CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, APRIL 26, 18 e ii 1 x Ii I i: ! Roberts &Co.iM,nA,'ANIil'";liS,,NA''- v . 10 Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Cnrr K'vn n pleasant 212 Ol'tll I I til Ml'lM, pmly Moixtd) i-iiiIiik lit lionor (if thclrxlslt ItiK friends, Mr. niul Mih Hubert Mimlcr of Undcitkcis aiiMnibiiiiiiors, !;;!::!:;,,,"i,::!;;i:rr;;:s,::j, iiii'tit Atniitiit tlio company mcio Mr. mul Telephones OlViK tS U uli'iic 1 ' Open Dm mul Nino' E. T, ROBERTS, Managor. Santa Fe Route Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fc R. H The Popular Route to the Pacific Coast Through Pullman and Tourist Sleepers Ilctuceti Knnun City nml SAN DlF.CiO, LOS ANGKI.KS. ami SAN THAN- CISCO. Short l.lnc Untcs to PORTLAND. Oregon. Double Dally Train Service Hotwcen KuwuiftCUv ami PU Kill .O. COLORADO SPIUN(S, nml DKNVI5U. Short Line to SALT LAKK CITY. The Direct Texas Route Sollil Trains llotween KnmniN City mul GnlvcHtou. The Short Line I let w con KntmnK City nml (inlucxvllle, Ft. Worth, Dalian, Austin, Toniplc, San Antonio, Houston, ami nil Principal Points In Texas. The Onlv Line Runnlui; Through the OKLA'IIOMA COUNTRY. The Only Direct Line to the Texas Pnmllnmllc. For Mnpsnml Time Tables ami Informa tion Regarding Rates nml Routes Cnll on or Aililrcss S. M. OSGOOD, Gcn'l Ar't E. L. PALMKR. Traveling AkciiI, A lQfoiRr t'.Mi r'arnam bt., O 2wC Ji I-X JL. , 3STEB TrVCft 'Milwaukee 1 'StfHll Owns and operates ft.Wu mites of tborUKhly equipped romt In Illluuls. Wistonsln, I own, Missouri, Minnesota mul Dakota. It Is tlio Host Direct Houto botw o.n all the Prluelpal Points In the Northwest, Southwest and Km: West For maps, time tallies, rates of imssiiKo nml frelKht, etc., npply to nearest station iiKent ol OlIIOAdO, Mll.WAUKKK ,t HT. PAUL ItAII. WAY, or to any Hntlroml Auoiit nnywliero In tho world. U.MlIiI.i:it, A. V. II. OAUl'KNTKH, Gcnnral M'll'r. Oon'l Pass. A T'kt At. F.TUOKKH, tlKO. 11. HKAKKOHl), Vsst. Uou' Mur. Asst. (1. 1'. A T. Attt. Mllwnukco, Wisconsin, jnPFo; Information in reference to IjiihIs naTow'ns owned by tlio CIiIciiko, Mllwnu kco A Ht. Paul Hallway Compauy.wrte to II. O. llAUOAM,Und Commlmilouor.Mlllwmikeo Wisconsin. Grand Drawing OK THK Loterla do la Beneflcencla Publlca ! OK T1IK State of Zacatecas, Mexico. A syndicate of capitalists have secured tho concession tor operation this LOTTBET and will extend Its business throughout tho United Htntes mul llrltlsli Coluuilila. Uolow will bo found n list ofthe p rites which will bo drawn or. May 27, 1890, AT ZACATECAS, MEXICO, nml continue, monthly thereafter. CAPITAL $150,000.00 fkizh, yuvi 1 OO.OOO Tickets ut KIO.OO. Unites, n.OO. Tenths, tJl.OO. Ainerlrun Ciiriency. I.I8T OK l'HIZKH: 1 IMtlX.K OK ... l.1rt.0rt) Is 1 P1U7.KOK... . r).0)ls Al.Mii) IIMU.HOK avmou JVtt) 3PUI7.KSOK lll,Mare .... 30,ft srill.KHOK S.flonre ... 10.MM SIMUKHUK .. S.ftiO nro . lO.uoo 10 IMtl.KHOK I,M)nre.... lO.OU) JOPItl.KSOK Minre .. lo.uM) 9M IMtl.KHOK WMnre .. MW KUDIMU.KhOK IMnre tiirno 6001'KIZKSOK 100 lire r.u Al'l'nOXIMATICK IMII7.K1. IN) lMtl.KH OK 150 lira J20 iui i-iu.i.M iir., ,,,.,. ni nrt 1.1UM 1H) IMU.K8 OK ft) aro 7.MO DVU Terinlnnl I'rltes of W nro 49.0.V) 32I,D.V) CLUI) KATES; (1 Tickets fur sjao.oo. 8PE0IAL RATES ARBANQED WITH AQEN1B. AGENTS WANTED igWI?v,r,S city In United 8tatesund llrltlih Auicrlcn. Tho payment of Prizes Is Kuaruntced by n special deposit of five hundred thousand dol lars (l&JO.ou)), wltti tho Stuto Uovcriiment, nnd npprovi-d by Jesus ArcchlKii, Oovemor DrawliiKs under the perouul