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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (April 19, 1890)
CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY,. APRIL 19, 1890 A MONSTKli OK TIIK AMI. THE HAVOC WMOUQHT DV THE TORNADO'S DCADUY SWCEP. A 1'orrc nf Klnr Hint t'nnnol II t.lhii litnlrtl or ('mil nil I ml linn li Aulil llnngrr Tlir llrrml Horror nt l.iiils IIIp. Dciltll U(Vim IH lnoMlhldlslllsnnilltpVlllltlg hnx tliiiu when K'r,M,l wltli ntitr ninl darkiics. lief ore the lightning's fury the innn will itmtl who has laughed nl 1 lu leaden mill of hattlu and stormed III' win to the Ww I I'll) ImlL li I men il.'ixit. S. HI Patrick' clmrtli TltACK (IK TIIK HTOIIH TlllllH (III Mil IH II. I.I. Ileil'el) dofcmhsl height of Uxikollt. TlKi nil lllillllll illi-l lit III" sttlhO, delimit, t.'ule ii) iil Mini ilit'lamittsl to t lit lint, lint u to ill nclic, tlin reason for which do cannot mnli i stand, make him cry In tlio face of nature s nwful anil iiiii'hi'IhI wrath tho Iron nered grow weak ninl tlm cool headed friintlo, No, when tlm other evening tliu mini might of Uiu whirlwind wits hurled down iimiu iln fair city of Ioiil lllu It U no wonder Hint tlm llrst son -it tout wero those of (mule nml ilnvul nmitli'i'iililn lint ik to tlm crush of falling building sueomsled tlmi no of tlm wounded, lirnvu Ixvirtii nml willing hnniU were not found wanting lo moot tlm unwr sdlrlcd emergency, nml through tlm dismal hour till dnwn to urge tlm Inlsir of rcoim by tlm light of biasing structure whetotn fire wn completing tlm work begun by tlio wind, Tlm mxmio iiftur tlm toriu win hctirlicud ing, heroic, sublime, American. Prolmbly no tornado over did iucIi swift uil deadly work oil till- continent as tliu one which choMi Loulsvlllo for tlm central object of lU wrnth. It win of h ooulliir imtiiro utid defied in many nect tlm law luld down iih governing tlicvi linturnl phenomena it has generally been hiltl Hint n city of resoctnblii also would turn n wind no mutter how lloreo. ThU U now (Unproved Tlm mnxlimim width of previous tornadoes was placed nt 'lft yard. Tlm Louisville extended troin Idotosiiln n f lilt hnlf mile. Former visita tion of tlm "eyelouti bolt" hiivo tnken place ftlmost exclusively In tlm nfternoon The latest horror had mi extra terror ndded to It WSHM?1 TIIK HTOIIM CKNTKIl, Tlm tilock itolit Imllcnte tlm liK'ntion of nw Ioiim tomailw-M rroonlpil in tlm noutli-cfntritl went ThU dliiKrnm l taken from I.tcuU Finlejr'ii IkmI on toruiH. by n inll of ilarktichK. In it word, it uni uni(uo, Initli n.i to thoeoiidltloiiMMirroilndliiK it nml tlio frightful Iom of life nml property for w lilch It Ik rekKuiiblu. Iiulsvlllo whs foundtHl In 173 nnd incor porntnl nx it city in 1&J3. It Imi never hefom met with it Mirioim diNistvr, Hint U, mi loiu km compniTil with tlio recent horror, Tlio cnlumlty which linn fnllen um.tlm metroo Hi of Kentucky naturally bring up anew tlm (piciUtous What cm i 1k done to safeguard tlm futurel A reply may Ihi given In th"xo wordm "Tlm populoun n,;loii of tlm lTnilel Stntei li forever (toonunl to tlm (luvimtiitinu of tliu tornndo. An certain na night folloWK day In tho format Ion of tlio funnel hncil cloud." Thl in thodelllwrutocoucliiiloii ronclnil by Lieut. John 1'. Fluloy, U. 8. A., after jeiir of careful attention paid to tho subject of at mooplierlo plmnomoiin. Hut lioduclnrei if tlm dniiKor cannot bo nverUsl It it umoiig tho jtoKiihilttiei