Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, April 12, 1890, Page 2, Image 2

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Roberts & Co,
212 North 1 1 tli Street,
Undertakers and Embalniers.
Telephone Olllif i( Ui'liU"u-o ijsf"
Open l)n mill Nlgn
E. T. ROBERTS, Manager.
Santa Fc Route I
Atchison, Topeka A Sanla Fe R. R
The Popular Route to the Pacific
Through Pullman and Tourist
nctwci'ii Kaunas Clt mill SAN 1)1 ECO,
CISCO. Short Line Rates to
Double Dull Trnln Service Between
Kansas Cltv and PUEBLO. COLOR ADO
The Direct Texas Route
Solid Trains Between Kanonn Cltv niul
Gnlvoton, The Short Line llctucen
Kansas City mid Gainesville, Ft.
Worth, Dalian, Austin, Temple,
Sim Antonio, Houston, ami
all Point
In 'lea.
The Oulv Line Running Through the
Only Direct Line to theTexns
ran-Handle, l-or Maps am)
Time Tabic mid Informa
tion Regarding Rate
mul Routes Call on
or Address
S. M. OSGOOD, Gon'l Ag't
E. L. PALMER. Traveling Agent,
1308 Farnam St.,
Owns niul operate 5..VM miles of tliormighly
oqulpped rotul In Illinois, Wisconsin, Iowa,
Missouri, Minnesota ami Dakota.
It Ii tho Dost Direct llouto botvvbeu nil tlio
Principal Point tn tlio Northwest, Southwest
and Knr West.
For maps, tlmo (allien, rates of passage ami
freight, etc.. npply tn nearest station iiKont ol
way, or to any Hullroail Agent nnywtiero lu
tho world.
General M'c'r.
Gon'l Pass.AT'laAnt.
.. Uon' Mirr. Aunt. 0. 1. A T. Ant.
.m lll'll. Ill III'iAri'llllll.
,MUvvaukco, Wisconsin.
BT-Ko: Information tn reference tn Lauds
laaTnwni owned by tlio Chicago, .Milwau
kee A Ht. l'aul Hallway Compnuy.wrto to II.
O. lUuoxw.ljina CommWlonor.Mlllwaukio
Grand Drawing
Loteria de ia BeneOcencia Publlca !
State of Zacatecas, Mexico.
Aiymllcato of cnpltntlMtH havo secured tlio
concession for operating thin
niul will extend ltd business throughout the
United mates mid British eoliiiiilMa.
liolow will bo found a lint of the prlies which
will bo drawn ou
May 27, 1890,
mul continue- monthly thereafter.
r-H.IZ,J, Yvj'
100,000 Ticket at HIO.OO. Ilulvea,
S.I.OO. Tenth, St. OO. American
Current-) ,
1 PltlZK OK f 1.10.000 U im.000
1 IMII.K OK ft),Orl I fiOUM
1 I'lU.K OK...... aiuw In.... ..... SSiKl
3 1'IUZKHOK .. in,moaro .... 30 on)
ai'HiZKSOF ft.ooonro... . . loai
SPHIZKHOK a.ttWnro........ 10 ,W
10IMU.KHOK 1.000 11T0.... . 00
30 I'UI.KS OF fcou nro .... 10
aooiMUZKSOF aOnre -ioiu)
SUOl'HIZKSOF . KM are..... . iioim
600 PHIZES OK 100 nre fio.Otf)
150 I'HIZKH OK S nri jmjj,.)
150 IMUL8 OK ft) arc 7..MO
WJ Terminal Prlies of Ware W,irt)
O Tleketit for W30.O0.
city In United State and British Aiuerlea.
The payment or Prlies is guaranteed bv a
special doiolt of five liundml thoiuand ilol.
lars (500,0t), with tho Klatu Uoveniment.
mid approved by Jeso Arechlga, Governor
Drawings undor tho perouul supervision of
Lie. Ilcrmlulo Arteagn, who In niiiioliitca by
tho Ooveriiiiiont us luterventor,
"iCKHTlKVthat with tho State Treasurer
all iicccessnry guarantees are doposlted assur
ing full payment of all pi lien of thU drawing.
llEltMI.NioAiiTKAOA, Intervenlor.
