Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, April 05, 1890, Page 3, Image 3

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"a living doq is better than a
dead lion."
The Mini of Small (lift Who Uc ttlmt He
Hit In Worth More IIihii H of (Irrnt
Tulciit Who Allows Ills Ability to Mo
lliiooKLVN, Mnrch ISO. There wan tho usual
(lifllculty In Ki'ttlnjj sent, or oven Guiding
room, In tlio Academy of Muslo this morning
when tho service commenced, the ordinal y
Tnliernuclo conRrc;utlnii lielnj; Increased by
throng of iwrsoiH eager to listen to tho elo
quent preacher. Tlionervleooeneil with tho
ulnging of tlio Iiong Metro iloxology hy tho
immonso nndleneo. Dr. Tnlmugo'ii subject
was, "A Dend Lion," nnd his text, Keelos.
ix, J: "A living dog Is bettor than u dead
lion " Follow Ing Is a verbatim reort of tho
Tho lllhlu Is tho utrnugost, tho loveliest, tho
mightiest, tho weirdest, tho licst of Itookn.
Written ly Moses tho Inn 3 or, Joshua tho sol
dier, Samuel tho Judge, l'rit tho hullder,
Job tlio HHt, David tho slicplifitl, Daniel
the prime minister, Amos tho licidsinnu, Mat
thew tho custom houso olllccr, l.uko the doc
tor, l'nul tho wholnr, John tho exile, and
yetn complete harmony fi urn tho middle verso
of tho lilble, vUileli Is tlio eighth verso or tho
0110 liiinilicdtli nnd seventeenth lValm, both
vuyntotho uppor nnd lower lids, nnd from
tho shortest passage, vrhleli Is tho thlrty-llfth
verso of the eleventh chapter of John, to tho
longest erso, which Ih tho ninth verso of tho
eighth chapter of I'sthcr, and jet not 1111 lm
perfection in nil tho ?73,tili:i words which it is
composed of. It not only reaches over tho
jMist, but over tho future; has in It 11 ferry
boat, ns In second Samuel ; nnd n telegraph
wire, ns In Job, and 11 rallioad train, as In
Nnhum: anil introduces us to a foundry-man
by tho name of Tubal Cain, and 11 shipbuilder
by tho name of Sonh, iyid aji architect by tho
MKiiio of Aliollub, mid tells in iiow many
stables Solomon Inul .tv take euro of UU liorosj
and how mucd ho paid for tho; horses. Dut
fovv things in this versntllo nnd cnmprclicti
sivo book interest mo so much ns Its no
thegtus, thMo short, terse, sententious, epi
gfnutmntto sayings, of which my text is ono
"A living dog is Iwtter than 11 dead Hon."
' ' Till f)OOB AND LIONS OP THE ntM.E.
Hero tho Hon stands for nobility, ami tho
dog for modlluoss. You must know that tho
dog mentioned lu tho text Is not 0110 of our
American or European or Scottish dogs ihnl,
in our mind, is n synonym for tho Iwautlful,
tho graceful, tho uiroctiouuto, tho sagacious,
and tho true. Tho St. Bernard dog is a hero,
nnd if you doubt It, nsk tho snows of tho
Alps, out of which ho picked tlio exhausted
traveler. Tho shepherd dog is 11 xxm, mid
if you doubt it, ask tho highlands of Scot
land. Tho Atctio dog is tho rescue of ex
plorers, mid if you doubt It, nsk Dr. Ivnno's
expedition. Tho watch dog is a living pro
tection, nnd if you doubt it, ivsk ten thousand
homesteads over whoso safety ho watched
last night. Dut Solomon, tho author of my
text, lived in Jerusalem, and tho dog ho
speaks of In tho toxt was a dog In Jerusalem.
Last Decomlior I passed days and nights
within a stone's throw of where Solomon
w roto this toxt, and from what I saw of tho
canines of Jerusalem by day, and heard of
them by night, I can understand tho slight
appreciation my text puts ujioii tho dog of
Palestine. It is lean nnd snarly und disgust
ing, mid nfllictcd with parasites, and takes
revenge on tho human race by tilling tho
nights with clamor. All up and down tho
Illhlc, tho most of which was written in Pales
tine or Syria, or contiguous lauds, tho dog is
used lu contemptuous comparison. Hazacl
said: "Is thy servant a dog that ho should do
this thing)'' In self abnegation tho Hyro
I'luculcian woman said: "Even tho dogs eat
of tho crumbs w lileh fall from tho master's
table." Paul says, in Philipplans: "Hovvnro
of dogs;" and St John, soaking of heaven,
says: "Without are dogs."
