K -sff .-&: 4? k ' "it W& v ' O'O'O'O'Oft'OO irvv 'a -.-7s:.e-aaiV ' 0-iIU-0'O.O.'tJ "v PoPdiLR pra x 'or-A9Pr.Kri tiaalis " Vob G. No SO Lincoln, Niciikaska, Satijkday, Apkil m. It-ion. Pnicic livic OifiN'ra mmmmimsM?: Sfmmmrohm - W PftVv II Mki Mate I ; fcPf M .ik ii -m.-wrw -a -t i - - .1 .-- - - "h rfk a. -i y. im . " vv ."i. m -i x. lSfSrrs riW.Wftr '.. -. STi.vy' V, AXr.' -'.?MVi 4 ' .iw w' i.-n, ---- jci.i .vj'wrA r v. "x - "- . 'j ici 1 1 iw' n ii. " yTW'iKi k x KSi ft RBm -, . v - ' ' -r -n - a :HM& . r j a . . Jkiric- - jm- m a, -.r nw t 1 1 r - w --v;v s n ' t -v w a -rm urn. a.i. t. i- .mi i .n wixsisEi&iwivz " r rfi)i a.-avraa v 2 gjiiiiii t,"g .-T.-I. -r-r-" ., ivtf J ' .. Vi-ifcw) -J BYE THE BYE. PXUlTKIV'Niiot too strong to (IohitIIio tlio r....ii....u ,.r ...... frollliBH of n cor tnlii circle ovit n Joko nttomiit (n1 on Mr. HukIi linker of t ho Clnrko DriiK C o in p n n y When tin. Hai.t l'lislm coinpany Wl'll" 111 Lllifolll lnnt nevornl HtL'tllllL-l-H Mlllfillt ciiiployiiiciit in iintlclpiitlon of tlioillilmnilMK'nt ' of tlm comjmiiy. Mlw Unlw VlnliiR mid nnollier girl Inqulrwl nt tho (IriiR coinpuny'H toro. Tlity liml Iwn told Mr. linker wns connected lth nn nnm tour lmislcnl club, mid tliotiglit tlmy inlRlit ninko on ciiKiigcnu'iit with tlio chili Unit would tide them over their dllllcultles for n time. Mr. linker ns not In, nnd tho visitors Knvo Opelt's hotel ns their nddrcM. Ho culled nt his lelsuro, nnd plipiwl tho curiosity of his fellow clerks ly uvndliiR their Impertinent mji-stionii. Two of them, Chnrles IxhikwcII nnd Krnnk Hector, ninii like, thought to K't tho joko nnd tho lnugh on "Ilnke," ns he Is fumlllnrly known. With tho nsslhtnnco of n lndy friend nnd n Trnnslt hotel letter-hend they ot up nil HpiienllnK notit puipoitlliK to conio from one of tho "Said I'nslm"coinpiin. Tlioy hlKiicd tlio iinnio of Fny rplinin, which vrns ns lIctltlotiH ns tho n-stof tho letter. Mr. linker Is Riilliint nnd chivalrous nnd nnturnlly ho cnlUsl. Tho clerk of t- 1irn"Vt lind been tnken Into tho "'' "" . tho caller that M 7."'"" " w ,M.r-U- left 11 noto simply htutlnK tlint ho piild call HKnln, ihiiiiIiik tho hour. Now 'thnt noto wns what tho jokers wanted, to rliiK in on "Ilako" as 11 clincher if ho evaded their intended quizzing. If tho clerk lind turned over tho noto to tho plotters thoso In tlio secret would linvu lind a htnrty laiif;h nud that would liavo lus-'ii tho end of it. Hut tho clerk pavo the noto to 11 reporter ami tho hitter llxed up 11 cock nud bull story nlwuta dudu niinoy iiiK n chorus girl. As n matter of fact thcro was no girl in tho nlrnlr. Tho newspntH-T nrtlelo ns rnther tovero on Mr. linker, but thoso w ho rend tho strnfght of tho story will seo that there was nothing In his conduct to bo condemned. Nor should tho jokers bo too severely criticised. As tlicro was no "Fay Upham" tho nITnir only con cerned tho four young men In it. It wns one of those practical jokes Mint men nro contin ually playing on each other. Had tho hotel clerk not lieen so stupid or tho reKrter to hungry for an item, this tempest In a ten ot would not havo been stirred up. Lincoln seems to 1 out of fashion for once. Omaha has n now epidemic: tho winter chol era, and hundreds of patients nro reported. A doctor says It Is tho offspring of la gr!pto. And so It has como to puss Mint nt Inst wo nro to huvo Mint long cherished hopo for n new opera houso realized. It renlly booms good to think of it, nnd yet, whilosomoof tho grumblers will dlscourngo our fnlth In tho schemo by saying "there's many 11 slip tw ixt tho cup nnd tlio lip," wo feci that tho dny thnt should havo como long ngo hns dually nrrlved, nnd tho CouniKH verily believes that all that Mr. Illglow has promised will be enrried out In every detail. This Is not a mushroom Idea of the projector, but one that has long been under serious contemplation nud lin.s received duo nnd dclilicnito consid eration. Thnt there Is something more in this Idea than in tho reports heretofore print