CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, MARCH 29, 1890 y M OLD MN STILL YOUNG. PECIMENS AT WA8HINQTON THAT AMERICA MAY DE PROUD OF. IVtynn mill ClillU nml lMititiniU nml Hunk nml Kvnrt nml Itiuidiilt nml Mnnjr Otlirm Vln Nmiie llnvo llrrii 1'n mom Mimr Yrnm, (SccIaI OMTeaponilt'itco.1 Washington, March 27. There bcoiiih to tx) wuiu'tliliiK about puhllo llfo which keep old men youiiK. lVrluiM It In tlio lolHiintlliH'HHof tlio work, nml tlmnlmoneo of Hint worry mid nrrvoim ntrnln over Hilillo hiudne-M which Ih ho coiiitiinn In nion who Imvo extensive private Inter Ma. Homo of tlio pprlKhtli('t HtntcHinon la WnfdiliiKtunuro tliu old followH. Tali the tmpri'ino court iih an example of thl. Tho anciont judgcH Ilrndluy, Field, Mil ler and Harlan nro tlio rort of men whom tlio world calU "lively old Imivh." Tlioy net through with a proiHiona ninoiint of labor, and at tlio wiine time manaKo lo have a kixhI deal of iiiiel fun. 4 rtf iMjUUUW1 '-vl 3m w 01.1) BTATKHMKN ON Tlllt DOMK. Even as tlioy nit on the boticli, tlio very Incarnation of Holoiiinlty, tlio mnllo that llghtH up thulr old faucri when hoiiio law yer craokH a dry, crinkly joke, llko the ojwnliifj of a bottlo of Muuiin'ri extra, In worth Rohifj miles to nee. Theno elderly jurists nro all groat pcdeHtrlaiiH, and the ceno they maku (twinging down thoave nuo by twoa and threes after their day's work la done lit ouo which uveryhody has looked at with Interest, and which we crlbca have all written about. Soiuo men actually refuse to olioy the orders of Imperious naturo and grow old an the yearn gather. A few not onlj refuse to let the heart dry up and tlio blood liecoino thin with ago, but they porvlHt in remaining youthful in appear anco and fair to look upon. Thero in Senator Colquitt. I uuver two that man without wondering if bo hattu't played eoino bucIi trick on uhiw palming anon off on the xuuatu and tlio world fur him self. It does not boem posallilo that thin lively iH.'ion, with tho bright eyes and smooth, youthful faco, id tlio man who served an a stair olllcer in tho Mexican war, and wlio was drat elected to con gress nearly forty years ngo. Yet be Is tho man, and ouo would Bay that ho was good for another iiuurter of ft century. Colquitt's case proves that if a man wants to live long and retain his powers in old ago ho must livo right. Tho senator is now and always has In-en a teetotaler. Probably ho has madu a greater nuinbor of temperance speeches than any other man in congress. It was his devotion to tlio tuniiH'rnneo cause, it Is said, that made him governor of Geor gia and then senator. A few days ago I saw a somewhat re markable couple on top of the dome of tho Capitol. They were Senators Col quitt and Payne, and these old fellows were taking in tho great panorama which is spread out under the eyes of Liberty with all the nest of a couple of bcIiooI boys. It is no easy climb to this height. up the steep, winding stairs, and with no clovator to help one even u part of tho journey. Yet hero were two men whoso combined ages represented a cen tury and n half looking out uiwii a city full of noble edifices, that was founded but a few years before tho elder senator was born. Senator Payne will lie 80 if ho lives till November, but ho is not by any means an old man. He is as lively as a cricket, both mentally and physical ly, and made the ascent of the dome without any discomfort. Senator Pay no is n Now Yorker, and be and Stephen A. Douglas were lxyB to gether. Tho senator once told me that he loaned Douglas tho money with which that young mnn wont out to Illinois and established himself as a lawyer. "And though tho $200 whloh I gave him was about all tho money I had In tho world," said tho senator, "it was tho best invest ment I ever mado." Douglas died a quar ter of a century ago, and here is Payne, by no means worn out. BPUY SENATOR ALLISON. Without doubt tho statesman who car ries bis years best is Senator Allison, who has just been ro-elected by his Iowa con stituents. Allison Is one of tho hand somest men in Washington. Ho has a fine oyo. which tho ladles llko to look upon. Ills skin is warm and smooth, and no bald spot disfigures tho manly head. IBS? 