsey has returned from New York.
Other Social News on Pago !).
II. .V M. ClintiKtx,
The Burlington's new card, which takes
elfect at six nclock p.m. tomorrow, makes
several changes In time of trains In and out
of Lincoln. Tho most Important Is the
"Flyer," which m i Ives from tho east at 4 : IS
n. in., ami leaves at ft a. in., making a daylight
run (o Denver, reaching theieat 0:30)1. in.,
nml milking the lest time ever attained be
tween t'hlcapo nml ilenver. Tlio "Flyer"
east bound n aches Lincoln nt il:lft p. in.
ami departs at 'J: 11) Tlie"Flyeis" carry tlio
celebrated Burlington dining cms. No. ft ar
rives from the east nt ll:ftfta. in. and takes tho
placeof pieseut No. 1 west, leaving Lincoln at
I 'J :'.'() 1 1. m., reaching Denverat7n. in. No, 3
arrives ntHsUft, twenty minutes earlier than at
present, leaving nt8:Aft. No. 7J for Atchison,
St. .loo, Kansas City and St. louls leaves nt
'J.'JOp in. No. HJ for Nebraska City loavesat
'.'I'.'ft p. in. The Wymoro passenger leaves at
H;.'M)p. in. nnd arrives !i:lft p. in. Tho Con
cordia passenger lea -es at 1!!:(KI p. in., nnd
arrives nt J :1ft p. m. The tlmoofothertmllis
remains about ns at present.
Everylxsly Is pleased with the (las Stoves
sold by Korsmoyerfc Co., 'Jlft south Eleventh
Instructions given mid orders lecelved In
china and oil painting, pastel and water col
ors. Minnie Kramer, 831 J street.
Furniture, carpets mid general mcrrlian
dlse sold on easy weekly or monthly pay
incuts. Address R. Goldsmith, caro drawer
03, City.
Don't buy a refrigerator until you have ,
seen the Alaska Refrigerators at H, C. Elliott's.
They aro the bet made, consume less Ice than
any other and reasonable In price. You cn't
ntrord to keep house without uu Alaska
Mrs. Mnrkoll's new line of snrlmr mlltliiei'v
embraces nil the now est novelties, ns well as
the prettiest and most stylish shnH'H for both
o'd ami young. Iulies Intel csteil should not
fail to call at .Mrs. Markcll's now place, lyjfl
O street, and sou the elegant variety and note
tho low prices.
Have you seen it! What! Why that
handsome now fountain nt PyloV drug store.
It's a daisy ami of the latest stylo and im
provements. Tnko your best girl down for a
drink of delicious soda. You will find tho
syrups sweet and pure and the draught delic
ious and healthful.
Tlio Gas Stovo has commenced to replace
the hot kitchen stove for cooking puriKioo'.
Tho Gilt Edge gas stovo which Is tho latest in
vention has just been Introduced by Messrs.
F. A. Korsmeyer & Co., and a careful ex
amination of Its merits will convince any ouo
that It Is cheiqier and much superior in every
way to the old stylo stovo.
In all lines of gosls Herpolsheliner & Co.
nro over-stocked and to reduce tho surplus
great cuts will Imj made all over tho house
just before their removal which takes placo
within ten dnys. See their stock of dress
goods, challies, umbrellas, parasols, white
goods, linens nml embroideries which will bo
sold at a third less tlinu value.
All lovers of Hue carriages should call and
see tho Hue of new stylish vehicles now lioing
received at E. R. Guthrie's 15-10 O street.
Such n lino embracing all the novelties of tho
eastern market, has never before been seen
In Lincoln nml you must call and seo what
Mr. Guthrlo hns beforo you can appreciate
what Is really handsome in tho enrriago
Desk ltooin nml Ottlces.
In our now counting room which Is enrjsjt
ed with body brussels nml otherwise hand
somely furnished, wo have built n nent rail
ing, giving room for two otllces, or desk
room, which wo will rent reasonably to the
right parties. Otllces kept clean, heated, and
uso of telephone given. Apply at olllce.
Wessel Printing Co.
"Courler"Bulldmg, U!M 1131 N St.
Can you write it! If not you nro behind
tho times. Hundreds of our young readers
ought to learn. Tho Couhikh oiTers you tho
optKirtunlty of u life-time. Tho lessons nro
furnished by ono of tho most skillful teachers
In Amoricn, nnd the course which wo glvo for
$3.00 (ns oxplnlnisl on another jinge) would
ordlnnrily cost gift nt lenst, whether given by
mail or orsoually.
4 II. 1. KiiKlne Tor Sale.
In good condition. Only used a short time.
For salo cheap. Apply nt CouillKU olllce.
Lowest Itutes on Knrtli.
By tho "Burlington." Tickets mny be ob
tallied nt Union depot or city olllco, cor. O
nnd 10th streets.
lie Your Own Landlord.
Quit paying rent mid buy a houso. J. II .
McMurtry will put up a homo for you just as
you want it and take pay for same by month
ly installments. This way you will soon havo
a houo of your own nnd although you pay
uut nine inniM man oruinary rent, you do not
miss It. Cull mid seo McMurtry. Ho has lit-
W.SI up iiuuureds oi people wno today aro
pronertV holders nnd who ntlnrwlsi wnnlil
yet Iks paying high rents.
The "Natty"
Vehicle for
Family use.
To carry 750
Boston (Turn Over Seat) Surrey, End Spring.
Axles 1 5 Tire ft ; Weight, 370 pounds; Wheels, 3-4 nnd 3-10; Track, 4-4 or 4-8: Call nnd sec this handsome Carriage nnd the
large stock of other Fine Stylish Vehicles, at
1540 O Street. E. 1. GUTJHEInJ IE . 1540 O Street.
New Baby Goods this Week
Hlnck Silk Coats and Cloaks.
Colored Coats and Cloaks.
White Flannel Coats and Cloaks.
Black and White Silk and Mull Caps.
Bonnets and Tani O'Shantcr's.
Long and Short Dresses.
Flannel Skirts Plai.ii and Embroiderd.
Slips, Aprons, Dresses and Bibs.
Something new in Childrens and Misses Dresses in Wash
Wc are tliconly. home In the City making the above Department an exclusive
nnd complete otic. Our goods arc the best workmanship and matcrinl nnd cannot be
duplicated by any other house. Our prices are as low as consistent with first class goods
nnd leaving a profit. We are lende.-s In nil our lines nnd not Imitators.
Ladies' Furnishers. 131 S. Eleventh St.
i2o,-i2o6 O St., Burr Block.
Spring Carpets
And Draperies
1112 0 St. Telephone 219.
The Lightest Four Passenger Carriage Manufactured.
1040 0 ST. PHONE 7 18.
Prompt Delivery.
It leads them
all for stvle
comfort and
general appearance.