at leant to ccnK tho uxtrenio eirt;ti( of IU wrath. Then nro many pre monitory Rlgns which denoto with ulmost ale holuto certainty tho approach of a toruudo, mch tut an oppremivo, enervating air, tho m collar nnd utumunl (ileuco of blnU,tlm uiieanl iipwiof (lomejtlo aiilmaUnud thodevulopmeut of cowardly truits In breed of dog usually ferocloua, liko the mnttlff or tho bulldog. Human iK-liigs feel weighed (low u with an indelliinblu prumonltiou of norne impvudlug evil. Tho bultrlnuis of tho day continue, but In tho hitherto clear and coppery ky great bank of cloud appear, generally ouo in tlio south" est and another lu the north wct or nortliwut, moving toward ench other. They nro entirely dltfereut In aspoot from the ordtuary herald of a summer storm. They may rosomblo tho thick Hinoke from a burning buil ling, or u bank of fog or itenm, or, if heavy and dark, take on a green ih hue, which )renage the quick coining of a fierce ami irresivtlblo elemental foe. Homo time nature. manhnU theso forces of de struction lu solid and heavy masse; again they roll up lightly, but black'nnd frowning n the dnrktwt midnight. TOKXADO BTMKINO A TOWN. The crash when tho wing of this airy army come together and unite for their mighty swoop to earth Is described by those who hiivo witnessed it as something diaboli cally grand and awo Inspiring. The nolso re semble tho angry roaring of uncounted beast of prey, or the confused yet persistent and sullen booming from a batUo field. Then begin the terrible progress acros town and village, tho country sldo and city. The hugo demon of the air leaps with giant strides from ridge to ridge, or elso cboooes tome river val ley for its route and ruihe onward over Its oppointd course, leaving behind a pathway marked'by ruin, desolation and death, Nothing can stop the tornado savo tlu ex- t w ww .-r . . - m w - ARK.J7 :JE.NNrir 1-1 Y I0 9 inuntlon of It own Inherent forecu, thurofore Ukimi ho hnvn ntuillnl tlm pIkmioiikukmi linvo Jlrwtiil their ellorti to illwovpilim the, liw lovriiiln Itn lilrtli, com m nml velocity no nx to forimilntu mien for mlnlmlrliiK It dn itriictiveneiM. Hpoiillni; iinteelinlcnlly, n lorinulo mny Imi Mid to hnvu Km oi ikMi In mid he mnlntnlnul by well delliuil upiMild inovn inenUof nlr over n limited nren nt tlm cen ter of illilnrlxincn Tlm whirling tiinti in of the ill-ended funnel ihilKil eloild ileKMidn llHin n pin-exlullin; ilUtlirlHit nml K)iittiiiK Into of tlm ntinoiphcri. To illiKtrnln thl oiid mlglit tnko ii kIum funnel, Iiiikh nt tlm top nnd with n mnnll lower n'i turn I'll! thiinllh wnler, removo tlio pliiK front tlm bottom, nml tlm llipiid will rim out with no rotnry illntntliniH-e lhlt n hllnlit circular movement of (he llnei nt the mifnce will net the witter wIiIiIIiik ni it fiilli with nil the M'luhliini'ii of n mlmiiliiiii tornmlo Hii) Lieut I'llilc) : "The tin undo with linnlly mi exception ih' riirn In the nfterniMiii, Jmt nfter the hottext mrt of the (In), and nenerull) dlMipK'iu k lm foio tlm Knl'K (low'it of the huh. The hour of Kl'enteit fnipieney li liotueeil !l nnd I p in A Uirnndo ery rmely, If ever, Ih'Imh nfler (i 1 1. in , but n toimido commeuclti); nhniit ft p in nm contlinie ll climneteilitlc xiolencd until uenrly S p m, which mil) mcuin thut tlm tin undo cloud limy Iki tinvcliuK after (1 p. in., but it doc not develop, llml li, mnko Itn npH'iirnnc(i for the tlmt time, nfter thoso Iioiiik." Itn umiiiI