eel is evident in tho manner of push and enterprise Mint is shown in the fact that al ready ground has lecn broken and the work of excavation Is well under wny. The con trnct wns signed Snturdny night nnd curb Monday morning tho diggers commenced to make the earth lly. The plans call for n seven story build ing to bo built on the corner of Fourteenth nnd I' streets, with n frontngo of HO feet on the former una LIKt feet on tho hitter, tho structure to cost not less Minn 11 qunrtcr of n million dollars. It will bo known us tho Illg low Hotel wlillo the ojwrn houso portion will benr the title of "Tho Lincoln Ornnd." It Is to bo completed on or lieforo January llrst. Tho plans have all been drawn and accepted nnd therefore no delay w 111 bo occasioned on that score. As for tho material that cannot be obtained In the homo market, Mr. liiglow nnd his architect are now In Chicago, whith er they wont Sunday to make nrrnugements for the shipment of tho same, so that 110 de lay will bo had after the work of construc tion Is under way. Tho hotel portion calls for not less t linn two passenger elevators, a freight elevntor, a rotunda on tho ground floor -lOx.Ml feet, dining room and kitchen to bo on the sixth floor and nil the conveniences to be of tho latent nud most approved pat tern. The opera houso is to havo nn mull toriuin of not less than K8r feet on tho ground Moor, to havo a balcony and n gallery, geiitlemeu't nnd Indies' toilet rooms, to bo modern in all appointments nud to have a seating capacity for fully 3,000 people. In next week's Issue tho Commit will liegln the series of short-hand lessons which hnvo for some w eeks been niiuouuccd in these col umus, enabling tho student to acquire this art nt much loss oxHnso than hns ever Uen oll'ered heretofore. Tho lessons will be shoit and concise, and any one having a good com mon school education enn secure from this course a knowledge of slioit-linud which will enable hfm with practice nud application to obtain Mitllcleut speed for practical work. Many business men, such us railroad piesi dents, bankers, brokers, Insurance companies, publishers and mei chants of all kinds, employ stenographers either as private secretaries or coriespondlng clerks, ami n young mini or 7 Ifo young lndy having 11 knowledge of short hand Is in a iosltloli to obtain a situation much more readily and nt 11 better salary with this acquirement than with only a knowledge of liook.kccplug or other clerical work. A good stenographer Is sure of a pay ing position at nil times. Hhort-hand w t Itlug Is becoming w onderf tilly popul-ir nud In order Mint our patrons mny havo the opHirtuulty of acquiring Mils much-coveted art, we have felt Justified III engaging the services of an expert to edit 11 series of lessons and alio fo correct tho exercises of nit students who Join the CouitlKli'ri SoeInl Class. The editor of Mils com so will give Hrsoual attention to 11 clnss of fifty pupils. The meniWinhlp fee Is only f'-'.OO Including three month's subscrip tion to the C'ouhikii. Vulto 11 iiuiiiImt hnvo nlrendy Joined, nud If you nro renlly Interest ed In this matter you will do well to Join promptly. Address nil communications mi this subject to llert K. lletts, euro CoimiKH otllco. A friendly relationship might 1st supiiOHcd to exist between tho Pleasant Hour club and tho Pleasant Hour Juniors, to judge from their names, but as 11 matter of fact Micro is considerable, antagonistic feeling. An Instance of this occurred Inst week. A young lady nrrlved In tho city nfter the seniors lind made their engagements for their dauco. Tho vis itor was the guest of 11 young lndy belonging to the Junior set, nnd tho senior muster of ceremonies, with chivalrous thouglitftiluess for tho strnnger's pleasure, Invited two of the Juniors to attend tho dancf with the ladles, This camo to tho ears of tho seniors, nud some of them rnlsed such strong objections thnt tho master of ceremonies had to ns'ull his In vitntiou, Tho feelings of thw two Juniors