A 8 CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, APRIL 19, 1890 POPULATION OP LINCOLN 66,000. Saturday Evening, April 1 9, '90 The Oourler Jl'or Sli In Omaha. Copies limy he found i Keith's newsstand, 3lH South Fifteenth street, Hojd'xoein house Mock Corner lOth and P Stroots. Dry Goods AMI CARPETS. TAKE NOTICEl The Couuiku will nut Ih roMmshlo for any tlt'litu made hy miy onn In Its name, mi osh ft written onlor nccoiupanlpN tho same, prilorly sailed. Ij. Wkhhki., Jr., I'rop'r. Tlin Courier Vnu li round At WlniUor Hotel News Htnuil. Capital Hotel News Wand. Exposition DIhIiik Hull NowsHtand. The (tntlium Now Htnuil, IIH Houtli lltli SI. llrt Hutuier. 111 North lltli Hlrcot. Kil. YoiliiK, ltt.1) O Htroot Flotolwr V Co., 1180 O Htroot. l.lltlo Hport Olwir Htoro, 113 North l'Jth Ht. t?PAnoxtrii supply of paper lsulvvn)s left I thu (lolltam, In enso other Newsdealers supplies run short. DUNLAP HATS SPRING STYLES NOW ON SALE W. R. DENNIS & CO.'S 1137 O STREET. t l.tcHl mill rersotml. Whltebrmst Coal mid Limn Company. Lincoln Ice Co., 1010 O 8t. Telephone 118. Terry & Harris, jewelers. Take Turkish at10ll O street. Telephone nt the Couuiku ottleo is SIM, J, Z. Briscoe, the shoo limn, ISKll O street' Mineral nter lined tor hulling, lOlt) U st. Give Helta & Warner , tlio now conl tlrm, n rial. Don Cameron serves tlio finest coffee In the ctty. Fino watch repairing at l'eiry & Harris, 1121 O rtmi Call up telephone No, 571) and give thu new aundry a trial. Canon City Coal again at the Whltcbreust Coal and Lime, Co. Buiwrior quality Anthracite coal at Betta & Weaver's. Call up 440. Join the Perry & Harris watch club. Get a watch at a dollar a week. Improved shower for Turkish baths at 1010 U street, basement Union block. Only place in Lincoln that uses mineral water In luths It at 1010 O street, Ruth M. Wood.M. D., Conservatory l'laoe, Thirteenth street,threodoors south of L street. Canon City, Memlotn, Ohio lllock and Cob orado Coal, at lletts & Weaver's, phono 440. A lino of genuine tortoise shell hair orna ments has just been received at Miss John btonV. Ladles desiring artUtlo dressmaking at reasonable prices should engage Mr. Tyrrell, 1333 O street. 4-12t3 Prompt service, pure and wholesome food oud the bot of every thing Is always found at Don Cameron's. China tiring at the studio every Monday. Edith Hussell, room 10, The Bond corner, Twelfth and Q street, tf Dr. C. B. Manning, offlco rooms 00 07-0$ Hurr block. Telephone 330. Hetideuce Cor. 30th and F. Telephone 330. Ladles will find a complete line of Hue shoes and all the latest styles at the proper prices at Shsrwiu't Boston Shoe Btore. Shirts, collars and culfs done up equal to the finest in the land, at Houck & Wallace's new laundry, 1117 P street. Calliipphonu&70, Buy your coal of the vVhltebreust Coal and Lime Co., and it will always bo well screaued, full weight, best quality and at right priceo. We make a sjxeclalty of fine work, such as fine woolen goods, flannels and silk shlrts,etc. Giro us a trial. Houck & Wallace's new laundry, 1117 P street. Try a dinner at Cameron's Lunch and Bhoi t Order houso. Served daily from 11:30 a.m. till 2 p. in. Everything flue and juicy and cooked in a home-like manner. J, Z. Briscoe, the shoo man, Is proiwing to move into the new Exposltlou building ami expects to bo at home there to all friends, pa trons and the public about Easter time. Miss Johnston has just received a very use ful little coutrivanco