supervision of Lie. llerinltilo ArteiiRii, who Is npixiluted by tboOoverumont as luterveutor "I Okiitikv that with tho Htnto Treasurer nil neecoksnry i;uaraut(esurodepoblted assur- lug full payment of nil prizes of this drawing. II khmimoAktkaoa, luterveutor. IMl'OKTANT. Hemtttauces must bo elthor by Now York Draft Express or ItCKistcrcil Letter, American money. Collections can bo mndo by Hxprcsi Companies r Hanks. Ticket stilt direct to inmiaKemeiit will bo pnld liv draltson New York, Montreal, Ht. Paul, CIiIciiko, Han Fran cisco or City of Mexico. For further lufor mutton addiass. JUAN I'lKDAI), MnmiEur, Zacutecus, Slexlco. A purl ado 43. Mm A llnltcr, Mr. and Mm (le Heherior, Mr mul Mm OttnUlnsir, Mr mul Mm John I' Hiitlim, Mr mul Mm. .Inincs Kelly, Mi mul Mm. (' .t Daubach. Mr mul Mm. V II Tyler, Mr mul Mm V V Krone 1 A number of Idiic dnlles attended niiK or Minn' i' tlin performances of Mr mul Mm Kriuliill nt IIiiviI'h opmn house III Oliliilin hut week mul mnoiiK them "I'll- MIhuh Mmiil llnrr, Tillli' I'rmikllu, (leornln ('mnp mid I'Miiii l'ill, Will ( 'Inrlti', Frank mul Cluiilcs I II111 1 , Klmnr Hti'plu'iKiitl, IiiiIk1 Huston. 'I'olii Ciil. Chns Miiuimiii, I'li'il Williams, Al 1 Kn mi mul I .mi Wisni'1 I Mi II Vmior of (Irmul Island mul Miss Amioht Mi'iiilllti of this city nolo iiinirlcd Muiiiliiy I'VciiiiiKi H11I1I1I D1111J11 nlllclutlliK. Mi mul Mm II llnktii and Mr. mul Mm l. Wnlilmiin noted iin iittcnilnntH Aliont LIK) Kii-'oti i'ii iniNi'iit, mul mi elaborate ued illiiK Hiippir ii spiond. Mr mul Mm. lnidoro Nil miss nro tho nuest of Mr mul Mm. Hntntiol Hoischler for u few ihijs on their vmiIiIImk tour. Mm. HtrmisM, tii'i- ,MIn A1I11 Klsfeld of HurllliKtoii, lown, In n sister of Mm Ilorschlor. Mr. mul Mm Nti urns cast to tholr homo nt llkliinoiiil, Vn It. C. Oulenlt, .! I). MoKurliitid mul. I. II II111 Icy Iiiimi boon making n trip through Kcutitck) uud Ti micssoo. Willi inonof such hoi soy tastes Lincoln niiiy expect additions to IIn cipiiuo fmnlly. Mr. .lennlo A Itiinl cntcitulnod n iiiiiiiIht of friends Mmuliiy ovciiIuk In honor of broth i'i Inlaw, W li, Hi own of I)ih Mollis, Inn it. Illgli llvo fin iiImImhI iiiniiHcnii'iit' for tlu tivon- liiK. I. 1". IHkk4 'in nirniiKol to k Into busi ness again Ho will Ihi assoclabsl with K. II Kcuuiiid of 1 1 it Onmlin I'nlnt mul (Has coin puny In u similar ontcrptlse ii. this city. ThoHt. I,oiiIn fiymifr gives mi elaborate account of tlio spring rnrnlvnl mul fancy dross hall given by 1'rof Jacob Mulder nt hi now dancing ucmleury In that city. 'Munngor Hinlth of tlu l'. If. Cooper Tailor ing Company Inn I icon having a slogn of rht'tiimitlxni. Ho wisout several ilayn this week Imt only for a short lime. A returned pilgrim reports that l'rnnk II. Hinlth In building a hnudsomo cottage nt Alliance. Thecontiuct calls for Its cninplc tlon liy Juno. Dr. J. M. Lucas anil Mlvi ltlch nciu mar ried Kuiiitny at tlio homo of tlio bride, ltuu Dr. Curtis oltlrlntliiK. . '. uniipivv ' Si. C wasn ipdet homo Dick Herhn of Omaha has tendered the unl emlty cadets tho use of Cole pmk at HnstluMfor their iimiualcmupiiiK out. J. C. Seacrest wiiHlnniveraldajs this wwk fiom n live week's trip for the .miniiif dur ing which ho went an fur as Dendwood. Mr. M. A. Dickey, who succeeded J. W. Cutrlpht on tho Cull, i ('turned from Ohio Saturday evenlni; with his bride. Mrs. John Zchrung mul son Frank returned Saturday from their whiter sojourn in a warmer cllmo. Mr. mul Mm. W. O. Rolierta returned Monday from their wedding Journey. J, W. CutilKlit, Oiiinhn correspondent