nud the young ladles nni their ft l-isma 11 Imagined. Tb" uefulicrs of the two clubs uiiiitilo o'ry often in other social airnirs, and it Is to Ihj regretted that there Is this friction between the two organizations, V Mr. Irving J. Manatt. ex-chancellor or tho University of Nebraska and now consul at Athens, has n letter in Hominy's Ilu- giving somoof his Impressions of Greece. Itiseu MiiHnstle, us might hnvo Iwen expected. It Is general In its statements, but the witter protnlses to give us tnoro detailed accounts of that wonderful country In futnro Ictteis. Among other things Mr. Mnnntt has taken pnrtintwo old Oreek plays. One of them, "Tho 1'ersluns," wns brought out ns a part of tho festivities attending tho marriage of tho crown prlnco with n sister of the emperor of Ocrninny, One of tho fnds peculiar to girlhood Is a "collection." Tho article collected varies from time to time. Yt ars ago it w ns buttons, in some places It hits been moustache hairs, more recently It wns silver bracelets. Bevernl Lincoln belles have licon collecting silver spoons. One of tin in hns fifteen of these tiretty pieces, each engraved with tho first name of the young lady and the Initials of the donor. The precious gift are kept daintily wrnpped up, only to bo exhibited to sjicclnlly favorod friends. Another young lady Is making a collection of nftcr-diuncr coffee cups Sho lind half a dozen tho llrst week, nud nt the rato she starttsl Is liable to havo little room for anything clsu In her prosjicc t ivo china closet. The young men where do thoy como ln Oh, they are "remembered.'' Hovernl Lincoln young people aro indebted to Mr. Wing 11. Allen for a delightful even ing ntOmnlin last week. An elabornte ball was given nt the l'nxton hotel on Frlduy evening, nud it was on Mr. Allen's invitation that the Capital City visitors wore privileged to enjoy tho guy whirl. It wns n subscription nlfnlr gotten up by Mr. Allen, Clark Hcdlck und llert Cook and brought out most of tho buds of Omaha society. The music wns ex quisite and included the popular airs of tho daynrrnnged for dancing. The long, wldo corridor on the second floor was canvassed, and nnswered admirably for n dancing room. Tho pnrlors, hnlls and balconies ulforded in niimcrublo easy seats nnd retired nooks. At the middle of the program nn elaborate i.ix eouiso supper was served in tho dining room. The whole coinpany sat down to tho table at onco, and tho corps of colored withers were kept busy for moro than hour. Tho ap pointments of the ball were elegant in nil respects, nud tho visitors surely must le grateful for the nttentlons showered upon them. From Lincoln were Miss Maud Ilurr, Messrs. Will Clnrko, Lou Mnrshnll, Charles and Frank Ilurr. The Comma is about to Inaugurate a now department in its advertising columns, Many doctors, lawyers, artists, musicBnns and mod istes hesitate to advertise becnuso It mny have tho appearance of being unprofessional. Custom has mnilo it proper, however, to pub lish a simple statement of the name, business und ofllce, and these cards, groticd together, are n feature of many eastern papers. The CouitlKll will oxn such n professional di rect 01 y, und the charge for inserting cards will Ins a modest sum. Tennis is now 0110 of tho up(eniiost games in Nebraska. One of tho latest contributions to the literature on this sjiort Is found in the Omaha Republican nud concerns one of Our Ilojs. Here it Is. Messrs. Donne nnd Oulou, who went to Lincoln Inst full nud carried oir tho tennis pickets, with tho state tennis cham pionship and a half dozen girlish Directions thrown in, must look to their laurels. A pilgrim fn in the capital city reports the ar rival theio of 11 crack player who Is exacted to swlpo the green swnrd In tho coming state tournament clean of all competitors. The piodlgy is John C. Andeison, whoso father was for ears one of tho vice presidents of the Northern I'lieiHe Tho joung man went to Ynle, took it four j ear course and graduat ed with tho highest honors, not