U11 tho other hand tho lion Is healthy,
strong, and loud voiced, and at its roar tho
foi ests echo and the mountains tremble. It
is marvelous for strength, and whou Its hido
is removed tho muscular compactness Is
something wonderful, and tho kulfo of
tho dissector bounds back from tho ten
dons. By tho clearing oil of tho forests
of Palestine ami tho Use of (lrenrms, of which
the lion is particularly afraid, they have ills
apjienred from places whei e once they ranged,
but they were very liold In olden times. They
attacked an army of Xerxes w hilo marching
through Macedonia. They wore so numer
ous that 0110 thousand Hous weroslnlu in forty
years in tlienuipliltheatioof Home. Tho liar
bury lion, tho CaK lion, tho Senegal Hon, tho
Asv riau lion, make up a most absorbing and
exciting chapter in natural history. As most
of the Iliblo was written lu legions Hon
haunted, this creatine appears in almost all
parts of tho Bible as a simile. David under
stood Us habits of nigh', prowling and day
Eliiinhciing, as Is been from his description;
"Tho young lions roar after their prey and
seek their meat from God. The sun arlsoth,
they gather themselves together, and iuy
them down in their dens." Ami again ho
cries out, "My soul Is among lions." Moses
knew them mid said, "Judah is couched like
a Hon." Samson knew them, for he took
honey from tho carcass of a slain lion. Solo
mon know them and says, "Tho king's wrath
is as the roar of a lion;" ami again, "Tlio
slothful man says, There isallou lu tho way."
Isaiah knew them, and says, in tlio millen
nium, "Tho Hon shall oat straw like an ox."
KieUol knew them, and says, "The third
was as tho face of u lion." Paul know them
and says: "I was delivered out of tho mouth
of tho Hon." Peter know them and says,
"Tho devil as a roaring lion walkuth about."
St. John knew them, and says of Christ,
"Behold tho Lion of tho tribe of Judahl"
iiik ok the text
Now, what does my toxt mean when it puts
a living dog und u dead Hon side by side, and
say s tho former is hotter than the hitter? It
means that small faculties actively used aro
of 111010 vuluu great faculties unem
ployed. How often you see It! Some man
witi limited capacity vastly useful. Ho takes
that which Clod has given him and says: "My
mental endow inent is not largo mid the world
would not into me high for my intelligence,
nnd my ocabulnry is limited, nnd my educa
tion was defective, but hero goes what I hao
for Hod and salvation, ami the making of tho
world good and happy." Ho puts in a word
hero and a word there, encourages a faint
heaitod man, gives uScriptuie passage in
consolation to some liereft woman, picks up a
chilil fallen 111 tho street and helps him brush
otf the dust and puts a live-cent plueo in his
hand, telling him not to cry, so that the boy
is singing before ho gets lound the corner,
waiting on everybody that has a letter to
carry or a meosago to deliver, comes into a
rail train, or stage coach, or depot, or shop,
with a smiling face that sets every lssly to
thinking, "If that man can, with what up
in'iiis small equipment III life, lx happy, why
cannot 1, possessing far more than ho hits, Isi
npinlly happy I" Oiioduy of that kind of do
ing tilings may not amount to much, but
tin t j ci rant that no ouo but Und himself
can uppn date its immensity
Then ale tens of thousands of such people
Then 111. lu of acquaintance Is small Tho
mail is Mi inn over at tho stole lb Is eleik
or weigher or drayman, nnd ho Is known
Mining those who sit near him clear Imrk In
tile church under the galleries, and at tho
ferry gates w hero ho conn's lu knocking tho
snow from his sheen, mid thriwhlug his aims
11 roii nil his lody to revive circulation, 011
some January morning. But if he should die
loinoriovv there would not 1st a hundred
INsiplnwho would know nhotit It. He will
never have his name lu tho nowsviers but
once, nnd that will lm tho announcement of
his death, If some one will uy for tho in
tcitlou, mi much a Hue for the two lines But
he will come up gloi lously on the other side,
nnd thodod who has watched him all through
w ill glv e him a higher pent and a bctti 1 man
tion and a gi under eternity than many a man
who had on eai tli, bcfoio his name, the word
honorable, and after his name 1.1. I and
I'. It. M Christ said In Luke, the sixth chap
tec, that in heiiven some who hud It hard lieiv
would laugh thete And 1 think a laugh of
delight and coiigiutulntlnli will tun around
the heavenly eludes when this humble one of
whom I spoke shall go up nnd take the pro
nslciieo of ninny Christians who in this world
felt themselves to ls of nlnety-nlno ir cent,
mot e iuiHrtnnco. The w hicr w ill go round
the galleries of the upmr temple: "Can it Ik
Nissiblo that that was the weigher in our
stole!" "Can It bo msII1o that that was the
car driver on our sticcM" "Call It lm K)vsl
bio that was the sexton of our church?"