that will be of great convenience to ladies. It Is a small alcohol heating stove that Is used to heat curling Irons and can be put together and carried in a small satchel, They are n unique arrange ment and sell for 75 cents. &SS i m : SOCIAL AND PERSONAL. The Atchison (7iifw of lat .Monday contain till Item of general Interval In Lincoln x-oplo A notable widely event of the waon was the reception given by Mr ami Mi It Morryw- on Hatiuilay night, In the istiloisof The llyram, tho occasion being their fortieth wedding anniversary It was ulo thu tlf toeiith nnnlvcimry of the wedding of their daughter, Mir K. IC. Cilley of Lincoln, who wit prixont, as wkmi also Mr ititd Mrs, v . II. Olldlne or FoitKcott, Mr. and Mis H. ('. Morrow, George Morrow mill MIhs Helen Morrow. Mr. I'rlley wa imnvcililiilily ah sent, haxliiglxTii rallitl to the IniNlde of a sick brother. The Invitation Included nil the older Hoplo of Atehlwin, mid ninny of the j ouiiger one, mid dl'tiligulnht'd pi-ople from all poitloim of thuHtute Hevenil hull' dreil gueKt weiii pi (went, mid iiuiiicioih con grid it list Ion were received fiom plnceslil the state whet e Mr itlid Ml. Monow formerly lhed, wr ni well known Mr mid .Mi Monow cmne to Kaiiiui In territoilal da), mid are ptoimbl) the best known couple III the xtjite In the enily history of Kmiwi Ml Morrow llguiedroniiplcuouNl) in ixilitles, mid I lemi'iulieied b ploueiHWltli direction mid eHteeiit ItolM'i t Moi row cmne to ICmneis with the fniiiou H (' I'oiueioy jmrty, mid waa blinker at 1nuiciico when the fmiiou t,iiiiiutiell inlil took place Mr mid Min, Monow weie iiieiitil hy their children with handsome mid cluhnnitcl) framed )mii tlaltM of theuiHeUes Mr mid Mis. It Mor low, Mr mid Mrs. It. C Monow mid Mr mid Mix. Dlldlne ptewnted Ml mid .Ml. Cilley with iilimiilNomeuillior Mi Moirow wiiniiIho the liH'Iplelit of a gold headed cmie from Mr Cilley. Theie was dancing and lefieHhment. The Pli-munt Hour JuiiIoih gave an extia hop WtilniMlay evening that pioel to In line of the Jolll est of the year It wax not Ml idly ii club nlTalr, mid Mr. Fred I lout r , a the moving spli it, Invited Inn number of outidde young men. Till In ought n desir able addition to the iimiiiI coin puny, and the unexpected necchilou of u nuinlier of out of tiiMi vlnltor gave the put ty mi addisl dnt.li of est mid Mtiiety Among the compmi. weie Mi mid Mih. Hector, Mix Minnie llawke, Mr. MeConmx, Mr. Otoe Moitou, and Ml-. FiiiiiiIo Wllcox.allof Nebraxkat'ltv, Mr. ItiMiler of Oiiutha, Mixi Ailitms of Hiqier lor, McHtrx, Hathaway, lloutr, Howe, h'rnnk and Charles Hun, Win mid C'liurltx Clark, Mujw, Mulr, Doigan, Holdeu, Hull, Wheeler, Htonx, Ht. John, Fltrgernld, Foiexinau, C.Y. Hinlth, linker, Graham, mid Irving Winger; .Mixxr .Minnie nml uilve Ijittn, Mmtd mid May lluir, llertleand draco Iluir, Klttloand Alice Cow dry, Anna Fmiku, Zlemer, Lllll brldge, Hathaway, llnck, Montrose, Hnw ley, Maiquette, WINon, White mid llulrd Annum the xicctatorR went Mexxrx. and Mexditmex L. V Hurr, II. I). Hathaway, and Fusl ICelley, Mewhunex Huckxtatr, Hiock, ljtta, H 11 Oakley, Messrs. Oilllllli.Hinyher, muuiond, Huulley, Iluckstntr, Ijingwoithy, HiHtvcr, and Anderxoiij MIxmm Oakley, Hoop er, I law ley and Grace Oakley. Miss Minnie I Jittn entei tallied a couiixiuy of f i lend Thursday evening In honor of her filundx, Mrs. W. H. Hector and Mlsx Miiinnh llawke of Nebraska City. The prsoiial mid siH'lal gi ace which have won