to mention nil elaborate array of sorrel shoos, variegated blozers and prle rackets. His family became Interested In a company that purxsed build ing passenger enrs of steel, Tho works were loeuted nt Nt. Joe, und the plant was loaned last fall to tho New F.ru oxiHisltlon Fire do- stroyod the building nnd tho steel car. An deison Is holding down it position at Lincoln and awaiting the lesult of 11 light with the insurance companies. U Idle at St .loo last summer he defeated Air. Iitluop Iionne nud Union, look out. PEN, PAPER AND INK. Kx-SM'nker Carlisle has written 11 reply to Senator Dawes's lecont mtlcle on tho first year of tho admlnlstiatloii of President Ilur risen, which will appear in the May iiuiiiUt of The Forum. Ho leenlls the campaign promises of the Kcpuhlicun party and re views Its action since It again came into Hiwer. In the same number theie Is n re view of Sir Charles Dllko's recent Imok, "Problems of (Iroat Ilritaln," by Mr (fold win Smith, who gi vi s special attention to the portions of St. Charles's hook that treat of Canadian problem". Mr. C WimkI Davis. of Kansas, who hud nn nrticle in tho last number of The Forum to explain why the farmer is not prosperous, follows it with an other nrticle to show Mint the inciease of population is gi eater than tho increase of farming areas, nnd thnt consequently nt 110 distant dny tho agricultural products of the United States will not lie more Minn tlio jhsi plo of tho United States will icquiro ft r their own consumption. "Ijilleto Hiimnlne," Kmllo Zoln's lntest und most powerful novel, Just published by T. II. Peterson & Hrothers, is by far the best and most Mulshed romance that has yet come from thoKnof the greatest and most graphic of tho French novelists, nud this translation fully reproduces Zola's wonderful stjle, elfish nud spirit. Such wns its success in I'm Is Mint on the first dny of Its publication in book forin, -1.1,000 ceipies were sold. The sK'clalty of tho work is a study of tho French rail roads, audit most exhaustive and iuterestlug study It Is. Jacques Ijtntier, of the fnmous Hougon-Miirqunrt family, the brother of Nnnn, Is n locomotive engineer and the hero of the novel. It will be found for snlo by nil news ngents mid at all news stands everys w here, er copies of It w 111 be se-nt ht mall, to any one remitting the prli'e, twenty-five cents, to the publishers. Hetwes-n tho Oulf of MexleHinnd the Unv of Fundy, there are two sxts only where tho mountains dip Into the sen and rise directly from tho w liter's edge. The two plnce-s thus dlstlngulsheel fiom nil otheis 011 the Atluntlc const, are lioth iti the state of Mnlno, and nret tho culminating points in 11 region fnmed for the grandeur of its scenery. One of these spots is Mt. Desert, on the eastern arm of Penobscot Hay, the other is Camden, on Its western nrm, the two se-purutisl by n broud exjMinso of water thickly studded with Islands. Camden is comparatively little known and Its picturesque scenery has never been seen ex cept by a favored few Iasj it Shetanl have Issues! 11 little pamphlet describing Its lieiiut ies. Tho "Whlto House," to most jtcoplo, means nflnt, two-story, unpkturi'sqiie white house ns tho view generally given o' it shows tho severely plain north front; but therei are many other views of the homes of our presidents, and wo are Indebted to Demorest's Family Miifintin, tor lnillg them Is'foie Us. Tho Mny iiiiiiiIk'I of this popular Magalne liter ally takes you to Wellington and shows you the White House fi om every point of vlew.ns well us its charming surroundings. The seven teen U'liutifiil illustrations will give you a Iwtter iile-a of the nation's Kxes'utlvo Mansion Minn you coul I possibly gain by a personal visit. The Frank Ortr directory company has Just Issued its third business dliecte ry of Omaha, South Omaha and Council Hlulls. It aim contains the re-side net of business men. It is prlntesl 011 fine paper, handsomely lMiund and must 1st a vulunble woik to those having busi