Iteinlttanceii minit bu either by Now York
Draft hxpreiu or IU-i,'Utoroil Letter, American
money. Collection can bo nuulo by Kxpre
Companies or IlankH. Ticket Kent dlreut lo
mamiKement will bo paid by ilraitxon Now
ork, Montreal, Ht. l'aul, ChlcaKO, Han Fran
cUco or City of Mexico. Kor further Infor.
JUAN I:iAI, Hanacer,
ZHCiitecui, Stoxleo,
A pa nil do 13.
The imiIiIIiik "f Mr. .loliti M Thayer, Jr ,
and MIm MiikkIo .Million (x-curml at the
rmliliiimliln hour of noon lint Monday. The
eeienioiiy wni pi rforiutxl by Rev. John Hew
itt ut tht church of tho Holy Trinity in tho
lirifioiiiii of n miiall company of relative mid
Invito I friend. Tho elaborate Moral decora
Horn of EiKtor day had hi"ii iiIIuhivI lore
main, tho fate had oui'hifed n bright,
lHaiitlfiil day mid nltoKcihci the Medilliu;
mm celebrated lilider the hiipplext of comll
tlolin The hildeeiitelel the chinch upon tho
mm of her father. Her hMci-k, MIhci Helen
mill I.mIIii Million, follmi ed at niiiliNnf honor
The lil'lilnl pally Mere met hy the I11I1I1 mimiiii
alii) Ins liet'mau, .Mr. 1 1111111 'Iheyar, at the
altar. Mr Hcamatk iielded at the 01 win,
and Mewi C V I'luherdlekandC. T. Cum
emu otllelaleil an UhheiH. 'l'ho lirlilo Haunt
tiled In a corn cnlnicd brocade miiilornfrdfiu'
w It It linliiKN of u Idle iweyie ie ciciic and car
ried a Iwitpiet of moiKiicrih'N and maiden hair
feuw. T maldn MeroKou mil alike In Karl
Kray nllh trl line," of white cre;ic ic rhvnr
I mid cut Mivl, and they carried Ixxpietn of
pink nai'intiin mm maiden hair rerun. After
thoiTiemoii) 11 vtcddluKhrcakfaftt hiimmtvinI
at the Inlde'n, mid the newly mado
1 couple took the t.iU) train cant for 11 wcddlui:
jotiiuey of Hovernl week. They will Iki ill
homo at the renldenco of tho groom' parent,
lUlfi I'Mnpict ntreet, after May ft. Till inar
llane li one of Rreat Intercut, Tho groom Ih
I ho hon and hccictary of (Io John M. '1'liuy
er, and ha 1111 uinminlly larf;o neipialntmico
tlirouKhout tho "Into. Tho bride I tho
daughter of Mr. O. A. Million, Ktenogrnpliei
for tho district court, n gentleman of Duo lit
elary attnlmueutii, and haiiluwt of friend
In her o 11 right, lirlilo ami groom havo the
well winhcof largo circle for a wnldeil Ufa
ovrllowlng with health, liiipphleH mid pro
Mrity. Mr. A. 11 HciMon eutertnlmd her lady
friend thl' week, 0110 coinany on Wednes
day nf lei noon and another on Thursday.
Tho Invitation were for two o'clock, mid
nhortly after that hour tho guest were seat
ed at table and enjoying tho excitement of
progrewivo high live. Tho play wa Inter
rupted nlwMit four o'clock for 0110 of tho dain
tiest of luncheon. Mr. Hcexoti U 0110 of the
moit cliiiMitlug of tho coterio of young iim
tnin for which tho Capital City I noted,
and kIio hold tho Kwltiou of social lender by
right of eminent ipiallllcatlou, Tho aiiolnt-
incut at thl week' pnrticH were exipilslto,
and tho ladle enjoyeil 11 delightful nfternooii.
