Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, April 19, 1890, Page 5, Image 5

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Sow Grass Seed Now
Blue Grass
White Clover Seed.
Landreth's Reliable Garden Seeds
Frank E. Lahr,
936 P Street,
North Side Postofliee Square
Boston t Shoe Store
Sherwin's Pharmacy
1124 0 Street
Now at home in our elegant new
store, centrally located and stocked up
with a complete Hue of good, we ask vou
to diop In and see us.
As Usual Lowest Prices !
Don't Forget the Place!
Shijkwin's Shoij Stokij,
1124 O Street, and
Mi-l O Street.
Spring ?.
' Snoods
The Cream of the Market
1225 O SREET.
Now at home In our new location, we
are showing the largest and finest line of
of all kinds ever shown in Lincoln. Our
work Is of the finest, Stales always coirect
anil prices reasonable. We solicit a call
and inspection.
Life Made Easy
HY BUYING S ) .1 : i ' l' I C
More Comfortable
Ker sold In Lincoln. To try them on is
to huy. These goods to he found only at
Webster & Roger's
iojj O Street.
The Kmuiiiih (luiuilng Olrls anil Their Hl
to Hank mill fortune Tim l' ami
llowim or ltiljr Hamilton's Life Old
Tlmn American (Irnrrx.
Beauty tlio Iteauty of woman -lint Km pine
In history slilu hy side with tlio recordist deed
of tlio sago, tlio hero, tliti statesman iulil tint
thinker Tlio once road Htory of tlio slogo of
Troy leaves stronger recollection on tliu mind
of tlio surpassing loveliness of Helen tlniti of
the stormy valor of Achilles, In tlio ago of
Grecian glory Phono's charms shine out as
clonrly as tlio mighty deeds of Alexander,
mid Cleoatra, tlio sorceress of tlio Nile, has
moro security of unending faiiio tlmn tlio mull
who droo her and Antony to dentil mid
founded tlio long lino of llomiin Cnsars
"In praiso of Indies dead" tlio historian has
not Ihwii singular or nlouo Around tlio form
of Ixvtuty tlio KHit lms woven tlio magic spell
of romantic erse, mid, lowlng to tho gcncinl
decree, tho sculptor has fashloliisl Ills IiIim'' of
mnrhlo along tho Hues of female grace, uhllu
tho painter has moro thin vied with nnil
all to tnnko his cuuvns tlio -ncdiiuu for the Im
mortality of loveliness
l'erhiiM tho ower of liennty was never
lettr illustrated than in tho last century by
the career of Elizabeth Gunning. Hho was
tho daughter of a xHir Irish wpiiie, John
Dunning, of Castlo C'ooto, Roscommon, in
Connaught. Tho family was ruiiusl ami ap
areutly without resource. Hit jet titer a
was a resource left, nud Mrs. Gunning dis
covered it. It was tho beauty of Eliznlicth
mid her sister Marin By desornto exertions
tho mother wen us 1 enough mono) to take
her daughters to Dublin. There tho kindness
of Peg Wofllngton furnished them with In
vitntions to n grand ball nt tho castlo, ami
with dresses to wear on tho occasion The
maidens grew famous In a night mid were
tho toast of tho town Moro money was
raised, and in I'M they went to London
Roclety received the "wild Irish girls" with
opou arms.
Now Year's, 17.V,', tho Duke of Hamilton
proposed to Elizalsith, thou a statelv woiiian
of ID, nud was accepted, Tho eugagemoiit
was of tho briefest, for tho iluko insisted on
immediato marriage, roused a bishoii from
slumber, oMTcamo all obstacles and liecmuo
tho husband of the eiitiauciiig Klizalxth at
1'J.uO a. m in Ma) fair chapel Tho hasto mid
impetuosity with which tho affair was hur
ries I on limy bo imagined from tho fact that
tho wedding ring was tho slide of a bed
curtain. Tlio new pooioss that night enteral
on a career of uninterrupted prosperity Sho
becmno lad) of the iHslchamber to Queen
Charlotte, tho mother of two dukes of Ham
ilton, was mnilo a baroness in her own right,
and, after her husband's death, by a second
' . 1aiigi
lr x
- v-irnhf
marriage united the gi eat Iioiim'- of Haiuil
ton and Arg) II, and was the mothei of twi
dukes of tho latter title also Her sister
Maria, tM, was wihmsI and won by a noble
suitor mid dazlisl tho gay world for joars as
the Countess of Coventry.