ness in either of the tricltles. After a rest of several mouths the Y M C. A. monthly (Irvetinu I'"" npjH-nusI again It is Oiled with appioprlate matter and contains everal Illustrations of the preqiosed gjiiina- ssliim In the new building, Jtife " , J m. Ml'SIC AND THE DRAMA. h It Y numerous re muik at tint theater Monday evening: "Oh I What n hand some fellow she Is'" ThisieforredtoMIss Coin Tanner, whoso role in "Fascination" couiH'llsliertoact tint part of a bo) during it portion of the play Hut, with 11 beautiful face und a voluptuous Hguio, Miss Tanner is notably "handsome" whether viewed us woman or as boy. Ilettei than that, from an artistic and a crlt leal view, she is an actress who sei-ms to have the elements for a griMtt fame. It Is Ksslblo a seveie critic might disclose something less than perfection in her work in "I'lise-lnatlon," but tho spes-'tators who were under th'i spell of her acting unit tho charms of her Isvuiity saw no Haws. They were delighted, enthus iastic, and their call Is-foie the curtain was an ovation for the star. Tho siipsrt was unusually strong and oven, and the perform ance as 11 whole was as satisfactory nn enter tainment ns the season bits presentesl. Miss Tiinuer Is the wife of William Sinn, w ho accompanies her as manager. Col. Slim has a theater in Ilrooklju and often one or two companies on the load. In tho east he is identilled as "the llrooklyn manager," nud occasionally a newspaper wit gets oil' a sMt about "a great deal of Slim dwelling in the city of (hurdles." This refers to the Col onel's iimple propoi tlons. He is very proud of his pretty nnd talented wife nnd piovos it by providing her with such a flue supporting company. Tho Sinus have a flue home In Ilrooklvn, and 0110 might suppose they would prefer the eoso of ordinnry Hfo iiinid tho luxury their means could buy Mrs. Sinn, or Miss Tanner If yau prefer, Is In love with her ait. and Mr. Sinn Is In love with her, and Mint's why they eiiiluie the labor mid the discomforts of a life on the roud The company finish their season at Oinnha tonight, and go thence dlres-t to New York. Miss Tanner will spend much of the summer studying her part in anew piny: "One Krror." She will peisoiintc a woman battling for her reputation. The play will Ik strongly emo tional, after the order of "Miss Multoii." Miss Tanner prefers an emotional role1, though it is a greater tax 011 her powers than the simpler par in "Fasclnntlon." "One Krror" will be played a season or two probably, but Colonel Sinn's idea is, when she has minion reputation for several plays, to use them as a roKTtorv , giving each locality the one it prefers. Miss Tanner will ohii with "One Krror" at Now York for 11 six wesiks run, be ginning in August. Thue'oiiiiauy w ill event ually make its way to the slope, and ft is al ready Itookesl in Lincoln for Feb. IT. Col. Sinn ill also send out a now company from Ids Park theater to piodticc a new Kng llshphiv: "The (loesl Old Tunes." Wilson llarrott hns been phi) iug it in Kngliind, and he will Isi interested with the Colonel in its A Itliinljlilll thHjk.lllttffhll Ml Tinnier is 1, friiniil nf Mis Dr. Tucker. , t 1 .. , i, 1 ., who lias Just taken Up her lesidelice ill the Iv 1 t tr . . rid t i )emis home mi K stns-t. The nd is weie 1 , . , . ., , , -. 1 1 m school-mnti's in I hlcago, und Cdl mid Mix ui .1 . i 1 i. T....1 .. niilll ei i- iiiu uiirnia 111 in. nun .111-. 