Tim royol honor 011 Wednesday worn won by
Mlw Lntta, who recolviil n iK'nutlful basket
of Mowers, Hinter lilies mid twos. Mr. Hnnn
wn coinolod for 111 luck liy n small liaskot
lllleil with imiisle mid lilies of tho valley. Tho
comimny eonslsUsl of Madam Patrick, NIs
liett, MeFarlmid, lnniberton, llalnl, Hart-
lett, biwter. Perry, llenton, Hwnn, Kleiner,
Warren, Oakley, Iroono.Htownrt, Chapiimn,
A. 1). Hurr, Oeorgo Clark, L. O. Ilurr and
W. W. Holmes, Ijitta, Furst, Haw
klin, Prtco of Chicago mul Suddlth of Wauso
ca, Minn. At tho second party tlioprlzii fell
to Mr. Uitrgroavcx mid Miss Htohlw, and they
nli riM'elveil lovely Moral favor. Tho coin
pauy comprised Madam lluckstair, Sheldon,
Leannrd, Hargreaves, Hoiskell, Hayduu, Ed
dy, Dentil', Dawes, Ewlng, Townloy, Llppen
cott, ColTroth, Carl Funko mid Charles Car
tor, MIhhm Hlobl, Ihvker, Price, Ijitta mid
Among the many picnic parties to Cushinan
lmk last Hummer wa 0110 which found its
moinliorshlp so congi-nlal that It continued hi
tho fall 11 an Informal social club, meeting
from tlmo to time for nn evening at card.
Tho club and 11 number of friends were enter
tained Wednesday evening by Mr. mid Mrs.
K. K. C'rlley of tho Windsor, niul they had n
roal tlmo. There were eleven tables of pro
grwslvo cucliro. Tho first honors fell to Mr.
MeFarlmid mul Mm. Dr. Appleget auddefent
wn tho fnto of Mr. Montroso and Mrs. lleo.
Clark. Tho company Included Mosrn. and
Mi 1 lames Jnnsvn, Appleget, MeFarlainl.Hliel
ton, Wolcott, Hailey, Dayton, Hall, Montrose,
Vnrney, Leonard, Hlllmoyer, Wiley, Hurlbut,
Cal Thompson, Oeorgo Clark mid O. M.
Tlioniison, Mrs. Putnam, Mrs. HiUTmati.MiK
SniiudeiM, Miss Price of Chicago, Mr. It, K.
Tabor of I.nwronet, Knn., Mr. McIjiIii of
Kansas City, Messrs. ltlchter, Walsh, Htoven
sou and U'lnlst.
On Saturday lnit Mrs, Hamlin Eddy gave
an afternoon jmrty for lady friends. A pro
fusion of Mowers lent their swectmss to tho
other attractions of tho cozy parlors, and
high 11 vo niudo tho hours My pleasantly. Mrs.
Eddy wa nn admlrahlo hostess, mid tho
guest hud n very enjoyable nfternoon. Tho
company consisted of Madams Sheldon, Duck
stair, Leonard, A. 8. llnymond, Huydon,
lluruham, Hnrgrouvcii, Maxwell, lloehiuer,
Putnmii, Drown, lleoson, Agey mid Illie
luuder, Miss Price of Chicago, Miss Ellsou of
Ohio, Misses Saunders, Iatm, Oakley, Ollxo
Ijitta mid Maud Hurr.
Mr. and Mrs. Bhelton entertained llvo ta
bles at cards Thursday 0 enlng. Tho nierrl
ment of progressive euchre mul a spread of
tempting refreshment lllleil up nn evening
of rare pleasure. Tho honors at card fell to
tho lot of Mr. Wntson nnd Mrs. Van Hruut.
Tho company consisted of Messrs. mid Mes
dames Wolcott, Patrick, Wiley nnd Vnu
Hruut, Mesiliimes Williams. Crissey, HulT
mau, Criley and Tabor of Lawrence, Kan.,
Mls Clillds, Mr. "Wntson of Knnsas City,
Messrs. Mohreiiitechor, Thompson nnd Fores
mau. Tho ComiiKii U huh'btwl to tho thoughtful
kindness of Mrs. L. Leoulo for 0110 of tho
pi-ettiest of Easter souenlr. It consists of
a tmiill tasket lllleil wlthe(ig shells lH'autl
fully decornteil with daisies, heliotroe, prim
roM'8, etc. Threo of tho eggs rest on a bed of
rutin nnd a f mil tli is suspended from the
basket handle by n knot of ribbon, nnd tlio
wholo Is as dainty as can Im,
Tho wedding of Mr. Harry Miller mid Miss
Ida Marsh wa eelubrated Weilr.esdny even
ing nt 8 o'clock at tho homo of tho bride's ui
rents in Yankeo Hill. Rev. O. E. linker of
delated. Tho ceremony was witnessed by
about thirty lenitives nun rrieiut. Many
hauilsome pnent were received. Mr. and
Mrs. Miller will bo nt homo to frieuds after
April Hth.