truck U from nouthwent to imnli ciud, Itn VeliH'lly forty to Heveut liillen mi hour, nnd itn width fiom llfty jiudn to llft hmIk. The tol undo mimiii Is emlnnceil iM'twcen Mm ell nml OctoU'r Tlm miinllii of Klcntcftt Hi'tirieuceniii n mid lill III the NOtitheru htateH tin imclov'.i lire K'iiietlme know ii ilurliiK the w Inter nnd kprin montlii. Kiimuiiaiid Miixouri rmik IhkIioI in lejjunl to frequence nf nil the tnte of tin- I'mon In the pi ncl leal npplicntlou of tliu kuowl (iIko lltvt Iti value If u nimii llxci In n region w held toruiulocn tire to bnexicctiil, hli bet lefllK ill tllim of lieeil Inn cixi'lallj Hsil 3rT5 wBwWm& Wr .Prr.fij " ""tT'iPwB Pi' UF '' ff" ' 'i'i 'lull i nTiwMI'ltfdA """ mniKsr L0UIHV1M.K TOIIACCO WAI1KI10UHKH. prepared cave ulttmted on tlm weitlsldo of tho Louse. If them 1 no such retreat, and no time to get from tlm building, bo should avoid Inking it position lu n northeast room, a northeast comer, an east room, or ngalnvt nu east wall Tlm tornado creates a vacuum OilUide, and tho nil iusldo n closed limine ox pnndint tlwi rcmowtl of tho oidinnry pres sure, causing demolition by exploMon. To proxMit this, shut nil tic door nnd windows on the side to waul the coming storm and open thoso on the side awny from the storm, A frame building i safer than ouo of brick; or stone, becuuso It Is mora elastic, hold to gether longer, and does not so rcadll) crum ble nml Mviimto Into falling masse. If one ha no appropriate shelter nt hand ho should run either not th or south, prefer ably to tliu north Whichever way ho lllo ho will have to face a wind, as tho approach ing whirl pulls nil tlm nlr to ftsclf. If theio i no other wny to avoid tho swift rushing terror tho person in danger should throw himself face down on tlm ground, head to tlm vast, mm cover tlm head with tlio arm. He ware tho neighborhood of ntleo or stump, and seek u illtch or depression in tlm ground. A great many plans have been suggested for breaking tlm forco of n tornado, but none of them U feasible, as tho storm Is controlled by forces fnr iiIkjvo tho ground Tho Impres sion that electricil Is rcsionstblo for whirl ing storms I erroneous, Klectrlclty Is tho effect, not tlm cause of tlm tornndo. TIIK COUUT IIOUSK. The map entitled "tho storm center" show tho region In which tho recent whirlwind dU plnyed it most virulent activity, nnd indi cates tlm location of former storm of a simi lar nature, and two of the illustration nro of substantial structure destroyed nt Louisville. Fiikii C. Dayton. lleautj- ami Utility In Arrliltt-rtur. Each day tho spirit of tho ago seems not only to sanction, but also to demand with over Increasing insistence tho union of the beautiful with tho useful Tills applies, among other things, to architectural and en glneerlng designs. It involve no moro ex pense -so expert say to build a houso or barn with an attrnctivo exterior than ouo that only satlsfli tlm requirement for room and comfort and in outline look uncompro misingly ugly. Tho miiio proposition applies to moro pretentious structures erected by municipalities or Uy private citizens for pub llo uso. Among theo latter are to Ik) num bered water towers. It has liven tho rule, until recently, to regard tho necoviary but unadorned iron cylinder as fulfilling all re quirements. Of late, however, tho resident of cities, including thoso who are compelled to gaze dally upon an uuplonslng tower, havo come to tho