for tho .ourmif, was down Tuesday, J. I). Cogswell and family have moved buck to Lincoln from Hnldrcge. MImi Naomi Weaver returned Monday from her visit to Atchison. II. J. Cosgrove tins returned from Ids trip through Texas mul Mexico. Mr. and Mrs. II. It. Wiley left Sunday for a visit to Now York. I Other Social News on PngoM MUSIC AND THE DRAMA, Harry Fremiti, writing of Italian opera In New York, says: On every occasion that l'nttl sung tho house was overcrowded, Tho oft, sugary inolollert of Flotow in "Martha" at a Saturday inntiueo diew such mult'tiidex that hundreds of Indies stood up during tlio whole of tho performance, nnd ninny othem were unable to obtain nt nil. In "Lucia" on tho 7th l'nttl In the mail scene awakened nil tho old cuthuidnsiu by the brill iancy of her Jinttirf, while the wxtetto of the second act won tho customary encoie. (iiillle, the tenor ut this performance, received mild commendation, but l'nttl was all In-cll mul xatbflcd everyliody's ilemmuls. Of eourso, she had to hing "Home, Sweet Home," with the usual accompanying action nnd conven tional pathos. The production of "Lukiue" wasn mistake. If it could not have Ik-oii lietter sung it should hnve leen iuimoiI by. Pattl (for tlio tlrst time, dressed In bad taste, mid in a garb mid slioou wholly lunpproprinto to tho part) omitted most of the high not" In her music, nnd only secured n mild encore for the boll Ming. To tho audience the evening was saved by "Home, Sweet Home" again ; hut the prem, deaf to the hlniullnhments of this fnii.tlinr tune, opened Are on oven the potted Pattl the noxt day. Tho 0hmii wns so mutilated that It is scarcely necessary to re mendier or note what tho sup)ortlng artists did; but they did not save tho work from censure, and they Induced unfortunate com- iwirloii8 with tlio production of "ljikine'n few yean ago by Mrs. Thurlier's American opera company. Tho audience, however, whs is largo as over. Tho season shows that Italian opera nt high prlcoscnn only be given hero with l'nttl, and the Diva, In proving this, has achieved the greatest triumph of a great career. Sho Is tho one 'trson In tho world on whom the impresario of Italian opera in America, when he chooses to charge double rates, can deiieud for financial succiivs. Tiimaguo, the gieat tenor, lias left our shores aft r creating a sensation In musical circles hero without winning the paying jwpularlty ho heeins to hao attained elsewhere. Ills farewell npiwnranco was In "Otello," Ho leaves an amusing record of tiersonnl char acteristics In which extreme parsimony in trifling affairs Is tho prevailing character Utlc. He quarrelled with his hotel propri etor, nnd formed a dislike for our country to which, he suys, ho will never return. Under date of Suturday last Duulop writes from New York i The only thing nb-olutely new during tho week Is a one-net comedy by E. W. Sydney, culled "Wig nnd Gown," which foi mod one of three comedies in which llosina Yokes oienednMx weeks' season nt Daly's. It mndo a distinct hit, uud the de llghtful genius of Miss Yokes wns never put to .terwr ti Int. At the Bijou "The ( Ity Di rectory" U In it zenith of proserlty, tho Iioumi being crowded nt every icrforinnnco, Tho fame plendld company that has twen wen in "Tie HurglaiV' nave re-opin-areo in the New Pork Tinnier, nnd been cordially leceivedby largo audlenws It will lie lol lowed next week by Dan Bull new play, "The Mllllonaiie." At tho Fifth Avenue Donnelly mid 0 Irani' "Natural Oiu" con- tlniio to driiw plienoinennlly Inrno miilleuccs and will close Its season to a not prollt of i..