"Can it be possible that is tho 1111111 that
heaved coal Ititu our cellar?'' "I never could
have thought it What a reversal of things!
We weie clear ahead of him on enith. but he
Is clear ahead of us lu heaven Why , we hail
ten times mom brains than ho had, wo had a
thousand times moro money than he had, we
had social Kisitlou a mile higher than ho had,
we had luuumiruhlt) opKirtuuitlcs more than
he had, but It seems now that ho accomplished
mole with his one talent than wodidwith
our ten," while Solomon, standing among the
thrones, nvcihcurs tho whlsor, und see the
wonderment, mid w 111, with U'liiguiiut und
all suggestive smile, say, "Yea, It Is ns I told
(howtxld many conturlosngo lietter is small
faculty actively used than grout talent un
employed, 'better Is a living dog than a dead
lion.' "
TitKltE AUK fl.KNTY OP tlKAt) MO.VS.
The simple fact Is that the world has been,
and tho world Is now, full of dead lions.
They 111 o jHsiplo of great capacity nnd large
opHii tuuity, doing nothing for the impiovo
incut of society, nothing for tho overthrow
of evil, nothing foi the salvation of souls.
Some of them lire monetary lions. They have
accumulated so many hundreds of thousand
of dollars that you cun fvei their tread vvjiet,
they walk throilgh ony street or coins into
anycliclo. They can by 0110 financial mov
upset the money nun ket. Instead of the ten
per cent of their income which the Bible lays
di,wn iw the pioier proortioii of their con
tributiuu to the cuuso of Ood, they do not
give live icr cent., or three pet cent., or two
per cent, or onojier cent , or a half per cent,
or u ipiaiter er cent. That they are lions,
no ono doubts. When they ioar, Wall street,
State stieet, Iiiubatd street nnd the Bourso
tremble. In a few years they will He down
middle. They w ill have ugi eat funeral, and
a long tow of line can luges, and mightiest
requiems w 111 roll from the organ, nnd polish
cd shaft of AIhtiIccii gimilto will Indicate
wheie their dust lies, but for all uso to tho
world that man might as well have never
liv ed. As mi cxicrimcnt ns to how much he
can carry with him, put a tea cent piece In
the palm of his dead hand, mid live years
nfter ojion the tomb mid you will Hud that
ho has dropp-d oven tho ten cent piece. A
lion! Yes, but u dead Hon! He left nil his
treasuies on earth, and has no treasures in
heaven What shall the stonecutter put
Uk)ii the ols'llsk over him! I suggest, let it
bo the man's name, then tho date of his birth,
then the date of his death, then the appro
priate Sciipturo passage, "Better is a living
dog than a deud lion."
But I thank God that wo aro having just
now an outburst of splendid lieueflccuco that
Is to Increase until thu cm til is girdled with
it It is spieadltlg with the ssssl of an epi
demic, but w Itli just the opKsite elTect of an
epidemic. Do you not notice how wealthy
men uio ojieulug free libraries, and building
churches in their native village? Have you
not soon how men of largo means, Instead of
leaving gieut philanthropies in their wills for
dlsnpHiluted heirs to quaricl about, and ths
orphan com ts to swamp, aio Incoming their
own executors ami udmiuistrntorsl After
putting usidu enough for their families (for
"ho that piovideth not for his own, and es'
pccudly those of his own household, is worse
than an iulldel"), they are saying: "What
cun I do, not after 1 am dead, but while liv
ing, mid in full ossession of my faculties, to
properly direct the building of the churches,
or the hospitals, or tho colleges, or tho libra-
I les that I design tor the public welfare, and
whlloyet I have full capacity Ut enjoy the
s itisfactlou of seeing the good accomplished!