conclusion that lofty structure of this class mny bo made ornaments to the land scajio instead of blots. Not long ago tho ex istence of a general but unformed popular opinion In this reM.ct was recognized by Mr, Henry C Meyer, editor of Thu New York Engineering and Uuildiug IUcord, ami at hi own exHnso ho opened a competition for designs for a waterworks pumping station and a water towor. Over fifty architects responded, nnd tho result) attained far ex ceeded what had been expected. Tho first prize went to a Milwaukee competitor, tho secoud to n resident of llrooklyn, and tho third and fourth to Itostou ai-chltecU. Out side tho technical excellence displayed, tho chief (mint regarded a solved by the com petition Is that of wedding Iteauty to utility. It was shown thut It cost little or nothing moro to build a water tower architecturally handsomo than ono phenomenally hideout Moutu Carlo outwardly U one of tho mott beautiful and attructivo place In Europe, but more suicide occur there than at any of tho capital of Eurojie. The great gaming establishment 1 rospoutibb for an untold amount of misery, and every gold piece of firoflt might almost be said to bo wet with mman blood. The tradition that links the letter R and oysters together can be traced back at least as far as lfiUO, when Duller wroto in bit "Dyet's Dry Dlnncri" "It Is unseasonable and unwholesome in all months that bavs not an R In their mi mo to cat an oyster," 1 iK IflsMlfifffrK. THE LATE GEN SCHENCK. Anorilntr Wlilrli Show III Ileal ('Imi HClrr. Like nil men of strong convictions, ng glmihn personality niidoxticmo capacity for milking warm friend or bitter foe, (leu. l Hellenes,, who died recently nt Washington, win tlm object during hi life time, of much (lxaggerntnl pin I mi mid an ispial iiinouiit of undue criticism I'crlmp the greatest sloriu of iiIiiimi that over kiuiisI Uniii hi head fell Jilit nfler l'resldeiit Lin coin had couimlssiouisl lilin bilgadler geneial of volunteer nt Ihe outbieak of tho late ci il war. Kelieuck wiih a civilian, n l.iwyct.n suc "csiful isillticlaii, an ex iliplomnto, but of military iiITiiIih he knew nothing, mill IIiumi opKiMil to him Mild so lu plain terms I i in npMilutmeut wits ileuoiincdl in ouo lending licwspnjicr us mi oulinge on the solilicin, mid It was suggested that lie lie turned o, to wiine onlerly seiguaiit of tlm tegular in uy mid "niaile to dull like sixty for a montli ' It wan only a little after his entering mi nctlvn inllltarj service Hint Heimlich' critic found a new ixviisimi for leiteiuting llieir origlunl views The geueinl was cngngtsl in HS'lllillg sisM-M.iin of the Iilllloll mill II'UI shlie rnihoad At Vienna the train coiiNe iug his fm ces was Hied iik)M, theeugilKsT un coupled the liK'omotivo nnd ran uwuy, nnd Hchenck' handful of men had to face u band of veiy eager mid nctiui opoucut. Tlm truth of the mattei, a nfterw aid established, win that tho combatnnts on both side dis ptnjtsi cKslllablecourago mid enmo out if tlm coulest with lioiioi , but Hcheuek' eu elnles lUs'lnrod Hint lie had Ihhmi iguoiuinious I) united, and satcnsticiilly (IiiIiImsI him tlm "hero of Vienna." The probitblo rejisons why I'lesldent Liu coin giiMi Hchenck hi commission wero two in number I'm' one he knew the man to Ihi able, uggiessiMi mid bliivo And ngalli he considered hliuseir under great H'isoualobll gallon It mil) imt lie generally known, but It Is mi actual fuel that Mr