'MW' A aw liSLvmmiW IralC-r-in m l-J Memr m Ho is not even gray. One would not think this man, apparently as strong and active as any collegian, had worked for a quarter of a century in tho national con gress, and worked hard, too. Allison Is one of those fortunate men who tlirlvo on hard work. lie has great rapacity, accomplishes much with little effort, and when his woi k Is done throws olf all care and worry as easily as he lays aside his overcoat when spring dawns. AIIIhoii known how to tnko care of himself. He lives well hut rationally. He has a weakness for pralrlo chicken and wild turkey, hut these are not lux uries which make men old and gouty. The senator dilutes wine, though spar ingly, and concerning a statement which I once printed alsiut him, to the effect that he was an Inveterate tobacco ohewer, he laughingly said the other day that lit) bad never chewed tobacco at all. "I tried It once when I was n boy," be added, "and the result of that experiment was not encouraging." Al lison has been In congress twenty-live yoais, but I notice that he disdains to nsk street car drivers to stop either to let blui olf or take him on. Colquitt and Allison are men who look no older now than they did ten or llfteeu years ago. They represent one class of youthful old men the men who are sus tained by plenitude of tich blood and native vitality. Senator Payne repre sents another class, and still another tyK) sits just across the aisle from him In the senate chamber, "Well, If there inn i I'.varis masing a howcii, said an Irrevorent visitor to tho senate ouo day last week; "will that man never die? There seems to I hi nothing left of him but his iioho and a hat full of brains." Probably Senator Evarts never will dio as other men die. In his case dissolution, some twenty-live or fifty years hence, will resemble the withering and blowing away of a plant, livarts does resemble a mummy, If ever a living man did. He weighs no more than 100 jiounils, and aliout one-third of this iscoiitulued in his head. The only change his friends have observed in him in the last ten years is a sinking back of tho lino of the mouth and a eorrosixindingly greater promi nence of that great nose. He appears to bo a man without any teeth In his head. Perhaps they have been crowded out by tho gray matter of tho cranium. At any rato, the big brain Is as iierfect and pro found as It ever was. Though sometimes a littlo shaky on his plus, ns the llrlton would say, Bvnrts manages to take some exerclso. Last Sunday afternoon I saw him and another famous old man trudging down Connec ticut avenue. Evarts and hanks made a striking pair. The former is 73 and tho latter 71. lloth were well known figures in public life two generations ago. Ex Speaker Hanks does not look bis age by nliout twenty years. As they walked down tho avonuo, nmld a. throng of young men and maidens, It was to bo no- EVAUTS AND 1IANK8 OUT FOU A WALK. tlccd that the congressman Is livelier with his legs than tho senator. But in mental activity Evarts has tho advan tage. Tho man who was speaker of tho houso before many of tho present mem bers of that body were born Is alllicted with n sonllo memory, and at times with inability to concentrate his thoughts. Probably this is his last ap pearance in tlio halls of congress, whero ho Is now rounding out a career of which any man could well be proud. Senator Sherman ns a typo of youth ful old men occupies a position midway between Colquitt