(XMI "Tint Old llemmlead" elosm Its himisoii at tlio Academy May HI, when tlin DiilT Optra couipmiy will iovho "I'luafore '' This Is tlio last week of "Tlio Hlienaiuloali" at thoTwentytlilrd stieet Theater. It will Im followed next wwk by Htunrt Hoi won In "The llrnrlettn" "Money Mad," nt tlio Htmidard, Is iiue.xHH'teilly doing fairly, tlio scenery painted by Waltei IliirrldRe, of Clil ciiKo, being pnrtlciilnrh aihulreil. Iluiluesi has been knM at nil the tlieatem. K. Potter, tliHmt iiiasternt Kim Crei'k, , snys lio has personal knowletlo of sev 01 nl cases of rheumatism, In that vicinity, that have been pctnmnciitly cilled by Cliaif bei Iain's I'nlii Halm, after other leiueilles were ni'd w Itluiut licnellt lie has sold It at Ills drug Kline llieie for lle yearn mul sa)s lie noer know It to fail, that "miy custouiei wlm once used CIimiiiIxtIiiIii's 1'aiu Halm will linvo notlilliK else luteiiil " For sale liy A L HIirniliT, ilniK'nI't. K)e, Cur, Nose nml Til roiil Hpeeliills), Dr. Charles II Hpalir, No. l'JIft O st. Con sultations In HiikIIMi mid (leriunu. On Satuiila), May . I, will tuko plnce tlio till KcmI mle of city pioK'it) In tlio Mutiny of Lincoln, consistliiK of O stieet lotn, N street lots, iroieit 011 () mul N streets, lots and pi oiH'rty on Antelope hill mil oast Lincoln, all Insldo proHity on or near pavements, cm line, water malm, sower, etc., all under man Aiulrus The tcriuiwill bo on 1111 nveiagoof oncMiHirtli down, Imlnnceln Ihe yearn. Hpiead tliu nowsnuil Ih pre pined to tnke aihauliiKO of buying Insldo property In the vi heart of the city. Full list or propel t in 11 few days. All to bo sold with out resei vo to highest bidder nt unction. Sliort-lliinil. Cnn you write HI If not you nro ttcliind the times. Huiidicds of our young renders iniKlit to lenrn. Tlio CotJIllKIl olTcr you tlio opportunity of u llfe-tltne. Tlio lessons mu fin ulslied by one of tlio most skillful tvacliem 111 America, mid the courso which wo give for 'J Oil (us explained on miotlier page) would ordinal lly iniiI l.ri at least, whether given by mull or nrsonally. IlerHilshelmer it Co's Hpriug stock this season oxcoli all their provious eirorts to bring to Lincoln lino high e ass k'ooils, but at prices that are opular. In wi apt cloaks diistem tlioy havu 11 bimitlful lino. In pat a sols end umbrellas they olfcr a siiH'rb assort uieiit. Hold tlpiHil gloria silk as low as ft; in chased, coin and sterling, If fancy wood and antlipio woods, a lino not turpa.HMd in tlio wcM Call oil Herpolsliclnivr and ex amine their stock. Teeth Triiiltil unit 1'llled, Dr. II. U. TioRden, Dentist, L-JS South 11th stnst. over Killo SLMiHn...tV,s1ntiK!22.. Au. 4 I ..A .. . .-. . - I. .7.... . . i 1 1". - 1 !- -t r ieieiiioiio t..j, . poliitmeutA made by telephone. Liulles, If you would enjoy lifo call on Mlfw John-ton occasionally for n shnuioo. They nro delightful. Iliit-Kiilns In Shoes. Hrlseoo, the shoe Hint., everybody knows him, is pieparlug to iiiovo to the Exposition store and until tho removal ho will give ex traordinary bargains In nil kludiof footwear, tils lino Is not biokeu or small, but largo mul well HcloUcd. You should see his spring goods. Tho dainty nml serviceable oiioh for tho fair ones, while for the sterner sex he has everything stylidi nnd durable. Hriscoe is always 11 little clictiicr than tho rest of them, nnd imitiuiiliirly now his goods nro cheaper than ever Call nnd see at l.'Kl) O sti cot. While down town shopping In, lies can step n ut Miss Johnston's uud