Thei e are bad fashions and good fashions, und,
whether good or bud, fashions 1110 mighty.
Uuo of tlio good fashions now stuiting will
bweep the earth the fashion for wealthy men
to distilbute, while yet alive, their surplui
uccmuulatiou. It Is being helped by the fact
that so many large estates have, immediately
lifter tho testator's death, gone Into litigation,
Attorneys with largo fees aro employed on
both sides, and the case goes 011 mouth nfter
month, and year after year, and after ono
com t decides, It ascends to another court ami
is decided lu the opswlto direction, and then
now evidence Is found, and the trials are all
lopcatcd. The children, who at the father's
f unci al seemed to have an uncontrollable
grief, ufter tho will is lead go into elaborate
process to prov e that the father vvus crazy,
and theieforo incoiii)eteiit to muke a will;
and the! o are men 011 the jury w ho think that
tho fact that the testator gave so niiicli of his
money to the Bible society, mid the mission
ary society, or the opening of a froo library,
Is proof positive that he was insane, and that
ho knew not what ho was signing when he
subscrllHxl to the words: "In the name ol
God, amen. I, being of sound mind, do make
this my lust will and testament."
The torn wills, the fraudulent wills, the
broken wills have teceutly bcoii made such 11
spectacle to angels mid to men that all over
tliu laud successful men are calling lu arch!
tectHUlid saying to them. "How much would
It cost for me to build a plctmo guile ry for
our town?" or, "What plans can you diaw
inn out for a concert hall?' or, "I urn specially
inturisted in 'the Incurables,' and how large
II building would accommodate three hundred
of such patients!" or, "The Chinch of Gisl
has Ims-ii u gloat help to me nil my life, and 1
wn'it you to diaw me u plan for u church,
eniiimndioiis, beautiful, well ventilated, and
with plenty of windows to let hi the light; I
want you to -'ft t'ght ut work in making out
plans ot siun a building, lor, though I urn
well now, llle Is II ICertuill, and before 1 leuvi
tlio .vol hi 1 want to sii somithliig done that
will beau appi opt into aekuow lislgmeiit of
the goodness of (iod to lilt) lltld lllllle, now
when can 1 hem f.ouiyotif"
III 0111 own city we have many exauiplosot
this W hut u guuilcur of hciiclluiuo has
OUI fillow Cltlell, Ml l'llltt, ilcliloustlntcd,
building educational institutions which will
put tluJr hands on the niuetciuth cuiiiuv.
mid the twentieth (ciitury, und nil the ci 11
turiesl All honor to such a man' Do not
ay so when he is ik nil, say It now. It would
he a good thing if some of the eulogies we
chisel on tombstone wire wrlttiu on paper
in time foi tin 1 1 llui " J its to it ml theia
while jrot they are alive. Less Kist-inorleni
praise, ml more uiito-inortciul
A pxr Scotch lad came to America at
twelv yearn of age, mid went to l'ittsbmg.
Ho lootul around for work, ami became an
engineer lu a cellar, then no to Ihs'oiiio a
tolcgtaph messenger lxy, then rose to a mis
tion III a lallroad olllce, then 100 to a place
lu a telegraph olllce, then roo to lm mqmrlu
tendeut of a rullroud, then rovitlll he hecumo
mi Iron and stisd manufacturer, then rose
until he oH'iied fico libraries In ht native
land, and last mouth 11 free library lu Alle
gheny City, and now oilers two million del
imit for a fust library In Pittsburg This ex
nmplewill lm catching until theeurth isievo
lutloiiiml How majestic such ineti In coiu
pailsou with Nome 1 wot of, whomuats wealth
nnd clutch it with both hands until death be
gins to fool for their heart sti lugs, nnd then
they dictate to an attorney n last will and
testament, in which they spite some daughter
iKvnusoshoiunrriisI against her father's wish,
and lling 11 few crusts to (lod and sulteiing
humanity, as much as to say : "I have kept
tills surplus pros'ity, through all these severe
winters, mid thiougli all these long years,
fiom a lussly and sulTeilng world, mid would
kis'p it longer If I could, but as I must give
it up, take it, and much good may It do you!"
