S66DS Sow Grass Seed Now Blue Grass AND White Clover Seed. Landretli's Reliable Garden Seeds Frank E. Lahr, 936 P Street, North Side Postofiice Square A Fine Crayon LIFE SIZE F RBB AT SHERWIN'S 1124 0 ST. Every customer gets :i head and shoulder Crayon Picture Free from any and all cost. This work is made direct from an)' photo you may want copied. Call and look into this matter. Sfiriug ... Goods The Cream of the Market IN FINE FABRICS JUST OPENED AT THEP.H. COOPER TAILORING CO 1225 O SREET. Now at home In our new location, we nrc showing the largest and finest line of SUITINGS of nil kinds ever shown In Lincoln. Our work Is of the finrst, Styles always correct and prices reasonable. We solicit a cnll and Inspection. COMFORT FOR THE FEET I life Made Easy HY BUYING i ) .1 ) tM : FINEST AND More Comfortable SHOES Ever sold In Lincoln. To try them on Is to buy. These goods to be found only at Webster & Roger's 1043 O Street. 9rStCilt I BjHjMfiMa A liiitrr lijifi' ( Mottrru 7Yir riunm ntrrioN O110 Your by Mnllnr Ourled IJiKl, HU Months, fins), Three Months, Mo.j Oiw month $ Out InrsrnMy In Advance AllVRIITISICMKNTH' llAtea fllrtllnlllNt OII Application At the oflliv MhhsIM rates mi Time Coiitrncln. l)HTnmimoNs: Htiort spicy sketches, poems ntui stories solicited. Personal and Hov-IaI notes nre iwn('lAlly ilenlrnhle. I'mntinii: We nmko nvllly of Klnn PrltithiK In All It tiriuiolio Hoclcl) work n se.liiUy. PubllNhod Snturdny. AililnotK nil foiuiiiiiiiiciitlniis direct to tlif nnVn WlCNNlCL, 1 'KINTINO CO, flTllt.lMII KHM. Courier llulldimr, 11,1.' N Htreot. Tki.ki'Hiink'2VI L Wkhhki., .In., Editor niul Holo I'niprleUir. KllKII IlKNXIMIKIi, Amoelnto Editor POPULATION OF LINCOLN, 65,000. Lincoln's shoo factory Is nownssurtsl. Tho required bonus Iiiin boon put up mid II. H Mlllanl has gone to Massachusetts for tho innchinery. Tim factory will Iki hx-ntinl wist of tho city. Onk way to advertise says a Now York paper, is to sotid clieularH to names taken fioin HoinodliiH'tory, most of tlio srsniis lu which in o oltlicr itoiul or have changed their IVSHHtl vo lllldrOJWI'M. TlIK Hock iNlaud lailrond has intlmnted that It wllleonuito Lincoln If given f.'O.UX) and tint right-of-way on Eighth trtet Tlicro would lion hitter tight ngaint giving up that street, anil tlio hoIuIIoii of tho ill luiutiia Is a liig union depot for all railroads. Tlio Heal Estate exchange lias taken up tho movement to that end, Tin: nineteenth annual meeting of the Woman's Presbyterian Ixwird of mission of tho northwest has lHen held In Lincoln this week and was attended with much Intercut. One of Its features was tho welcome extended hy the ladles of other churches. Mrs. Wing Hiko for tlio Klrst Congregational, Mrs. J. J Imhiiir for Ht. I'aul M. E., Mrs. I)r. Woods for tlio llaptlst and Mrs. Collins for the Chris tian. A caiikmiiiam from Munich, (lerinany, last Monday says: 'AlfMuulcli nHsemtiled Himilay to wltnts the opening of lliitTalo Hill's Wild West at tlio Havarlan court. All tlio enhliiet inliiMwn, most of tho memltcrsof tho diplomiitie corps, tho American colony and the American art students were Included in the audience, which uumlicrcd l5,tKK. Tlio porfoi mituco scored a groat success. Tlio Wild West makes Its entrance Into Germany under tlio most fivorahlo and promising auspices. TilK hill authorizing tlio expenditure of f0,(H)0 for a military store depot at tlio gov eminent corral at Omaha, has passed thu sen ate and w ill probably go through tho house. Tho hill to llx tho salary of tho surveyor of tliu istrt of Lincoln at Jl.'