Miss Iwittn ax waim and general an extwin as ever a Lin coln Indy enjoyed qualify her to lie a most charming hoste, and Thurxla ' company were delightfully entertained. Progressive high live was tlio feature of the evening. The loyal print hoi o won by Sir. Pitcher and Mix Hawke, mid the i-onxolatloit fell to Mr. McComax and Mix Oakley. The com pany eoniptlhed Mrs. Hector mid Mlxs Hawke; also Mr McComas and Mix Fanny Wilcox of Nebraska City, .Mrs. (). Jalisco Colliuau of Omaha, Mexrs. and Mesdanie Hetixoit, Huckst(T, Hheldon, Iaoii ard, Hargreavex, Pitcher, Hayileu and Mc Aithur; Mexxrx. McMuitry, Magoon, Huck stair, lA-inlst, Ht. John, Forexman, Hardy, Gritllth, Polk and Hlchter; Mixxex lint has way, Million, Hardy, Hiiddlth and Oakley Mr. mid Mr. II. F, Weaver, 1WI F street, eittei tallied the FHtiocteluh lust H-ituiday evening very ilellKhtfully A number or prominent society eop!o outside of the regu lar menthol imttleipatcd In the pleasure of the evening. Progressive euchre wits the program. The following Uu list of tlio In vited guests: Mr. mid Mr. A. K. Har greave. Mr. mid Mr. W. II. Hurgreavcs, Mr. anil Mi. E. P. Holuiw, Mr. and Mrs. 1U A. Pei ry, Mr. and Mr W II, Wolcott, Mr and Mr. H. M. Turner, Mr. and Mr. C. II. Hmlge, Mr. mid Mrs. W. OurlxT, Sir. and Mr C. C. Waldo, Mr. and Sir. Slontroso, Dr and Sirs. Goodcll. Whig Allen or Omaha was In the city Tuesday mid Invited a nuinltor or the young men to a subscription Ixtll that was given nt the Paxtou last night. Tlio suli scrlptlons were exjtectcd to reach $!W0, a number or promliient ladlex consented to net as tatronncHc, nu elaborate xpreiid was or dored, and altogether the prepaiatiou were for mi exceedingly swell affair. Some of tho gentlemen went tip yesterday afternoon, and n number of ladles would have gone had they not had engagement ror the Pleasant Hour hop. Mr. Allen, by the way, has a very Hue position ns secretary or the Omaha Coal exchange. The homo or Sirs. W. M, Leonard was the scene or another ladles' company Wednesday afternoon, and they whlled away the hour very pleasantly with an exciting game of progressive high live. Mrs. B. H. Ilurnham won the royal honors and Mrs. Ogdeu re ceived the consolation prize. The company comprised: Slesdaniox Outcalt, Hiirnliain, Little, Bwan, lUvxon, Hheldon, UuckstalT, Hargreavos, Fuuke, C. C. Durr, I C. Hurr, Maxwell, Hector or Nebraska City, Ogden, Haird; Sliwcs SI. I-attu, Hawke or Nebraska City, Furst, IJalrd, Oakley, Hurr, Funke, 8tobl, Walsh, Harris, llecker, O. Latta, Buddlth. Misses Helen and Lydla Million gave a jolly progressive high live iarty Monday evening. The royal prize were won by Sir. Hichter and Sllss Treemau. The consola tions foil to Sir. lluckstaff mid Mis I-nttn, Of the comiNtny were Slixxes Ijttta, Oakley. Halrd, Hathaway, Qrllllth, Hooper, Mar quette, Fishenllck, LUIIbrldge, Tnsaman, Slaud mid lleitlo Hurr; Slessrs. Gritllth, Hlchter, Hathaway, Fishenllck, Huckstatf, Slohrenstecher, Cameron, Lowe, Walte, Forexman. Bmlth, Bpuhr, Thayer, Edmlxtou mid Charles Hurr. Master Alllo Banders gave a progressive blgh live puity at homo on the comer of Fourteenth and II streets Tuesday evening. Card kept tho young people merrily engaged until n late hour when elegant refreshments wereervtd. Sllxs Nellie Iau and Sir. Will Tyler curried otf llrst honors. Those present were Mlsse Nellie mid Anna Im, Daisy Cochrane, Slaud Tyler, Jexxlo Ielaud and Oracle Bander. Masters Mark Ilufonl.Kiank