Now wolmgiu to undei stand the text: "Bet
ter a liv lug dog than a deud Hon "
Who would atlempt to write the obituary
of the dead lions of commerce, the deud lions
of law, the deud lions of medicine, the disid
Hon of social inlluence? Vast enpucity hud
they and mighty range, und othei men In
their presence were ns powerless us tho unto
ltm or heifer or girulTo when from tlio Jungle
a Numtiliuii Hon springs iimiii ita prey. But
they get through with life. They lay down
in their magnificent lair They have made
their lust shurp bargain They have ssiketi
their 1 1st bald word. They have committed
their 1 1st me in net. When a tuw ny Inhabit
ant of the diwi t rolls over helpless, the Hon
ens mid whelw till the air with sluleks and
howls mid lash theinsislves Into lamentation,
und it Is a genuine grief for the sor things.
But w lien this divul Hon of monstrous iisolcvs
noKs expires, there Is nothing but dramatized
woe, for "Better Is a living dog than a dead
My text also menus that nil opportunity of
thallring present Is liettrr than a gicut op
Kirtuuity passsl. Wo scnil much of our
time in saying: "If I only had." Wo can nil
look I wick und we some occuslou where wo
might hu e done a great deed, or might have
circctcd 1111 important rescue, or we might
hjyvc dealt a stroke, (hat, would li'tve, ijvcom
dished a vast result. Through stupidity or
lack of appreciation of the crisis, or through
procrastination, wo let the chance go by.
How much time wo have vvnstisl lu thinking
of what wo might have said or might havo
done! Wo iqieiiil hours middays and years
lu walking nrouud that dead Hon. We can
not resuscitate It. It will never ojmu its
oyes again. There will never bo another
spring lu Its miw. Dead as any feline terror
of South Africa, through whoso heart thirty
years ago Gordon dimming sent the slug.
Don't let us give any more tlmu to tho de
ploring of tlio dead pust. There are other
opjiortunltles remaining. They may not 1h
a great, but they aro worth our attention.
Small opiHirtunltliw all around, oiHirtiiiiltles
for the say lug ot kind words ami doing of
kind ileitis. Helplessness to bo heled, DIs
hcurtcuod ones to lm encouraged. Iist ones
to Is) found. Though the picscut may be in
significant as compared with the past, "Bet
ter is u living dog than n dead Hon "
Tho most useless and painful finding is tho
ono oft egret. Itopent of lost opportunities
we must, and get pardon we may, hut regrets
weaken, dishearten, and cripple for future
work. If a sou captain who once hud charge
of a White .Star steamer across the Atlantic
ocean one foggy night runs 011 a rock off
Newfoundland, nnd pussengcrs and ship jx-r-ish,
shall he refuso to take command ot n
small Imat up the North river und say: "I
never will go mi the water again unless I can
run one of the White Star liner' Shall the
enginier of u lightning ex pi ess, who at a
station misread the telegram of a train ills
imtcher mid went Into collision, and for that
lias been put down to the woik of englinsT
Ing 11 freight train, say: "I never will again
mount 1111 engine Hide I can 11111 a vi-stihuln
express?" Take what you have of opsir
tuuity left Do your Imstwith what 1 cumins.
Your shortest winter day Is worth more to
you than can Is) the longest day of a previ
ous summer. Your opjMii tuuity now, as
compared with previous opKirtunltle,s, may
Is) small as a rat terrier com pi rod with the
Hon which ut Mntubosa, fatally wounded by
the gun of David Livingstone, In It death
agony leaped uihiii the missionary explorer,
and with Its jaws crushed the Isine of hi
arm to splinters, and then rollisl over and
expired, but, "Better is a living dog than a
ileml lion."