.'OO nyoar, with fees nud commission, will lw taken up today mid Is also likely to pais. Nominations for the laud olllcers for tho two now districts of No ln aska w ore sent to tho senate Wednesday by tho president. Thoy will eonio up in tho llrst executive session for eoullrmatiou, In all probability. Bknatoii Mandkhso.v has Introdueisl a rt'solutiou In tho sonato calling upon Oeni'ial Qreely to furnish statistics lelatlvo to tho climate eouditious of Nebraska lieariiiK UKu tho subject of ngrleultuie. A valuable ro M)it of a similar character was furnished by tho chief sigiinl olllcer u year or two iiro Kivlng InformatUui of this ehaiaetvr lelatlvo to tho conditions fi nm n climatic stnndolut lu WasliliiKtoii and Oregon. Tho secretary of ngrleultuie has uotlllod the Nebraska senators that tho Impoitod niKar lu-et setsl hasairlvtslat tho dopaitment and only '.'(HI (K)imds are available for distribution hy thu Nebraska delegation. Thk records nt Washington show that tor nadoes aro unknown In tho western half of Nehiaska while lu tho eastern portions they are not more than one-half as frtspieut as in Missouri ami eastern Kansas. This Is largely due to its geographical locstlon ielatio to the lack of baiometrio depressions. In tho early spriiie; thefo dcpicsinis mimi easterly ovr latitudes further to tho south, causing attending tornadoes to occur lu tlio lower Missouri 01 tho central Mississippi valley, whilo as tho season udvaueesthu storm tineks move faitlier to the northwaid eairlng the legion of tornadoes fm titer to the northward over tho states of tho upiKT Mississippi valley. A WAHitiNOTONCorrespondentsajs: Indi cations nro that Nebraska will secure more lu the way of public buildings this season than many of tho other states and tho reason of it Is that towns which nro down on the calendar for public buildings In Nebraska are smaller and consequently their wants nro smaller than those of some other states In tho east The Fremont hill has already passed ImUIi houses. Hentilco and Hastings are almost certain to go through this week, nm! Nor folk stands 11 good chance a little later Then, with Oinalia dispoHnl of, Nebraska, In this rwiect, will bo pretty well taken csro of and the coma w ill ho clear for a suitable hill for Mucoid at the next session of congress. Sknatou Culiaiu has concluded his report upon the Investigation nmdo by the commit tee on interstate commerce Into tlio relations of tlio railroads of the United (States mid Canada, mid also w hether there are any dis criminations in the charges made for tolls against tho United States vessels passing through the Wetland and Ht. Liwreueo canals, The rvoit asserts that an unjust disci imlnat Ion is made by Canada against American vessels on thu lakes in the matter of entrance and clearance fees. Vessels jmss lug through the Wellsnd ctitisl bound to Montreal have a lelmle made of a (tortloa of thu tolls paid for canal passage; but if Ixnmd to any American poit or the 8t. Lawrence liver no rebate Is made. This, tho report claims, is a violation of thu treaty of Washington. WSmm CAPITAL CITY COURIER, nil lit ii i nniMtii uniKiin i i at '""' I'AOUlUWdUI' 1 III! II Al OLIVE HARPER HIVES INFORMATION ON THE DONNET QUESTION. Ami Then Nlm Drsorllirs In IrtU Nillil br of I'rntly lliiiinrt anil Nonm Vrrjr Taking Wraps nnil t'mtunin l'lcturea f thn Ijtllnr. (HmoIaI CornwMnililien.) Nkw Yoiik, April 1M. Truly tho now spring IxmnetH arc lovely. They nro smiill, It In true, jnl luck something of that jiolntt'd, iiggiesslvo Htylo that woro favorites for tho lust two seasons, hut tho velvet Honors and tho lino tnslo shown In tho selection of colors nmku thorn beautiful. There vviw ono Mack lnuo bonnet, with velvet niiflturtlus In throe or four rihudeH of yellow, from loinon t rich orange hrown, ami words cannot paint lt imperii liouuty. Tho hrllllancoof tho coloring was tniul down hy tho hlnok lace, which wan twined among them no that thoy wore partly vellisl and shaded. KI.KOANT NKW WIIAPS. Tho crownh-HH lKUiueta nro a fixture, particularly for tho carriage and visit ing. The most of tlii'so liavo n decided consul olTect, many having n hand of jut or Iridescent bead trimming in Eiffel polnta fcot ho tlmt tho K)Ints nee hi to fitand up from tho head. It Is very be