Lincoln gave Helmut's: tlm ci edit of llrst uaiuliig him for the presldenc. lu Heitembei, i(j,Mi, the for mer addressed n meeting nt Dayton, O., on the M)litinl issues of that -M'tlixl. Allusion Is'lng made to the subjis't of the next pi est denc, Mr. Hchenck suggested "tlmt If nu honest, seunible man was Wanted, it would Isi well to nominate thedlstingulshisl genHemitii from Illinois who had Just nddrevnl them." However, If the licgiuiilug of Hcheuck's military career was not glorious, cither through lack of oxni lenco or wuut of opjsii tuulty, ho showed couspicuou gallantry and ability later on. At tlm second battle of Hull Uuii, while in tlm thickest of tho light nml urging hi men f urn mil, n ball struck hi right wrist nnd his sword (lropKd from his hand Hay ono of the historians of tho war: "Holdler still enjoy telling of tho general' rage and fearful imprecation nt tho loss of hi sword" Ho refused to leave the Held until ho had recovered It Tlm wound ir inancntly Injured hi right arm, nml for the remainder of his life (leu, Hchenck wrote with his left hand When minister to England (leu, Hchenck liecnmo tho turget of u good deal of adverse comment liccuuso ho .mis icpnrtcd to have published a Issik on K)kcr playing for thu Uso of tho English nrlstiscracy "I'oker Hob," as Im was afterwards called by his oi Miiients, never took tlm trouble to deny tlm charge, but his frlemisclnimisl thut ho sim ply wroto out the rules of tlio gaum In com pliance with tlm icqucst of a lad, Klie had tho mamisciipt put In tyximid Issued n few copies of tho pamphlet for private circula tion. (leu. Hchenck sH'nt the l.i-t oiu-sof Ins life lu ubsoluto retirement. He guthercd alsiut him a few old friends, but cared to make no now nnw, As ouo of his biogiapher nis. "Ills enemies siioko of him a sulllsh; his ft lends culled him whole souled, generous, big heal ted, hospitable." Killer Displacing Cliliiriifuriii. I)r Roger Wlllliims has made it careful ex amination of the Inwpltal Issiks, from which It appears that lu ten ears chloioform was ailmiulstensl at Hi Hartlioloumw's lU'.IHiS tiuits with fatal results in ten cases, being alsiut ouo in 1,15m Tho most impoitaiit le siilt of l)r. Williams' Investigations, liimever, Is tliodlscovery that when ether Instead of chloioform had Ixvn usoil during the samu perhsl there wero only three divttlis out of lil.ftbl Instances. I)r Williams tells us ho has long boon awaio of tlm greater safety of ether, mid ho declares hi WUcf that this is tho conclusion townrds which professional opinion i steadily movlug. Ot Interest In l'luitoisriipliHr. It ha recently lieeu discovered that sul phate of quimim Hisses.sos thoiowerof ren dering light non-actinic, and thntii pinto of white ground glass, which ha loon covertsl with a sttoug solution nnd allowed to dry, may lie ussl lu tho phntogrnphlo lantern in stead of that of tho ordinary ruby color, suy Popular Science Xows. We have re cently seen n bromide print develossl by the nou-actinlo white light produced in this maimer, which wa perfect In every way and did not show the slightest trace of fogging. If future trial show the method to lie a piiictlcal one, tho uso of red light iu photog raphy will liecomo n thing of the (wist. Sumo Curiosities In lliirnesliiien. At tho Animals' Institute in Wilton place, London, recently, a very interesting exhibi tion was mado of horseshoes old and new. ANCIENT 1I0HSKSII0KS. Some of thoso displayed wero the handiwork of prehlstorio man, while others showed tho latest development of NineUvnth century ingenuity. The first illustration depicts; 1, tho earliest nallless shoe, from a Roman cump near Mayenco; 2, earliest form of shoo used In northern EurojH, spiked top, from a Evan UODKIl.V HORBEailOES. dloavlau tumulus; 3 and 4, two styles of Ro man shoos of tho tlmo of the early Caesars, In tbe socond picture are shown! 