111 nil .li.rl.lL. Il...lr slnv- in Uncoil, S. vend voiimi jH'eiple hud the ilensiire of meeting MUsTnii iter at the Tucker homo Monday evening after the iieTforniance Thev found her a sweet and charming woman of cordial and engags iug maiiuer and altogether lovely The I'.il onol is ovei flowing with giMxl-fellow ship, and Is apparently one of tho most companionable of men Ml'HU'AI. AMI I.ITKIt.VHV. The musical and lilerary entertainment given Weslnesdit) evening under tho manage, incut of Mrs. Adolf Welter mid MUs Aluiemi Pinker tilled the Chi istiiiu chureh nud was a gi eat success The follow lug program was pitKlui'oil, and eucoies Were demanded to most of the iiuiubi ri: Chorus "HleCcmustl Mi'lu I'lilheilnml" Ili'lscr (ieriunulii Mnciinorchor. NoptniioHolii "i iiMitlmi," Iroiii 'I iitvatore, Verdi Mrs Adolf Wilier. Ilnrp Hutu "I'nppileeln" ... Oliorthur Mis Clitrti Muna. Hi idling "Clinilot Itiiie," Initii Hen Ilur Wallace Miss Allodia Parker. Violin Hnlei "nub Air",.. . Dellcrlot Ml Aitolr Weber Holn liml 1 huriiN "lias 11111 tier lloa" ... Illelianll .1 iilhin 1 MteiiN nnd 1 lor omnia Miouomcliiit , Tenor Hiilii-',Mnuli' Snim llolmuml Mi. .1 i Ilex nurd. Ilnrp Sol,,- "Last Itose of Hummer" Aptoiiiuias Min Clara Mui ni Hoprano nolo -" o Marie" 1 w lib I111111, i mi 11 ami lolln olilltnitii (lounoil Mrs. A1I0II Weber, Mis I'l.iru Muriii), Mr N I". ( iirllie. Ml. Ailoir Weber. Iti'MilInu- "Holiolliile" lly lleillos Miss Alllli'llll rnrlii 1. ClioriiH Itlllcrs MinIiIcI KIiiIhI (leimaula Mii'iiiieiehoi, Mrs. Wels-r's swiet, pel fully liallied Milco appealed at lis Is st, nud It Is nn meatiliigless compliment to sa) flint M oaiidleiieo weie de llghtid with lliolii aulltlll loncsof tlilsclim ill lug singer. In I ho selection from M n Hun Miss Paike r dis lacsl muehspliit and act Ion, and In lur Imitation of bliil calls, she pio dltced a 11 unusable bit of liiluil(l') ihal loused the aililleliee fo the hlghi st pitch of enthusiasm. The limp pin) lug of Mis Clara Mutiny of Chicago, was ill-tlncllv a fi atiire and greatly cnJo(l All llni-e ladles went heart II) eneoieil and weie liaiiilsomel) 10m pllmeulisl with beaiiflful tloial mementos. l'lof. WiIhm phi) id with bis usual skill, and Mi Iteyunid's tenor ap eaml fo flue iiiImiii- tnge. 'I ho Mauiiii'ichor chorus added Interest itl.d Mirlety to tint progiam. The voices were flesh and strung, well tiallnil nud blenileil liarini nlously. ATTKMI't.i: IIAI.U Conslileriilile cuiloslty had been moused lit the advent of Mrs. Dr Annul, ngshore Potts, and her lii'liiies at Temple hall Mils week have nt 1 1 fit tul largo audiences. .Mrs. Potts Is nn expel loncod physician, and her les'tuiew have been sensible talks on health and how best to presei ve It. They were1 full of sugges tions that will benellt the Illinois ami In turn the community. Mrs. Polls bellevis In cater iug tw the eve as well as the soul and It is mfo fo nssert thnt her gotgi oils gowns hnvo not been n sicondary Intel est to the Indies. She has apis'iire din n illll'oionl Worth cieatlou ul each lis'tuic, on the opening occasion In a heavy lilnck velvet with jet trimmings and Vandyke lace oinaini nts, Another elegant ceistuino was 11 Princess pattern of ruby vel vet, gold biocaihsl tilminiiigs, mutton-log sleeves and gold faciei panels. At her lecture 011 "liove, Courtship and Muri Inge" last night she appeared In the mostsupeibof all her gowns, a courtilrwisof rich gtis-u plush, with pink moire silk front und lloiiucliig, angel sloovos lined with pink moliesllk With the ceislumo Mrs. Potts curried an elegant giny ostrich feather fan and wore a piofuslon of diamonds. A I'AIU (IK Kills Kzrrt Kendall will bout I'linko's Mils after noon aim to-night In n "Pair of Kids." An exchange snvs: For live vears it has Is'en playisl In all the principal cities of the coun try to "standing room only " Tho phe nomena! sueee-ss of "A Pall of Kids" lit h In Its keen, natural humor, quick notion and at tractive musical features in tlio hands ol flrst cluss comtsly aitists. Mr Kendall is pro nounces! by the pre-ss to Ui the greatest natural is'centrici-ommtsllan 011 the American stage, his "Jllcs Button" being ti cioatl.in Mint will long linger in the memory It Is said to Is. a "Solon Shingle," "Uncle Daniel" nud "Josh Whltcomb" Itollnl Into one. How the old "huywtsl" visits the great city and unexpcetisll) finds himself running a mctro Kilitau restaurant, the mime rous irntisiug situations he gets Into and out of are latigha lily told, the fun getting lienrtlerauil hestrtier as the piny processls. Till'. WOHI.Il Little's well known