Handem, Will Tyler, Fred White and Btar foid Hewitt, Thuphotogiaphsor prominent actors and actresses rh)wn and for sale at the Coumcii counting rooms ore the Illicit productions of the art. The work Is that or Falk, the cele brated Union Squai e artist or New York, and thu collection Includes such subjects ns Lillian ltussell, Edwin llooth, Lawrence liarrett, Ilelene Modjeska, Slario Jaiisen, Lily Itugtry, James llrowu Potter, Joseph Jetreison, W J l'loieme, and over a him dlrd others, either lit stage costume or stlcvt nttlie Mr I'lmr.'es II Warner mid MU Hessle .Mcnilcilliall weie iimirlisl Wisliiewlay even lug at the home of the bride' xirentx. The ceiemoiiy wnspoiforuiisl by Hev. Dr. I'm II Ix'foie n xnmll compaii, The groom hold a Hnltloii In the oDIce of the chief euglneei of the II .V M Tim In Idols the daughter of Mr mid Mrs. A II Sleudetihall, They have taken up their residence In a coxy home at V and Twcntv llftll stieets, mid will receive their ft lends after May 1st Dr Hols'it E Glireit and Miss Faiiuli) Hesl weie nuirrletl Thin Ntay evening. Tlutceies iiiouy wa Mrforinisl by Hev Dr L'urtl at tho residence of the bride's sister, Sir Flunk M. Hall. It was a iiuiet home woddlliK cclc- hiutcd In the piexeiice of a few relative After the ceremony the newly man led couple went to the doctor's home. The groom has n laigoclicloof well wltlilug friends, mid those who know the bride admire her as it bright mid estimable lady Kit t'erf mid bilde iinived in the city v cdiifNln,v fiom New York and me now at home at the Wiudxoi hi tel. The iiiarrlnge was quietly coiixummiited III the gieat lilt ttoMill last Hitttii day Mrs. (.'erf Is not mi entile xtintiger In the west, havi'ig visited In Lincoln on xcvrinl m-caslou mid formerly leslihsl in Ht. Joseph TllK. Cm lllKIl Join the host of fi lend of Sir, and Sirs C'eif in Ix'st wlxhe foi a blight ftitille Mr lingxhoie.Potts, the I'hilndelp'ilii (,)iuikerexs dtK'tor and lectiner, is a cliaimlng little woman without n hint of iiiiinlxlmex. Her dmk ees gliitm hcnlgiiiintly behind gold-boweil spectacles, while her intelligent face Is surround! d by xhort In ow u cm lv hah , plentifully xpiluklcd with gray Hhe will li-eturo at Temple hall all next week, iind iiimi) will doubtless come to iiinke her n quiiititam e during her stay. Sir A. SI Huforil of Memphis, mid Sllxx Fern Peterson or this city wrio married at the In tile's home Wednesday evening. The glixiin is it sou or .Major mid Sirs. (' II. llu fonl, but Im bis'ii living In Tennessee for iftii l two jeius. Thebilde vviih haiidxoiue l lemembensl with girts. The happy couple took the night train ror their Slemphis home. H H. Slelntoxh hasJiixtlKtn honoitsl with mi Invitation to Ikh-oiiio a noii-iexident mem ber of tho Now Vol k Jockey club, one of Gotham' noted horsey association. The initiation fist i waived, and all thu privileges of the racecourse mid thu new club house are tendered In mi elegantly engi lived letter. Mi. Charles Hunt and Sllss Mnliello Hen dricks weie married Monday evening at tho homo of the bride's cousin, SIis. Civil. Sllss Hendricks is the accommodating oillco clerk at the Lincoln steam laundry, mid Sir. Hurd I a clever tonsoriitl artist at tlio Com mercial Nirlor. Sir. and Sir. Ham Herschler, who have Is'cn visiting the latter' ltarent at Hulling ton, are exHcUsl home lo-day. They weie present at tho marriage of SI Is Ada Elslleld (ii sister of Mr. Herschler) to Sir. I. Htiuuxo, which