1 and S, ra rlstles of the modorn natlloss shoe) 8, shot with a rubber frog pud; 4, a non-slipping shoe. Al 2 No, till (linriule. In the lur l'nclflc Isles, "Vlieru tlm sleeping water miillms, (lro a I ree h hlc Ii lienrn the w omlerf ul tsiMPtrrc "TIs a certain kind of list Which, when In tlm over cast, Mudi n-seinhle riiMT 'tis gissl loeat, I'ikst, no duiilit, Is seared out there. While, with us, tlm wuoi.i. In rare. And we would not prize It for a steady dirt; Hut I'd sample cit last Kept lu linture storehouse vast, And If I hml some iu, I'll like to try IU No. III. An llinir OIhu. Tlio central letters, reading downward, will ssll tlm liaino of it fmnoiiH general. Cros Words I. l'oniilaliilng. U. Contin uing for ii long time II Ono of tlio planet. J. A shot I slis'p fi In apple. 0. A vehicle. 7. A weuiou 8. A largo shallow dish. 0. A walk for muusenieut. No. Hi. Ill .tluli)- I'lnres. llelilinl inn men will take jour )HMice, And also lake jour common sense. llefuni me prisoner must wall Until llicj hem pronounced llieir fnlo. llelilml urn prisoner must groan Until tliey shall for crime ntono llelilml mo men of shrewdness ihvell, Who help you, hut J oil y them well I am n narrow strip of snuil, Where shlin near sliore w III souietlines strand I nm lu heraldry n sign Smile ss-clal honor to ileflim. 1 nm at list Ic kind of gale. Where Inds and Inssc-i nfteii wait. And now, with u-ltiK lit tlu wit, You knon my iinmofroiii what Is writ. No. :. A Traill ol Cars. I. What can runs to Montreal in tho win ter scio-on f 'J. What car sometimes has many track! II. What car Is seen only in thu southern hemisphere! I. What car runs continually during a presidential cauiiaignf 6. What two cars are of n bright color! 0. What enr takes tho place of another? Nu. til. Hidden Trees. I. "Hills s.s'p o'er hill, ami AImoii Alps arise.' . "I will not pivsiuiie To Head such swish token to a king." 8. "Visions of childhood, stay, oh, stay Ye wero so sweet and wild." 05. A Stiindiird lliiok. No. 0(1. Niinierlral Kiilgmu. My 'J nnd I is nn interjection. My 1, ft and 0 Is a lxy' uamo. My 1, 8 and 0 is a cooking vessel. My il, 4, fi and 7 Is nn iuterrogativo pro noun. My whole is the tiniuu of nn Indian chief. No. 07. A Word Change. Change (lag to ship In four words. Nu. OH. A lllril l'uuln. Example: My llrst I n girl's name. My second, "mixed tvo." Answer: Mngpie. (a) 1. "To bespanglo." SJ. "A kind of fish something liko n coil, but moro slender, largely used for food In Scotland nnd Ire land." (b) I. "Market." 'J, "Not out." (c) I. "A jxhiI of water above or below n wateifall." 