Dnvll II. Mercer of Omaha was In town
Tuealay. He has been recommended by tho
Nebraska senators nnd congressmen for tho
position of deputy district attorney for tho
United States courts. Hols now deputy U.
S. marshal. Dave Is a graduate of tho State
university nud has many acquaintances in
Dr. T. J. Armstrong of Beatrice, sujierln
tendent of tho institution for feeble minded,
was married in this city Monday afternoon to
Mrs. Mario IliitterMold, Tho bride is a sister
of Chancellor Dessoy, at whoso residence tho
wedding occurred. She had been an instructor
In tho Beatrice institution.
A successful concert was given Wednesday
evening under the auspices of St. Andrew's
Brotherhood. An excellent program was
provided by Mr. II. J. W. Seamark, Madams
Weber nnd Lipplncott, Prof. 'Weber, and
Mioses Parker, Lillibndo mul Lydln Million.
Mrs. E. P. Holmes entertained a small com
pany Thursday evening in honor of Mrs.
Holly. Cards and elegant refreshments
rounded out a very pleasant evening.
II J . Walsh ha luen chowii senior warden
and J. C Ivler Junior warden of the church
nf th Holy Trinity Tim vest ymen elected
Tin winy nlrht are It. II Oaklev, James
Hem 11, W. L. Muiphy, It. (). Phillip, K. p.
Holmes D. II. Llllihildge and ('. H. Hodge.
At the Y. M. C. A. conceit Woilnc-day
evening Prof. Meneiidorf ami Mini ('(Hirnti
weie assisted by .Mlsso Delia ImiiiIh, Loulie
Pound, Imr. Hoimell and Nellie Kcott mul
Mcm I). N. I'hiner and II. A. Reeso and
theunlMislly orchetin.
Dr. F E. 1 'link of lloolui, Ihn founder of
(he Young Piople'sHii'lely of Chilstlan En
dt avor, was In tho elt) 'lnilay, and many
memlM'iHof theordir met him at mi Infoimal
iiceptlou In the Fiist Coiigiigatlonnl chinch
in the eM'iiliig
Among the paitlclpaiilat the Yoiko club
party last night weie Mlses 1,11a Weeks and
Elite Mclutiie of Uniting mul Mis Inn
llureh of (Iraiul Island Mlos Weeks Is the
guest of M U Mn J (Instill
Mrs Fred Thomas and child are visiting at
their former nim In I .neon, III., mulasa con
si'ipienco Fred Is now dining and lunching
like unto tho life of us bachelor boys,
Thomas W. Cox of 'jiniiha ciuno down to
ntteiiil the Yorko club artv last night mul
wlllliothegiiistofF.ll (laild at Bethany
Ili'lglits for a few days.
Tho member of Marshall division No. 10,
filiform Rank, ICulghtsof Pythias, are mak
ing arrangement for a grand ball on tho
evening of .May 1st.
John ami Frank Dorgan returned Wednos
day from a suiii-Hsful hunt In Cherry county .
.iii-ii iniiy nun a nngou inpor mo miles niul
baggisl IIIO birds.
0 W. Bagley hit returned to Lincoln from
Iigan mul relocated hero. Charles N. (1 ran
ger haretiiiiiiI from Denver for tho samo
SothW. Eddy of this city and Miss Mary
Alkcsou of Mliuleii will bo married nt tho
home of the bride's parents in Mliulou m-xt
Mr. J. W. Maxwell was tho recipient on
Wednesday of n very handsome horso and
phaeton, tho gift of her father, Mr. O. R.