and Evarts. The Ohio statesman is neither mummified nor full, vital blooded. Ho Is, rather, one who ban husbanded the nativo strength of his constitution by careful living and me thodical work till now, at nearly 70, and with n record of forty years of public service behind blui, ho seems good for n doron years moro. When in good health Samuel J. llaudall was a flno specimen of tho youthful old man, Randall has ono of thoso smooth, boyish faces, yet strong and manly, which do not chango with tho years. Fow statesmen havo worked harder than Randall, or accomplished moro in tho way of legislation. Two years ago ho was tho same Randall, alert, self con tained, sharp oyed, quick eared, a pict ure of strength, that ho was twenty years before Two decades did not apparently make much chango In him, and had ho worked less assiduously and taken moro exorcise and pleasure ho might still bo ono of the activo loaders on tho floor. Senator Edmunds Is ono of tho old looking statesmen who aro not very old. It is Edmunds' baldness that gives him tho appearance of a patriarch at 03. Tho most venerable appearing men in the sonato are not tho oldest members of that body. "Old Joo Brown," of Georgia, whose long, almost hairless head and great white beard make him look llko a centenarian, is only 00, Tlio oldest man in tho house, Mr. Miles, of Connecticut, is ono of tho liveliest lncuiliers of that body, and by no menus tho oldest in ap pearance. Thero aro many young old men in tho senate and houso, and not a fow young men who, profiting not by tho lessons of experience, are rapidly growing old. Walter Wellman. Miss Isabella Smith, tho private secre tary of Labor Commissioner Merrl wether, has been assigned tho work of gathering statistics concerning the women nnd girl operatives In tho factories of Missouri. v-n Al -iV- ORIENTAL VKXCiKAXCK. HOW THE CHINAMAN HAS PAID HI8 DEBT TO THE CAUCASIAN. Iln Wmh l'orcrd to llii lljiltini, Hint lln IIh THitglit I tm White .Mull In Nmiikn It A Trrrlliln nml ('niintmilly NiriHillng Vim. Nearly half a century ngo tln CliliieMi wore ludticnl, by use of tlio eaiimm argil meat anil tliiihlnilgliter of lincotiiiteil thou sands of tlivlr liii'tlui'ii to penult the tuior tiitlon of opium f i om tlio Kiist Indie In thus "oM'iiitig a market for trade," civ lllu tint) forced a tcrrllilu vice iihiii a wii-t (unpin mill rcupfd nil nppiircnt profit In lianl enli from the bloody transaction. Hilt the oiltcoinu of tlio hilnlncM (lemon utratcs that tlio prollt wnx far morn iqi pnrcnt tlinti real. A Imllleil Oriental iIoi-m not limit IiIr (Ireninn of vengeance, li) tlio iMituiilnrles of a lifetime. No makes liU hatred lierislltiuy, nml iKtpiHitlm to lilt on tlm accoiiipllHlitni'iit of tlio plntin lie linn liwn unable to cju rj oat. Sooner or Inter pntluut, iiei'KlMeiit, unrelenting liato will curve hoiiio wny to Its npoliiUsl goal ami utiiiiil grinning hi glinxtly glue nlxivo the corpMi of tlio victim. A civilized nation cnmH'llel China to iim opium. China la return has presented tlio wluilo world with a plo for umi in ninokliig tlinilriig, ami Introduced an almost iucuralilo vlcn atiioug the Caiicimiau nice. Her majes ty's Imllnn empire no longer grows tho Nippy for .Moiigollnu consumption atone, for slnvci of tliu nnrcotlu exist everywhere at tho pres ent day. Not long hlncoa geiitlvninu who litis Hent Mivural jenrs as a mvrchnut nt Canton Mifdi "Abstractly China does not care for tlio emigration of her citizens. They are allow etl to go aliroml for tho ptii'iioso of lettering their condition, lint I think I am In aKsltioii to state It as a fact Hint when they denrt they aro given to luitlcrstantl tlmt ono of their duties Is to spread tho Imlilt of opium smoking. To my mind tlioy nro made tho iignnts of a fiendish Oriental rovengo for wut Injustice nml injury." At any