2. "A snare." (d) I. "A long beam on board ship." 2. "A lino." How Orteu Dons He Strike? A clock lii Uiiidon Tower stand; Ukiii It rest a wooden man, A wooden hummer lu his hands lie hold a tightly a Im can riutt faithful clock might tlmo tho sua; The little mini il Just it true, For when lie hear the clock strike one Ho w 1th his hammer strike one. too. Now, genllo render, can jou tell How often, when tlm day Is done. The little wooden hammer fell To let thu littlu man strike one Vuilntles. "Shi" said tho rnbblt, "tho guinea pig will hear." "No matter if ho does," repllod the pussy cat. "Tho Bullion pig U not a tail bearer." Arithmetic i tho sum of many a small boy' troubles. It cannot bo denied tlmt dog aro very af fectionate ci future. Ono often see them attached oven to tlu cans. Key to tliu I'utiler. No. 83. A Cross Puzzle: From 1 to 3, Len ten season ; f I om U to 4, Easter Sunday. Cross word: I. Lee. 2. Krn. 3. Garnished. -1. Agltntlon. 5. Evo. 0. Nor. 7. Sis. 8. Eau. 0. Awn. 10. Sad. 11. Probate. Vi. Journey work. No. 84. Easy Pictorial Crossword: In pear, but not in fruit. In can. tut not In oil In lipier, hut not in hoot. In rock, hut not in solL The whole i a pleasure ground park. No. M. A Tangle: The stately elms against the sapphire dome. Their graceful arches cast, And Mock of Meet w ingisl nm allow Hying home. I.lku silent shadow uiswh1 No. W. A Peculiar Qundiuped. Arma dillo. No. b7. Half Squarei A U S T II A L I A U N T W 1 N E 8 S T It I P E I) T W 1 N E It It I P E N A N E It I. E 1) I 8 A No. SS, Curious quizzes- I. Draw a hot I rental line through tlm center of 186N 'J When he' just eighty-four (uto nfoie). 3. Forty-one (for ten one) 4. Four, two ami eight (fortunate! No. 811. Conundrums: Tho coimttrpiirt. Ilecauso they havo eye to see what they are doing. Ho I going to try another climb icllme), Ouo stop up stair and tho other tare up step. Because his business ma Us insel'lsh Ml flsM No. .Jul ililllllllffinl ST " "l"l" " "llllilC Steam and I lot Water I luRlinr. F. A. roic,)iiouc Wit P"!"- - 1 I W'm " 7l I'itLwWwWmiJSS 1Cr--UBBBmv Most Popular Resort in the City. ODELL'S - DINING - HALL MONTOOMKRY I1LOCK, -o ti'9, i I2i and 1123 N Street. o Meals 25 els. $4.50 per Week. sn'w M Styl isli Carriages and Buggies, At all Hours Day or Night. t3T Horfcs l!o.irilcd and best of enro tnken of all block entrusted to us. jgj PRICES REASONAIILE. BILLMEYER & CO.,v Proprietors. Call and Soo Us. Tolophono 435 'Hindi I not take mine case lu mine Inn ?" "Hpeed, suy yon? Aye, lu motion of no less celerity than that of thought." "In truth, a nohlo company. Whntiiro their pleasures?'' "There the huge lrloln recked, hard by Plum pudding stood, undChrlst ma pie Nor failed old Scot land to produce Al such high tide, her suory goose." Come, friends, Let' liiiu u social smoke." "Come, sleep. And with thy sweet deceiving, lock me In delight awhile " .1. KHANCIH, (len'l Pass, and Ticket Agent, Omaha. 1A M &H UNACQUAINTED WITH THE GEOGRAPHY Or TIIE COUNTRY, WILL OBTAIN MUCH VALUABLE INFORMATION FROM A STUDY OF THIS MAP OF THE CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC RAILWAY, Including main linos, brnncbos and oxtonslonu Kant and Woat of tho Missouri River. Tho Dlroct Routo to and from Chicago, Jollot, Ottawa, Peoria, La Salle. Molina, Rock Island, In ILLINOIS Oavonport, Muacatino, Ottumwa, pskaloosa, Dea Moines, Wlntoroot, Audubon, Hnrlan, and Council BlutTs. in IOWA-Mlnnoapolls and St. Paul, in MINNESOTA Watortown ?P.d,Htlu.?.5l18' in DAKOTA-Comoron, St. Joseph, and Kansas City, in MISSOORI-Omaha, Falrbury, and Nelson, n NEBRABKA-Horton, Topoko, Hutchinson, Wichita, Bollovillo, Abilono, Caldwoll, in KANSAS Pond Crook. Kinirflahor, Fort Rono, In tho INDIAN TERRITORY-and Colorado Springs, Donvor, Pueblo, in COLORADO. FREE Rocllnlner Chair Cars to and from