occmicd Wednesday evening. Asa 11. Pace has gone to take it place as advertising solicitor on the Helena, Slont., .iiiiniitf. His parents, Sir. mid Sim. L. C Puce, gave a company for him Wednesday evening and entertained nlmiit twenty-live of his ft lend. The Pleasant Hour club held it post-Lenten pat ty last night. The Coi'lllKH goes to press too enily to ieKrt it, but the club repiosentN Lincoln's niostjexclusive clicles, mid it (lance mo alwajx line alTalr. Sllxs Iitta entertalnetl Sir mid Sirs. Hector and Sllss Huwkeot Nebraska City while in the city. The visitor went to Omaha yesterday to attend the party at the Paxtou last night. It wa iiiniorod yesterday that negotiations were on Is'twccn Ilerixilshulnier it Co. and A. I). Kitchen ,t Co. for n large building to. iHteiiHitisl ror the Tinnier on O street near Fifteenth Sirs. Bailie Wilson of Hjiokane Falls, Sir. Minnie Hitinu and Sli-s. ICatu Tucker of Hume, Neb., have ht'cu visiting Sir. and Sir. James Heatou till week. The LlucolnUes who intend going to Hpllit ljiUenext summer will be intetebtisl In the date of thu Iowa state regatta. It has lieen llxed for July 15 and 10. J. II. SIocket,Jr was "setting up" tho cl ear to tho boy ubout town jeMeidny. It was n girl, arrived Wednesday and will lie known as Alice Julia. Sllss Furst gave a razrledazlu party at the home of Sirs. Joseph Hwan yesteiday after noon, and in tlio evening Mr. Bwau enter tained a company. A. O. Copo mid Ken Hlnford went to Plattsmouth jesterday afternoon to attend a jstrty In the evening given by the Yotk club of that city. Picsideut John Fitzgerald and Secretary John P. Sutton went to Ht. Ijouls this week to attend a meeting or thu olllrcrs or the lilsli league. W. 8. Huffman returned rrom Qulncy last TueNlay, and having closed up his alTairs in that city will be crmaueiitry on deck in Lincoln. Sir. mid Sirs. John SI. Thayer, Jr., are homo frotri their wedding journey and receiving- the congratulations or their many friends. Tho East Lincoln social club were finely entertained Thursday evening at tho hand some home of Sir. and Sirs. J. T. McDonald. A. W. Day, chUf deputy rector or the V. A. S., Instituted n collegium or the order at Cortland Tuesday with twenty meutlior. Marshal Lodge, K. of P., announces a Slay arty at liohauan's hall Slay 1st, and each lady I to receive a souvenir. Dr. nml Sirs. George Eostenlay ol Albtis querque, New Moxlco, are visiting Lincoln relatives or the same iiumo. A prominent O struct dentist and n certain young lady or Lincoln aro now thinking up good date ror a marriage. Sir. Stein or Westmoreland, Kansas, tho guest or her daughter, Sirs. Inils Katzen stein, has returned home. Sir. Adolph WuIkt went to Grand Island Thursday to sing at a grand musical airnlr, and w ill return to-day. I. N Ionising alter mi lllnexs'of nine weeks was able to lie out ror a short time jcstcnlay and ThuiMlay. Why don't you nil! at the Coi'lllKH oillco and see the new' styles or conosOndenco pjiK-rs( Sir. A. E. Yuloaiid Sllss Ida Palmer were, married Sunday, Hev. Dr. ('uitlsolllelatirig. Chatles M.Carter has been elected senior warden of the Slasonlo Gland Commaudery . A banquet at the State house on May ii is on tho piogram for the oratorical conUst. Sir. John Flnlay and Sll&s Tillle Slotter were married Sunday by Hoy. Hefner. Miss Coveit, sister of Mrs. Geo. Clarke, has returned to her home at Crete. Sllss Fanny Wllmx or Nebraska City was the guest of