Another woman to for herself to the
IDQ -5a
front b) moiii aloiuMif her suriNiksiugchnrms
nan Ktiiuin Lyon. Hho owed nothing lo a
mother's watchfulness and care, as did tho
Guunlng. Hho was simply mid wholly a
child of tlio shuns, tho offspring of a house
maid's Intrigue, nud n cast olT wnlf of tlio
streets. Her girlhood was pavsl muld nil
tho surroundings of abject vert) mid Irru
dcomahlo vice. At 13 sho mis n nursery
maid, Imiuntuio, but already showing prom
ise of great lienuty Dr. Graham, a notori
ous qunck of tho day, picked her out of (ho
gutter, nud utilized her In his lecture on
health, tho hnlf clnd girl losing Ixiforo her
employer's audiencca a tlio goddess Hygola,
After this tho painter llomnoy grow Infatu
ated with her, mid placed on numerous can
vases delineations of her glorious form and
Hho nhmidoiicd llouiuoy to becomo tho wlfo
of n middle aged scholar nmued (Irevllle, mid
under his tuition stored hor mind with n great
vnrloty of learning nud nccompllsliments.
Now, fully equipped for her Itnttlowith tho
world, sho deserted her husband, secured a
divorce, ami married Hlr William Hamilton,
tho ambassador of Groat Urltnlu at tho court
of Naples. Tlio chronicles of thnt day aro
llllnl with accounts of her social triumphs,
her keen wit and Intelligence, and her superb
beauty. Hho held her own, dosplto her wtt,
nt tho court of Ht, James and on tho contin
ent, until ofio inornljig there snllnl Into sirt,
nfter victory over England's fis.s, tho fmnous
Iird Nelson, Tho complications arising from
hClf s'ubssiiout ncipialntauco with tho great
admiral barred her from rosiss'tahlo circles,
nud a fow jcars nfter Nelson's death shn
Ik. 2f
paswsl away nt Calais, to which town sho fled
lo avoid her Iiudoii creditoi s
Still another woman who was the toast of
her day had tho foi tone to 1st blesss in her
youth with beauty, mid nlso inheritisl rnuk.
Hho was "of tho purple," ami knew nothing
of obstacles such as those which Kliznhoth
Gunning and Emma Lyon were couiellod to
overcome. Vietoiia Maria Lulsa was the
fourth daughter of tho Duke of HuxoCohourg
Hnallleld. lloiu in 17N), she mnrrlisl when
17 years old tho I'llneo of L'inlngon Ho
died in 181 1, and In 1818 his widow wedded
thoDukonf Kent, fourth sou of Gtsirgo III
of Kuglainl Tho next enr Victoria, present
queen of Gieat llrltain, was hoiu to the pair.
Tho picture of tho Duches of ICent herewith
given Is from a painting by I.nwreuco, and
shows her liighueHs when !H years of ago, and
at tho zenith of her attractiveness.
Irfinreuce also painted a iwtralt of Ijuly
I Ellails.'th Gower, who in 18111 married Karl
Grosvenor, eldest son of the Manpiisof Wcst-
I minster. Sho IxKiamo iu duo course of tlmn
Ijuly Westminster, und llvivl to a gi eat old
ago, preserving, oven to tho last, traces of tho
loveliness which distinguishes! her youth.