coming to any stylo of face. If fashion shown sentiment in bouuclH niul hntH she shows little In tho untiling of colors this HciiHon, ami till tho i Idlest, piettlest similes nro imiiied after vego Uihlen. Aubergine, or egg plant, is the favorite. This is u rich purple with black shades. Those nro carrot, tomato, mushroom and lettuce tints lu nil the new fabrics, butEHTel red, or terrncottn, Mill retains its populailtv. Plaids in soft surah silk and in poplins as well as woolen goods mo very popular mid, to ho entirely do rigucur, should ho uiiido on the bins. Black velvet in bliw folds or riblxni is tho only suitable trim ming, and black- wraps or jackets tho only outer garments tlmt should bo worn. I glvo heio three new mid very handsomo wraps; two nro made of black faille Francnise, twlinmed with laco and chenille trimmings. They are easily made, us the hack of them both nro jimt like 11 dress wnist, with a fnll of lace ntui u bit of the passementerie trimming as n finish. Illaclc straw hats of natln finish braid, trimpied with ribbon and plumes to match, are worn with them. Tho plain skiit beside tho plaid ono is of EilTol red camel's hair. Tho other two costumes nro just nmdo anil among tho most elegant of tho sea son. The walking costume has the plain skit t of stone gray bongiilino, with loz enges of brown upon It. Tlio dainty wrap is of Eiirol ladies' cloth brnidoil with black. Tho novelty of this Is the wrapetTeet, which is obtained hy length ening tho fronts, ami tho closing of it on the left side is also quite a pretty Inno vation. Tho bleuves ure loose. Tho body of the wrap is a simple basque in tho back, anil it ilts the shies tinder tlio arm. The house ill ess is of coachman's drab Henrietta cloth laid in double box plaits in flout vvheie it is slightly draHd. The back of tho gown is piiiicess shnpo in suutT brown lleiuiettn, the waist, culls and skirt being lavishly trimmed with silk passementerie one hIiiuIu lighter. Tlio dainty pattern gown has ulready been copied in jovernl other combina tions. Aubei glue and light blue m o seen together, but moss green and drab, ci cam color with olive i;reeu and such combina tions aro more leliued. Two shades of grny, ono very dark and the other light, aro always elegant and lad like, as aro also ditferent shades in brown. UVDYLIKK COSTL'MKS. Just now the uiaidou vvith tho abnor mally developed hat brim and tho bit; ilogaro seen out, and tho young lady's struggles to keep the dog within bottiuN niul the hat from blowing otT nlTonl cause for anxiety on tho part of the be holder not unmixed with nnmscmcut. If tho hut did blow olT, could she trust tho dog to catch it for her? Or is tlio hat nailed on securely? Tho wholo Is a subject for reflection, but I don't believe tho nails would injuro tho brr.in of any girl who goes out In tlio street with o big dog, Olive Uarprii. SA'ITRDAY, APRIL 26, TASTEFUL FURNITURE I'rrlly nuil Convenient Artlrtm of Now HmIbii. Tho accompanying design Is a pleasing va riation to tho over present oval or round drawing room tablo. Tlio novel feature is n "nblnet attachment forming part and parcel of tho lower structuro. Although tho cabi net table represented Is Intended to bo an In laid one In fact, en suite with tho Ixittor claim of drawing room furniture now twlng mndo tho saino Idea could bo adapted to library pur Kwes with slight change. Tho doors In tho ups-r pnrt could ho nmdo of wood Instead of glass, and tho small drawers undernoAth tho disjrs could lie disNnvd with or placed In side tho cuplsmrd. Tlio interiors of doors could Ikj lined with leal her, nuil tho doors hfnged at Isittom so as to lie used as writing slopes when let down. In tho event of this suggestion Mug adopted, CAIIINKT TAI1I.B. the canted corners of upier or cabinet pnrt would have to Ixi made smaller to admit of sufllclently largu doors for writing purposes. Thu sMices under cabinets should, in any