have their bangs trimmed mid culled In ilvo 11111111104. None but experienced hands employed. Price 'JSe The reputation sustained In past yean for the excellence of the Alaska Refrigerator me Hiilllcient guarauteo to Intending purchasers, Call nnd see the now Hue for 1MH) nt S, C. l'lltott'tt. Tho new lino of card can's just received ut the Count ku olllce are worthy the inspection of the most fashionable callers. The lino em braces genuine se-il, 007.0 calf, Russia leather and numerous others, Including 11 num ber of beautiful impoited novelties. Wo have them for both ladies mid gentlemen 4 II, 1' KutiliH' Tor Safe. In good condition. Only used 11 short time. For wile cheap. Apply nt Coi'HiKK olllce. Lowest Kates on Kui'tli. Hy the "Hui llnglon." Tickets limy bo ob mined ut Union ilejiot or city olllce, cor. O mid loth sticets, SHORT-HAND IN TEN LESSONS. As nunouncid In last week's Issue, tho Col'uieu will commence In another week the publUutlou of 11 series of hoithiiud lcttous taking the student through tho entire Pitman system of short-hand mid enabling him with practice to ncquiio n sumeioni speco mine art to become n skillful rcjHirter. The plate which the Couuieu will use In presenting tho IcshOiis wtro nil engraved by hand and me niodeUof nentno-s and accuracy. 8I101 t-l.mtd Is not only 11 beautiful art, but U nt the same tlnien paying business, nnd th CoflilKU feels jiiktllleil 111 giving 11 good deal of space to this Mibjict, whlcti in the past few yean has grown to Mich gieat importance. Tho Coimiikk special class, each member of which will receive Individual ciltlclsin from the ed itor. Mr IltrtK Hettsof this city, offew nn extiiioidlimiyoppoituiiity forgetting n full course of lessons ror only -.ou (including tho CouniKiifor three months), which would or dinarily cost $10 to f2t). A largo number have nlready blgulfled their intention of joins lug this class. Send your name at once to Uert E. Hetts, Stenographer, Lincoln, Neb., If you wish to Join. A good Menographer is sure of nu excellent iwvlug Hitiou nt nil times. The demand for such work has more than doubled during tho past ear nnd Is In creasing much moie rapidly than the supply. Desk Union unit Ortlcrs. In our new counting room which Is carjiet ed with liody biussels mid otherwise liamV homely furnished, we have built a neat rail ing, clvliig loom for two olllces, or do-k room, which wo will rent leasonnbly to the right imii ties. Olllces kept clean, heated, and use of telephone given. Apply nt olllce. Weel Printing Co. "Courier" HuUdmg, lliEilllH N St. lortimute ClileitBoiiii. In the February 11th drawing of tho Lou isiana State Lottery drawing two citizens tiHw cash mizos whbh have made them wealthy. Ii, A. Hulbuul, JW Metropolitan Hlock, U one of the lucky citizens. To n 7'roiWrr reiiresentntlve Mr. Hulbuul suld: "I held one-ounrter of ticket No. -JU.OIO which drew the third capital prize of fSO.OOO. TI e cash, I2,ftOO, was piomptly leeelved by mo through the American Expiess Co," Messn. Cluirles Kozmluski & Co., bunkers ut HIS WnshliigUll street, collected for n customer, through the State National bank of New Oi lcans, om -twentieth of ticket No. iH,ilsi which drew the tlrst capital prize of 1000,000 in the same draw lug, Chicago. (III.,) trAiiuws JVitiWer, March 15. Not Wholly UmIi-sh. Biiutlniental Young Woman (looking pen slvelr nt intimniy)-Threo tliousitml yemt iikii this was n liuuimi lxlng I A living, brealhliig. iililtntlng cnvituro, with licios, aiplintloiis, Joys mul sorrows such as wo haxol And wiintliiM