Americans generally aro familiar with tho
romance sun minding tho family of Baltimore
Ilouauirtes It wasa uotahloovciit when tho
Ixdlo of tho .Monumental city married tho
biotherof tho French ruler and, nsthepaHTS
of the time ileclaitsl, "cemeiitisl the allianco
Iwlwis'ii tho countriesof Washington mid Li
faette." lint tlio ill nt eoiisiil did not pioos
that his iiiinrial plans should Is) illstui Ixsl hy
til alhanceof this soit, and lefustsl to regard
I is brother Jerome'., legal wife as auj thing
save Miss 1'atti rson Tho dUoice whieh he
InsinUsl on caused a nipture l'twis'ii Naisv
hsju and 1'ins VII, and tho llaltiuioie Isviuty,
insisting that showasaud would lemaiu Muio
Jerome llonapal te, crossisl the was and ties
pitu her marital sepmmiou shone in foieigu
sixiiely as a In ight pal ticular still for years.
Sho returntsl to Ameiicaiu 1st) ami ended
her life In her uatixecity
Ono of tho lovel) women of a past goner
ntlou well worthy of mention is Kll.alx'th K
Monroe, tho wife of James Muuroo, for eight
years president of the United Htntes Her
maiden name was Koitrlght, and her father
had lueu a captain iu tho British army Mr.
Monroe, when ho securtsl her hand, was a
congressman fioui Virginia. The w willing
took place iu 178il, and from tho hour when
their fortunes wero joined at tho altar Mrs
Monroe, by her grace, her charm of manner
and her tact, greatly aided tho future pi enideut
In conciliating foes, making friends and carv
ing out a eaits-r They lived much abroad,
for ho was minister to Franco uud then to
England, and afterward at homo tho ladj's
social dutlui Included those which ilevoho
upon tho w ife of a secretary of state and the
chief oxeeutixo of a lepublic Hho was a
liaudM.11110 woman and sho had brains
A Kitttier tirewsnmn llanioet.
Tho undertakers' assistants of San Friincis
co ris.'entl) held a bauipiet winch had alsmt
It many grunsoinn features The stage of
Metronilitau temple was canopied th lilacl,
ami w lute, and two white lollliis apK-ared
um a black olvet backgtouud with this
sentiment almvo "But, drink and bemeiry,
for to moriow we die" Over the center of
tho platform hung an Illuminated kull and
cross lsiiies A ilrassl casket lane the In
scriptlon: "At lest: Dan Mc(iint)," and a
placard on the walls lead What is homo
without a cough iuf" The menu card, in
shape like a collln lid, olTensI such dclieaon-s
as chick-en dies-sod a la shroud, smelts served
on a stretcher, liecf, Undertaken,' association
st)lo, tomatiH-, steueil a la grlpjs', h 1111 a la
morgue, and soon Tho lively Joiing men
who wero pievnt ns-iii to liave cast oT their
iirofisMioual load of woo for the mvasiou and
to have gouo a little too far lv)ond the
natural ami hialthy limit ( uieiruiieiit
, ji.l A CS. A AA7-
(Is J J lUjJSi, iJj".iiJ7 .J
( 1 I1
(Fd2 ' infj
McM'nLcUj 1 re LI cph'
New Clothing House
- -
Our line comprises a complete and KNTIllELY NEW stock of
Clothings, Hats, Caps and Furnishing Goods !
And we will also make a
Specialti) of sSliilJi-siii s &vtar5t.
'ou will tind our store large, lipht and aii) and a force
salesmen to serve you. Call and -see us.
Hermann Brothers, Cash Clothiers
I L-T Every Lady caller on
211 South Eleventh St., LINCOLN, NEB.
Macrnto. -
A7.VA". fir
- 7 ft mn
!, 5
-1017.1019 o stri:i:t-
Thursday next will be given a
- - iJtrJ''-iflii,,!W-i
jjJjghdl gfr
rtiu. iIol
H mp
of competent and courtec
Beautiful Somenir.