rate, It is from tho Chinese tlmt tho Imlilt Is acquired, ami It Is by them that tho implements for self dchtrtictlnn are furnished. These hitter nro cheap or costly, according to the menus of tho purchaser, nnd consNt of a pljHi, a bowl, a lump, a tray, a Iwttle of oil, a yln hoc or IkxIMii, and a toy or mx for holding tho prewired opium. Tho pljw is of bamboo, nml Is tlpnil nt either end with Ixino, Ivory, silver, gold or mother of jicnrl. Tho lowest price of n now plpo Is 1,&1, hut tho name stem when thoroughly seasoned Sl'KNK IN A IiK.N, with opium Is valued at . Near one end, mounted nlsiut with lints, Is tho npertiiro into which tho IkiwI Is inserted. Tho howls are of three grade. Thoso of red china clay cost eight coats each; tho second grade, of dark gray or Mate color, aro valued nt thirty five cents, and tho highest quality, tho black, brings fifty cents. Tho lamp can Imj pur chased for sixty cents; but If ft is caged with Kast Imllnn silver filagree work It tuny Ihj held at as high a sum ns f 100. Tho tray Is simply nu ordinary tea tray for holding tho various utensils. Tho oil used Is either ollvo or peanut, and tho yln hoe Is a bodkin of steel olntod nt one end and llntteiiod at tho other. Tho toy Is nn airtight box, In which tlm supply of prewired opium Is kept. It may Ihj of Ihjiio, worth only forty cents, or of solid gold or silver nnd diamond studded. The opium is of four grades, ami Is sold In jxickagesof flvo tnels, Tho cheapest variety is worth 7.60 a can and tho costliest $11.(7). TIiomi aro tho materials nnd hero Is tho manner in which tho kcopcr of an opium "Joint" utilizes them in serving his custom ers; First ho cleans out tho IhiwI and ilani eim tho top with a sjiotigo. Then ho takes tlio cover from tho toy, dips in tho sharp end of tho bodkin and brings out n bit of Misty opium tho size of a pen. Ho holds this half an Inch from tho tlaino of tho lump until it swells to tho dimensions of a small walnut, and tho original color changes from that of black molasses to a Vaml ko brown. Tho sizzling globule Is noxt wlthdrawu from tho tiro, carefully rullod about on tho IkiwI of tho plpo nnd ugaln subjected to tho flame. After a third and final cooking It is deftly deiosItod hi tho center of tliu bowl. Ono long whlir of twenty seconds' duration and tho pill is gone. Tho process of cooking occupies aliout two minutes. Klvo pills will make nu amateur drowsy nml eight will put him to sleep, but a "fleadV daily ration is forty pills uml upw ards. So ninny dllllcultles and dnugers liedgu about tho acquirement of tho habit tlmt It seems wonderful that any ouo persists In smoking tho deadly drug after tho tlrst ex periment. If even tho slightest breath of sir enters tho month whon ths smoko is In haled tho ilovotco (s certain to suffer from nu ncute attack of wind collo, for which tho ouly specific U a slice of lemon covored with burnt opium. A curious thing ubout the prepared drug is that it hardens if exposed to tlio air, but tho atmospheric effect on a cooked pill Is to soften it to its original soml liquidity. Opium smoking U no longer confined to the back rooms of Chinese laundries. It has go no beyond tlmt now, and finds its homo and its white jutroiu in more luxurious quarters. Probably no largo city in the United States is without at loost two or three lavishly n pointed resorts whero tho unhappy victims of the vice meet to Indulge In their suicidal pro pensities. Tlioy nro arranged in series of apartments nliouuding la rugs nnd couches, and it Is the custom of tho regular xitrons to group themselves In (mrties of four, gener ally two men and two women, who recline nbout ttin littlo flickering lamp and pass the deadly pljx) from hand to hand, ti-.o most ox pert of Hie quartet attending to tho cooking of the pills. In Now York city several "Joints" Ho