My text elsomeuus that thocoiulitlonof the
most wictchid man alive is bettei than that
of the most favored sinners depurtisl, The
chance of tluso last is gone here they aro
they cannot make any earthly assets availa
bin After Charlemagne was dead ho was
set in an oiniiinented sepulchre 011 u golden
throne, and u crow 11 was put 011 his cold blow,
and a sceptic) in his stiff hand, but that gave
him no dominion in t.i next world One of
the most intensely interesting things I saw
last winter in Lgypt was Phaiaoh of .ilileu
times, the very Pliaiaoh who oppiesst) tin
Israelites. The liisciiptlouou his sarcophagus,
und the Milting 011 his mummy bandages,
prove beyond controversy that ho vvus the
Pharaoh of Bible times. All the Kgy ptologisU
nnd the explorations ugrco that It is the old
hcoiiudl el himself. Visible 111 e the very tts'th
with which he gmishisl against the Israclitish
brickmnkcrs There ule the sockets of the
merciless eyes with which he looked iipm the
OVerbuicleliisl mople of God Theieis the
hall that lloatisl in the bieco otf the Ileil
Sen. There ure the very Iijm with which hi
coiumuudisl them to iniiku bricks without
itruw Thousands of y ears af terw at d, w hen
the wrappings of tho mummy were uniollcd,
old Phaiaoh lifted up his arm as if In tmplora
tion, but Ins skinny Imhics cannot nguin clutch
his shatteieil sceptic He is a dead Hon And
is not uiiy iiinu now liv ing, lu the fuel that he
has opxii tuuity ot icpcntuuco und salvation,
lietter oil" than any c f those clepui tsl elm's w ho
by authority or (kism-s-sIciis or lullueiiee, wen
positively leonine, and yet wicked r
Whuta thing to congratulate you 011 it
your life! is worth moie than all tl 1
gems of tlio universe kindled into ono preciom
stone. I inn alive1 What does that lueani
Whv, it menus that I still have nil opHirtmi
liv of liolng saved myself and helping others
to lm saved To lm alive! inesui
that I have yet another chance to coircct my
past mistakes and make sine wm k for heaven.
Alive aiewe? Conic, M u n-li biate it by
new it-solutions, new self examination, now
isonsi lutioii and a new cans r The smallest
J 1 ad most iiisigiiillcaut today iswoith to m
aioro than the hiiudiisl yesunluv Taking
lilvautiige ot the piesent, let us get pardon
.'or all the uist and security t"i all the future.
: here ari 0111 fni given sinf I don't know.
.i's a in I Know, either lie sjIVs "olir
mis 111 I iniquities will I reuieuitiei uoiuoio.'
mil ein ouiiigenicnt iii the text for all
iMiilsiiiui woikeis' Despair of iioom'ssul
vatioil While thete is life theie is Impe
When in r.ngland a veiling lad v iiskcsl for a
class pi , .Miudni sc 11 1 I toe supoi intcinli nl
nld. "Better go out on the sheet and get
your own class." She brought lu a rugged
iitid lllthv Inn Tliesiimilntendeut gave him
good iippmel lu u fen Sundays he nlwontisl
himself Inquliy discovered that In u Mns't
light he h id his clcs'elit apwilel torn oir He
was brought lu and a seviinil time ims-ii
lily clad After a few Hunilnvs he nguin ills
npsvirisl,aiid It was found that he was again
rugged and wretched. "Then,' wild the
teuilu r, ' we cun do nothing with him " But
the sUMriiiteiideut lltt'sl him up again und
startisl him airaln After nubile the gitml
look holil of him and his heal t chuugisl He
staitisl for the mluistryaiid lvutncu fotelgu
uiissioniii v und 011 heathen ground llvisl.aud
tiaiislatcsi the Soi'lptim, and prenclnsl, until
among the most Illustrious uaini-s of the
Chinch ii earth mid In heaven Is the name
of gloiloii Hubert ,Moirlou (In forth mid
VIVO the lol, mill icllicinhcr howivel lie
pravisl, h iwever raggisl, and howevei lllthv
nnd undone in hllil Is, or a man Is, 01 a woman
Is, they uie worth an elVort I would lather
have their opisit liiultv than iinv that will
iver ho give 11 to those who lived lu mngiilll
cent sin und splendid unrighteousness and
then wrail their gorgeous tniotry around
them and without a prayer expinsl. "Better
Is 11 Hv lug dog tlniti 11 dead Hon "