Sllss Hathaway. Charles S. SIcKeiniey and bride have re turned from their trip. Flujd Heybolt Isorumilzlug a tennis club In east Lincoln. II. SI. Hinlmell left Tuesday font visit to Washington, K P. Hoggen returned Tuesday from Houtli Dakota. Sirs C G Davis hit gone to Cincinnati for t visit. James Heatou visited Giaud Island this week, Other Social New on PngeU. Spring lliirgiilns 1'or the I. miles, Foi email it Crowe are tillering seveial bar gains in underwear and bote never Ix'fore heal d of In Lincoln or anywhere else. They havoa siHflul lot of Indie's vests at 8 cents each. Just think of it 'M) dozen fast color black hose at "0 cents kt pair. You know they usually sell at fiom 30 toMlcents Then they show a line line of vextx ranging in pi Ico fiom W cents to flOO each Hosiery in all colois and from the clieastst to the very lext. Ladles who appi(.'iate bargain will not be slow In moving towanl Foiemau it Crow i's stoi e. I'uinltuie, catjiets and general meichau-dlt-e sold on enj weekly or monthly pnv lilelits, Addlcxs H GoldMiilth, line dlitwer til, VHy The Hankers' ball club ha made an en gagement with thu Hankers' club of Wains) to phi) a game In tlio Iitt tot city on Ailsir day. Mix. Slaikell's new line of spring iiiillineiy embraces all the newest novelties, as well as the picttlcst anil most stjlixh shapes for Uith o'd mid young Ladles interested should not fail to cull tit Sirs .Mitrkell's new place, l',Hi' O stiis't, mid sisi the elegant vai lety mid note tho low prices. In their new location, -IHl Houtli Llventh street, Tlie Hobil son Slcicmitlle Co, mo mote centrally located for fine tiade and ac conlingly me showing a liner line of goods than formerly at the old stand. A specialty Is made of line llaunel shirts, of which they show mi attractive line. Gentlemen wanting nil thing in their line will do well to call. Hert E. lletts, for live years with 11. K. Sloore, has opened nu oillco at 1131 N stleet for general shoithaiid and typewilting wink. Telephone No. a.13. Hverybtsly Is pleasisl with the GasHtoves sold bj Korsmeyer & Co.,'JI5 south Eleventh street. SHORT-HANDJNTEN LESSONS. In two wick the (.'orillKlt willlH'glu the serIeof shoit-limid lesson which for tho past three weeks have boon announced In these columns The com so was pi ejected and ior fected by l'lofesxir KldoiiMorim, of Kt.lxiuls, Slo., who was stenogiaplier In Judge Grcxh nut's court, leisnter for Piusldeiit Harrison, and is both editor and publisher of a text liook on shorthand which Is unequalled by any publication ox taut. Tho course of study will consist of ten les sons, In which thu Pitman xjstcm will be taught In a crisp practical manner. It will lie presented so plainly that It I'linbciicqulrcd with ease by the patient mid jiorsuvoring stu dent. In connection with thUcotirsothe Couuiku ha ctrcctod arrangements by which any stu dent who desire to have thu additional liouo lit of direct petsoual Instruction uHn each lesson In the course may do so by the pays ment of a tuition fee of two dollars. Thu exercises will bo corrected by Sir, Hert E. lletts of this city, to whom all communica tions In regard to the matter should 13 ad dressed. This will lie of great value and with additional helps which will be brought forward during the vrIod of instruction In the way or luxson helps, circulators, lutioduc tlor. cards, etc., will uirord an oportuti!ty for securing, ror the nominal sum of two dol lars, Instruction which