Chicago, Caldwell, Hutchinson, and Dodgo City, and Palaco Stoop ing Cars botwoon Chicago, Wichita, and Hutchinson. Travoraoa now nnd vast areas of rioh farming und grazing lands, affording tho boat facilities, of Intercommunication to all towns and cltloa onst and west, northwest und southwest of Chicago, and Puclllo and transoceanic Soaports. MAGNIFICENT VESTIBULE EXPRESS TRAINS, Loading all compotltors In aplondor of oqulpmont, cool, well ventilated , and froo from dust. Through Couchoa, Pullman Sloopera, FREE Rocllntng Gnair Cum, and (oast of Missouri Rlvor) Dining Cars Dally botwoon Chicago, Dos MotneB, Council Blutts, and Omaha, with Froo Rocllnlng Chair Car to North Platte, Nob,, and botwoon Chicago and Colorado Sprlnga, Donvor, and Pueblo, via St. Josoph, or KanBaa City and Topoka. Splendid Dining Hotels (furnishing meals at aousonublo noura) west of Missouri Rlvor. California Excurslona dully, with CHOICE OF ROUTES to and from Salt Lake. Ogdon, Portland. Lob Angolos, and San Francisco. Tho DIREC1 LINE to and from Plko'a Poak, Manltou, Qardon of tho Oode, tho Sanitari ums, und Scunla Orundouru of Colorado. VIA THE ALBERT LEA ROUTE, Solid Expross Trains dally botwoon Chicago and Minneapolis and St. Paul. withTHROUQH Rocllnlng Chulr Cars (FREE) to und from tliouo points and Kunaaa City. Through Chulr Cur und Sleeper botwoon Pooiin, Spirit Luko, and 8loux Falls, vlu Rock Islund. Tho Fuvorlto Lino to Plpostono, Wntor town, Sioux Falls, und tho Summor RosortH und Hunting and Fishing Qrounda or tho Northwoat, THE SHORT LINE VIA SENECA AND KANKAKEE otfora fuollltloB to travel botwoon Cincinnati, Indianapolis, Lufuyotto, und Council Bluffs, St. Joaoph, Atchison, Louvenworth, Kunsua City, Minneapolis, and St. Paul. For Tlokots, Maps. Foldora, or doalrod Information, upply to any Ticket uiuuu in tuu uiuiuu oiuioa ur uubuuu, F. ST. JOHN, General Monat-or UIIIOAOO Plujvibinq KORSMEYER & CO. t,if Jtt; S r.lcvcntli St. Finest in the City -THE NEW-'! Palace Stables St, opp. Masonic Temple. Hcvcl plate mirrors, rich Carpets, nnd artistic decorations, coupled witii the polite serlccs of a colored attendant, render our reclining chair cars the exemplification of case and comfort. Our "FUers" are really a series of handsome apartments connected bv Inj-cniouslv arraiiucd vestibules insuring safety against telescoping, Im pen Ions to the weather, nnd overcome the sway ing motion Incident to ordinary trains. The llurllngton's Fivers are provided with a library of carefully selected books for the free use of patrons, while card tables, congenial fi lends, and "High Five" conduce to "drive dull care away." Quietly, and at ease, the traveller partakes of viands that tempt the epicure, and amid tasteful aim cicgani surroundings, the pleasures of the meal are enhanced by the charming and pic turesque panorama continuously gliding by. Great easy chairs, rattan sofas and laige plate windows, render our smoking car a piime favor ite witii first clnis passengers, for whom they are cxcluslvelx reserved. The acme ot perfection Is reached in our latest Pullman sleepei, whose seats of seal brown silk plush, oriental draperies in exquisite shades rare woods, and carpets ol Koyal Wilton, combine in the highest degree, the artistic with the beautiful ' Wo sigh to think our wondrous Jonrne done." a.c. .ii:.Mi:it, City I'ass. mid Ticket Agent, Lincoln. or I uddroaa JOHN SEBASTIAN, IU Oen'l Ticket ft Pass. Ar ', w s- sM