In the uleat ilay It will lm found that the
last shall Isillrst Tlielo are In the gtog shopi
und in the haunts of iniquity today those who
will yet ls iinslels of holiness and preach
Christ to the Hsiple. In yondei group of
young men wlm came hero with no useful
pill mis, there is one who will yet live for
Christ and imiiinps die for Him. lu a pulpit
stood a sti auger pleaching, nnd he said
"The last time was in this church wax llftcs'ti
year ago, and the circumstances were peeu
liar Thiisi young men had come, cxcctlug
to distill b the serv Ice, ami they had stones ill
their (Hs-kets which they exsctcsl to hurl at
the ptcaehi r Due of the young men ref cried
to refuses! to take part lu the assault, and the
others, in disgust at Ills covvaidlce, left the
building Oil) of the thnm was hungtsl for
fotgery. Another Is in prison, rondemuisl to
death Tor miiidei. I wns the thiul, but the
giaceof (loiluivtsl inc." My hearer, give no
one up Tlie case may sisun desperate, but
the gl nee of Gisl likes to undertake a dead
lift 1 piis'luim It this day to nil thossiplo
Pree (Irnce1 Living und dying, Iw that my
theme I'lee (liacei Hound it across the con
tinent, sound It across tho seas 1'risi Oiacol
SH'II out those words In flowers, lift them in
archest, build them In tin ones, roll them lu
oratorios KnsiOtucn! That will yet lMcnlru
(he cut tli njul fs-oplu heaven with nations re
deemed. KnoGiuco!
Bub nllilll ' Oil, I lie Joyful sound I
"I'ls plonsuie to our ears,
A sovitIkm IwiIiii for every wutiliil,
A cordial for our fears.
Ilnrli-1 in sorrow ami lu sin.
At death's dark disir we lay;
Hat we arise li Krueedlviuo
To see a heavenly day.
Of lliirke unci MnrUIni:,
It Is common to laugh at the alleged "su
Nrstltlon" of uegriMH in regard to tho "night
doctoi-s," who capture mid kill vagrant
blacks and sell their Issllns to the surgeons;
und, of course, tho old time masters encour
ngisl the deliu ion for obvious renvois It Is
ulso isimmou to rlillciile the fear oft m ex-pri-Hvsl
by riiralists that the corpses of
friends will Is) stolen Yet there Is a found
ation for the latter fear, ami Incredible us it
limy npjMiur, there have been cases of killing
lsjplii for their corpses Of this increiliblo
and truly ns.'l.less wickisluess one iuilividiiul
guve such liorrihle Instances that ho added
a new wont to the language "Burking."
This tielily dyed villain ami his associate
Hiiro kept a cheap lodging liouie in IMIu
burgh, ScOtluiid. Altogether they are known
to have klllisl sixti-en pel sons, and there wui
evidence that one of tho corpses vvus in pos
session of l)r ICnox is'foio the vital wurintli
hud entlnily dopirlod By the iinrett uo
cident 1111 lutoiidisl victim, drunk und anxious
to He down, was taken to tho wrong loom,
and found a recently strangled victim cov
ered hy straw Tho horilblo sight sohcicd
him, und lie esciqssl and gave notice Hare,
Imlug almost uiilinliccilu fiom liiteuiKiiauce,
wasallowisl to tin n informer, and Burko was
hungisl in tS'JS).
Oin sin h trial as that of Burke, with the
Inquiries and revelations which followed It,
Is enough to simply tho spular mind with
legends and bonifying superstitious for a
IiuihIiimI youis, mid it is quite likely that a
scleiitillc iuvestigiitor taking up any cun cut
legend of murder for anatomical puroscs
might trace It b ick to Its genu in 0110 of the
actual fact developed on that li Iul or in tli
sulcuspieiit lliqiliiy. Now, the llfglocs of
tlie south not only adopted gnsslily nil the
most hoi libit) stories cm rent amoiig tlio
whites, but they had their own traditions to
draw ujkiii For many a year the Africans
Ix'lloved that tlielr fellows worn taken to
foieign lauds, not to toil, but to U- uiten A
little Inter their American Isiru desceuilants
imagined that worn out old utgrins were
given to tlie ths'tors for dlswi'tion Putting
all those tilings ami 111 my more together, tlie
blacks luivo evolved that truly blind curdling
biisTtitloii alxnit tlio "night doctor."