Next week's CoL'lilKll will Imvoan Illustra
tion showing a variety of Rodforn's outfits
for laillctV wear while eiigagwl In out-door
Rov. Ixiwls Gregory and W. A. Llndley
havo reslgiusl their places on tho school Itoard
to let tlio now members take their places nt
II. E. Noble, tho photo artist, leaves today
for an extended trip through tho northwest,
going ns far as Portland, Seattle and Tiicoina .
Tho jtooplo nt "Snld Pnsha" Wednesday
night were pleased to seo Anson Becker, 1111
old tlinofaorIte, In thoorchtstrn again.
Mason (Iregg and W. Henry Smith enjoyed
a visit this week from Judge Victor A. Elliott
of the supreme court of Colorado.
Thomas Darnell has been entertaining n
nephew, C. 11. Tubnnk, n banker ut Hnyes
Center, Kns.
Lieut. Edgnr S. Dudley left Thursday to
rojoln his command nt Fort Icnvcnworth.
Mis. II. P. tail and Ml. (Seo. Bossehnuli
leave today on the llyer for Chicago.
Mis. John Doollttlo entertaineil a company
of lady friends yesteulay afternoon.
Miss Meilora Smith entertaineil tho East
Lincoln C. L. S. C Wislnenlay.
Senator nnd Mrs. I. SI. Raymond enter
talced n company Inst evening
I M. HuiK'it has removed to Oreenwootl
mid gouo into business.
Tho Yorko club had a largo party nt Tem
ple hall last evening.
J. F. tanslng left Tuesday for a trip to
Faribault, Minn.
J. M. Buford returned Thursday from
Memphis, Teim.
Mrs. Thomas II. Benton visited Omaha
J. W. Webster Is visiting at
Mrs. Joseph Scott is visiting at Kearney.
Mist Rosa Smith Is visiting at Keokuk,
Cushman park will ojien May 1 1.
John B. Wright Is lu Chicago.
I Other Social News on Pago 8.
Interesting to Ihn llotutni Ife.
The season being nt hand for the usual un
pleasaut Job of taking down stoves tho Cotr
11IKH deems It nproios to make a few re
marks. There is now and hns for tho past
two or three years heen a firm lu this city en
gaged in tho business of storing stoves, and
so successfully havo they opemtod their work
that this season their warehouse has been ei.s
larged to meet tho Increased business. This
firm is Newell Storage Co., whose olllce is nt
IfcM South Eleventh street. They come to
your house or place of business, take dow n
your stove, remove nnd store it until such
tlmo ns you may want It nnd then return it
to you again, setting it up cleared and in
good order, at th.i snmo tlmo Insuring it
ngnlnst flro, nccldents, etc. Being experi
enced in their work mul employing only the
Iwst of help there is no ipiestlon ns tothoenro
nny proiorty will have In their hands. Messrs.
Newell & Co. are by no menus strangers in
Lincoln as they havo lxon residents here for
several years and aro In every manner relia
ble as well as resionsiblo. They also make a
scclalty of other storage work, including
pianos, which aro moved mid stored without
expenso of packing. They will call and do
liver all goods entrusted to tholrcaro prompt
ly and at reasonable prices. They have the
proer facilities for the work and a trial will
convineo you that it will pay you to have
them hnndlo your stovo and other storage.
All orders may be lft at the olllce, sent by
mall or given over phono 014.
Notice to Kvhim Laundry I'litroits,
Joe Wnllace, who has been driving one of
our wagons nnd serving our patrons in dis
trict south of O street, has loft our service and
accepted a jiosltlon with another laundry.
Wohipe our patrons will tako notice mul
bear with tis while we nre breaking in a new
man mid send us a card or telephone us nt lliy
if the now mnn fails to cull nt tho propor
time mid their wnnts shall bo promptly and
carefully attended to.
Evans Laundry Co ,
a37,a-J0,a31, North Twelfth street.
tadles desiring artistic dressmaking nt
reasonable prices should engage Mrs. Tyrrell,
lli O street. 4-1213
While down town shopping Indies can step
in nt Mis Johnston's nnd tune their bangs
trimmed and curled In live minutes, None
but oxcrleticcd hands employed. Price Sfte.