within a stono's throw of Sixth avouuo ami Twenty-eighth street. Near this comer is a fruit store which Is opeu day aud night. The clork u duty nftor dark li an exix-rt ninndo llu plajer, nnd the pluco is a favorite lesort for the snted "fiends," w ho tit hour after hour dreamily listening to sweet strains of inuslo ami indulging in reveries bom of hIhoiici1 blood and seml-pnrnlyzed brnhis. As they tiiuso and Kindvr the hours slip a"y nml tho dawn comes on npaco. The mandolin tinkles out the "Hwect lly nnd lly" nml the pnlo faced inllcs of lost in nhood nml womanhood glide out to seek fredi distraction or the mer ciful ohlivlou of sleep. These are tho " Veiishee quns," tho "opium devils," to whom tin Chinaman "ilnts de risively ns tlioy totter by his laundry door. Kiikii C. Dayton. Anotlirr I.lti-i-iiry C'liiiKri'ssiiiiin. The new memlHir of congress for tho First district of West Virginia Is (loorgo Wesley Atkinson At tho election, something more than a year ago, ho ran as a Hepuhllc.iu can didate. His opponent, John O. Pendleton, Democrat, was de clared successful, and look tho seat. Sir. Atkinson then liegatl a contest, which resulted re cently hi his vic tory nnd tho oust ing of Pendleton. Tho now uiemlKir Is still a young man. Ho has black hair aud a black Uimistnche, and Is Mall and straight ns an I nil inn. The present Is his first ATKINSON. triumph iutMilltlcs, hut ho has for souto tlmo held a respectable )Ksltlon as a writer. Ho Is the author of "A History of Kannwha," "After tho Moon shiners," "Tho West Virginia Pulpit," "A Hovoiiiio Digest" and "Don't." Tho Inst named lxok Is regarded as his Ix-st effort. Ho now has In press a work of ouo thousand pngosoii "Prominent Men of Went Virginia." So it will 1ms won that 5tr. Atkinson is an In teresting addition to tho small congressional group of iietxms who have temporarily laid asldu the K'ii to pursue a Hilitlcal earner. Cherokee Ntrli I.hiiiI lloiiiiiers. What Is known as tho "Cherokee strip" in tho Indian territory Is attracting tho atten tion of "land boomers." It was thought that the strip would lie legally ocncl to settle mentat an early day, and (liithrio, Oklahoma, became the headquarters of hundreds of k plo ready to make a grand skurry across tho dividing lino. Carittiiters were busy building small frame houses and mounting them on wheels, ho that when tho rush came they could be whirled across tho country to thu desired sjsit and tho claim held by the liest title xs siblo la tho scramble. The other day falso Intelligence came that tho president had ojieueil tho strip to settle ment, ami In a night 10,000 isvoplo rushed in. They aro now, of course, liable to expulsion. Tho oxierlences of those who settled tho Oklahoma country do not seem to havo taught their successors the lesson that In n wholesale grab either for realty or gold ten lose their littlo nil whero one makes a fortune. Tho lottery of life is about the smuo at tho mines or on tho virgin pralrlo as In the big cities thero aro few prizes and many blanks. An Atrocious Crime In UiismIii. Nearly every country has somo blot on Its escutcheon In tho way of atrocious crimes, but a recent atrocity at Moscow has temo rarlly turned tho eyes of the civilized world toward Russia. Tho victim, n sister of chari ty named l'latulzky, was well known for her many gocsl deeds. Her body was found hi a sack, the flesh liolng hacked from the Initios and cut Into small pieces. The head was picked up in a quarter of tho city far distant from where the trunk was discovered. Tho crime was fastened on a medical student, Bel sow sou by name, who, after arrest, commit ted suicide. No reason has for tho murder and mutilation. The woman's llfo was sjient in doing good, ami It was not known that slio had au enemy in tho world. fltinnlllic A;iillist Diseased Cattle. Tho Kugllsh