Iheie Is. tliey say, 11 black rovonxl cart,
with guiniiiisl wheels to make them noiseless,
which giss Its loillids in the negro sections of
tlio city Cat t, horse and iinv or are all in visl
lile in the midnight darkness, so the unwary
dill key leceives a futnl blow' In tho buck,
dies without a. gl nun ami Is hustled into tlie
cait, to lm taken to thoso whose bushier it Is
to cut him up. The Indiana law is unusually
sevein, und Drs. Blackburn and (iiuut must
face the lively prosismt of a term in tho peiil-tentiiiry.-J.
H. Beudle.
I'llsny's l.tllli; I'llst.
On Feb 10 a live eat was dug out of 11
ruined building in Lynn, Mus.s. It is now
known ls-y oiid u doubt that this animal hau
l 'en confined in the ash pit of an old fash
ioueil brick oven ever since tlie lire, Nov "l
Iss'.i Instances of cuts living without fis
or ill ink have Ims-ii chroiiiclisl, but this oik
nsmiis to have ilistunctsl nil others The oh!
oven ha not Imen tisisl for over foity yeur
coilsi qui ntly nothing remains there for fml
der It may huvols'en that mini und latt
who confine I with kitty and she iiiude her
self coiiifoi table while they last. si, Tin
plant wheie tlio cat was conflnisl Is such that
when the sin iking didn is fell ut the time of
tin-the, tlie hottest of the l mils weleonlv n
lew fts't tllstnut Tlieiiuimul, when released,
could onlv walk a few steps ut a time with
out tailing over oil hei side. New Ynil
Wui Id
silly N1I11.
(nsilge A igiistu Kala, who once cnilled
curds mi which waseiiguivtsl the Hue: "l-ond
lug hiei 111 v man of Ihigliiud," Is suing an at t
1st wlm said that he (Nilu) once puiuti! a lm
man HgiiitiAitli six ti's 1 n Hie light foot
He will piotmlily prove tl theextracro
of tims was 011 the left Iih.i lletmlt Floe
I '1 ess.
No Ciioe lor l'tim,ilMlnt.
liatu Customer- Sisi hcie, I've worn these
n w Iroinsois only a wisik and they alieudy
ling III the knees
lit lib 1 Yah, dot vas 1 edit Dims are our
lew padeut Icutui pants vot muke Usiplut
dink our giistoiueis go Ui ghiinh dice dune
dliy lay New Y irk
The World's Best
11:2:2 N
Jjilr?BiiWijHy t .BfaUDIInLiiiMiCjBlH
Know What You Eat i
Lincoln Packing & Provision Co.
Every Pound Warranted Fresh and Pure
And made of Choice Meat. If your butcher does not keep
these goods, Call up Telephone 487.
r.. MI2YER,
Notary Pubic and Rea Estate Dealer in City and Farm Property
North German-Lloyd Steamship Co.,
Ilamburg-Ameiican Packet Co., and Baltic Lines.
Also Railroad Agent foi tin. Different Coiiip.iiikb kait and Went
Southampton. Havre, Hamburg, SteMen, London, I'urU, Norw.iv, lMyinoutb, Urcincn,
Sweden, .mil anv point in Luropc
Post OrilurH and Toicign Iiiliangc UmiciI to all prominent points in Curopc.
IIiivIiik large facilities cunt Willi the tiigiient Hanks and Snv liujs Insiitiitlnus, I am pre
iiartd to make all kinds of I.oiini.011 I'lret lit al llatt Mori 1111140, 1 Hy or I'nrin Property,
from 1 lo ') years, at the lowest lnlerei.1. I also ileal lu Si I100I lloiids, state, L'oiiutv and City
WarraiitN, iiIho In Mate. Count) and Cllv I ertllluK lalms, and will always pay tlie blithest
market price Cull anil see me or I orropond Willi me.
L. MEYER, 10S North Tenth Street.
A. I-I. WEIK & CO.
(Successors to S. A. Blown A: Co.)
City Olllce 1012 O St. Telephone ;;v
Yard and Olllce Corner 10th and Y Sis. Telephone 05.
Tlie Choicest line of lVrtumes. IX M Een's Finest
Elowei and (iaiden SeeiK.
127 South K levei uh Street.
roit Tin.