It cnrinsl by tlio prut erntlim "fits innrtnl parti Nothing but the ontcinptlhlo celebrity of Is-lng n curios ity ill II UIIIM'Um I Useless I lTs.des.s Prnetlvnl Kscolt Not enthely, Ml. Orlines. You tnko a inimuny and grind II up and it makes n mighty good fertlllcr. ClilcaK" 1 nnes. No i:M'ii)t ,Suir.'il. '' r : ; j.v ; . I' "- T- ... A YM VftY ' , V'W : May -TIiomi drcNK's from Worlli's are pint of l'eniloM.'strouswau She's going to innr rj Lird Dnlbrntin directly nfter Luster, you know ImlM How loxely. Isn't sho boIiir ti liiinmiuxieiiMlvniiutllt, thotiglif Maj Yes, but It Is not tlio dicwesthnt cost the most. Her father had to pay half a million for Lord Dodhroko. Miuiwy's Wook- iy. Wli) Ho llml N,ner Dime It. Ill 1111 Omaha church recently Sam Join tlumtod; "Is theron man prewnt who never sjsjko n cross word to his wlfol" Tlio sllenc was Im-coiiiIhk oppnihslvo. Pixiplo lookisl here and thero. Kvery huslmnd piejont uantisl to get up but did not daro to. Hut the sad ness that had ihihm-skIoii of Jones' fnco vanish isl a moment latir when n round faced, good imtiirod man rose from his seat "Thank Ood!" exclnlineil Sam, "thero Is ouo man whouover sMikoa crovt word to hiswlfol" The gooil iiiitunsl man smiled n bland smllo mid NiM: "No, sir, I uoor did. I'm n bach elor." Then lie put on his liat mul calmly wnlktsl out tlio door. Now York Tribune. What llr Would Think. Tiamp (with tears in Ids eyes) I do not ask you for money, sir, but what would you think if I should tell you I have h-HL-,4,1 i" uporit-rmNU'.i- .. uHJ.MiotHing to eat for forty-eight hours mul my poor w If omul children nro now starving in the street I Practical Citizen I'd think you were a liar Good morning. Washington Star. Ilin Heal Chiiso. Hostess What 11 modest youth Jimmy it in society I Ho huilta'cg to address himself to tho Is'lles. while you, Frank, nro Just the other way Frank Pshaw I It Isn't modesty that nib Jim. "No. What theiiT "It's lack of nervo." Chlcngo Times. Prnrfiilt "Aw ful accident nt tho museum." "What wasltf" "Tho w lid dog from Borneo got looso last night and nte up three-quarters of tho ossified mail while ho slept." "Does tho Hlllod man know lt(" "No; they're nfrulil to tell him." Life. Why Sim I.oiili-d Dnleliil. Ho (medltutholy) What makes that tab miy In blue look so unhappy! Sho (carelessly 1 Oh, sho was disappointed In love He (Interestedly) Fellow wen back on hen Sho (sharply) No married her. West Shore. lie Tried to Kill lli-r rhiro. "My wife is a great mid noble woman, ol wonderful domestic endow incuts," "Why this Midden ndvunco in your esti mate of hert" "Sho left mo to tnl.o care of the children a couple of hours yesteiduy." Chicago Times A htrokit of rortiuie, Hobbs I made ten dollars just now Dobbs How so Hobbs I met Nobbsoiithe street, and lit asked mo to lend him twenty dollars until to-morrow. Luckily, I had only ten dollar In my pocket. Somervlllo Journal. J. It. Dodds, editor of tho dally and weekly Arlor Shite, of Wymoro, Neb, says: "I hnve scon tho magle effect of Chamberluiu's Cough Hemeily In cases of croup uud colds among my grmiiUchildieii. Wo would not think of going to IhsI tit night without a bot tle ot this 1 einedy in the house. Cliamber a in's medicines are growing mote isjpulnr heioiveiy ihij." For sale by A. L. Shrader diuggist. Nntloo to Noii-ltesldout Defendant. Hallou Stato llauklUK Co. defendant, will take notice thai on tho 17th day of April, 1SSK), l)atd llarckley Welch, of Cadiz, Ohio, plalutltl herein, tiles his petition In the District Court of Lancaster