melodrama, "The World," will Im given ut Funke's next Tues day evening. The San Antonio -.Vyncss says. Thedrainii is well drawn, with good plot, and aliouuds In thrilling situations, with pathos and humor. The scenic etre-cts are ex cellent and the mounting is of the most real istic diameter The "sinking ship" wns oHpccmll) exciting and Interne in its rinllsiu, evoking the heartiest applause The I aft scene, ami the lunatic asjium and revolving wall with moonlight panorama were very effective and pleasing, 'l he drama Is render ed by a good company, and the pe rf oruiaiice, its a whole, exceesllngl) e lever Mr Cole man's "Dennis" was a capital character of the conusllan t)H' Mr Ne-itville's peisomis tion of the dual character of Hnrrj Kllison and Jack Khor is de-serv mg of great pi also, and (ioorge Itoso's'Abrams'' was oexl. Tlio ladles, Miss Dont Berkeley and Miss Mabel Norton, were socially goisl in their roles. lll.l'KIIKAIIII, Jit. Lincoln is to be favoresl on next Friday nnd Snturdny with "llluebenril, Jr.," includ ing a Saturday matinee. The Philadelphia 7'inics nivs: It is biim full of Hipular ele ments, and posseste-s it thousand nttinctive features. 1 he scenic ace esseuies have nevir been surpass din an) spectacular prislm-Mon, and the (ostiums nrtt urtbtie m design and ' ' "" '" M11""1) 1 1n aiuioiir, prois-rties and IllliritllUlllllieilini'l i"l till If- ill,- iinuiniu in ... , . ,. ., , ' r , , ,,,, .1 ...I..- I ....!.. .... .lu . .1 I.. III I'll 111 IkllllltD III c (Ike mi vni tM 'Mill 1 ..... h.'. , , , . , , , n brill hint throng of olaUirately e-ostumed ""' .. ',,., , , , , ,,, IMKiple "he action Is siililtesl, ami the 1 - - . , .1 ,1. ... ... , 111 i.. KlouplllRh hho the line artist c skill e,f Mr Hichard Barker, who stngisl the pusiui - turn. Another notable feuture of the per formance is the stunning of ltluebinrd's ens tie It is simply u tableau, but it is it picture that cannot fail to beiemeuibeiiil b) all who witiieised it The transformation scene, "Truth and Light," is a fitting llnnle of the aitistic colgee'UHitss that characterizes the pi eduction of 'llliiebinrd, Jr " A notable fiutureof the pel foi niai co is the te-eining ease with which the elaborate "sets" me handled. Theie are no waits nud no hitches. Hetwe'e'i the nets theie isonl) uu interval of thiee minutes. Harry Freiind, the New Voik cillle, sayst The old iifory of Jack Sheppunl, nfter pass ing through Mm hands of D'Knnery ami re ceiving a I'leiieh polish ami divers new fent uies, has been letrannlated Into Kug.lsli ami hits been nivlveil under the nniiio of "Tim Knights of T)burn," at Nlblo's, whi-ru It Is enJo)lnga inn It is it uieliHlrnma of Mm eouimoiiest onler. anil with liionil teacliiugH of Mm most undesirable character. It Is tho gloiltlciitlou of loguery nud vice. It Is this class of phi which give point to tint denim elation of those who view the stage nndltx sin lonndlngs as iletrilorutlug. The new star exploited by J M. Hill Is Cora Kilsall, who hns app'iilod In several thonters with varying success. Shots it pupil of I Hon lloiiclcaull who, in the Smth .innl inn li'mrir, ileclaied that she was a genius. I'uder Peiabn she became a good pianist at, the Boston Coiiservutoiy She lind an am bition to be an net-ess, ami, after twelve iui HVcttml attempts In get an Interview- with Mr Hill, succeeded on the thll toentll, won his attention, was piopansl for tho stage mid bi ought out III lllMtllll. The story that John Ward, ball player, and Helen Dauviay Wind, foimeily actress, have agtee-iltn sepal ale, Is now cndlted III I heat lis cal circles. It Is the old story, the lndy hav ing tasted the sweets of theatrical success, always yoiiins to enjoy them ngaln, and the dull routine of domestic fo hocomos1 uilsup siitab(t. Oncet a "star" always u "hIiii" quite regnrdless of the degiest of brilliancy. The Infest reel nil to the ranks of society stnrs Is the ItnroiiesH Julie Do I'ontonllllat, a sister of Mis. Win. IC. Vanilerbllf. Shn has been studying