house of commons is preparing to consider measures to prevent moro fully tho introduction of diseased cattle Into tho Ilrltlsh Isles. Tho main country of exort aimed at seems to 1hi tho United States, mid In a recent debate ono of the uiumHrsof par liament asked tho government U ascertain If cattlo from the western states of Atnericu were free from contagion, and, if they wcro freo, whether they could not lie convoyed to England without contact with animals from the eastern states, among w hlch disease niKht exist. Curiously enough no facts wcro ex hibited on w hlch to base the slightly alarmist legislation proposed. Tlio United Stittrs I.ifn bin lug ,"mt Ire. Recent statistics regarding tho United States llfo saving service aro of value. They show that since tho present system was intro duced, ten jenr ago, ",m kmsous havo been succored and over tGO.000,000 worth of prop erty saved. The cost of maintaining the ser vice for the decade was less than f 10,000,000. There are i.'-JO stations ltrt on tho Atlantic coast, eight on the (lulf of Men Ico, eight on tho raclflo ami forty-five along the shores of tho great lakes. Tho wages tuilil are small, the maximum salary of a kvoier U-Ing fbOO, while tho men gut f.'sO a month during tho activo season. Out of this they aro expected to buy tholr own food nml clothing. Treatment u KlilUtnl .'Men. Tho United States navy now has nn investi gation on hand similar in kind to the ouo ut present agitating tho army. Tho latter, It will bo rememliered, had to do with tho charge that a privute soldier was subjected to exces sive punishment for not obeying nn Illegal oilier given mm ny a lieutenant at Fort Suelllug, Minn. Tlio soldier has been released and tho olllcer is undergo ing court murtlul. Tho naval episode has to do with alle gations brought against Command er McCnlla, of the steamer Kuterprlso, by soverul of his crew, who allogo commandku m', thut on a voyage recently finished they were tho objects of a discipline am sovelo that It In cluded tho cutting down with a snbro of a seaman who chanced to bo under tho liillu enceof liquor. Chief Engineer EntwUtloand Ensign Klluo aro among tho complutiiants, aud a long list of accusations Is now being sifted by a court of Inquiry at tho llrooklj u navy yard. Meanwhile Commander McCulla remains In chnrgo of his ship. If a court martial is ordered ho will Ihj teliovcd from duty until final action Is taken by tho secre tary of tho nuvy. It is recalled of the late Joseph Illggar, the noted Irl.h membiK- of iiarliament, that ho llrst beenmo proud lent by making a s-ecli ugnltist tlmo widen occupied five hours uml u half In delivery. Ono-third tho oration was devoted tc an extenuation of tho technical workings of a newly patented threshing machine. o. w. Steam and 1 lot Wato Moating. fif Jr " " , 1 1 M 1 1 i r irM JwniaM-i -" ) j F. A. Telephone Most Popular Resort in the City. ODELL'S - DINING - HALL MONTGOMERY HLOCK, -0 1 1 '9, 1 121 and n 23 N Street. o Meals 25 cis. $4.50 per Week. taWa' Stylish Carriages and Buggies, At all Hours Day or Night. tST Horses Hoarded and best of care taken of all Stock entrusted to us. jj PRICES REASONABLE. BILLMEYER & CO.r Proprietors. Call and Soo Us. Telephone 435 "Hhall I not take mine caxo In mine Inn 7" 'Speed, Hay you? Ayo, In motion of no less celerity than that of tliouulit." "In truth, a nohlo company, what are their pleasures?'' "Thero the Iiiikc sirloin reeked, hard by I'ltini pudclltiL'Mood.undChrlRtmas plo Nor failed old Scotland to produce At such hluli tide, lier savory goose." 