County, Nehraskn, iiKiilnst Charles It. l'oxwnrthy. Hello hoKWorlliv and J. C. Mellrldo and said ilelenilant Hallon State Hatiklmr Co Tho ob ject nml prnor of which nro to lore-lose a cer- worthy ami Hello Koxworthy lotho defendant J C. Mcltrlde uh)u tho following described premises, to-wll: West N) feet or Lot :, In ItOKgstV Holmes' addition to City of Lincoln, Ijincaster County, Nebraska, to secure the payment of one certain promissory note with Interest notes attached dated Juno '.'I, I8S1I. Tho said principal noto lieiinc In tho sum of (flsO.ou,) four hundred nnd clxhty dollars, duo mid payable In three years from dato therco!: that thero Is now due upon said note and mnrtEiigo tho sum of (S.i'11.74,) five hundred and thirty-four dollars aiuUoveiity-four cents with Interest at Hie rate of ten per cent. Mom the Vlth dny nt June,ls.VJ. Plalmllt' prays for a decree that said premises may be sold to satisfy the amount found due. You are reuulred to answer snld petition on or before tho 'Ji'tli day of May, INK). Dated April 17, 1MJ. Daviii Wkicii, Plalntltr. lly John 11. CiinnliiKluitu, Attorney ror Plalntltt. t.-ju-wl Nntlco I'rolmte of Will. Notick PmlllATK ok Wll.l.,j Thomas Alloly, Deceased,! In County Court, Lancaster county, Neb To the heirs and next of kill of the snld inin uoriKiiKocccuici oy sum 1. iiiirics 11, r ox- Thomas Allely , deceased: Take Notice, That upon lUlux of n written Instrument purporting to bo the last will nnd testament of Thomas Alloly for pmbato mid allowance, It Is oulered that snld matter tio set for hearing theSllh day of Stay, A. I).,lblH), liefore said uouiiiy uouri. m 1110 uoumy Oourl room In the Court Houso In Lincoln, Lancaster County, Nebraska, nt tho hour of two (2) o'olock p. m., ut which tlmo miy per son Interested nmy aiipear and contest tho siiinn; mid notice of this proceeding Is ordered imhllsheil three weeks successively In the Capita I. Citv CqruiKit,n weekly newspaper, published In this mute. In Testimony Whereof, I hnve hereunto set my hand and tin seal of the County Court ut Lincoln, Neb., Ibis iWrd dny of April, A. D . M0. " "- MCAIIT, ISKAI..1 County JudKe. J Jlt J W! ti - 'sfsnrs ' -ki!i'(-j ' si T- s A ' At the Front For the Spring of 1890. gMlMlTT'Jt'J',l' r,mmmmmmimBfumi i H ()cr 10,000 now in use. Perfect Satisfaction Guaranteed. No wearing out of Carpets by turning around, I'-.jJitMise of the Old Reliable PHOE3STI2T BED. REMARKABLY LOW PRICBS, On Our Entire Line of Spring FURNITURE Call and Get Prices Before Buying. SHRLTON & SMITH, 234-238 South Eleventh St. WE ARE A VERY NICE LINE OF LADIES MESS SHOES From $2.00 to $3.00. If a medium priced Shoe is wanted they are sure to please. Complete line of line French Kid Shoes in all widths and Yates & ' HAVE YOU SEEN Pjle's Mew Soda Fountain? ITS K BEKUTY And from it they are now drawing the Finest and Most Delicious CREAM SODA With all the popular Flavors made from pure and wholesome FRUIT 1 123 O Street. Lincoln Savings Bank and Safe Deposit Co. CAPITAL, $260,000. LIABILITY OF STOCKHOLDERS, $600,000. Interest paid on dopoiUs at any ratnof 5 per cent per milium for nil full cnlandiir months Hnfes to rent In hurtilar proof uud lire proof vaults, nt minimi rental of $3 mid upwards. Money to loan on real estate and collateral. YOUU HAVINGS ACCOUNT HOI.ICITKD. IinNHYi:. I.KYV1H, A.P.M STCAHT. V. II. McCHKKHY. H. WKLSH. President. Vco Picsldeiit. Treasurer. Teller w HEN YOU WANT FINE JOB PRINTING See the WESSEL PRINTING CO. Lincoln. Neb. SHOWING Marshall JUICES. Chapman's Old Stand. M y 4 ti - i) 4