in tho ordinary course or Instruction would cost nt least llfteen dol lars. The uiemlicrship of tho Couuiku class in short-hand, which will receive porsonnl cor rection or their exercises by Sir. lletts, will bo limited to llfty mid as a large numlx-r of names ha 'e ahcody been lecelved, we would request those w ho desire their exercise cor i eottxl to send their address to Sir. lletts in onler that the list may bo closed as early us possible Sliort-lliiml. Every.ioudutvof thu Couuiku who has any, Interest whatever In thu above subject should send his address at once ami important infor mation will lie given. Address Hhort-Haud, cat e Couuiku, Lincoln, Neb. Spider und l'l) l'tixles. The sale that the great puzzle, Spider and the Hy, has had, 1ms been wonderful. The first Invoice has nearly been exhausted and we have had them but ten days, and there are hut a dozen left. While lit NewYork,we could get only two gross of them and had to await our turn for the balance. We have Iwen no titled that the balance of our invoice would lie shipped next Monday. You ain't up with the time If you don't have a Spider and Fly puzzle. Notice to Noii-ltitslilent Defendant. Ilallon State Hanking Co. defendant, will take notice that on thu 17th day of April, 1SK), David llarckley Welsh, of Cadiz, Ohio, philnlltl heroin, llles his petition In thu District Court of Uittcitstor Count), Nebraska, against Charles II. I'owvorthv, llellu Howvortlij mid J. C. Mcllrldo and sum defendant Ilallon Btato HaiiKlliKl'n The ob ject and prajerof wlileh aro to loroloso acer- !uliimoriKa:uccciiiciiu sauii mines u,ro. worthy mid Hello Kowtortbv to the defendant J C Mollrldc iimui the following described promises, to-wlti oxt M) foot of Uit .11, in llOKKKiV. Holmes' addition to City of Lincoln, Lancaster County, Nebraska, to secure the pament of onu certain promissory note wtlh Interest notox attached dated June '.'I. IKNl. The said principal note being In the sum t f tlisoiu,; lour iiiiiiiirou mm oikiii) iioiiurs, iiuu and pa) utile In three) cars from date then of; that there Is now due upon said note nml morttiiiKo the sum of (J.kII.71,) live liutidrttl mid thlrt) -four dollars mid sov oat) -four cents with Intorost at tho rate of leu pen out. from the 'Jlth dav ol Juno.lswl. l'lalnllll iiriiysforii drcrie that said premises may lie sold to sutlsfy the amount found due. You are rcoulrid to answer said petition on or liolore the tlt day of May, ixtu. Dated April 17, IK). David IIahcki.ky Wki.cii, l'lalutitl. II) John II. CunuliiKliiim, Attorney for Plaliitltt. VJi-v, v i ' "tl'lH Ladies : It to their interest DRESS At the Ashby & Millspaugh BANKRUPT SALE We have the finest and best selected line of Mohairs and Lustres liver shown in the city. Price so low as to satisfy all. M. BLOCH, u.i and n.j3 O St. 'UFFMAN THILORS, i2o.-i2o6 O St., Burr Block. Otr NEW SPRING IMPORTATION NOW IN. ' g'k' LZr- W) 3 ?v4gr A Game Mrt. Smili-(o guest.) "Honors arc Mr. Jour. "Possibly. If they arc satisfied." Mrs. Smith. "Well, I bought it nt guarantee of Its case." A. T. GRUETTER & I FINE ENGRAVED Calling Cards, Only $2.50. Wessel Printing Co A. M. DAVIS & SON, Spring Carpets 1112 0 St. Will : Find to attend and buy their GOODS Successor to Ashby & Millspaugh & RICHTER, of Whist easy, I believe, Mr. Jones." as 'easy ns this chair of v ours I shall be A. T. Gruetter & Co.'s store nnd that U a CO., 1116-1118 N Street. And Draperies Telephone 21.9. w tar -vi