'Come, friends, I-otn have a social smoke." "Come, sleep, And with tbysweet deceiving, lock 1110 In delight awhile " The the " WobIhIi to think our J. KHANCIS, Oon'l Pass, and Ticket Ai;cnt, "79 Oniulm. UNACQUAINTED WITH THE GEOGRAPHY Or THE COUNTRY, WILL OBTAIN '"""" fiuiuAmui mi uniuAiiun li!!!uife'trt!?J'tj--.i-t lAiygjJpyrxPUTE.I THE CHICAGO, ROCK ISLIND ft PACIFIC RAILWAY. MtSSiSiSnuSSl11 1An,2?,Tran.H?B ?nd MlBBOUrl UlVor. Tho Dlroot. llniitji n SS5S?ur? iwF- Fn.9 "'root Routo to and from Chicago, Jollot. Ottawa. otSdn2b.?!oUli?' Urclf lBla,nd. n ILLINOI8-Davonport jyuBoatlno! ?.nd Slqux Folia, In PAKGTA-Camoron. St'. Joaooh. id KnnH nf iS H,,??hinoV" wlttoHSvFa,??,?,ry'.a,nd Ii9'.8.on' ln NEBIlABKA-Horton, TopokiT nJS.nv'KSrJhiS11! Dollovlllo, Abilono, Coldwoll, ln KAN8As-Pond RS2i0tiilT?,rfl8hor0For', Jn tho INDIAN TERRITORY-and Colorado Springe, Donvor, Puoblo, In COLORADO. FREE Rocltnlnir Chair Cora to ?nn Sm enoaff. ggWwoll, Hutoblnaon. and odgoCltftnPafaco Bleep" mt?Janfri S?0' Wichita and Hutchlneon. Travoraoo now and or inSf?rrSn.nfM?l.ntf ?d Kruzlng londB, affording thoboBt facllltloa J.rt 1.r?i?J5?3micJBl.on to " towns und o tloa oaet and woat, nortbwoBt and BoutawoBt of Chicago, and Paoltlo and traneocoanlo Soaporta. u"wu'"' MAGNIFICENT VESTIBULE EXPRESS TRAINS, fen?!dli?J?:iH.?i?potri?ra inoplondpr of oqulpmont, cool, woll vontilatod, and Rh?ii?m dUBi;, R11 CoaohOB, Pullman siooporfl, FREE Rocllnlng Chair Cars, und (oaet of MIbboutI Rivor) Dining Cara Dollv botwoon Chlcatro BS?f SS5'?iuS?U DluH;8..ond Omaha, wltti Froo RlUng CnSlr CaAd and Puoblo Nat" jonHnnbh0t.0S-n oa,S? and, Colorado SprlngB DoSvo xiiS.' v'i.8 Joeopn, or KanBaa City and Topoka. Snlondld Dlnlnu Lake, Ogdep: pSrtiandrLoa AngoloBand 8an"lV"Anl ftS "nSSf ,,J.C' "J1" T0 t'JKoa Peak, Manltoi ums, and Sconlo Qrundoura of Colorado. VIA THE ALBERT LEA ROIITF HhiTHXiSn0rTrHS5iftS1iy 5.?.two?.n obLc,?RS and Minneapolis and St. Paul, KanaiTaitF ThiiS?ili?i??n?i r Cara (FuBe) tp and from thoso polnta an J n.anBasuity. Through Chair Car and Blooper botwoon Poorla SrilritLiiko town81 mm, 'feiYi1 7.lnrt0lt.B,aSa Tno Favorite Lino "to WpoaVSni' WtSft OoShdofUioNlfr'thweBU110 Summor RoBor "nd Hunting und'Fishing THE SHORT LINE VIA SENECA AND KANKAKEE offers facllltlos to travol botwppn Clnolnnatl, Indianapolis, Lafayotto and Oounoil Bluffs S? offlKiWioS to y T,okot F,ST' HN' JOHN SEBASTIAN, Qeneral Manager. OHICJAOO, IL.I,. Oen'I Tiekot & Vhm. Af".. Plumbing KORSMEYER & CO. 536. 215 S. Eleventh St. Finest in the City -THE NEWm Palace Stables M St, opp. Masonic Temple. Bevel plate mirrors, rich Carpets, and artistic decorations, coupled with the polite services of a colored attendant, render our reclining chair cars the exemplification of ease and comfort. Our "Flyers" arc really a scries of handsome apartments connected bv iiiL'cnlouslv arranged votlnulei insuring safety against telescoping, im pervious to the weather, and overcome the sway ing motion Incident to ordinary trains. The Burlington's Flyers arc provided with a library of carefully selected books for the free use of patrons, while card tables, congenial friends, and "High Five" conduce to "drive dull care away." Quietly, and at ease, the traveller partakes of viands that tempt the epicure, anil amid tasteful aim cicgani surroundings, tliu pleasures of the meal are enhanced by the charming and pic turesque panorama continuously gliding by. Great easy chairs, rattan sofas and large plate windows, render our smoking cars a pihne favor ite with first class passengers, for whom they are exclusively reserved. acme of perfection is reached in our latest ...... ... 1. nn,tj.i,ii., nut ni.ii ui ai.ii uroiv plush, oriental draperies In exquisite shade woods, and carpets of Rrnnl Wilton, comb ruilinan sleepers, whose seats of seal brown silk es rare combine in highest dcgicc, the artistic with the beautiful wondrous journo done." A. r. 7.1 KM Kit, City Pass, nnd Ticket AKcut, Lincoln. imum A STUD OF THIS MAP OF oxtonBiona Eaet and Wont of tho nnrf wm nK.innnn tii ---.Ul. i, Garden of tho Qoda, tho Sunltari- i ' 1 1 i Si J