Prof. C. Bolznrd, the lightning proMlo por
trait nrtUt, hns Uhmi nt the Musee this week
doing n line of rapid artistic crayon work
that has both pleased and sin prised the na
tives. The profwsor's engagement closes to
night, ami if you want a good Hfo-sle butt
picture! of jourself for 2.5 cents go and seo
him. It's a pleasure to see him work.
He Vint r Own l.aiidlniil,
Vult iwiylng tent mul buy n hoilse. J. II.
MeMuitry will put up a homo for you Just 11
nu want it mid tako paj for mini' by 11 nii'i -L
liiilallinent. Till way you wllUoon haw
11 house of your own mid although you p-y
but little moie thiinoidlliary lent, you do not
mi's it. Call and see McMurtiy. Ho has fit
ted up hundred of people who today tire
pioperly holders and who other Imi would
yet bo paying high rents.
llaiKiilu In Kline
IhK'iK', tho shoo man, everybody kns
him, I piepailng to movn to the Exposition
stoio and until tho removal ho will glwi ex
traoidliiar.v bargains In all klmlsor footwear
III line Is not bloken or small, but huge 11. d
well selected. You should see hi spi I 1
goisl. Tho dainty and serviceable one h r
the fair ones, while for tho sterner sex he
ha everything btylNi anil iluinble. HrNeoe
Is iihwiys a little cheaper than thoitstof!
tli m, nnd pmtlcularly now hi goods mo,
cheaper than out Cull and see at BUI (),
stieet. '
Tim Ashhy A- M lllMinugli Sale.
The pat week has been a constant 1 us' wit
the old Ashby tVcjMllbpmigh stand and
buyers hiue attended the closing out sale of
the stock in largo uuiubeis. Lndles whonp
Pitclate bariralns found mi eml nt il...m ii......
and nearly every 0110 wont out with 11 bundle I
of some kind. Mr. Block is dctci mined lo
cIoho out over thing giving such il iliiccmciit
hnwIII move tho goods. Our lady icailei.
ml, a rmo opportunity If they fall' to seouio
some or tlioo goods. Thostoek Nlepletewlth
tho finest linoof dry giHxIs, dress good anil
trimmings In tho cltv and certainly then, U
nothing that a lady wants in that linn that1
she cannot get theie at a blir barirain Inst
Don't buy a refrigerator until you have
n-eii tho Alaska Refrigerator ntS. C. Elliott's
They nro tho bo-t made, consume less Ico than
any other and rensonablo in price. You esii't
airord to keep house without an Alaska.
A iSew Departure,
Mr. Bert E. Bolt, well known us one of the
leading mul best stenographers In this city,
mul for tlio po,t live years stenographer for
tho Security investment Co. and private sec-
letary to Hon. R. E. .Moore, will on mul nfler
the fifteenth Inst, ho found lu tho pleasant
olllce of tlio Cttl'itiKit.
Finding considerable demand iiihiii his time
for general repotting mul tyiewritlng work,
Mr. Rett has opened this ollleo nnd will de
vote his entire time to work of that character
making hushics correspondence 11 sieclalty
With 11 thorough knowledge of tho business
lu all lines nnd years of oxorle!ice in corn s
N)iidenco, rejiortlng of conventions, speeches,
lectures, sermons, investigation, trials, ex
aminations, deposition, hearings before 1 of
eieos, debates, etc., Mr. Bettswlll, wo Imvo
no doubt, give nmplo Fntlsfnction in any line
01 ri'iKiniug. no is an oxtert typowiiter
oorator, thoroughly familiar with all tho
IHipiilai- makes of machines, nnd will have
ch'irgo of tho sale of tho new Yost writing
mnchltio through Its agency lu tho South
Platto country. He will keep in stock a full
lino of stenographic and tyHjwi Iter supplies,
mid furnish any shot thand book orpeiiodl
cal published lu tho United .States. Anv
work entrusted to him will receive his person
al attention mid I o promptly and accurately
Tho reputation sustained hi past years for
tho excellence of tho Alaska Refrigerator me
sulllcient guarnntou to intending purchnseis
Call mul see the now lino for 1MH) at S. C
Tho new lino of enrd cases Just ricclvtd nt
the l 'ouitlKIt olllce me worthy the ins ection
of tho most fushlonablo collet. TI e Hue em
biaces genuine seil, ooe calf, Russia leather
and numerous others, Inchuling a num
ber of lieautiful linpoiteil novelties. Wo have
them for both ladles and gentlemen
A Vt. I.cuieiiw or III Coterie llrawx iHi,1,0(K)'
Twelve members of lo. K liith Iniantry, at
the Fort, have just leceived tluough the Pa
cillc Express company f.1,000, their portion of
tho $100,000 prize in the last drawing of tlio
Louisiana State lottery. The money was
paid to Sergeant Thomas Mmriott mul by
him divided between tho twelve who had
pooled their hsues. Each put lu M) cents and
ns luck would havo It, one or tho six tickets
purchased drew one-twentieth of the 100,000
piize. Leavenworth (Kan.) 7'i'mc.s, Jan. !!0.