under Dion lloiiclcaulr.iiud Is to play In comedy. She hassepaialed from her husband, but as she w Ishes only to put up her title name against some manager's ihmI money, she will probably not be seen this reason. Tommy Uussell anil 'IV. Henry French aro out, French having discharged lit New Haven last week The double seems to lsi that Tomiii's father and mother think him uoith mole than fltKI a week. Flinch siijh ioiiiiiiv mis w nickels, winch ilncsiinl go with "Little I.011I Kauntleroy." .olio do Lussan Is a success In Knglutid uu she deserves to be. She Is U "ci elite" the part of thohoroliioln Couch's now Norwegln opera, "Thogrlm," to be produced ut Drury bine by the Curl llosa Opera company. Tho woi I. Is now in lehearsal. Alice llalnos and Harry llaruoisl, both of tho "Shriianiloah" company, were marrlesl lastwes'k. Thoy have bee'ii making love on Die stage since the play was pnsliu-cil. Miss Haines mado her debut as a llttletot In "May lllossom." Liln Vane, the lending Ituly of the Shennii iloah Company, has retires! from the stnge to marry Mr. Sam King, of Iluiralo, a wealthy joung man with n yearly income of tllO.OOO. D'Oyly Cai le loses if.VI.IKK) em his "(londo liers" s'iisou which Is about coming to u close in New York. Paulino Hull's contract with the Casino explies May 1st, neither wishing to renew It. I. S. Doten, Justice of the peace and mors chant of Iliistol, III , says he e-an recommend St. Patrick's Pills. "I havo usesl them," he says, "and know whereof I s'itk." Anyone trotibhsl with constipation or biliousness will lind them a friend They nre prompt and certain lu their action nnd produced pleasant cuthfiitic rlft'ci. For sale by A. L. Shruder, druggist. Doctors llalloy ,: (loodoll, ofllce 11117 L street. Telephone, 017 Wa.mkii Two furnlshesl rooms and bourd for lndy, child and servant, with piivato family lu good locality llefoienees Ux- chaiigeil. Address S, Coluikk Okkick. L. Ilarr, the jeweler, after several months temHrnry stay on M street, has moved his stock into the pleasant new store room l'-SIO street and will go east Immediately to buy u line of fine gixsls such ns hat never beforu Is-en shown in Lincoln. Mr llnrr's new lo cation is central and with the stock he pro IKises to carry, he will certainly do an ln creiiMsl and desirable buslre'ss, II. P Sherwln, 1124 O stree-t, has a preveut for every one of his customers that cannot fall to be appreciated. He will give to every customer a tine cravon picture mado from any photo that Is desires! ami it will not cost jouncent. Cull in ut his drug und shoo stole nud sec how it is done. 1121 O street. Wessl b) theruk delivered nud rendy for the stove ut lletts A: We-nver's, Cull up tele phone llo spliler ami I'l) l'otiles. The sitle that the gloat puzJe, Spider nud the My, has had, has U-u wonderful. Tho first invoice has nearly txs-u exhaiistesl and we have had them but ten da), and there aro but a eliiA'ii left. While in New York.w o e-ould get old) two gross of them and had to await our tin n for tlio I i la nee. We have been no tilled that tlio luilaiiee of our iuvoii-e would Is shipesl next Monday. You ain't up with the tunes if j mi don't have a Spider and Fly plizle lletts A: Weaver now havit exclusive sale of the celebrutesl "Jupiter" cotil in this city. Kver) one that has tried this gleat fuel pro nounce it the U'st for the mono) ever obtain esl in Lincoln. Send in a trial ordei over Phono Mil a A gentleman of gete'd habits wants a room and tiovnl with nice private fnmil) . ltefer euces given Address O W. F cmo tho Cm llll.lt. Parties desiring storage or store room with flout olllce on III st Moor in excellent 1 ti-lnes location can lie aee'omuuslatesl ut it rciituimhlo rental. Addles.-, touting busiiit,etc ,au d lord, care this otlhsj. All kinds of Iron, Well and CUteiu Pumps nt wholesale and retail pi ices at KoiMiieyer A: Co's A Docker I'tniio valued at j.WO.CO will bo rutllesl nt Howard's ding store next month. Tickets enn be had theie ut f'J 00 each.