case, In) left oien, as it gives thu tablo n lighter np pearnueu, and nlso forms a useful receptacle for china, pusjrs, etc. If made for a library tho enrichments would probably Is) carved Instead of Inlaid Tho dimensions aro ns fol lows: Extreme width, -I fcot 0 Inches; ex treme height, ft feet. The other details nro siilllclently clear to render further explana tion iinins.vssary This design of a simple little work tablo Is framed ukiii rather unusual lines so as to an swer a double purxso. Tho Issly is diamond sluiMvl and arranged for tho icceptlou of needlework. This is provided with two lids, which, when cloned, sloHi al an angle with tho shape of tho body. These lids nro Inteiulisl to Ihi leather lined for writing puris)se. Should occasion oc cur to Uso thu ar ticle lor cor res -ondencu, it Is only necessary to raise the flaps, which are supported, and tho required sloois se cunsl and eontrol led bv in on u h of tho familiar action. "' woiiK TAIU.K. A small rack is at thu sidu for the reception of n blotting case, which, thus plnced, would nlwnjs bo leady to hand. It Is also tltted to serve in the capacity of nn ordinary table for "at homo" purM)ses. When loqulred for uso as a work table, ono llap should remain closed and the other should bo turned I Ight back uon tho center stilpof wood to which both of them aro at tached, This would niako tho Intel lor more accessible and bring tho lid Into play as' a convenient tablo for needlework requisites. In const i net ion it should consist in tho main of a light ojien wooden framework, with silk or plush Introduced us n background. As will lm seen, tho under rail Is provided with nil upholstered foot rest -73 tor gftrTtv A DUAWINO UOOM CAIIINKT Ileing of gootl propoition mid graceful out line, this cabinet will undiiulittsll) Hud favor. Tho general arrangeuient is admirably adapt (si for displaiug china, brle-n-lirae, etc. The design throughout has Iteeii adapted for uinrqiti tr inlav , tin i-.i ,ient. fi ie , i'oors and draweiM all albiluig hee scon for tlio skillful manlpiilaiiuii f that haudlciatt. Tills design should lie eai rlid out either ill stained mahogany with snllnwood stiiugliig and maiqueti , or m inewood, in which lat ter case the lula should be of lnr or vari ous stmnisl woods. f-l ! J 'I R" 'fcSg vlA T V rjjtiijji) ',,s y V jli MMk ; E)fnh7?Sv(Mer MI IsV BEnl II I 1890 Ladies : Will : Find It to their interest to attend and buy their DRESS GOODS At the Ashby & Millspaugh BANKRUPT SALE We have the finest and best selected line of Mohairs and Lustres Ever shown in the city. Price so low as to satisfy all. n. BLOCH, i i.ii and r 143 O St. Successor to Ashby & Millspaugh NOW AXD. Ready : for HERMAN BROTHERS' NEW CLOTHING HOUSE I0I7-10I9 O street. We are showing a line of goods that for make-up, fit, trimmings and style cannot be excelled anywhere and we ask you to call and inspect the stock and get our prices. Everything New, Neat and Complete, and not an old garment of any description in the house. In Children's Clothing, We show the largest and finest line in the city. Every lady should see our boys and youths apparel. We have them in all qualities and sizes. Every garment guaranteed as rep resented and all goods marked at lowest cash price. Call and see us. HERMAN BROS. Casli Clothiers, 1017-1019 O Street. SPRING 1890 71 loch KnuU'h llloch JAMBS C. K1ER, 'iirSolc Agency for KNOX World Renowned Hats. Cor. O and 11th Street. Great Modern 6onv?nieDGe! "The Gilt Edge" Gas Stoves The World's Best! Willi this Stove, which is the Latest Invention, less gas is used than with nnv other stove and produces Far Hotter Cooking. It lias alicady bcome the Envoi lie Everywhere and its merits need but to be explain e.l to be appreciated bv even one. STOVES IN OPERATION at our store and we invite jou to cnll and examine them and sec it work, F. A. Korsmeyer & Co. 215 South Eleventh Street. OPEN : Business i - S' '