Harked Interest
Is now shown by eastern people lu the settlu
ment of Oregon and Washington, particulate
that region adjacent to Puget Sound. The
reason for this is tho ulmoU unlimited re
sources that have lately been opened up, and
the surprising growth of Portland, Tucoma,
Seattle mul other largo cities and towns along
Puget Sound.
The Union Pacillc, on account of its fast
tlmo, short lino, through Pullman palace
sleepers, free reclining ilmlr cars, elegant
dining cars, mid free Pullman Colonist sleep
ers from tho .Missouri river, is the favorite
route to this region, mid tickets via this line
should always lie asked for.
For complete Inforiuatlon relative to this
remarkable section, tima of trains, rates,
pamphets, etc., call on your nearest ticket
ugent or address E. L Lomux, General Pass.
Agent, Omaha. 4-1-U1
I II. 1' Kiiglmi fur Sale.
In good condition. Only used o short time.
For said cheap. Apply nt CooitlKll olllce.
The I'ltloitso Counti-, Washington.
This section of the not th west is dally at
tracting the attention of eastern peonle, and
especially Is this title since the completion of
the Union Pacillc through this new empire,
thus opening up n direct line from tho Mis
souri river to Spokane Fulls, Just north of the
Palouso Country.
Many desirable farms may jet le had in
this lemarkably produotle legion on retain
able terms, as the settling of this vast section
is yet in Its infancy.
The Union Pacific is now the most direct
lino, and with its fast time, elegant eipilji
nieut mid low rates of furo, Is tho favorite
rouje to this region from all jiolnts east.
For rates, pamphlets or other matter rela
tive to the Palouso Country call on or address
E, B. Slosson, City Ticket ami Pass. Agent
Instructions given and orders received in
china and oil painting, pastel and water col
ors. Minnie Kramer, 831 J street.
Why Will You Miner?
With corns, callouses, in-growing too nails,
warts nnd bunions when Win. Downy, tho
oW-tlme Chiropodist, will remove them with
out pnlu orsubseipiont soreness. I do no cut
ting nor use acid, simply cause a seimrntlon
lietween tho com mul the flesh and lift tho
corn out wholo with a Pure Vegetable Oil.
Can be consulted at thoLlndoll Hotel.
Sieclal attention given to the treatment of
ladles at their residence for which no extra
charge will be made.
Will remain for a few days only. Charges
reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Wm , Devenv.
Lowest Kate on llurth.
By tho "Burlington," Tickets may lie ob.
tallied at Union de ot or city ollleo, cor. O
and 10th streets,
At the Front
For the Spring of 1590,
iHil ilH iWSH
Over 10,000 now in use. Perfect Satisfaction Guaranteed.
No wearing out of Cat pets by turning around,
by the ue of the Old Reliable
On Our Entire Line of Spring
Call and Get Prices Before Buying. ,
23.1-238 South Eleventh St. Lincoln, Neb.
Calling Cards,
Only $2.50. Wessel Printing Co.
We have just received a New Line of
Showing America's Leading Actors and Actresses In from one to twenty
views, both street and stage attire, of all the
Actors and
Call mul see them,
Such Photographic
Lincoln. Any Plioto
1 134 N Street.
or has never before been seen In
doslred furnished.
Courier OHice.